The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1077

Chapter 1077: “Dear Boss” [20]

“Let me explain.” Vengeance took a seat near the duo. Hurricane winds amplified. Cracking sounds were all the more fearsome. ‘They’re not sold on the prospect, not yet. Umi’s more or less on board. We share an intimate bond. Svipe’s an unknown. I can’t get a read on him, he is using us for his own advancement, or are there more at play than I expected? No matter, it’s something I’ll have to figure out while I speak. Don’t count me short of master,’ emotive confidence grasped his space, eyes are naturally drawn; strong and open gestures, no tell of malice or hatred, a simple but effective way of relaying trust, ‘-I know plenty myself.’ He paused at the trio, and Uri found herself further from the group. Umi’s lustful gaze made short passes. She’d grab Vengeance’s legs, ‘-she’s thirsty,’ he reached for a glass of cold water. The pace fell into his hands, the room’s control looked to be his. “Thoas Duquant, from what I’ve heard, is a man of money and power. He will stop at nothing to get what he wants. I’m sure you can ascertain such on your own. The Duquant are influential. Taking life to further one’s agenda is something you have to live with. Duquant sealed his fate when he dared hurt one of my nurses. Medics on the battlefield are considered allies for both parties. We share the same love for saving another life. Thoas shot and killed one of my nurses. She was a recruit with great potential. I found her whilst browsing the street – Istra’s not so forsaken. The slums and the city have their place, just like how you, Umi, Svipe, and even Uri, have your place in this city. I hail from Hidros, Istra’s a good city.”

“Doctor,” Umi closed the distance, “-what about my husband, what are you suggesting?”

“The Dear Boss Killer said he would target someone important. Despite the investigation being locked, no bodies have turned.”

“How would you know?” inquired Svipe.

“With connections, my friend,” he rose his glass, “-being a doctor is a selfless job.”

“The ECA’s on the case,” Svipe narrowed, “-how will you take the mayor’s life if they’re involved.”

“Leave the logistics to me,” he leaned and sipped, “-what we say remains here, understand?” a merciless stare paused at each of their individual faces. The awkward pause and unblinking sternness, ‘-he’s speaking the truth.’


“Will it not be suspicious?” Uri added remotely.

“What will?”

“My father’s death,” she walked over, “-won’t people talk about the suspicious way he died?”

“No, it won’t be. Who would blame a faceless killer?”

“They might suspect a copycat.”

“And who will give them the tip? It’s only real if we make it real. Decide here and now,” he looked at Svipe, “-Svipe?”

‘Killing my master,’ the man fell in thought, ‘-I was treated well. Who must I protect, who do I owe my service to?’ Vengeance sneakily tapped Umi’s shoulder, she shot a glance over her shoulder, and he motioned Svipe with a discreet tilt. Warm hands took Svipe’s hardened hands, “-don’t trouble yourself,” she smiled with a reassuring touch, “-your hands have been stained with blood already. My husband’s not a good person. He mistreats his family and abuses his power as a leader. The town folk, albeit our relatively prosperous nature, live in abject poverty. I’m guilty too,” her gaze lowered, “-I’m guilty of looking out for my people.”

‘My lady is talking opening,’ he widened, ‘-my lady has changed. There’s purpose in her vision, she knew what she did, and did so anyway. I must honor her bravery; I must honor her vision...’

“-Justification for the segregation is to retain what little money can be generated from the wealthy. Without their help, without their lavish spending, I doubt money would ever trickle to the lower classes. The shops, the craftsmanship, the sponsored events; I host them for a single purpose – to bring a little relief to the townsfolk. I haven’t told this to anyone,” her persona changed, “-I’m not so dumb that I don’t know what’s happening. I’m self-aware, I have raised a princess of a duke. I know my way around the court and I know my way around schemes. The future my husband sees for Istra is a dystopia. Svipe, I know I ask much of you, even now, I’m asking for a betrayal. I understand if you say no... you always were and will be my friend, Svipe. I trust your judgment,” a kind smile and a sincere tone.

‘She’s a force of nature, this Umi. I guess she’s not daft after all. I wonder, did she know about this? No, it doesn’t look like she’s playing a game. Her words were genuine, and if it was a lie... she’s a threat, a potential ally.’

Svipe gathered his breath and exhaled, “-for the greater good of Istra, I swear myself to secrecy.” An agreement was reached. ‘Manipulation,’ the balcony door closed. Svipe excused himself for the study, where the rapid pace could be heard below, ‘-the mother of persuasion. He was faced by kindness and sincerity... what about her?’ he looked at the kitchen, Umi preoccupied herself with melodic whistles and the casual chops of food being prepared.

Similarly, over Cub’s bridge towards the slums; Odgar’s tiny apartment flickered. The wind blew harshly, rain crashed against the walls. The owner shut his office. A deep silence hung over Odgar and Cruse.

“What are you saying?”

“The investigation is cursed; I’ve said so earlier. Listen Odgar, attaching your name to his case will come back sooner or later.”

“How is it cursed? Cruse, as a Haggard or not, I will need a concrete explanation.”

“Odgar Codd, before I speak, tell me, what have you been up to, tell me, how did you make it here on a case the ECA overlooks?”

“I made a name as a reliable investigator. The agency does very well nowadays. We mostly investigate cases pertaining to the rich. Scandals and so on. You know, adultery and the bunch. My team’s spread into two main branches; Alphia and Iqeavea. Our name’s not commonly taken by the mouth of the common folk. Tis a reputation that permeates high society. Tis a paradox, if I’m honest. We’re well-known and anonymous simultaneously. Yes, I know it doesn’t make sense. We have to be secretive so that our investigation isn’t perturbed by outside interference. You asked how I got the position? My father helped cover an imperial scandal a few decades ago. Adding to that, I take part-time contracts from intelligence agencies around the globe. The business of information exchange is lucrative. I’m sure a Haggard shouldn’t be told such common sense. I source materials for my clients and they give me money or compensation of the equal value. The DBK struck me as fun. Who doesn’t like a good mystery?”

“I see you’re a man of bluntness. Well, Odgar, my purpose for coming today is to wipe clean any dirt which may arise from the investigation. I will reveal the identity of the killer, the report was curated by Count Stark, I’m sure his findings will prove adequate?”

“Count Stark solved the mystery without coming here?”

“Yes, and he did so using his gift of deduction.”

A laptop opened the files, “-to Odgar Codd,” read the title, “-I’m sure Cruse must have come to this to convince you. I mean, you are a hard shell to crack. He should have used Count Stark’s name to get you to open this letter. Weird isn’t it, it’s weird how I can read your thoughts accurately without even being there. I tell you, the world is a playground everyone must enjoy. I’m having the time of my life. The answer to your question is I, my dear Odgar. I am the killer; I am the man who kills. You know who I am and I need not say anymore. I’ve attached a report compiled by Stark whereby most of the killings have been explained. Leaking this document will trigger my safeguard’s activation. Don’t bother outing my secret, I know everything there needs to know. As for Cruse, I’m sure the scheme he’s concocted is based on reality. Don’t tell me you’re reading this letter either – long as he knows, I’ve surmised the murders. This is a conversation between us. The mystery of the DB killer needs to end in grace. I’m confident they can’t retrace my steps. The killings were neither random nor strange. There’s a greater scheme at play, a scheme in which they think I’m the pawn. Alas, forcing my hand is something you shouldn’t do. Don’t worry, I’m not talking about you. They’ll feel my wrath sooner or later. Odgar, you’re no longer needed in resolving the DBK murder. I will ask the appropriate channels to have your name stricken from the records. In exchange for wiping your character clean, I will need a favor. Take this pen drive and upload it to the police station’s computer. Anything will work. Leave the rest to the handy work of my ally over the Arcanum. Odgar, you know what to do. Do not disappoint me, understand?”

A curious Cruse made longing stares at Odgar, the latter dropped his head against the sofa and laughed. ‘The killer is Igna, he was responsible all along. I get it, the scheme they’re playing at is a revolution. Someone’s trying to tilt the power in Istra, they realize it’s a joker. The best solution for lawlessness isn’t sternness or punishment, it’s guidance.’

“Are you going to help, or not?”

“I will,” he closed the laptop, “-let’s get the little scheme of yours going. What do you need of me?”

“I want evidence linking to the DB killer to be erased from the databases and physical records. Can you handle that?”

“No, I can’t and I will not. I will, however, upload a present in the police’s main network.”

“Did it come from the top?”

“No, it came from hell.”

The night moved by one hour. Both sides reached their first goal. Over the bridge and into Umi’s apartment; Vengeance and Svipe held a private chat in the study. A one-on-one. ‘-He asked me here,’ narrowed Vengeance, ‘-I wonder what Svipe has to say?’

“Finally free from them,” the door locked, “-Vengeance, I asked you to guard Umi, not become a sword. Do you know the trouble I’m facing?” he sat with a hallowed expression, “-you’ve ruined my plan... I was going to use Uri and his son... Thoas needs to go. Why did you get involved?” darker circle murderously rose at Vengeance,”-what’s your angle?”

“The mask is off?” he crossed his legs and laughed; “-you play the role of a well-caring friend well. Tell me, how deep does your fa?ade go? You’ve already hit rock bottom. I mean, here you are, revealing the long-awaited secret to me, a doctor?”

“Don’t piss me off,” he flung his arms, “-you, Lyoko, are a pain,” he exhaled and breathed, “-doesn’t mean we can’t work together.”

“No, we can’t,” he leaned into the conversation, “-Svipe, you’re not loyal to either Umi or Thoas. You work for another agency altogether, you’re a remnant of Aisik. A sub-family of Cimier. You really thought I wouldn’t notice?”

“How did you?”

“The personality changes. It’s not normal... tis an illness local to a tiny country set in the northern part of the Empire. I know of it from a record passed to be long ago during my personal investigation. Doesn’t matter, your tribe’s no longer a part of Cimier. You were cast aside in the war, forced to infiltrate the opposition to no avail. You drew the lucky stick and were sent here, to the new continent. Too bad, I say, too bad. You don’t have a master nor a home to return to.”

“So, what if my tribe is gone? I’m here to carry their name, I’m here to continue the legacy they’ve granted through blood. Doctor, what will it be, are we friends, or are we foes?”

“Such is the question.”

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