The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1101 - 1101 Who’s to blame, who’s responsible?

1101 Who’s to blame, who’s responsible?

“An Angel of Death,” the never-changing sight settled, ‘-I fear my own strength. The lust, the fulfillment of taking another’s life. It felt good, I loved it, every bit of it. I’ve cautiously navigated between the multiple personas until now, Alfred, Staxius, and Igna, I’m all three of them and they’re part of me. I understand that I know what needs to be done, however, why didn’t I feel sadness or anguish… I saw my daughter and Lilith be defiled. I saw Asmodeus on his knees before their woe, why did a demon feel sadness whilst I, the one who’s supposed to be in charge, their protector, did not feel anything? Staxius, your influence on the way we view adversaries has turned my anger into pure lust for murder. There’s no greater sense of justice in this world – I love the world, I love the inhabitants… what are my feelings, what is it I truly desire? Am I simply a pawn to be used by Origin? What is the purpose of these questions… have I fallen?”



“Master…” gasped the Prince, “-you’re alive, I’m glad.”

Time skipped, between the treatment of the injured and the forsaking of Lilith’s castle, a few days went by. Day rose over Ragno, the orangish-pink sun covered the academy. Normality regained the populous – with great stewardship, Igna led the construction and provided, the duties of being Director were passed to Skeptor, per Academy tradition. A ray escaped through the room’s blinders, landing on Igna’s visage with a soft touch. Faint snores and breathing came from the right as well as the left, ‘-right,’ consciousness regained, ‘-why did I dream of home?’ A turn right, ‘-Vanesa,’ he reached and patted her head, ‘-she’s been petrified ever since the incident. I said I’d erase the memories, but she refused.’

The events, her frustration, were still vivid, “Why won’t you consider memory removal?” Her wounds were fresh, and her clothes – were a simple hospital gown.

“Because,” vacant pupils turned to him, “-because I can’t forget the pain. Pops, you were late… I cried and cried, I thought you’d come, but you never did. They did horrible things, they defiled… I couldn’t use a single spell, I was neutered…”

“More the reason for me to heal the wounds,”

“No,” she slapped his hands as he got closer, “-father, I’m sorry. Please leave me alone!” Since then, Vanesa hasn’t been the same. She’d changed. To the left laid Lilith with open mouth and drool, ‘-so much for being a lady,’ he casually paused and caressed her cheeks, ‘-Lilith exploded with rage.’


“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Do I look okay? Those assholes dared touch me. They dared touch me, a queen! I will find and castrate them, I swear this on my good name. Bring them before me, IGNA, DO AS I SAY!”

“Lilith, sorry for being the bringer of bad news… I’ve already killed them.”


“Comes with the territory.”

“Whatever,” she closed herself in the shower and didn’t exit until the following day. All and all, the events stacked to their current position. ‘Vanesa feels lonely and insecure about the ordeal. Lilith feels rage and anger. Who’s to blame, who’s responsible? Me, Leviathan, or somebody else?’

*Knock, knock,*

“A minute,” he stepped out of bed, the outside cacophony of waking town pulsed, “-what’s the matter?” he answered.

“Good morning, Director.”

“Good morning, Luci, is something the matter?”

“May we speak in private?”


A spiraling staircase built near the kitchen climbed to the attic, from there, through a small opening, one could climb out and onto the sloped roof. The view over the town from there was modest, aside from the immediate paths below, the main point of attraction would be the other manors, their adjacent gardens, and the academy towards the north. Such was life in the inner city. As for the noise – a glance showed workers and travelers.

“There you are, director,” she offered a cup of coffee.

“Thank you,” he accepted the gesture, ‘-I can see my reflection. A darkened variant, like the shadows of the people I’ve killed circling my presence.’


“Pardon me,” he sipped, “-tell me, what’s the matter?”

“As your assistant, there are more responsibilities you should know. Draebala, like gods and demons, Ragno has their own property and land in said realm. We’re representatives of the Aapith Nation, therefore, the land falls under our jurisdiction. Since the arrival of Artanos and his army – not to mention the support from Zeus, our army, and I use the term our as a vague representation of the other king’s force, have been taken by surprise. We’re losing place, and the battles intensified. Some of Ragno’s vassals are stressed, they wish to know your standing on the war. Some may consider turning coat, especially the nobles, who I must say, were given to us by Leviathan as a sign of goodwill.”

“And, the other?”

“About my lady the Queen and lady Vanesa, what do you plan for them, director?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t taken their side yet.”

“Suppose it’s time,” she finished her drink and looked forward, “-no time to rest for a teacher. Also, was it wise to put Skeptor in charge?”

“He’ll do fine, I mean, the academy was run by him long before I arrived?”

“I guess you’re right, Director.”

‘And I find myself at a crossroads. Do I prioritize building a base or going on the offensive? If what she says is true, the demons will be surrounded by Gods and Titans. They have the tome of Venera. I can’t seem to escape intrigued, it loves me much. What to do,’ he lit a cigarette, and a flying silhouette went past, ‘-is that?’ wings sprouted, he flapped and appeared instantly, “-WHAT THE!” cried the unsuspecting demoness, “-ARE YOU CRAZY?” she lashed.

“Shut up,” he held the lady by the nape like a cat holding her kitten, and flew back to the manor, “-Ereena,.”

They landed, she pushed his hand and frantically did her hair, “-man, I was ready for school… why did you-”

“I see you’ve changed your outfit.”

“Yeah, well, you did say my outfit was too avant-garde.”

“No, what I implied was wearing a bikini as armor is stupid. You’re neither light nor impervious to damage, moreover, there’s nothing to see-”

“Oh please,” she pinched his cheeks, “-tell me, Igna, what do you want?”

‘Ereena,’ he scanned, she flaunted her long black hair over her pale skin. Ereena, despite the title of Lucifer’s whore, was a very dignified lady, she came across as one when they first met. ‘I remember traveling to Alphia on behalf of Hidros, she greeted our diplomatic envoys with such grace and finesse one of my guards fell head over heels. We spoke and she seemed amiable, her way of speaking reminded me of Scifer… a lady from another world, but no, I was misguided. I thought of her as a friend, someone I subconsciously laughed with… didn’t surprise me when she turned out to be the enemy,’

“Igna, you there?”

“My bad,” her rounded nose and pink lips straightened.

“Shall we catch up?” he leaped off the roof.

“Sure,” she followed, the bystanders watched in awe, ‘-who are they?’

They walked, taking the beautifully clean bricked roads and refined shops towards the academy, “-the town sure seems peaceful. You know, after the whole battle?”

“Ereena,” he purposefully slowed the pace, “-you know why Artanos attacked, don’t you?”

“Excuse me?”

“Artanos and Zeus have allied. They decided on Ragno – the pieces make sense. You’re the reason why they attacked. Before Zeus, the alliance between them relied on a single purpose, the seek the power of alteration. You gained the power to change the past and killed Achilles. I can surmise from that since there haven’t been more occurrences of the past changing – the power must have been locked by Lucifer. He might come off as arrogant and selfish, add egoist in the mix too… the man was not a fool. He knew the echoes the power could have if left unsupervised.”

“Astute as Lucifer said.”

“Am I wrong?”

“No, all you said is true,” they stopped in front of a shop, “-the power to change the past isn’t easily acquired. We had to dig deep and used Miira’s soul essence to venture even once through the annals of time. Achilles’ death was an unfortunate accident. Think of it like a landing error. The small change resounded throughout history – even the stories pertaining to Achilles’ legends were altered. This, of course, didn’t stand well with the Olympians, to see one of their fabled heroes be treated so. We were pressured into halting the research, and Zeus was against it at first… with your awakening, they’re desperate to have an ace to change the course of history. Take you out or eliminate the very birth of Alfred, who knows what’ll come of it.”

“Miira’s in heaven?”

“I can’t say. Last time we met, she had gathered allies throughout the heavenly realm.”

“What about her soul essence?”

“To activate the tome of past, present, and future – the necessary energy is required, and thus, after trial and error, the best candidate turned out to be a servant of Kronos. As for why they attacked, we hold the tome. Lucifer asked me to destroy-”

“You couldn’t destroy it. Let me guess, if I didn’t show when I did, you’d have traded the tomes for peace?”

“Can’t fault a person for trying. It’s our ace, we must keep it close. I don’t care about heaven or their crap, my focus has only been on him. And now that he’s gone, I have to continue his dream. Ragno will be a haven for angels and demons alike. I won’t let them bully us, I won’t.”

They passed a fountain, Igna took one step and sat on the edge, “-don’t you resent me for killing Lucifer?”

“No,” she smiled, “-I have the gift of after-sight. I can sense Lucifer and the countless souls you carry, Igna. There’s a destination you’re headed towards, and they’re right behind you. Take them to the final end, take them to their salvation, such is the duty of the Death Reaper. To guide, they hold the lantern for moths to flock – to lead. Or so Lucifer told me.”

“Ereena,” he lit another cigarette, “-care to join my faction?”


“Must I repeat myself?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Will you join the Shadows?”

“Why would I? I’m content being here,” she looked at the academy, “-you have stronger allies waiting home. I’m a relic of the past, I don’t think I’ll be able to move past my lover’s death. I’ll be a burden, I know myself all too well.”

“Well,” he stood, “-what about helping the town flourish?”


“Do I have to spell out everything?” he exhaled and stepped away, the fountain spewed water in a curve, “-you’re a diplomat, the responsibility of handling internal affairs. I need to appoint office members to aid in the development of Ragno. War will come again, we need to prepare.”

“Oh right,” she held her mouth, “-you’re the King of Hidros, the one who has Orin in his palm. How powerful are the Haggards nowadays?”

“We control a little over three-thirds of the world.”

“Why would you leave a place where the authority is absolute in favor of here, a place where none realize thy true potential?”

He looked with a mischievous smile, “-because I felt like it.”

‘The king of Hidros… otherwise known as the Whimsical Monarch. With him by our side, I think we can win. Lucifer, should I trust this man? Should I entrust your will to him – what would you do in my place… Ragno, Lucifer’s realm, for their sakes, I’ll do it.’

“Ereena,” he grabbed her shoulders, “-you do what you want, don’t misunderstand, I care for freedom of choice. Think about my offer, and if you don’t accept, it’s fine. I’ll only request you not turn over the tomes. Tis thy responsibility, Lucifer had faith, therefore, so shall I.”

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