The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 110:

Chapter 110:

(AN: I want to say thank you very much for my new patrons, you guys are awesome. Special thanks to all of you: Gamee00, Prince of kujo Rodan, Samiullah Naseri, Demon, Slade Holson Charles, Samuel Heffer, Lyn Rinn, Kai Jonas, Kras, and Oprj1. I wish you all have a good day and a good life...

With that said, enjoy the chapter, peace out girls scout!)

"Wh-What..." Yun Canghai muttered to himself in disbelief.

At the center of the Yun family complex, there was a tall ancestral monument that releases purple radiance into the sky.

Yun Family disciples usually release their purple profound lightning toward the monument on their birthday, thereby maintaining the purple radiance released by the monument. When the Yun Family's power was at its peak, the purple radiance would shine upon half of the imperial city. In front of the monument is a giant plaza called the Sacred Cloud Arena where competitions and events are held.

But now... There's not a single glimpse of that familiar purple radiance Yun Canghai usually sees in the past...

Well... Maybe if one looks closely enough there is indeed some faint purple light but it's so faint that it almost looks like a simple bonfire that barely discernable...

In front of the main gate, there's not even a single guard stationed there... Further ahead, they can still a small group of supposedly Yun family member but they're mostly lazing around...

Yun Canghai hesitatingly walked forward... He even felt uncertain if this place is really the Yun family residence he used to know...

Yun Che followed Yun Canghai as he entered the main gate of the Yun family.

The moment he stepped through the main gate, Yun Che's emotions uncontrollably fluctuated intensely for an instant. The ground underneath his feet, the air he was breathing, everything in his sight, were all so foreign. It was the first time he had stepped into this place in this life, however, this place was where his true family was. The bloodline that was flowing through his body, came from this exact place. His biological father, and biological mother Were both here as well...

Of course, that's not taking Ling Kun words back then into consideration... If his parents truly died just like Ling Kun said then he swore to himself that he will have his revenge and he will slaughter everyone involved without hesitation!

While they walked inside, Issei calmly stood outside while observing his surroundings... It seems that the city here is more or less the same as the city in the <Profound Sky Continent>.

The only difference here is that there's a lot of different races in this place compared to the <Profound Sky Continent> where there are only humans.

He decided to just sightsee around the city while the Yun family had their reunion.

"Bai'er, come out" Issei said softly and in the next second, Bai'er pops out of golden ripple right into Issei's embrace.

She snuggled happily inside his embrace while greedily inhaling Issei's scent and warmth.

"Did you feel lonely?" Issei asked her softly while rubbing her head gently and Bai'er squinted her eyes like a kitten feeling happy.

Bai'er shakes her head gently at his words. Xiaotao, Zin, and Naru are there to keep her company after all.

"Is that so? That's good then." Issei smiled at her under his mask and it's as if Bai'er could see through his mask and she also smiles back at him.

"Come, elder brother will take you to play" Issei started walking towards the center of the city to sightsee along with Bai'er in his arms...

Both of them attract a lot of attention during their trip.

While some people smile warmly at them, some men drooled at the sight of Bai'er beauty... This group of people is obviously up to no good because even though Bai'er is a stunning beauty, her body is that of a 10-12 years old child.

So for them to drool at her sight is not normal at all... Like Jasmine used to say, these men are lolicon in the truest sense...

But all of them who cast Bai'er an impure gaze instantly passed out on the spot because they're hit by Issei's killing intent...

They should be thankful that he doesn't kill them outright for looking at Bai'er that way... It's because he doesn't want to attract too much attention to themselves since he wanted to accompany Bai'er to play around the place.

Those who fainted because of him fainted while they're still standing so they shouldn't attract the surrounding attention...

There are also some women who blushed at Issei's sight. But they're mostly Demonic Beasts or Demonic Spirits descendants while the human and elves female is in the minority...

The demonic beasts, demonic spirits, and elves can sense his intoxicating aura and Issei's body is emitting some sort of aroma that can only be "sniffed" by them.

For the elves, it's his overflowing <Nature> energy which is the best of the best even if he's compared to their ancestors... But only a select few could fully sense it.

As for the demonic beasts and spirits, it's mostly his Draconic aura... Even in this universe, the Dragon race is considered to be the strongest race. So their desire to procreate with a strong Dragon race is starting to resurface...

But they don't really know that Issei is of a Dragon race and they just think that he has this some kind of special scent which made them almost went in heat.

For the female humans, Issei's perfect body and the way how gently he treated Bai'er immediately made them enthralled at his sight...

Of course, the snakes or serpents demonic beast can sense it faintly but it's more of their thin Dragon bloodline that is telling them to submit. As for why they're submitting to him then they can't really tell either... It's like their body subconsciously moved on their own...

Sadly, the Dragon race in this realm is almost extinct and even if there is, it's just a lesser Dragon at best... There's not a single Dragon race that can turn into a human in this <Illusory Demon Realm>.

If it was in the upper realm then it's a different story. But even in the upper realm, no Dragon nor any other race can match Issei's Draconic aura and strength... Not even the one who's titled as a "Dragon Monarch".

It seems that there are more anomalies than Issei thought...

Issei is starting to get suspicious if the men in this continent are fond of underage girls or something?

Out of 10 men, there's at least 8 of them are eyeing Bai'er with a perverted gaze...

It's not that they are the one who's fully at fault actually... It's just that the prettiest woman in this realm has a small and delicate figure. She looked very young, like that of a fourteen-year-old girl.

But her identity is very sensitive and her temperament is the complete opposite of the currently smiling Bai'er who looks very gentle and cute...

So it can't be helped that those men become captivated by Bai'er since not only that her beauty perhaps surpasses that "personage", but her temperament is also top-notch in their eyes... Of course, whether they are truly abnormal or not, only they themselves know of it...

Obviously Issei doesn't know anything about this "personage" and even if he knew he wouldn't really care that much...

They don't feel weirded out by her unique eyes either since most people here have some peculiarity of their own so Bai'er eyes don't attract that much attention either.

Bai'er eyes shone brightly the entire time seeing so many new things... Whenever she got interested in something, Issei would buy it for her without hesitation.

Thankfully, the currency in this continent is the same as in the <Profound Sky Continent> currency so Issei has no problem with it...

"Where should we go next?" Issei asked the happy Bai'er gently.

Bai'er only squinted her eyes in happiness as a response as if she's trying to say that she will leave it to Issei's decision.

"Alright... Then how about we go there?" They then continued their trip while still attracting some attention to themselves...

Unknown to them, while they both are having fun, the whole Yun family and other families who heard that the famous Yun Canghai has returned immediately crowded the former place... Among them, there is a certain "personage" who also came...

The whole city is in an uproar but Issei only continues his trip with Bai'er without care...

Some of them felt curious, some happy, some insecure...


"This subordinate is incompetent... Not only he couldn't save nor bring the Demon Emperor back, but he also lost ten capable men in the process. Please punish this useless subordinate as you see fit, Little Demon Empress!" After finding out that the Demon Emperor indeed has passed away... Yun Canghai immediately went distraught and beg the Little Demon Empress to punish him.

Because of him, the bloodline of the imperial family has come to an end... At least, that's what he believes...

Yun Canghai kneeled on the spot in front of a seemingly 14-year-old girl in age... Of course, her real age is more than a hundred years...

Yun Che is on the side within a woman's embrace and this woman is his birth mother. Her name is Mu Yurou, she comes from one of the Twelve Guardian Families that guard the Demon Emperors' Family, the Mu Family.

Her appearance was gentle and elegant, her disposition, graceful and noble. Yet her disposition was not so much one of excessive nobility, it was more like she exuded an aura of melancholy. A deeply engraved melancholy that seemed to sit between her brows and in her soul. The melancholy was so deep that it seemed like even one thousand years would not be enough to clear it away.

Her face showed the same kind of paleness as Yun Qinghong, her husband. Even though she could walk, each step showed a noticeable weakness and even her eyes seemed to be covered in with a layer of haziness.

But today... That haziness seems to disappear completely since she finally reunited with her long lost son...

Even though her eyes seem a bit red and swollen from all the crying she does not long ago, there's a deep happiness that could be found on her face albeit she's worried about her husband and father-in-law right now...

Just behind them, there's another young man who seems to be at the same age as Yun Che. This young man's name is Yun Xiao.

He is the son of Xiao Ying. As 'Yun Xiao' he was raised as the Young Patriarch of the Yun Family and son of Patriarch Yun Qinghong. There were doubts about his true parentage due to his inability to use the Yun Family bloodline inheritance, the Profound Handle. This combined with Patriarch Yun's illness that robbed him of his profound strength caused 'Yun Xiao' to be constantly ridiculed and belittled by members of the Yun Family and outsiders, including the other Twelve Guardian Families.

Only today that he finds out the truth behind his birth parents...

Yun Che also wanted to help his grandfather but he has no say here since he's basically just an outsider right now...

At first, he becomes captivated by the sight of this girl but then he found out about her identity which immediately made him choked incredulously... This small girl is the leader of the <Illusory Demon Realm>?!

But the feeling she's giving off is extremely scary and a little suffocating... Yun Che almost couldn't breathe just from nearing her presence.

His birth father, Yun Qinghong also followed suit when he saw Yun Canghai kneeling begging for leniency for his grandfather...

"This subordinate begs Little Demon Empress to grant amnesty to this subordinate father! Father has suffered for more than a hundred years in the hands of those despicable villains of the <Mighty Heavenly Sword Region>! If your Majesty wanted to punish anyone then punish this subject instead!" Yun Qinghong pleaded on behalf of his father.

He looked like a middle-aged man who was about fifty years old. His face was white due to illness. His body was in a heavily aged state and had about thirty percent white hair. He still had a graceful and calm demeanor with a refined and handsome face.

"You shut up! Little Demon Empress, the fault lies solely with this subordinate! There's no one else needed to suffer the blame other than this subordinate!" Yun Canghai shouted angrily at Yun Qinghong.

Even though he looks very skinny, his awe-inspiring dignity is still there instilling awe to everyone who's present... So this is their patriarch who went missing more than a hundred years ago, the Yun family member thought to themselves...

"Enough... What matters is that you've come back safe and sound. You have also brought back the Demon Emperor's Seal with you... This Empress doesn't blame you and if anything, this Empress should reward you" The Little Demon Empress said.

"For now, hand over the seal to this Empress first" She said while extending one of her hand.

"...This subordinate refuses" Yun Canghai said after a moment of silence while still kneeling but his face is very resolute when he's looking at the Little Demon Empress.

His current face is totally unlike the previous him who was begging for punishment...

The Little Demon Empress becomes stunned hearing his answer.

"Yun Canghai! What great audacity you have! The Demon Emperor's Seal is an item belonging to our Illusory Demon Royal Family, and carries great importance for our Illusory Demon Royal Family! Could it be that you're trying to possess it yourself?!" One of the men who's standing behind the Little Demon Empress shouted. His name is Duke Zhong.

He was feeling insecure with the return of Yun Canghai, the plan that his faction has been constructing until this time might be disturbed so he tried to use this opportunity to attack Yun Canghai with the intention of slandering him.

Yun Canghai narrowed his eyes and coldly said, "Duke Zhong, you've made three mistakes. One, the Demon Emperor's Seal is an item belonging to the generations of Demon Emperors, and not an item belonging to the Illusory Demon Royal Family! Only the generations of Demon Emperors themselves have the qualification to possess it. As for dukes and kings, naturally, they do not have this qualification, including me myself."

"You" Duke Zhong's body trembled. Duke Huai's lips had even more so, turned purple in an instant. How could they not understand that the hidden meaning behind these words from Yun Canghai was blatantly ridiculing them?

'How could a mere duke be qualified to touch the Demon Emperor's Seal Be qualified to become the Emperor of Illusory Demon Realm?' Is the hidden meaning behind Yun Canghai's words just now.

Duke Huai was the head of Duke Huai Palace, the most powerful Duke Palace in the Illusory Demon Realm. He was dressed luxuriously. His expression revealed an imposingness that came from someone who was naturally born above others.

From his eyes, there was arrogance, as if nothing in this world was good enough for him to look at.

Duke Zhong is one of his loyal supporters...

Yun Canghai did not care about their expressions in the slightest, and continued, "Two, this Demon Emperor's Seal, to the Demon Emperor, is an important treasure. But to me, it's nothing more than a piece of fiery-red jade. Other than looking at it, there's no other use to it. I do not have the slightest interest in making it my own."

"Three" Yun Canghai's gaze turned cold. "Since you're merely a duke, naturally, you do not have the right to interfere or decide who it belongs to. While it was in the <Profound Sky Continent> for a hundred years, it was protected by me with my very own life, and it was then brought back here after I have faced many difficulties to do so. Now that it's in my hands, I naturally have the freedom to decide who I hand this over to! As for the matter of retrieving this Demon Emperor's Seal, you did not make the effort and merit to do so. You're not even related to it in the slightest, so you're not in the place to point fingers and find faults with me!" He roared at the end which made Duke Zhong staggered backward because of the pressure of his words alone...

Because each and every single word that he spoke is the truth. All of them who's sided with Yun Canghai applauded him inside their minds.

Who knew that he had this side of him? Not only that he's strong but he's also quite eloquent with his speech!

Sadly, the current him is like night and day compared to the old him... His profound realm is still temporarily reduced to the <Emperor Profound Realm> because of the seal from before.

It will take him some time before he can regain his full strength...

Issei only healed his injuries and not his cultivation.

Seeing that he can't win in this verbal battle, Duke Zhong and his faction decided to stay silent instead...

The Little Demon Empress, however, wasn't angry. Calmly, she said, "Since you know that it's a treasured item belonging to the Demon Emperor's bloodline why won't you give it back to me? Could it be that you have a request? You have brought back the Demon Emperor's Seal from the Profound Sky Continent, the merits earned are high enough to cover the sky. If you have any request, as long as it's something this empress can do, then I will naturally agree to it."

Yun Canghai let out a bland laugh, however, he shook his head. "Request? The moment I decided to keep this Demon Emperor's seal safe, I intend to do so till the end without hesitation nor regrets! So I never have any desire to exchange it for any kind of rewards..."

"...But, when I came back to the Illusory Demon Realm, what I saw was instead my Yun Family which had already declined to a miserable state. What I heard was the various types of rumors and scandals against the Yun Family... To the extent where even all of Illusory Demon Realm believed that my Yun Family and me were all sinners! Heh If I'm alone being titled as a sinner then I wouldn't really care... But... Heheh..." Yun Canghai laughed, but his laugh sounded very sarcastic and bitter...

The first thing he does after he has his reunion with his loved ones is to ask about why their Yun family seems to decline and almost live in poverty... After finding out the truth, how can he not feel bitter?

"When I told my grandson about our family back then when we first met, my face was filled with pride. I said that our Yun Family was the strongest family in the Illusory Demon Realm, the toughest and mightest defensive barrier next to the Demon Emperor. I told him that even though I was no longer with the current Yun Family, it would still definitely be flourishing even more than before. Because the Yun Family had always been the top among the Twelve Guardian Families in all of history, and in all of history, it had always been the most highly regarded by the Demon Emperors."

"In order to save the former Demon Emperor, I unhesitantly brought all of the supporting pillars in the family and rushed to the Profound Sky Continent And while I was suffering a hundred years of torture to safeguard the Demon Emperor's Seal What kind of repayment did my Yun Family receive instead? Just what sort of repayment did I receive instead?!"

"In order to save the former Demon Emperor, ten great Grand Elders of my Yun Family meet their ends. In order to safeguard the Demon Emperor's Seal, I experienced a hundred years of torture. While my Yun Family, had instead carried the title of sinners for a hundred years, suffered punishments and suppression time and time again, received countless cold glares and ridicule, and now, it has even declined into such an indescribable miserable state All of the sacrifices, my Yun Family suffered from them. All of the sins, my Yun Family carried them. All of the punishments, my Yun Family endured them all while gritting their teeth... Now that the Demon Emperor's Seal has returned, you actually want me to hand it over just like that Tell me, how will I be willing to hand this over to you?!"

Yun Canghai's eyes glowed in fury, and his voice was like roaring thunder. "If I were to return this Demon Emperor's Seal just like that, how would I be able to face the hundred years of injustice my Yun Family had suffered?! How would I be able to face the hundred years of infamy which my guiltless ten men of our Yun Family that had passed away carried?! How would I be able to face our Yun family ancestors in the afterlife!?"

"If you just punish me then I wouldn't utter a single word of complaint and I will be willing to take any punishment that befalls me when the time comes... But why is the whole Yun Family is the one needed to suffer for my 'mistakes'?! Little Demon Empress, if you were in my position instead, would you be willing?!" Yun Canghai looks straight at Little Demon Empress and questioned with narrowed eyes.

Yun Canghai was never in the wrong...

The Demon Emperor's Seal was completely unscathed, while Yun Canghai's body was like a piece of withered deadwood.

Even the person with a heart of the hardest stone could not stop the stirring in the depths of his heart at that moment. For the Demon Emperor, he unhesitantly brought the strongest forces from his family and rushed to the Profound Sky Continent Even though he was awfully clear that there was an extremely high possibility of causing a huge decline to his family's strength.

In these past hundred years, he even suffered from unimaginable torture and pain. Enduring for exactly a hundred years, he used his own life, willpower, and all of his faith to safeguard the Demon Emperor's Seal which was entrusted to him by the former Demon Emperor.

Every scar on his body was deeply depicting the meaning of "loyalty" and "might".

All of them who are present asked their own hearts, but not a single one of them believed that they would be capable of doing it...

Yet in these hundred years, while he was giving his everything to safeguard the Demon Emperor's Seal The Yun Family was suffering from heavy punishment, collaborative suppression, and even bullying, from the other Guardian Families. Even his title, under the constant waves of hidden insinuations, had turned from "Demon King" into "sinner".

How could this Yun Canghai be a sinner?!

Even in the eyes of the 'heaven', Yun Canghai had determination, loyalty, and courage to a degree that would make them sigh out of grief. If there could only be a single person in all of Illusory Demon Realm who hadn't sinned, that person would definitely be him, Yun Canghai...

In retrospect, the hundred years of accusatory slander against Yun Canghai and the Yun Family, the hundred years of sin which the Yun Family had suffered were clearly the saddest jokes in the history of Illusory Demon Realm... The biggest sinner here is those who slandered him and his family!

While holding onto the same title, those slanderers who had acted and spoken against the Yun Family at every turn, and had even personally admitted to collaborating together to suppress the Yun Family a hundred years ago, were unbearably hideous to behold. Their persistence in saying that all they had done was for the sake of the Illusory Demon Realm, flaunting their own righteousness and loyalty At this moment, in front of Yun Canghai's presence, evidently looked incomparably petty and laughable. Their every word earlier had all turned into fans, slapping resoundingly on their faces...

Little Demon Empress was stunned and speechless for a long while. Not a single sound could be heard from within the Yun family hall...

At the moment when Yun Canghai shouted out his refusal to hand over the Demon Emperor's Seal to the Little Demon Empress, everyone had thought that Yun Canghai was simply being utterly audacious. However, after hearing Yun Canghai's questions one after another, all of them sank into silence

All of the sacrifices, punishments, and infamy, were carried by the Yun Family alone. Now that the Demon Emperor's Seal was brought back by a child of the Yun Family, if it was immediately handed back just like that How could he be willing to do so?! Who would be willing to do so?!

Would everything which the Yun Family had suffered from for a hundred years be all for nothing?!

They questioned themselves in their hearts. If they were in his place, it was definitely impossible for them to be content and willing It was definitely impossible.

The Little Demon Empress remained silent for a while, then lightly sighed, "Regarding this matter, it's indeed true that this empress had mistreated the Yun Family. From today onward, this empress will give your Yun Family, and senior Demon King, a fair explanation."

The Little Demon Empress called Yun Canghai as her senior since, in this lifetime, there were only two people whom she truly respected. One was her royal father, while the other was Yun Canghai...

In a flash, it had already been a hundred years. She no longer hoped that she could see the corpses of her royal father and little brother, and similarly, she did not dare to hope that she could see Yun Canghai once again But at this moment, Yun Canghai, like a miracle and a dream, had returned to this Illusory Demon Realm, appearing right in front of her...

However, his words and appearance had instead caused her soul to quiver intensely Without a pause...

She tried her best to protect the Yun Family back then but she herself is struggling to protect herself and position... Even now she's still struggling...

In the end, she can only feel guilty because of her incompetence inside her heart...

But that's why she tries harder and harder to stabilize her position as the Demon Empress so that way she could repay the Yun Family someday... But reality said otherwise...

However, Yun Canghai shook his head, "Little Demon Empress, although you're the monarch of our Illusory Demon Realm, you're still a female and it's the first time you've assumed the position of the monarch. As such, you're easily misled and forced by those with ulterior motives, resulting in trade-offs and compromises regarding some matters. You have never mistreated our Yun Family. The ones who had actually caused us to decline to such a miserable state, the ones who had utterly trashed the meaning of 'loyalty, honesty, benevolence and righteousness', the ones who really showed contempt to the authority of the Demon Emperor... I believe everyone present should be able to tell..." He said while secretly eyeing the Duke Huai's faction...

From the start when they arrived here, Duke Huai faction keep trying to degrade him and the Yun Family even further...

Whoever Yun Canghai was speaking of, everyone present had indeed seen and heard clearly. The slanderers who stood not too far away from Yun Canghai had lost all of their usual pride and arrogance.

All of their faces were ashen, and under the eyes of the masses, they felt as though they were criminals currently being judged. Feeling extremely unbearable, they continuously looked to Duke Huai to plead for help, but Duke Huai's current expression was much worse than theirs. Facing Yun Canghai, he was now completely fearful and did not dare to speak arrogantly Because even he was unable to handle it whenever Yun Canghai retaliates.

Old ginger is more spicy indeed... Everyone present thought inside their mind, including Yun Che.

(AN: The older, the wiser. Chinese idiom).

He wanted to applaud and cheer loudly for his grandfather on the spot but he manages to hold the urge to do so...

Yun Canghai's words caused the glow in the Little Demon Empress' eyes to stir slightly.

"This empress knows fully well the grievances and injustice your Yun Family has suffered all these years. The dissatisfaction and anger within your hearts are something this empress has felt as well. Sigh" She sighed faintly and continued, "But, the Demon Emperor's Seal is just too important for this empress. I hope you can hand it back to this empress. This empress assures you that from today onwards, as long as this empress still holds the throne, I would not allow the Yun Family to suffer one bit of bullying!!!"

The Little Demon Empress' cold and ruthless personality was something well known by all. However, now, when facing the major matter regarding the Demon Emperor's Seal, not only did she not become angry and forceful, her voice was calm and mild. She had even made such a huge promise to the Yun Family in front of everyone!

Everyone present was immensely moved. The members of the Yun Family were so agitated that their entire body trembled, wondering if they were dreaming.

This was a serious promise that the Little Demon Empress made to the Yun Family in front of the masses! Such words coming out undoubtedly meant that it was decided that the Yun Family would prosper once again in due time, and no one could stop them! Returning to the leader of the Twelve Families was imminent no, their position would be higher than in the past!

However, thinking about what the Yun Family had suffered and sacrificed for the past century, no one actually thought that this was a gift that was too much in their favor The Yun Family deserved such a promise In all of Illusory Demon Realm, only the Yun Family had such a right.

Those that supported the Little Demon Empress and Yun family chimed in agreement while those that are against can only scowl silently...

Yun Canghai and Yun Qinghong gradually stood up, their hearts are akin to a bundle of emotions.

How would they not understand what such a promise the Little Demon Empress had made meant? Their Yun Family had been vindicated and the Demon Emperor's Seal had been returned. Now, the masses had once again been acquainted with the Yun Family and the Yun Family had received a promise that was larger than heaven from the Little Demon Empress Furthermore, even Duke Huai's faction well-thought-out scheme had been utterly destroyed because of this...

All of this was because of Yun Canghai... No, it should be thanks to that benefactor of theirs...

If that benefactor didn't free and bring Yun Canghai back from that place, their Yun Family would still be in the dirt!

Cupping his hands deeply towards the Little Demon Empress, Yun Canghai said, "Yun Family's former Patriarch Yun Canghai represents the whole clan to thank Little Demon Empress for her kindness. We swear our allegiance to the Little Demon Empress and it will never waver, even in the face of death! To obtain such a promise from the Little Demon Empress to my Yun Family, this subordinate is grateful to the utmost."

Yun Qinghong tried to say that Yun Canghai is still their family patriarch but he's shot down by Yun Canghai glare.

Then Yun Canghai gave the seal back to the Little Demon Empress...

[Duke Huai What should we do now?] Duke Zhong's trembling voice transmitted over to Duke Huai.

The current situation had already completely spiraled out of control. Everything had completely escaped Duke Huai's control and predictions. Before today, he had predicted various types of accidents, however, never did he expect that the situation would actually develop to such an extent.

They thought they can take it easy now that Yun Canghai was gone... But he's back!

Hearing Duke Zhong's voice transmission, Duke Huai fiercely took a deep breath, forced himself to calmly step forward, and said, "Demon King Yun Canghai's loyalty was indeed enough to move the entire world But, there's one thing that is unclear to this duke! Since the Demon King was imprisoned by Profound Sky Continent's Mighty Heavenly Sword Region, how were you able to free yourself from that seal you've told us about and how did you return here? And who is that young man you brought back?"

Duke Huai's questions mirrored the doubts in everyone's hearts. However, his solemn tone was clearly hinting that the Yun Family perhaps had hidden something from them.

Perhaps this young man(Yun Che) is a spy or some sort that is sent by the Mighty Heavenly Sword Region to act as the Yun Family descendant? Is what he's trying to convey here.

"He's my, Yun Canghai grandson! I've already confirmed it when we first met!" How could Yun Canghai doesn't understand the hidden meaning behind Duke Huai's words?

"...Since he is your grandson, a member of the Yun Family Why was he in the Profound Sky Continent? And how did you two come back here from the Profound Sky Continent?" Duke Huai inquired further in a cold tone.

Yun Che's gaze shifted. Just as he was about to speak, a heartbreaking cold female voice had already resounded, "In regards to some of these questions, this empress can give you the answers!"

The Little Demon Empress slowly walked down. The moment her voice resounded, it had attracted the eyes of everyone present. Her eyes were like cold stars, and she said frigidly, "Back then, both my imperial father and the Demon King(Yun Canghai) were trapped in the Profound Sky Continent. Although there were no longer any messages, we had yet to see their corpses either. Hence, this empress was unwilling to completely believe that imperial father has already passed on, and Patriarch Yun had not given up on finding out the news of the Demon King."

"A hundred years ago, over at the Profound Sky Continent, they had constantly sent scattered messages, saying that the Demon King wasn't dead, and wanted my Illusory Demon Realm to exchange our <Mirror of Samsara> for his life."

"Although a large number of patriarchs and dukes persisted that this was a scheme by the Profound Sky Continent, the matter concerned the Demon King's life, and both this empress and Patriarch Yun chose to believe it rather than not! It's known to the entire world that twenty-five years ago, Patriarch Yun and his wife had secretly gone to the Profound Sky Continent"

"And at that time, it was actually under this Empress' behest! Otherwise, with Patriarch Yun's loyalty, he definitely wouldn't have brought along the Mirror of Samsara he was safeguarding of his own will. Although the Mirror of Samsara was a treasured artifact of the Demon Emperor's bloodline, in the end, it was still a dead object. If it really could be used to exchange for the Demon King's life, then this empress would definitely not be the slightest bit unwilling to do so."

The eyes of everyone in the Yun Family were moist, and their expressions stirred. Even they had only found out at this moment, that everything that happened twenty-five years ago was all facilitated by the Little Demon Empress, and she had even unhesitantly allowed Yun Qinghong to bring along the treasured artifact Mirror of Samsara, to win over that slightest bit of hope to retrieve the Demon King's life. In these recent years, although she had punished the Yun Family out of pressure, in her heart, she hadn't truly made light of the Yun Family.

Even Yun Canghai felt really grateful after knowing this... It seems that his loyalty towards the imperial family has not been in complete vain...

"As for the matters that happened after, all of you should already be aware." The Little Demon Empress coldly swept her gaze to the front. "Patriarch Yun and his wife returned three years later with heavy injuries, their profound strengths were crippled, and they had even brought back a son. When Patriarch Yun came to confess his sin of losing the Mirror of Samsara, he had told this empress everything that had occurred. At that time, this empress found out that Patriarch Yun and his wife did indeed bear a child in the Profound Sky Continent, but that child was not the Yun Xiao whom they had brought back!"

Yun Xiao was unable to execute the Profound Handle, and rumors concerning him not being Yun Qinghong's son were already long known to the entire city many years ago. Even the Yun Family had never truly admitted his identity as Young Master. Hence, when the Little Demon Empress said that Yun Xiao was not the son of Yun Qinghong and his wife, although the expressions of the people present were a little odd, not a single person felt that it was shocking.

"Not long after Patriarch Yun and his wife bore their child in the Profound Sky Continent, they were then hunted down for a long period of time. When they were about to reach a dead-end, they encountered a good friend they had made in the Profound Sky Continent. Not only did he guide Patriarch Yun and his wife to a path of escape, but he was also afraid that their child would encounter some uncertainties during the escape, and that they would lose their only descendant. Hence, quietly, he exchanged his own child with Patriarch Yun's child."

Exclamations and discussions broke out in the Demon Imperial Hall. Little Demon Express looked towards Yun Che who's currently inside Mu Yurou embrace, and slowly said, "Yun Che, was it? You're the child whom Patriarch Yun had left in the Profound Sky Continent back then, is that right?"

Although she was asking Yun Che, she had used a tone of certainty. Because other than this, there was no second possibility. Yun Che nodded and said, "Yes. I grew up in the Profound Sky Continent, and only today that I finally arrived in the Illusory Demon Realm along with my grandfather."

"Then how did you and the Demon King actually meet? Can you inform this Empress?" Little Demon Empress calmly asked.

"This..." Only now that Yun Che and Yun Canghai realized that they're missing one person...

They didn't realize it until now since they were having their family reunion. But now that the Little Demon Empress reminded them... Where did he go?

"Actually... My friend and I won the 4th and 6th place in a Ranking Tournament over there... As a result, we were invited to spectate a demon sealing ceremony by a low-ranked Elder of Mighty Heavenly Sword Region And that 'demon', was my grandfather. However, back then, I didn't even know anything about my own familial background, nor did I know that he was actually my relative. During that process, I was told by... 'Someone', that the very same 'demon' is probably my blood relative... Then he brought me along to meet grandfather. He easily broke the sealing formation that sealed grandfather inside and then after grandfather saw the <Mirror of Samsara> and also awakened my <Profound Handle> we finally recognize each other..." Yun Che said with a little bit of hesitation.

Although Yun Che had only spoken a few sentences, they had already depicted clear and bizarre scenes in everyone's minds. The Demon King of the Illusory Demon Realm, imprisoned deep within the enemy's territory, had actually encountered and reunited with his own biological grandson in the Profound Sky Continent. This was truly an arrangement by the heavens. Truly, the heavens had taken pity on the Yun Family... Wait... That's not right... It should be this "someone" who helped them meet with each other.

"...Who is this "Someone" you're talking about?" The Little Demon Empress asked: "And where is the <Mirror of Samsara> that you spoke of? Can you show it to me?"

Now both Yun Che and Yun Canghai are really at a loss...

"This... Actually... The <Mirror of Samsara> is in the possession of our benefactor..." Yun Che said sheepishly... And everyone there becomes taken aback.

"What!? How can you let it be stolen by someone else?!" Duke Huai who heard Yun Che words finally saw another opening to take advantage of...

Just when Yun Che and Yun Canghai wanted to argue, Little Demon Empress waved her hand to stop them from arguing with each other once again...

"Enough... Then where is he now? If he truly saved the Demon King from his prison then he is indeed our benefactor as well... Because of him, we can get the Demon Emperor's Seal safe and sound. And this Empress already said that, 'Although the Mirror of Samsara was a treasured artifact of the Demon Emperor's bloodline, in the end, it was still a dead object. If it really could be used to exchange for the Demon King's life, then this empress would definitely not be the slightest bit unwilling to do so'. So if this benefactor wanted the <Mirror of Samsara> as a reward then I will grant it to him." The Little Demon Empress said with certainty.

"But!" Duke Huai and the others wanted to argue but Little Demon Empress only gave them a cold glance as if she's trying to say that her decision is final.

Now that she has the Demon Emperor's Seal in her hands, she can finally start to truly stabilize her position as the true Demon Empress...

Duke Huai and the others can only grit their teeth in frustration since they also realize this...

"Well... We don't know either where he went but... He was with us until we both stepped into the Yun Family gate... But he shouldn't stray far from the vicinity since he has something to ask the Little Demon Empress about something." Yun Canghai said uncertainly.

"...I see... And how did you both arrive in the <Illusory Demon Realm> again? There was no report about your arrival from the Secret Dimensional passage post." She asked in curiosity.

"This... That benefactor... Err... He created a dimensional passage of his own..." Yun Canghai answered but even he felt that nobody would believe him even if he's indeed telling the truth here...

And just as expected... Nobody can really accept his words just like that...

"Nonsense! What you just said is impossible to happen! The Profound Sky Continent and Illusory Demon Realm are separated by a long-distance, and even a peak-level Monarch is unable to cross it. The secret dimensional passage which Profound Sky Continent had used to infiltrate our Illusory Demon Realm back then had long been sealed by us, and around it, there are even three great powers that are safeguarding it day and night." Once again, Duke Huai is the first to voice out his doubt.

"If they dare to offend us once more, it will definitely be detected by us in the very first instance. Yet, you both actually came from the Profound Sky Continent without being detected in any way! If you had not admitted it yourself, none of us would have known that you came from the Profound Sky Continent! Could it be that the Profound Sky Continent cultivators now had the capabilities to actually open up a dimensional passage on their own?! Or did you actually use some sort of artifact capable of crossing such distances? If that's truly the case"

"Wouldn't that mean it's possible for those vile people of Profound Sky Continent to silently infiltrate us at any moment? Then, wouldn't that mean it's possible for our Illusory Demon Realm, to once again encounter that huge crisis a hundred years ago at any moment?!"

Duke Huai's words caused several people to hold their breaths, as they looked towards Yun Che and Yun Canghai demanding for an answer...

If what Duke Huai just said is true then they're in a perilous situation...

They thought that they're trying to hide this very fact. They can't believe that someone could create their own Dimensional/Spatial passage just like that! At the very least, they've never seen any records about this ever happened before in their entire life...

Even the Little Demon Empress couldn't believe them now...

"I'm telling the truth!" Yun Canghai shouted back: "Do you think I would lie after what I've done so far?!"

"Then show us the proof!" Duke Huai countered.

"...Let's just find this person first. We can ask him later when he's here" Little Demon Empress said.

Then Yun Canghai described Issei's appearance so they can find him. He's not really that hard to find since his outfit is quite unique and he's also wearing a mask and all that...

Yun Che told them what his supposed name as well.

And indeed, after a short while, they found him... Quite easily at that since they're attracting quite a bit of attention to themselves...


They found Issei in the marketplace of the city.

The guards went into a daze when they saw Bai'er because they thought that their Little Demon Empress is the most beautiful woman they ever saw but now... This small girl that's even smaller than the Little Demon Empress possesses a beauty that surpasses the latter!

Bai'er is currently smiling happily while holding onto a stuffed toy that Issei bought for her. Issei bought her quite a bit of merchandise but most of them are already inside the <GoB>.

After what seems like an eternity, the guards finally snapped out of their daze and approached Issei.

"Are you the one who is called 'Elder Ise'? We need you to come with us! By the order of the Little Demon Empress!" One of the guards asked him haughtily.

He's feeling a little jealous seeing Issei holding a small beauty in his embrace so he tried to intimidate him with the intention to embarrass Issei in front of that said beauty.

Ah... It looks like this guard is also one of those... Lolicon! As Jasmine would call it...

But all he receives is silent treatment by Issei... Issei completely ignores him like he's not even there.

"Are you having fun, Bai'er? If you still haven't had your fill yet then we can continue our little trip" Instead, Issei started to converse with Bai'er...

The guard face started twitching a lot and he popped a vein across his forehead feeling enraged because he's being ignored by Issei.

"You dare to ignore me?!" The guard lost control of his anger and immediately bare his fist towards Issei.

This one fist of his is filled with almost every ounce of strength he possessed. His cultivation realm is at the 5th level Overlord and if it was another person then this fist of his can kill those who are at the peak level throne like Issei's current cultivation realm 10 times over.

Too bad for him, Issei is anything but a normal person...

Just when his fist was about to hit its target, Issei calmly intercepted his fist with his hand. The guard sneered thinking Issei is courting death...


But there's no loud bang or anything like that but rather his fist felt like it landed in something soft, just like hitting cotton.

The guards went into a daze seeing this... What just happened? Where all of that destructive strength went to? Shouldn't he be blown away or his entire arm exploded because of that fist just now?

Soon, the guard snapped out of his daze.

He tried to pull his hand back but it won't budge no matter how hard he tries. He then shouted at Issei: "L-Let go of my hand! Don't you know who I am!? I am-"

"Be quiet."

Issei's cold voice resounded which made all the guards flinched.

"Can't you see that I'm having a conversation with my little sister?" Issei released his bloodlust which made the guards shuddered even more fiercely... The onlookers also trembled slightly sensing a bit of his bloodlust...

They don't feel the full brunt of his bloodlust so they're not that too affected by it but it still made them trembled on the spot as well, especially for those that are of a Demonic race and the like...

Their instincts are a lot stronger than your average human after all.

The guard that currently has his hand in Issei's clutch is the one who feels afraid the most... He thought that only the Little Demon Empress could release this kind of pressure and bloodlust... But this person in front of him could release an even stronger version of it!

Issei changed his attention back to Bai'er waiting for her answer.

Bai'er gave Issei a smile and a shake of her head to indicate that she had her fun already.

"I see... Then we shall continue our little trip at a later date, okay?"

Bai'er nodded happily once again.

"And as for you... <Ougi>." Issei turns his attention back to the guard and he instantly destroyed the entire bone on his right arm.



The guard wanted to let out a scream because of the excruciating pain he's currently experiencing but there's not a single sound came out from his mouth...

His arm instantly becomes like a rubber... Absolutely boneless...

The only thing that currently holding him in place is Issei's grip on his fist.

"I couldn't care less just who are you all and who sent you here... But if you dare to bare your fangs at me then be prepared for the consequences." Issei said word by word with a cold voice to the rest of the guards.

Bai'er only gazes at them expressionlessly... She only shows her emotions towards Issei alone.

They all gulped audibly and nodded their heads like a chicken pecking rice. Only now that they realize they can't sense his cultivation realm... Doesn't that mean that he possesses a cultivation base higher than them?! Heavens! That idiot just had to provoke him!

"Then... What is your purpose here?" Issei finally takes back his bloodlust and also his hand that's currently holding the guard fist.

The moment Issei let go of his arm, the guard instantly rolled around the ground while holding his arm but he still can't utter a single cry.

Issei kicked his body lightly and the guard's body flew more than a hundred meters away from his original position... By then, even though the guard is not dead, he already fainted dead away...

But this can be seen as Issei showing mercy at him because it's better if he fainted rather than be awake right now or he might just die from the pain alone...

The onlookers' let out a gasp of awe and fear after seeing Issei could effortlessly kick away a 5th level Overlord just like that.

While the men back away in fear, the women sighed in adoration at his prowess...

"W-W-We're sent here by the Little Demon Empress to come and escort y-your excellency back to the Yun Family residence to have a discussion... L-Lord Demon King Yun Canghai and his grandson, Yun Che said that you are their benefactor..." One of the guards responded with a stutter.

G-Good heavens! Standing in front of this man is more horrifying rather than standing in front of the Little Demon Empress herself! The guards thought to themselves...

"I see... Then let's go" Issei then walked calmly towards the Yun Family residence while still carrying Bai'er in his arms...

The guards hesitatingly followed him from behind... But they keep a certain distance from Issei fearing that they might anger him once again... As for the guard that had his arm crippled? They can't wait to see him die so why would they help him!

Because of that idiot, they almost lose their lives!

The crowd automatically opened a path for them to pass...


"R-Reporting to Little Demon Empress, we have successfully found and brought the man you're searching for as per your order." One of the guards that were sent to get Issei reported back a little bit fearfully.

"Um." She nodded calmly. She doesn't realize the reason why the guard feels fearful right now is not because of her, but it was because of Issei instead... She has been used to being feared by most of her subjects so she doesn't too concerned about this kind of stuff.

Everyone present turned their head towards the gate entrance wanting to see just what kind of man that supposedly freed and brought back Yun Canghai along with his grandson.

The Little Demon Empress has a small and delicate figure. She looked very young, like that of a fourteen-year-old girl, with black hair, and has an exceedingly beautiful and delicate face. Her hair was very long and it grew all the way to below her hips. It was as pitch black as a starless night.

She is swathed in grey clothes, but underneath all of that loose grey cloth, lay an exquisite and delicate body. Both her eyes were as gloomy as the night sky and they emitted a coldness that seemed like icy knives. However, her features were exquisite and beautiful, and they seemed to be carved from snow and ice.

Her skin was as snow-white and delicate as a newborn baby's, it was like jade, pure and smooth without blemish. Narrow snowy shoulders, a slender waist, small buttocks, and even her breasts swelled slightly on her chest.

She is undoubtedly the number one beauty in the whole Illusory Demon Realm...

But when they saw the newcomer they've been wanting to see, they all become stupefied seeing the small girl within the newcomer embrace... Because her beauty doesn't lose against the Little Demon Empress in the slightest. And perhaps, her beauty alone could easily rival the Little Demon Empress!

All of her unique features combined with her otherworldly beauty is enough to make everyone hold their breath, including the Little Demon Empress herself...

She knows about her own beauty but she doesn't really care about it... But even she has to admit that this small looking girl that presumably younger than herself is possessing a beauty that surpasses her.

Sadly, the small beauty seems to have an emotionless face... If she were to smile... How wonderful would it be...

The Little Demon Empress only went into a daze for a brief few seconds, she then observes the man that supposedly Yun Canghai savior and perhaps even hers...

Because of him bringing Yun Canghai back now she can achieve the Demon Emperor's Seal back after all.

She can't see his facial feature since he's wearing a mask but judging from his body shape alone then this person should possess a handsome face... And as for his aura, she can only sense it vaguely that this person before her is anything but simple... Her Golden Crow bloodline is also trembling in a... Submissive manner! Which never happen before! But what amazes her the most is that she can't sense his cultivation realm!

Didn't that Yun Che said that he should be at the 10th level throne? Then how come she can't sense his cultivation realm?!

And she's not the only one who has these thoughts...

Duke Huai for one went wide-eyed seeing that he can't sense this newcomer profound realm... He doesn't want to brag but he's at the 5th level Monarch! Even the Little Demon Empress herself is also at the 5th level Monarch albeit she's at the peak already...

Is this person cultivation realm is the same as his father? A 10th level Monarch?! That's impossible! He can't accept this if it is indeed true...

If this person is indeed at the 10th level Monarch then their whole carefully structured plan will go to waste... Especially if he were to aid the Little Demon Empress...

He started to formulate a plan if he's indeed at the 10th level Monarch... But if by chance he's only using certain profound arts that hide his real cultivation realm then... Things would be a lot easier...

While they're observing him... Issei also observing them in return...

There's really nobody that can pique his interest here other than this one particular girl that's currently standing in the center of the crowd... Issei is not attracted by her beauty but rather, he's feeling intrigued by her bloodline...

[Xiaotao... Does this girl...?] Issei asked Xiaotao to which the latter confirmed his guess.

[Yes, master... This girl possesses a bloodline of one of the Three Supreme Fire Attribute Beasts... The <Golden Crow> bloodline. I can sense her bloodline since I'm basically one of the Three said beast...]

Issei nodded to himself hearing Xiaotao confirmation... It looks like his journey here won't be in vain after all...

"Bai'er, go back first." Issei spoke gently towards Bai'er.

Bai'er nodded her head and flashed a thin smile at Issei before she went back inside the <GoB>.

At first, they went into a stunned state for a brief second seeing Bai'er smile but after they saw her suddenly disappear, they woke up from their stunned state and feel alarmed.

What?! How come a living person suddenly just disappeared into thin air!? Is it an invisible profound art? That shouldn't be since they can tell that the girl's presence disappeared without a trace!

Yun Canghai and Yun Che who already know about Issei's capability to create his own spatial opening don't feel that surprised... But Yun Che is once again amazed by Issei seeing the latter holding another beautiful girl...

Each of the girls that are around him is a woman that possesses a kingdom toppling beauty, each and every one of them... First, it was his "ex-wife", Xia Qingyue... The second one is her master, Chu Yueli, and the third one is that famous Chu Yuechan... As for the other girls from the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace>, needless to say, they must be also beauties as well...

Haisss... He felt that life is really unfair... Thankfully he still has his little aunt back at the <Sky Profound Continent>...

Issei only silently gazes at the Little Demon Empress...

"...Are you the one who rescued former patriarch Yun and the one who brought him and his grandson back here?" The Little Demon Empress is the first to break the silence.

Her cold voice sounded visibly tenser than usual since she needs to be careful in front of this unknown man.

The rest of everyone present here also seems quite tense... They subconsciously moved closer to the Little Demon Empress side ready to protect her in case Issei wanted to harm her.

Of course, some only move closer to her since they wanted to gain protection themselves...

"Indeed... And I assume you must be the Little Demon Empress I've heard about?" Issei said calmly in a completely opposite manner than her.

He heard about her during his little date with Bai'er from the surrounding people... No wonder people called her the "Little" Demon Empress... Her body is indeed quite small... Issei thought silently to himself...

If she sounded tense, Issei sounded calm and carefree.

"Insolence! You're standing in front of the Little Demon Empress herself! You still dare not to pay your respect?! Kneel!" Duke Zhong shouted at Issei wanting to intimidate the latter using his profound energy to put pressure on him...

'This idiot!' The Little Demon Empress thought direly to herself... Is this idiot really can't use his brain?!

Just from the calm demeanor this man currently showcased, it should serve as a sign that he doesn't feel intimidated by all of those who are present here in the slightest. And since she couldn't sense his cultivation realm then the others shouldn't be able to do so as well...

Issei calmly turned his head towards the direction of Duke Zhong which made the latter flinched since there doesn't seem any reaction coming from Issei when he's exposed to his profound energy.

"Why should I?" A simple yet straight to the point question...

Why should he, who's basically a not a person of this <Illusory Demon Realm>, need to kneel before the Little Demon Empress? If anything, it should be them who should show their gratitude since he saved one of them...

Duke Zhong felt stupefied by his question but he gritted his teeth wanting to argue once again but thankfully the Little Demon Empress stopped him...

"Enough, Duke Zhong, shut your mouth! We meeting this person here not to condemn him of anything but rather to say our gratitude for saving former patriarch Yun and in return, helped us to retrieve the Demon Emperor Seal." She said coldly towards Duke Zhong.

"Th-This subject understands..." He bowed towards the Little Demon Empress... Although, it seems that he doesn't have any intention to apologize for his misconduct just now.

Issei doesn't really care whether he apologizes or not... But, if he were to offend him once again then he won't let him off...

"This Empress apologizes on behalf of her subordinate and I also wanted to say thank you for rescuing former patriarch Yun." She's the first to say her gratitude and it soon followed by others who have close ties to the Yun families...

Yun Qinghong and his wife being the most grateful of them all...

The Little Demon Empress secretly sighed in relief seeing that Issei doesn't want to take matters out of hand because of Duke Zhong's stupidity.

Issei only gave them a nod as a response.

But those who aren't happy with this outcome only gave a curt response themselves...

Issei who saw this more or less understand that there must be an inside struggle for the throne or something similar... A typical, unstable kingdom or empire just like Cang Yue's father case...

"This Empress heard that you have the <Mirror of Samsara> within your possession... May I see it?" The Little Demon Empress said out of nowhere.

She wanted to confirm if what Yun Canghai is indeed the truth... When all of that was said, she needed to confirm if he indeed possesses the mirror or not. She can't risk the entire kingdom solely based on trust alone... She needed proof.

Issei doesn't say anything other than show them the mirror... Duke Huai's group wanted to say something but remembering what the Little Demon Empress said before, he decided to hold it back for now...

The Little Demon Empress nodded to herself seeing that it is indeed the <Mirror of Samsara>... Now she needed to confirm the last thing before she can finally put her guards down... At least towards Yun Canghai...

"...We've heard that you have the capabilities to create your own spatial opening... Is it true?"

All of them waited for his answer.

"Yes." Issei answered.

"...Can you show us any proof?" She asked if he could give them proof.

"I could, but why should I? Why do I need to show you any proof? Why do I need to prove myself to any of you in that regard?" Issei asked back: "You might say that I need to prove myself so the explanation given by Yun Canghai and his grandson Yun Che, but what's that have anything to do with me? Whether you believe their story or not?"

They became speechless hearing his answer...

"But... You of all people should realize that they shouldn't be telling any lies especially after what he went through just to 'prove' his loyalty... Am I wrong so far?" Issei looks straight at the stunned Little Demon Empress.

She believes Yun Canghai... She really does but...

"This is all nonsense! I suspect he might be someone who's sent by the <Four Sacred Grounds> to act as a spy! For all we know, they might've already brainwashed Yun Canghai and his grandson to create this whole scenario!" Duke Zhong once again shouted.

He saw that the Little Demon Empress started wavering because of Issei's words... He can't have them come to an agreement just like that. It's better if this whole incident is used to make a rift between her and the Yun family once again.

Yun Canghai and Yun Che felt their anger boil after hearing Duke Zhong's words. What bullshit is this man speaking?! What brainwash!?

"I suggest that we capture him and interrogate him thoroughly! Sure he might be powerful but I don't believe all of us combined couldn't take him on! Now let's- Gh!"

He wanted to entice the other families to stand with their side and launch an attack simultaneously at Issei. But before he's even able to finish his words, he felt his throat tightening.

"I've let you be the first time... But you just have to provoke me yet again. Do you think I'm some sort of weakling that you can take advantage of?" Issei's cold voice can be heard from Duke Zhong back.

All of them hastily turned their heads towards his direction and much to their amazement, Issei is already standing behind Duke Zhong and he can be seen clutching the latter's throat.

"Let him go!" Duke Huai who saw this is the first to wake up from his stunned state. He tried to save Duke Zhong but his words went unheard...


Duke Zhong's body shuddered for a brief moment before his lifeless body went limp like a doll with its strings cut...

His whole neck has been crushed by Issei and his eyes bulged out of their eye sockets... He died with indignance...

Just from simple word provocation alone, he loses his life just like that... He never thought that Issei would be this ruthless and doesn't feel afraid of the others present retaliation...


Issei loosened his arm and Duke Zhong's body dropped to the cold ground never to move again...

"You!" Duke Huai gritted his teeth in anger at Issei.

But, the latter's figure disappeared right in front of their eyes yet again.

"Go ahead... Threaten me again. But I might be scared silly because of your threat and I might 'accidentally' tightened my grip around your neck to preserve my life..." Issei's mocking voice resounded once again but this time it's from Duke Huai's back with the exact same position with Duke Zhong before... Issei's hand is looming at his throat, ready to crush his neck just like what he did towards Duke Zhong...

Duke Huai's body instantly covered in cold sweat... How did he do it?! How did he just suddenly appeared behind his back without anyone noticing it?!

He knows that if he were to provoke him unnecessarily, then he would surely lose his life right here right now... Not even his father can help him this time around...

"Please wait!" The Little Demon Empress hastily shouted.

She can't just let his subjects die just like that one after another... Even if she knows that Duke Zhong and Duke Huai is up to no good, without proper handling, she would instead lose her standing as the ruler.

Thankfully, unlike Duke Huai before. Issei doesn't just ignore her words...

"I'm warning all of you... I don't like unnecessary bloodshed but if I have to, then I would kill without hesitation regardless of who you are..." And with that, he lets go of Duke Huai's throat and he reappeared in his previous standing position.

"So... Is that enough 'proof' for all of you?" They gulped nervously seeing him just disappear and reappeared out of nowhere like that...

They asked themselves if they're in Duke Zhong and Duke Huai's position, could they intercept his move? They can't... They can't even see his movement from the sidelines...

"...It's more than enough." The Little Demon Empress answered in place of the others.

Like it or not, they can only believe that what he just did is indeed a spatial movement... That's the only explanation they can come up with since not a single one of them here could see his movement...

"Good... Then, is there anything else you wanted to say to me?" Issei took back his threatening aura and asked the Little Demon Empress.

"...I wanted to reward you for bringing Senior Yun back... If there's anything you want and it's something within my capabilities, then I will surely grant it. I've heard that you wanted to ask something of me from former patriarch Yun... Can I assume that 'something' is about your reward?" She said slowly.

She decided to just gift the <Mirror of Samsara> to him as a "bribe" for her subordinate follies...

"You could say that."

"...Then what is it that you wanted to ask of me?"

"Um, I want access to the 'Sacred place' Yun Canghai told me about before... The place where only the royal families and the twelve guardian family is allowed to enter, a place that contains the strength of powerful flames and thunderclouds, which led to the constant growth of strong fire spirits, lightning spirits, and other fire and lightning type demons or whatnot... I assume this so-called 'sacred place' has something to do with your <Golden Crow> bloodline?" Issei said towards the Little Demon Empress.

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