The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 1114 - 1114 Battle of the Academies [2]

1114 Battle of the Academies [2]

Cleopatra’s forces; the five-thousand worth of council soldiers – trained fighters in their own special techniques and abilities, were a few hours off their destination. The five thousand were split for a faster group, the scouts – counting at least five-hundred demons able to march at double-time through the desert.

Before dusk, when the council’s rest were scheduled to arrive, came the scouts. The tall mountain ranges stretched – the upward climb on the other side, one facing the northeast, was perilous. Rain had muddied the ground; the steep slope made no favors on heavy arms. A single path carved up the slope, “-lieutenant, we’re at a standstill. The advance team is blocked by a fallen tree. It’ll be a few hours lest we cross over and leave some of our supplies behind.”

“Time is of the essence,” said the silver-colored demon, “-ask them to leave their belongings at the camp. Climb and head for the valley. Us of the council won’t be shown by students, trust me.”

And so, as muck and filth gathered by the stream – the rain strengthened. A large tree trunk said to be five meters in length and two meters in width weighted heavily on a steep slope. It toppled from the right, crashing into the other side of the thick forestry, setting itself firmly, like a lock. Given the average height of six feet – the council soldiers, dressed in military outfits of differing shades, climbed with aid of ropes. Circling the obstacle was a time-consuming option. Hence the lieutenant’s decision. Half of the five hundred climbed over and headed deep, whilst the remaining began the extraction process.



“The advance forces have successfully climbed halfway up the mountain. They should be arriving at Geld’s pass.”

“The tree, is it removed?”

“No, it’s protected by the forest. We’re unable to utilize magic or destruction spells. They draw power from the network of trees.”


“Such the reason why we’re unable to go around or take another path. We’ll have to remove it physically, no use of magic. A simple hoist and some rope should unwedge the problem. Send word to the advance forces, they’re not to enter the pass until a path has been cleared. Our job is to scout, nothing more, understood?”

“Yes sir!”

Vengeance’s spirit conduit – the bird’s eye view, had class 3-2 in awe. “Do they not see our forces waiting in ambush?”

“Just who are those dark figures, they wield strange weapons. Guns, I take it?”

“Lilia,” Arde widened his interest, “-you read in the library?”

“I was student council president. Don’t underestimate my authority. Aside from that, my lady Elixia – why did the Director say we were going to lose?”

“I can’t tell you,” she shot with focus dead centered upon her holographic displays, “-my master is rather strange.”

“No, I don’t think so,” one of the students gulped, “-the director’s family is made up of the seven princes of hell. Look at the spell her majesty cast. I’m in awe.”

“I must ask,” Elixia broke her concentration, “-Lilith is the queen of hell, yes? why are there four kings, what is her influence anyway?”

“The four kings of Hell and the Council of Demons both share powers in Hell’s domain. Each is granted special privileges upon their lands. Queen Lilith, on the other hand, is more than a monarch, her influence and her part in resorting to the demonkin, have greatly risen her title and reputation. She’s a landless Queen, one in name and power alone. Contrary to the kings, she has the boon of expanding her domain – seeing her powers exceed that of a demon, she’s considered a powerful weapon instead of a ruler. Lilith, her name is renowned all across the realm – her beauty is peerless, and she’s the subject of admiration for many younger ladies. Why the interest, lady Elixia?”

“You do see her as a noblewoman?” she shut her eyes, ‘-you rather not see her true self. Lilith is a bundle of problems in her own way.’

Geld’s pass, is a tall, narrow slide within the mountain’s peak. Perfect place for an ambush. Stories have been sung about the past and are often regarded as Ragno’s first line of defense.

‘There was an attack on Ragno long before today. The enemies were snuffed and killed inside Geld’s pass. Singing the correct symphony, it’ll activate the barrier and close in from out. Placing marksmen on top of the valley would have been enough – considering the stories been passed down and the level of caution they’re showing,’ a live-feed of the battlefield covered part of Igna’s field of view, ‘-they’re not going to budge. The first trap has been set – Luci’s weather control is coming to use nicely. Her rain and the conveniently fallen tree – a good opening move,’ he smiled, ‘-sadly for them, there’s no waiting for death,’ a veil of complete presence erasure cast by Igna, hid a force of five hundred. They casually stood behind enemy lines. Soldiers were hard at work removing the trunk – the heavy rain had forced those up the mountain, to leave their weapons behind. As for those in camp, they wore half of their armor and carried a sense of superiority birthed from knowledge of reinforcement’s arrival.

‘Spread out, do no open fire or dispel the concealment. Fire on my mark, understood?’

The team nodded and split into various factions, some ran for the mountain and hid in trees, others entered the camp and lay in shadows – a few sat beside a pot brewing a purple-colored stew, “-we’ll launch a full-scale attack when we’re joined by Cleopatra.”

“Lieutenant, permission to speak.”

“Go on.”

“We have wings, why aren’t we flying over to their location?”

“And be caught in a cross-fire?” he narrowed; “-flying is the worst possible way of travel. Unlike birds, demons do not have great mobility, a well-placed shot and we’d be dead. Besides, only the lower demons attack by flight, we’re representative of the council, tis beneath us to use such methods.”

‘A bunch of idiots,’ Igna walked into the meeting and waited behind the Lieutenant – none knew of his presence, they spoke and strategized without care, “-Lieutenant, if it happens our main forces are defeated, what will become of the rest?”

“Rescue of Teresa is paramount. I think General Henry Grant has a trump card to play if we ever come close to defeat.”

“Did he happen to say what it is?” said a strange disembodied voice. The lieutenant shrugged his shoulder, “-don’t insult me, I’m a pawn to be used. Why would they share that information with a grunt…”

Tharis pressed against the lieutenant’s head, the cloak of erasure vanished, “-lovely evening we have, won’t you say?” *Aspect Nothing – Omission,* *BANG,* it hit and swallowed the target – the headless corpse hit the desk, the open neck bled profusely over the table – confusion and fear barely sparked – *Bang, bang, bang,* three shots and three dead. “-That’s the signal,” loud gunfire roared up the mountain.

“CAMP IS UNDER ATTACK!” cried overwatch – alas, marksmen clocked in the forest took out their targets with ease. The terror reached the advance forces, who, by the tales of distant echoes, turned for their home – pillars of smoke rose amidst the rainfall, “-WE’RE UNDER ATTACK!”


A thick mist snuck on the mountain path – vision grew to a meter, muffled snaps and grunts. Men fell like flies, “-hold steady!” said the leader, “-move carefully,” the attack was yet over, heavy footsteps cried from Geld’s pass – in a matter of minutes, Igna and his team had wiped five-hundred souls off the face of Ragno.

“Luci, turn off the mist and rain,” he said, ‘-they’ll be here in a few hours. Let’s leave them with a few gifts.’

A grey cat with green eyes emerged from Igna’s shadow and leaped onto his shoulder, “-sorry for the wait,” she brushed against the back of his head and licked her paws, “-was napping.”

“Good, you’re here, Elize. I expect you to fight in the next round,” the fog cleared – Igna’s horror was up for them to see. Class 3-2, a few students hurled using their physical bodies, “-what happened?” they shook, “-why does this feel wrong?”

“Arde, Lilia, and a class of 3-2, I present to you, your director. A man whose thirst for blood has had gods tremble in their shoes. About the time I reveal the truth,” she gave a condescending smirk, “-the founder of the Aapith Nation, do you know his name?”

“Yes,” Lilia said, “-the Cursed King, Alfred.”

“Well educated,” she smiled, “-I present thee, Igna Haggard, the reincarnation of Alfred the cursed, the devourer of angels.” A bell rang – their collective mindset dimmed – those who knew the name were rightfully frightened, ‘-there’s been only one true ruler since the start – Alfred.’

“Guess what,” Elixia took them right in the thick of blood and gore, “-the king’s returned.”

‘Taking a page from history,’ at least fifty wounded demons were impaled in a line leading to the burning camp, “-Vlad the Impaler, such a lovely character.”

“What are you talking about?” came a distant voice.


“Empress to you,” she laughed and tapped his back, “-I sent my vassal – heard the news from Lilith.”

“Don’t tell me-”

“Yeah, she returned to the Shadows and told me all about the plan. There’s also the matter of Yui and Elixia – don’t forget,” she scuffled his hair, “-they’re part of the Shadows and report to me as well.”

“Someone’s pretentious.”

“Heard of a mirror?” she snapped, “-seriously, Vlad the Impaler, could you not have chosen anyone else?”

“Well?” he turned at the haunting display, “-it’s a lovely sight. Should have added a few crucifixions,” the jovial tone lowered, “-if you’re worried about me, don’t be, Intherna. I won’t go into a rampage; I’ll control my lust…”

“I’d believe you,” she crossed her arms, “-if only you’d drop that vile smile and visible excitement. Igna, you’re slipping into the path of Asura,” she clapped, the phoenix robe grabbed his shoulders and a separate portal opened. Cold air blew, and a lady bearing light-blue hair, blue eyes, and fair skin entered the fray, ‘-Fenrir?’

“Consider this my help, I should leave. Good luck with the battle, Igna. Don’t forget to message Athena and the others – you know, Orin’s grown rather boring without a world leader around. Seems peace and tranquility have been bestowed upon the main nations.”

‘Still the same old Intherna,’ the Phoenix cape swayed and spewed flames, often molten lava which faded into dust as soon as it broke from the fabric.

Between the cries for mercy and screams of the impaled, Igna turned at the mountain of a corpse and rose his hands, *Once living now dead. O’ thee who’ve lost thine life to mine blade, thee who held regrets in the mortal world, I grant thee a chance at life. Be one with those who are to serve me, Blood-Arts: Ghoul Revival* disfigured, dismembered – skin peeling off their faces and the stench of death – an army of slow and disgusting ‘things’ wandered, “-master?”

“A moment, Fenrir,” Elize leaped off his shoulder, changed in midair, and stood eye-to-eye against the majestic wolf.

‘Cats and dogs,’ he turned his focus on the wanders, *Authority of the Adjudicator, I grant thee the powers of strength, invincibility, heightened agility, bloodlust, and the curse of Oveir,* a temporary crest burnt on their foreheads, the mindless horde reacted, “-go forth and attack Cleopatra’s army.” Wings sprouted, tearing limbs and bones – they flapped like a swarm of flies, head first to their deaths.

“Director?” the student’s ethereal apparition solidified.

“Welcome to the battlefield,” he said, “-Elixia, Vengeance, I said to let them watch, not be part of the slaughter,” without a physical body, their sense couldn’t fully grasp the gruesome reality. Murky streams mixed with innards and blood flowed, the rain crashed in waves against the forest – the weeping of the wind and the cries of the tortured, “-is this what it means to be powerful?” echoed Arde, “-director?”

“No,” he returned coldly, “-what thee see is what I consider my creed, my calling, and my gift,” he holstered Tharis and looked in the distance, “-one must climb and stand where no one has ever dared. There’s no help for the dejected, there’s no salvation for the demented, and for me, there’s no point in restraints. I’ve realized something,” he smiled, ‘-I feel alive when my blade reeks of blood and my enemies cry in pain.’

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