The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 128:

Chapter 128:

(AN: Thanks a lot for the donation, Kaseen Gosnell! I hope all of you enjoy the chapter and with that said, peace out girls scout!)

After sighing tiredly, Issei looks at Mu Xuanyin directly... well, more like her second 'personality' rather than Mu Xuanyin herself.

The second 'personality' who was giving her that excellent 'idea' just now shuddered briefly when 'she' is gazed by Issei. But soon she waved it off thinking that Issei won't be able to do much to her anyway...

"...<Kekkai>." Issei said in a low voice.

The whole area of the Netherfrost lake is covered in a red barrier.

Every single person who's inside the barrier is frozen stiff as if the time around them has been stopped...

Actually, Issei doesn't stop the time around them but rather slows the time instead.

He already did a similar thing for the girls from the <Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace> before, but the current barrier is making the time inside it extremely slow as if the time itself has been stopped.

After he finishes setting the barrier up. Issei calmly flew towards Mu Xuanyin's location...

The saint dragon is the only one that isn't affected by Issei's barrier... but that's only because Issei doesn't include it.

If not, then it will also share the same fate as the others here...

The saint dragon let out a small whimper feeling afraid that Issei will harm its master.

"Don't be afraid, I won't harm your master. I just need to read some of her other 'personality' memories..." Issei said softly.

And only then the saint dragon heaved a sigh of relief...

If Issei really wanted to harm its master then it won't be able to stop Issei at all.

Issei put his right hand on top of Mu Xuanyin's head for a moment before he found what he's looking for...

A few moments later, he opened a spatial opening...


Inside a majestic palace, the interior is clad in black jade.

There's a figure covered in black mist standing in the throne hall feeling stupefied...

"Why... Why did..." An ethereal voice resounded.

The owner of this voice let out a confused voice when she suddenly felt that her connection with Mu Xuanyin just got disrupted.

Then she felt a stinging headache out of nowhere...

"This is bad! He can interact with souls just like I can!" The woman said feeling alarmed.

She just felt someone had just forcefully interacted with the strand of her soul that she put inside Mu Xuanyin.

Right after she sensed her soul within Mu Xuanyin is being tampered with... she heard a sound from behind her.

"Not a bad place you have here... kind of remind me of my home a little bit."

The woman who heard this voice become frozen stiff while she started sweating...

This voice... isn't this 'his' voice?!

Sure enough, when she turned her head to see the one who just spoke... she sees Issei sitting on her throne.

The way he sits on her throne is a perfect match with how menacing he currently looks.

He doesn't really let out any threatening aura or anything like that... but just the sight of him sitting on that throne sends chills down to her spine.

That's because the distance between this place to the <Snow Song Realm> is extremely far.

For Issei to suddenly just appear here out of nowhere made her feel fear! Just what kind of concept is this!? She doesn't sense a single spatial law being created nearby... it's as if he's already there in the first place!

Issei then started rotating a golden knife on his hand...

From one finger to another... it's as if he's flipping a coin instead of a knife.

But the sight of that single knife makes the woman feel nervous from the bottom of her soul...

"Now what should I do to you..." Issei mused while still playing with the knife: "I already told you not to bother me before when we first 'met', didn't I?"

The woman gulped audibly when she heard Issei's speaking once again... she has a feeling that if her answer doesn't satisfy him then that knife will be the end of her.

Her entire body was encased in a layer of flowing black mist that seemed to be alive. The black mist hid her figure and her features.

Even though she's currently covered in black mist, she can feel that Issei can see through her real appearance... so she dispersed the black mist since it's useless in front of him.

She was wearing a loose black robe and every step she took naturally showed off the curves of that voluptuous body. Every entrancing curve and contour that was revealed numbed their hearts and soul.

Her body and figure are more seductive than Mu Xuanyin, she's an incredibly beautiful woman but in terms of appearance, she's slightly inferior to that golden-haired woman Issei meet before.

But, her crescent moon eyebrow and phoenix-like pupil, does not need any makeup, actually naturally releases a bewitching aura, the exquisite lips that looks really soft, her eyes are really charming as if will then invade the soul and can easily make any man fall.

Her lower body has some simple black skirts, a soul-stirring tender body curve plentifully raised. She's static standing there, the way she's standing makes her already curvaceous body looks more enticing.

Issei did not exude any oppressive might, she could not even feel the slightest hint of pressure coming from him.

Once someone had reached her level of cultivation, even the invisible field of energy around them would disappear. They would simply exist and the entire world around them would treat them as its ruler, the core of its existence. A sense of abject inferiority and servility would swiftly grow in the deepest part of the souls of all who gazed upon such a being. It was not a feeling that could be controlled. In fact, it was something that completely ignored one's willpower or conviction.

But this man in front of her is on a whole another level... she can't sense a tiny bit of profound or divine energy leaking out from him. It's as if he's just a normal mortal that you can find anywhere but she knows that he's anything but normal!

"...Nice to see you again." She said with a smile: "What brings you here?"

She tried to strike a conversation but her heart skipped a beat when Issei suddenly threw the knife right under her feet. When did he throw the knife?! She's looking at him the entire time but suddenly the knife just suddenly lodged itself to the ground right under her feet!

When she thought till here, the woman started to become more and more anxious by the second... if he were to throw that knife at her throat then... can she even react?

"You tell me then... just what brings me here," Issei said in a bored voice.

"...I know it was my mistake for trying to tease you... but it's not like I try to harm you right?" She said trying to be calm.

"Hmm, indeed... but... I hate troublesome things the most. Your action just made me the center of attention which is something I find really troublesome. I wonder if I should just kill you right here right now to prevent you from causing trouble for me again in the future..." Issei said while musing to himself.

The woman chuckled before saying: "Your excellency won't be so petty right? All I did was teasing you a little bit... would you be willing to spare this little old me?" She knows that Issei isn't boasting but she can't lose her calm here...

"What do you think?" Issei asked: "Would I be willing or not?"

"...Would your excellency really kill a powerless woman like me? Won't it be better if your excellency to take me in as your concubine or slave?" The woman froze a little before she said in a seductive manner.

But all she receives as a response is a second knife appearing on Issei's hand...

"...This time I won't miss."


Now the woman can only sweat while sighing bitterly to herself... does he really doesn't feel any sort of attraction to the opposite sex whatsoever?

"Then what does your excellency propose so that you're willing to spare me?" She asked wryly.

"Let's see... I could spare your life... but what should I take in return..." Issei mused to himself while he's observing the woman before him.

The woman doesn't shy away from being gazed by Issei like this, she even started to pose a little bit which made her asset looks even more prominent.

But, the next word she heard from Issei made her entire body went cold...

"...Perhaps I should take the soul strand within your body? Hmm, it looks like it's a strand of soul belonging to a True God... A devil king, no... A devil God soul perhaps? Not bad... this soul you have contains a <Nirvana> law... a cycle of death and rebirth. I could make use of it so I can recover faster..."

She thought Issei is assessing her worth as a woman... never in her wildest dream that he's assessing her legacy.

"No. I can give you anything else but that." She instantly denied Issei's words.

"Oh? You're telling me that soul strand is worth more than your life?"

"...If you take it... then I'm as good as dead. I will lose more than half of my strength right away. And you should know what that means in this world where the strong rules."

"That's right... I understand it clearly. And that's also why you can't stop me from taking that soul if I decided to take it right this instant..." Right after Issei said that, his figure disappeared from the throne and the woman had her eyes shrunk into needle size when she heard Issei's voice coming right beside her ears: "...Don't you think so?"

She hastily turned around and reflexively 'counterattacked' with her full strength.


A huge and dense dark energy hit Issei's body at point-blank range.

The whole palace shook greatly because of her attack just now.

Her breathing becomes disordered because of how startling that was... but she started sweating a lot as well while wishing that her attack just now is at least able to injure him to a certain extent.

She really hates this feeling... where she doesn't have a tiny bit of control over the whole situation.

Ever since she inherited this legacy, she has been one of the strongest in the whole God realm except for a select few... and this man she just recently met is obviously one of them.

The <Soul Stealing Devil God Realm> or previously known as the <Clear Sky God Realm> is one of the three King Realms of the Northern Divine Region.

The territory of the Northern Divine Region aka the "Devil Region" is the smallest and its power the weakest. They are, in fact, ostracized by the other three divine regions. Besides being ostracized, you could also say that they view the other three divine regions with hatred. They will never step onto any territory belonging to the other three and the Eastern, Western, and Southern Divine Regions will similarly not tread into the North. Frankly, the Northern Divine Region can be considered a tragic realm.

As the Primal Chaos Dimension's yin energies have been decreasing, the territory suitable for the "devils" of the Northern Divine Region have been constantly shrinking. Not even within a million years, the Northern Divine Region territory has already reduced by two thirds. Disappearing into nothing will come sooner or later. This is why they can be considered to be the most tragic divine region.

The members of the Northern Divine Region are likened to being trapped in a cage that is growing smaller and smaller over time.

Because of the influence of the dark constitution and darkness profound energy, should the Northern Divine Region's "devils" enter into other divine regions, their strength will diminish and they will grow weaker, unable to adapt to the conditions. Similarly, if anyone from the three other divine regions enters into the Northern God Realms, they will be influenced by the dark devil energy and their strength will suffer a great dip as well. Thus, the Northern Divine Region and the other three divine regions basically have no relations. They've often been dubbed by the three other divine regions as the "Devil Region"

In the eyes of the other divine regions, the "devils" of the Northern Divine Region are considered "heretical" existences.

Once any of the "devils" leave the Northern Divine Region, they will be hunted down by members of the other divine regions.

During the Era of Gods, the Northern Divine Region was where the devil race lived. After the devil race was annihilated, although they didn't leave behind as many inheritances as the god race, the former devil regions all held a very heavy dark and devilish energy. Anyone who entered those 'devil regions' and lived there would be influenced by the dark devil energy and they would develop dark constitutions. Their profound energy would also make them akin to "devils".

And this darkness constitution is passed down generation by generation.

The Northern Divine Region has never stopped plotting to free themselves from their cage, but not only were they not able to do it, but they were also barely able to put any measures into practice at all. No foreign enemy could threaten a Northern Region profound practitioner inside their shrinking domain, but the same rule also applied in reverse. If they tried to move beyond the boundaries of their domain, any divine region had enough power to crush them with ease much less all three of them combined.

The three divine regions were always on guard against each other. Sometimes, secret wars even broke out between them. But no divine region had ever thought of the Northern Divine Region as a serious threat.

She is Chi Wuyao, the realm king of the <Soul Stealing Devil God Realm>.

Issei arriving here in the blink of an eye is already abnormal beyond comprehension... added to the fact that he could also see through her legacy in a single glimpse just makes him more dangerous than she thought he would be.

"Master! What happened!"

It was at this moment, a voice and rapid footsteps belonging to several people come close to their location.

A group of women entered the throne hall because of the commotion Chi Wuyao attack just caused.

Their beauty is also one of a kind...

"Master! Did somebody hurt you?!" The group of women becomes taken aback seeing how pale their Master currently looks.

And there's a dark swirl of energy not far from her.

"All of you! Don't come over!" Chi Wuyao hastily shouted seeing them here.

They become further flabbergasted since they never saw their master flustered like this before.

"Oh? It looks like they're your close attendants?"

Issei's voice rang from within the swirl of dark energy.

Chi Wuyao's body stiffened before she looks at the source of the sound. The newly arrived group of women also does the same.

Issei calmly comes out from the mass of dark energy as if it wasn't there in the first place...

Not even a corner of his clothes are ruffled. He is completely unscathed...

Even though she already guessed that Issei won't be injured by her attack, it still made her feel bitter on the inside...

He obviously could easily evade her dodge with the 'speed' he showcased before if he wanted to... but the fact he took on her attack without care still hurts her pride a little bit.

"Who are you!" The group of women shouted warily. This man just took one of their Master's attack and looks completely unharmed, but even though they're wary of him, they can't let any harm befall their Master.

They immediately take a defensive stance in front of their Master.

"All of you! Leave now! That's an order!" Chi Wuyaou said in a commanding voice.

But the women didn't respond to her words... clearly, they will stand their ground here no matter what happens... even if they had to disobey their Master's order.

Issei who saw this had his eyes glistened slightly.

"Hmm, since you're unwilling to give away that soul... how about I take theirs instead? It would be a fair trade don't you think? Although their soul is not as good as yours, I can still make use of theirs." Issei said while pointing at the group of women before him.

"No! You can't have theirs either!" Chi Wuyao shouted the moment Issei finishes his words.

"Now that's not something for you to decide..." Issei waved his arms and the group of women felt their body being restricted by some sort of invisible force.

They tried their best to break free from their bindings but to no avail... they can't even muster the slightest bit of their strength.

"Wh-Why can't we use our profound strength!?"

One of the women shouted with a pale face.

"Release them!" Chi Wuyao growled in a cold voice.

"Now choose... will you give up that soul strand of yours or will you give up theirs instead?" Issei asked while bringing the group of women closer to him.

Chi Wuyao tried to help them but even when she does her best, she still couldn't break them free...

She even tried grasping them with her hands but their body disappeared right before her eyes and reappeared right next to Issei.

Chi Wuyao gritted her teeth angrily at Issei.

"I can give you anything else but that! Now release them! I will give you something else instead!" She tried to bargain once again but Issei shook his head.

"There's no belonging of yours that is of interest to me other than that Devil God soul..."

"How are you so sure that there isn't any item within my possession that could not interest you?" She tried to argue.

"Because if you do have it then I will be able to sense it right away. Even if you by chance hide it inside your spatial ring or something along the line. Now choose."

Issei clenched his fist which made the women started having trouble breathing. They felt like there's some outside force trying to pull out their insides... It's not that painful yet and they can still bear it to a certain extent.

But Chi Wuyao started getting more anxious when she saw that her attendants' soul is being tempered with.

"...Master, don't mind us... just run, Master!" One of them said while gritting her teeth.

"Third sister is right, Master... Don't give in to his demands! We are happy to be of use to you... so there's no need to be concerned about us!"

One by one they started to convince Chi Wuyao with their words...

Chi Wuyao can only grit her teeth at this sight... is there really nothing else she can do?

She cannot lose her strength here since it will be the end of it all... but she also doesn't want to lose her close attendants like this.

They're not any normal attendants, but rather the <Witches> or her <Shadow>.

She is served by the 'Nine Witches'. The Nine Witches are also known as the queen's 'Shadows'. Some people guessed that the Nine Witches are the queen's soul avatars or unusual women who were chosen for various reasons.

The Nine Witches hid themselves in the darkness and keep a close eye on the Northern Divine Region. They pay special attention to heretics so that the three divine regions can't slip in a spy. No one knows who they really are, their identities are constantly changing. There are some verifiable facts about them, however. All Witches have a divine inheritance from the Soul Stealing Realm, and their strength is awe-inspiring. They also have exceptional spiritual perception and insight.

Not all the Nine Witches are here right now, there's only half of them but to lose them here would be extremely detrimental for her and the whole realm.

"I wonder what will you choose... Your ambition or your close attendants' lives." Issei muttered.

He clenched his hand further which made the witches groan more painfully...

"Wait!" She finally said through her gritted teeth.

"I understand... I know I'm in the wrong... just... just release them... you can take the <Nirvana Devil Emperor> soul strand..." She sighed in resignment.

"Master! Don't!"

The witches shouted at the same time...

"Enough... I know what I'm doing." She said with a wave of her hand.

"Oh? Are you certain about this?" Issei asked with raised eyebrows.


"...Very well." Issei snapped his fingers and the witches are set free from their restriction.

Once they're free, they immediately stand before Chi Wuyao once again.

"Come here." Issei said simply.

"..." Chi Wuyao took a deep breath before she walked forward...

"Master!" The witches wanted to prevent her but with only a glance from her, they shut their mouth almost immediately...

They felt bitter but there's nothing that they can do... if they did something uncalled for right now then all of them might lose their lives... and that is something they don't want to happen.

If it's only them who will die then they won't really mind but if their Master is also dragged into it then they won't be able to forgive themselves...

Issei could easily seal their movement and even their Master is unable to break them free of their bindings... He's obviously far stronger than all of them here.

Such is the fate of the weak... they can only silently endure this resentment they had.

"...Now you can do whatever you wish to me..." Chi Wuyao said softly when she arrived in front of Issei.

"..." Issei doesn't do anything but he narrowed his eyes under his mask.

After a few moments staring at each other, Issei flicked her forehead.

"Hmph, smartass..."

Chi Wuyao who has her forehead being flicked went into a daze for a brief moment while internally, she's sighing in relief...

After he flicked her forehead Issei went back to sit on her throne.

"...Master... what?" One of the witches let out a confused voice when they saw the whole situation.

"It's nothing really... I just took a gamble." Chi Wuyao said after snapping out of her daze.

"Gamble? What gamble?"

"A gamble to see if he's the kind of person that I think he is." She said with a small smile while looking at Issei who's currently sitting at her throne.

"Don't act as if you know me." Issei said annoyedly.

"But my gamble paid off, wasn't it?" She retorted lightly.

"You're just lucky."

"...Well, I won't deny that..."

The witches are still confused with the whole situation and Chi Wuyao who saw this took a deep breath before she started speaking once again: "In other words, if he is really an evil person then he won't waste his time with us. If he wanted to, he could easily kill all of us and he can take whatever he wanted when he's done. But the fact that he's going this far clearly meant that he's not an evil person..."

"Besides, from what I gathered so far, he is not someone that petty and will kill anyone just because he felt like it. For one, he is seen to be very caring towards those girls he brought with him to the <Snow Song Realm>. All in all, he was just testing my character... and he has succeeded."

The witches' faces become enlightened once they heard this.

"But... why did Master..." They glanced between Issei and Chi Wuyao back and forth.

"Why I dare to say this right in front of him?" Chi Wuyao guessed what they wanted to say: "That's because I wasn't lying when I said I'm willing to give away the <Nirvana Devil Emperor> in exchange for all of your lives... and he could also tell that I have already guessed his intention for coming here midway our little 'bargain'. That's why I dare to say this right in front of him..."

Only then they nodded understandingly... they felt warm that their Master is willing to go that far for them...

"It looks like you realized my 'character' now, young master Ise?" Chi Wuyao's voice reverted back into her seductive way of speaking.

"I'm giving you a warning... Don't try to annoy me again or I will truly take away your soul as compensation." Issei said simply.

"Yes, I know my mistake already so young master doesn't need to be worried." She said with a chuckle.

Actually, Chi Wuyao was lucky just like Issei said... If she didn't realize Issei's intention in time then she might choose to abandon the witches instead. Not because she's afraid of death or anything like that but rather because she won't know if Issei will still kill them all even if he were to get the <Nirvana Devil Emperor> soul strand.

She's ruthless enough to abandon the witches but she has to because she has too many at stake and she can't afford to fall here or there would be countless lives that will be lost in the process...

The whole Northern region might just meet their end if she were to fall here...

And thankfully her gamble paid off... because if not, she would've lost her life the moment she chooses to abandon the witches here.

In summary, she isn't lying when she said that she's willing to trade their lives with her legacy but she wasn't telling the truth either.

If it was only her life that is at stake then she would do it but since it's not, she can't do it.

Issei also realizes this since he's also a ruler himself. To a certain extent, he can understand just why she seems to be in a struggle with her decision just now.

Were Chi Wuyou reason for abandoning those witches is because of other selfish reasons or without a shred of hesitation then Issei would've killed her outright.

If it were him then he would gladly trade his life for his wives' safety even if it meant that he would doom the entire <Netherworld> because of it.

In a way, Chi Wuyao's personality is quite similar to his...

"Well, enough of that... I still need proper compensation from you."

"..." Chi Wuyao face started twitching a little when Issei mentioned the word 'compensation'...

She takes her words back... he's indeed quite petty...

"...What young master want then? Perhaps a one night stand with me? Nevermind... I'm just joking..." At first, she tried to tease Issei once again but the sight of another knife on his hand made her flinch a little.

"Do you know any place that has an extreme climate? Such as a place that is considered extremely dangerous or some sort." Issei said after a little bit of thinking.

"Extreme climate?" Although she's a bit confused with Issei's request, Chi Wuyao started pondering to herself.

Even the witches also share a confused look with each other... why is he looking that kind of place for?

Issei could just go to Nyarlathotep's domain again but he rather not to risk it... who knows what will happen if he were to stay there for a prolonged period of time. The <Chaos> energy in that place is <Chaos> from her after all... it would be unwise of him to absorb it without proper precaution.

Issei also wanted to become stronger so that he can easily defeat Nyarlathotep without using his <True Balance Breaker> or perhaps so that he could use his <True Balance Breaker> without any side effects.

Absorbing a large amount of natural energy will help him a little bit. Even though it is slower, but at least it's safe since he can measure both his growth and Nyarlathotep's.

"Well... There is one place..." Chi Wuyao's eyes glistened slightly when she thought of a place...

"Hmm, for now, I should go back. I will go pay the place you mentioned a visit at a later date." Right after he said that, Issei disappears right before their very eyes...

All of them who saw this feel further amazed... to think that they can't catch any movement from him whatsoever even after they pay close attention to him the whole time...

Chi Wuyao gives a slight smirk when Issei's disappear... when she looks down at her palm, it's covered in a cold sweat...

She was extremely nervous... how long has it been? For her to feel this nervous...

"Master... that man is not affected by this place dark devil energy... Is he perhaps..."

"Um... I know. That can only mean two things... He's either a 'devil' like us or he's extremely powerful that the dark energy can't affect him in the slightest... I'm leaning towards the second choice." She muttered.

"But that's clearly impossible... there's no one that came from outside the <Northern Divine Region> that are unaffected by the dark devil energy! Even the <Dragon Monarch> is no exception to this!" One of the witches said in disbelief.

"Yet there he was... he singlehandedly defeated all of us in a blink of an eye. If he wanted us death then we won't even know how we die in the first place... Can any of you name anyone that is capable of defeating all of us together in that short amount of time?"

They can only shake their head at their Master's question...

"No need to be overly concerned. The fact that he doesn't care at all of our identity as a 'devil' is a good thing. If it was any other person from outside the <Northern Divine Region> then they won't be able to keep their hands to themselves and will immediately tear us to shred at any given moment..."

They nodded in agreement with her statement...

Those hypocrites really make them feel sick to the stomach.


When Issei returned to his previous position, he released the barrier, and time started to flow normally once again.

Mu Xuanyin was in a daze because of her second 'personality' is 'rebooting' once again... thankfully nobody can see her right now.

"I'm sorry but I have to refuse. I'm only a guest and it will be inappropriate if I were to suddenly become your disciple. It's better if you take your own sect disciples instead." Issei's voice rang which snapped her out of her stupor.

Mu Sushan and the others nodded approvingly at Issei's words.

If Issei was their sect disciple then they won't really mind since he's a peak level Divine King cultivator. This fact is more than enough to make him their sect's most talented disciple.

Mu Hanyi secretly heaved a sigh of relief at this... if Issei were to accept the realm King offer then he will surely be outshined by the former. And that is not something he wanted... not after all the sacrifice he has made.

"...I see. So be it then." Mu Xuanyin said after a brief silence: "Then I will only take one disciple as promised."

After a brief period of being stunned, everyone immediately reacted. Mu Huanzhi cheerfully accepted it with a "Sect Master is wise" and then turned around lightning quick. He hollered with a thunderous voice, "Feixue!"

To the side, Mu Yunzhi also charged to Mu Hanyi from overhead. With a wave of her hand, she completely pushed aside all disciples that were within three hundred meters of Mu Hanyi. "Hanyi, begin now!"

Ice spirits of the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake were by no means ordinary ice spirits. Each and every one of them was formed by the heavenly lake's cold energy and possessed high-level consciousness and close to complete souls. Even if it was a profound practitioner that only cultivated ice profound arts, not being rejected by these kinds of ice spirits was already extremely hard, let alone communicating with them.

As a result, even though this "trial" that came from the Snow Song Realm King herself seemed to be extremely simple, it was an overall test of one's constitution, innate talent, comprehension of laws, and control.

The more one's body had an affinity with ice type powers, the more thorough one was in comprehending ice type laws, the greater control one had over ice type power, naturally meant that it was much more likely for them to not be rejected by the heavenly lake's ice spirits. After that, they could then try to communicate with them and slowly attract them over if one's control of ice type powers was great enough, then they could even master these ice spirits and use them as their own.

In comparison, one's cultivation in the profound way wasn't really important in this trial.

Every time the Realm King selected a direct disciple, she had never placed any importance on their cultivation level at that time. This was because the cultivation level at a certain time was just a cultivation level at a certain time. Comprehension of laws and mastery of control was what decided cultivation speed and the limits one was capable of reaching in the future!

This was why Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue were publicly acknowledged as the most qualified two people to become the Realm King's direct disciple despite only ranking in the middle in terms of strength.

That being said, those with high innate talent would never be low in cultivation compared to peers of the same age. It was also Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue who were unmatched in terms of cultivation when compared to peers of the same age in the entire Snow Song Realm. After all, innate talent and strength usually went hand in hand anyway.

Mu Hanyi didn't need Mu Yunzhi's reminder as his body was already drifting with blue light. After several breaths, he had already channeled his frost powers to their limits. The rich, pure cold energy carried his soul energy, spreading it toward his surroundings.

On the other side, Mu Feixue's eyes were closed, her quiet expression possessing the purity of a snow lotus.

It was obviously not just Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue who were attracting ice spirits. Almost all of the divine hall disciples were doing their best to release both their profound energy and soul energy Even though they knew their chances were uncertain, if they were able to become the sect master's direct disciple, that was undoubtedly the same as reaching heaven in one step. Even if their chances were slim, they still wanted to do their best...

But... What the hell is happening right now!? Not a single ice spirit is coming their way! Not even towards Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue way!

Those ice spirits keep looking at a certain direction with a... longing look? Yes, a longing look! And that direction is the direction of their sect honored guest!

Brother... can you please go away from this place for now? At this rate, we won't be able to attract a single ice spirit to our way! This is what most disciples wanted to say out loud but they obviously don't dare to say it outright...

They wanted to cry but they have no tears right now... If it was any other person then they would send him off but he's their realm king honored guest! Not even the elder dares to say anything right now...

"...Go towards them," Issei said softly after realizing the bitter look everyone showcased towards him.

The ice spirits look at each other before they do what he said... but, the direction they're going is not the disciples who are trying their best to attract them but rather towards Xia Qingyue and the others who are currently cultivating silently right now...

"Not them... the other them," Issei said with a sigh.

Once again, the ice spirit looks at each other while feeling a little disappointed... they reluctantly go towards the disciples for real this time...

If they can hear what they're rambling right now, perhaps those disciples will puke blood out of anger.

'Jeez, King is so stingy... we obviously want to serve him... or at least stay by his side... why should we go to this humans instead...' Is what they said.

Issei of course can hear and understand them but he chooses to stay silent... They really are like children, Issei thought to himself.

"..." Everyone there who saw this felt their face spasm by quite a lot...

What is this feeling... if being treated as a second option is bad enough, then what about the last option? This is exactly what's happening right now. They wanted to cry but had no tears!

They want to complain but don't dare to do so in front of their realm king...

Actually, even Mu Xuanyin herself is stupefied by this sight. To think that he can command the ice spirits like that...

And she can feel her mount is acting in a quite submissive manner right now for some reason. It usually always let out an awe-inspiring aura, but now...

She tried asking it but it only shakes its head much to her disappointment.

The lakewater in the profound formation continuously dripped, bringing on the passing of time. Above the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake, the fierce battle over the heavenly lake's ice spirits began its first act. It was incomparably silent and incomparably intense.

They decided to put away their indignance on Issei away for now and focus to attract the ice spirits instead.

Attracting and controlling low-level ice spirits were overly simple tasks to the divine hall disciples but due to the ice spirits within heavenly lake being too pure and their senses being too sharp, simply not being ostracized by them was already extremely difficult. Making contact and attracting them to one's side, even if it were merely one ice spirit, were tasks far more difficult beyond their imagination.

As for Issei's case, they decided to ignore his existence altogether... because if not, their common sense will start to crumble sooner or later...

Fifteen minutes passed An hour passed A divine hall disciple in the middle stage of the Divine Tribulation Realm finally managed to attract one ice spirit to his side. At this point, there were two ice spirits dancing around him. However their dancing was slow and the path of movement was constantly changing, as though they might leave at any time.

He let out a long sigh of relief as his concentration began to relax slightly. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the divine hall disciple closest to him only had one ice spirit dancing around. The person next to him had two ice spirits just like him. As his eyes swept around, he saw that there were people who already had three ice spirits.

His heart suddenly skipped a beat as his eyes saw Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue in the distance...

Besides the two of them, there were five ice spirits dancing around each of them. The ice spirits around them were much more lively and he could inadvertently feel the joy of these ice spirits... but it's not as joyful when they were around that anomaly though...

The gap was too big Not only were Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue the two best disciples of Ice Phoenix Divine Hall, but they were also far better than the rest. When talking about Ice Phoenix Divine Hall, anyone within the sect would only instantly think of Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue and not some other third person.

In this battle for the spot of a direct disciple, everyone similarly only thought of Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue. The disciple ranked third in terms of talent never even entered the picture.

He let out a deep sigh in his heart as he finally gave up. The two ice spirits that he had attracted with difficulty were being dispersed by him and he no longer cared about the ice spirits. Instead, he gathered his energy around his heart and began to use the cold energy of the lake's water to refine his body and profound veins.

Nearly half of the divine hall disciples had completely given up at the hour mark. To chase after a glimpse of unlikely hope and wasting an hour of their time within the heavenly lake had already made them extremely regretful.

Two hours had passed and eighty percent of the divine hall disciples had already completely given up. However, there were still several hundred disciples who were still trying fervently.

All the elders and palace masters were also quietly absorbing the heavenly lake's cold energy. However, they were not like the various disciples who completely concentrated but instead left half of their consciousness outside, observing the actions of the various disciples at all times. It was especially so for the ice phoenix palace masters since the disciples of Ice Phoenix Palace were relatively weaker. As time passed by, they would not be able to withstand remaining within the heavenly lake.

At the same time, they were all observing the unprecedented battle of ice spirits. The main points of focus were undoubtedly Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue.

The results were also not surprising. The two of them had attracted the most ice spirits. After two hours had passed, they each had ten ice spirits around them and were evenly matched. Although the other disciples had done all that they could, the next best only had seven ice spirits around them. Below that, those who had five ice spirits were also few and far between and the gap between them could be easily seen.

Amongst the seventy-two elders, there were two people who were not within the heavenly lake but instead were high up in the airMu Huanzhi and Mu Yunzhi. Mu Feixue and Mu Hanyi; one of them was the granddaughter while the other was the disciple. They were definitely exceptionally concerned and did not even have the heart to enjoy the lake's cold energy. Mu Huanzhi was still relatively calm while Mu Yunzhi's eyes constantly shone and her aura did not calm down even for a second. Her hands were clenched tightly together, only occasionally relaxing. Only her mouth remained constantly shut as she didn't dare to let out any noise that might disturb Mu Hanyi.

A cry of pain suddenly rang from below. At the edge of the heavenly lake, the body of an Ice Phoenix Palace disciple was twitching vigorously. His face was completely devoid of blood and he was starting to lose control of the cold energy that was entering his body and it was on the brink of going berserk.

The palace master of the Ice Phoenix Palace he resided immediately opened her eyes and flew from the heavenly lake, grabbing him and throwing him to the bank of the heavenly lake. Color instantly returned to the Ice Phoenix disciple's face and he got up in shame before silently sitting down at the side of the lake.

Each person's profound strength, talent, physique, and ability to withstand the cold energy was different. Once a person's limit was exceeded, they would have no choice but to leave. If one forcefully tried to re-enter the heavenly lake, they would injure himself instead. However, the cold energy at the side of the lake which was much "gentler" was still exceptionally valuable and no time should be wasted.

As time passed, more and more disciples were starting to be unable to bear the heavenly lake's cold energy. They could only leave the heavenly lake and come to the bank to calmly refine and maintain the benefits that they had reaped today.

Furthermore, even the Ice Phoenix Palace disciple who stayed in the heavenly lake for the shortest amount of time, a mere two hours, could clearly feel as though he had been reborn.

Refining the pure cold energy from the Heavenly Netherfrost Lake was far superior to even consuming thousands of elixirs.

Gradually, four hours had passed. All three thousand and five hundred disciples from Ice Phoenix Palace had been forced out of the heavenly lake and remained at the bank of the lake. Within the heavenly lake, only the various disciples from the divine hall still remained.

And that includes Xia Qingyue's group.

While others have already given up, they are still cultivating normally while disregarding the ongoing competition...

As of right now, some of them could achieve breakthrough right in this instant but they decided not to attract too much attention to themselves just like Mu Bingyun advised.

They will only breakthrough when they return to their palace...

"...Why don't you let them attract some of the ice spirits as well, young friend?" Mu Sushan asked curiously while looking at Xia Qingyue's group direction: "Judging from the previous sight, they should've been able to attract a lot of ice spirits."

"That's because they want to just be a normal disciple and not to attract too much attention to themselves." Mu Bingyun said softly so that only them both can hear it.

"Oh... such a shame then." Mu Sushan sighed in pity.

Due to the tremendous lead that Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue had, there were fewer and fewer disciples trying their best to attract ice spirits. From a few hundred to several dozen to the final few When the final divine hall disciple opened his eyes, he saw that around both Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue had twenty ice spirits dancing around them. When he looked up and only saw fourteen ice spirits surrounding him, he became disheartened and sighed lightly. Accepting his fate, he waved his hand, instantly dispersing all the ice spirits around him.

There was no lack of geniuses in the world. However, there was an insufficient number of unparalleled geniuses. In front of these unparalleled geniuses, the other geniuses could only become the supporting cast.

Two-thirds of the way into this battle of ice spirits, it had already completely turned into a battle between Mu Hanyi and Mu Feixue This result however, was completely unsurprising.

"Judging from the situation now, ignoring the Ice Phoenix's bloodline, Hanyi's innate talent is not below Feixue's. Attaining such results with a male body is undoubtedly a thousand-year rare find," Mu Huanzhi muttered to himself with deep lament. From the situation at present, the two were evenly matched. However, he was very clear that after six hours, if the two were still evenly matched, it would undoubtedly be Mu Hanyi who would win The first reason was due to the fact that he was male. The second reason was due to the high praise that everyone sang for him and the respect that he had earned.

He instinctively glances at the anomaly...

"...Young friend. Why don't you join our sect instead? With your talent and strength, surely you will be able to shine even more brightly." Mu Huanzhi asked with a hopeful tone.

The other elders turn their head and they had to agree that if Issei were to join their sect then it will be very beneficial to the whole sect and realm.

"Perhaps you could even become the next realm king." One of the sect elders blurted out without thinking but soon her face becomes pale while she hastily apologizes towards Mu Xuanyin.

"It's fine..." Mu Xuanyin who overheard their conversation said in a calm tone.

"I also think that he could become the next realm king if he were to join our sect." Her words made all of them become amazed.

Mu Bingyun's hand paused in place and didn't move for a long while, amazement that didn't scatter for a long period of time within her gaze. Behind her, Mu Xiaolan started thinking if Ise really becomes their realm king... won't that be a great thing?! Even Mu Bingyun share the same thought as her disciple.

By then, perhaps he will share some of his secrets? That one where he could easily help Xia Qingyue's group achieve breakthrough after breakthrough is more than enough for her...

But Mu Hanyi who was doing his best flinched a little which made him lose his concentration.

'Bad!' He screamed inside his mind. Soon, he lost four of the ice spirits and they went towards Mu Feixue side instead.

The time limit had now reached the last fifteen minutes of its deadline. Fifteen minutes was only enough for them to attract one ice spirit

Him losing four spirits right this instant is quite fatal...

And this mishap will be the cause of his defeat.

"Feixue won!" The final outcome had clearly emerged within these last fifteen minutes. Everything was finally settled after the last ice spirit's selection.

"Hahahahaha!" Mu Huanzhi completely relaxed. Even though he had several thousand years of cultivation under his belt, he was unable to suppress the mad joy he felt as he laughed heartily: "Good grandaughter! Very good! Hahahahaha!"

Mu Yunzhi gritted her teeth in absolute anger. It was intense to such a degree but the final outcome simply did not have anything to do with one's strength but more so one's resonance with the ice spirits and also concentration! This idiot just completely lost his concentration just now!

She crackled her fist feeling indignant.

Mu Hanyi himself face turned white completely... because of just one mishap... all is lost...

Even though he said that he won't mind losing against Mu Feixue before, he still can't accept this outcome... he should've been the winner!

He inadvertently glared at Issei but his body shudder greatly when Issei glanced back at him. He doesn't know why but he suddenly feels extremely restless all of the sudden...

"Since Mu Feixue is the winner then I will take her as my direct disciple." Mu Xuanyin voice rang out at this moment.

Everyone gave their salute and congratulatory words at Mu Huanzhi and Mu Feixue.

Mu Huanzhi couldn't be any happier while Mu Feixue stays calm but she looks at Issei's direction.

She knows that if it weren't for Issei's interference, it would've been her lost...

"Since we're done here, let's go back. Girls..." Issei called out softly towards Xia Qingyue's group.

All of that commotion isn't enough to bother them in the slightest and yet, a single word from Issei is enough to make them open their eyes.

They stood up in unison and immediately flew towards Issei's side standing silently as if they're his personal maids...

The men who saw this sight felt extremely jealous... Mu Hanyi even more so since he just lost his biggest chance he had because of Issei.

All of them really want to see just what kind of otherworldly face lies beneath that veil... As for the women, it's Issei.

Some of the female elders decided that they should ask Mu Bingyun later to see if she will let them see him personally.

When Issei was about to leave the lake, Mu Xuanyin sends a voice transmission towards him: "Wait. I want you to meet me here again later."

Issei stopped in his tracks and look back. After a brief silence, he gives a slight nod.

It's not Mu Xuanyin herself that wants to meet him, but rather it's the ice phoenix.

Then his group left the lake...

The others are still staying there since their ceremony is not over.

Although they realize that Issei is leaving, since the realm king herself doesn't say anything, they won't bother either.

Mu Bingyun and Mu Xiaolan accompany them back.


During their journey back, Mu Bingyun who has been silent the whole time finally spoke: "Benefactor Ise... Can you help Xiaolan just like you help Xia Qingyue and the others?"

"Ah?!" Mu Xiaolan let out a yelp when she heard her Master's words.

"Hm?" Issei glanced at Mu Bingyun.

"I'm willing to give you anything as payment for your help." She bowed at Issei.

"Master! You don't need to do this! I'm already content with just staying by your side!" Mu Xiaolan frantically said.

"Say no more... it's already master fault for hindering your growth until now."


Mu Bingyun shook her head at Xiaolan preventing the latter from saying anything else.

"...Sure. Right now, I don't have anything in mind, but I will let you know when I need something." Issei said softly after a bit of thinking.

"Um, then I thank you, benefactor Ise." Mu Bingyun said with a thin smile.

Mu Xiaolan's mouth becomes wide agape since she never thought that Issei will be willing to accept her master's request in helping her...

"Just come along with the girls when we're having our small session later." Issei said towards the dazed Mu Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, hurry and thank benefactor Ise." Mu Bingyun said softly.

"A-Ah! X-Xiaolan is grateful for senior brother Ise's benevolence!" She said stutteringly.

"Um." Issei nodded lightly as a response.

After a few moments, they finally arrived at their lodging...


While the girls went back to their respective room to cultivate once again, Issei is leaning against the window when he sensed a presence coming his way.

He put on his mask since this presence is not the presence of Mu Bingyun or the other girls.

It was also at the same time that the figure of a woman before him slowly turned around. An otherworldly, bright and beautiful face so seductive that it could devour hearts appeared before Issei's eyes once more.

It is none other than Mu Xuanyin, but only in the body while the dominant personality right now is Chi Wuyao's.

"What do you want now?" Issei said tiredly.

"Hehehe, must young master be this cold towards me~? I just want to greet young master, am I not allowed to do so?" She said in a pitiful manner.

Issei sighed while thinking that there's a second Nyarlathotep arriving in front of him...

[How cruel, dear husband! I'm clearly more beautiful than this ant~] Nyarlathotep pouting voice rang inside Issei's mind.

What she said is true though... her beauty indeed has surpassed all women Issei has come across in this world.

At this moment, 'Mu Xuanyin' sweetly giggled as she suddenly began slowly sashaying toward Issei she seemed to have only taken two steps, yet her figure blurred and then suddenly appeared in front of him.

The face before his eyes was beautiful enough to charm everything under the heavens, especially the pair of watery, phoenix eyes which sparkled, they were exceptionally enchanting.

She slowly raised one of her small, smooth white hands and gently poked Issei's chest: "Tell me young master... what does it need to make you help me? What do you want in exchange for your help? If me alone is not enough for your satisfaction... will all women from my realm will do?"

She asked while fluttering her eyelids at Issei.

"Help? What do you need my help with?" Issei ignored the second part of her words and asked back.

"Well... you should already know who I am, yes?" After all, Issei has read the memories of her soul strand on Mu Xuanyin's body before.

Chi Wuyao is Ruthless and scheming. But sometimes extremely seductive, charming, and playful.

Since being ruthless and headstrong in front of Issei is useless, she might as well be as seductive as she could hoping to entice him. But so far, her seduction is rendered useless...

Ten thousand years ago Chi Wuyao, the eternal heaven realm, and the Brahma God realm fought against each other close to the Northern Divine Region's border. Towards the end, Snow Song Realm King Mu Xuanyin appeared and joined the fight, but she had been quickly subdued by Chi Wuyao before she brought Mu Xuanyin away.

Before she sent Mu Xuanyin back to Snow Song Realm, Chi Wuyao put 10% of her Nirvana Devil Emperor soul inside of Mu Xuanyin so that she could spy on the Realm of the Gods through Mu Xuanyin wanting to control her, but in the end, they had a deal instead. But it's mostly because of the interference of the Ice Phoenix soul within Mu Xuanyin.

In exchange for making her become stronger, Chi Wuyao makes Mu Xuanyin her spy. But to be a perfect spy, she has to erase her memories about their little deal. This is why Mu Xuanyin's soul isn't trying to resist Chi Wuyao's influence.

"And the help I need from you is... to set us free from our little 'birdcage'." She said softly.

"Meaning you want me to help you resist the attack from the other regions?" Issei asked in a dull tone.

They could leave their region but they will immediately become weaker so they're akin to a bird in a cage indeed...

"Yes... If needed, we're willing to serve young master to the best of our capabilities. I'm also willing to give you the seat of the realm king as long as you're willing to lead us... I have the Nine Witches, twenty-seven Devil Spirits and three hundred and sixty Soul Attendants under my command. A trillion beings of darkness are at my every beck and call. All of them can be yours if you're willing to help us... With young master's strength, together, we can take over the whole God realm as ours." She said with glistening eyes.

"And why would I do that? If I were to take your offer, will you suck my blood essences just like your previous four husbands?" Issei asked blandly totally uninterested with her offer.

"Heheheheh" Issei's words caused Chi Wuyao to let out an unrestrained laugh. That coquettish and seductive laughter rang out in the air once more before she replied: "Young master really knows how to jest... Never in my wildest dream that I would do that. Especially since young master is so charming and powerful... which women won't be throwing themselves at you? Besides, those four men deserve it... Ah but don't worry, I'm still a bonafide virgin~" She said with a wink.

"And Young master should know that we're by no means evil... we are treated as the 'devil' just because of our mastery over the dark energy. Those hypocrites only know how to judge others but unable to judge themselves. We just wanted our freedom back." Her voice this time turned serious and hopeful.

"Perhaps you're not evil... but what about the other 'devils'?" Issei retorted.

"Then young master is free to do as you fit with them. If young master desire so, I'm willing to kill whoever stands in your way... including my own 'kind'." She said lightly

"I will think about it later. For now, you should give Mu Xuanyin the control of her body back since I need to meet her and the ice phoenix soon." Issei said with a wave, pushing her body back a few meters away.

"Hehe, fine... I will wait for that moment where young master will be willing to lead us~" Then she leaves the place and Issei sighed for a moment before he heads towards the Netherfrost lake once again.

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