The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1102 - 1102 Memphe

1102 Memphe

‘Conjuration here, regeneration there,’ a swipe of the brow, ‘-the whole restoration gig isn’t so hard,’ the clock read 15:40, the conversation shared with Ereena earlier had closed as many doors as it opened. ‘She’s got the tomes of control. They’ve hidden it within Ragno, and so, it’s half of the puzzle. They used Miira – I’ve inherited the sickle, it’s plausible for me to control. Depending on the situation, best not to affect the past. They were defeated and know of my stance. I doubt they’ll launch another attack so soon. We must rally the Aapith Nation, diplomacy in hell will be tough – I doubt the Haggard way of negotiations will affect demons. I wonder if there’s another way of attack,’ he leaned over a magical staff, one half-shaped with an orb and the other like a mop – Igna cleaned and rebuilt, two in one, the working staff was very estranged.

“Don’t you think it’s weird?”

“The director using a mop?”

“I hear the director was a king from another world. I guess the monarchy there do their household chores.”


“Don’t be so glib.”

“Ah yes,” the crowd of three turned, “-the inheritor of righteousness. How goes it, dearest Memphe.”

“My family’s been responsible for this town’s leadership for decades, I won’t stand by and let it go to waste.”

“Well, Memphe, better get to cleaning,” echoed another, “-as thine monarch hath set example.”


“Whatever do you mean,” narrowed the classily dressed noble demoness.

“Look outside,” the men pointed, snarling with their firm horns and darker complexion.

‘What in the world?’ she removed her glasses, ‘-is that the Director?’ and she was right. The view from one of the windows giving onto the town-center showed the Director in a worker’s uniform cleaning a restricted monolith. ‘Why is he?’ she forced the window and leaped, her angelic light blue wings fluttered, like an autumn breeze – she landed and scurried.

“Oh-oh. I fear for the Director, none escapes the noble lady’s preaching.”

“Yeah, well, we had fun,” the pleasantries paused, “-we should do our part.”

“Monarch or not, he’s the new director – the man saved my kids. I have to repay the favor.”

“We sure love to tease, don’t we?”


‘-Plan of attack,’ the body subconsciously cleaned, left and right gestures expertly lifted shattered bits into their place of rest. The monolith grew once more to oversee the town square, and the gardens accompanying its beauty were charred, such disaster will live until nature fixes itself, ‘-if not diplomacy, what can I do?’ he mauled and mauled, a figure struck the concentration, “-you there,” it echoed, he watched, dark-brown hair, a jeweled diadem held her hair which parted down the middle, her nose was sharp and dignified, her lips pressed, emphasizing the face’s natural structure – her long eyebrows were bold and neat, ‘-a crest of nobility?’ he caught onto her necklace, “…”

“Excuse me?” she stepped forward, “-I’m speaking to you.”

Igna casually leaned over his mop and crossed his foot, ‘-I sense trouble,’ as such, he returned her shouts with a simple empty stare.

“Director,” her fist clenched, “-why aren’t you speaking?”

He spun and snapped, the monolith’s cracks restored, “-a job well done.”

“Director,’ she grabbed his shoulder, “-are you mocking me?”

“No,” he shrugged the hold, “-my intention was never to mock you,” he said over the shoulder, “-rather, it was to ignore you completely,” he raised the staff and moved into the worker’s quarters.

‘Ignore me?’ her mind emptied for a second, ‘-how could he…’

Workers of various races waved, “-done for the day?” said some wiping their sweat.

“Yeah,” he casually returned, “-I’ll leave the rest in Ron’s capable hand,” to which, the foreman tipped his head, “-we appreciate the help, director. Without it, I doubt we’d have finished so early.”

“No bother, trust me,” with a wave, he entered the private quarters, ‘-she’s stuck in place, suppose getting flat-out ignored is new,’ he grabbed a basket, threw the dirtied clothes, and made his way to the showers. One could forsake the idea of privacy, demons bearing their hides and muscular outlines as opposed to the director, a man of pale complexion, a host to many ancient writings and symbols upon his canvas-like skin. ‘The last day of work,’ he finished and hastily dressed in better clothes, ‘-a crowd?’

The cafeteria slowed in motion, “-who’s the chick?”

“No clue, looks like a noble.”

“Don’t look ’em in the eyes. They’re famed for taking anger on the common people.”

“You think she’s looking for a plaything?”

“Hey, sign up – if you do, it’s the easy life.”

“As if I’d let myself to a woman like that, my wife’s far sexier.”

“Yeah, like a barrel,” one of the adjacent groups laughed loudly – the woman kept her stern gaze, scanning from face to face until a whiff of white hair caught her nostrils, “-DIRECTOR!” she reappeared behind the crowd, ‘-wait, was he not?’ white-hair reappeared outside and headed away. ‘-I’m not giving up,’ she furrowed her brows and vaulted out, ‘-huh?’ a squishy sensation, ‘-don’t tell me,’ she lowered her gaze, ‘-manure… but there’s no garden here…’ she bit her lips and glared, Igna returned her gaze with a wink and a patronizing wave.

Time would eventually reach 19:00, and Lilith and Vanesa’s mental and physical health was most important. A team of medics was called from the Shadows, the rented manor – not too flashy and equipped with a modest lawn wherein a small cabin was erected for experimental medicines and experiments. ‘Pops…’

“Yes, Vanesa?”

“Why are you trying to erase my memories…”

“Because it’s best to forget sometimes,” he patted her head, “-then again, you seem to have recovered. You’re not okay, don’t lie to me.”

“I guess not,” her warm head rested on his shoulder, “-pops, I don’t need medicine. Lilith made me Sloth, I’m Abaddon… a prince of Hell.”

“Are you okay with that?”

“If it’s to help pops, then I’m fine with me,” her body suddenly tensed, “-AHHH, MY HEAD!”

‘Another attack,’ he quickly flipped and placed her onto the makeshift bed, ‘-let’s see if it works,’ he jammed a syringe into her arms and clapped – blank scrolls rose, ‘-I need to erase her pain, even if she remembers the images, the feeling, I need to remove the emotion hold it might have. The images will be blurry, I’ll have her forget, there’s no way I’ll have her suffer.’

*By the Order of the Adjudicator, open the gates of hidden truths, Adjudicator’s Call – Mind Rend,* ‘-half of my consciousness slips into her mind,’ the cabin’s interior disintegrated, the very fabric of reality disentangled and gave birth to flash images of Vanesa’s memoirs, ‘-it’s all me and food. She’s lived- no don’t get entangled, I need to focus,’ he caught onto the particular day, ‘-there,’ *Mantia – Untitled Tome VI, Desona, last passage. The mind affects reality, reality affects the mind. The world moves at one’s perception, and one perception is defined by the psyche, to define the truth from falsehood, to shun deception from right – reality must disappear, for only where nothing reigns will the truth of the soul resonate; Impression.*

*Gasp,* an invisible hand pulled, ‘-I made it,’ he gasped and fell, ‘-so much information’s hard to process. My brain is about to explode, it hurts…’ mystical shadows disappeared, ‘-the hand of the lamented. Thank you, Alfred.’ Vanesa’s sudden movements eased, and her temperature settled, ‘-she’ll need some time to recover. Might have overdone it with the stabilizer,’ the cabin opened, ‘-fresh air at last,’ he turned and dropped onto the grass, ‘-the night here isn’t so bad. A dance between blue and red, a fierce battle where purple is born.’

Muffled footsteps ambled, “-master.”


“There’s someone at the gates. Will you answer?”

“In a minute, we might as well have the noblewoman wait. Also, is Mammon doing, okay?”

“I think so,” he held a pessimistic mien, “-listen, master, I apologize about Sathanas-”

“Apologizes won’t bring answers. I have a few people looking for information. Lilith would know if one of her children died. Don’t tire yourself with things that you can’t change. There’s no need to blame, tis a fickle and convoluted game. Could you watch over Vanesa? I’ll have dinner ready in a few minutes.”

“Understood, as for the lady?”

“Send someone.”

Maids cleaned as did the attendants-Asmodeus’s harem sure comes in handy,’ of which most were excellent retainers. ‘Too bad they can’t cook,’ he stepped into the kitchen, firmed a bandana around the head, and got to work. The days when he trained alongside the chefs in Orin were yet lost to him – an acquired skill lasts forever.

‘How dare he make me wait!’

The gates parted, “Lady Memphe,” said a beautiful attendant, “-our master welcomes you to our estate. Please, follow me.”

There were no fighting Igna’s whims. Memphe was forced into the dining hall and witnessed Igna’s cooking. They ate silently, shared a few conversation topics, and confidently held their pose.

“A good meal like always. Igna, come to my chambers later, we need to talk.”

“I’ll take care of Vanesa, master,” said Asmodeus, “-as for my people-”

“I’ve made plenty, fear not.”

Mammon excused himself, a big vacantness opened into the dining hall, “-tell me, how did you like the food?”

“Very scrumptious, you must have a very talented chef.”

“Ah yes, I prepared the meal. Shall we continue the conversation in my study?” the long chase had finally ended – tiredness filled the arms and legs. Igna poured himself a drink, she refused, “-director, we must talk.”

“Sure, what is on your mind, Memphe.”

‘Wait, he’s reasonable? No, I don’t believe a man who cooks, cleans, and does household chores is fit to be the leader of Ragno,’

“Perhaps the question is whether I’m fit to rule?”


“Looking at the expression, I’m right. Memphe, you’re a daughter of nobility, a lady from the household of Djeant, Skeptor of the East is your relative if I’m not mistaken. Your family, more specifically, your father, was a close attendant to lord Lucifer, they ruled Ragno. Alas, he was killed in a recent battle. I hear Lucifer placed great trust in him – however, influential as your family might have been, you’re the current head, and as such, are not entitled to his fame or prestige. Tis custom for a new head of a noble house within the Aapith nation to strike out for glory to make his or her claim legit. Such is the way the demons operate.”

“Yes, you’re right. Director, I’m here to ask for you to step down from the position. I heard great things from the general populous… the nobility isn’t pleased. You’ve antagonized one of the arch-demons and have made yourself open to their crosshairs. I came to see thy strength, director, I’m sadly disappointed. A man who’d spend his time doing useless chores is not suited for a leading position. How you act reflects on us, as the position of Director is associated with nobility, the academics. You must surely see how the reputation-”

“Oh please,” he interjected, “-I’ve heard the lecture of reputation and legitimacy a thousand times. I hail from Orin where I ruled as king, I might as well have been crowned Emperor if I wished. I won’t stand and have my character be attacked by a bastard. Your father had an affair with lady Ereena, she told me all about how she gave birth and hid the truth from Lucifer. You, out of all the people, aren’t qualified to lecture me on my bloodline or what I might accomplish. As a resident of the demon realm, have you not realized who was present?”


“Queen of Demons, Lilith. Princes of Hell, Asmodeus, Mammon, Beelzebub and Abaddon. There are more who weren’t able to join us today. Surely,” he sipped, “-the question of my legitimacy is resolved with who I have in my household, yes?”


“The silence is telling,” he lit a cigarette, “-I won’t bother changing your point of view, Memphe. Do as you please,” he stood, “-this meeting is over. I was right to ignore it. Good bye.”

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