The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 127:

Chapter 127:

The slightly slanted crescent brows and the misty eyes that were staring at Issei contained the power to bewitch the soul. Her slightly curled lips made her look like she was wearing a faint smile and the light pink color of her lips was even more gentle and beautiful than a blooming flower. It contained an indescribable charm that not even a sea of flowers could ever exude.

Her snowlike skin was untainted by even a speck of dust and she seemed to glow with a holy splendor. But it was that bit of faint pink seeping through her cheeks that adorned her beauty with a stifling amount of charm.

Her countenance wasn't the only thing that was amazing, her figure was also alluring to the extreme.

A snow colored ribbon was tied around her willow-thin waist but the snow robes covering her chest looked so round and full it was as if something would burst out of its trappings at any moment. The buttocks beneath her slim waist were only rounder and firmer. Although she was obviously in a sitting posture, her curves were such that it was if the devil had drawn them into existence himself.

Her entire body was dripping with a kind of allure and charm that ate away at both bones and souls. She looked like a succubus that had been sent over to bewitch humanity by the demon race.

But what piqued Issei's interest is none of the above... but rather her inside... her soul to be exact.

There are three personalities? Similar to Oda Nobunaga? No...

It's more like she's being controlled by two different entities altogether...

And her real personality seems unaware of this at all.

Well, one of them is a divine spirit, so it's not really surprising but as for the other one... A demon? No... a devil if it goes by this world standard considering the faint black energy it possesses. How intriguing indeed...

While Issei is observing her, the woman also does the same... but she can't really see through Issei at all because, for one, he's wearing a mask. And secondly... she couldn't understand him at all! She can't measure his real strength in the slightest!

She can tell that he's a peak <Divine King Realm> cultivator but... that's not it. Something doesn't seem right! For someone who's at the <Divine King Realm>, his aura is far too small! And it's not that he's weak... it's most likely because it's just a fake realm!

Meaning that he's even stronger than her who's already at the tenth-level <Divine Master Realm>! How is that even possible?!

Not a single person in the <God Realm> has higher cultivation than the peak <Divine Master Realm>. Not even the <Dragon Monarch> himself!

The woman started to sweat internally while on the outside her expression doesn't change at all. As for the second 'personality'... it went completely silent...

The seductive woman lazily got up from the ice chair and her skirt fluttered down, covering the ankle the heavens used all its energy to make. Her pair of soul attracting beautiful eyes are still locked onto Issei's, as if it's trying to see through his mask...

But no matter how hard she tries, she's unable to see through it.

She comes closer to Issei's location while Issei himself doesn't make any movement.

She had the pattern of an ice phoenix with its wings spread open on her snowy dress. However, her chest was just too full, causing the pattern to become completely deformed. Not only was her chest massive, but it also looked as silky as water. Each of her steps was obviously slow but each stride caused them to shake and sway as if it's trying to entice Issei to look at it, but ultimately fail...

At first, the woman thought that perhaps he's just like other men? Being captivated silly by 'her' beauty? But... his aura and breathing are still completely calm and collected without any change whatsoever...

The woman before him was beautiful and charming and perhaps no man in the world was able to resist her. If anyone was able to entangle themselves with her, they would perhaps be willing to spend three lifetimes in depravity in exchange... but Issei seems completely unperturbed.

"You must be... Ise?" The seductive woman asked. She stood before Issei with misty eyes and called out his name with her softly opened pink lips: "I've heard that the sect new guest is an interesting person... on his first appearance, he was only at the peak level throne... but a few moments later, he suddenly becomes a peak level <Divine King Realm> cultivator. Don't you think this sounds quite interesting? A peak level throne that suddenly reaches the <Divine King Realm> in a short amount of time can only mean two things... either they were faking their cultivation or they were keeping a heaven-defying secret..."

She stated her guesses with confidence.

"So, which one is it?" The woman raised her eyebrows at Issei: "And why are you wearing a mask here? There's no one else here other than us, no?"

"Hmm, I wonder about that..." Issei hummed lightly, copying her playful tone: "As far as I can tell... There are three 'person' right in front of me."

The woman's body froze slightly before she feigns ignorance: "Ah? What do you mean? There's only two of us here as far as I can tell?"

"Oh? So you're telling me... the 'Devil' and the 'Ice Phoenix' I sensed within you is just my imagination?" Issei said while acting clueless in return.

This time, the woman's expression becomes cold... but inside, she becomes even warier towards Issei.

He knew! He absolutely knew! It's not a guess either since he was being too specific to be considered as a guess!

"Who are you..." She dropped her seductive tone and asked Issei in a bone-chilling voice.

"Hm? What do you mean? Didn't you already know my name?" Issei said still in a playful voice.

In the blink of an eye, their role has been reversed... now Issei is the one who's currently playing around while she's the one on the receiving side.

She doesn't dare to be reckless since her intuition is telling her that Issei is anything but simple... as far as she knows, perhaps even his current cultivation is also a fake.

The air becomes dagger-drawn in an instant... Issei who sensed her hostility smirked lightly before saying: "Well, you don't need to be too worried... as long as you don't bother me then I won't meddle in your business either... And you must be here to deliver the frost dew as well, right?" Issei said calmly.

He knows that the true owner of this woman body must've given her consent to be used as a 'vessel' or some sort for the 'Devil'... as for the Ice Phoenix... she seems oblivious to this.

Issei can see that her soul doesn't really try to resist the 'Devil' whereas the Ice Phoenix case, it gives a little bit of resistance.

It has nothing to do with them being aware or not but it's the automatic defense mechanism from the soul itself. If the body owner or the original soul gives consent then the soul won't resist, but if not then they will resist.

The demoness stretched out two dazzling fingers and lightly pushed out a spatial ring. Supported by a light breeze, the ring landed on Issei's hand.

"...Are you not repulsed after knowing that there's a 'Devil' residing within this woman's body?" The demoness asked cautiously.

"Why should I?" Issei asked back.

"Why, you said..." The woman frowned a little feeling a little baffled since normally, every human that has a righteous heart or whatnot would feel repulsed by the 'Devil' race such as hers.

She thought that he might try to erase her avatar inside this woman's body.

"I'm a Devil." The woman said in a firmer voice thinking that Issei might've misunderstood her.

"So what?" Issei said in the same matter of fact tone.


"I don't care whether you're a Devil, human, spirit or something else. In my eyes, all of them are pretty much the same. I never judge someone based on their race. Just because someone is a Devil, does that mean they're evil? No, I don't think so. A human can be more evil than a Devil and a Devil can be more benevolent than a human... To me, what decides the true worth of someone is not their race but rather their very own action." And after saying that, Issei turned around leaving behind the stupefied woman...

"...Interesting..." The woman muttered to herself. Her voice turned seductive once again.

She never thought that she will meet someone like Issei here...

"Do you know the true owner of this body identity?" She called out before Issei is able to completely disappear from her view.

Issei stopped in his track before saying: "...It's most likely this realm King and the sect master of this place. Considering your 'host' strength is by far the highest of everyone here, being at the 10th level <Divine Master Realm>, she's most likely Mu Xuanyin."

"Oh" Mu Xuanyin's lips overflowed with fragrance as her beautiful eyes slightly narrowed, circulating with an inconceivable charm. Issei guess is correct and 'she' is indeed Mu Xuanyin.

It looks like her intuition was right... for him being able to easily sensed her true cultivation realm must mean that Issei is most likely on the same level or perhaps even higher...

She's not at the peak <Divine Master Realm> just yet, she's only at the lower stage. Well, at least the true owner of this body is while the real her is already at the peak.

Then Issei went back to his room while 'Mu Xuanyin' smiled one last time before her snowy figure became slightly indistinct before it scattered like snow, disappearing from the main hall...

Issei then gave the dew to everyone... as for Xiaolan, she was surprised seeing a bottle of Amorous Frost Dew arrived in her front so suddenly on the next day. But then she realized that it must've been Issei who send it to her.

He most likely didn't knock on her door since he doesn't want to bother her.

She blushed profusely thinking that she probably just didn't realize the messenger arrival which is a mishap on her part. Now she feels ashamed since it's supposed to be her job to receive it.

She hastily went outside of her room to apologize to Issei...

When she stepped outside of her room, she heard a children's laughter coming from the nearby distance.

She thought that must be those three little girls that she saw before so she automatically thought that Issei is with them.

However, when she arrived at the source of the voice what she saw made her frozen stiff. She can only stare unblinkingly in a certain direction...

"Nyaruko, Hong'er... wipe yourselves first. Don't just exit the <GoB> just like that after you took a bath..." Issei wry voice resounded.

"Hahaha! Catch us first father!"

"That's right! That's right! Big brother must catch us first!"

The two little troublemakers said in a bubbly voice.

"Jeez, you two... why can't you be obedient like your sister Bai'er here..." Issei sighed with a wry smile.

Bai'er squinted her eyes while giggling happily when Issei wiped her hair and body clean with a piece of towel. The three of them just took a bath... and unsurprisingly, Issei is not fully clothed at the moment.

He's not entirely naked unlike the three girls but you could say that he's half-naked since he doesn't wear his upper clothes... he only wears his pants right now since there's no way his body won't get wet when he's helping the three tiny tots taking a bath.

Issei could just use his magic to make them dry instantly but he doesn't want them to be over-reliant with it. It's better if they can enjoy being normal instead of being magical beings. Issei himself doesn't really need to sleep nor eat if he wanted to, but he still wanted to experience those kinds of simple things instead of erasing them altogether.

His perfect chiseled chest and abs are out in the open and this sight is the cause of Mu Xiaolan's current predicament. Her mouth becomes wide agape along with her eyes, she's greedily taking in the view she's currently witnessing.

"Senior sister Xiaolan? What are you- oh..." It was also at this time that Feng Qianhui and the others arrived wanting to ask Issei about something about their cultivation...

They saw Xiaolan stand rooted on the spot and felt a little confused at first... but when they saw Issei's current condition, they immediately become in the same condition as their senior sister...

"Ah! The beautiful big sisters are here!" Hong'er who noticed the newcomers pointed out.

"Hm?" Issei turned his head in confusion when he saw their current expression: "Oh, you girls need something?" Issei asked.

But even after waiting for a while, they still don't respond and keep on blankly staring... Some of them even had nosebleed a little such as Mu Xiaolan who's being at the forefront of the group...

"Xiaolan? Girls?" He called out lightly seeing them being unresponsive.

Issei becomes further confused at this sight until he felt a tug from under him: "Gege, your clothes..." Bai'er reminded him in a soft voice.

'Heheh, of course they will be in this state... even I who saw his body felt extremely aroused. Needless to say about this inexperienced brats' Nyarlathotep chuckled lightly to herself: 'His <Chaos> is still growing up till this day... truly incredible... if my <Chaos> will make anyone without resistance to it become insane then his <Chaos> would make anyone basically become his slaves... Fufufu, you are truly wondrous, Dragon King...'

"Oh, right..." Issei blinked his eyes a couple of times before he nodded in realization. Then he wears his clothes and only then that the girls snapped out of their daze while feeling a bit of pity seeing that Issei already wore his clothes...

"Sorry you had to see that." Issei said apologetically.

""No no no! It's fine!"" All of the said at the same time, even Xia Qingyue and Chu Yuechan is no different. In fact, please do this more often! They added inside their minds...

"Uhhh, okay? Um, Xiaolan, your nose is bleeding..." Issei was slightly taken aback with their fervor but then he pointed at Xiaolan nose which currently bleeding slightly...

"AH!?" Mu Xiaolan shouted in surprise before she hurriedly covered her nose with both of her hands.

"Hahahaha! You look so silly, big sister! Did you accidentally hit your nose on your way here?" Hong'er pointed at her while laughing alongside Nyaruko.

Actually, the other girls also about to have a nosebleed but because they've been with Issei for a longer period of time, they don't embarrass themselves as Xiaolan did...

They tried to put on their poker face right away when Issei pointed out Xiaolan ' misdemeanor'. But the tinge of blush on their cheeks gave them away...

Feng Qianhui for one started to lick her lips lightly while her imagination started to running amok...

If Jasmine was here, she would've screamed 'Bunch of perverts!!!' at them. But as for whether she would share the same fate as them or not is a different story...

Mu Xiaolan practically scrambled away from there because of how embarrassed she was. The girls tacitly give a nod of understanding since they would've acted like her in the past...

"...Well, how about you girls? You're here for our daily routine?" Issei asked while he caught the two little troublemakers while they're distracted by the sight of running Mu Xiaolan.

"Ah! Unfair! I was distracted by that silly big sister!" Hong'er said indignantly.

"That's right! Father, you're so unfair!" Nyaruko chimed in with her cheeks puffed.

"..." Issei could only smile wryly at them...

The girls warmly smiled seeing their interaction... how good would it be if the one that is being taken care of by him are their actual children...


On the day that Heavenly Netherfrost Lake was being opened, the entire Divine Ice Phoenix Sect seemed to have frozen. The atmosphere was unprecedently somber and serious.

It was because today was the day when the Great Realm King would select her direct disciple. Once one became the Realm King's direct disciple, not only would their position rise sharply, their cultivation would also soar. Moreover, they would even receive a drop of pure Ice Phoenix origin blood. It was the greatest honor within the Snow Song Realm.

In the high skies of the Ice Phoenix Realm's northernmost area, an iceboat pierced through the cold wind and traveled at an extremely fast speed. The girls and Mu Xiaolan stood upright at the sides of the boat while Mu Bingyun, whose clothes fluttered in the wind, stood in front alongside Issei. This place was already not too far from the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake.

"I really didn't think that even I would get to enter the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. These few days felt like a dream to me, I was scared that I'd suddenly wake up from it when I was in the cultivation room."

Even though many days had passed, Mu Xiaolan was still drowned within intense excitement and emotions The other Ice Phoenix disciples probably felt the same. After all, the ones who were able to enter the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake had all been divine hall disciples, moreover, the most excellent ones amongst them.

"Also, not only can we meet the senior brothers and sisters as well as the various palace masters and elders, also.. also" Mu Xiaolan faintly gulped with thirty percent expectation and seventy percent nervousness, "I'll be able to see the Great Realm King again, ouu! I'm so nervous."

Issei glanced at her for a brief moment thinking that, 'Your Great Realm King is the one that delivered that amorous frost dew, you know?'

And by the looks of it, Mu Bingyun herself doesn't seem to know that her elder sister just recently pays him a visit.

Mu Xiaolan who realized Issei's gaze on her had her face went deep red since she's still embarrassed because of the last incident...

Mu Bingyun who saw this flashed a strange look at Mu Xiaolan which made the latter become further embarrassed.

"..." Mu Bingyun turned her gaze back, as some irregular fluctuations emerged from her eyes since she thought of something awkward inside her mind just now. She then spoke softly, "In a hundred breaths, we'll arrive at the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. Take care to channel profound energy to defend against the cold."

Just as Mu Bingyun's voice subsided, the temperature of the already chilly world suddenly dropped sharply. The further they forged ahead, the more bone-chillingly cold it became. The entire world also became even more still and silent, as though even sound was frozen.

The area where Heavenly Netherfrost Lake was located was the coldest place in the entire Snow Song Realm.

"It is the first time ever in the history of the Snow Song Realm that the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake has been publicly opened to such a degree. Not only will the Great Realm King come personally, so will the seventy-two divine hall elders, thirty-six palace masters, the Freezing Snow Main Hall Master as well as the chief deacon. All of the higher-ups in the Divine Ice Phoenix Sect will come."

"Of the young generation, there are at most two thousand divine hall disciples. The one hundred outstanding disciples chosen by each Ice Phoenix Palace total three thousand and six hundred disciples. This is five thousand and six hundred disciples added up altogether. Such an amount is unprecedented and these five thousand and six hundred disciples that are entering the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake will dictate our Snow Song Realm's future." Her gaze lingers at Xia Qingyue's group since by far, they're the most outstanding disciples they ever had alongside Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue that is...

And Mu Bingyun's words were not exaggerated at all. This was because Divine Ice Phoenix Sect was the ruler of the Snow Song Realm and Divine Ice Phoenix Sect's most outstanding members of the young generation would undoubtedly become rulers of the future Snow Song Realm.

"Today's event is no small matter. The severity of its significance is incalculable. Thus, once you enter the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake, you must not step out of line." Although she said that, what she truly meant is that she was hoping that there will be no stupid disciples from the other palace that will try to provoke these monstrous girls, which in return would provoke the bigger monster behind them...

"When all of you enter the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake, you must follow me closely. Don't stray far from my side..." She said towards the girls. As for Issei, she doesn't really need to be worried since she knows that Issei is not someone who will abuse his strength just because he feels like it.

"And as for you Ise... whatever happens, don't take off your mask." But she still needs to warn him about this or it will be catastrophic for their sect... what will they do if all of their female disciples were to follow Xia Qingyue's group fate? Their sect and realm will surely decline greatly if that were to happen...

"Oh, got it." Issei nodded briefly at her words. Only then Mu Bingyun sighed in relief...

She knows that Issei is the type who will only do something if he were to be provoked. In a way, he's quite similar to her elder sister who often becomes overly protective of those that she considered family.

The number one from the bottom was Mu Xiaolan.

This meant that the sister relationship between the Great Realm King and Mu Bingyun was deep. In reality, the Thirty-sixth Ice Phoenix Palace was long gone and only existed in name. However, during these thousand years, not only had the thirty-sixth palace continued all this while, it had never been treated differently by the other Ice Phoenix Palaces. This had astonishingly even allowed the girls and Mu Xiaolan to enter the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake.

The atmosphere became colder and colder. Mu Xiaolan had already begun spreading her profound energy to protect herself. Her body had also somewhat shrunk a bit.

When she peeked at her junior sisters, she discovered that their face was as normal as ever beneath the frigid wind and they're totally had not released profound energy to protect themselves. She blurted out, "All of you don't feel cold?"

"We are not feeling cold, senior sister." Xia Qingyue answered in place of the others. Cold? Their control over the ice element is almost perfect that it will take more than this just to make them feel cold...

Even Chu Yuechan herself could wield dual element at this point. One of them being Ice and the other being Fire...

"Ah, really? So unfair..." Mu Xiaolan grumbled enviously as she added another layer of profound energy on her body: "Achoo!" She knows that the reason behind their current strength must've something to do with Issei.

She's a bit jealous of them but she's too shy to ask Issei for guidance. And she also thinks that it would betray her Master if she were to ask pointers from others...

Due to the sudden arrival of cold wind, Mu Xiaolan was caught by surprise by the cold and sneezed. She instantly flushed red all the way to her neck and turned her face around, no longer willing to look at them thinking that she just lost all her face as their senior sister...

Mu Xiaolan was born in an ice world and had cultivated ice profound arts since birth. Adding her high innate talent into the mix obviously meant that she was not affected by any ordinary coldness but the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake region was just too cold.

It was not limited to the Snow Song Realm. Saying that it was the coldest place in the entire God Realm was hardly going overboard. It's just that these girls are too abnormal! She thought to herself.

Mu Bingyun herself thinks that this is quite unfair for the other disciples... Although she's happy that she's the palace master of these group of monstrous geniuses, she knows that they're only disciples in name.

If Issei leaves their sect someday then all of them would surely follow after him...

And their strength... Xia Qingyue and Chu Yuechan really did reach the <Divine Tribulation Realm> just like he said... and the others are not that far behind...

But was there any tribulation happening recently? She doesn't see any tribulation befalling their palace... Mu Xiaolan herself doesn't see any tribulation at all...

"We're here." The speed of the ice boat now slowed but the severity of the cold air had already reached an extremely cruel degree. For profound practitioners below the divine way, even if it was a Monarch, it would feel like they had fallen into hell. Even if they did their best, they wouldn't be able to move a single step.

There was surprisingly a humongous azure barrier up ahead. Ice beams circulated atop the barrier like countless numbers of flickering stars.

"The Heavenly Netherfrost Lake is just within that barrier," Mu Bingyun said softly. "It seems that we have come a bit early."

The iceboat sped up again. What was originally an azure barrier that was in the distance suddenly appeared close at hand in a few breaths. There was a field of emptiness before the barrier. Whether it was members of the divine hall or ice phoenix palace, neither had arrived yet.

"...But we're still not the first to arrive." At the same time Mu Bingyun said that, a lone snow white figure standing amidst the world of ice and snow before the barrier. It was the silhouette of a woman. She wore clothes that were pure white and was utterly silent. Whether it was her aura or figure, both had completely blended in with the world of ice and snow.

The iceboat soundlessly landed. It was also at this time that the woman quietly standing within the snow turned around She had a beautiful complexion that was as pure and lustrous as icy snow. Beautiful enough to make one hold their breath and cold enough to make one's soul shiver. In fact, her eyes were extremely clear, yet resembled a bone piercingly cold pond. Just being looked upon by them was enough to make one's soul freeze.

She's quite similar to Chu Yuechan in the past in this regard.

"Disciple Mu Feixue greets Palace Master Bingyun."

She executed a full salute. It was just that there was no emotion whatsoever on her flawless face that had not a single speck of dust. Her voice was as icy as a cold lake. Each and every one of her words were cold and detached, without the slightest bit of warmth or feeling.

Atop her left shoulder was a beautiful twinkling blue light from an Ice Phoenix Engraved Jade, proof of her exalted divine hall disciple status.

"Ah Se Senior Sister Feixue," Mu Xiaolan quietly uttered in alarm as she stood in place. She was so nervous she didn't even dare to say anything else. She didn't expect that the first person they would see after arriving would actually be Mu Feixue, the disciple with the highest innate talent within the sect before Xia Qingyue's group arrival. The one with the most respected status, whose accomplishments were extremely likely to be on par with her Master.

Suddenly, a frosty wind brushed past and yet another silhouette fell from the sky. This one was male and had the noble engraved jade emblem that marked his status of a divine hall disciple on his shoulder. His white clothes fluttered about in the wind, making him look especially handsome and elegant as he exuded a transcendent noble and graceful aura.

"It's Senior Brother Hanyi!" Mu Xiaolan involuntarily cried out.

The divine hall's Ah, no. It was only the two most outstanding disciples within the entire sect and even the entire Snow Song Realm, that were able to become the Realm King's direct inheriting disciple, who had coincidentally arrived the earliest. Being able to encounter both individuals when they had even yet to enter the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake was incredibly lucky.

Mu Hanyi floated down and then respectfully bowed toward Mu Bingyun. "Disciple Mu Hanyi gives his regards to Palace Master Bingyun. I've heard that Palace Master Bingyun's celestial body is getting better with each passing day. Hanyi is overjoyed."

Mu Bingyun slightly nodded. "Today's results will determine the road you walk for the rest of your life. Do not get careless."

"Yes," Mu Hanyi seriously replied. He took a glance at the group of girls he never saw before... he has heard about them from the rumors before but he never personally saw them.

He never thought that there will be another girl that could possibly rival Mu Feixue which he has feelings for... Although they're wearing a veil, he somehow can tell that they should be very beautiful...

Xia Qingyue and Chu Yuechan's strength are astonishingly already at the early stage of the <Divine Tribulation Realm>! As for the others, they're mostly around 8th and 9th level <Divine Soul Realm> already... Just what kind of talent is this? Weren't the rumors said that they were at the <Divine Origin Realm> a few weeks ago?

Issei, on the other hand, Mu Hanyi doesn't really know about him other than that Issei is the sect guest brought by Mu Bingyun herself...

He gives Issei and the girls a polite nod while still feeling a bit surreal with the whole situation, then he straightened up and turned to Mu Feixue, who was as still as a block of ice. Joy was within his warm smile as he said, "Junior Sister Feixue, you've arrived so early. Did you not come with Great Elder and the others?"

"Didn't Senior Brother Hanyi come really early too?" Mu Feixue's voice was as cold as ice. Even though she was answering Mu Hanyi, her gaze didn't falter at all when faced with his approach.

"My heart was restless the entire night when I thought about today so I came this early hoping that the cold wind here would help me calm down a bit. It seems like my cultivation still isn't enough. If I am fortunate enough to be able to become the sect master's direct disciple, then I will have had my life's wish granted. If I am defeated by Junior Sister Feixue however, I also will not feel the slightest bit unwilling or regretful. I might even be really happy instead." Mu Hanyi sighed lightly, his words calm and sincere as he looked at Mu Feixue the entire time, his eyes not shifting away at all.

Even though it was cold enough to penetrate the heart, what released this cold intent was actually the excessively beautiful landscape. If he was able to obtain even the slightest smile from her, he would probably be delighted to freeze here for all eternity.

What answered him was actually Mu Feixue's silence. Her icy eyes were gently closed as she returned to her previous silence, no longer paying him any heed. It was as though she didn't hear what he had just said earlier in fact, it didn't seem like she had even looked at him even once since the beginning.

The girls who saw this unconsciously looked at Chu Yuechan...

"...What?" She asked in bewilderment.

Didn't she also has the same case happened to her before? The one-sided love from Ling Yuefeng?

Who would've thought that there will be a similar case here... and they have to say that this Mu Feixue looks a little similar to Chu Yuechan in terms of appearance...

Not to the point of identical but still quite similar...

Mu Hanyi's smile persisted on his face but an additional melancholy surfaced between his brows even though he had long since become used to being treated like this by Mu Feixue.

In Divine Ice Phoenix Sect, there were countless girls who adored him. As long as he was interested, they would even be willing to become his concubines or maidservants. However, the only person his heart pined for treated him like nothing.

She treated everyone like that. She was a girl born with the Ice Phoenix bloodline. It was as though her heart and soul had been sealed by the Ice Phoenix power since birth and would never thaw. On the other hand, a man would never become like that. This was perhaps related to the differences in the yin and yangs of both sexes.

Since they were extremely close to the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake, this area was frighteningly cold. Mu Xiaolan had nearly circulated more than half her profound strength to defend against it. Not long after, a cold wind came from the south as a group of people on an iceboat came over.


A burst of extremely candid laughter came from the skies above, greatly dispersing the strong coldness in this area. Amidst the great laughter, a bulky man fell from the sky.

The man looked to be already past his prime. His beard was going gray yet the hair on his head was still pitch-black. His face was filled with wrinkles and his eyes were as bright as a fierce tiger's. His bold laughter and forceful aura seemed to somewhat go against the ice profound art Divine Ice Phoenix Sect cultivated.

When he landed, the other thirty people who accompanied him also landed behind him at the same time and the engraved jade which signified that they were divine hall disciples were shockingly on their shoulders!

"Great Elder." This time, it was Mu Bingyun who executed a salute.

"Great Elder!" Mu Xiaolan also hurriedly gave her respect and Mu Hanyi also deeply bowed Only Mu Feixue was still as silent as snow and did not glance anywhere.

Xia Qingyue and the others give a slight bow to this Great Elder while Issei only took a single glance at this newcomer.

Great Elder Mu Huanzhi took large steps forward and said with a booming voice, "Bingyun, you've come pretty early, huh." It seems that he's not bothered with Issei and the girls lack of interest.

"We've just arrived not too long ago," Mu Bingyun replied.

"Oh?" Mu Huanzhi's gaze then landed on Issei and the girls: "He must be the rumored guest you brought over and as for them... Hahahaha, I've heard that they break the record for the examination test. And I have to say that they're indeed extremely talented!"

Issei coming here is not really a secret since the Great Realm King already warned of his arrival beforehand during their last meeting. He and the other elders can't really say anything since the Realm King herself already spoke about it.

And besides, having a <Divine King Realm> cultivator as their guest is not that bad either especially when he's this young.

They don't really know his true identity other than he supposedly came from the lower realm with Mu Bingyun. But they all don't believe that Issei is from the lower realm considering his cultivation realm...

"We are humbled that the Great Elder actually knows about us." Feng Qianhui spoke lightly.

Mu Huanzhi waved a big hand. "Child, your reputation exceeds you of late. After all, Bingyun has only brought all of you back, after all these years. Being able to easily pass the examination test and also achieve breakthrough in this short amount of time is really incredible. Although I'm extremely curious just how did all of you can increase your cultivation this fast, I won't ask unless you're willing to tell me about it yourselves."

When he spoke with the girls, the divine hall disciples behind him also shifted their gaze toward them It could be clearly seen that they had become rather famous during this period of time.

Nobody knows about their real faces and there's a rumor going on that their beauty should be comparable to Mu Feixue... and they have to agree that this rumor is right.

Just based on their eyes alone, they dare to say that perhaps they even surpass Mu Feixue in terms of beauty!

"...We thank Great Elder for the praise." The girls said in unison. Since members of Divine Phoenix Sect cultivate ice profound arts, the majority of them were quiet and cold. This Mu Huanzhi however, was a rare oddity.

"But Bingyun, even though the aptitudes this group of children is great, little Xiaolan cultivation, on the other hand, is a bit low... I'm afraid she won't be able to endure the heavenly lake's water." Mu Huanzhi's brows furrowed.

Mu Xiaolan felt a little bit upset when she heard this... it's true... of all of them here, she's practically the lowest in terms of strength.

"I agree." Mu Bingyun lightly nodded. "But I don't plan on letting her soak in the heavenly lake's water. Not only is that not beneficial for her, it will be extremely easy for her to receive injuries. Just the icy cold aura is beneficial enough for Xiaolan."

"Hahahaha," Mu Huanzhi suddenly laughed loudly. "Just look at my brain. I've gone so old I can't even think properly. With you here, aren't I just worrying foolishly?"

"And how about you, young friend? Are you here to witness our Netherfrost lake?" Mu Huanzhi proceeds to ask Issei.

"Um, I'm only here to accompany them." Issei said lightly.

"Oh? Is that so?" Mu Huanzhi nodded understandingly.

He has heard that these girls seem to treat Issei a bit special... Perhaps they're lovers? Not that it's his business though...

It's great enough that these group of geniuses became their sect disciple. He won't mind if Issei were to suddenly become one of their disciples as well... In fact, he would welcome him with open arms!

"Hanyi, today could be said to be an extremely important day for you." Mu Huanzhi then turned to Mu Hanyi, his face becoming a bit more solemn. "Even though Feixue is my granddaughter if it's you I am able to recognize you without feeling bad. In short, try your best."

Mu Hanyi deeply bowed, "This disciple will do his best."

"Cough cough, Feixue. Grandfather obviously wants you to become the sect master's direct disciple more, so you have to ah, ah, Feixue"

Mu Feixue continued to walk in the snow, giving Mu Huanzhi a back figure that was becoming more distant.

Mu Huanzhi withdrew his half extended hand and embarrassedly rubbed his nose. He said depressingly, "That child's temperament really is becoming more and more severe. If she really becomes like that girl Bingyun who never marries her entire life sigh, that seriously makes me worry."

Mu Bingyun, "..."

Mu Huanzhi was older than Mu Bingyun by six thousand years. Back then, he was also half her master so he was qualified to call her "girl".

"How about you take her young friend? It seems that Bingyun is quite interested in you from what I've seen." Mu Huanzhi suddenly said something which made Mu Bingyun's body stiffened.

"Err..." Issei sweated a little at this.

"Great Elder." Mu Bingyun raised her voice just in time.

"Hahahaha! I'm just joking!" Along with his burst of laughter, they all resumed their trip...

The time of the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake's opening was getting close. Various divine hall elders, disciples, and various Ice Phoenix Palaces had all started arriving in succession.

Two thousand divine hall disciples were lead by seventy-two elders. Behind them were the thirty-six palaces lead by each of their palace masters. Even though they had meditated in advance for seven days, all of the various Ice Phoenix Palace disciples were still unable to contain the excitement on their faces. Today's occasion caused all of the elders, palace masters and divine hall disciples to be present. Even the most experienced disciple there had never seen such a spectacle.

This included the various divine hall disciples as well.

Although they were similarly disciples and there was only one rank of difference between the Divine Hall and Ice Phoenix Palace, it was a difference between the clouds and mud. Of the Ice Phoenix Palace disciples behind the divine hall disciples, none were not nervous to the point where they didn't dare breathe forcefully. They lined up in thirty-five neat groups and each step was like a nail being hammered to the floor. They didn't even dare to move.

At a certain corner, there's a conspicuous group that keeps attracting everyone's gazes... Whether it be man or woman alike.

Mu Xiaolan was especially uncomfortable, her small hand firmly clenched because not only is it cold, but she's also feeling really nervous as well.

Xia Qingyue's group, on the other hand, is very calm and collected. They're not fazed in the slightest.

All thirty-six Ice Phoenix Palaces had arrived and Freezing Snow Hall's Mu Fengshu and Mu Sushan had also arrived together.

The last divine hall elder came through the skies fifteen minutes before the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake opened and landed before the various disciples or to be more precise, landed right in front of Mu Hanyi.

This was a rather tall woman with a face that had seen many changes in life and possessed some majesty. Her chilling eyes exuded an imposing air without any change in expression. Her arrival caused the surrounding aura to congeal in one spot.

The divine hall's thirty-ninth elder, Mu Yunzhi

Aside from being the thirty-ninth elder, she had a status that the entire sect was aware of.

Mu Hanyi's direct Master!

Being able to enter Ice Phoenix Divine Hall was the ultimate pursuit of the Snow Song Realm's profound practitioners. In the vast Snow Song Realm, divine hall disciples numbered a mere two thousand, so it was obvious what kind of honor it was to be able to enter Ice Phoenix Divine Hall.

But if one's disciple was especially excellent, then the master would also gain fame as well.

This was what happened to Mu Yunzhi.

As a divine hall elder, her status in the Snow Song Realm was only below that of the Realm King and above all other beings. The incredibly astonishing innate talent her disciple Mu Hanyi exhibited was one of the highest among all disciples. This made her extremely proud of that fact and this had thus changed her position within the divine hall elders. If Mu Hanyi was able to become the sect master's direct disciple however, then as Mu Hanyi's direct Master, her position within Divine Ice Phoenix Sect would obviously not be the same as it was in the past.

The sect master's successor was always one who was the direct disciple of the sect master. If Mu Hanyi were to one day inherit the position and become the new Snow Song Realm King, that was no small matter.

As such, today was not only a day that concerned Mu Hanyi's fate but hers as well. If the results were different, then the circumstances would also be like the difference between heaven and earth."

"Master." Mu Hanyi took a step forward and respectfully saluted.

Mu Yunzhi lightly nodded, then looked deeply at Mu Hanyi for a while, the meaning in her gaze self-evident. But aside from that, she didn't look at any other disciples, nor did she say anything to Mu Hanyi. She then turned around and joined the lineup of elders. When she looked at the barrier up front, she said quietly, "It should be about time."

It was right around this time that the azure barrier covering the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake flashed. It was as though blue starlight was being pulled by an invisible force and was being scattered to both sides.

"The sect master has arrived!"

The low shout heavily impacted the minds of everyone present. The faces of all the elders and palace masters instantly changed to become incomparably solemn, causing every excited divine hall and ice phoenix palace disciple to become intensely nervous. A white line slowly shone off the azure barrier and with the white line at the center, it slowly spread the barrier open.

As the place where the Snow Song Realm's cold vein existed, the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake was the Snow Song Realm's holy land. In all of the Snow Song Realm, the only person who was able to open the barrier which sealed the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake was the Snow Song Realm King. Aside from her, no one had the power or qualifications to do so.

Everyone present held their breaths and Mu Xiaolan's heart had almost stopped due to her nervousness. After the barrier was slowly opened, it was as though another world was awaiting them.

Great Elder Mu Huanzhi had on a grave expression. He took a deep breath and then said, "Let's go in, Sect Master is waiting for us inside. Remember, do not act against the rules and regulations!"

Mu Huanzhi's last words were quite unnecessary. They were about to meet the Snow Song Realm's supreme Realm King. Even though they were the top of the Snow Song Realm's young generation, they still wouldn't dare to be the least bit rash.

The barrier was completely opened and a streak of pale light was spread like a curtain up ahead. With the elders at the front, everyone slowly walked into the curtain of light. The footsteps of more than five thousand people were nevertheless neat and orderly, without any excess sound.

Issei's group was at the very end. Once they entered the curtain of light, what appeared before them was astonishing a completely different world.

Outside was a brilliant white world where cold wind howled through the snow-covered sky while the world before them was actually as quiet as still water.

The air in this place was extremely cold, yet it wasn't as white as the snow-filled sky outside. It was instead a quiet, inconceivable emerald green. Myriad flowers blossomed, emerald grass swayed and jade trees stood tall. It was as though they had suddenly left the Snow Song Realm that had been covered by snow throughout the ages to another world that possessed all four seasons.

At the center of this world was a quiet little lake. The lake was fifteen kilometers wide and its boundaries could be seen with a single glance. The lakewater was tranquil with not a single ripple and yet it still sparkled and was unimaginably pure. Just looking at the lake water made everyone distinctly feel as though their eyes and even thoughts were being gently washed, to become extremely clear.

"This is the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake" Similar to the other disciples who had never seen the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake before Mu Xiaolan stood in a daze, as though she had fallen into a dream world. Even the girls are a bit amazed by this sight... They never expected that the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake they imagined being covered in profound ice would actually be such a wondrous sight. After all, this was where the cold vein resided and was the coldest place within the Snow Song Realm.

"The Heavenly Netherfrost Lake's lakewater is borne from the cold vein. Each drop contains an extremely high level of frost power that will never solidify. All the flora here, from the trees to the flowers to perhaps each stalk of grass possesses an extremely high level of cold energy. Furthermore, the flora here will only grow in the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake and are all unique within the entire God Realm. A large majority of the top grade spiritual medicines within the sect come from the ice flowers and grasses here. The Amorous Frost Dew all of you received a few days ago came from the Amorous Grass and Amorous Flower here."

Mu Bingyun said to the girls through the sound transmission.

"What pure cold energy cold energy can actually become like this" Mu Xiaolan commented absentmindedly.

"The cold energy within the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake's water contains extremely high level ice laws. In the domain of water attribute laws, ice attribute laws are the most difficult laws to comprehend and they are at their peak within the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake."

Countless azure ice spirits fluttered agily atop the lake surface. These ice spirits were the size of a fingertip, yet they released an especially intense life and soul aura.

These ice spirits, born from the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake, definitely weren't bodies of power with inferior consciousness that everyone knew of instead, they possessed complete souls! In a way, they're quite similar to Esdeath, Altair, and Sirius who is also an ice spirit.

Of course, their rank differs by quite a lot... while these ice spirits are created by nature itself, Esdeath and the other two are created by Issei himself!

When the ice spirits noticed Issei's presence, they stopped whatever they're doing before they started fluttering towards him while letting out a giggling noise similar to children's.

All of them who witnessed this become dumbfounded...

Issei is being surrounded by each and every single ice spirit that exists in this lake.

"Wh-why did they suddenly gathered around senior brother Ise?" Mu Xiaolan dazedly said.

Everyone there also wanted to know the answer to this question. Even Mu Bingyun is speechless at this sight... first, it was that profound beasts, now it's the ice spirits...

Every single female disciple who saw Issei's current situation went into a daze. Even the usually cold Mu Feixue is also the same...

Being surrounded by all those ice spirits made his body give a light glow which made him look like an ethereal spirit king...

"Go, no need to crowd in one place like this..." Issei said softly towards the ice spirits.

The ice spirits who heard this become disappointed but they still listened to his words.

They started to disperse but not before giving Issei a deep bow...

"Hm? What's wrong? Why are all of you looking at me? Don't you have a much more important matter at hand?" Issei said towards the onlookers'.

They snapped out of their daze before giving the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake that was up ahead their full attention. Although they're extremely curious as for why all those ice spirits acted that way, now is not the time to ask questions...

All the disciples neatly stood in front of the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake with longing gazes, issuing the greatest exclamations of their lives. Even the most talented artists in the world wouldn't be able to portray the marvel before them. Not only was the cold energy in this place inconceivably pure, but it also caused the ice profound energy in their profound veins to uncontrollably throb.

The skies immediately darkened as a worldshaking dragon cry seemed to have come from the highest heavens, resonating through the world. Beneath this dragon cry however, the surface of the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake was still a field of tranquility without the slightest ripple.

This dragon cry caused Mu Xiaolan to cry out in surprise. The bodies of all the disciples present intensely shook but Issei's group.

What followed this world-shaking dragon cry was the descent of a pressure that covered the skies.

In the skies above, an enormous ice blue silhouette was rapidly approaching. It was astonishingly an enormous ice dragon. Its body was ten kilometers long and its tail was more than fifteen kilometers long. When it spread its icy wings, it nearly covered the entire horizon. Its entire body was covered in scales that resembled ice crystals and at the center of every scale was a piercingly cold icicle. The enormous dragon proudly lifted its head, radiating two gleams of aurora-like lights from its eyes.

It floated three kilometers above them, causing the large dragon shadow it cast to cover the entire Heavenly Netherfrost Lake.

When it saw Issei, it has its eyes widen and when it's about to give respect to Issei, it received a voice transmission from Issei...

It gives a silent nod which went unnoticed by everyone there but Mu Bingyun and the ice dragon rider... They noticed how the Ice Dragon expression coagulate when it saw Issei just now...

Both of them silently look at Issei thinking just what is his true identity is...

"T-t-the Saint Dragon!!" Mu Xiaolan yelled with a stammer. It wasn't the first time she had seen a Sacred Dragon but she had only seen them from a distance of five hundred kilometers away. Never in her dreams would she dare think that she would be able to see one this close.

Dragons were the rulers of all beasts and a dragon's pressure was enough to shake the heaven and earth. Even though everyone in the Snow Song Realm knew of its existence, being under the dragon might of an enormous frost dragon caused the faces of all disciples, whether they be from the divine hall or ice phoenix palace, to turn ashen.

"...This enormous dragon is the sect master's mount and it has already followed the sect master for ten thousand years. In the Snow Song Realm, it is called the 'Saint Dragon.'" Mu Bingyun said softly.

As the ruler of all beasts, even when they're on the same level, a True Dragon's body, power, and might surpassed all other living beings. It was extremely difficult to kill a dragon and taming a True Dragon was more than hundreds of thousands of times harder. Beneath the pressure of this enormous Frost Dragon, even the gazes of the divine hall elders trembled as their auras went into slight turmoil. Its strength could very well be imagined, yet it had willingly served the Snow Song Realm King for an entire ten thousand years as a mount.

The strength of the Snow Song Realm King was simply unfathomable.

If they were to know that there's a much much stronger True Dragon right beside them at this moment then... it certainly will be very interesting to see the change in their expression...

With the divine hall elders in the lead, everyone deeply saluted at this moment and it was even the deepest of salutes, a kneeling kowtow.

"We welcome the sect master!"

It was a mere five words yet it carried a devout reverence similar to when believers faced what they revered. Not a single trace of profound energy was in the voices of any of the entire sect's strongest elders, palace masters, or its top five thousand disciples because they were afraid it might slightly offend or be disrespectful.

The heads of everyone present was deeply lowered. Though they were Divine Ice Phoenix Sect's top disciples, not even half of the disciples within the divine hall had seen the sect master before. As for Ice Phoenix Palace, none had seen her before. Now that the sect master was close, not a single one dared to lift their head... Only Issei still look nonchalant as before...

A misty white figure stood above the enormous Frost Dragon's head. Even though it was three kilometers away, this figure seemed to be covered in an odd, icy mist. They were unable to see her face and appearance, even her silhouette was extremely indistinct. They were only able to catch that she was a misty snow white.

She was the Divine Ice Phoenix Sect's sect master... Snow Song Realm's Realm King!

Everyone around Issei, from the highest divine hall elders to the lowest ice phoenix disciples were all kneeling on the ground, their entire bodies motionless, as though they had been frozen in ice. Issei who's being nonchalant about the whole situation, his action was especially conspicuous within the crowd of people.

The girls also paid their respect since she's indeed their sect master, only Issei doesn't seem to make any movement whatsoever.

Mu Bingyun was startled but there's nothing she or the others could do... Issei himself isn't really their sect member and only a guest. The sect master herself seems to pay no attention to his lack of courtesy so they don't try to say anything...

Although the others couldn't see this sect master feature, Issei could see her as clear as a day... and she's indeed the same woman who visited him before but this time, the main personality is not that 'Devil' but rather the original Mu Xuanyin.

In the past Snow Song Realm, even though the Snow Song Realm King was the highest level existence, the combined forces of all the elders had the right and power to interfere with the Realm King's decisions.

However, this generation's Snow Song Realm King was just too excessively strong. Four stages of tribulation lightning and having reached the realm of Divine Master, this was unprecedented in the history of the Snow Song Realm! No one could go against her and no one was able to. This then gradually caused everyone to not dare go against her... because those who dared to do so had all died.

After all, this was a world where power was king.

Actually, Mu Xuanyin herself has tried to send a wave of oppressive power towards Issei but the latter seems completely unaffected... It's as if he doesn't even feel it!

"You may rise." She hid her amazement from the others...

Three words came down from above like a heavenly edict. It was also now that the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake, which remained still when the enormous Frost Dragon roared, began to continuously ripple outward.

This was the voice that came from the Snow Song Realm King, the currently Ice Phoenix Sect Master. The sound of this voice somewhat resembled Mu Bingyun's. When it fell in the ears, it sounded normal and indifferent, but it was as though the depths of everyone's souls had been struck by a firmament-sized hammer, causing them to incessantly shiver.

The Snow Song Realm King atop the enormous Frost Dragon had no aura and no pressure whatsoever but the disciples clearly felt that their soul had been firmly pressed down by an extremely heavy mountain. Even their willpower and beliefs were trembling lowly.

This was the highest realm within the divine way, this was the might of the Divine Master Realm! When she reached such a realm, she no longer needed to deliberately release her aura. Her mere existence alone was able to make others submit to her amidst their terror and reverence.

The fact that Issei seems unaffected by it then that can only mean that he's also a Divine Master Realm! But only Mu Xuanyin realizes this fact while the others only think that Issei is just a Divine King...

Then all of them who were kneeling started rising one by one...

Great Elder Mu Huanzhi took a step forward. With a raised head, he said solemnly, "Reporting to Sect Master, seventy-two divine hall elders, thirty-six Ice Phoenix Palace Masters, Freezing Snow Hall's Main Hall Master and Chief Deacon, the divine hall's two thousand disciples and Ice Phoenix Palace's three thousand and six hundreds have all arrived. We all await Sect Master's orders!"

"Very good."

The oracle-like voice carried a supreme heavenly might as it traveled down. "Our Snow Song Realm's divine vein is in our Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. It is our holy land in which only one person is allowed to enter once every three years and this number has never been exceeded. Three months ago, the Voice of Eternal Heaven clearly told all the realms that something huge is about to occur and it is extremely possible for it to be close at hand."

The words of the Snow Song Realm King were heavy and oppressive to the extreme. Each word ruthlessly nailed itself into the depths of everyone's soul. This voice, that was oppressive to the point where it could make the world tremble, caused their minds to form the image of the face of an extremely ice-cold, heartless woman who possessed a gaze frightening enough to split one's galls.

"Because of this, the Eternal Heaven Realm did not hesitate to share the power of the Eternal Heaven Pearl to profound practitioners of other realms. The Eternal Heaven Realm has never done this before in its entire history. Since that's the case, then our Snow Song Realm also should not be stingy about the divine power of the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake.

"The amount of benefits you will receive from being able to enter the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake today will be up to your own good luck! Huanzhi, arrange it so they can enter the lake."

"Yes!" Mu Huanzhi replied deeply as his entire body shook once his name was called. He then turned around and said gravely, "Everyone here is a cornerstone of our Divine Ice Phoenix Sect's future. The sect master has bestowed a huge favor upon us, allowing you all to enter the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. This is unprecedented good luck! The divine power of the heavenly lake will let you all be born anew and will be extremely beneficial toward your cultivation of the ice profound arts in the future..."

While Mu Huanzhi is doing his speech, Issei and Mu Xuanyin look at each other silently...

Their gaze intersected with each other... While Mu Xuanyin is narrowing her eyes coldly trying to assess Issei, the latter seems pretty calm and laidback.

No matter how hard she tries, she still couldn't see through Issei in the slightest... looks like her sister was indeed right... This man is not simple.

She felt her heart started thumping for no reason...

Issei guessed that from the way she looks at him, she's indeed clueless about her other 'personalities'...

Well, the Ice Phoenix is not really inside of her per say, it's more like she's influencing her...

This is also why her heart is currently fluttering on its own.

When he finished his speech, Mu Huanzhi waved his hand.

With the divine hall at the front and the ice phoenix palaces behind them, they were uniformly lead by their respective elders and palace masters as they flew above the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake.

The closer they got to the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake, the more pure and dense the frost aura became. Mu Xiaolan's cultivation was only at the middle stage of the Divine Origin Realm. Her profound strength was the weakest amongst the bunch, so her resistance against cold energy was naturally also the worst. At this point, she had no choice but the circulate all of her profound energy in order to withstand the cold. However, at the same time, she was also incomparably excited to feel that her circulation of ice profound energy and the speed at which it recovered was several times greater than it was normally.

Mu Bingyun brought them to the very end of the procession but she did not fly the group over the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. She had instead stopped at the lake's edge.

"Xiaolan..." Mu Bingyun turned around and looked at Mu Xiaolan and Xia Qingyue's group.

Of the two, one was using all the profound energy in her body yet she still shivered from the cold. The others, however, looked calm, as though nothing had happened to them. "Your cultivation levels are too low so forcibly entering the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake would do more harm than good. You should stay here. The cold energy here is also borne from the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. Immersing yourself in it and tempering your body with the cold energy is enough to greatly improve your control of ice profound arts. This will bring great benefits to your cultivation later on."

"Yes, Master."

Mu Xiaolan said without any objections. She was well aware of her own abilities and knew she wasn't strong enough to soak in the heavenly lake's water. Being able to soak in the cold energy here which contained extremely high ice laws was already good luck she wouldn't even dare dream about.

She quietly sat down. After quickly breathing in lightly, she closed her eyes, not daring to waste any second she spent here.

"As for you girls... try from the edge first. If you think that you can handle it, then you may go deeper if you want." Mu Bingyun then said towards Xia Qingyue's group.

"We understand." They nodded at her words.

Then they also sat down following Mu Xiaolan.

Right when they went to sit beside Mu Xiaolan, Mu Bingyun's sound transmission suddenly sounded beside their ears.

"All of you have a strange constitution. You are able to forcibly cultivate the Ice Phoenix God Investiture Canon without needing the Ice Phoenix bloodline. The cold energy here also will not affect you at all... the heavenly lake's water should not be able to harm any of you from what I've seen so far. However, your reputation has already preceded you. If it is heard that you're able to go deeper than the others such as Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue... It will be hard to contain the prying eyes from others at that point and it also won't bring you any benefits. If possible, try to be low key..." Mu Bingyun advised.

"And I also know that you don't really need to cultivate in this Netherfrost lake since you have 'his' assistance but try to keep up a facade for your sudden rise in cultivation. Your current cultivation speed is already mindblowing as it is, if you were to suddenly rise to the next realm within the next month yet again then you should understand... If you want to participate in the convention then it would be best if you don't attract too much attention to yourselves until then." She added in the end.

They nodded understandingly at her words before they started to cultivate in the lake... They no longer cared about their surroundings as they began to focus their senses on feeling the pure, cold energy in this area and comprehending the ice laws within.

This was the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake. With Issei and Mu Bingyun protection, they did not need to set up any defenses whatsoever. Soon enough, their consciousness had unwittingly submerged itself and they had even isolated all external sounds.

"Benefactor Ise, the sect master and I owe you so she might pick a day when she will allow you to come alone if you wanted to use this lake later on." Mu Bingyun said softly towards Issei.

"Ah, you don't need to mind me." Issei waved gently. But he narrowed his eyes slightly towards the bottom of the lake... Looks like the <Ice Phoenix> is at the bottom...

At this time, Mu Sushan came over from behind them. His gaze shifted to Xia Qingyue and Chu Yuechan. Amidst his shock, his footsteps halted before he exclaimed, "In a short amount of time, they have already reached the <Divine Tribulation Realm>! Moreover, their profound energy is this stable Palace Master Bingyun, I seriously don't know how exactly you've taught them both to produce such results."

Mu Bingyun shook her head, "That has nothing to do with me." She unwittingly glances at Issei.

"Haha, it looks like our young friend here is not only a Dragon amongst men but he's also quite an incredible teacher as well!" Mu Sushan praised happily.

Mu Bingyun gave a soft smile but did not comment...

"Thank you for your praise but their talent and dedication is the one that helped them the most." Issei said lightly.

Mu Sushan nodded in approval at Issei's humble attitude... truly an incredible man...

If only he's their sect disciple as well then it would be perfect.

Then they waited for the girls to finish their cultivation while the sect master keeps trying her best to see through Issei...

Aside from Mu Bingyun, Mu Sushan, and Issei, everyone else had already entered the heavenly lake. However, the various elders and palace masters did not immediately enter the lake to temper their bodies. After waiting a long while, their gazes all turned to Great Elder Mu Huanzhi.

The breathing of Thirty-ninth Elder Mu Yunzhi was somewhat in disarray.

Great Elder Mu Huanzhi himself was also burning with anxiety. Then, he finally steeled his heart, lifted his head, and said, "Sect Master, about the direct disciple"

Once these words came out, a majority of the divine hall disciples instantly opened their eyes and looked toward Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue since both of them have the highest chance of becoming the sect master direct disciple.

"This king obviously has not forgotten." She said while setting her gaze away from Issei and at the same time, she thought of something that will blow everyone's mind...

The Snow Song Realm King's voice came from atop the enormous Frost Dragon, "Since we have already arrived at the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake, then the matter of this king's direct disciple selection does not need that many trials!"

A streak of blue light suddenly shone from up above and then formed into an oddly shaped profound formation. After that, a huge wave suddenly rose, landing onto the profound formation in the sky.

The enclosed lakewater slowly began to drip from the end of the profound formation, producing a crisp clinking sound that totally did not resemble the sound of dripping water. It was clear, like the collision of ice crystals.

"Sect Master, what is the meaning of this?" Mu Huanzhi was at a complete loss.

Mu Hanyi lifted his head as his usually limpid eyes released an intense fervor.

"The lake water in the formation will be depleted after six hours. Once it has all fallen, whoever attracts the most heavenly lake ice spirits will become this king's next direct disciple! I notice that there was someone able to attract all of the ice spirits' attention just now... aside from him, I will take a second disciple!"

Her words made all of those who are present become slackjawed... wasn't that someone is... Issei?!

Even Issei himself was slightly taken aback by her words. Never would he expect that this woman would suddenly say this out of nowhere...

Needless to say, Mu Bingyun herself also becomes stupefied at her elder sister's action.

Become her disciple? What? Did she just go crazy? Issei thought confusedly inside his mind... but soon he realizes that this is not really her intention but rather someone else.

Issei's face started twitching a lot once he realizes this... he doesn't want to attract too much attention to himself but this action of 'her' just throw all his plan out of the window...

[Hahahahaha! How interesting... To think that this ant wanted to take you as her disciple, Dear husband! Now, will you accept her 'invitation'~?] Nyarlathotep laughed in amusement: [If you think that it's too bothersome, you can just kill her or perhaps even 'conquer' her just like how you 'conquer' me~] She whispered enticingly at the end...

Issei started having a minor headache when everyone's gaze homed in on him...

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