The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1100 - 1100 “-he’s my favorite for a reason.”

1100 “-he’s my favorite for a reason.”

‘Asmodeus,’ her view rocked, ‘-don’t stare at me, don’t look at me son. I’m humiliated, I was unable to save our people, I deserve the pain, I deserve the suffering. There’s no beating the truth, I screwed us when I ordered-‘

Before his arrival, at the cusp of the battle. The defenders were high in spirits and strong against the coming forces. Mammon led his troops well, even going as far as to send forces outside over the moat in a surprise attack. It seemed well – to defend, one must have patience, and the patience required to hold the bloodlust and rage of comrades looking at their fallen – a strong leadership needed to take charge. They found the leadership in Lilith, her brazen attitude and sudden orders brought much randomness to the battle, and the soldiers were glad to fight. Alas, it turned wild upon the announcement of food turning sour. Turtling was the best choice as defenders have the advantage during battle. Even a hundred suffice to scare five hundred.

Chaos brewed. The attackers played mind games. They sent troops over the moat like it was nothing, a visual warning, ‘-we can invade anytime we want.’ In the game of cat and mouse, Mammon suffered a massive defeat. He’d noticed the supply lines of the attackers, and after a few days of starvation, fatigue was high – therein, he staged an operation to attack those supplies. What he didn’t know, ‘-it was a trap,’ the image burnt into memory, ‘-my men are all dead,’ he watched, a single frame atop the pile of familiar faces, ‘-the angels of death,’ he gulped, “-who are you?”

“An angel of death,” she replied, her short hair and gothic allure were quite intimidating, “-are you under orders of Igna?”

After a long pause, she flicked her scythe and licked the blood, “-under the Bringer of Death,” she echoed, “-this is a message to your leader. Give us Lilith and we’ll spare the rest.” Hell’s craggy landscape expanded behind her shoulders – the warm wind and thunder echoed, ‘-forgive me, mother, I have lost.’ Didn’t’ stop there either, soon as the defeat reached camp, the attackers staged their assault. Fighters were sent on demon back, they flew over, threw an orb of Absolution, and ended the battle there. What followed was the beheading of the rebel army and the torture of important prisoners.

‘I was stupid,’ Lilith clenched, ‘-I was arrogant. I should have used the Shadows; I should have called for help… my pride didn’t allow it. I’m a Guardian, and taking responsibility is one of my duties. If the other survives, I’ll happily become Leviathan’s whore,’ she gathered her strength, “-LEAVE ASMODEUS!”

‘They look promising,’ Igna hovered past the stationed camp, ‘-that should be the main camp,’ he landed, threw over the curtain guarding the entrance, and pulled Tharis, “-where’s the commander?”

A single attendant returned the sudden arrival, “-everyone’s headed into the castle. We won like two days ago.”

“Right, thank you for the kind information,” *BANG,* blood splattered, ‘-they won two days ago. No time to waste, if I know the demons well,’ he leaped, breaking the sound barrier and darted like a bullet, ‘-the room,’ *CRASH,* the wall shattered, debris flew and took the heads of a few guards. ‘Lilith,’ he noticed the bed, whimpering to the left, ‘-Vanesa?’ and cries of his daughter, a lump in his throat locked his emotions, and the heart echoed as loudly as the gunshots from Tharis.


“F-f-f-f-father h-h-help,” painful cries, Asmodeus was chained to a chair and forced to watch, ‘-the reality of battle, I should have been more careful. To the victor goes the spoils. Vanesa, Lilith,’ only a second had past, ‘-I’m too late to comfort your pain, however,’ he took one step, *Death Element: Unleash Aura,* pure rage and anger diffused, the mist took death’s very shape, *Blood-Arts: Extria,* blood burst out the demons, they fell, gasped and withered, *Blood-Arts: Crimson Threads,* the lines decapitated those shy of Extria’ range, wind blew in his director, the hair swayed mercilessly – the bicolored pupils turned damp red, sparks of purple swirled, *Mantia – Book of Restoration, Honzela, fifth passage, broken art be fixed, fixed art be broken, eternal cycle; creation and destruction, the levy for reality changes prospective, watcher watches, creator creates, destroyer destroys, and restorer restores, Hicht,* Lilith and Vanesa’s wounds healed, as for the mental scars… no one could say, “-Asmodeus,” he stood at the door, “-take them to the Academy,” he placed his hands on the prince’s shoulder, *-unseal thine strength, may the shadows welcome thee, Limit Breaker.*


“I know,” he ambled forward, “-do not turn back – tis time they realize who they’re messing with,” a chilling bloodlust followed his move – to see Vanesa be harmed, not even the strongest would stomach the thought of their offspring being abused.

“WHO GOES THER-” clean decapitation, heads rolled, Orenmir’s unsatiated thirst screamed like a banshee, “-GOT YOU,” those fast to get past the sword were thrown straight through the thick walls. The further Igna walked, the fiercer grew his glare – it was over, they’d awakened a part that’d remain dormant for decades; Staxius’ blood-lust.

“Stop him,” Lilith gasped, “-master will self-destruct…”

“No,” Asmodeus held them tightly, “-we’re leaving. There’s no way we can stop his rampage,” even a kilometer away, ‘-I can feel master’s ire. He’s going to take everything… I watched my mother and sister get defiled… I didn’t have the strength to protect, which does not give me the right to join in the offensive. I failed,’ *Teleportation.*

“He’s come,” resounded loudly, “-as Artanos predicted. Take his loved ones and the man will reveal himself,” the courtyard’s scale amplified, or so it seemed, the one in control sat with legs crossed over one of the walls, “-welcome to my domain,” he winked, *Realm Expansion – Arena: Coliseum,* hell’s reddish, the mars-like landscape had blue and white cover the sky. The castle disappeared as did the bodies of fallen fighters. The oval-shaped coliseum’s tall walls cast shadows upon the battlegrounds. Humanoid, as well as non-humane outlines, broke the silhouette, “-to the winner goes the spoils,” the leader laughed, “-the name’s Menase, member of the Megni tribe,” Igna vanished, the afterimage took the viewers by shock – the representation of death suddenly appeared with sword drawn and a paralyzing intent of harm.

“Leader!” a few soldiers sacrificed their bodies and leaped.

“Don’t make me laugh,” said Igna, the demons laid with heads off their torso, “-no one here has the power to rival my strength,” he held the sword’s tip at Menase’s throat, “-playing with my prey, enjoying the hunt… no anymore.”



‘-how did he see me?’ the concealment spell shattered; Charlie was stuck in place with a spear inch from Igna’s back, “-HOW DID YOU?”

“Don’t bother,” he pulled out Tharis and fired without so much glancing over the shoulder, ‘-my shoulder,’ the attacker fell with hands on the wound.

“Too bad,” the area shifted, Igna stood in the middle, “-should have taken the chance when you had it, Igna. Don’t talk to your opponent, you foul creature. Tis a place for warriors, not murderous demons. I thought we could have a fair match, seems like I don’t need to hold back against a coward,” he rose his hands, “-may you suffer the death of a thousand nails,” soldiers materialized on the vacant seats, they wore armor and were fully equipped for war. Hundred turn a thousand, counting amongst the ranks were few mid-tier demons, ‘-the diversity of strength – that’s their plan. I guess Leviathan has a good head on his shoulder,’ Igna lowered his sword and fixed the sky.

“Giving up?” Menase laughed, “-how pathetic!”

*Last passage, Chapter three of the book of Ortious’s tale, “-as the wind swept the ocean, as the great wave grunted over the horizon. Ortious raises his head to the god of the sea. Ortious, a man of humble means, a man of weak stature, faces the waves head-on. An unyielding spirit, he glares and screams – the waves crash; rending asunder his home and family. The weak Ortious weeps; deeper darkness corrodes. An unyielding spirit stung and tainted – betrayal at the hand of his god, Persee. The betrayed Ortious stand blessed to never die by the sea’s wrath, before what little remained, nothing. The sea reclaimed what was hers – settlements washed anew. Thus, Ortious calls the devil, not the gods, for the gods have stolen his precious,*

“What is he mumbling?”

“I don’t know,” the army marched, and the thickening cloud of violence approached.

Igna lowered his gaze, “-the devil asks, ‘-what doth thee offer?’ Ortious replies, ‘-hell,’ mana expulsed, the realm’s temperature lowered, *-thus, the devil delivers Ortious’s request, and so, as Ortious grants his soul, the Devil makes it known – those who oppose the gods have a place within his heart, and for their desires, all realm shall invoke his ire,* he smiled at Menase, *Realm Dispersion: Forced Abdication,* the title of ruler changed, Menase’ influence dwindled – crack marred the skyscape, *Souls of the dead, thee who’ve sworn to serve me in life and death, come to my side. Blood-Arts: Ghouls Requiem* dark purple taint replaced the arena grounds, tentacles halted the fighters’ advance, and an army of undead fighters crawled into existence.

“My influence, I can’t feel it. Charlie, Charlie,” he looked to his side, no one, “-Charlie?”

‘Realm Dispersion, forced abdication,’ the arch-demon ran, ‘-Alfred, it’s the cursed King. He’s the founder of the Aapith nation. The whole realm is his, there’s no one above that man’s authority. Leviathan was wise to be cautious. This is bad – Alfred’s coming to power means the kings and council of demons are at risk. I have to warn them… Menase, I wish you luck.’

A calming breeze settled. The smell of iron, the faint fragrance of ash, “-mercy, please,” Igna stood with Menase’ head under his shoe, “-mercy you say,” he brought a bloodied Orenmir to the man’s face, “-my daughter begged for mercy, she cried and suffered. Your men didn’t listen, and now, when I return for payback, you’ve gone silent and looked for salvation? You will suffer, you will die a painful death, and you will remain in limbo not knowing the truth behind why you did what you did. Such is the treatment of those who oppose me, your soul is mine,” he stabbed, *I command thee whomst I’ve defeated, I curse thee, soul, to be bound to mine; Box of Soul – Soulfeld,* Menase bled from the neck, ‘-I can’t breathe, my life, it’s fading,’ all the while gasping for air.

*Once living now dead. O’ thee who’ve lost thine life to mine blade, thee who held regrets in the mortal world, I grant thee a chance at life. Be one with those who are to serve me, Blood-Arts: Ghoul Revival.*

*Living or dead, I invite all to the realm of absurdity, serve me and my companions, and be one of a greater family. Forgo the past and look towards the future, one in which thou art be immortal and without regret. Box of Soul: Shadow Realm Transmigration.*

The outlines turned ashes; “-I feel empty. I forced them into my puppet army. They’ll live like normal people in the Shadow Realm, even those who did my daughter and Lilith’s bad. It doesn’t matter, the souls will be crushed and remolded, demons or not, they’ll die and serve me.” *Realm Retraction: Dispersion.* blue turned red – arena into a castle, a haunted one.

Muffled footsteps crossed the courtyard, “-Igna Haggard, Heir to the Death Reaper.”

“Why so formal?” he spun, “-an angel of hell. Are you here to deliver me from my duties?”

“No. I come on behalf of an acquaintance. Here’s your son,” she threw Mammon, “-beware, Igna Haggard, Lord Death doesn’t take lightly to failures. If you wish to repay his kindness, make certain you carry his will to thy destination.”

“What’s your name?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she left, ‘-it’s him,’ and reappeared in the Hall of Rebirth, “-Lord Death, I did it.”

“Good on you, Jessica. You met him?”

“Yeah,” the fa?ade crumbled, “-he’s just like Staxius. My lord, are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure,” he sipped, “-he’s my favorite for a reason.”

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