The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 157: Side

Chapter 157: Side

(AN: Again, for those who are reading a fanfic of mine, not everything you read is canon, just a heads up).

"What to do now? We followed them all the way here but this is just..."

"These line ups are even more extravagant compared to when they welcomed us..."


Chiyuki's group muttered in a daze seeing the line up before them. Rows upon rows of maids welcoming the family of three.

In the hot spring spot, the staff in that place has been warned in advance by the King's subordinates.

They are warned of the imminent arrival of a group of super VIP hence why they're so prepared.

The maids here are professionals since they are maids sent directly from the castle but even they couldn't stop themselves from sneaking a peek towards them.

Issei's charm is not something that a normal mortal could resist after all.

These maids could withstand Reiji's charm as long as they put their mind into it but when it comes to Issei, they're completely helpless.

If they were currently at war then perhaps the battle would've ended from the start as long as the army consists of women. Then again, it will be over regardless even if they're men because of their strength disparity...

The maids had their vision dead set on Issei, ignoring the supposed Hero's group on the side.

Some of them wanted to get close to Reiji before this but now... not a trace of that desire left within them. Perhaps, even if Reiji is the one who went to pursue them, they would refuse his advances.

This also applies to those young maidens who caught Issei's sight on his way to the hot spring.

"Well, what can we do... Let's just follow them till the end." Kyouka said nonchalantly while eyeing Issei's back herself.

"I guess... It's been a while since we have come to the kingdom of hot springs after all. Let's use this chance to relax here as well... Ah, Reiji also needs to use the hot spring anyway." Chiyuki added as an afterthought.

"I agree!" Reiji said energetically.

"Reiji, it's better if you don't provoke them unnecessarily... Your wound is still not healed and their strength is out of our reach." Chiyuki said sternly.

"I know... I won't be doing anything stupid, you can trust me." Reiji said offhandedly.

"If it were only 'him' that we're facing then I'm sure you won't do anything rash but considering how you've been eyeing his daughter and wife all this time... Haah..."

"What Chiyuki-sama said is right. Reiji-sama, your personality is well known to all of us." Kaya added.

"Tsk, you girls have that little faith for me?"

""Yes."" They said in unison.

While they're bickering back and forth, Issei, Tamamo, and Setsuna seem completely unperturbed with the lineup presented before them.

They calmly waltz into the hot spring inn without caring about their surroundings.

Rena also followed soon right after them along with the 'hero' party.

The hot spring establishment is quite wide and comfy.

It seems that the King has already ordered to stop anyone from entering the hot spring except for Issei's party. As for the hero's party, like it or not they still need to let them in as well.

And Rena is using magic to make herself invisible to the naked eye.

Almina excuses herself since she needs to report Issei's group identity to her father.

"It seems that there is a mixed bath after all, hubby. Shall we use it together?" Tamamo suggested seductively when they've finished their payment to enter the hot spring.

Even though the owner said its free, Setsuna refused and paid a proper entry fee. She doesn't want to owe anyone so easily no matter how small it is.

"No. Just go take a bath with Setsuna." Issei refused for obvious reasons. Who knows what this little vixen will do if they were to be left alone together.

If their daughter is not present then he would've agreed though...

"Aww~, so stingy..." Tamamo pouted: "Oh well, let's have a little mom and daughter bonding time together, Setsu-chan!" But soon she reverted back to her cheery personality.

She dragged Setsuna before the latter has the chance to say anything else.

Issei who saw this smiles wryly before he too decided to head for the man's side.


"Hmm... How long was it again ever since I'm all alone like this?" Issei muttered to himself while looking at the starless night sky above him.

He's usually either surrounded by his wives or his daughters back at home... Even during bathtime, he usually took a bath with them.

Of course, his daughters that bathe with him is those who are still a toddler.

He couldn't help smiles foolishly remembering about his daughters.

Issei is actually not alone... There's Reiji not far from him but Issei never really considered his presence.

Reiji also doesn't have the intention to start a conversation with Issei.

Reiji is not interested in men and coupled with how Issei seems to surpass him in every aspect, the more reason for him not to unnecessarily hurt his own ego.

Reiji scowled seeing the smiling Issei. He couldn't accept that there could be anyone more handsome than him... especially since the other party seems to take all the women's attention from him.

Even now when he looks at him, he couldn't believe that there could be someone so outstanding like this. But thinking that the other party identity then perhaps it's not that weird either.

Maybe he could become a God as well someday...

He doesn't realize the ring on his ring finger started to glow slightly whenever it's near Issei's presence. There's this invisible energy flow that leaves the ring every second he stays near him.

Reiji couldn't see this but Issei could... although, he doesn't really care about that amount of measly energy entering his body.

It's like a single drop of water in the middle of the ocean in comparison.

Issei himself doesn't intentionally absorb this energy but rather it's just his body constitution.

If Reiji's "strength" isn't based on divine energy then this wouldn't happen. Issei's divinity isn't limited to only one divinity... A couple of his divinity entails <Life>, <Death>, <Domination>,<Infinity>, <Gluttony(Forzelotte's Devour)> <Chaos>, and many more...

His <Domination> aspect is making those who are of the lower class God "submit" to him in one way or another and Reiji's divine energy belongs to lower class God.

Issei could stop his automatic absorption but why would he do that? He doesn't care whether Reiji lives or dies after all... Also, Issei still remembers how Reiji gazes at her daughter and he still bears a little grudge. No insect nor mongrel shall gaze upon his daughter with such disrespectful gaze!

Issei already marked Reiji as a dead man the moment he has any thoughts about his little princess.

And it's not like Reiji's current strength is his own either.

Reiji himself is a normal human being. There's no way a normal human being could become as strong as a God unless there's something special involved.

In Reiji's case, it's his ring. His ring that he said gifted by his mother.

His mother already passed away but many thought that she died because of an illness... unknown to them, the reason for her death was because of the very same ring.

Divine energy belonging to a God is not something a mortal body could handle no matter how weak that God is. The divine energy corroded her mortal body and soul...

To add salt into the wound, the divine energy that resides within the ring contains something that Issei all know too well... It contains a remnant of <Chaos> energy.

Most likely the original owner of that ring is a God that has been marked by Nyarlathotep in the past. When she recalled all her marks, he/she most likely died in the process leaving behind the very same ring...

Reiji's mother is fortunate, or perhaps unfortunate enough to come across the ring. She used the ring and gained some benefits in the process such as great luck and inhuman strength.

When she's about to pass away, she gives the ring away to her son.

This is also why Reiji seems so abnormally strong even amongst the Gods in this world.

The reason why Setsuna despises Reiji is not only because of his personality... but rather because he's using a borrowed strength.

To her, Reiji who's taking advantage of the strength of others is pathetic and disgusting. It's a disgraceful act to those who strive for power with their own strength.

Reiji of course notices this since her mother has already informed him about this ring's abnormality so he's not completely clueless.

Because of this, Reiji never really train himself since he doesn't have to when all he needs to do is just use his brute strength.

He never really learned how to fight and fought like an animal. Kuroki lost against Reiji in the past because he couldn't read his pattern thinking that Reiji is some sort of an expert but when he fought him the second time, he could see the weakness of Reiji clearly.

It's like fighting a wild beast rather than someone who's an expert in martial arts. As long as his opponent could realize this then they would be able to defeat Reiji with ease as well.

Even Setsuna, who's the daughter of the strongest God in the multiverse needs to train hard so that she could control her power well.

Meanwhile, on the women's bath side...

"Ufufufu, you've grown up so well, Setsu-chan~... even though you're only 14 this year." Tamamo giggled while washing Setsuna's back: "Especially on this part!" She grasped her twin peaks from behind.

"T-Tamamo kaa-chan!" Setsuna yelped in embarrassment.

"Ara? Don't need to be so shy now. We're both girls after all... Or would you be happier if your father is the one touching it instead~?" Tamamo gives a playful smirk.

"What are you saying!?" Setsuna scowled with a red face.

"Ah... I wonder if your little sister Kizuna will grow up just like you in the future... Oh, who am I kidding, considering who her mother is then she would undoubtedly grow up into a splendid woman that could charm everyone! Just like how I managed to charm your father with her womanly charm~" Tamamo pushed her voluptuous breasts upwards making them look a size bigger.

"That's not something you should brag about in front of your other daughter..." Setsuna said with a sigh.

Chiyuki's group who was watching the two had their mouth wide open.

"...S-She's only 14? Wh-What?" Kyouka said in disbelief. She then looks at her body proportion... while her body is quite voluptuous, compared to Setsuna, she's still a bit lacking in comparison.

And to make matter worse, Setsuna is apparently still 14! Their womanly pride has been severely damaged but remembering that Setsuna is a Goddess then it might be no so weird after all.

They're still 18-19 years old, they still have some room to grow!

Just like Reiji, they immediately concluded that it's because Setsuna is a Goddess...

As for Tamamo, there's no need to compare their body with each other since the other party is a bonafide adult. Even they feel charmed at her sight needless to say about Reiji and the other men...

Those twitching fox ears and swaying fox tail making them feel itchy inside... Even as fellow girls, they wanted to fluff them so much!

It's not like they've never met a beastkin in this world but Tamamo's fluffiness is not something that can be compared to the others that they've seen before.

"There, all done~" Tamamo said after she finished rinsing Setsuna's hair: "Now we can enter the hot spring, Setsu-chan!"

Tamamo has already washed before Setsuna.

"Um." Setsuna nodded before she stood up from her seat.

She holds her towel close to her body and tied her long hair into a bun once again.

Tamamo also did the same.

Chiyuki's group once again become captivated at their sight...

"...So beautiful..." One of them muttered.

"Wait..." When Setsuna and Tamamo entered the hot spring, Chiyuki snapped out of her daze and notices something: "How come they know the proper etiquette for Japanese people before entering the hot spring?"

Kyouka and the others also finally took notice of this... And not only that... their name... their name is obviously Japanese!

"Isn't it obvious? It's because we're from Japan after all~" Tamamo's next words confirmed their suspicion.

"Y-You two are from Japan?" Chiyuki stuttered in shock.

"Well, Setsu-chan's birth mother is not really a Japanese but my hubby and I are indeed from Japan." Tamamo smirked: "What? Do you think Setsu-chan is my birth daughter?"

They nodded dumbly at her question.

"Fufu, sadly you're wrong. But I still love her regardless though." Tamamo grinned.

Setsuna who heard this blushed slightly but she still muttered in a low voice: "...I love you as well, okaa-chan."

"Mikon~!" Tamamo squealed before she practically jumped at Setsuna: "You're so cute just now, Setsu-chan!"

"C-Cut it out, okaa-chan... It's embarrassing." Setsuna protested while still in Tamamo's embrace.

"W-Wait! You're saying that you both are basically from Japan? That means we're from the same world?!" Chiyuki butted in.

"Of course. Isn't our name kind of a dead give away?" Tamamo raised one of her eyebrows at them as if she's looking at an idiot.

"N-No, it's just that..."

"If you're asking if we're from the same world then no." Setsuna who just freed herself from Tamamo's embrace is the one who responded next.

"Wh-What do you mean..." Chiyuki's group draw closer to them before they too entered the hot spring.

"You think there are only 2 worlds in existence? There are billions of world, no, trillions of world out there... And there are also millions of Japan as well."

"...Eh?" They let out a stupefied voice.

"Is it that hard to accept? All of you are in a different world right now, aren't you?"


"Well, I can understand your disbelief on this part since you've only been a normal human before this after all." Setsuna said understandingly.

They look at each other feeling more and more confused.

"We thought you don't like us for being a human..." Sahoko timidly said.

"Huh? Why would I hate you for being who you are?" Setsuna frowned: "Your race doesn't matter to me. Whether you're a Demon or a Human being, I don't care. As long as you didn't do anything stupid then I won't bother you either."

"I-I see... But you seem to hate Reiji-sama though..." Kaya said next.

"And there's a good reason for that. But you will understand sooner or later." Setsuna said dismissively: "And at that time... You'll understand why I pity you so much." She glanced at Sahoko and a few others which made them flinch.

"I'll never regret what happened between me and Reiji-kun!" She retorted back bravely.

"Hmm, I wonder... It's such a shame a good girl like you is led astray by something 'fake'... I hope you remember your words when the time comes." Setsuna shook her head regretfully.

Just like they said... Ignorance is bliss.

"Now now, Setsu-chan... That's no way to treat others who are in love with each other you know~? They can be with whoever they want and we shouldn't bother them." Tamamo said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"...Alright." Setsuna nodded after a brief pause.

"L-Let's set that aside. Can you tell us about your background? I mean, we know that you both are a Goddess just like Rena... what kind of Goddess are you back in Japan? You said your name was Tamamo right? Why does that sound so familiar..."

"Ara? Looks like there is also a similar history about me in your Japan." Tamamo said with a small smile: "Let me properly introduce myself... my old name was Tamamo-No-Mae. Does that ring any bell?"

"Tamamo-No-Mae? Isn't that!?" They gasped in shock.

"The infamous fox demon who 'tricked' the emperor and killed numerous humans in the past? If so, then ping-pong~, you've hit the jackpot!" Tamamo flashed a playful smile at them.


"Aha~. It's been a while ever since somebody become shocked silly like this because of my identity and not because it's related to my husband." She giggled at their shocked state.

"Y-Your husband?" They unintentionally recalled Issei's visage.

"Yup! He holds so many titles to himself that it even makes this infamously well-known fox feel jealous~. Shuten-douji and Ibaraki-douji also feel jealous about it you know? Ah, there should be a legend about Shuten and Ibaraki-douji from your Japan right?"

They nodded with their mouth wide open.

"Ah~, those were the days... When we the youkais and onis instill fear on the humans... It's not that bad either nowadays since our husband is the true King of our world. The ignorant normal humans stay clueless while those involved in the supernatural world fear us~" Tamamo sighed in contentment.

Even though the current Shuten and Ibaraki that she knows are a bit different since they're from a different world, they do share the same thoughts most of the time.

"You seem to dislike the humans..." Chiyuki muttered. But then again, it's not really that surprising either knowing the legend about Tamamo-No-Mae... She was betrayed and hunted by the humans who feared her after all.

"Of course I do." Tamamo smirked: "They are narrow-minded, filled with hatred and self-righteousness. They would immediately put the blame on others when things don't go their way... Just like you who thought that the Demons are evil just because your fellow human said so and you also thought that what all of you have been doing after all this time is in the name of justice, am I wrong?"

"N-No, th-that's!" They tried to argue but Tamamo waved them off.

"Fufu, no need to worry. I don't plan to condemn you for what you did and I'm not innocent since I've killed a bunch of your kind as well during my life. Besides, just like how my husband doesn't care what happened to this world as a whole, I also don't care." Tamamo chuckled: "And while I dislike the humans, that doesn't mean I hate them either. If anything, I found them amusing nowadays..."

Her eyes narrowed on their own and an evil smirk started to form on her face which made Chiyuki's group shiver.

"M-May we ask just what's your husband's identity is? He's not a normal God, is he?" They inquired nervously trying to shift the topic.

"Hubby? Oh, non non non. You have to find out about his identity on your own~. It won't be fun if the fox is out of the bag now, would it? You can try asking the Holy Dragon King from this kingdom if you want to... Maybe it's able to give you an inkling of who he is." Tamamo flashed a foxy grin at them.

Setsuna who's at the side snorted at their clueless face.

Bunch of children who don't know the true meaning of true strength... They thought that they're undefeatable for being able to take care of some small fries during their stay here? This world is so pathetically weak that it could barely count as a world ruled by Gods!

Not a single <True God> exists in this world...

If they have to put a class on this world then it would be <Tier 4> world at best.

The reason why Chiyuki's group seems powerful is also because of Reiji's influence. The divine energy is affecting their bodies since they've been with him the longest and also because they basically have the same body 'structure' for being from the same world.

While it doesn't make them as strong as he is, they could be considered in the inhumane category.

The divine energy effect should've been enhanced further when they arrived in this world where "Mana" is overflowing compared to their original world.

When the ring runs out of power then... they will be faced with the harsh reality.

What? Did they think that they're powerful because they're special or something? What a joke! A normal human being who barely trains themselves thinks that they could take on a divine being? Heh...

Even that training is only a basic sword art and the like. It has absolutely nothing to do with the supernatural world...

She couldn't wait to see the day where they lost their so-called "power"... When that time comes, she wonders if this Sahoko girl will truly stay true to her words...

While Tamamo and Setsuna immersed themselves in the hot spring, Chiyuki's group is too shocked to do the same.

Rena who overheard their conversation inside the changing room doesn't really need to ask the Holy Dragon King about his identity since she has already witnessed a glimpse of his strength beforehand. When she thought till here, she becomes more determined to go through with her plan.

"Oya?" Tamamo of course sensed her presence.

Her fox tail swayed slightly before a mini Tamamo emerged from within. This mini Tamamo is invisible to Chiyuki's group but Setsuna could see it.

She also realized the presence of Rena hiding nearby so she could grasp what Tamamo has in mind.

"A stalker?" Setsuna whispered.

"Yup." Tamamo nodded with a mischievous smile.

The mini Tamamo saluted at Tamamo before it flew towards Rena's direction.

Issei who's at the man's side sensed Tamamo's energy.

He frowned slightly thinking what just made her use her strength. But soon he waves it off since this strength is too small to be considered something dangerous.

And as he expected, Tamamo's voice transmission arrived a second later: [Don't worry, hubby. It's nothing important~]

[Um.] Issei gives a faint response.

Issei suddenly sensed something else and he looks towards the sky with narrowed eyes.

"...Wo." He called out lightly.

In the next moment, an abyssal human with black and white latex bodysuit with Dragon's skull on top of her head appeared behind him in a kneeling position.

"Master." The abyssal human called out respectfully.

"Wha-!?" Reiji becomes surprised at her sight that he stands up abruptly.

"Get that insect for me."

"Wo obeys." She nodded before her red eyes flickered to the cloud.

She disappears once again and before long, there's a loud scream belonging to a man coming from above...

A few seconds later, Wo reappeared while carrying a bloodied body with her.

"Ugh..." The body full of blood groaned in pain.

His blood should've dropped to the ground but there's gravity magic preventing his blood from dropping. It's like the blood stuck on his body.

"So... Who are you supposed to be?" Issei calmly asked without turning around.

Reiji who saw this scene had his body tensed up. He wanted to say something but Wo's gaze homed in towards him.

Her gaze is telling him that if he were to let out another sound then he will be next.

Reiji gulped audibly while slightly shivering. He obediently shut his mouth not daring to let out another sound.

The sound the man's letting out even when he's still in the sky didn't reach the woman's bath since Issei blocked it with his magic. Not even Setsuna notices it but Tamamo could sense it somewhat.

"...I... I am... Alphos..." The man has a beautiful appearance that could charm many women but now, he's barely recognizable: "I-I am... Alrena's brother..."

"Alrena? Who's that?" Issei frowned trying to recall the name's owner.

"Master, Alrena is that woman who's trying to talk with you during the day..." Wo helpfully remind him.

"...Oh, it's her." Issei reacted uninterestedly. It took him a full five seconds just to recall Rena's appearance: "What's your purpose here? Depending on your answer then you might lose your life... Don't even think of lying to me. I could tell if you're lying or not."

Issei glanced at the bloodied Alphos.

"I... I..." Alphos gasped with difficulty: "I... I wanted to follow my sister..."

"Hm, while you're not completely lying, you also didn't fully tell the truth either. So what's your other purpose?" Issei hummed.

Wo's grasp on Alphos's neck tightened considerably making the latter made a choking sound. Even now he still doesn't understand what just happened.

He was up in the sky trying to peer into this place but suddenly his vision turned upside down and his whole body started to explode on its own making it turn into a bloody mess! And when he snapped out of his confused state, he realized that a woman appeared out of nowhere and is dragging him down by the neck...

"*Cough* I wanted to see... your daughter at first hand and also-"

"Cripple him." Issei didn't let him finish before he ordered decisively.


A sound of something brittle breaking resounded clearly within the man's bath...

Reiji's body shuddered greatly while he instinctively covered his specific part. His whole body is immediately covered with cold sweat... And it's absolutely not because of the hot spring heat...

Alphos passed out with foam frotting from his mouth.

"Toss him away."

"Understood." Wo nodded before she casually tossed Alphos's body towards the sky.

His body flew at a lightning speed disappearing into the night sky...

Wo then went on standby waiting for her next order.

"Anything to report, Wo? How's Froleytia and Hiyuki doing over there?" Issei asked.

The Abyssal humans have a shared link with each other. They could share and transmit information from the distance instantly.

This special link of theirs made them the best at espionage. They serve as another backup besides the defensive charm Issei gave his loved ones.

"Reporting to Master, Princess Froleytia and Princess Hiyuki have been accompanied by Lady Natal. They're currently visiting the merfolk kingdom." Wo reported.

"Merfolk kingdom? Oh, that's right... Those mermaids we've met before said that they do have a kingdom don't they." Issei recalled the mermaids they've saved in the past.

Those mermaids and fishmen welcomed them to their kingdom but sadly at the time, they have other plans so they don't have the chance to visit it.

"Mm, maybe I should catch up to them later..." Issei thought for a bit before he waved his hand to make the time flows slower on Natal's side.

"How about Arte?" Issei asked next.

"Princess Arte is accompanied by Lady Majin. They're currently inside a dungeon along with a boy."

"Wait... What? A boy?" Issei's aura stagnated at the mention of a boy. He abruptly stood up from the water while glowering at Wo.

Wo cheeks reddened being in close proximity with her Master's naked body but her face stays expressionless.

"Yes, his name is Hajime Nagumo, a high school student that got transported to another world..." Wo explained information about Hajime briefly.

"...Does that boy have inappropriate thoughts about Arte?" Issei asked after he finished listening to Wo's explanation.

"At the moment. It doesn't seem that he has any impure thoughts about Princess Arte." Wo thankfully is still a little dense on human emotion.

If she were to tell Issei that Hajime harbor some romantic feelings for Arte then perhaps he would've immediately erased him out of existence!

It's not like Issei is being petty... Okay, he is petty. But you need to remember that Arte is only 12 years old! Hajime would be classified as a lolicon by Issei if he tries to make a move on her.

"...Is that so?" Issei thought for a bit before he plopped back into the water: "If he tried to do anything towards Arte then report it to me immediately... If the situation calls for it then you can kill him."

"Understood." Wo nodded before she shares what she has been told with the other abyssal human.

The abyssal human on Arte's side received it instantly. She complied and had her sight on Hajime ready for whenever he's about to make a move...

Issei then rubbed his forehead in frustration thinking that there are so many annoying flies buzzing around his princesses.

Wo who saw this moved forward and started massaging his shoulder from the edge of the hot spring.

Reiji who's at the side feels more and more jealous seeing so many beautiful women surrounding Issei. Each one is as beautiful as the other... But he knows better to not provoke Issei now.

The sight of Alphos losing his family jewel is not something that can be erased from his memory anytime soon...

Back on the woman's bath.

"...I wonder if onii-sama will try to peek on us like before... maybe that man will also peek on us?" Kyouka mumbled while dozing off slightly.

For some reason, the thoughts of Issei peeking on her doesn't seem so bad...

They don't have anything else to talk about so it has been silent for a while now...

"No, I don't think he would..." Chiyuki glanced at Tamamo and Setsuna beside them.

"Hn~?" Tamamo who notices her gaze hummed: "Peeping on us? Oh no, you don't have to worry. With my hubby there then not even a fly could peep on us. If that boy tried to peep on us then you won't be seeing him anymore."

They felt their body went cold when they heard her words. They know that Issei will go through with what she just said... He would really kill Reiji if he were to peep on them.

"...How about your husband instead? What if he tried to peep on us?" Sahoko muttered trying to defend Reiji's last remaining dignity. But there's not much force behind her voice since she knows well just how perverted Reiji is...

"That's impossible." Tamamo and Setsuna said at the same time.

"How can you be so sure..."

"Don't get too full of yourself. Unlike your boyfriend, royal father is not someone who will leer on any woman that he sees." Setsuna sneered at them.

They flinched at her words while recalling Issei's act towards them and Rena.

They have to admit that what she just said is true... He looks like he doesn't want to have anything to do with them at all. Even when Rena tried to talk with him earlier today, he just blatantly ignored her like she was never there in the first place...

He seems to only show a gentle expression when he's interacting with his daughter and wife of his... Another thing that differs from how their Reiji would act.

Their Reiji would immediately leer on any beautiful woman he sees and will never refuse a woman's advances on him. All a woman has to do is just shed a little bit of tear and beg for his help and he would do everything he can to help them...

"Hubby is a very affectionate man but he will only act gentle and caring towards someone he truly loves you see..." Tamamo sighed dreamily.

Setsuna also nodded along with her.

Tamamo's fox ear twitched for a second before she glanced towards their back.


Rena already left the changing room and went towards the kitchen.

Subsequently, she touched the small bottle in her pocket.

With this love potion... I will make him mine! She thought to herself.

This is the first time that she met someone who's not dazzled by her beauty. And to top it off, he seems like a very loyal man, unlike Reiji.

Reiji always reminds her of her brother with how similar their personality is.

Because of that, she wanted Issei even more!

A man of that caliber should belong to her and only her! She won't let anyone else take him away from her.

His otherworldly appearance coupled with his insurmountable strength made him the perfect match for her.

She would give him a collar once he becomes her slave.

A faint smile spreads on her lips just by imagining it.

She imagined the figure of Issei wearing a collar while prostrating before her. What a good sight to behold... She would even let him kiss her feet.

The other Goddesses would be extremely envious of her when the time comes. She would flaunt their relationship at them and with his strength, she would be able to eradicate anyone who stands before her ways... including that ugly Modes!

After she arrived at the kitchen, she notices that the chefs are preparing the dinner and beverage. They're obviously for Issei and the others since they're the only ones who are here at the moment.

She approached one of the maids and used her magic to control her mind.

She glanced to the side and took a glass full of liquor and then she poured the love potion that she brought with her into the glass.

Just one drop would be enough for a normal human to swear their endless love but since the other party is a fellow God then an entire bottle might be needed.

She wonders if this much is enough to turn Issei into her slave.

"Give this glass to the man with white hair. Make sure that he's the one who receives it." Rena said to the maid.

"Yes." The maid nodded with a blank look on her face.

After that, she left the kitchen... without knowing a mini fox just switched the content of the drink to another cup.

"Fufufu, you want to trick hubby with this measly trick? Even without my interference, he would notice your plan right away... Not that he would drink any alcohol with their daughter here in the first place though." The mini fox laughed in amusement before she used her own magic to bewitch the same maid that Rena influenced.

Once she's done, the mini Tamamo disappeared as well...

The potion itself has magic traces on it. Issei would've noticed it right away and Rena's plan would fail from the get-go.

Rena of course notices this so that's why she brought a necklace that could hide it. In the end, she still underestimates Issei's capabilities...


The next morning, Setsuna-chan finished buying the slaves that she needed before we went back to Shangri-la with the new slaves in tow... Leaving behind a love crazed Goddess back on the kingdom...

What happened yesterday night? Find out in the next episode of- just kidding~ Presented to you by the perfect wife, Tamamo-chan!

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