The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1078

Chapter 1078: “Dear Boss” [Finale] [1]

‘Master was suspicious of Svipe. He found him weird. Look at him, the way he walks and talks. You know something is off, but can’t seem to place your hand on it. I wonder if master knew who he was all along. I don’t doubt he did... maybe I’m giving too much credit.’ A notification, ‘-note from éclair,’ it read, ‘-no, wait, not éclair,’ the id wasn’t changed, ‘-it’s SSY,’ he focused on the text, ‘-the last command reads, ‘-SSY, Information on Svipe and entourage.’ She went and dug so deep, the command ran for so long, and the entire history of Aisik people was pasted. ‘Cimier’s sword, the Aisik Tribe,’ it read, ‘-found in the alps of the Northern ranges, fixed atop the tallest mountain known to humanity, lives a tribe of Alpine men. The physical capabilities stretched to those beyond normal means. Key component of their evolution; is a change in their psychology. Most Aisik tribesmen, akin to the berserkers of Sadia, possess a similar attribute. Mental Dysmorphia, coined by an Iqeavian Researcher. He cites, ‘-the Aisik people’s way of dealing with trauma has gone beyond normal expectations. Contrary to how we of the human race handle trauma, which gives rise to mental disorders, they’ve followed a similar path and have accepted their flaws. Turning said disability into an ability. To willingly change their personality at will. With that comes a sudden burst of strength, intellect, or else a change in their personality or nature. The initiation of a young boy into adulthood begins with trauma. The boy is required to scale the mountain without food, cloth, or shelter. He is equipped with only a spear, and some magical abilities, and is forbidden from returning home lest he brings the egg of Anne, laid by the mountain dweller, a sub-species of griffin, the Grindors. They’re monsters in nature – non-aggressive towards land not of their territory, and highly aggressive and protective when their land is threatened. The Grindors can be recognized by large white feathers, a sleek body, and a resemblance to an eagle. Fascinatingly, the name, ‘-Egg of Anne,’ comes from a not-so-fascinating tale whereupon a young girl by the same name was viciously mauled and killed by said monsters. Back to the journey. The trail is riped with dangers and threats – the only way of survival is developing the Dysmorphic trait. Many never return, and those who do, are labeled heroes and sent to the mainland. It goes without saying, the practice of survival of the fittest has taken the Aisik tribe into a realm of their own. They can’t be considered part of humankind, they’re farther from what we can expect from our own evolution,’ the study went on into more detail. ‘The Aisik people’s downfall,’ read a secondary issue by the same researcher, ‘-I have spent more of my life in the Aisik people’s care. I was initiated as an honorary tribesman and made to walk the stairway of Edura. Aisik’s contact with the outside world came from Cimier. I was employed by them to report and study the Aisik people’s way of life. The world’s sudden change complied by the ruthless survival of the fittest law drove the Aisik people into potential extinction. Women aren’t respected. Parents often kill their daughters in favor of their sons. And even when sons are born, they sometimes never meet the expectation of Anne’s egg. It is without a doubt, a sorry process. The alps, as I found by digging around, have traces of other tribes. The place was once populated; therefore, a great genetic pool. Limited people, many being closely related. In-breeding of necessity. We know from the past, the Habsburg dynasty, were firm believers in keeping the bloodline pure. A sorry way of thinking led to their eventual fall, following which came the war of succession of Konak, by that time in history occupied most of the northern and eastern lands. Conclusion? The Aisik people forced in-breeding and xenophobia brought by their ancient customs and teaching paved the way for the coming end. To date, there are no remarkable in-breeding ‘disabilities,’ to be found in their physical abilities. In fact, they seem stronger and faster. I suspect their genetic differences have allowed leeway in how nature ends the weak. If the world had remained so, I think they would have survived in some way or the other. Perhaps immigrate further down the mountain or mingle with foreign powers. Their first contact was us, adventurers and researchers from Konak and Estral. Thus, Cimier’s involvement. Aisik people found a way to relieve their sufferance; money, trade, weaponry, and the salivating prospect of growth and expansion. Cimier needed strong fighters to bolster their ranks; they proved a suitable fit. The tribe turned sell-sword would have done fine... however, foreign power needed spies. The sacred power of splitting their personalities came into the limelight. They saw an opportunity – they trained and soon became the unofficial spies of the Alphia Kingdom. The Wracian Empire waning influence eventually set off events for world war. Millions of deaths, as I close the chapter on a race that may never find their calling. Thousands of them – Aisikie spies. Cimier’s true color showed when the tribe couldn’t provide fresh blood. In a way, they could but not on the level of their prior renown. The tribes were eventually forced to give up their land for a military base. The women were sold as slaves and the few remaining men were thrown into the jaws of death. The Aisik line will continue, though I doubt their abilities will be of much use in a world where a single tap can end one’s life. Thus, comes an end to their life, the existence of a not-so-well-known tribe, the Aisik people,’ curated by Zenda Arlo, Jemn Ento, and Carl Jasen. More details were published in subsequent books, of which only a few survived the great fire of Kon. Rumor has it, when defeat came, they threw their most damning secret into a bonfire. ‘-Zenda Arlo, Jemn Ento, and Carl Jasen were executed in public on June 6th X127. The works were safeguarded by a member of the Order of the Nightwalker. The archive was uploaded into Raven’s database where many of Konak and the fallen alliance’s manuscripts and books are currently kept for historical references,’ wrote Elixia in a comment.

Vengeance looked at Svipe, and a few seconds passed. Their story engraved in his thoughts.


“Svipe,” the tone changed, “-tell me, boy, what’s your greatest wish?”

“My wish?” he tilted his head, “-are you serious? Doctor, we don’t have time. Tell me, are we friends or are we foes? We’re running out of time.”

Vengeance snapped at the television, the latter toggled loudly and played the news. “Hurricane Toria has intensified in the last few hours. The sea’s temperament has altered significantly. Gusts in exceedance of 280 km/h have been reported. It is advised to stay off the roads.”

A cold stare landed on an ecstatic Svipe, “-no way your master leaves in this weather.”


“How can you be so sure?”

“I have you,” he smiled, “-are you not the head of security?”


“Tell me, Svipe, what is your purpose?”

“I said it before, I want to return my tribe to what it used to be. I will carry my people’s blood further.”

“I doubt you will,” he narrowed, “-Svipe, let me ask you this, have you ever impregnated someone before?”

“...” a sharp pain dug through his heart. The words flew like darts. The pause and gradual intensity of Vengeance’s demeanor, “-why would you say that?” he said with a hint of timidness.

“I’ve read the papers about your people. It’s an interesting read. I can’t say so without further testing, but I can definitely say, the toll of your people’s lack of genetic pool has taken a tremendous effort on your reproductive system. Nature is all about balance, and to make one stronger and faster, the repercussion wasn’t the split personality, no, it wrapped her wrinkled hands around your balls.”

“Excuse me?” he cringed; “-the image’s bad enough. Why would you?”

“To give the crude taste of reality. Svipe, things aren’t looking good.”

“So, what about me?”

“Who knows?” he shrugged, “-can’t say so without the appropriate test. The Aisik people will live on. The women,” he sighed, “-the women your people so carelessly discarded will carry on the bloodline. It will be filtered... more people will have access to said genetic pool... tis the end of the Aisik people’s physical strength. Such is evolution, you were simply dealt a bad hand.”

“What about you, are you not human?”

“No, I’m certainly not. I’m, what you call, a vampire. Must have heard our name be whispered, the Order of the Nightwalkers. One of my brothers saved records related to your people’s existence. The people you swore loyalty to, yes, Cimier and Alphia, they sold your women and burnt the records. You’re mission here was a simple case of luck, they forced you into an impossible situation and when the war was over, you were stricken from the records. If it was Hidros who’d lost the war, you can be certain an order to eliminate our spies and terminate their operations would be issued.”



A poignant silence settled. Both men did their calculation, rather, it was Svipe. He went through scenario after scenario, ‘-the doctor’s a weird guy. He sees through my fa?ade and knows about my past. What should I do, what can I do?’ flash images of Umi flooded his mind, ‘-the lady’s kind smile. She believes in me... she rescued me even if my mission was to infiltrate Istra. I’m where I am because of her. Thoas abused and ignored her, she reminds me of my mother... how my father would ignore her, how she would always prepare a warm meal for when I returned home from the mountains. They’d share her around, they’d share women... why did I remember,’ he shoveled his face into his hands, ‘-I’m so stupid.’

‘Drawing onto his deepest fear, tugging at his heart and showing what he wants to hear and see. You shouldn’t force someone into your line of thinking, instead, you should make them see that what you want is in their favor. Mental sleight of hand. To think master has mastery over the very art itself. I’m already shoulders deep into my own thoughts, how can you breathe when you are being dragged by multiple possibilities, a wrong move, one wrong word choice, and the fragile hold snaps.’

“Doctor,” Svipe rose a fearsome gaze, “-my question, are we friends or are we foe?”

“What would you say we are?”

“I don’t know?”

“I’d reply with a partner,” he reached for a drink, “-we’re not friends, we’re not foe. We’re partners. It goes beyond that,” he sipped, “-for partners work as one bound by a shared goal.”

“I like that,” he also reached for a drink, “-you’ve convinced me, Doctor. I have another question.”

“Go ahead.”

“What’s your end goal here?”

“End goal?”

“Yes, what will become of Istra?”

“Istra will remain the same,” he sipped, “-I’d never be so conceited to think I could change an entire town,” he exhaled, ‘-I’m not the one you should be asking that question to. There’s someone who’s conceited enough he thinks the world is his playground,’ a weirdly comical grin broadened.

“What’s with the expression?”

“Remembered something funny. As for the question, it will fall into her hands. I think putting Umi on the task will increase her confidence. Besides, we don’t want some other Thoas to take over the city.”

“Time to make our move,” he rose, “-Thoas Duquant’s staying in the city, at the Esma Hotel. He should have moved to the harbor and boarded his private yacht. The seas’ rough so I think he’ll spend the night in Esma.”

“Because the mistress’ arrived?”

“You know?”

“No, I guessed,” he gulped, “-as for the assassination, leave the matter to me.”

The door opened, and Svipe exited first, “-should doctor really be killing people?”

Vengeance looked him up and down, “-haven’t I already killed your men?”

“Ah,” Svipe slowed his step, “-I guess it was a stupid question.”

“Not stupid,” he paused, “-just dumb,” they cackled.

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