The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1110 - 1110 Teresa L. Leviathan

1110 Teresa L. Leviathan

‘Teresa L. Leviathan. My name’s renowned across the underworld, especially in the realms ruled by the four demon kings. Since my birth, peasants have bowed to me and my father. No one dares incur my wrath. The world revolves around me, I get what I want and when I want. Father asked me to oversee Lucifer’s realm. He was petty, that one, unlike the other kings, no one in his court made advances on my body or influence. Ragno, it’s a disgusting place where many fall under falsehood, bowing to a forgotten notion of justice and righteousness. Who could blame them, a country ruled by a fallen angel is bound to make a purebred like me hurl? I hate the smile on their faces, I hate the comradery some share. It’s repulsive. Home is most precious. Father has his underlings on a leash, no one dears smile without his consent. The handsome, fine specimen is sent weekly. Skinning a well-featured demon… is my passion, I love dissection. We captured a fallen angel once, the poor sod was smuggled through the inter-dimensional portal. He was great, the man lasted months – he resisted, holding on faith that his lord would come to the rescue. My, the standard for my games was raised that day, no one’s lasted that long, no one, not until she came around,’ fond memories came to mind, the empty office and distant noise were akin to a dungeon, the memories invertedly mixed and triggered nostalgia, ‘…’ her visage tightened, ‘-father had to interrupt my fun. I had to come, it’s my duty he says. I-‘

Air rushed out, Igna stood in the doorway with a nonchalant expression, “-did I keep you waiting?”

“You sure did, Director,” she replied respectfully, Igna took a simple look and glossed over her charm and persona.

“Shall we get to your transfer exams?”

‘Transfer exams?’ the thought never crossed her mind, ‘-father’s contact said there was nothing to be done. Show up and I’ll be admitted… I need to keep my father’s word in mind. I have to be cautious of the director… I don’t get what the deal is, why was Artanos so adamant- I’ll never trust the word of a god, too complicated,’ instead, a common smile portraited – Igna returned to his seat, “-join me,” he said.

They sat, and both peered over the large table – the distance added a mild touch of superiority. The one behind the desk felt bigger and stronger, a bit of physiological advantage never harmed anyone, such as Igna’s thought upon designing his office. ‘Borrowing a method employed by Odgar when he conducts interviews. I purposefully left, allowing her mind to stray, she’ll get comfortable or awkward, regardless of the sentiment, and I’ll establish myself as one who controls the pace. Simple and effective, if she argues against my wasting her time, I’ll use the authority I have as Director – she needs something from me, people are most obedient when they’re working towards a selfish request. It’ll also be a test. Will my methods used in Orin work?’

“Director, I must say, you sure have a way of dealing with your guests.”

“Proper etiquette’s only viable when faced with someone of equal worth. I see no reason to act otherwise,” he pulled up papers pertaining to her enrolment.’

‘-when faced with someone of equal worth?’ her cheeks crinkled for a second, ‘-who does he think he is?’ she swallowed hard, ‘-calm down, don’t let the anger consume. I have to obey father – the quicker my job’s done, the faster I get to enjoy my meal.’


“Why are you transferring from Dem’s academy?”

“…” ‘-why is he asking that question?’

‘What should I say?’ her thoughts ran amok, Igna patiently waited – fishing rod in hand, bait in the water, ‘-let the thought eat you from within.’

Her lips pressed, her chest rose – right before she answered, Igna snapped back the rod, taking initiative from her feeble fingers, “-My, did you not prepare for the interview?” Igna purposefully gave a condescending look of pity, “-this is but a formality. I assumed the daughter of Leviathan would be properly educated in how matters are run in a foreign realm,” he pushed the papers aside and stared through her, “-Teresa L. Leviathan. You’re representing your father. We’d both like to keep the matter calm. Thusly, I’ll overlook the matter,” he stood, “-you’re free to have a word with your father or any assistants. It’s lunch break. We’ll reconvene in an hour,” hands around the handle, “-you will find Skeptor of the East in the faculty office. Have a word with him.”

‘Why couldn’t I return an answer…’ *gulp,* ‘-I swear I’ve gone through this scenario with my assistants. They always gave me plenty of time to think, I was always praised. Why couldn’t I stand against him… he’s a simple peasant, no one important. A man who came into power after Lucifer’s death, a nobody,’ the beautiful princess exited the office, she strolled down the hallway towards the faculty office, ‘-they look at me with bafflement. Yes, look at me, worthless wastes of space. I’m far above any of the kids here – I am a princess, no one compares.’

‘Where’s Asmodeus?’

“The storage room,” Yui answered.

“Can you keep an eye on Teresa?”

“Already am, master.”

The bell rang, swarms of students exited, the peaceful quietness roared, ‘-the locker room,’ he leaped onto the field and went across to the gymnasium/arena, ‘-Students from 3-2 doing lapse. Mammon and Vanesa are nowhere to be found. They should have had practical fights today,’ to which he hailed one of the boys – “-director?” they gasped.

“Where are the others?”

“The girls are in the infirmary,” he answered, “-professor Dementus told us to run, we’ll have combat class after break.”

“Arde,” he hailed, the boy halted his spring begrudgingly.


“3-2 better clean the field. It’s a lunch break, I expect your mates to have proper rest. Look over there,” he pointed, “-they’re crawling. I rather my students have the proper form to whatever they’re doing… just look at it,” he cringed, “-pathetic.”

“Director, I humbly oppose thy comments. They’re working hard, I would stand for anyone speaking ill of the effort. Even if the school looks down on us, even if we’re reprimanded, hard work’s the only medium to aid us in moments of crisis.”

“You speak of the attack?” he grabbed the boy’s shoulder, “-you’re diligent and an example for your class. Although I’m new, I recognize the hard work you put in for your class. In more ways than one, you’re the ideal image of a good student. However – working hard without a purpose is self-indulgent,” he leaned in softly, “-don’t fool yourself, kid. Stop acting like you’re working, it’s saddening, I feel pity for you. If you want repentance, do it somewhere else – I rather them train with a purpose. Professor Dementus asked for the class to run, yes? why is there training equipment on the field? Think twice before acting, Arde. Set the proper example, don’t drag them into your bubble of self-pity, do I make myself clear?” he tapped the boy’s arm twice, “-you’re wise, think about what I’ve said. If you still think I’m wrong, meet me in my office after lunch, understood?”

“Yes sir,” he turned to the class and clapped, “-pack it up people, lunchtime.” a gust of relief rushed at him, ‘-they’re happy?’

Moans and grunts echoed, ‘-Asmodeus, seriously?’ a do not disturb sign hung over the handle. Igna grabbed and pushed, “-AH!” screamed, Asmodeus stood with Yu’s hair wrapped around his wrist and her upper half pushed against a table thrown in the middle, “-hello pops,” he winked, “-you came just in time.”

“No, I think you did,” Igna closed the door and stared at Yu emptily, “-so much for keeping the teacher-student relationship…” the lady’s daze snapped, her consciousness returned, “-DIRECTOR?” she kicked Asmodeus back and knelt, hiding her chest and waist, “-what are you doing her-”

*Mana Control: Fabrication,* he snapped, a trench coat fell over her shoulders, “-Yu, don’t worry. My son’s a bit crazed with it comes to desires. Have you taken the whole class?”

The prince pushed out his chest proudly and smiled, “-hell yeah I did.”

“Congratulation,” Igna gave muted claps, “-next time, keep the entertainment at a minimum.”

“You worry too much, pops. Was it not the King of Hidros who said, ‘-do as thee please, leave not one witness, such is the price for true freedom,’ I followed the instructions.”

“No,” he shook his head, “-that was Lilith.”

Yu rose her hand timidly, “-can I go now?”

“No,” they returned in tandem, “-get in the shower, then leave,” Igna exhaled, “-Asmodeus, you’re with me.”

“Pops?” they waited behind the gymnasium, “-are we in trouble?”

“No, a special guest’s come. She’s transferring from Dem’s Academy. Teresa L. Leviathan, do you know her, personally?”

“Resa,” he blinked, “-she’s, let’s say, a strange girl. We got along just fine, I think, well, back in the days anyway. I can’t remember how we met or why she was there in the first place. Something to do with Lilith and Leviathan’s affair at the time. You know mother, she gets around and reaches the ends of the earth for her family’s sake. She might be our sibling, now that I think about it. Yeah, she could be one of us, you never know.”

“Great, another headache. I rather she not be a product of Lilith and Leviathan-”

“Well, uncle did come to the castle as if he knew they were compatible. Maybe…”

“A war over a bloody booty call.”

“Ha, literally.”

“…” Igna glared, “-I forgot, have Yu ask Dementus to get the arena ready.”

“Okay, a fight sounds interesting, who’s fighting who?”

“You’ll see.”

Relaxed exhales permeated the faculty office, exhausted teachers regained their desks with much joy, the office split, into a single room, two factions – Academics with bigger desks and better equipment, General studies, modest accommodation, to do with budget cuts, or so they said.

Skeptor fell into his chair, ‘-I can’t shake my uncertainty since this morning. Feels like someone’s breathing down my necks,’ contrary to what he thought, it was no simple ‘someone’ but rather, the whole room – widening their jaws as to sink their teeth and end the tyranny.

“Skeptor,” a soft-spoken voice sliced across the tension, “-how is the transfer coming along?”

“Emmie, you startled me.”

“-Skeptor… I’m waiting.”

“You needn’t worry. I have the situation under control. I have the Director’s word – she’ll be accepted.”

“The director’s word?” she grabbed his thighs, “-the consequences of failing my trust… I’m sure you understand, correct?”

“Don’t worry, Emmie… don’t worry.”

*Knock, knock,* “-excuse me.”

“A lovely young lady,” they said, “-are you lost?”

“I’m looking for Professor Skeptor, can you help me?”

“Please head on inside, he’s waiting behind that room over there,” the princess drew closer, Skeptor’s eavesdropping allowed for a hasty resolution, “-over here,” he darted out the room to the vacant hallway, “-did you ask for me?”

“Yeah,” she replied with a distracted look, “-do you work for my dad?”

“Hush,” he pressed her lips, “-don’t speak so loud, someone’ll hear us.”

*Smack,* she slapped his hand, “-how dare you lay a hand on m-”

“Lady Teresa,” said a gentler voice, “-please excuse this vile mongrel’s indiscretion. How might I be of service?”

“Emmie,” her empty regard filled, “-the director…”

“Let us speak privately,” she stepped on the vice director’s foot, “-make yourself useful, give me the key to the meeting room.”

There, the conversation elaborated on how the Director mistreated royalty. Her title, as demanded by Leviathan, was to be kept a secret. Thus, any influence the crown might have brought nullified. And with what she said, ‘-the director knows she’s royalty. He’s testing her will… the man’s shrewd. I’ve seen through the plan, you won’t get the best of the princess so easily. She might be on the overconfidence side – once she knows what needs to be done, you’ll see but flames, director. I’ll enjoy wiping that smirk.’

She returned after the bell, “-I’m ready for the interview, director,” confidence radiated.

“Good, we’re moving on the combat.”


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