The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 57: Doreen’s Blunder

Chapter 57: Doreen’s Blunder

Translated by XianPiete

Guy chased Madeline down and had to practically tackle her to keep her from running away. He cried out, "Madeline, please, wait!"

Madeline came to a stop and spun around, crying as she turned to face him, "Why, why am I never good enough? I wasn't good enough at the sword to beat you. I wasn't smart enough to get top student. I wasn't even the most attractive woman in our class with Alicia there. Why am I never the Doreen or the Alicia that everyone wants?"

Guy scooped her up in his arms holding her tightly and he whispered softly in her ear, "You are amazing Madeline, you were are one of the top two swordsmen in all of Pays Des Abrutis, your scores were in the top two all time for Academy de L'échec, you are one of six mages in the entire world and you are the woman that I think is above all others in the world. Prince Andre was wrong to let you go, everyone knows that. Hell, I have even heard Alicia say that, and he chose her sister! I don't care if anyone else wants you or not, I want you. I need you. You are my everything. I would give up a chance to return to my own world for you, don't you understand?"

Madeline looked at him again and saw that he was staring directly at her eyes as he spoke, her heart started to hurt knowing everything he said was true, she burst out in another round of tears and then held him tightly and blubbered, "I'm so sorry, I just get so crazy when I feel myself unsure of how people see me."

He gave her another squeeze and then said, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I am a man and sometimes we think with our penis." He sighed, "It's that damn Olivier's fault. He used to brag about, well, I shouldn't spread idle gossip." He hugged her tight again and said, "I promise you, no I swear on my own life, Madeline. I have never once thought of leaving you for Doreen."

She looked up at him with puppy dog eyes and then asked timidly, "You never thought about being together with her and me at the same time?"

He looked away blushing and said, "Of course I'm not interested in that Madeline."

Madeline felt the vein on her forehead pop out as she glared at him.


The next day Madeline decided to confront Doreen about her behavior around Guy lately. She decided to confront her as she was headed to the bathhouse. Doreen would always go after she did her morning training. Most days, the two princesses wouldn't be attached to her hip around that time, so it was the best time to catch Doreen alone. Madeline saw her approach so she readied herself for a fight. Doreen smiled at Madeline and softly, "Do you have a minute, Madeline, come join me in the bath?"

Madeline was caught off guard and suddenly found herself walking with Doreen. Doreen peeled off her clothing and and then started to wash herself. Madeline found herself doing the same she asked Doreen, "Was there something you had to say to me?"

Doreen looked incredibly sad as she turned to Madeline, she nodded. Then she turned and climbed into the tub. She took a deep breath and sunk down until she was completely submerged, when she raised her head up and asked, "You going to get in or just stand there glaring at me?" Madeline climbed into the tub and then moved to the opposite side. "You probably don't remember her very well, but Renée Baux was my closest friend in the world. Actually, that's only partially true, she was also my lover. That's how we met Olivier, he caught us kissing one day."

Madeline looked confused and then asked, "But then you with Olivier and her?"

Doreen looked down and said, "Renée liked men, she was only playing around with me, because it was fun for her."

"But you were in love with her, that's why your status..." Madeline started to fill in the blanks.

Doreen nodded, tears evident in her eyes, she sobbed and said, "I'm sorry I made you feel that way, I didn't consider your feelings at all, I just felt so envious of you because you are so beautiful, smart and had this amazing and dedicated man that dotes on you like you were the queen of the world. Eventually my envy of you just kind of changed into a little crush. After the First Mage let me try his potion I was finally someone that got looks. It was a huge blunder on my part, but I just thought in the back of my warped mind, that if Guy liked me a little, maybe you would be willing to give me some attention the way Renée used to... I Never considered that you were also hurting. Olivier explained it all to me yesterday and then I felt like the worst person in the world."

Madeline thought the things over that Doreen was saying but something wasn't quite clicking for her so she asked, "Wait, you aren't interested in Guy?"

Doreen wiped her eyes and said, "I'm sorry, I know you probably think its horrible that I was thinking of you that way.."

"I thought you were trying to steal Guy away from me, but you were just trying to get closer to me? Really?" Madeline couldn't quite put these things together, "Wait, you mean... You like girls?"

Doreen looked at Madeline like she hadn't been listening, "Well, yeah. That's what I was trying to tell you."

"How would that even work?" Madeline looked like she heard someone describe teaching cows to fly.

Doreen looked at Madeline and asked, "Wait, do you know anything about sex?"

Madeline blushed and then said, "The man puts his in and then you make a baby."

Doreen sighed and then gave Madeline a half hour lecture on sex. By the end, Madeline looked like she had lost her innocence. She was practically bleeding from the nose her face was so red. Madeline stammered, "Y-y-you mean with your mouth on that part and then with, I don't even, and it feels good?"

Doreen chuckled, she leaned back her foot came up above the water as she curled her toes, "If you have ever touched yourself with your fingers, just imagine it being something out of your control and so much more..." She sighed, "It's just the best." she laughed her normal soft laugh and said, "You should get Guy to try it on you, most guys are terrible at it, but you may have a winner. You know, Alicia said Claude is a master at it." She moved over and said to Madeline in a quiet voice, "She also said his..."

Madeline gasped, "It can be so big it hurts like that?"

Doreen nodded, "Olivier was almost that bad." Doreen wiggled her eyebrows and asked, "Have you seen Guy's yet?"

Madeline shook her head, "We aren't married yet so..."

Doreen shrugged her shoulders and said, "So what?"

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