The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1108 - 1108 Admission

1108 Admission


“Just look at the vice-director, why is he staring so intently.”

“The smile, look at it, just look at it, I can’t imagine anything worse…”

He waved threateningly – an arm-slicing motion, “-my apologies, ladies, is there some way I might help?”

“N-no sir,” they bowed timidly, ‘-he heard you,’ they scurried, exchanging whispers and giggles.

‘It would seem I think highly of my looks,’ the look returned at Igna and the assistants, ‘-I won’t accept defeat, not so easily. Believe me, director, if it comes down to choice, I will further my agenda, trust in this,’ he held against the window with a clenched fist, ‘-I won’t lose, I won’t.’

“Professor Skeptor.”

“If it’s not Emmie, how are you these days?”

“You know, it’s the same,” small talk, how was the day, the night, discussion about the school and their students – passive-aggressive comments on the weaker students; most often being the students, the lower-born.


The same class-room passed aside from the label, “Emmie, you, my friend, are the only noble teacher I respect in this forsaken academy,” they walked, those in class early held their breaths and froze, ‘-it’s the vice-director!’ he gave a simple nod and continued, “-Emmie, tell me honestly, are you happy with the academy’s current affairs?”

“Skeptor, we’ve known each other for a while,” the pace slowed, “-are you worried about the future?”

He stopped and pressed his lips, tightening the expression, “-I worry. The new Director, I fear he might throw tradition out the window and start ruling as he pleases.”

“Such is the way of the hierarchy… long as he stands, the academy is rightfully his. Bearer of Lucifer’s wing is the director – no matter the legacy or lineage, those with the symbol have the right of rulership,” the headless knight pulled Skeptor’s scrawny figure to the side, “-you know,” he whispered, “-there is discourse amidst the teachers and parents. This is off-the-record, however, I’m certain if the strings were pulled just right – distrust and eventual down-fall. Think about it, Skeptor, you’re a man of intellect, surely…”

“No more,” he grabbed her hands, “-you always were my loyal friend. Emmie, how can I ever repay you?”

“Well,” she leaned closer, “-about the admission process for my niece. She’s from a well-off family, a daughter of demonic-nobility, the Aedric blood-line. She has some,” he slowed with mild fluctuation, “-let’s say, personality issues. As gorgeous as she is, the lass is a vixen, one who tore apart the branch family.”

‘Admission to the academy is strenuous, the test is hard and the physical harder. It will be difficult to have a student join on this date. I could sway-‘

“Of course, you don’t need to pull strings, Skeptor. She’s nobility, she could always join the Academics, what say you?”

He beamed in disbelief, ‘-just you wait, Director, just you wait.’

And so, as the school day marked its start, time showed 08:00, and the teacher responsible for their classes headed for homeroom. The waiting area reserved for visitors carried quite a few people – and strangely, as Igna, so kindly expressed with an open expression, was surprised at Skeptor’s presence in his office.

“Don’t you have homeroom?”

“Director, I heard from the staff you’re planning to enroll new students?”

“Is that an issue?” he lit a cigarette, “-my dear Skeptor, is the academy, not a learning environment, I’d find it weird for us not to accept.”

“Sir please-”

“What Skeptor means is simple,” said Elixia, “-the school has a long-standing reputation as being prestigious. We count as one of the best when it comes to education. If we were to accept students – the exam would be difficult,” she turned to Skeptor, “-who is she?” he asked.

“My apologies, I seem to have forgotten my manners,” she curtsied, “-my name’s Elixia Haggard, I’m the director’s new Secretary. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Skeptor, I’ve heard quite a few stories,” she took one step, “-you’ve got my intrigue,” she whispered and headed to Igna’s side.

“Per the academy’s tradition, I have taken care of the paperwork, these are their scores in academics as well as physical training. You should take into account their name and rank,” to which, Igna slid a paper – Skeptor’s jaw dropped, ‘-these kids,’ he blinked, ‘-the prince of lust and gambling, Asmodeus, the prince aced the tests,’ next sheet, ‘-Prince of greed and wealth, Mammon. He scored in the upper 90% on the physical tests impeccable,’ next, ‘-prince of envy, Beelzebub, admission for the Scholia division,’ and lastly, ‘-princess of sloth, aedric mistress of plague and disease, Vanesa. She scored the exact mark needed for entry… still, the score needed is the 90%. It doesn’t check out,’ he rose a cynical look over the sheets, “-when did they tryout. I heard nothing of these,” he tapped the sheets, “-to score so highly and excel at their disciple, I must say, the faculty would have surely known about the students, especially since they belong to the upper-echelon of Demonkin.”

Igna blinked slowly. Each motion chipped at Skeptor’s bravado, an awkward silence settled, and slight agitation filled the muffled movement, “-Did I say something wrong, Elixia?”

“No, you didn’t,” she smiled.

“Skeptor, my dear vice-director,” he leaned forward, interlocked his fingers, and peered over, “-I fear sometimes. Someone of thy knowledge must have known, yes?”


“I will take the silence as a no.”

“But of course, I knew,” he interjected, “- I only asked to compare.”

“Allow me,” he puffed, “-nobility joining the academy is a big deal. We have to treat them appropriately – information can be leaked. The princes can hold their own, I don’t doubt their abilities, what I was worried about is the safety of the students. Let’s say the news was leaked and an ambush saw the already bested Academy thrust into the war. Last time’s fiasco would have compounded…”

“Still, the evaluation-”

“Approved by Luci.”

‘The more nobles present, the better I will feel. They’ll naturally join my faction and work towards my end. I’ll get them on my side, once I do, the academy won’t be-‘

“As for their assignments, Asmodeus, Mammon, and Vanesa will be joining me in General Studies and Combat Class. I doubt there’s anyone who can teach them more than they already know.”

“Unfair, it will affect our reputation.”

“Skeptor, I will have no objection to their assignments. If we’re under attack, consider the princes as our first line of defense,” he pointed at the door, “-or, if you feel better qualified, please be my guest and spar. I must warn you – the last supervisors were badly injured, only saved by a transit healer.”


“The Scholia. He’s still underage and won’t be joining the Academy anytime soon. He ought to grow a strong foundation before utilizing the dormant potential.”

“I have to ask, Director, you speak of them so casually, is there a reason why?”

Elixia grinned, “-the seven cardinal princes are the Director’s progeny.”


The door widened, “-here for school, pops,” said a somewhat interested Vanesa.

“The uniforms sure do make my posterior larger,” commented a handsome Asmodeus.

“It looks fine,” Mammon mumbled.

“What is up,” Beelzebub cheered, “-why’re my clothes different?”

An attendant snuck her hand and pulled, “-apologies, master, the young master ran off,” she said so while running off in turn.

‘Lust, Greed, and Sloth,’ Skeptor gulped, ‘-the power coming from them, how could anyone control-‘

“You guys look good,” he snuffled the cigarette and walked to the trio, “-starting today, you will be joining General Studies. The additional is up to you.”

“What department has access to the library?”

“Magical,” said Skeptor, ‘-if they join me I’ll have influence-‘

“Then I will join the literacy club,” Asmodeus winked and whispered to the embarrassed vice-director, “-just so you know, I know what you’re up too. I know a rat when I see one.”

“Refrain from making threats,” Igna sighed.

“My bad,” he tipped his head, “-I was only kidding, vice-director.”

“Seeing their potential, as Director of the Academy, I grant Asmodeus, Mammon, and Vanesa unrestrained to Academy’s facilities. You will learn what you want when you want, consider this my way of welcoming such famed individuals to our premises.”

Elixia locked onto Skeptor’s visual disapproval, “-before you interject, the director has the necessary authority for what he asks. There is a record of exceptional students being allowed to do as they wished. Creed of the Gifted, it can be read in the Academy Regulation, page 666, under the subtitle, “-the Noblesse’s within the court.”

A dumbfounded Skeptor remained inside the office. Igna escorted the new students. He walked past, Class 4-A, ‘-the advanced class allows for them to stay indefinitely lest the condition of their graduation has been met. Being a high-born, a genius, or an exceptional fighter, are the criteria for entry. I’ll have them assigned to Class 3-2 for now, more students and more reason to enjoy the fun. Still, using numbers as the class’s designation is yet another way the Academics prove their superiority. Compared to us, they use both numbers and letters.’

A sliding sound interrupted homeroom, “-Pardon the intrusion, Luci,” he stepped inside, and everyone looked with admiration and curiosity, ‘-the director,’ whispered, ‘-first time I’ve seen him up close. He’s handsome, isn’t he?’

Lilia rose a content expression at Igna, ‘-she fits in. Nothing expected no less.’ Arde kept a stern expression, the class matched his demeanor, ‘-he’s the leader and responsible for the mood. He holds them accountable for the murder of kids his own age. Well, Arde, I hope, for your own good, you get along with them. If not, the class will fall apart.’

“No problem, Director,” he smiled, “-what brings you here?”

He came to the center and relaxed his posture, “-students of 3-2, I hear your class is very problematic. Especially you, Arde, I have a pile of complaints – do you find it fun to fight?”


“Well, I’m not here to chew anyone out, you can relax. I’m not the vice director, discipline is best learned at once’s pace. You’re old enough to be held accountable. Arde, this goes double for you,” he softened the tone, “-next time you get in a fight, at least do it somewhere without witnesses, okay?” they laughed.

The response took the class by surprise, the smile seamlessly sliced through the tension, opening the way for conversation, “-on a serious note. I have big news. Class 3-2 is getting three additional students.”

“Transfers?” questions floated – Asmodeus, Mammon, and Vanesa entered with strong impressions.

“Handsome,” the girls swooned.

“Look at the other one, he’s mysterious, strong, and silent type?” giggled escaped.

“Man, look at her,” cheered the boys, “-she’s plain looking, wait, what is she?”

To which, Vanesa yawned and leaned against Igna’s shoulder, “-is this over, I want to sleep?”

“She’s got balls,” they echoed, ‘-chick got guts.’

“I trust you’ll take it from here, Luci?”

“Of course?” the shoulders slumped, ‘-dump all the hard work and run off, that’s the director’s duty,’ he turned at cacophonous class, “-right, enough. Why don’t you introduce yourselves?”

The charismatic Asmodeus took the first stand, “-the name’s Asmodeus. My passion, lust, my hobby? Well, you’ll find out soon enough.”

Mammon calmly slapped Asmodeus on the back of his head, “-idiot,” he looked at the class, “-Mammon. No hobbies, I like money.”

Vanesa crumbled at the teacher’s desk, “-Vanes-” and silence, she dozed off.

“Right, please take a seat wherever you want,” they chose closed seats and immediately made acquaintance with their neighbors.

“Arde, we have a couple of trouble maker in the class. What will you do?”

“Lilia, you know I don’t care for much at this academy. Didn’t you hear their names – they bear the title of them the bearers of the Cardinal sins. You don’t think it’s them, do you?”

“Wouldn’t surprise me if it was them,” Arde lowered his head, “-the director’s a strange one. I won’t put it past him, you know?”


“Yeah, I get what you mean.”

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