The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1111 - 1111 Plague of the Fall - Black Death

1111 Plague of the Fall – Black Death

“Greetings students. I welcome thee to a special afternoon class,” hailed the director from inside the arena. The oval-shaped seating arrangements filled, and students from all departments waited patiently. The director’s word is law, some unwilling participants bit their tongues, and sat. No one’s particularly excited to be reprimanded, especially since a single person could make or break a student’s career; a justified overlook upon the situation, “-to the dismay of the Academic department,” he glanced at the nobles, “-I hereby decree the following,” explosion raddled the arena, “-to harbor the feeling of mutual growth, I will instate a new law, a new condition applied to students who wish to make their voices heard. Absolutely anything goes. Trial through combat. Lucifer harbored feelings of peace and non-violence among his students, to safeguard the fragile peace so many among you hold. I understand the fear, I understand the pain of not being judged accordingly, such I grant the next best thing – to fight for one’s ideals. Conditions have to be met, and the new system will be applied from this moment forward. Only members of the Academy are allowed to participate – with the exception of those for who I’ve given express permission. In the case where one challenged another, the challenger will have to present something of equal value, a promise, a condition, or else an item. Both parties are to accept the condition, the challenged has the right to refuse without questions asked. It is a high-stakes game. I hear the concerns of the faculty and the students, won’t the balance of power shift?” he opened his arms, “-it will shift – a meritocracy. Noble birth, common blood, foreigners? My agenda as the director is to challenge this notion. Do not misunderstand, I’m not headed for the path of equality or justice, my only wish is,” he gave a cold smile, “-for the best to thrive and the trash to be burnt. Those unworthy of this establishment will be forsaken. However,” the chilling speech slowed, “-it will not be forced. Consider it a new option,” he clapped, the lights dimmed, “-without further ado, allow me to present today’s combatants, to my right, Teresa L. Leviathan, and to my left, Vanesa Haggard.”

“Teresa L. Leviathan?” echoed through muffled whispers, “-she bears the family name of one of the kings of hell.”

“The family name doesn’t mean a thing. Ruling power is held by the council – a king without powers to decree his whims is no real king, only a puppet, a display.”

“Still,” Teresa entered, a four-way screen displayed her looks and charm, her stoic beauty had the males in her grasp, she elegantly walked to the center, “-look at her, she’s powerful. I can feel her energy.”

And to the left, “-Haggard, is Vanesa part of the director’s family?”

“I heard she’s the director’s daughter.”

Awry oily dark-green hair – a touch of disdain on her resolute mien; the uniform was messy at best and plain wrong at worse. She yawned constantly, the slumped shoulders and casual demeanor before an almighty opponent, “-they’re outmatched,” said a few vehement watchers. Her trek would last a few seconds, “-come one, come all, my friends,” Asmodeus and Mammon opened a makeshift counter at the back of the seats – the ladies were drawn by his charm, thus, the boys also followed. The tint and somber atmosphere muddied their vision, in that instant – Mammon’s powers and Asmodeus’ enticement had their hands pulling upon the students’ strings. Arde and Lilia reluctantly joined the brothers’ scheme, “-Place your bets,” said Mammon, “-we’ll take the item and or anything thee holds dear, you’ll win big, will lady luck parve thy path with fortune, or will she swallow thee into the depths?”

“Teresa’s a transfer student from Dem’s academy. I heard she the top of her grade when it comes to combat,” Arde said loudly.

“She’s going to win, I saw her fight… the girl didn’t once break a sweat,” echoed Lilia. The thought carried a wave, reaching the ears of others.


The unlikely alliance sparked a little after the break was over. Mammon was attacked by a band of angry students, “-see,” Arde left a trail of unconscious attackers, “-such the price for fucking with the others.”

“Hey now, I do the fucking, not him,” Asmodeus winked, “-good job handling his protection,” to which he hailed at the passing ex-student council head, “-Lilia, come here.”

“What is it?”

“Why don’t we form a group?”


“The director’s going to host a battle in the afternoon, tis to show the prowess of the transfer student. Per our nature, tis a great way to make money. Class 3-2’s lacking, and I dare say the arrangement isn’t sufficient for my guests.”

“You mean the orgies?” Arde rolled his eyes.

“You can join if you want,” he offered, “-just ask and I will deliver.”

“Long as I get my share of the money,” said Mammon, “-Arde and Lilia, you too are na?ve.”

“Excuse me?” they said with a slight offense, “-I-”

“Don’t pay attention to my brother,” Asmodeus interjected, “-he speaks the truth, General Studies and Combat Class are na?ve. You take insult dished by the Academics without trying to resist,” he pointed over Lilia’s shoulder, “-there’s a prime example. An errand boy from our class – Timee, if I remember right. He’s an excellent magic caster but can’t stand against three formally dressed noble classes. How pathetic – it’s infuriating.”

“Join us,” said Mammon, “-allow my brothers and sister to show how hierarchy is but a fading illusion.”

Back to the present, “-I don’t know why I was roped into this.”

“Don’t feel bad, Arde,” Lilia whispered more one-sided thoughts, the smell of a hive-mind lingered. The betting line increased – a few discrete teachers joined, loud music played and spotlights took most of the attention, ‘-gambling,’ Igna nodded, ‘-they do know how to make this place interesting.’

Vanesa managed to take her spot, “-I’m tired,” she yawned, “-the name’s,” she rose her fingers at the screen, “-written there.”

‘First, he asks me to prepare for an interview, next he throws me into combat. Look at my opponent, she’s not worthy of tasting my powers. Director, you’re deliberately making a mockery of my position, I will not stand for the disrespect any longer. Vanesa’s your daughter, I will make certain she pays for my humiliation…’ she forced a smile, “-Teresa, no need to remember my name, I’m it’ll go over your head.”

She blinked twice, “-who are you again?” cheers hailed from class 3-2, “-win the fight for us, VANESA!”

“Director,” Teresa calmly took a step in his direction, “-might I assume the battle is my admission trial?”

“No, you’re already enrolled. Consider the battle to be a welcoming party. We’ve yet to assign your class, therefore, if you manage to beat her, you’ll be assigned to the Academic department, working under Skeptor, otherwise, you’ll be stuck with me.”

“Director, I would like to challenge this girl for your spot as representative of the academy,” the chaos subsided to a pin-drop silence, “-per the edict thee proclaimed.”

“But of course,” he smiled, “-what will you wager against my seat?”

“My title.”

“I do not need your title, beside, value is dependent on the current market. How I see is you’re unable to provide the required amount to stake against my seat. In any case, as royalty, I will accept the offer on the condition your title remains yours however, you stake your life and soul instead.”

“Life and soul?” the crowd collectively gulped, “-see,” he purposefully allowed his power to escape – the devilish features translucently materialized. Purple sparks circled the body, “-doth thee dare make a deal with the Devil?” the symbol of death exuded above his shoulders, the gripping image of the Death Reaper and his scythe.

Teresa held her own, “-then, to make it a fair fight, you will let her represent you,” a scroll manifested before them, “-if you win, the seat of Director and its accompanying authority will be relinquished for your taking. If Vanesa wins, you will owe me your body and your soul, including all that it represents.”

“I agree,” they sealed the contract in blood. Igna left for a private viewing station fixed above the crowd. A fifteen-minute break was given for the fighters to be readied. *Puff,* “-don’t sulk behind the door, come in.”

“Director, did you seriously wager the position?”

“Luci, you worry too much. Come on, join me.”

The fallen angel sat with a flushed expression, “-you seem rather tense. Why the fear?”

“If the wager is lost, we might have a full-scale invasion from Dem’s academy. My contact’s revealed their plot against our academy due to the loss of their student’s lives. I’ve tried to negotiate, however, Memphe and Cleopatra have refused to see reason, they’re arming their morals, putting the lives of the fallen as bait to stage a full-on battle.”

“Luci, I know,” he puffed, “-never intended on wagering my directorial post. Elixia and I, as well as Graso, have gone over the plan for quite a while. We needed a method of taking influence from Skeptor and his entourage of council members. Greed is one of the more formidable sins when it comes to politics. Show weakness and they’ll flock like vultures to tear at the scraps. I staged the plan for them – alas, the poor stuck-up princess fancied her chances over that of my daughter. She got strung along with Skeptor and the man’s ring leader. They took the bait.”

“How did they know?”

“I leaked the information,” he smiled, “-an open conversation with Skeptor eavesdropping. Half-truths make the world round.”

Teresa dawned a skin-tight suit over which was light armor. Each piece radiated power; ancient magic lined with ancient symbols. There was power in her gestures, “-good, Teresa, you’re doing a great job. Now, go win,” Emmie tapped the lass’ shoulder, “-and you’ll make our lord proud. Take away that false king’s seat.”

They entered the arena, the crowd launched into an onslaught of applause. More cheers for Teresa as opposed to Vanesa. The former radiated grandeur – she affectionately looked at the crowd, casting a simple wave, “-GO TERESA!” they cheered loudly, “-WIN IT FOR US!”

‘The applauds and cheers, all of it, just for me, such praise. I deserve it, I deserve all of it.’

“Do you hear the chants?”

“Loud,” Vanesa yawned, “-I want to sleep.”

“Look at you, Igna’s daughter. You bring shame to your father. I bring pride to mine; he gave me a poor Valkyrie’s armor who lost her way in the underworld. How very unfortunate, with this, I represent the house of Leviathan,” Vanesa had but a simple white dress, no shoes, and a teddy.

“My armor is great,” she pressed her palms in prayer, “-I’m the best, look,” she pulled her dress as to show the fabric, “-I’m a great fighter!”

“Stop talking,” a myriad of spells spread, “-I’m here to kill you,” multiple elements crashed and exploded, she summoned an ethereal bow and fired, the arrow split and rained in gold, ‘-swords,’ she tapped her forearm, levitating swords converged, *-the wrath of the sea, lurker of the deep ocean – Cathundra!* the floor cracked – water-like hands reached out and swallowed – condensing into an orb that glistened a dark-blue, “-with this,” she defiantly looked at Igna, “-I claim my victory.”

Igna returned her gaze with a puff, “-I wouldn’t be so sure.”

The orb cracked; water leaked. Dark smoke oozed, and the ground trembled, ‘-did she survive?’ Teresa quickly gathered her energy to summon a demonic-looking sword, ‘-didn’t think I’d have to use one of the father’s scales.’

Mild giggles, a palm reached through the orb and clenched, the barrier shattered – tiny freckles lit the air, “-you tried your best,” Vanesa seemed taller, her features were beautiful, her hair tied in a bun, the figure of a woman, “-and sadly, you failed,” she rose her hand, the ground parted, a witches hand extended, “-you lose.” *Plague of the Fall -Black Death,* her opponent fell, the shiny armor corroded and the vestments melted, “-I win.”

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