The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 155: Side

Chapter 155: Side

Issei used his magic to sever the connection between Rena and her clone.

Rena's body shuddered fiercely feeling the sudden intrusion... but she doesn't feel discomfort but rather feels a little itchy instead.

Her cheeks reddened slightly seeing the indifferent look on Issei's gaze.

Issei grasped a 'string' that connected the two of them in his hand and thought about the possibilities with this kind of cloning method... But soon he snapped out of his thoughts.

"Hm, might as well..." Issei muttered before he closed his eyes for a moment.

A slight change in the air could be felt around Issei.

"Royal father?" Setsuna said in surprise sensing his strength rising at a rapid pace.

At the same time, his original body also underwent a slight change.

"Well, I got to go now. I'll see you soon." Issei said towards Erza and the others before he closed their line of communication.

"Ah, papa! Your body is glowing! So pretty!" Lotte who's sitting on his lap exclaimed. They're currently in Forzelotte's bedroom.

"Hm? Ise?" Forzelotte who's seated beside him raised her eyebrows.

"Heheh, sorry, but I got to go for a while. Setsuna is feeling a little lonely you see." Issei said apologetically.

"Jeez, and here I thought something was wrong..." Forzelotte sighed: "Be sure to properly accompany her, okay?"

"Got it." Issei nodded.

"Papa, take care! Say hello to Setsuna onee-chan for me!" Lotte waved after Forzelotte picked her up.

"Mm, papa won't be away for long. Be a good girl and listen to your mama, okay?"


"Good girl." Issei gives her head another pat.

In the next second, Issei's body disappeared on the spot.

"Hn? That fool..." Forzelotte smirked sensing the change of time around her: "Just how much of a daughtercon is he? To think he would go this far just because one of his daughters feeling lonely..."

"Daughtercon papa is the best!" Lotte said.

"Muh, do you even know what that means?" Forzelotte frowned.

"Don't know!" Lotte stuck out her tongue: "But since it's papa then it must be great!"

Forzelotte sighed tiredly while rubbing Lotte's head: "You little troublemaker... You and your big sisters are so alike."


"That's not a compliment..." Forzelotte sighed before she continues to pat her head dotingly.

On the clone's location, Issei's black hair slowly change its color into white and his aura doubled... including his charm.

The girl's eyes couldn't become any wider seeing the current him. If before he looks mouthwatering then the current him is extremely ravishing!

What changes on the visible eyes are only his hair color but there's this indescribable charm oozing off his every being...

"R-Royal father, you..." Setsuna said shockingly.

"Heheh, we can have all the time you need, princess... I've already informed the others and I've also slowed the time on their place, so we can take our time." Issei said with a wink.

"Royal father!" Setsuna practically hopped to his embrace feeling exhilarated. While being with his clone is not bad, staying with his original body is obviously a lot better hence why she's so happy.

"I thought you said that you're not a child anymore?" Issei chuckled while rubbing her head.

"Hmph! You're being a meanie, royal father!" Setsuna pouted while acting spoiled.

"Yes yes, it's father's fault." Issei said with a smile.

"H-Hey... D-Did he just transformed again?"

"I-It seems that way, as far as I can tell, only his hair color changes..."

"That may be so but somehow... he just becomes more..." The one who just spoke didn't finish her sentences but they all share the same thought... Even more tempting.

Shirone gazes at Issei with a complicated look... She still couldn't accept that her childhood friend is just a clone of this man!

Reiji's frown deepened and he gritted his teeth seeing the enamored look on most of his 'harem' faces.

After bonding with each other for a while with the entranced onlookers in the background, Issei finally asked his little princess: "So, princess. Where do you want to go now? Shall we go to another world?"

"Mm, no. Let's stay in this world for a bit, royal father." Setsuna eyed the scowling Reiji, well, at his ring to be exact.

"As you wish then." Issei wryly smiled at her intention. Looks like she bears a bit of a grudge for his 'clone' past.

"And can we use this opportunity to sharpen my commanding skill, royal father?" Setsuna inquired.

"Hm? What do you have in mind?"

"I was thinking if we could take control of a territory on this world and establish a settlement of some sort."

"I don't really mind but why do you want to do that?"

"I want to help you in ruling our world... Since Royal mother is your assistant, your right hand... I want to be your left hand." Setsuna asked hopefully.

Issei raised his eyebrows in surprise before he smiles fondly: "You didn't have to do that, princess... I'm happy with just your thoughts alone."

"It doesn't matter. I want to be more useful for you, royal father." Setsuna insisted.

"Then we can take our time back at home."

"No, it must be somewhere you have no control over, royal father... A place where they've never heard of your exalted name." Setsuna pointed out.

If it's a world where they know of her royal father's name then it will be for naught... It won't be much of a training when they just agreed to her every demand.

"Very well..." Issei sighed: "You and your mother are so alike you know? Even when she was pregnant with you, I keep telling her to get some rest but she's being very disobedient and kept refusing... Father finally has to 'incapacitate' her whenever she has some energy to spare." He chuckled mischievously remembering the past.

Setsuna's face inadvertently blushed deeply since she can understand what he meant... Her Royal mother often complains to her after all during her drunken state.

Chiyuki and the others feel a bit awkward seeing that they're being ignored yet again.

Rena on the other hand grows more and more possessive when Issei's original body took over the clone's body. Her jealousy got enhanced even further when she saw the loving look on Issei's face.

"Hm? Why are you still here?" Setsuna finally took notice of their presence: "Royal father has already disconnected the link to your clone so you shouldn't be worried about it anymore. You can go now." She ushered them to leave.

"W-Well, w-we were thinking if you could somehow send us back home," Chiyuki asked while faking a cough.

While she seems hopeful about going back to her original world, Reiji and a few others for one are feeling reluctant instead.

Why would they go back? Reiji for one thought that this world is his dream world... He can have all the girls here and most of them are more beautiful than the women back in their world.

This feeling of his got further enhanced when he saw Setsuna and Rena for the first time.

He would never coercive upon a woman but he would wile them. However, he has never been an inconvenience to get close to women because he has a good face.

But now he's feeling threatened to see Issei who's more good looking than him.

"Back home?" Setsuna repeated: "Why should we bother sending you back home?"


"Ask the one who summoned you here to send you back home." Setsuna waved uninterestedly before she looks back at Issei: "Now come, royal father. Let's go!"

"Sure." Issei nodded with a smile: "Ah, one more thing." Issei looks at Reiji's group with a calm gaze.

They shuddered greatly sensing his gaze.

"While it was my clone's promise to the Demon King Modes... I would still honor his promise. If any of you dare to step into the Demon territory and started going on a reckless crusade... I will kill you on the spot." Issei said simply.

There's no threatening gesture from his side nor there is an oppressive aura but it's more than enough to serve as a warning for them.

Reiji does feel afraid but the girls for some reason felt all tingly instead... There's an indescribable feeling that sends a shiver down to their spine when they're gazed at so intently like this by him...

"As for the Demons who might invade your human realm, you don't need to worry about them either. I will properly handle them myself." Setsuna added cooly: "Do we make ourselves clear?"

They rapidly nodded their head while shivering.

Seeing that, Issei and Setsuna both turn around with the intention of leaving the place.

"W-Wait, Kuroki!"

"P-Please wait a moment!"

"You! Wait!"

And ignoring the whining group of girls in the background, the two of them left the place... On their way outside, they saw a single black Dragon looking extremely nervous.

This black Dragon is the mount of Issei's 'clone'. He named it Glorious.

The Black Dragon keeps shivering while meekly looking at Issei and Setsuna.

"Hm? This child..." Issei muttered before he floated right next to it.

The Dragon lowered its head even further and Issei who saw this give a thin smile before he lightly rubbed its head.

"Let's go, Setsuna. Seems like it wanted to give us a ride."


Issei and Setsuna landed on its back.

Giving a happy cry, the black Dragon while carrying its King and Princess fly across the night sky in glee. The joy it is currently feeling is through the roof... Giving its race True King and Princess a ride is an unprecedented honor that might not come in ten lifetimes.

"...They're gone just like that..." Chiyuki said with a sigh while looking at the flying black Dragon.

She and the other girls are having complicated feelings and thoughts.

"Now Rena, since your problem has been solved. Can you send us back home?" She asked Rena.

"Wait, Chiyuki." Reiji called out.

"Not now, Reiji." Chiyuki said seriously.

"No, I mean we still have some stuff to do here, don't we? There are still more people who need saving!"

"You mean more girls to 'save'?" Chiyuki deadpanned. For some reason, when she looks at Reiji now, she felt a bit irked... Usually, she can withstand his playboy side but now, not so much.

"Sorry, but that's impossible..." Rena shook her head after seeing that Issei has completely disappeared from her view.

"What? Why?" Chiyuki asked with a frown.

"The Dark Knight, I believe his name was Kuroki? Destroyed the summoning tool... So I can't send you back anymore."

"So you're saying that we can't go back anymore?"

"That... I don't know yet. There might be a way but I can't tell you now." Rena said impatiently. She wanted to go back right away since she needs to take care of something.

"You don't need to rush, Rena. You can take your time." Reiji said with a smile.

Chiyuki gives him a silent glare before sighing tiredly. Just what they're supposed to do now? That otherworldly man clone seems to be the one who's responsible for destroying the summoning tool but then again... Could they really trust Rena in the first place?


"Hm? Human?"

On their way back, Setsuna spotted a group of humans being attacked by goblins.

Issei look over and nodded his head: "Do whatever you want, princess." He said simply.

"...Understood." Setsuna thought for a bit before she decided to save them.

She jumped down from the back of Glorious and landed between the goblins and humans.

The goblins froze in their place when they saw Setsuna.

"Leave," Setsuna said.

But the goblins only reply is a perverted smile...

"Gigigigi! Another beautiful woman!"


"You don't want to leave? Then die." She waved her hand and the goblins are bisected right in the middle leaving a puddle of blood and guts all over the ground.

The humans show dread on their faces because of what they just saw.

"What are you doing here?" Setsuna turned around and asked them.

But, the humans aren't replying as they are still terrified due to her display and the black Dragon looming above them.

"You're not going to answer?" Setsuna narrowed her eyes.

The humans become more nervous seeing this.

After a few seconds, a young woman comes out to the front.

Probably in her early 20s and her dress is also the best amongst them.

"Uhm M-My My name is Regena, the princess of the Algore kingdom. These people are my blood relatives" She said nervously while stuttering a bit.

"Why would a princess be in this kind of place?" Setsuna inquired further.

"...We were exiled, and we came to this land," Regena replied sadly.

"Mm, a civil war?" Setsuna nodded.

"E-Eh? Y-Yes, you could say that..."

"That's all I need to hear."

Setsuna turned around and about to leave when Regena pleaded: "Please. Please save us..."


"A-Algore is on bad terms with the neighborhood kingdom, so no kingdom will welcome us, a royalty of that kingdom. That's why... we have nowhere else to go... Please save us! I'll do anything!" She kneeled.

Maybe because they've suffered thoroughly while traveling to this place. Her voice is already hoarse.

The other people are also bowing towards Setsuna.

Setsuna heaved a sigh while looking at the sky or to be precise, at her royal father figure who's standing on top of Glorious.

"You don't need to ask me, princess. You're free to do anything you want." Issei said with a doting smile.

Setsuna nodded with a smile of her own.

Regena and the others shockingly raised their heads to look at the source of the second voice belonging to a man. But they become frozen stiff when they saw his figure...

As if their soul has been stolen from their body, their unfocused eyes stay transfixed on him.

Setsuna frowned seeing this, she used her oppressive aura to snap them out of their daze.

Once they're snapped out of their daze, they hurriedly look towards the ground while blushing furiously.

They couldn't believe there could be someone who can be so beautiful! This woman before them is also extremely beautiful but her ruthless side made them feel apprehensive.

"Very well, I'll save you but you will become my servants. Any objection?"

"N-None!" They raised their head once again feeling a bit more hopeful. Rather than being abandoned in the wilderness, they rather become servants.

"Fumu." Setsuna nodded.

Issei who saw this whistled lightly.

Less than a minute, a large swarm of Wyverns and Dragons alike started flying towards their direction.

Across the Demon territory and fortress. There's a large commotion seeing a large swarm of Wyverns and Dragons flying in one direction...

"Royal father?" Setsuna raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"You're going to claim territory for yourself, right? You can't be a ruler if there is no subject to lord over." Issei gives a faint chuckle: "Since we're Dragons then it will only befitting that you rule over Dragons, don't you think so? Of course, that doesn't mean you can't accept other races to your kingdom, princess."

Setsuna thought for a second before nodding her head with a warm gaze: "Um, thank you, royal father."

Regena and the other humans are shivering on the spot after seeing so many Dragons flying in their direction... Some even thought of this as the end of the world.

Setsuna ignored their state and told them to get on top of the wyvern.

They apprehensively followed her order. Their only comfort is that the wyvern doesn't seem to be hostile towards them.


"Wh-What's wrong, Mona?! I-It's me, your beloved husband, Modes!" The Demon King Modes asked his wife who seems to have become crazed.

"Go away you pig! Get the hell away from me!" His wife shouted hysterically: "I-I can't believe this... I can't believe I've been living in a life filled with lies and deceit..."

"Wh-What are you saying!? What lies? What deceit?"

"...Hahaha... You dare ask me what's wrong?!" She looks at him with a gaze filled with hatred: "You cloned me from the strand of hair of Goddess Rena and brainwashed me to feel love for you... You tell me... Is that a deceit or not?! I've been created just to become your doll! Your pleasure toy!"

"B-But I truly love you!"

"You call that LOVE?! When one side forcefully makes the other party feel love for you!? That's artificial love! A lies! From the moment I was created... All I can think about was you... I always think that's just how things are... But now... now I realize that it's all false... How can this be called living? I'm only a copy of the original who doesn't have its own free will..." She sobbed even harder: "I'm only a doll... A toy... I rather die than living like this..."

She suddenly puked on the spot remembering the 'life' she has been living. How this pig takes advantage of her innocence... How he put those thoughts making her thinking that she truly love him from the bottom of her heart...

She suddenly realizes all this just a while ago when she felt something break inside of her. Like a chain that has been unchained...

When that happens, she gained her own free will and some memories belonging to the Goddess Rena. She was only a doll programmed to love this pig in front of her... And when she thought till here, she felt like dying instead! Why would she born just to become this pig doll?!

"M-Mona..." Modes said desperately.

"Get lost!!!" She screamed.

The maids and subordinates surrounding them are feeling at a loss... What just happened? How come their Queen suddenly started shouting and crying?! They don't know what to do seeing her being like this...

While they're at a standstill they heard a loud roar from the outside of the castle.

"What's with the commotion!?" The Demon King Modes asked his subordinate who just stepped into the room. He's feeling very restless right now because of his wife's abnormality.

"R-Reporting, Your highness! Th-There is a large swarm of Dragons heading our way! E-Even the Wyverns and Dragons on our side are also behaving strangely!"

"What?" Modes repeated in disbelief.

"Th-The Dark Knight Diehart Dragon, Glorious is also amongst them!"

"What the hell is going on!? Is Diehart rebelling?!" Modes grasped his head in frustration.

"W-We don't know, your highness, but the one who's in the lead seems to be a white-haired young woman. Diehart is nowhere in sight!"

"Huh?" Modes let out a dumbfounded voice.

Actually, not only here. Across the whole world, the same thing is happening all over the place. Dragons and Wyverns species are flying across the sky heading towards one direction. Whether it be from the human nation or other places.

Mona who overheard their conversation raised her head... The memory that she obtained from Rena recently showed her the image of Issei.

She hurriedly ran outside.

"M-Mona, wait!" Modes called out before he ran after her as well.

When Modes arrived outside, he's greeted with a large amount of Dragonkin hovering over his castle and surrounding it.

At the forefront of the swarm, Setsuna can be seen looking down on the castle.

"Oh? He's already here?" She said in a slight surprise since she hasn't called out to him yet: "But this should make things easier and faster."


"Hn?" Setsuna noticed a lone woman running forward from the crowd of demons.

She was an extremely beautiful woman.

Her beautiful and silky black hair was down to her waist.

She had an extremely well-ordered face and bountiful chest.

"Please take me away from here! I'm begging you!" This woman who's begging desperately is obviously Mona.

"You are..." Setsuna notices that this woman looks very similar to that Goddess that she met recently. So she concluded that she must be the clone that she mentioned.

"I-I'm Mona, the clone of the Goddess Alrena! Please save me from this fiend's hand!" Mona shouted.

"Huh?" Setsuna blinked her eyes feeling confused. Wasn't this Goddess's clone supposed to be madly in love with the Demon King Modes? Her Royal father has already informed her of this before during their way here.

"M-My name is Modes. The one who's called the demon king. Wh-Who are you and why are you here at my home?" Modes called out first: "P-Please ignore my wife's rambling, she's not being herself right now."

Setsuna looked back in Issei's direction and even Issei himself looks slightly taken aback seeing the current Mona.

He's also feeling a little confused just like Setsuna.

Issei frowned a little before he drops down from Glorious's back silencing the growling Dragons, including the nervous Demonkin.

Issei stood in front of Mona who's crying profusely.

"You... You're that man from Goddess Alrena memories..."

Issei ignored her words and after using his divine sense on her body, he finally understood of what happened.

"Royal father?" Setsuna called out.

"Who are you?! Stay away from my wife!" Modes become frantic seeing this otherworldly man standing so close to his wife.

"...Looks like when I severed the link between her and that Goddess, my power somehow reaches the other end of the link." Issei mused ignoring Modes.

"So royal father saying is that this clone..."

"Mm, the 'setting' within her personality has become undone. Now she has her own free will... Well, not really free will but rather the common sense of that Goddess Rena." Issei concluded: "Looks like father used too much power..." He wryly smiled.

"I see..." Setsuna nodded understandingly: "It can't be helped. It's not royal father's fault, they're far much weaker after all."

"Wh-What are you two saying!? What happened to my wife? Did you two have something to do with her current abnormality?!" Modes shouted in anger.

"Be quiet." Setsuna said coldly: "Abnormality? If anything she becomes normal rather than abnormal."

"But she was my wife!? We loved each other!"

"Lies! I don't love this fiend!" Mona interfered: "The previous me was only an empty husk! A doll that could barely think for herself!"

"Okay, calm down both of you." Issei sighed tiredly: "We don't have all day arguing back and forth... Modes." Issei called.


"I'm Diehart, Yukisaki Kuroki. Or at least I was."

"Huh?" Modes let out a dumbfounded voice.

His confusion is quite normal since Kuroki and Issei's appearance differs too much.

"Here, you should recognize this armor." Issei took out the Dark Knight's armor.

"That's! That's Diehart-dono armor! What did you do to him?!"

"Like I said... I'm him or rather, he never existed in the first place. He was just my clone." Issei said.

"A clone? What?"

"I don't understand why you seem to be confused when you have created a clone yourself... In summary, Yukisaki Kuroki is my clone and I'm the original. I took over my clone's body and here I am. Understand?"

"I-I don't..."

"We're not getting anywhere... Anyway, just know that the Hero won't be invading your home and I've fulfilled the promise I made you. As the payment, I will take over the territory on the East."

"The East? That wasteland?" Modes murmured: "Or rather, what the hell is going on?!"

"This fool is too much of an idiot, royal father..." Setsuna sighed.

"It can't be helped... After what happened to his 'wife', I can't really blame him." Issei shrugged.

"Wait, you're responsible for this! Change my wife back! Change my wife back to normal!"

"My promise was only to stop the hero from invading your domain. Our agreement ends there." Issei stated.

"Th-Then, then let's make another deal! What do you want in exchange for returning my wife to normal?" Modes said desperately.

"Talk about being desperate..." Setsuna said with despise.

"No no no! Please don't change me back! I don't want to continue living as a doll! J-Just kill me if you have to but don't change me back! I'm begging you!" Mona hugged Issei's leg while begging him desperately.

Issei frowned seeing her like this.

Setsuna who sensed his discomfort peeled her away from his leg.

"Okay, that's enough. No close contact with my royal father."

Mona flailed her arms around thinking that she will be reverted back into a doll.

"Stay calm. Royal father and I won't change you back into a doll."

"R-Really?" Mona stopped her struggle.

"No! Change her back! Change her back I said!" Modes stepped forward but the moment he did so, the Dragons in the vicinity growled at him.


They growled menacingly at him. A combination of so many Dragon's oppressive killing intent is not something Modes could wave off just like that.

He might be strong, as strong as the head of the Gods in this world but that doesn't mean he's invincible.

"Modes." Issei called out making Modes turned his gaze towards him: "If you want your wife to become the way she was before then use your own charm." Issei said ignoring Mona's shout.

"...Charm you say..." Modes said speechlessly.

"That's not going to happen! There's no way in hell I would come back to him!" Mona screeched.

"Yes, use your charm and gain her heart back properly this time. Don't resort to creating a clone just to satisfy your carnal desire..."

"And if I'm not wrong then you took a strand of that Goddess's hair without her consent, right? What you're doing is beyond creepy in my opinion as a fellow woman." Setsuna added: "And why don't you find a fellow demon to marry anyway?"

"Th-That's..." Modes averted his eye trying to find a reason.

"What? Don't tell me not a single one of them willing to marry you?" Setsuna inquired further.

"N-No, it's just that..." He started to sweat even further.

"Heh... No need to ask him that..." Mona is the one who responded with a sneer: "Isn't it obvious? This fiend wanted to marry the most beautiful woman there is but he doesn't realize his place... He tried courting Goddess Alrena but she obviously refuses. Then he lowered his standard by a tiny amount and asked the other Goddesses of light but he got rejected yet again... In the end, he retorted to cloning method hence here I am." She narrated.

"Hee, you're saying that he has that high of a standard on choosing his wife?" Setsuna asked.

"Indeed... From what I know, it's not like there's no female Demon out there that are against marrying him, but he himself doesn't want to marry them simply because they're not up to his standard."

"Th-That's not true!" Modes tried to refute her claim.

"No use lying in front of us, Modes. Royal father and I can tell when somebody is lying or not so you can save your words." Setsuna scoffed: "If it were me, I would've reacted the same way as the Goddess Rena and started attacking your domain just because of it."

"Heheh, don't worry, princess... If he dares create your clone then this world doesn't need to exist anymore." Issei said with a chilling smile.

Every single Demon in the surrounding, including Modes himself, shuddered greatly sensing his killing intent.

Issei raised his head and repeated himself: "You hear me? If any of you dares to pull a stunt like Modes just did then I can assure you... I will erase your world from this universe. Not a single speck of dust will be left when I'm done with it." Then he waved his hand splitting the night sky above.

In the distance, a loud scream can be heard...

"A spy?" Setsuna asked.

"Mn." Issei gives a faint nod: "Let's go princess, we're done here."

"Yes, royal father."

"W-Wait!" Modes hesitated but still decided to call out.

"You can find us in the East. Your wife will also be there... So you don't have to worry and you can take your time on courting her." Issei said without turning around.

Issei and Setsuna get on top of Glorious once more while Mona get on top of the wyverns just like Regena's group. And with Glorious in the lead, they left the Demon King's castle...

"Wh-What do we do now, your highness?" One of Modes subordinates asked.

"...I-I need to get Mona back! I need to get my wife back!" Modes said while ignoring his subordinate.

"Your highness..." His subordinate sighed.


In <Elios>, where the main deities of this world reside, Odis, the king of the Elios deities had a solemn face.

The deities who used clairvoyance to spy on Issei and Setsuna could be seen lying unconscious on the bed before him... There's not only one deity but several of them instead.

The other Gods who are present are also having a solemn look and some of them even fainted when Issei used his divine intent to threaten them.

Those who are awake are in no better state either... They're having trouble breathing properly and their whole body is drenched in a cold sweat.

Odis also is not spared from their condition. He shakily looks at the projected figure of Issei on the water screen. His recorded image from the last vision of the Gods that used clairvoyance.

"Wh-Wh-Who is he?" One of the Gods mumbled in fear.

"Wh-Which pantheon are they from?"

"B-But I've never seen the two of them before..." One of them who lives longer than the rest said.

"...Rena, tell me what you know about them." Odis decided to ask Rena who already met Issei face to face.

"Yes, Odis-sama..." Rena bowed slightly before narrating what she knows.

"...A clone of his? You're saying that the Dark Knight Diehart who could defeat your hero is his clone? With that much power and yet he's just a clone? Are you serious, sister?" Alphos, Rena's older brother said in disbelief.

Reiji's strength is well known amongst them. He's a summoned person who somehow got the strength that could rival the Gods.

It's measured that his strength is perhaps on par with Odis and Modes which is very concerning for many.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Rena snarled back.

"Enough... If what you're saying is true then... It would be wise if we don't unnecessarily provoke him and his daughter. As long as they don't make the first move then we shall not either." Odis said in dismissal: "Is this alright, Casa?"

He asked Casa, the Goddess of Fate who can predict the future.

She has an upper body of a beautiful woman with feather hairs, and thousands of wings from her lower body and back. She's similar to a Harpy race.

"Yes, Odis-sama... I can't see their future but my intuition is telling me that we should never ever cross their path..." She advised.

"Very well... All of you are dismissed." Odis waved tiredly.

The male Gods hurriedly excuses themselves but the Goddesses who are present had an infatuated expression while looking at the recorded figure of Issei on the screen. Whether they're married or single, all of them are enamored by his figure.

Their heart is in chaos... All their life, they thought Alphos is the most attractive male ever existed but now... They now know that they're wrong.

The personage within the water screen was very tall and robust, the epitome of male perfection and masculine beauty. They could almost felt his lingering domineering aura and searing warmth just from the image alone...

He has this distant and cold look when he gazes at them but when he looks at his daughter, it turned doting and full of warmth... They're extremely envious of his daughter whenever they realize this point.

His otherworldly face was achingly attractive to the point of being beyond words... The possessive desire within their heart sprouted like there's no tomorrow. They wanted to enter his embrace and indulge their worldly desire within it... They wanted to put him on a leash and keep him by their side forever.

They wanted to lock him up so no other woman could steal him from them...

Rena used to feel disgusted whenever she remembered about her clone but now she envies her so much. To be able to stay near his presence like that... Now she wishes that their link was never broken in the first place so that way she could 'dream' about him every night.

Rena then thought of something before she grinned to herself... She still has that 'thing'... Perhaps she could make use of that 'thing' to make him hers!

There's another thing Casa didn't inform Odis. She actually could foresee the future by a tiny bit but the future that she saw blew her mind. A land like no other, a land that looks like a heavenly paradise where Dragons roamed the sky freely and the multiple races coexist peacefully...

There's no other word that could describe what she has witnessed. The word paradise couldn't be any truer when she recalled that sight...

The moment she saw this, she knows just what she needs to do. She needs to gather her worshipper and move there at a moment's notice.

Casa excuses herself and hurriedly flew back to her domain to execute her plans. She inadvertently blushed while imagining Issei's figure once more... She even thought that perhaps she could somehow gain his attention and then...


Back with Issei and Setsuna, they arrived at their destination.

A wasteland where a big war once happened...

"Is this the place?" Setsuna muttered.

There's not a single living being live here as far as they can see... It extends reaching almost 200km.

"Mm, this is the place." Issei nodded.

Regena and the others who saw this place looked apprehensive. What are they here for? There's nothing but 'death' in this place...

Issei drops down from Glorious back and started to survey his surroundings to estimate the range of the wasteland more accurately.

Once he does that, he gives a faint nod before raising his right leg and lightly stomps it on the ground.

With his right leg as the center, greeneries started to grow rapidly...





Forest and Mountains started to take shape... Only after they reach the end of the wasteland that they stopped growing.

Once he's done, Issei summoned a flying fortress that served as the main domain of this newly formed land. From the flying fortress, multiple waterfalls started to pour down on the ground below them...

All this sight left Regena's group utterly speechless... They become so shocked that they started questioning themselves... Are they dreaming? What just happen? How come the wasteland from before suddenly nowhere to be seen?

"Now, let's go inspect your new domain, princess," Issei said.

"Yes, royal father." Setsuna nodded before the two of them flew towards the fortress.

The Dragons give a congratulating roar at their King and Princess.

They don't dare to fly closer though since they're not given permission just yet.

Regena and the others are still frozen from the shock that they didn't realize that both Issei and Setsuna have already entered the fortress.

Inside the fortress, while they're walking around. Issei thought of something: "As a ruler, you need an adviser, princess. Father might seem to be a good ruler but without my advisers, which is your other mothers', I won't be able to easily control our kingdom."

"Understood, royal father." Setsuna nodded.

"Now who shall be your adviser... Your mother is currently pregnant so she's not a good choice... Your mother Sona is a little busy... Hmm..." Issei started thinking to himself.

"How about Mother Meryl or Mother Rakia, royal father?" Setsuna suggested.

"No, they're also busy... Your mother Meryl would make a great assistant but she's not available right now and your mother Rakia is more of a merchant rather than an adviser, you see. She excels on making a profit rather than ruling a nation." Issei said: "Ah, how about your mother Tamamo? With her experience, combined with her other personas' experiences then she should be a great assistant for you."

"Ah? Mother Tamamo is?" Setsuna said in surprise.

"Don't underestimate her, she might seem a bit carefree and laidback but she has a large array of experience in assisting a ruler in ruling their nation," Issei said wryly.

After all, during her lives, Tamamo-no-Mae has married a couple of other ruler herself. That is until that said ruler deemed her as dangerous...

But Issei thought of them as no more than nothing but insecure narrow-minded idiots. Just because their wife is more capable than them, they deemed her as dangerous? What a bunch of fools...

"Then Setsuna shall listen to royal father's advice." Setsuna agreed.

"Um, then father will give her a call..."

After a brief call, Tamamo agreed instantly.

Out of a summoning circle, Tamamo hopped towards Issei's embrace: "Hubby~" The fox woman chirped happily.

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