The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 19:

Chapter 19:

Then while Issei still thinking about this post, he heard a rowdy voice of a man and woman.

And since the guild is mostly empty at the moment that voice clearly stands out.

At a wooden table located at the corner of the guild hall, there's a man and woman sitting together.

The man is about 16-17 years old average looking youth. He has short and slightly spiky chestnut-brown hair and green eyes he wears a one set of sportswear unexpectedly because Issei knows that in this world there's no sportswear like that man wearing now.

If in Issei original world that's a common outfit, but in this world he never saw one.

While the young girl is quite beautiful. She has a slim figure with ample breasts, long legs, blue waist-long hair that is partially tied into a loop with a water-molecule shaped clip. Her clothes carry a blue color scheme, with her ordinary attire consisting of a vest, detached sleeves, thigh-high boots, an extremely short miniskirt and a transparent underskirt.

The man is talking to the girl at the moment:

Man - You unexpectedly really post that kind of request on the bulletin board?

While having an incredulous looks on his face while looking at the girl.

Girl - What's wrong? Admires my outstanding style very much? If envies want me to teach you? So long as Kazuma kneels here while loudly shout "Please teach me Aqua-sama" I will teach you!

Even though the girl is quite a beauty but its ruined by her rampant domineering expression she has right now.

But the respond of that Kazuma guy to the girl is a slap in her head with a loud *PAK*! sound.

Girl - It hurts! What are you doing!?

Kazuma - Ha!? Still asking what am I doing? Naturally to try and fix that head of yours, who knows maybe after got hit your head might be fixed! Admires? Admires your head! What envies? Envies that you said "The team consist of a super beautiful and outstanding Arch Priest and impolite weakest class hikiNEET"? Such words want me to admire and envy? You useless Goddess!

Girl - I'm not a useless Goddess! But is a super beautiful and outstanding Goddess of Water! You impolite and weakest class hikiNEET! Who died because of shock caused by a slow moving tractor!

Kazuma - ....Very good, it seems like it should be time to discard you this useless Goddess, I will change the request content into "Arch-Priest for sell, does not need to provide any food, only needs to sprinkle a water for her, regards as raising a grass then its alright" you just wait here for me.

Girl - Aaaaahhhh!! Was I makes a mistake! Was I makes a mistake! Kazuma-sama! Kazuma-sama! Please forgive me!

While saying that, the super beautiful and outstanding Arch Priest such lay in on the ground, cried, while holding onto the legs of the youth, and got dragged along with the youth who want to head towards the bulletin board.

Issei - ...

Issei suddenly have the urge to just get out of here quickly, because he get the feeling if he got involved with this duo...

Then his 'relaxing' days might as well be considered as gone for good.

Just when Issei want to walk out of the guild he saw a girl suddenly showed up at the entrance then dropped down in front of him.

The small girl on the floor looks like a 12-13 years old young girl.

She has shoulder-length dark brown hair. She wears a classical witch attire such as a black cloak with gold border, choker, wizard's hat, fingerless gloves, and carries a black staff.

Even that Kazuma and young girl who still hang on his legs become quiet and looks toward that girl who just dropped down.

Silence ensues...

Just when Issei want to bypass the girl, she suddenly grabbed onto Issei's ankle with a "...Hey" sound.

Then she proceeded to say:

??? - Sees a beautiful young girl fall to the ground, generally speaking should check and see if she's okay and offer some help... Right?

Hearing this, Issei's face twitched a lot and tries to calmly answer with a forced smile:

Issei - Excuse me. But just think of me as a passerby and I'm quiet tired today, so I'm sorry if I can't help you. What's more, you give me a very troublesome feeling for some reason... Now can you let go of my ankle, please?

Hearing this the young girl suddenly grabbed onto Issei legs just like what that blue haired girl did to Kazuma, and she started crying out loud while saying:

??? - We just met each other! Even if you don't want to help me is fine. But what's up with that definition of "I give a very troublesome feeling"! Can't you see that I'm a very beautiful young girl!?

Indeed she has quite a beautiful face. She has a fair skin and a light complexion with a touch of naivety on her beautiful face. She wears an eye patch on her right eye for some reason though.

Kazuma - Ohhhh!

Kazuma who saw her face become amazed.

But what's getting Issei attention is her eyes, its crimson just like Yunyun.

At the same time the blue haired girl also recognize the color of her eyes, and both Issei and her asked at the same time while looking at her crimson eyes:

Issei & Blue haired girl - Eh? Are you a Crimson Demon Clan member?

Then she suddenly stand up straight and introduced herself while making some silly poses, kinda like what Yunyun did:

??? - Indeed I am! My name is Megumin! My calling is that of an Arch-wizard, one who commands explosion magic, the strongest of all offensive magic!


All of them become speechless after she did her introduction.

But the blue haired girl breaks the silence by saying "Has not thought that unexpectedly will run into the Crimson Demon Clan person here, this child also has a top tier class Arch-wizard, its a good opportunity! We must get her in our team. Kazuma!"

Then Megumin suddenly dropped down once more.

Megumin - Hau~ In brief... Please give me something to eat. I haven't ate for a very long time~

Then her stomach made a huge growling sound after saying that.


Like a hungry beast growling...

Just when they all become speechless once more, there's another voice coming from the entrance.

Yunyun - Ise-san~! I've done my preparation, sorry for the wait!

She came inside the guild while having a happy face and waved towards Issei.

Kazuma - Ohhhhh! Beautiful... and BIG!!!

Kazuma started drooling after seeing Yunyun 'assets' bouncing up and down.

Then he suddenly felt a chill coming from the glare of Issei, and he started sweating buckets.

He hurriedly look down because he felt if he keep staring at this new girl then he might lose his life once more and for good this time...

Then suddenly Yunyun saw Megumin who's on the floor.

Yunyun - Me-Megumin!? Is that you?

She become surprised seeing her 'rival' here.

Yunyun - Wh-what happened to you. Megumin!?

She started panicking after seeing Megumin on the floor and tries to shake her around.

Megumin - U-ugh! that annoying voice... Yu-Yunyun?

Yunyun - That's right Megumin, its Yunyun! What happened to you!?

Megumin - I-I haven't ate for a long time...

Then her stomach growled once more...

Yunyun - Ah...

Then Yunyun looked towards Issei.

Yunyun - Ise-san! Please help Megumin!

Issei have no other choice but to help this Megumin because Yunyun keep looking at him with a teary puppy eyes. And being the 'sis-con' he is he can't deny her request even though he knows it will be troublesome after this...

Issei - *Sigh*...

-Scene Skip-

At one of the table on the guild there's a bunch of food served.

And Megumin can be found eating all the food with gusto.

Megumin - Haup! Haup! Haup! Haup!

She eat like a starving ghost and took a whole piece of meat inside her mouth like its nothing.

And at her opposite Aqua can also be found chugging down food and alcohol at the same speed as Megumin.

Aqua - Haup! *Gulp*! Haup! *Gulp*!

Even when both of their mouth is full they keep chugging food after food and drink after drink, like they are afraid the food and drinks will disappear if they don't eat it fast enough...

Issei found out the blue haired girl name after she says "I accept your offering mortal! This Goddess of Water Aqua-sama shall give you her blessing!" Then she proceed to eat the food he bought like nobodies business...

Issei is at loss for words after seeing them both like this... Yunyun who sat beside him also feeling speechless seeing her 'rival' eating like this.

Only Kazuma is lamenting the unfairness of this world

Kazuma - Obviously are two bishoujos! Obviously are two bishoujos! Why! Whyyyy!

He doesn't dare to look at Yunyun openly because of Issei so he tried to ignore Yunyun as best as he could because he don't want to die once again.

So he can only lament his fate after seeing the only two girl who's 'free' in front of him.

Even Issei have to agree on his lamentation, obviously these two can be considered as a beautiful girls but all that is ruined by their attitude and demeanor.

But thankfully he got Yunyun here who's pretty 'normal' compared to the two of them. He started appreciate Yunyun even more after comparing her with these two...

Yunyun - U-um Megumin... Eat slowly...

Yunyun tried to advice her 'rival' but Megumin just ignored her advice and still eat with gusto.

After a while they finally finished eating their food.

Issei - Finished? If you're done then we'll excuse ourselves.

Just when Issei want to get out of here as fast as possible Yunyun started saying:

Yunyun - My name is Yunyun! What a coincidence! What a quirk of fate! To think we would have an encounter here! You are truly my lifelong rival, Megumin!

Issei got nothing to say after this... He knows that the two of them know each other but to think they are a lifelong rival.

He thought her relationship with this Megumin is the same as him and Vali or so he thought...

Until Megumin started saying:

Megumin - Anyway, this girl is Yunyun. The daughter of the Crimson Demon's leader, my self proclaimed rival.

Yunyun - Wh-What do you mean self proclaimed! We are truly a lifelong rival in every sense!

Megumin - Hai, hai... Says the girl who have no friend like always...

Yunyun - H-Heh! That's where you're wrong, Megumin! I have a real friend and a party member now! This is Ise-san my lifelong friend and party member!

Megumin - Wh- Impossible!

Then all of them looked towards Issei, Kazuma still have goosebumps while looking at him, while Aqua and Megumin checking out Issei fully.

Aqua - Hoo~ not bad~. Compared to this hikiNEET Trashzuma here.

Kazuma - Why youuuuuu! Is it this mouth! This mouth who says all that!

Aqua - Uwaaaaa! It huwts! I'm sowwy Kazuma-Shama! I'm sowwyyyy!

Then he started to pinch Aqua face, and they become rowdy on their own.

Megumin - ...You... What are you aiming for? There's no way anybody will become friends with this meat for no reason!

Yunyun - D-Dont call me meat! Just because your chest won't grow don't call me meat!

Then Megumin have a tick mark on her head and started slapping Yunyun breast while saying "If this is not a useless meat then what is this!?" , "Ow! Don't slap my breast just because yours won't grow!"

Issei become speechless because of their antics...

Issei - *Sigh* There's no particular reason. We just have a deal, if she teach me her magic skill then I will be her party member, but as time goes on we truly become friends. And I found her interesting and fun as a friend.

Megumin stopped slapping Yunyun breast after hearing that and she has this incredulous looks on her face like the world is over.

Yunyun become touched after hearing Issei's word, she has a blush on her face

Yunyun - Ise-san...

Megumin - To think that Yunyun can get a friend on her own... And she got a party first before me on top of that... Is tomorrow gonna be the end of the world?

Then she become reminded on how she got her party member in the first place.

Megumin - You! You said you let her join your party if she teach you her magic skills right? Then let me join yours too! I can teach you the best offensive magic skill there is named Explo-

Issei - I refuse.

Issei cut her off and blatantly refuse her offer without a pause.

Megumin - Wh-Whyyyyyyy!?

Issei - Because you seems troublesome.

Issei said that with a blank look on his face like that's a fact. (well it is a fact)

Megumin - Gununununu!! What kind of reasoning is that!? Can't you see I'm a beautiful girl and a Arch-wizard at that!?

Issei - But Yunyun also a Arch-wizard, and I'm totally content just having her as my party member, so no thank you.

Megumin became at loss for words after that. While Yunyun still lost in her delusion after hearing his words.

Megumin - Kuh! In that case, I challenge you for a duel! If I win you will let me join your party and replace her with me!

Yunyun finally snapped out of her delusion after hearing her words.

Yunyun - Ehhhhhh! Wh-

Just when she want to protest to Megumin she heard Issei said:

Issei - I won't replace her. She's not some object that can be thrown away like some toy!

Issei got a little bit mad after hearing Megumin words because it reminded him of his betrayal. Like he's treated as a toy that can be replaced anytime by his old lovers.

His eyes glowing red and became slit like a Dragon eyes, his <Aura> also went a little wild.

Aqua, Kazuma, and Megumin who saw that got goosebumps all over.

What's on Kazuma mind are 'Hiiiiiii! Th-This dude is the real deal! He might just truly kill me if I piss him off!' His legs are shaking like crazy and he's sweating all over.

Aqua - 'S-scarryyyyy! But his eyes... Is he also a Crimson Demon clan member? No... His eyes are nothing like Crimson eyes, it gives even more dangerous vibe than them. And I could swear even the Demon Lord doesn't have this kind of vibe'

Megumin - 'E-eekkk! His eyes are scary but so cool, just like a Dragon's eye.... Is he also from the village? No... no one from the village can give out this feelings and he's dead serious when he said all that'

Yunyun is over the cloud at this moment because the man she idolizes just says all that for her.

Yunyun - 'Ah... Ise-san... So charming, Uuuuu~ what do I do, I really fall for Ise-san. But what if he refuses me? Hauuuuu~ I'm afraid if he refuses me, but he's so cool when he says that...'

Megumin - I-I apologize for my words.

Megumin hastily apologize because she doesn't want to get on his bad side more than she is now, she has to admit he is really cool when he says that line though.

And she kinda envy Yunyun luck to get this kind of man as her friend and party member.

She was just afraid for Yunyun, that's why she said all that to test him out. Because she often got tricked in the past.

And even though she doesn't want to admit it, she really do think Yunyun as her friend.

But she become flabbergasted when this man said all that, even she felt her heart twitch after seeing him act like that for Yunyun. She's happy that her friend finally found a true friend on her own, but she's also envious of her at the same time.

Issei finally took back his <Aura> and closed his eyes for a second to let it revert back to normal, he's not truly that mad because he can tell that this Megumin is actually do all that for Yunyun.

If not he might just make the one who said all that take a "Vacation" for life and not waste his words on them.

So he admire her in some way, although she doesn't show it but she truly do care for Yunyun as a friend.

Issei - Um. I also apologize for my lack of control, its just what you said kinda remind me of my past you see.

They all finally gave a sigh of relief because they felt suffocated from his <Aura> alone except Yunyun because she's too lost in her delusion to realize it. And Issei never aimed his <Aura> at her in the first place.

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