The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1115 - 1115 Battle of the Academies [3]

1115 Battle of the Academies [3]


“We’re done here,” Elixia quickly called on Vengeance, they left as soon as they had arrived.

‘There’s no forgetting that image, burnt in my head. I’m sure the others feel the same – I think we might have seen something we shouldn’t have.’

“Arde, Lilia, you needn’t trouble yourself. What happened isn’t on you. Such is the responsibility of the Director. You shouldn’t dwell on the fallen souls – tis but the start,” the transient souls flew towards the academy – Vengeance issued, “-such is the nature of the battle. If you wish to leave, now is the time,” a warning, a last chance at innocence. “…” Nothing came, silent pounder – a bleak impression of the future; the truth.

Meanwhile, the legendary beast, Fenrir, and Elize – squared. Fenrir’s canine’s sharpened, her hairs levitated – Elize’s paws sharpened, her feline gaze narrowed, “-no fighting,” Igna said with hands over both their heads, “-Fenrir, I’m glad you decided to come,” the fiery cape swayed.

‘Master’s strong,’ went through her mind, ‘-it’s been so long since I’ve seen the master. He’s changed. We didn’t speak even when I was brought to the Shadows. Life there was nice, I spent my days in joy. I had a purpose when I sought for something or someone – the growth is uncontrolled, more and more things are brought – boredom’s out of the question… why did I leave a peaceful life behind?’ the answer, his grip softly on her head, ‘-my affection towards my master, the throbbing in my heart, the very warmth I feel in my being. The first time we met that night; my feelings haven’t changed. He accepted me, and I accepted him – we separated due to him seeking more, he wished and he gained. I, what of me?’ the scarred landscape of impaled bodies slowly burnt like paper on fire, bits curled into black crinkles. Memories of the Rosespian Castle, the Shadow Realm, came to her, the empress.


“Empress Intherna?”

“Are you content with the state of things?”


“What do you mean?”

She opened her palm, and a portal of the fire displayed pictures of prophecy – words of warning and displays of Igna’s fight, “-a war approaches. It won’t be stopped with academies – for it has been foretold by lady Destiny. The crux of balance is about to change. Igna’s going to need help, he’ll need a chain to bind his murderous nature. God forbid, the Devil’s identity and title’s assigned to death and destruction; certain figures will, without a doubt, try to bring our work down.”

“Why me, I’m but a spirit beast.”

“You’ve far surpassed the title spirit beast. Fenrir, the time spent in the Shadows – do you think it was for nothing?” she smiled and handed a letter from her drawers, “-to Intherna,” read the receiver.

“Oh, Intherna. I write this letter with much distress. Yeah right, I do wonder how the olden women wrote their love letters. Did they start with Dear beloved, or something more explicit, like, last night was amazing? Eh, has a ring, right? No matter. Intherna, I have a favor to ask. Fenrir recently come into the care of the Shadow Realm. I want my comrade to have some rest – she’s been through a lot. I dare not imagine her pain. She’s done some much for me, I have to repay her kindness. Do keep this letter a secret until the time is right. I want you and the other gods to bolster her power – the scripts of ascension will be found at the manor. I’ve written the symbols she’ll need to inherit. Increase her mana capacity, have her train – send her on adventurers and raise her prowess. Once she’s ready, bring her to the manor and have her stand on the circle. You will need a catalyst. Check the drawers for a vile of blood – once found, splash it on the circle and open the scroll. The spell will take care of the rest,” Fenrir’s mind knew not where to stand – the sudden news hit like an avalanche.

“Here,” Intherna handed another letter, “-to Fenrir.”

“Fenrir,” it suddenly started, “-if you’re reading this, I infer the time’s come for the ritual. The decision is yours to make. The purpose of the ritual is to evolve thy being into godhood. Tis a path I shall never follow or dare to pursue. In the world which is to come – new gods and deities shall be needed to lead the masses. A battle for the future is upon us and the greater dimensions. Victory is not mandatory. You’re free to change sides or ignore my offer. I’m a rational man at times, I can understand reasons why one might choose against power. It is all fair, and none shall be blamed or otherwise. Therefore, Fenrir, the decision is thine to make. Will you join me in battle when the time comes? A question or is it a request, a favor perhaps… the answer will be clear, trust me.” She made her decision on the spot, neither reluctant nor worried. The ritual, her ascension – the process echoed in a blink, a flash of light, and her whole body glowed bright gold. The symbol of the beast appeared on her neck, the open snout of a wolf with protruding teeth fixed upon an emblem of resemblance to the old noble homes.

“Take me to him,” she said.

Thus, dusk fell upon the landscape. A wave of darkness crashed from where the sun had set. Inky black shadows of the elongated forest’s body were cast upon the paths and, completely marred the surrounding. “You came,” he smiled, Elize swapped forms and leaped into Igna’s shoulders. Fenrir remained humane, “-the title of Beast Goddess,” she watched her hands, “-suppose I’m called a god in ancient texts. Alas, the truth couldn’t be further from those exaggerated texts.”

“Fenrir, do you have your answer?”

“Not yet,” she stood at the mouth of Geld’s pass, “-I need time.”

“Take as long as you need.” He jumped to the peak and sprinted across to Lilith’s tree – a jump of a few kilometers in length.

Slow march and muffled breaths, “-lady Cleopatra, the troops are tired. The gradual incline and our double-time walking pace finally took the soldiers. I recommend we rest.”

“What good will it bring?”

The officer, dressed formally in unarmored vestments, clasped his hands and firmed his resolve, “-if we rush to the valley, our troops will be too tired to respond against ambushes. I say we rest for a few hours and continue the march – it won’t affect our arrival time; we’ll still have the night-time advantage. My lady, please consider the consequences of rushing into a battle without preparation.”

“Knowing the enemy’s general,” she sighed, “-he’ll have a plan ready. Good then, Advisor. Have the troops rest for three hours, we will leave as soon as the Srar Constellation moves three.”

‘Good,’ he ran to the front, “-men, we’re setting camp. Please rest your feet and focus.”

“The Advisor did us good,” returned the deep-voiced demons, “-good job on convincing Cleopatra. Being ordered around by a fair-skin woman feels wrong.”

“No backbiting the General. Orders are orders, we obey the council.”

‘Troops don’t feel trust with our leadership. These men are trained to defend. Why are we being used to attack? Cleopatra’s forces should have been placed with the main army, and help defend.’

“ENEMY!” cried scouts hailing from the mountain, ‘-we’re in the middle of setting camp,’ a cold shiver went down the Advisor’s spine, and he ran to the center of camp and looked at the path. Many were quick to grab their weapons, ‘-enemy?’ he walked forward, contrary to the troops who retreated to surround the General’s camp, ‘-that uniform.’

“Lady Cleopatra, we’re under attack.”

“Where’s the advisor?” she stepped out of her tent, “-is the attack confirmed?” blood and severed heads flew, ‘-under attack?’ she gulped, “-HID, MY LADY,” the advisor sprinted through the crowd, grabbed her hands and dashed out the other end of the tent, “-we need to retreat!”

“Advisor, use your words!”

“The uniform, the enemy are scouts. They’ve changed sides. We need to relay a message to the main army.”

The trees shriek, “-how many?”

“Around four hundred. The suddenness took our men by surprise. Lady Cleopatra.”

“Such the reason why the council was sent first,” Cleopatra grinned, “-Advisor, I can tell the question plagued your mind. You think rationally – it’s a good trait. Sadly, the enemy we face is less than rational – he’s whimsical to his core and will come up with all matters of strategies with a simple snap. Do not underestimate that man’s intellect.”

“Raise the barrier and have our forces defend the camp. Use movement five,” he ordered, “-GO!”

Movement five, a simple formation to allow ease of transfer during close quarters. A central line is split into two, the vanguard fights the incoming mass and slowly pulls the enemy inward, soon as mana runs low, the second line leaps forward and pushes back the advance with superior power and stamina. The first line becomes the second, and the cycle repeats – move two steps backward and three steps forward – a strategy made viable under the Council’s tested defensive prowess.

“Lady Cleopatra, why do you fear the man so?” cries and distant blasts shook the ground, and the remaining unit split into attack and defense – a line formed for the protection of supplies and the General.

“He has a record,” she moved around the tent, “-a good record of overwhelming victories against greater forces. I tell you, Advisor, this man has brought an entire world to his feet using his wit and clever distractions. The fall of Lucifer’s church, the conquest of Alphia, you won’t know the places I refer to – all and all, one can say he brought down a juggernaut of militarist prowess in a matter of years. It didn’t matter if he had the title of King of one of the simple villagers – no matter where he goes, he doesn’t require much to start his plans. Igna Haggard, the Devil of Glenda, the Hero King of Hidros. Always be on guard, never lose sight of his abilities.”

“He’s a good leader then?”

“Not only a good leader,” she hung her head, “-a fearsome fighter,” her haunted glare sliced through the Advisor’s curious demeanor, “-an army on his own.”

“Impossible,” he threw his arms, “-only the god of war has such prowess. Formle and Athena are gone from what I know. This is fearmongering and you know it, my lady. Do not sell out council short.”

‘Do not sell him short, fool.’

“Report!” said a demon, “-the enemy forces are pushing our defenses. Movement five’s no longer effective. They’ve grown in ability and skill – the mana emerging from their core has greatened.”

“One question.”

“My lady?”

“They’re from our forces, aren’t they?”

“Yes, my lady.”

“The bodies, it’s changed.”

“How did you know?”

“Igna’s made them into zombies. Tis a battle of attrition from this point on. They won’t last,” she clapped, “-use movement zero.” Movement zero, a simple order – open the front lines and surround the invaders, “-Advisor. Go bear witness and wipe out the enemy.”

“As you wish, my lady.”

Four hundred were guided into a killing zone. They clawed and snapped, tearing bodies left right, and center – two zombies killed one on average – those who killed were stronger – corpses left on the zombies’ territory were cannibalized. Friendly faces, comrades in the army, turning sword to a close one was tough, even for a demon.

“NO MERCY!” cried the Advisor, wasn’t long before an effective strategy was born to slaughter the attackers. With this, the first blow was dealt.

‘Attacking without lifting a finger. The vanguard’s all but dead… they were defeated. I shouldn’t have sent them. Moving fast would have made the job so much easier…’



“The zombies are self-destructings.”


“The ones who killed five or more explode and leave a cursed purple taint. Anything it touches decays, the water source’s tainted.”

‘Seriously? You played another hand without so much lifting a finger… a three-level attack targeting my men, their morale, and our supplies…’ she slammed the table and cried, “-ADVISOR!”

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