The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1107 - 1107 Home?

1107 Home?

“This is Ragno,” a day and night passed. Igna’s entourage of Lilith and the princes of hell walked their first step into a realm unlike anything else. Similar to the real world, the week split into seven days, and here, the weekends were also reserved for rest and pleasure. Sunday rose, a pleasant air of rest and calm demeanor followed.

Whispers turned cacophony, ‘-who’s shouting this early in the morning?’ Igna’s slumber shattered, ‘-strange. I can sleep normally sometimes. Too bad the noise’s ever-growing,’ the door barged, Vanesa and Beelzebub leaped, as if athletes competing in a long-jump competition, and landed, the mattress buckled, and Igna exhaled a deep-rooted humph, “-honestly,” he grabbed Vanesa’s hair and pulled, “-what’s the matter with you?”

She returned his gaze with one equally emotionless, “-pops’ stomach is the winning plate.”


“NOOOO!” was heard in the backdrop, “-I barely missed,” cried Beelzebub.

“Son, you barely made it across the room,” echoed a dumbfounded Igna, “-you fell before jumping.” Tears muddied, “-I’m going to tell,” he sniffled, the pesky buzz associated with flies rumbled, an aura unique to the princes, ‘-not on my watch,’ he slid outside of the bed and hurried to Beelzebub’s side, “-boys don’t cry,” he leaned over.

“There you are,” came a husky feminine tone, “-Igna, Beelzebub…”

“Lilith,” father and son blinked hopelessly, “-mother…”

“No more troubling your father,” she reached and grabbed the boy by the collar – in that instant, ‘-a mother cat holding her kitten,’ crossed his mind. He glanced over, ‘-what about Vanesa?’ the lass was indulgent in sleep. ‘So begins the hectic day.’


“Get ready for work,” said Lilith, “-Elixia’s hungry, you best get to cooking, Igna.”

“You sure are a slave driver,” he stood, “-let me clean up.”

“I’m no slave driver,” she grabbed his shoulder, “-I am, taking care of the kids, aren’t I?” her murderous breath froze his spine, ‘-she’s menacing,’ he grabbed her hand, “-thank you for the help.”

“Awesome,” she beamed a grand smile and skipped down the corridor, ‘-a family of weirdoes. This is my life now,’ he stared a mirror and brushed, ‘-reminds me of the days I spent in the Rosespire manor. The first home I acquired for my family. This is nice, I wake to the gentle, well, to the screaming corridors. Beelzebub and Vanesa are more energetic since we arrived. Mammon keeps to himself. Asmodeus is preoccupied with searching for Sathanas. I have no idea what Lilith is up to. Well, today’s a big day for them – their admission process,’ once cleaned, he headed for the kitchen, a flick toggled the lights – the sun was barely out. The dim outside shrouded in the haze was foretelling, ‘-it might rain,’ he pulled the sleeves and got to work. An hour later – breakfast and lunch were ready – the mist slowly vanished, leaving for the sun to raise. Footsteps echoed upstairs – everyone was awake, “-the mornings,” Elixia yawned, “-I hate it,” she limped onto the kitchen counter, “-coffee…”

“You’re practically a zombie,” he slid her a cup, and she sipped and beamed, just like Lilith, “-coffee makes one whole!” she joined hands with Mammon, each took a serving and went on their merry way. Breakfast together wasn’t a requirement – the whole thing was time-consuming – each had their partners they’d eat with, and so, the daily life at the Haggard Household began.

Come 07:30, a meeting was called. Igna sat behind his desk inside the study with Elixia at his side, “-Mammon, Asmodeus, Vanesa, and Beelzebub,” Lilith waited patiently on one of the couches, “-Are there any objections you’d want to voice?”

“Objections about what, master?” narrowed Mammon.

“About starting school here,” he clasped his hands and slowly blinked, “-is it beneath the princes to attend an academy where, perhaps, the education’s lacking?”

“Don’t say that master,” Asmodeus interjected, “-the academy is fine as it is. Besides, only Mammon and I have had a formal education, we’re the oldest. Vanesa and Beelzebub will benefit greatly from Lucifer’s academy.”

“What about you and Mammon, will you not join?”

“No,” he looked at Mammon, “-him and I will join. It is the only way we can supervise our siblings. You need not worry, master, we’re looking forward to joining the academy.”

“Once again, you’re overthinking, Igna.”


“Let the kids join. They’ll be fine, don’t worry about it. Ragno’s home for now, is it not?” an awkward silence veered its head, and the air thickened and felt harder to breathe.

“Ahem,” Elixia interjected, “-with no complaints, I think it’s time for us to begin the admission process. Master, you and I ought to check the school, we’re transferring four children of noble birth – tis rather… how should I say it-”

“No need,” he stood, “-Asmodeus, Mammon, we need to speak privately,” they felt the cue, the room cleared and the door locked.


“Asmodeus, Mammon, I know how you feel. Don’t bother hiding secrets. You’re worried about Sathanas, and so am I. Yui’s making progress, we will find her sooner or later. About the admission-”

“Pops,” Asmodeus shot back, “-do you not trust us?”

“Not a matter of trust, Asmodeus. Tis a matter of principle, would you use a sword to cut an apple?”

“If there’s no knife around,” said Mammon.

“Allow me, master. We’re joining the academy for the fun of it. We’ve experienced life as mobsters and have had immense pleasure in controlling a lot of things in Hidros. We’re back to square one – there are enemies around every corner. Depending on how we handle the situation, there will be another battle – also, Draebala, the realm grows unsteady. With us here, the balance of power will shift – I did my research, and the one known as Skeptor is not so good a person. You have more enemies than allies, Ragno’s a newly captured land – think of it like a king in the olden days, a captured territory isn’t easily changed – there’s the slight possibility of revolt. Don’t worry about us,” he smiled, “-Mammon and I are excited to join.”

“If such is the case,” he reached over and held the boys in a group embrace, “-I’ll ask of you, my sons, please look out for Beelzebub and Vanesa. they’ve suffered a lot – I won’t stand,” the tone deadened, “-if any harm comes to them. They’ve done harm; if they try anything, I swear, I will rectify the situation.”

Coming from Igna, Mammon and Asmodeus’ felt a sinking sensation deep in their guts, ‘-master… he’s, he’s serious. The day the Devil snap, I doubt his enemies to stand,’ and similarly, a simultaneous smile boarded on their faces. *Knock, knock,* “-Master, we’re late.”

“I should get going,” he reached for his jacket, tapped the boys’ back, and headed for the academy.

“What now, brother?”

“Mammon, tis our chance to uncover the truth of Ragno. There’s a reason why they attacked. I am sure more people are coming. We’re stronger,” they locked hands, “-Jurors… let’s make father proud.”

“I want money,” Mammon sighed, “-brother, Ragno’s like a kingdom, right?”

“I think so.”

“Noble demons?”

“Noble demons?” a snarl escaped, “-brother, you’re always the same. Demons are not noble, far from it. Lucifer’s domain, there should be darker secrets. Let’s take the day for adventuring.”


“Father promised.”

“Why call him father?”

“Related or not, Igna Haggard is the patriarch of the family. Thus, tis only right we get to call him father. ”

Meanwhile, out on the street headed for the academy, “-wasn’t there a battle here?”

“Yeah, something the matter?”

“It seems too clean to have been host to a battle, just saying, master.”

“I helped in the cleaning efforts.”

She paused and stared, “-master, are you well?”


“Cleaning, helping, rebuilding, cooking, you feel more… I don’t know, decent?”

“Why you little,” he flicked her forehead, “-don’t you dare imply I’m soft.”

“Well, I don’t need to imply it if it’s true,” the walk resumed, “-what happened, seriously?”

“Vanesa and Lilith,” he whispered, “-I- I don’t want to see them hurt again. The way I felt that day, the way my frustration and anger snapped – if I hadn’t controlled myself, I doubt they’d be alive. I’m not saying so for effect… I truly considered snapping everyone’s neck,” he breathed, “-don’t worry, I’m fine. Getting angry on their behalf means I care for them, I find solace in said thought. As for you,” they walked side-by-side, “-any updates?”

“No idea,” she shrugged and touched her earrings, “-no answer from Yui. She’s searching far and wide, I don’t feel anything yet – Sathanas’ presence’s vanished. It’ll take more time.”

They came up to the gates and entered. Those residents of the student dorms were out and about helping around town. “-Adventuring,” Elixia commented, “-this feels like home.”

“It’s called Monster-Hunting here,” they took the path headed passed the Library, “-demons are spread into two groups, the sentient and not. The latter of the group are called monsters and are often the spawns of other demons who’ve fallen trapped to their vices. As a domain related to the afterlife, humans who’ve done wrong in their lives are often reincarnated as monsters and left to prowl – that’s where the demons come in, they hunt the monsters and suck their souls for self-growth. Of course, there are cases of demons killing another demon to gain power – the academy’s lit amidst the ever-suffocating sin of the underworld.”

“The library sure is a decadent building – curved and home to some great architectural marvel, what’s that about?”

“Oh, those are used by the Academics,” he took out his phone, “-here,” and sent over a few folders.

“My, salacious information.”

“Please don’t drool, it’ll reflect badly on me.”


“My lovely secretary can’t be seen doing something unladylike.”

“My, thank you for the compliment, my dearest master,” the sarcastic exchange ended with furrowed brows and conflicting side-eyes, “-why are there angels, I don’t get it?”

“I can’t tell you. Suppose it’s from Lucifer’s trusted allies. They did revolt against their god – the fallen angels were sent here and left to procreate at their own leisure. It’s not uncommon to see them around campus.”

Wings flapped, “-Director,” and a charming man landed, “-I was worried you wouldn’t come in, Director,” he took notice of Elixia, scanning up and down her short-pink hair, freckled nose and cheeks, slightly-tanned complexions and tall and slender frame, “-who might this be?” he asked with a crude tone.

“Elixia,” she grabbed Igna by the arm, lifted one foot, and threw a peace sign, “-Secretary extraordinaire.”

Igna gave no response, the awestricken Luci befell silence, neither word nor thoughts crossed the mind, “-my charm’s worked,” she casually tapped her shoulder against Igna and smiled, ‘-Elixia, you’re going to make my life hell, aren’t you?’

‘Such is my revenge,’ the friendly smile spoke war-worthy provocation, ‘-I’ll make your life hell and have fun doing it!’

‘Come on then, Elixia, I dare you,’ he turned an equally friendly yet threatening regard, “-as she said, please meet my secretary.”

Luci snapped to, “-pardon me,” he cleared his throat, “-Director, the post of secretary, I thought I was privy to it.”

“Oh my dear, Luci,” Elixia skipped and held Luci’s shoulder with a lowered glance, “-I’m sorry, my master doesn’t swing for men,” she slowly shook her head.

“Well, that’s great,” he smiled, “-because,” he leaned in and whispered, ‘-I’m a woman.’

Elixia’s shoulder dropped, and she turned at Igna with a hallowed expression, “-revenge tastes refreshing, does it not?” echoed Luci.

‘This guy,’

‘This woman,’

‘I have a bad feeling about them,’ passed their minds.

An unpleasant stare came from the Library, ‘-those pests, what are they doing sullying my land?’ narrowed Skeptor, ‘-and the director, what is he thinking, bringing unworthy people into academy grounds? As the vice director, I must endeavor to keep the academy a place worthy of the people’s admiration. I can’t let them sully our reputation further,’ he clenched his fist, ‘-I will do what I must to cleanse the filth… why is he surrounded by beautiful women anyway, is the Director that handsome a man?’ his reflection returned, ‘-I’m equally good looking, aren’t I?’

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