The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 156: Side

Chapter 156: Side

"Tamamo." Issei said wryly towards his fox wife who's currently snuggling comfortably within his embrace.

She's wearing her typical blue kimono and her fox ears and nine tails are fluttering jovially.

Issei could sense her inhaling his scent deeply which honestly made him feel a little itchy. Especially since she kept pushing her 'twins' against his body.

Issei could suppress his libido but since it's his wife they're talking about then he doesn't really see no reason to do so... If their daughter is not at their side then perhaps Issei would've carried her away to spend some private time together.

His wives are very enchanting in his eyes but a natural-born seductress such as Tamamo here is on a totally different level. Kuroka, and Yasaka are amongst those seductresses.

And perhaps, out of all his wives, they're the ones who can last the longest on the bed.

"Mou~, just call me Tama-chan, hubby!" Tamamo pouted. Even now she's still trying to seduce him: "Hubby, you look so tempting with that uniform... It made me want you to dominate me plentifully~" She said in a sultry voice.

This little vixen, just you wait when we're alone... Issei thought evilly to himself. He used his right hand which he thought hidden from Setsuna's prying gaze to give the little temptress a little pinch on her bubbly butt.

"Mikon~" Tamamo mewled feeling his touch.

"*C-Cough* Mother Tamamo, it's great to see you." Setsuna faked a cough to hide her embarrassment.

"Hi, Setsuna-chan! You don't have to be so formal with me you know? Just call me Tama okaa-chan~" Tamamo stopped her flirting and winked at the red-faced Setsuna.

"Sorry, but no..." Setsuna refused.

"Awww~" Tamamo pouted: "Now then... I hear you need some help?"

"Yes. Royal father recommended that I would need your help in my training." Setsuna nodded.

"Oh yeah, about that." Issei snapped his finger and Regena's group appeared near them.

They looked around cluelessly seeing that the scenery around them suddenly changed. Mona is also amongst them.

"They are?" Tamamo asked.

They are snapped out of their train of thoughts when they heard Tamamo's voice.

"They're Setsuna's servants." Issei explained.

"Oh. Humans and a deity?" Tamamo said sensing Mona's mana.

"Not an actual deity but a clone. It's a long story, we'll get to it later."


Seeing how intimate Tamamo and Issei are immediately told them that this fox beastkin must be his wife. They obediently shut their mouth as to not overstep their boundaries.

But they have to admit that this fox beastkin sure is beautiful... Her beauty perhaps even surpassed the Goddesses that they know.

Mona thought to herself that no wonder he's not tempted by Rena's beauty... His wife is on a whole another level, that's why.

"Hnn, you and your sisters are too serious at times you know?" Tamamo blinked: "You're still young you know... You can let your mothers and father handle this kind of stuff and go have fun with your friends."

"That's quite alright... I don't really have any interest in any of that. Setsuna just wanted to be helpful to royal father." Setsuna said in determination.

"...Hehehe, look at that hubby... They grow up so fast... Wait! Hubby, you're crying!" Tamamo shouted in surprise seeing the teary-eyed Issei.

"These are tears of joy." Issei said while wiping the tear away: "But you know, princess... Father would be happier if you could enjoy your life more... There's no need to feel so responsible when you're still this young. But father won't try to stop you when you're this determined... Just, make sure to remember that you're not alone okay? All of us love you, princess. No matter if it's father, your mothers, or your sisters... We all love you and we will always support you."

"Un, thank you, royal father..." Setsuna smiled warmly.

"*Sigh* Why can't you girls just act spoiled more? Father haven't pampered you just enough yet..." Issei said in regret.

"Jeez, hubby! You've spoiled them plenty already! If they keep getting spoiled by you then they will grow up into a NEET!" Tamamo berated.

"And what's wrong with that? They can be spoiled as much as they want." Issei asked with a clueless face: "This King's daughter shall have the best treatment in the world and can do whatever they want." He said in a boastful tone.

"You... You stupid husband... That's exactly what we're worried about." Tamamo sighed because there's no helping this daughtercon of a husband: "Anyway, let's go Setsuna-chan... Let's see what you need, shall we?"

With that said, Tamamo practically dragged Setsuna away...

Issei tilted his head while looking at them.

"What? Do any of you know what's wrong with what I just said? Isn't it normal for a father to spoil their daughter?" Issei turned his head and asked the sweating Regena's group.

"Th-That's..." How are they supposed to answer him!? This gap in his personality just made their heart skip another beat.

He was being a domineering man just a while ago but now he suddenly becomes a dummy yet cute parent! They almost giggled looking at his clueless look... Thankfully they still remember that he's not a normal human.

He might look like a human but there's no way a normal human could command so many Dragons at his beck and call...

"W-We're not sure either, milord." They answered with a wry smile.

"Hmm..." Issei hummed to himself before he walks away.

The girls infatuatedly look at his receding back.

As for the men that came with them, Issei didn't teleport them inside since he doesn't want any man to get close to his little princess...

After the birth of the Shangri-la, which Setsuna named. The world is dumbfounded at its sudden appearance.

Since Shangri-la is located on the border between the human and demon territory and also because it's a well-known spot since lives don't exist any longer over there.

Many tried to rekindle the life on that wasteland but nobody manages to do so since the remnants of the battle between two Gods pantheon is not something that can easily be erased.

Not even the deities on that world could needless to say about the mortals.

"Wh-What was that?!"

"Isn't that place is where the <Death Wasteland> lies?"

"That's right, how come a forest and mountain ranges suddenly appeared out of nowhere! Am I dreaming or hallucinating right now?!"

"You're not dreaming or hallucinating... We all can see it as well..."

"And there's so many Dragonkin... Is the anomaly earlier today connected to that place?"

The anomaly that they're talking about is the event where the Dragons and Wyverns formed a large swarm and move in one direction.

Since the territory itself is quite large, many could see it from afar.

"Report it to the king!"

The same conversation happened all over the place... whether it's from the demon side or the human side.

But the demon side could quickly connect the dots since they've seen Issei. But that doesn't mean that they're not shocked seeing this miracle that not even the Gods could pull off...

The Gods in question are also dumbfounded. Only Casa is not as shocked since she could foresee this future by a bit. Although, she also didn't expect that it would happen this quickly! Just how powerful is that man!? She thought shockingly to herself.

She moves even faster seeing how quickly the 'heaven' is formed. On the third day of the founding of the Shangri-la, Casa and her harpies followers did a massive migration which caused another panic in the cities and villages that they pass by.

In fact, she and her followers are not the only ones who moved... The undead all across the world also started moving towards the Shangri-la direction.

Many thought that they are forming a group to start an assault but all they did only walk straight forward... Unless someone tries to get in their way, they didn't try to do any harm...

They realize this when the undead swarm ignored the village that they came across.

They couldn't understand just what's going on right now... Even when they tried asking the God that they worship, they only receive one answer.

'Do not provoke the newly formed land.' Is all they received as a response much to their dismay.

The Gods also didn't understand why these undeads would suddenly do this.

There is a God whose divinity related to <Life> and <Death> but they're not powerful enough or perhaps they don't really care just like most Gods to actually take care of these undeads.

The undead here only applies to zombies, walking corpses, skeletons, and the like. Vampires or Lich are not included...

The reason why these undeads would move to Shangri-la was because their soul is guiding them to move there. There's this invisible force that made them want to move there... It's as if they could finally find the peace that they've been looking for if they were to arrive in Shangri-la...

And when they do arrive at Shangri-la, they are immediately purified on their own.

This made the onlookers become more and more confused.

"Now then, Setsu-chan... What you're lacking is citizens right now. A citizen is what keeps your nation going. Without citizens, there will be no functional nation... Now you can consider the Dragons outside as your citizens but they're not capable of fulfilling what a newly form nation needed." Tamamo said towards Setsuna who's listening intently: "Their value is different from a normal people."

The current Tamamo is not wearing her typical kimono. She had her ears and tails out in the open and hair arranged in buns and wears a Chinese qipao with a frontal cutout in the same geometric fox-head shape as her earings that shows off her lower chest, with a bell hanging from the center and she's also carrying a folding fan on her hand.

Overall, her current outfit perfectly accentuated her curves and beauty. She exudes an exotic charm that would charm those who gaze upon her hourglass figure.

"Now you must've got the rough idea from watching our world's nation. While your father is all-powerful, he won't be able to be called a King if he doesn't have people to rule..."

"Understood." Setsuna nodded.

While the two of them are talking with each other. Issei is not far from them and watches their interaction with a happy smile.

"With that said, you need to bring in more people into your newly found kingdom. Since getting help from your father is not an option then you should find people of your own... Now from what I've gathered, this world has slavery in it. So we could just buy slaves to serve as a temporary citizen for now."

"Um, then for the funds, we could sell some minerals and some other materials?"

"Mhm, that will work. We do have a large swarm of Dragons outside after all. We could sell some of their scales and teeth if you want... As for the mineral ore then it shouldn't be that hard either." Tamamo nodded before she suggested.

"Then I will gather some funds first." Setsuna then excuses herself before stepping outside to communicate with the Dragons...

"Good work." Issei praised his fox wife.

"Ufufu, thank you, hubby." Tamamo giggled while holding her folding fan in front of her lips.

She then squinted her eyes sexily before she sashayed her ways towards him.

Issei also narrowed his eyes seeing her acting like this.

Tamamo playfully smiled seeing his reaction before she plopped down to his lap with her back against his broad chest.

"So you still think of 'us' as your wife? Despite the different personalities?" Tamamo, no, the current Tamamo is not the original Tamamo but rather her other persona.

Each of her nine tails represents her different personalities. Tamamo-no-Mae is also known as Tamamo nine since she has eight alter ego within her body.

The current Tamamo is Tamamo Vitch or Koyanskaya.

"Why wouldn't I?" Issei asked while he gently stroke her hair with his right hand: "You might be a different persona of the original Tamamo but you're still her in the end, no?"

"...Fufufu, how greedy. You're not satisfied with just the original Tamamo so you want the others as well?" Tamamo said with a fake grievance.

"You just realized that I'm a greedy man? You're thirteen years too late if you only realize that now..." Issei whispered while giving her sexy neck a gentle kiss.

His left hand slowly crept towards her right breast before he finally gives it a gentle squeeze.

"En~" Tamamo's body shivered slightly feeling his warm touch.

Mona and Regena who's situated in the room had their face flushed deeply seeing their intimate interaction. They started to squirm around in their place looking at the two husband and wife flirting with each other...

Issei suddenly gives her hardened cherry nub a playful pinch.

Tamamo's body jolted in surprise and then she mewled: "Hubby~"

Just when she thought Issei is gonna take it up another notch, he suddenly stopped his action: "Okay, let's stop. Setsuna might return soon after all."

"...Hmph, you're such a tease..." She harrumphed in dissatisfaction: "And I'm supposed to be the one who does the teasing... Now what to do when I'm this worked up..."

"Heheh, thanks to particular someone, I managed to learn a thing or two in the art of teasing." Issei chuckled.

"Complimenting me won't get you anything!" Tamamo pouted before she turned around and put her arms around Issei's neck.

"Okay, enough flirting." Issei slapped her butt which earned another yelp from her: "So why did you tell Setsuna to sell the Dragons scale?"

"Hn? What are you talking about?" Tamamo feigned ignorance.

"If she were to sell a huge batch of materials from Dragons then it could induce conflict, and you know that," Issei said.

"Now how could that be our fault? All we did is just selling some trade goods to get some money~" Tamamo playfully responded: "If they were to go to war because of that then they only have themselves to blame... Humans are such creatures after all. They will become drunk with power the moment they have a little strength or they would do anything just to satisfy their greed."

"You do realize that I was once a human, right?" Issei raised his eyebrows.

"Aww~, you're different hubby. Even if you're still human right now then all of us would still love you regardless~" She winked: "What made us infatuated with you is not only your pretty face, you know?"

Regena and Mona overheard their conversation become startled. He was a human? But soon they erases their curiosity since it's maybe a sensitive topic and they don't want to anger their new lord...

"Well... Just don't take things too far, alright?" Issei sighed: "Remember that you're training Setsuna right now. We don't want her to be a bloodthirsty person now, do we?"

"I know I know, you don't have to remind me, hubby. Besides, we could use this chance to make her more cunning and widen her worldly knowledge of true human nature." Tamamo snickered: "The humans in our world are already tamed by you so they don't have any ideas to do anything stupid."

"Jeez, don't say it like I'm treating them like a pet. Some of your sisters are a human King, you know?" Issei wryly said.

"Ara? Apologies, it's just that for me, for us who used to see human nature at its best... it's quite surreal you see. Seeing them acting so docile like that." Tamamo said while remembering her past.

The insatiable human greed and their ignorance which knows no bound... Which ultimately caused her death.

"Okay, let's stop this conversation. Remember that some of your sisters are still human so don't think of every human is the same even if it's in your nature." Issei patted her back comfortingly.

"Fufufu, that sister of mine is not a normal human either though? They've stopped being normal humans the moment they received your divine blessing. They're more like high human or demigod now... no, perhaps they've already become a God? Just like me." Tamamo muttered: "How miraculous... I was only an avatar of the Goddess Amaterasu but now... I've become your consort and achieved my own Godhood but- Hmmph!"

Issei stopped her muttering with a searing hot kiss.

Tamamo's eyes widen for a brief second before she closed it and started to enjoy the kiss Issei's giving her.

Her hug tightens themselves with each second passing by... Only when she's about to get into another heat that Issei stopped their kiss.

"Ah..." Tamamo moaned regretfully seeing that their kiss has ended.

"Enough, alright?" Issei said gently.

"...En." She nodded obediently before she snuggled her head against his chest.

Issei who saw this smiles warmly and proceeds to stroke her head gently.

The downside of having multiple personalities is that she often goes into a flight of fancy of her own. Each of their personalities has different nature after all.

Tamamo Vitch dislikes humans and she's the embodiment of the malice and sadism of the original Tamamo-No-Mae.

Only when Issei is around that she could suppress the desire to toy with human lives.

"How's Kizuna?" Issei asked while still stroking her head.

"She's having fun with the others..." She lazily responded: "Before I left here, she was playing with the others. Xia Qingyue and the others are watching over them so you don't have to worry."

She then raised her head and looked at Issei with gaze full of desire: "Nee, hubby... I want another child... Please?"

"Sure. But not now." Issei responded.

"Give us another 8 children. It's unfair that only the original Tamamo gets to have a child!" She complained.

"...All of you share the same body though?" Issei sweated.

"Then separate us for a bit. It's not that hard for you anyway, right?" Tamamo suggested: "If you could do that then... perhaps we could have a little orgy with just the ten of us~?" She whispered seductively.

"You little vixen..." Issei groaned sensing his rising libido.

"I'm your little vixen, darling~" She responded while licking her lips.

In the middle of their flirting, the two of them heard the footstep of Setsuna coming their way.

"Aww, she's already back~. If only she came back another five minutes then I would've managed to seduce her royal father~" Tamamo sighed.

"No, that's not going to happen... Okay, that's enough, let's not let her see our current predicament," Issei said.

"Fufu, it's not like this is the first time she ever saw you and the others acting so lovey-dovey."

"Let's not make that into a habit..."

"Hmhm~ I wonder..." She giggled.

Her eyes accidentally landed upon the squirming Regena and Mona. She raised her eyebrows since she totally forgot about them...

"Want to join us later on the bed, you two? I can assure you, even with the three of us combined together, he will be able to withstand our assault... Even going a hundred rounds in a row won't be a problem for him." She flashed a mischievous smirk at the two of them.

Their face turned another shade redder when they heard her words.

"Cut that out." Issei knocked Tamamo's head right before Setsuna entered the room.

The two female servants secretly flash a disappointed look seeing this...

Mona is particularly disappointed since she wanted to erase that pig's presence from her memories... by using her new lord's embrace that is.

In the last two days, Modes has come to Shangri-la just to meet her but every time he appears, she always declines his request.

Issei doesn't do anything to this piece of news, nor did Tamamo or Setsuna.

They don't care what would happen between those two after all.

"Finished so soon?" Tamamo said towards Setsuna. She's not seated on Issei's lap anymore but rather on his side.

"Uhm, looks like it's not a problem for them to share a few scales and fangs... In fact, for some reason, some of them even carried rare minerals and the like." Setsuna muttered in confirmation.

Those Dragons outside apparently carried some rare metals with them and also a few gold coins which serve as a currency for this world.

When they gathered them and told them her request, they couldn't be any quicker to present what they have to her.

If she didn't know any better then she would've thought them trying to court her with their offering but most of those Dragons are female...

And the males didn't look at her with any lustful gaze either but rather a fawning gaze.

Looks like it's because of her royal father, Setsuna assumed.

"Then shall we go to visit a human city? I heard from the Dragons outside that there will be a festival soon in the Rox kingdom. It would be the perfect place to sell those items." Tamamo said with a calculating gaze.

A festival means there will be a gathering of people from different cities... This way the news will travel fast. The items they will be selling are not by any means common items either.

"Understood. Shall we go ride Glorious to go there, royal father?"

"Hm? It's up to you." Issei shrugged with a smile: "You decide on what you want to do from now on, princess. Father will only watch you from the back this time around... Isn't that what you want?"

"Um." Setsuna paused for a second before giving a firm nod.

"Just ride a Dragon, Setsu-chan. It will serve as a promotion for your newly formed nation, no? Not like you need to promote it since most major forces in this world have already known of its existence though..." Tamamo said offhandedly.

There have been quite a few 'rats' that tried to enter their land after all. Both from the human and the demon side.

"Can you tell me more about this Rox Kingdom, Mother Tama-, Tamamo kaa-chan..." Setsuna wryly smiled at the feigning ignorance Tamamo when she about to call her Mother Tamamo.

Rox kingdom is located around two days away with a coach from Holy Republic Lenaria. It's located in the center of the widely used big highway of the eastern part of the continent.

The ruler is a king called Rocros the eighth with a population of around thirty thousand.

Rox kingdom has two features that can't be found in another kingdom.

First, it's hot spring. Many people come to this hot spring for its curative effects.

Second, the Holy Dragon King of Silver lives in the Holy Dragon mountain in its vicinity. In the first place, the founder of Rox's kingdom was granted permission to make a kingdom in this area after his pledge with this holy dragon king.

And today is the founding day of the Rox kingdom. Rox kingdom will hold a festival for one week starting today. During that time, the hotel charges for the inn and fees for hot springs are cut by half. Moreover, anyone can freely enter this kingdom. That's the reason why many people come for a visit.

Now Tamamo is wondering to herself... if her hubby or daughter were to demand that Holy Dragon to give that kingdom to them then would it agree? Well, knowing what happened so far it's probably a no-brainer that Dragon would've submitted itself immediately.

"Well, let's go then... Oh right, hubby, there's a hot spring over there. How about we pay it a visit as well?" Tamamo suggested with a knowing smile.

"We'll see..." Issei said wryly. This little vixen truly provoking him to no end... He wonders if those times he made her spent incapacitated on the bed is not enough... Or perhaps it's precisely because she like that feeling of becoming a putty?

...Why did he suddenly thought of a particular blonde-haired perverted knight all of the sudden?

With that said, they left Shangri-la on Glorious's back once again...


Reiji and his companions are also heading towards the Rox Kingdom with the intention of soaking in the rumored hot spring.

Chiyuki and the others are in a solemn atmosphere after what happened recently.

First, there's the appearance of Issei and then there's the revelation that they might not be able to go back. Only Reiji seems unconcerned albeit he's also feeling vexed about Issei's existence.

Two days ago, the Dragons and Undead migration made them feel alarmed as well just like the others.

At first, they tried defeating as many undead as they could, but then they also realized that the undead doesn't seem to have the intention to attack them unless they're provoked.

They become clueless just like the others at first but soon they notice the abnormality of the whole situation. They quickly linked this incident with the Dragon migration from the other day...

And with that, they know that this has something to do with that man they saw recently along with his daughter.

Chiyuki's group is a bit too late to realize it but they finally realized that man's daughter's name is Setsuna, which is odd since they've never met anyone with a Japanese sounding name in this world...

They wanted to ask so many questions but they have yet got the chance to meet them again... But it probably also includes other reasoning.

Such as Kyouka, the little sister of Reiji who keeps dozing off nowadays with slightly reddened cheek. And it's not only limited to her, the others who didn't have a deep relationship with Reiji himself is also acting the same from time to time... including herself.

They lost the way to return to our world after 'he' destroyed the summoning tools. They were slightly discouraged when they learned that they can't go back.

No matter how amusing the amusement park is, there's no way they can enjoy it if they can't even leave it. That's their current situation.

But, there's still hope to return to their own world. They have placed our hopes on the other person in possession of the summoning tools.

They wanted to ask that man but it looks like he doesn't have the intention of sending them back either which is quite frustrating.

Leaving along the main street of Rox which stretches from the rampart gates of Rox, they continue to travel till they enter the place close to the rampart gate before they notice something during their way here.

Why is there no one welcoming their arrival? Being the humanity hero, they should've gathered a lot of attention to themselves but why today they don't seem to see anyone?

When Chiyuki is in the middle of her thoughts, Kyouka called out to them.

"L-Look! Th-That Black Dragon!" She pointed at the nesting Black Dragon on top of the kingdom's castle.

They become alarmed at the Dragon's sight and then they notice that most of the people in the city are gathered in front of the castle.

Looks like that's the reason why they aren't welcomed like they used to...

They hurriedly dashed towards the castle.

Once they arrived there, they see the princess of the Rox's kingdom standing on the spot with a dazed look.

"Almina, what's wrong?" Reiji adressed the princess casually,

His act would've been considered rude but they have no time to bother with it. Not like the King and the other royalty would do anything to him anyway since they're considered above royalties.

"A-Ah? R-Reiji-sama?" The princess of the Rox's Kingdom, Almina startled awake from her daze.

"What's wrong?" He repeated himself.

"I-It's like this..."

The princess explained about the sudden arrival of the black Dragon.

They noticed its arrival from afar and about to shoot it down but the guards suddenly fell to their knees without being able to do anything.

The Black dragon then landed in the middle of the city. And to add another surprise, that Dragon is apparently carrying three individuals with it.

Two women and one man... Each and every one of them has an otherworldly feature that couldn't be described with mere words.

Chiyuki and the others nodded to themselves after listening to the explanation.

"So, where are they now? Inside the castle?"

"E-Eh, y-yes. The two of them are currently inside." Almina said stutteringly sensing the intensity of Chiyuki's voice.

"Two? Is it a man and a woman?"

"N-No, it's two women. The one who entered the castle is the two women."

"Where's the man?"

"I-I'm not sure."

Chiyuki frowned at this but soon she decided to just meet the two women first instead. They then entered the castle without caring about the panicking guards.

"... And that will be all."

"Y-Yes, g-glad doing business with you."

They heard a slight murmur within the living room inside the castle.

Chiyuki's group didn't bother to knock and immediately opened the door with a light bang.

Once inside, they can see the same girl they've seen before along with another woman. The first woman is the same Goddess that they've seen before but the second woman seems like a fox beastkin.

They automatically ignored the sweating King and the knights inside the room.

Reiji's eyes homed in on the two Goddesses while his gaze flashed with possessive light.

To think that there's another beautiful woman... And this one is a fox woman as well! He thought to himself.

"Ara?" Tamamo said after noticing the unpleasant gaze that's directed at their direction.

"Oh! Heroes, you're here!" The king said in relief: "L-Let me introduce you, they are-"

"We know who they are. There's no need to introduce them to us." Setsuna said coldly: "Since we have finished our business here then we shall excuse ourselves."

Setsuna then said softly towards Tamamo: "We're finished here, Tamamo kaa-chan."

"Splendid, Setsu-chan. Okaa-chan will give you 80 points on your negotiation just now... There's still some room to improve but it's fine for your first time." Tamamo praised with a smile.

Then the two of them stood up from their seat and walk towards the exit under the surprised gaze of the onlookers.

Chiyuki and the others reflexively opened a path for them to pass.

"We meet again, Setsuna-chan... And you must be Setsuna-chan mother, nice to meet you." Reiji flashed a swoonsome smile that could charm any girl, but the girls in question seem unaffected by it.

"Shut up, worm. Don't act so casually with me." Setsuna said in disgust.

Reiji's body flinched briefly but he managed to retain his warm smile still.

"A-Ah, wait..." Shirone also called out but Setsuna doesn't seem to have the intention to pay attention to her. Only Tamamo looks slightly interested in their little group.

But when her gaze landed on the sweating Reiji, her eyebrows raised a little before she grinned to herself... How interesting, she thought to herself. To think that this human managed to obtain a divine power for himself albeit it's a borrowed one...

Reiji who notices Tamamo's 'smile' had his smile widened thinking that he managed to charm her. Unbeknownst to him, she's looking at him with a ridiculing smile rather than an impressed one...

Chiyuki and the others also wanted to converse with Setsuna and Tamamo but seeing that they don't seem to have the intention to talk with them, they can only decide to silently follow them instead.

"Are they your new friends, Setsu-chan?" Tamamo asked along the way while glancing at their new followers.

"No. They're nothing but an ignorant weakling." Setsuna said simply.

"How rude!" Kyouka snarled at her words: "We're not an ignorant weakling! You might be stronger than us but that's only because you're a Goddess! Given enough time my onii-sama will grow stronger than before and then we would be able to defeat you!"

"K-Kyouka!" Chiyuki and the others said in shock. Provoking them right now is not a smart move! Not only that they're stronger than them but they probably also needed their help to go back to their world.

"Fufufu." Tamamo laughed.

"What's so funny!"

"No no, pardon me. It's just that my daughter calling you a weakling might be a little too rude since you're nothing but a human but her calling you ignorant is spot on, you see."


"Oh dear... Looks like they're really clueless, aren't they, Setsu-chan?" Tamamo cast a 'pitying' look on them.

Chiyuki who notices this becomes more and more suspicious... Why did they keep looking at them like this? She meant she understands that their current predicament is nothing good but is there any need to look at them with such gaze?

And the way they look at Reiji is filled with so much disgust that it even made them feel uncomfortable.

"Indeed. Just ignore them, Tamamo kaa-chan, talking with them will only reduce your intelligence. There's no helping the ignorant."


Despite the rambling Kyouka in the background, they managed to exit the castle and went towards the place where Issei is currently waiting...

Setsuna already told Glorious to be on standby since they're not finished here just yet. Glorious then flew away to a nearby mountain...

Chiyuki little group notices that most women who usually look at Reiji with an infatuated look now don't even spare him a single glance.

Their current expression is filled with longing and enamored look while they look in the same direction... In that direction, there's the sight of Issei leaning back on a chair with his leg crossed in front of a cafe shop.

His eyes are closed without a single care in the world. What made them feel further alarmed is that there's a hooded figure seating in front of him.

This figure is clearly a woman with how curvy her body is but what made them feel alarmed is because of this figure none other than Goddess Rena herself! She might be using a spell that hides her presence and also wear a hood but they can tell that it's her.

She seems to be trying to strike a conversation with Issei but the latter seems to be ignoring her completely.

Reiji gritted his teeth seeing Issei once again and especially when he's taking all the attention to himself. Almina who happens to come with them tried to comfort him along with Sahoko.

But their words of encouragement are having little to no effect on him since the target of his infatuation seems to be acting quite close with other men.

Only when Setsuna and Tamamo arrived near his location that Issei opened his eyes...

"Finished already?" He said while he rose from his seat whilst still ignoring Rena.

"Um. Everything went without a hitch, royal father."

"That's right, hubby. Setsu-chan here almost scored a perfect score!"

"Good work, princess... Then where shall we go next?"

"Hmm, I was thinking to buy the slaves but Tamamo kaa-chan suggested that we should pay the rumored hot spring a visit."

"Is that so?"

"Uh huh, I heard that there's also a mixed bath over there, hubby~. Oh, Setsu-chan is free to join us as well of course."

"Stop teasing her..."

While bickering with each other, they left the dumbfounded group of Chiyuki and Rena.

"...We got ignored yet again..." Chiyuki muttered wryly.

"Didn't they say that they're heading to the hot spring? Let's meet up with them there... Perhaps we can have a proper conversation there." Kaya said: "And Rena... looks like she's already gone..."

They looked at the receding back of Issei's group where Rena can be seen tailing them from behind.

"Umm... Who are they anyway?" The princess asked.


Meanwhile, with Rena, she gritted her teeth seeing the drop-dead gorgeous looking Tamamo who doesn't lose out in term of beauty compared to her. No... If anything, she looks more beautiful than her! She couldn't accept this...

She grasped the small bottle in her pocket tighter than before. As long as she could use this potion then it will be her win. She just needs a small opening to use it!

Perhaps in that hot spring, she could succeed.

Tamamo who could sense other's ill intentions had her fox ears twitched. She grinned to herself thinking that some fools won't just understand until they finally meet their demise...

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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