The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 111:

Chapter 111:

(AN: Thank you very much for my new patron: Johan Solis, Mitchellston, Nicholas Kumming, Seraph, Omega Fox, and Kimberly Hill. Wish you all the best!)

"Still no luck, Semi?" Scathach asked Semiramis who's currently sitting on the throne of the <Hanging Garden of Babylon>.

Semiramis furrowed her brows while her hand is tinkering with a golden orb... This orb is the main core of Babylon.

"...It's weird..." She muttered suspiciously: "...Theoretically, dearest shouldn't have completely severed his connection with Babylon since there's really no reason for him to do so... Even though he wouldn't be able to call Babylon like he used to, we should've been able to track his location back by using Babylon itself since he basically still has the 'Key' in his soul... But..."

"But?" Forzelotte who's standing nearby asked.

"...There's no signal at all... It's as if... As if the 'Key' itself is hidden somewhere untraceable... Granted, the 'Key' itself should serve its other purpose, such as a pseudo <GoB> that dearest thought of before, just in case he went somewhere where magic is not that common or it needed a special 'Rule' to activate, so we don't need to worry about him being penniless or something along the line. But that's not all... We also can't use clairvoyance type magic and the like to locate him... Something or someone is interfering with our attempt to locate his location..." Semiramis concluded her explanation.

"...Is it possible he went into a world where magic is non-existent? Or perhaps, his current location has some sort of Anti-magic field?" Scathach said her guesses.

"If not... 'Someone' interfering with our attempts then? But... There are too many possible causes for that to happen... It shouldn't be Nyarlathotep since if she were to survive then she should've killed us all back then... And our magic range is also limited making us searching blindly without a clue. Even with my <Boost> it will still be a hard task to do... The multiverse is vast after all..." Irene, who also happens to be present said.

"Indeed... *Sigh*... Our only comfort is that we know that he's fine..." Semiramis said with a sigh and then she looked down at her belly and gently stroke it: "Fufufu, it seems that our children love their father very much... To think that they somehow can act as a life signal for him."

"Heheh, true... If it wasn't for them then we would still feel distraught over his disappearance." Forzelotte mimicked Semiramis's act and gently stroked her own abdomen.

All of their stomachs are still flat and no visible baby bump can be seen but that doesn't stop them feeling happy.

"Quite a wondrous little brats, aren't they? They're not even born yet but the strong spirit they inherited from their father is already showing... Hahaha! I can't wait to properly train them so they can be the best warriors in the entire multiverse! Who knows, they might even surpass their father one day." Scathach laughed jovially while patting her stomach gently thinking about the future where she had an army of her own consisting of their children.

Just the thought of having their children running all around the place conquering one world after another is making her very excited... It will be so much fun!

"Hmm, I wonder about that... Knowing Ise's personality then I would say he won't let you have your way with them, sister..." Irene smirked at Scathach: "But... Don't you think it's quite worrying that they seem to have already grown more attached to him rather than us even though they're still in our womb? I mean, won't our position as their mother will be in crisis by then?" Her voice turned a bit worried thinking about the possibilities of their children swarming Issei while ignoring the mother squad...

"Oh hoo~ If that indeed happens then I will let the little ones that their mama Scathach is a lot better than their stupid father." Scathach said while she's crackling her fist.

"Ara ara~, we can't let that happen now, can't we? We better lock him up and hide him somewhere out of our children's sight if that indeed happens so we can have a proper bonding with our babies~" The surrounding air around Semiramis turned gloomy and the same goes for Forzelotte.

"Hmph Hmph Hmph! I will teach him a lesson myself for taking my child's attention from me!" Forzelotte said grumpily, she even pouted a little thinking that her child will prefer its father rather than her own mother...

"Ohhh! That's a good idea!" Irene agreed to her fellow sisters' words: "Oh, that reminds me! I better ask Azazel to give me a copy of that video of Ise doing that Oppai song dance! Our children will surely have different thoughts about him after they saw it!" She said as if a light bulb just pops out on the top of her head forgetting that she was basically Issei's other "partner in crime" during the whole show...


From the distance, one can see 4 women standing together while letting faint laughter with a gloomy atmosphere surrounding them...

Poor Issei... They already felt jealous of the possibilities of him for taking all of their children's "attention" from them that they already started to create a proper precaution for it...

"...U-Umm... S-Somehow, our big sisters look quite scary right now... They even let out a gloomy aura for some reason..." Yunyun who's standing in the nearby distance said worriedly: "Did something happen to Ise-san?!" She shouted while starting to panicking a little bit.

"E-Ehhh!? R-Really?! Oh no! Wh-what do we do!" Wiz also started panicking on her own hearing Yunyun's words.

"Meh, I doubt something bad happened to Ise judging how they're laughing in a creepy manner right now... So it must've been about something silly I bet... Riche, pass me that Ultima stone will you?" Kathryn who was working on some sort of a radar device said.

"Ahaha... Kath is probably right... And here you go." Riche smiled wryly.

"Muh? Is it really so?" Ramius tilted her head while observing Semiramis's group: "I can't really tell... Somehow, they're currently laughing in a similar manner as Natal though... Quite weird if I must say..."

"Un... I agree with Ramius-nee..." Gurigura said wryly.

"How rude! I let you know that's how a high-class noble lady laugh!" Natal who overheard their conversation shouted at Ramius's group: "Don't you think so as well, Jeanne-san?"

"E-Eh? Ummm, s-sure...?" Jeanne was taken by surprise when she's asked by Natal so suddenly.

"Tch! Stop getting distracted and focus on finishing this magecraft already!" Jalter growled at Jeanne for being distracted.

"A-Ah, sorry." Jeanne refocused her attention on the magecraft they're currently working on.

"Heh, funny thing to say by the infamous Dragon Witch... To think there will be a day where you stay 'focused' on other things rather than being depressing all the time..." A cold voice can be heard from the entrance.

"Cheh, if it isn't the loathsome ice bitch queen..." Jalter scoffed at the newcomer who just entered the throne room.

"Right back at you, mad dog." The newcomer is a young beautiful girl with pale golden hair tied in a ponytail. The color of her skin looks pale almost the same as Jalter's.

Her eyes are also colored pale golden just like her hair.

Her overall skin and hair color look quite similar to Jalter... And not only that, but she also looks identical with Artoria in terms of facial features. That's because she's also an <Alter Ego> just like the latter.

If Jalter is Jeanne <Alter Ego> or <Alter> for short, then this newcomer is the <Alter> of Artoria. But unlike the former, she is an <Alter> with 2 'identities' in one... She's both Artoria and Altria <Alter> at the same time. She's known as Artoria/Altria Alter. But she's also known as Salter.

(AN: I know her name sounded weird but it is what it is according to the forums . But Salter supposedly her nickname when she's in her Saber Class while as for Lancer Class it's Lalter IIRC).

Her outfit consists of a revealing maid outfit that seems to be a combination of short french maid skirt and a black bra with white laces...

"What do you want now, bitchy lioness? Can't you see that we're busy right now trying to find Master whereabouts? If you want to bother someone else then go bother the other dumbassess instead!" Jalter snorted at Salter.

"Remember that Master is also MY Master and not yours alone." Salter countered.

"...Hmph, maybe he is... But I'm his... legal... married... wife~" Jalter smirked mockingly and said word by word at Salter.

Salter silently gritted her teeth in anger...

"Unlike some bitchy ice queen who can't properly showcase her womanly charm, that she needed to resort to wearing some revealing shitty maid outfit just to entice MY Husband. Master obviously prefers a graceful woman such as me rather than some stupid lioness who doesn't know how to act feminine~" Jalter flashed an infuriating mocking grin at Salter who's started trembling in anger...

"Jalter... Don't be so childish..." Jeanne smiled wryly at them both while the other girls seem pretty nonchalant about the whole situation since this is obviously not the first time they have their "friendly" bout as Issei likes to call it...

"Who's being childish?! I'm only stating facts." Jalter taunted one last time before Salter finally snapped. Since all of her words hit Salter's sore spot...

"...Die." Salter immediately launched an attack at Jalter with her sword who easily intercepted her attacks.

"Heh, it looks like you forgot just who has the upper hand between the two of us. Perhaps your brain is also frozen solid because of that shitty attitude of yours~"

"Shut up. You only have the upper hand because Master gave you his blessing!"

"Call it what you want but that just proved that he prefers me more rather than you!"

"You're just lucky to be meeting him first. If it was me who met him first then I can easily achieve the same thing as you did if not even more."

"Blah blah blah, all I hear is a bitchy lioness bark!"

"A Lioness doesn't bark you mad dog!"

"Who cares! Idiot lioness!"

They traded attack after attack while still badmouthing each other...

'Who's the one being distracted now...' Jeanne thought wryly inside her mind... Well, they've already finished their magecraft so it's fine she guesses...

"A-Ahahah, it looks like Jalter-nee and Salter-nee started their little game again..." Gurigura scratched her cheeks while sweating a little.

"Let them be, they should stop sooner or later anyway... Gah! Why won't it work!" Kathryn waved her hand looking uninterested.

Nowadays, Salter often visits Jalter... She said it's only out of curiosity but all of them know that she visited Jalter out of concern... Well, concern according to her own "way" that is... But it does work somehow since Jalter doesn't look downcast anymore like she used to...

"No luck, Kath?" Ramius asked curiously.

"Yeah... I don't know why this radar won't work... According to the blueprint design created by that woman named bloomer or whatever her name is... It should be possible to track down Ise with this radar... All I need to do is tinker the main parts a bit and change the search system from searching for some Dragon bulb or something to an actual strongest True Dragon, which supposedly is Ise himself..." Kathryn scratched her head confusingly.

"But all the radar can find right now is big sis Irene alone since she's 'supposedly' the strongest True Dragon in existence right now... And that doesn't make any sense since Ise should've been the stronger one..."

"Hee... So we basically run out of option right now..." Riche sighed disappointedly.

"The same goes for our side... Our magecraft went dud the moment we launched it..." Jeanne reported after seeing her and Jalter's magic went capoot...

"It looks that way... Ahhh, I miss otouto-kun a lot, I'm in dire need of resupply of otoutonium~... I can't sleep soundly without holding him in my sleep, Riche~ how about you replace otouto-kun instead~" Croix glomped at Riche from behind.

"Uhhh... I don't know if I should though... I don't want to be suffocated to death by your 'marshmallows' in my sleep, onee-chan... Especially when it's getting bigger ever since you become pregnant..." Riche smiled wryly.

"Yeah! What's up with that!? Are you not satisfied with your previous boob size or something?! Can't you take pity at us who's trying their hardest to grow a size or two!?" Kathryn almost cried while pointing at Croix's breasts.

"Aww... Now I'm sad..." Croix pouted childishly.

"Hauu... Even Soketto-san divinity couldn't help us... And she's the best diviner from my world..." Yunyun said despondently.

"P-Perhaps Aqua-sama could help us...? Eh... Maybe not... How about Eris-sama?" Wiz remembered about Aqua for a brief moment but soon erased that idea...

"I doubt some lower-class God could provide us with any help if a True God being such as big sister Semiramis couldn't... Well, I guess we can only put our hopes on the Kalars party." Kathryn said with a sigh.

"Un..." The girls nodded disappointingly.


"What?! You want to enter the <Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley>?! That's impossible! We can't let you who's an outsider to just enter our royal family sacred ground!" Duke Huai shouted feeling incredulous with Issei's request.

He subconsciously becomes the first to reject Issei's request even before the Little Demon Empress could say something...

Then he finally realized that this person can kill him quite easily if he wanted to just like how he would step on an ant to its death.

His whole body froze in fear, fearing that if his words were somehow provoked this 'Devil'...

Issei looks at Duke Huai: "Are you the ruler of this kingdom or is it her? Why is it you're the first to say no?"

Thankfully, it seems that he won't just kill him outright... Duke Huai secretly sighed in relief. Before he knows it, his entire back is drenched in cold sweat...

He gulped nervously and started to arrange his words more carefully this time: "O-Of course the one truly in charge is the Little Demon Empress... But, this place y-your excellency wanted to enter is a very sacred place since it is the domain of our God, the Golden Crow Divine God... And there are rules created by the Golden Crow Divine God itself, that only the select few could enter its domain..."

"You don't need to worry about that... If the Golden Crow indeed becomes angered because of my visit then I will take full responsibilities myself. So, are you willing to take me there, Little Demon Empress? I don't need other rewards as long as you can let me enter the 'sacred ground'" Issei dismissed Duke Huai worry like it's nothing and then he asked the Little Demon Empress.

Duke Huai and the others felt speechless with his words... Take full responsibilities?! Take full responsibilities your head! Do you think the wrath of a Divine God is to be taken lightly?

Even if you dare to take the full brunt of the Golden Crow anger, can you be sure that it won't vent its anger to us when it's done with you? What will happen to us by then!?

But they don't dare to say anything else and only wait for the Little Demon Empress response...

The Little Demon Empress doesn't dare to do anything reckless... She started to consider what would be the best decision she should make.

"...What if I refuse?" The Little Demon Empress cautiously asked Issei.

"You could... By then all I have to do is to wait for a little more time before this whole kingdom meets its end... Of course, it won't be me who caused it. After all, from what I can see... This kingdom is heading towards its destruction... Will it be caused by the outside force? Will it be from the inside? Or perhaps both? Who knows..." Issei said his warnings.

The Little Demon Empress eyes shook hearing Issei's words... For some reason, she has a feeling that it will indeed happen just like he said...

She already suspected that there is a traitor amongst her subjects but...

Her biggest suspect is Duke Huai faction but she has no proof... Especially since his father's identity is quite sensitive as well... But since his father has disappeared for a hundred and fifty years, there's no investigation that can be done...

"When this kingdom falls and its ownership changes hand. It won't be too late for me to visit the 'sacred ground' at that time... I'm quite sure there will be no need for me to do it the roundabout ways by then. At most, according to my calculation... This Kingdom will only last for about 1 year at minimum... 3 years at most before it meets its end." Issei said while looking straight at Duke Huai who shuddered fiercely.

He feels like he's laid bare before this 'devil' before him... It feels extremely uncomfortable...

'Does he know something about our plans?! No, that's impossible... He must be spouting empty threats...' Duke Huai comforted himself. But he decided to tell the news of what happened here to his father...

"...If you think that I'm spouting nonsense or whatnot then feel free to think that way. Well... What's your answer? If you say no then I will take my leave." Issei said towards the Little Demon Empress.

What's quite weird is that there's not a single person here says anything when they heard Issei's words... It seems that most of them have the same suspicion as the Little Demon Empress that there's indeed a traitor amongst them...

Even Yun Canghai himself who just returned here thought the same way...

"...Fine, I agree with your request" The Little Demon Empress finally agreed after thinking about it for a moment...

[It seems like she just saved herself by agreeing to your request, Master.] Xiaotao said the moment the Little Demon Empress agreed to Issei's 'request'.

"..." Issei doesn't respond to Xiaotao's words.

Xiaotao knows to a certain extent that by having her "string of fate" entangled with Issei then her predestined fate should change as well... Not even the "heaven" could change it back now... After all, she herself is one of that has their fate changed by him...

Then both the Little Demon Empress and Issei headed towards the Golden Crow valley... Her subordinates didn't object anymore and only advised her to be careful along the way.

They wanted to accompany them but she said she doesn't need to be followed...

But before the Little Demon Empress leaves, she received a message transmission from the patriarch of the Elven family.

The Elf Clan is one of the most powerful forces on the Illusory Demon Realm. For some reason they have the surname Under Heaven, then numbers (i.e Number One Under Heaven) as their names. They are part of the elven race. The elves of the Under Heaven clan have especially long pointed ears to the side of their heads. They have a pair of semi-transparent butterfly-shaped wings.

The Elf clan's profound energy possesses innate natural energy, which is beneficial for self-recovery and when treating others. Because of this, the elf clan is well-liked by other clans. Furthermore, because of the natural energy, the males of the elf clan are handsome while the females are beautiful. They are experts at wind profound arts and use bows as weapons in combat.

They have a decent relationship with the Yun Family because Greatest Ambition Under Heaven owes a great favor to the Demon King Yun Canghai.

[Your Majesty, I have a feeling that it's fine to trust this man... He possesses an extremely pure <Nature> energy within his body and his <Nature> energy by far surpasses even our clan ancestors as well. There's no way a man with such pure <Nature> energy is a human that sided with those from the <Sky Profound Continent>. Perhaps he's somehow related to our elven clan...] Greatest Ambition Under Heaven said towards the surprised Little Demon Empress.

She nodded briefly acknowledging Greatest Ambition Under Heaven words.


North of the Demon Imperial City, in front of the Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley.

A massive flame profound formation was at the front, spinning slowly. In the middle, there was the golden image of the Golden Crow flashing, and each time it flashed, it released a golden flash of fire that no one could look into directly.

The profound formation was only thirty meters in diameter yet, it secured the only entrance to the Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley. Even if all the high-leveled Monarchs in Illusory Demon Realm worked together, there was no way they could break through it. The high temperature it released caused ordinary profound practitioners to be unable to even get close to it.

To the Illusory Demon Realm, this was a forbidden ground. Other than once every five years, when the seal of the Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley was released, no one typically dared to get close to it.

However, at this moment, there was a dark grey and petite and another black figure that appeared in front of the Golden Crow Profound Formation.

The person who had arrived at the entrance of the Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley was precisely the Little Demon Empress and Issei.

"This is the entrance..." The Little Demon Empress informed Issei.

They stood in front of the Golden Crow Profound Formation with her grey sleeves swaying gently. She lifted up her arms, then slowly held up the Demon Emperor's Seal.

At that moment, the light that the Demon Emperor's Seal released became even deeper and hotter, and it started to flicker slowly. The frequency of the flickering was completely synchronized with the silhouette of the Golden Crow in the center of the profound formation as if it developed some kind of resonance.

The Little Demon Empress reached out her left hand, and gently cut her long, delicate fingers. Instantly, a drop of bright, red blood flew out from the tip of her finger and fell on the Demon Emperor's Seal. At that moment, the Demon Emperor's Seal flickered in flames, and a reddish-gold flame ascended and surrounded the Demon Emperor's Seal in raging fire and didn't go out for a long time.

The Little Demon Empress stretched her fingers, danced lightly, and at that moment, another drop of blood flew out from in between her fingers, painting a red trail as it flew directly towards the Golden Crow Profound Formation. It landed on the silhouette of the Golden Crow in the center of the profound formation. A ball of the same reddish-gold flames started burning in the center of the profound formation.

The Little Demon Empress held the Demon Emperor's Seal, flew up, and in the instant when the Demon Emperor's Seal touched the center of the profound formation, the two balls of flames that were burning because of her Demon Emperor's blood merged together. The Demon Emperor's seal made a hissing noise, and the Golden Crow Profound Formation was also making hissing noises. Following, the two balls of merging flames suddenly flew out at the same time.

The profound formation sealing the Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley also began to speedily dissolve at this moment, until it was gone completely.

The only entrance for the path to the Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley was completely revealed in front of them.

The eyes of the Little Demon Empress were calm without any fluctuation whatsoever. She put away the Demon Emperor's Seal and looked at Issei: "We can go in now."

Issei nodded at her and then both of them went inside...

In another half of a month, it would be the opening period of the Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley. In the time of five years, it had already replenished a large amount of fire spirit and lightning spirit within it.

The ground here was red, but the sky was purple. Within sight, countless flames were swaying, and countless thunderbolts were hissing. Occasionally, there would suddenly be a sea of flames bursting up more than thirty meters high, or bolts of roaring thunder falling down Even though there was only a Golden Crow Profound Formation between here and outside, it was like the laws and construction of the two worlds were completely different.

They moved at full speed, heading north in a straight line with the Little Demon Empress in the lead. She thought that the flames and lightning strikes would entangle her like usual, but what happened is totally different from her expectation.

She thought that perhaps Issei will also need to spend some energies to go through this valley but reality said otherwise...

Some of the fire spirit with mid-grade consciousness that usually runs away hastily the moment they felt the aura around her and didn't dare to get close now seems to be swarming Issei like they're having so much joy... Yes, joy!

This is the first time she has seen this kind of thing ever happened... Typically, fire spirits such as these types only know how to defend themselves and run away from danger. But now they're approaching a living being that's not a fellow spirit with their own inclination.

And other spirits such as the Lightning spirits also does the same thing.

All of them are surrounding Issei with so much joy that even she could tell with a simple glance. They seem to be dancing hectically around Issei...

And if one looks closely, they seem to be channeling the surrounding fire and lightning element into his body. It's like he's some sort of black hole that keeps absorbing the energies that are channeled into him...

Issei stopped moving and said: "You can go on ahead, I will stay with these children in the meanwhile..."

Issei thought that he might as well absorb the surrounding Fire and Lightning energy around him... Even though it's quite thin, but it's still useful for him. Meat from a mosquito is still a slice of meat after all...

(AN: No matter how small the meat is, it is still a slice of meat idiom).

He doesn't really need these spirits help but he won't deny their offer.

The Little Demon Empress becomes dumbfounded hearing his words... What children? You're saying that spirits, where some of them are at the size of a bull and elephant, is a child?! Granted, not all of them are humanoid-shaped. Some are shaped just like a giant ball of flame while some look like a lizard.

But, she meant, forget about mid-level spirit, she's pretty sure some of the high-level and some unknown type she has never seen before is also mixed amongst them... And he's telling her that they're "Children"?

"...Very well." But soon she accepted it since she has another purpose by coming to this place. She rather stops wasting her time trying to find out about his secrets and uses her time to fulfill her goal... For now, that is...

Then she left Issei behind...

Issei took off his mask and started absorbing the energy he is presented with... He closed his eyes comfortably while the spirits are taking care of him in turn... He calculated that at most, he can only hasten his recovery rate by a few weeks but it's something at least...

"...He's already this powerful when he's supposed to be 'injured'... Just how strong he is at his peak? Truly a monster..." Jasmine muttered in a daze while looking at Issei who's currently recuperating...

"Um... But, he's a very charming monster, right, dear?" Xun'er smiled teasingly at Jasmine.

"En... N-No he's not! Mother!" Jasmine nodded at first but soon realizes that she has been teased by her mother.

"Ufufufu... Mother would be more than happy if Ise could indeed be my son-in-law you know~?" Xun'er continues to tease her dishonest daughter.

"I-I... I won't talk to you anymore!" After saying that, she went to her bed and hid under the blanket not wanting to let her mother see her red face...

Xun'er only giggled lightly at her daughter's behavior...


The Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley was incredibly vast and broad. The Little Demon Empress focused all of her power on her speed without holding anything back. Her speed was so fast just like suddenly flickering lightning, but even so, after more than one hour, she was still in the world surrounded by lightning and flames, and couldn't see the end of it.

After a full two and a half hours, the wall of a hill that was covered completely by reddish-gold flames appeared in front of her. The Little Demon Empress' body turned and landed in front of the wall of the hill. In front of her was a Golden Crow Profound Formation extremely similar to the one sealing the Golden Crow Lightning Flame Valley, except this profound formation was a third smaller, and the silhouette of the Golden Crow was even deeper.

The Little Demon Empress' cold, lonely eyes finally appeared in an instant of commotion. This place... it was not the first time that she had been here, but this time, her state of mind was completely different than before. In the past, she only had helplessness and desire, but this time In her hands, she held the Demon Emperor's Seal that had returned.

Holding the Demon Emperor's Seal, the Little Demon Empress stopped hesitating, slowly stepped forward, and just as her body touched the profound foundation, the Demon Emperor's Seal flickered in flames, and a ball of fire burst and spread out, covered the Little Demon Empress, and brought her body slowly into the profound formation

The world in front of the Little Demon Empress immediately changed. From the world of lightning and fire, she stepped into a world without an edge filled with a golden color.

Holding the Demon Emperor's Seal, the Little Demon Empress knelt on one knee, and said in great respect, "Illusory Demon Royal Family's Twelfth Emperor, eleventh inheritor of the Golden Crow's bloodline, Huan Caiyi, greets the Golden Crow Divine God."


Just as the Little Demon Empress finished speaking, a reckless woman's loud laughter sounded in this golden world. This sound was as if it was from in the sky, but it was also as if it was close by her ear.

Even though the Little Demon Empress's profound strength was high as level five in the Sovereign Profound Realm, her vital energy and blood shook under this sound.

"Your Illusory Demon Royal Family has been late for a hundred years. You finally arrived today, but it's only a woman. Looks like this noble one's fate with your clan has come to an end, why did you still come here for!"

The woman's voice was like vicious flames. Her words confused the Little Demon Empress, who raised her head and said, "Father and Brother were both in trouble back to back a hundred years ago, and the Demon Emperor's Seal was also lost for a hundred years. It wasn't found until recently, so we were late for a hundred years. Even though I am a woman, I am the only direct descendant of the Demon Emperor's bloodline, and I inherited the pure Demon Emperor's blood. May the Golden Crow Divine God please grant me the <Golden Crow's Record of the Burning World> and the ancestral bloodline to revive the Demon Emperor's clan."

"Grant you the Golden Crow's Record of the Burning World and the ancestral bloodline? Hahahaha! You really are pitiful and naive. Didn't you hear what I had said just now? As soon as you entered here, I knew that my fate with your clan was finished!"

"What is the meaning of Golden Crow Divine God's words?" The Little Demon Empress locked her eyebrows and said without understanding.

"What do I mean? You really are completely naive! Your Demon Emperor's clan has had ten generations of Demon Emperors for the past ten thousand years, and the ten generations of Demon Emperors were all men! There had never been a woman. Did you really think it was only a simple coincidence and the common customs of men being superior to women!? Hmph, it looks like you didn't know that with a mortal body like yours, only men can bear the Golden Crow ancestral blood!" The voice said harshly.

The Little Demon Empress felt as if she were struck by lightning, her whole body was trembling slightly, and she said, "Why?! Even though I am a woman, my heritage is directly of the Demon Emperor's clan"

"It doesn't matter if you are a descendant of the Demon Emperor's clan! It is simply because you are a woman!" The flame-like woman's voice said ruthlessly, "Men's body is Yang and women's body is Yin. With a mortal woman's body, it is tolerable to control normal profound flames, even Phoenix's flames or Vermilion Bird's flames would be okay, but my Golden Crow's flame is the world's fiercest Yang fire! There cannot be any existence of Yin! You only have a thin trace of the Golden Crow's bloodline at the moment and you are already suffering from the burn day and night. You are in pain, and your life has been shortened greatly. If you bear the ancestral bloodline, your internal blood flow would be completely messed up, and you will suffer in pain for all your life!"

"On top of that, you are still a virgin, so the vital Yin is still in your body. If you accept the ancestral blood, within three days, the flame energy of your bloodline will explode, and you would die in flames within five days!

Little Demon Empress: "!!!"

It was true that the Illusory Demon Realm's ten generations of Demon Emperors were all men, but no one thought that it was strange, because having a man as emperor was always normal.

On the contrary, it was abnormal for a woman to be the emperor. All of the Illusory Demon Royal Family's people knew that the Golden Crow's bloodline would harm the body of women, especially the Demon Emperor's empress who has the direct bloodline. The empress always passes away before the Demon Emperor, and none of their lives surpassed a thousand years Without a single exception.

The Little Demon Empress naturally knew all of these but she absolutely did not think that, as a woman, even as a woman of the Demon Emperor's bloodline, she could not bear the ancestral blood And could not even cultivate the <Golden Crow's Record of the Burning World>.

All of the hopes were dashed, as if ice-cold water from a freezing fountain was poured ruthlessly on top of her heart and soul. She was stunned for a long while, thinking about the situation the Demon Emperor's clan was in right now, and mumbled without giving up, "Could it be, is there really not any possibility Golden Crow Divine God, you also have the body of a woman"

"Hahahaha!" The flame-like voice laughed insolently, "How can a divine body be compared to your mortal body! The possibility Hmph, it's not like there's none at all, but that would mean getting the nourishment of a man's vital Yang who has the Phoenix or Vermilion Bird's bloodline! But in this Illusory Demon Realm, no one has the power of the Phoenix or Vermillion Bird, therefore, there wouldn't exist a man like that!"

When the Golden Crow mentioned <Phoenix> and <Vermillion Bird>, it was obvious that there was a deep disdain she held towards the two.

The Little Demon Empress lowered her head and closed her eyes. She didn't speak for a long time, and she was not willing to leave.

"...There's indeed no such man who possess the bloodline of those two in this realm currently... But, maybe the heavens took compassion on your Demon Emperor's clan, and let a twist of fate presented itself before you." The Golden Crow said after a bit of silence.

The Little Demon Empress's eyes snapped open, and hope started to fill her whole being.

"A twist of fate?" The Little Demon Empress asked.

"It's that person you bring along with you... He's the one who can help you with your condition right now." The Golden Crow pointed out.

"That person? You mean that person who's called Elder Ise? He can help me? But... Can I truly trust him? What if he has some ideas towards the Illusory Demon Real-" She asked hopefully.

"Hahahahaha!" Before The Little Demon Empress could finish her words, the Golden Crow laughed out loud once again... This time her voice genuinely sounded amused... Amused by the ignorance of the girl before her.

The Little Demon Empress went into a daze once again after hearing her laugh... What's so funny?

"'What If he has some ideas towards your small and pitiful Illusory Demon Realm'? Perhaps anyone of this realm could have some ideas towards your Illusory Demon Realm but not him... Anyone else is possible but just not him! You know why?"

The Little Demon Empress shook her head because she truly doesn't know.

"That's because if he indeed wanted to bring harm to this tiny realm of yours, he wouldn't even need to lift a finger to do so! He won't need to resort to deceit and lies to get what he wants!" The Golden Crow said with disdain.

"..." The Little Demon Empress becomes further confused by the Golden Crow words.

"Do you have any idea just who that person is? How powerful he is? Even ten of the original Golden Crow wouldn't be able to put a scratch on him! Needless to say about your puny realm!"

The Little Demon Empress's entire body shook fiercely like she just heard something incredulous.

Not even ten of the original Golden Crow can do anything to him? Just what kind of concept is this?! Isn't that mean that he's many times stronger than the Golden Crow herself?!

"The only reason why he comes to this place is most likely to absorb the overflowing <Fire> and <Lightning> energy to recuperate from his injuries. You saw how those fire and lightning spirits act around him? That's because they treated him as their King... If he wanted to, he can bring all of those spirits with him and they will follow him without hesitation. But you can rest assured that he won't suck this place dry of its resources since he seems very compassionate... If he's not a compassionate person then those spirits won't come close to him on their own inclination no matter what. Well, not like anyone could stop him if he indeed wanted to do so on that regard..." The Golden Crow said.

The Little Demon Empress felt dizzy with everything she heard... She honestly can't really understand or comprehend what the Golden Crow just said...

"You don't need to comprehend what I just said to you right now or at this moment... But know this... If you could gain his favor or even better, his <Yang> essence. Forget about taking revenge or stabilizing your position as the true ruler in this realm... Even if you wanted to take control of the entirety of this universe then you could do so when the time comes!"

The Golden Crow knows that the Little Demon Empress wouldn't be able to comprehend what she just said but that's fine... If she could, as she said, gain Issei's Yang essence then she will be able to gain the entirety of this universe. Even if she went to the <Realm of the Gods>, she will still be considered as the apex and she will only be considered second to him and him alone...

"...So, what you're saying is that I must seduce him so he will give me his Yang essence?" The Little Demon Empress probed for confirmation.

"Seduce him? You thought too highly of yourself! I admit that you're quite beautiful for a mortal but I'm quite sure he has multiple heaven-defying women waiting for his beck and call that surpass your beauty by miles away! So you think you can really seduce him with your charm alone? Naive!" The Golden Crow sneered at her.

The Little Demon Empress remembered about Bai'er and how nonchalant Issei appears when he saw her face... Indeed... That small girl beauty alone has already surpassed hers...

"What I want you to do is to become his follower, maid, slaves, whatever you want to call it. And if by some miraculous chance he took fancy of you during your stay with him then you will achieve your purpose by then."

Actually, the Golden Crow sensed that the Phoenix aura coming from Issei...

She doesn't know why there's a faint Phoenix aura coming from Issei but it's safe to say that he already comes into contact with it. And she's annoyed by this fact...

She may despise the Phoenix but she knows that it knows how to judge a person's personality.

"So, your answer? You have such a strong will for revenge, and the sense of giving your all, don't tell me you don't have the courage to sacrifice your whole being to achieve your goal. Only by getting his Yang essence can you receive the power you needed to preserve your life and to control your fate! Otherwise, the only outcome is you will perish along with your family bloodline." The Golden Crow pressed the Little Demon Empress further for her answer.

"If you could gain his Yang essence, you will shed your mortal body and gain a divine body that's even better than mine or the original Golden Crow within a short amount of time. So what are you hesitating for?"

The Little Demon Empress who was looking down lift her face.

However, her face was incredibly indifferent. There was no sadness, no tears, no joy, no embarrassment, nor panic The only emotion was a hollow desire For power, and the desire for revenge.

"I understand" She nodded.

"Even though you are a woman, your intelligence and resoluteness are worthy of praise, and you are indeed worthy of being a descendant of the Golden Crow. But, you better stop that look as if you're the one who's suffering here... You won't suffer any kind of grievance by serving or dedicate yourself to him. If anything, you should feel honored and grateful. Take a look at this..."

The Golden Crow nodded appreciatingly after seeing the Little Demon Empress resoluteness but she can't have her looking like that if he wanted to gain his favor... It's as if she's looking at a doll...

So she opened a spatial gap towards Issei's current location...

Both of the Golden Crow and the Little Demon Empress went into a daze from what they see...

The Golden Crow could already sense that Issei shouldn't look ordinary but what she saw caught her totally off guard...

Issei who was closing his eyes sensed a little spatial disturbance near him. He opened his eyes and look straight at the gap the Golden Crow opened...

"...Beautiful..." The Golden Crow muttered unconsciously...

The Little Demon Empress also nodded slightly at her words agreeing to the latter.

Issei's eyes are currently glowing deeper in red which made his eyes look like a flawless ruby. Both of them instantly enthralled by it... His whole body is surrounded by fire and lightning spirits... It's as if he's the God of Flame and Lightning with how he looks right now.

Issei frowned a little since he can see through the other side... He's not too fond of being spied upon like this.

He thought that since he's already finished here anyway, he might as well meet this Golden Crow.

Issei said his farewell towards the spirits which earned a disappointed look from them... They wanted to play some more with him...

Issei expanded the spatial gap the Golden Crow created and entered through it.

Only after he arrived right in front of them both that they snapped out of their daze. At the same time, the Little Demon Empress is also convinced that Issei could create his own spatial opening...

"Greetings, GodKing... It's an honor to meet you here." The Golden Crow voice is completely different compared to how she converses with the Little Demon Empress just now.

The Little Demon Empress becomes startled hearing the Golden Crow words... GodKing? What is that? Is it a literal meaning where he is the King of Gods or is it his cultivation realm?! She has never seen this in the records before...

But she chooses to stay silent for now and see how things go between the two divines being before her...

"So you're the <Golden Crow>? Xiaotao has told me some things about you before..." Issei mused while he observes the Golden Crow.

He doesn't really know why, but this supposedly "lower plane" like Jasmine called it, seem to be inhabited by multiple Divine class being such as the Phoenix, Azure Dragon God, and this Golden Crow...

Sure they're only a soul residue but still... And he's not taking Bai'er into consideration...

"Xiaotao?" The Golden Crow muttered in confusion.

"...That would be me, Golden Crow." Xiaotao appeared from a golden ripple created behind Issei.

The Golden Crow, or also known as the 'Sun Bird'. Legends say that it is an extreme divine being birthed from the sun's core.

The Golden Crow is one of the Three Supreme Fire Attribute Beasts. Of the Three Supreme Fire Attribute Beasts, its strength is ranked last, while in flame strength it is ranked first as its flame is used for utter destruction.

Because the flames of the Golden Crow are the most destructive, each inheritor of its bloodline will have their lifespan significantly reduced as the flames harm the user.

"You... This aura..." The Golden Crow eyes snapped wide open after seeing this newcomer.

"You're the Phoenix! Wait... That's impossible! You should've already died along with the original Golden Crow and the Vermillion Bird! How can you still be alive?!" The Golden Crow at first was taken aback but soon realizes something was off...

According to the memories the Golden Crow gave her, the three <Supreme Fire Attribute Beasts> should've already met their end... Then how come the Phoenix is now alive and well?!

'Wait... Could it be?' The Golden Crow looks towards Issei's direction wanting to affirm her guess.

"There's no need to guess anymore, Golden Crow... Master is indeed the one who 'Revived' me. Well, I say 'Revived' but I was the Primordial Phoenix soul residue, just like you who's only a soul residue of the original Golden Crow... So the better term for it is that Master gave me a new life." Xiaotao said.

"...Unbelievable..." The Golden Crow shakes her head incredulously.

"So... What are you here for? To brag your newfound life to me?" The Golden Crow said in a cold voice.

"No... Master needed something from you. Of course, that is if you're willing." The Phoenix calmly said.

Even though the Golden Crow seems to despise the other 2, the Phoenix doesn't share her feelings.

She's more on the neutral side of things...

"Oh? How can I help you, GodKing? What do you need from me?" The Golden Crow turned a bit softer when she speaks to Issei.

The Golden Crow doesn't really think that Issei wants to get his hand on the Golden Crow legacy since he is stronger than the former. He's also a Dragon at that, so the Golden Crow legacy doesn't really suit him... She's genuinely clueless because of it just what he wanted from her.

"Well..." Then Issei also told her the same thing as he told Xiaotao and the Primordial Azure Dragon God before...

The Little Demon Empress can only wait silently on the side... She felt like she's like a little child that tried to listen in on a conversation between adults...

She has no idea just what are they talking about but she won't try to butt in during their conversation... She just keeps gazing at Issei feeling amazed... Whether it's because of his strength or it's because of his otherworldly face...

But it's mostly because he's the only one who supposedly that can help her with her problem... He's her only hope...

"I see..." After the Golden Crow heard Issei's words, she nodded understandingly...

"So you're saying you can give me the same thing with this Phoenix? A new leash in life and all that?"

"Um, if you wanted to that is... I won't force you." Issei nodded in confirmation.

"Then... I refuse!"

"Is that so? Then goodbye. Let's go, Xiaotao." Issei honestly turned around along with Xiaotao which made the Golden Crow and the Little Demon Empress become stupefied.

"Understood, Master." Xiaotao answered softly and then Issei created a spatial opening to leave this place...

"W-Wait!" The Golden Crow hastily called out because she never thought that Issei will be this resolute with his words... He said he won't force her and that he does... But who would expect that he would just leave like that?!

"Hm?" Issei looks at the Golden Crow cluelessly... What she wants now?

"A-Are you really going to leave just like that!?" The Golden Crow asked ridiculously.

"Yeah? I already said that I won't force you, didn't I? Since you don't want to take my offer then why would I stay?"

"B-But didn't you just acquired a lot of Fire and Lightning energy just a while ago? Why would you just leave like that? This is still my domain you know?!"

What she's trying to convey is that, isn't it quite rude for Issei to leave just like that? After you take stuff from someone else's home?

"I don't know what you're talking about... Those spirits helped me on their own accords and me coming here is a payment that I get from helping the Little Demon Empress over there... So I don't think I owe you anything now, do I?" Issei said in a calm manner.

What he said totally makes sense... He never absorbs those fire and lightning energy on his own. Those spirits are the ones who "Gifted" it to him.

And he came here because it's the reward the Little Demon Empress promised him... He never once forced his way in coming here whatsoever. So he doesn't owe them anything...

The Golden Crow becomes utterly speechless this time... Who would've thought that he is also very eloquent with his words...?

"What Master said is totally correct. Master absolutely doesn't owe them anything." Xiaotao applauded lightly with a thin smile, which earned a scowl from the Golden Crow.

Xiaotao knows that the more you pressed on the Golden Crow then the more stubborn she would become... So, her Master attitude coincidentally is the total opposite of the Golden Crow.

If it was the Golden Crow who was in Issei position then she would've forced the other party until they submit... But if it's the other way around then it won't work since the Golden Crow is too prideful.

While her Master is not a man who would force others out of their free will unless they forced him first...

The Golden Crow then glared at the Little Demon Empress who wanted to scream "I'm innocent!" out loud... But soon she hung her head down feeling wronged...

What's she supposed to do? Reject his request? Then she would be doomed... So there's nothing else she could do here other than to suffer a grievance...

The Golden Crow took a deep breath before she spoke once again: "What I was trying to say is... It's not that I don't want to agree to your request but... I want you to replace the position of that Phoenix with mine!"

"...What? You want to take over Xiaotao's position?" Issei frowned upon hearing the Golden Crow words. What position? He doesn't really understand since he never arranges his follower position or whatnot... To him, all of them are the same...

"Yes. The Golden Crow is a hundred times more honorable than the Phoenix. The power of the Golden Crow's flames is also far superior to the Phoenix's flames. If you make me as your follower instead of that Phoenix, then there is naturally no need for that Phoenix to remain. You can throw her away and replace her with me." The voice of the Golden Crow Soul was filled with arrogance.

Xiaotao doesn't say anything even after hearing the Golden Crow words... The choice is entirely up to her Master. If her Master wanted her gone then she would disappear from his sight...

But, she already stayed for quite a while with her Master so she understands her Master's personality to a certain extent. He's not the type who would treat his followers like a tool that can be discarded at any time...

And just as she expected... Her Master felt extremely displeased with the Golden Crow's words.

"...Let's leave, Xiaotao. We're done here." Issei said coldly after he glared at the Golden Crow before he started walking away from her location.

"As you wish, Master."

The Golden Crow shuddered fiercely after being glared by Issei and even the Little Demon Empress's body also trembled even though she's not the target of that said glare. That glare of his was really terrifying! It's as if Death itself is looming over them...

"W-Wait! Wh-Why did you refuse my offer?! In your eyes, is the power of my Golden Crow not comparable to the mere power of that Phoenix?! Or are you not satisfied with my offer? Then I have some treasures that might interest you!" The Golden Crow hastily said.

Issei stopped in his track before he said coldly: "If you think Xiaotao is some sort of slave that I will discard or throw away as if she's merely a tool then you're sorely mistaken! Perhaps the current Xiaotao is indeed weaker than you but so what? No matter if it will take her a hundred years to surpass you, or perhaps she's indeed inferior to you and can't surpass you in this lifetime, I still wouldn't care. I would still be keeping her by my side."

The Golden Crow mouth went wide open after hearing Issei's words while Xiaotao's face becomes flushed deeply... Her body also started trembling a little... But she's trembling out of happiness!

And with that, Issei doesn't say anything else...

When he's about to step into the spatial opening the Golden Crow interrupted the spatial opening Issei opened.

"...What's the meaning of this?" Issei narrowed his eyes dangerously towards the Golden Crow while his pupils turned into a slit. If the Golden Crow answer isn't to his likings then he would make her pay...

The Little Demon Empress who saw his eyes finally realized that Issei is not of a human race... But it just makes her opinion of him become a lot better since even though she doesn't really discriminate against the human race as a whole. Issei is from the <Sky Profound Continent> where her enemies came from after all. So she has some reservations with how she should treat him before... But since he's not a human then it would make things a lot easier.

Sure the Golden Crow has already told her that Issei is the last person she should be wary of... But it's not easy for her to just trust him like that...

"...This one apologizes for her words... I hope your excellency GodKing doesn't blame this one for testing you just now." The Golden Crow's voice here becomes extremely soft. She knows that she's in the wrong even though she only wanted to test Issei's personality...

She wanted to see if he's the type of person who would discard his followers as if they're a tool or not... The result went beyond her expectations.

She thought that he will only refuse but she never thought that he would become angry just like that...

"..." Issei doesn't say anything while he keeps glaring at the Golden Crow who now started having a cold sweat...

"Please forgive her, Master... Even though the Golden Crow sounded crude and arrogant, deep inside, she meant well." Xiaotao said gently.

"I know... If I didn't know then she wouldn't be alive by now." Issei said finally loosening his threatening stance.

How could Issei not see that the Golden Crow is not truly despicable like she seems? She might sound a bit arrogant but that's about it. Her soul is not tainted black with evil intent or anything like that... It's quite similar to Xiaotao's.

But he can't just accept anyone badmouthing his family even if they're just testing him.

The Golden Crow heaved a sigh of relief seeing that Issei finally isn't that mad anymore...

The Little Demon Empress at first felt surprised seeing that Issei become angry from the start... Previously, when Duke Zhong provoked him once, he still looks calm and only when he provoked him twice that Duke Zhong lost his life... So it seems that he's the type who doesn't really care when someone badmouthed him but he would instantly become furious when the one being badmouthed are those that are close to him...

"...You, don't you have something to say to him?" The Golden Crow turned her attention to the silent Little Demon Empress.

"Hm?" Issei looks questioningly at the Little Demon Empress.

The Little Demon Empress who saw that she suddenly has become the center of the attention took a deep breath before she kneeled towards Issei's direction: "Illusory Demon Royal Family's Twelfth Emperor, the eleventh inheritor of the Golden Crow's bloodline, Huan Caiyi, greets your excellency GodKing."

She introduced herself formally just like how she presented herself to the Golden Crow a few moments ago.

Issei frowned slightly seeing her suddenly kneeled out of nowhere.

"She needed some help from you... It's related to her Golden Crow bloodline and royal family problems..." The Golden Crow then informed Issei briefly about the Little Demon Empress's situation.


"I see..." Issei nodded slightly in understanding.

"You wanted to avenge your fallen family members and subordinates... But you can't do it since you don't have the strength to do it. So, you wanted me to help you with your revenge... Am I right so far?"

"Yes." The Little Demon Empress nodded.

She and the Golden Crow doesn't mention anything about getting his <Yang> Essence yet... The Golden Crow sent a signal towards her during her brief explanation to keep silent about it for now. It will do her no good if she just blatantly asked Issei for his <Yang> essence out of nowhere...

"...And what will you give in exchange for my help?"

"...Everything. I'm willing to offer everything I have, including myself... But... I don't want your excellency to kill them..." The Little Demon Empress implored.

"Oh? Why?" Issei asked her.

"...Because I wanted to make them pay with my own hands!" She said with utter hatred.

"Hmm... You said that you will give me everything you have... Does that include the entire Illusory Demon Realm?" Issei narrowed his eyes at her.

"..." The Little Demon Empress went silent after she heard Issei's question... But soon she has her answer: "...No..."

"No? And why is that?" Issei raised his eyebrows at her.

"...I can't give you the entire Kingdom just like that since the people who live here have their own lives... I can't just put their innocent lives as a payment for my personal agenda... Even if I am their ruler... Of course, if your excellency really wanted to then, with your strength alone, your excellency can easily take over this realm... If that indeed happens then I got nothing to say... The weak will become prey to the strong. That's how it was from the beginning of time..." The Little Demon Empress said softly.

"..." Issei silently gazes upon the Little Demon Empress.

He's a little impressed with how her mindset works... If she were to say that she's willing to give the entire kingdom just like that then he would instantly decline her request. But... If it was him who's on her place then perhaps he would willingly give away his kingdom just to avenge his loved ones... He knows that he's a hypocrite but that's just how he is...

And that's also why he never stopped his training from the beginning... The sole reason for his search for strength... Is to protect his loved ones. No more no less...

If he fails, then the current Little Demon Empress could be him in the future... Who knows... Perhaps there's someone even stronger than Nyarlathotep out there...

"...Very well. I will help you... As for the payment... We'll see later." Issei finally agrees to her request.

"Caiyi thanks your excellency for his benevolence" The Little Demon Empress said her thanks with extreme gratitude. With this... She's one step closer to her revenge...

"Now... How about you?" Then Issei set his gaze towards the Golden Crow: "What do you truly want in exchange for your divine energy?"

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