The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1106 - 1106 Heavenly Convention

1106 Heavenly Convention

“Humble guests, god, and demon alike, I, God of Darkness, Lixbin, shall act as today’s mediator. I welcome you all to the first heavenly convention. In attendance today we have, the supreme god, Zeus, the god of wisdom, Artanos, the goddess of chaos, Gophy, titan Eldrath, god of the sea, Poseidon, and Hermes,” a marvel round table seated the gods. Power hung in the air, powerful auras, and deadlier intent. Once upon a time, some of them might have leaped out of their chairs and ripped the heart from their opponent. “Dear council members, I would attract your attention towards the ceiling,” they glanced, “-today’s meeting is being watched by a representative of Tharis’ church. As such, to provide a stable environment where one might express himself freely, we will have Arshic Knights, as well as Valirias, to keep security. I hope we’re on the same page, yes?” despite appearances, Lixbin’s aura surpassed their collective anguish. A soft glow rained, and each seat basked in said light – the walls and ceiling were painted and decorated, emphasis forged in marble, said to be the reflection of a divine’s soul.

“I have to ask,” Eldrath, a relatively unknown personage, rose his voice, “-why are we gathered. Councils are supposed to exist for mediation, I doubt anyone here’s against the alliance between Zeus and Artanos,” many shared the same thought.

“Eldrath,” Artanos glanced, “-we represent the Titans as well as our factions. Please do not raise undue concern among our guests.”

“There’s a traitor in our rank,” Zeus echoed harshly, “-someone here betray our alliance. News of our secret agreement has reached certain unwanted ears. Therefore, here we stand. Lest the traitor denounces himself, I strongly doubt we will be able to move,” and instantly doubt befell Hermes.

He flashed his focus around and rose his hands, “-oh come on,” the gray pupils blinked, “-my reputation isn’t squeaky clean, that much a toddler knows. I doubt the minds present will fall onto such childish accusation. It pains me to ask,” he glared, “-I will need proof, for I do not stand for pointless slander, am I clear?”

“No need to threaten the room,” Poseidon exhaled, “-it is your fault, isn’t it?”


“Tearing into one another won’t do much,” said Artanos, “-for the sake of honesty,” he looked at Zeus, sat on his right, “-there’s no traitor. Zeus’ right about the information leak.”

“Why are we here?”


“Isn’t it obvious?” said Lixbin, the crowd silently watched.

“Allow me,” Artanos rose his brows, “-the Adjudicator has come to life. Thus, we’re faced with the prophecy of the end. Reality’s under threat. We risk total annihilation. Zeus and I staged an attack against the demon realm, they’re too big a risk to leave unattended. The target, Ragno, is the late Lucifer’s realm. I sent good men from my army.”

“-And I sent Emitious, a high-ranking angel in my court,” Zeus followed, “-would you materialize?”

White wings flapped, and the wounded angel stood with deep wounds, “-please, Emitious, tell us what happened.”

The majesty, now feeble angel, spoke in a slow cadence. The empty expression saw defeat and destruction, he went into details on the battle, “-we thought we had won… sadly, it, it, it wasn’t true. He came to battle, that man, he was strong, he defeated- I nearly die-” the emotional balance fluctuated. Pieces of information are scattered for the listener’s choice. They picked and reconstructed a logical recount, “-there, that is enough, Emitious,” the angel was excused, and so, the council fell silent.

“Gophy was defeated too, wasn’t she?”

“Hermes…” Poseidon narrowed, “-she wasn’t the only one defeated, he restrained me too.”

“-and we lost Qhildir in the exchange,” Zeus added, “-taking stock of our damage, it is not wise to force any aggressive action on them. We have to regroup. The Olympian Gods have yet decided on what is to be done.”

“Which brings us to today’s real agenda,” Artanos grasped their attention, “-we will take a vote. We have a guest waiting for an audience with the leaders of the Heavenly faction.”

“What is this about?”

“Draebala,” he continued, “-the demons, when allied, are as strong as gods. The will to die for their cause has been the very reason behind the current deadlock between entities of our stature. We tried the militarist method – nothing came of the battle save the death of good fighters. If we’re to continue the fight, even with the Tome of Venera, it will be threading the needle. I’m not a fan of close battles. I’ve advocated for tactics since the start – as our partnership dictates, I am to follow my ally into his battles,” he glanced at Zeus, “-and my friend, I dare say your attempt hasn’t brought much to the table.”

Zeus breathed calmly, the tension tightened, it was as if someone had tied a knot around their necks, ‘-a reputation of anger and quick dismissal hasn’t given Zeus a good reputation., The tyrannical god, kin-slayer, patricide. The man’s no angel… Artanos has the guts to talk down to the egomaniac. If only the supreme god learn humility, there wouldn’t be any walls he couldn’t climb. The man’s potential is undefined,’ such was Lixbin’s thoughts, ‘-Artanos’ no angel either. He has guts and used Zeus’ failures to gain the upper hand in their alliance. Their trust in each other’s capability and the relentless hunger to out-maneuver their own without causing their assets harm – such level of camaraderie, if I can call it that, is otherworldly. Maybe Artanos is virtuous and had no ill will behind the condescending speech, how will Zeus react?’ like him, the table hung in silence to the obliviousness of Zeus.’

“Fine,” said the supreme god, “-I say it’s fine. You did provide my forces backup, I won’t complain. Do it your way, Artanos, show me the reason why I accepted our alliance.”

“With pleasure,” the door opened, and a woman with a tan complexion, studded with golden jewelry and Egyptian-like clothes entered the room, her short hair and feline gaze grabbed the hearts of many, “-good afternoon, heaven-bound residents,” she courteously bowed, “-Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator at your service.”

“Coincidently, Cleopatra’s a devout follower of Lixbin.”

The sudden attention forced the god’s hand, “-Cleopatra’s a woman of her own desire and will. I only ask for information, she’s one of my closest sources.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you again, Supreme God.”

“Cleopatra,” he nodded, “-your presence brings good memories. How Death’s inheritor was manipulated and forced into our hands was a work of great skill. I compliment your worth, Cleopatra. Be at ease, members of the council, she’s a trusted comrade who’s served my cause. Tell me, Artanos, why is she here?”

“A sharp blade must be used and resharpened. Cleopatra’s sadly not the one of interest today,” she took the cue and approached, “-as the laws of heaven state, those born of demonic origin are not allowed. Therefore, she comes to us as a representative of one of the Kings of Hell.”

“Kings of Hell?” the words struck like lightning, ‘-they’ve raised their guards. It’s expected when one hears that title. What are you planning, Artanos?’

“Hello?” faint taps escaped a mirror-like apparition, “-is this working?” the image remained blurred, “-King of Hell, Leviathan, we hear you.”

“Is that you, Lixbin?” sharp stares dug into his soul, “-is it you, can’t mistake your sly disposition. I tell you Lixbin, wasting talent like yours on good gods is a shame, the gods sure are comical.”

“I’d strongly advise caution, Leviathan,” a fiercer aura exuded.

“-If it isn’t Zeus, calm your intent, I can sense the coldness from hell, ha-ha-ha.”

“Artanos?” Zeus glared.

“Leviathan, please.”

“Fine, fine,” he cleared his throat, “-it’s come to my attention that the Eipea Empire wants to take over my dear old brother’s realm. Ragno, was it? it is too bad. I hear your forces suffered a great loss at the hand of the new Director’s hands. The Devil’s returned, and this time, the Adjudicator stands in place of Lucifer. I didn’t mind the academy at first… however, now, that I’ve received news of my students being killed in action, I can’t stand by and watch. Cleopatra related the incidents – she says they were killed by that new director. The century-long relationship between me and lucifer’s Academy has toppled. A new leadership doesn’t always involve the re-establishment of old relationships. To get to the point, I will assist the Heavens to get what they want, that is the artifact Artanos mentioned. In exchange, I will take Ragno for myself. I’m not daft as to allow gods into hell, our realms are sacred and we would rather die than see it be sullied.”

“Big words from the harbinger of filth,” came a muffled whisper, those in the room heard, as for the over the mirror – silence.

“Artanos, are you making a deal with a demon?”

“When it comes to contracts,” he smiled, “-there are no other beings I would trust.”

“You are all-so-kind,” the king casually tipped his head, “-as for the details, please explain so to Cleopatra, she’s a good help, I appreciate the thought, Lixbin. Next time, instead of her, send someone pure and elegant… Cleopatra’s feminine allure is fun the first few days, nothing beats my love, nothing beats her, my Eve, my Lilith.”

The mirror vanished, Cleopatra left, and silence befell once again. Zeus and Artanos exchanged knowing glances.

“What about us?”

“I will communicate your tasks in the coming days,” he looked at Lixbin, “-would you do the honors?”

“With pleasure,” he clapped, “-as such, I officially proclaim the first Heavenly convention complete. Snacks and refreshments are served in the next room, please take your time and enjoy.”

Time passed, and Artanos and Lixbin found the view from atop Zeus’ castle perfect for a drink, “-tell me, how did you get Leviathan to act?”

“The idea came to me during my search into Staxius Haggard. The masterful way how you used his daughter to bring the king’s end was a poetic end. Ruthlessness at its finest. And so, it got me thinking… Cleopatra came to mind. With enough people, events can be forged to fit a narrative, the battle in Hell, one where Lilith’s castle was breached, Cleopatra reported on the incident – there, a plan fell into my map. Taking Lucifer’s place means he’s backed into a corner against the other kings. In military or diplomacy, the way he moves will determine the path the others will take. I’ve made my move – during the battle, the moment I heard we were losing men, I ordered those alive to target demons, specifically those coming as a backup. Leviathan’s pride couldn’t take the loss, not after his men were destroyed by the Devil. Demons live and die by their pride… it’s a simple matter of controlling information – Cleopatra’s a great asset, keep her in use. If there are signs of her changing side, take no risks, kill her.”

“I’d expect no less from you, Artanos. What about Draebala, what’s to come of that realm?”

“We need to control the mana-generating pillars in the towns. We share 60% of all occupied regions, the rest is in the Aapith Nation’s hands. Too bad the leadership is split into Kings of Hell and Council of Demons… my job’s grown harder. One has land, the other has military and representation, we got our work cut out.”

“Are we going to attack?”

“I’ll have Leviathan send false reports, I doubt he’ll let us occupy his land. Long as we target Lucifer’s territory, we won’t incur their wrath. Proxy wars, I’ll use Titans to cover our tracks.”

“Information has leaked, hasn’t it?”

“I leaked it on purpose,” he sipped, “-all to give a sense of rest to the opposition. It is all about controlling information, Artanos, such is the way to success. I’ve played my move, it’s up to him.”

Artanos observed, like a chronicler of the olden days, ‘-to witness a battle of wit between the God of Wisdom and Igna Haggard, an undeniable genius of intrigue, is an amazing treat. Artanos took the initiative right from Igna’s feet, how will he react – the focus will fall on Draebala. What’s the purpose of the Heavenly Convention… I still haven’t grasped-‘ smaller figures ran about speaking the words spoken during the convention, ‘-Artanos,’ he snapped his eyes on the god, ‘-did he control the flow… getting the heavens on our side, solidifying the trust since Zeus’ numerous blunders… his amazing.’

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