The villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero

Chapter 58: The Secret Meeting

Chapter 58: The Secret Meeting

Translated by XianPiete

Guy asked in a soft whisper, "Where you followed Claude?"

"No, how about you and Olivier?" Claude whispered in return. They both shook their heads.

"Was the cabinet door closed behind you, Claude?" Olivier asked in another soft whisper. Claude nodded. Then the three of them quietly made their way through the long dark passage way. They came out in to a dimly lit room where First Mage Diggory was working, as he saw them he whispered, "Take your clothes off, these machines are very delicate. even the slightest speck of lint might ruin the image."

The three men looked skeptical but knowing what they were about to see was worth it, they did as was asked. Claude whispered, "Mage Diggory, are you sure that they are there?"

Olivier whispered, "I heard Doreen say it myself, and then Guy authenticated it himself. They are all gathered there together."

Guy nodded with a serious look on his face. Claude asked, "And this autopainter, it can take a color picture of it? We'll be able to see it whenever we want?"

Olivier and Guy nodded. Claude frowned and then said, "I am not sure about this you guys, this seems like its.."

Olivier said, "Those two princesses, Madeline, Alicia and Doreen. All at the same time."

Claude sucked the air in through his teeth, "Alright, but just those of us in this room."

They all put their hands out and made a pact, "Yes, just us. If this got out, we'd be four dead men." Guy whispered seriously, "Alright Diggory show us the images the images captured by the autopainter." A series of images of the ladies entering the women's bathhouse for Doreen's Order appeared one by one until it got to the last image showing the girls all flipping off the autopainter together.

Then Doreen's voice spoke out loudly breaking the silence, "Light."

Olivier, Guy and Claude were standing there completely naked while Alicia, Madeline and Doreen were sitting in chairs eyeballing them. Madeline who blushed bright red said, "Oh, dear.." As she looked from man to man.

The three men could only stand there looking distraught. The three of them turned to Diggory who pretended to be busy with his autopainter. Olivier clapped and said, "Well done, Diggory, you sold us out. Bastard."

Claude winked at Madeline who was staring at him. Guy followed her eyes and said, "Oh come on!"

Alicia chuckled and said, "Wow, Guy, at least you are a billionaire, right?"

Guy frowned and growled out, "I'm a grower, not a show-er."

Doreen laughed softly.


The King of Pays Des Abrutis was stirring his coffee and listening to his aide read off the Kingdom's current intelligence report when a special bell sounded. He motioned for his Aide to leave the chamber and then called out, "Enter."

Cecil and Norris walked in through a hidden door then took a knee in front of the King. The King asked, "Did you look into things there?"

Cecil answered while looking down, "Yes, your Majesty, your oldest son seems to be chasing after the Sixth Mage of the Council of Magic, Doreen Leon. Your youngest son seems to be unattached. Second Mage Guy de Montfort does seem to have two weaknesses that are exploitable. His love of Third Mage Madeline d'Aumont and a weakness for attractive women. Also, the First Mage Diggory is an old lecher just as you expected, and he is the most easily corrupted on the Council by my estimation. Also, the newest mage, Doreen Leon, the one your oldest son is chasing after also seems to have a weakness for attractive women."

The King nodded and said, "Good, good. Did you already put some of the other Black Knights around them?"

Norris spoke up, "Yes, your Majesty we still have the servant in place next to your youngest son and then we also have a new piece in place that will be able to make a move soon."

The King laughed melodiously and then said, "You always do well, both of you."


Madeline felt a little bad for the trick they pulled on the men, but knowing that they were all there to spy on them in the bath made the pill a little less bitter to swallow. They deserved to have a punishment and if the punishment also allowed her to see that on the three of them... Well. She blushed, she didn't know what she should expect but she wasn't disappointed at all by any of the three of them, even though the others picked on her man, Doreen told her later in confidence that even Guy was bigger than most of the men she had seen.

After they taught the men a lesson things returned to normal for the time being. Madeline busied herself with teaching her class and studying magic, although she was becoming more and more interested in getting her marriage started. Some of the books Doreen had been lending her lately had really broadened her mind about the goings on between men and women. She realized just how much she had to learn. She couldn't help thinking about Guy, what was his knowledge like on the subject? Would she have to teach him, or would he already know it all?

Doreen had offered to teach her things, but Madeline felt it was probably a trap so she was leery of trying it. Madeline had her head full of this nonsense when she saw Olivier's love interest Ella come walking in the front gate. Madeline walked over and asked, "Hello, Ella, I don't know if you remember me, but I met you once with Olivier?"

Ella smiled and said, "Oh aye, I remember ye, yer the fancy bird with the tall handsome lad, Oli was drivin' the coach fer."

Madeline nodded and asked, "Are you trying to find Olivier?"

She nodded and lifted up a basket, "I brought lunch fer 'im an I, I were 'opin' to meet up wit' 'im and share it."

Madeline said, "He should be at the Tower of Magic, just follow the yellow brick road here and you'll see it." Madeline smiled and waved as she headed off to the class she was teaching. Madeline suddenly felt it was odd that Ella had come to the Academy. She thought she remembered Olivier saying he wasn't planning to see Ella again until the end of the week. She shook her head and kept walking.

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