The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 20:

Chapter 20:

Issei - Well shall we get going Yunyun?... Yunyun?

When Issei didn't get the respond from Yunyun he looked towards her.

And he saw Yunyun looking at him with a infatuated look on her face.

Isse got taken aback from her look.

Issei - Yunyun...?

Then she finally snaps out of it and she hastily shakes her head

Yunyun - E-eh! W-w-what's wrong Ise-san?

She tried to be normal but the stutter gave her away.

Megumin/Aqua/Kazuma - *Jiiiiii~*

When they both feels the stare they received Issei just stare back with a glare while Yunyun face become red as tomato and steam coming out of her face. She holds her face down after realizing their stare.

When they received Issei's glare they all look away while whistling, like they never stare at them in the first place.

Issei - *C-cough* Then shall we go. Yunyun?

Issei feels uncomfortable from their look so he tried to ask Yunyun once more, and just when Yunyun about to answer

Megumin - Wait!

Then they both look at her

Megumin - Please, take me in as your party member!

Issei - ...

This time Megumin did a full 90 degree bow at him, and when Issei about to answer her once more

He saw the honest look she's giving him and he hesitated. Then he felt a tug on his sleeve.

When he saw who's tugging her sleeve he saw Yunyun giving him the 'begging look'.

Issei - *Sigh* Fine but you must listen to my commands. And my name is Issei Hyoudou by the way.

Issei finally relented.

Megumin became ecstatic, and Yunyun gave Issei a grateful look. Issei just give her a wry smile.

Then suddenly he heard a voice


Aqua - Huh? What are you say- GEBOH!

Kazuma suddenly do a dogeza and pulled Aqua down along with him when she's about to say something.

Issei became speechless when seeing them like this, do they have to go this far...

Issei - ...Why?

Kazuma - I can't take it anymore! At this rate we won't get anywhere! This useless Goddess can't do a proper job as a priest, and my class is just an Adventurer/Novice! Please as a fellow japanese I'm begging you!

Issei become surprised when he said that.

Kazuma knows Issei a fellow japanese from his name, its quiet easy to guess really.

Because all the name on this world, not a single one have a japanese style name such as him and Issei. (He still haven't met Kyouya)

Aqua - Ehhhh! You are from the same world as this hikiNEET!? Then how come you both are so different? One is a useless hikiNEET while the other one seems very capable?!

Megumin and Yunyun also surprised that Issei is not from this world.

Kazuma - You shut up! And my full name is Satou Kazuma. I'm begging you Issei Hyoudou-sama!

Issei got the chills when he got called with a 'sama' suffix from a fellow guy, especially with that much passion.

Issei - First of all. Don't call me with a 'sama', just Ise is fine. Now about the japanese thing...

Then Issei asked him how did he get in this world in the first place.

After some questioning he finally got the answers...

To think he got brought here after his death on earth... And the cause of his death... How lame can a person be.

Issei didn't know whether to laugh or cry on the way he died...

Poor bastard is all he can say. For a fully grown man to beg with a dogeza and crying at the same time, well not that Issei can really blame him for that.

If his only party member is this useless Goddess as he's described...

And from the things that happened so far it seems true enough...

Issei once more exhale a big sigh, at this rate he wondered if he will become old faster with all the sigh he has done ever since he arrived in this world.

Issei - ...Fine

When Kazuma about to scream for joy

Issei - But you have to listen to my command clearly just like Megumin here.

Then Issei whispered "And if you dare look at Yunyun with that perverted look on your eyes, I will pluck your eyes. Got it?"

Kazuma shivered fiercely from his words and he hastily shake his head up and down like it almost break the supersonic speed from how fast he nods.

Issei then give him a calm smile but his eyes are not smiling

Issei - Then welcome aboard, Kazuma.

Yunyun became happy now that her party got bigger and she thought she will have more friends after this.

Megumin just calmly look at the interaction between Kazuma and Issei, she could tell what's the content of their conversation are.

And she has to agree with Issei condition because she can tell this Kazuma is a pervert.

While Aqua is just being Aqua. She didn't have a single clue nor even care about what just happened.

She just have this silly look on her face.

-After a while-

Issei checked all of their skills and he become speechless once more and start regretting his choice of accepting them into the team...

Kazuma is still fine because he's a Novice but what's up with the other 2...

This self proclaimed Goddess put all her skills point into street artist performance stuff... And the only priest skill she has are <Purification> and <Ressurection>...

While this Megumin only have 1 skill available... Namely <Explosion Magic>, sure its high leveled but that's the only skill in her arsenal that's available. That means after she ran out of mana she can't cast any other skills at all, not even a small <Fireball> spell...

Issei - ...You must be kidding me...

Issei didn't know what to say after seeing all this, he started to hate his Dragon pride a little bit.

Because he can't take back his words after accepting them as a party member...

Issei - Let's just get this over with...

Then they proceeded to look at the Quest board.

Issei just take a crusade against a <White Wolf> Quest.

And all of them except Yunyun become paralyzed, from the self proclaimed haughty Goddess until the self proclaimed strongest Arch-Wizard who only possess <Explosion Magic> on her arsenal.

Finally Kazuma become a representative for asking Issei about the quest.

Kazuma - ...Ummm, Ise-san

Issei - What's wrong?

Kazuma - ...That's a high ranked quest isn't it?

Issei - So?

Kazuma - ...But we are rookies.

Issei - And?

Kazuma - ...Nevermind

Kazuma didn't know what to say anymore and just give up asking questions, he just have this resigned to fate looks on his face.

Aqua and Megumin hugged each other and they are trembling because they thought their life will be forfeited soon.

Even though they both have some screw loose in their head they can still tell when all hope is lost for them.

Even though Megumin truly believes that <Explosion> is the strongest spell, It can't do much if the spell doesn't hit the target. And <White Wolf> are known for their speed and agility, so she can forget hitting one with her explosion spell unless the wolf stay put.

But that's impossible... Unless the wolf is stupid then it won't stay put.

While Aqua can't even beat a <Giant Frog>, what's more a <White Wolf> which are obviously stronger than the former one.

Only Yunyun become confused after seeing them like this

Yunyun - What's wrong you guys?

Megumin - W-what's wrong you asked!? Don't you know what a <White Wolf> is!?

Yunyun - E-eh? I do know about them, but what's wrong with it?

Megumin - ...Its clearly a strong monster and not for rookies such as ourselves! Idiot!

Yunyun - E-ehhhh? B-but Ise-san is a "B" rank and we often beat stronger monsters than a <White Wolf>

Megumin/Aqua/Kazuma - ...Eh? "B" ranked?

Then they fiercely turned their heads altogether at the same time to look towards Issei.

Issei at this moment are taking the Quest form to register it at the counter.

M/A/K - ...Really?

They asked Yunyun once more

Yunyun - U-um. I often do Quests together with Ise-san so I know his capabilities well.

Megumin - ...Then what rank are you, Yunyun?

Yunyun - Eh? I'm a "C" rank and almost got promoted to "B" rank after a couple more quests. What's wrong?

She gave them this clueless look like what she just said is very normal.

Megumin and Yunyun left their village at the same time, they arrive at this town about a few weeks ago and for Yunyun to achieve "C" rank just after these short amount of time just showed how ridiculous her capabilities are...

Even Megumin is still a "E" rank after all this time and she can be considered as a fast rank climber compared to most of the other adventurer.

While both Kazuma and Aqua are still "F" rank...

Megumin - You must be lying!

Yunyun - E-ehhh!? No I'm not!

Megumin - Then let me take a look at your <Card>!

Yunyun - H-here!

Then they all gather around to look at Yunyun <Card>...

M/A/K - ...Its true

Megumin have this all hope is lost look on her face like she can't believe all this is real.

While Kazuma and Aqua just "Wow"ing in the background.

Megumin - To think me, the genius Arch-wizard of all times rank, are below this loner...

Yunyun - H-how rude! I'm not a loner anymore!

She didn't realize she just basically admitted that she was a loner before...

Issei - Let's go.

Then they all have no choice but to go with Issei...


After they arrived at the green pasture. They thought its gonna be easy because they have a "B" rank and a "C" rank with them.

But all that changed after they heard Issei says

Issei - Me and Yunyun are not gonna help until you really need help yourself.


Issei - What do you mean why? Of course its because I want to look at your capabilities. I already know Yunyun capabilities so I don't need her to show me again... Don't tell me you guys are afraid?

Issei give them this challenging look.

M/A/K - O-of course not! Who says we are afraid!

Issei - Oh~ let's go then.

After waiting for a while...

Aqua can be found doing a prayer "God... please bless me, God... please bless me!" Even though she's a Goddess herself for some reason she pray to another God...

Megumin is standing stiff while can be heard muttering "I-I'm not afraid... I'm not afraid... I'm very strong..." she's shivering a bit even though she said all that...

While Kazuma just have this calm confident face but his legs are shivering fiercely...

Issei who look at them all like that have nothing to say. Yunyun just wryly smile at that.

Issei - ...I say... Why you guys seems so afraid? Even though I said I want to see your capabilities, I never said I will let you die didn't I?


Issei - ...

Kazuma - Wait... you're not planning to pick this Quest specifically just to left us behind did you?

Issei - ...

Aqua and Megumin body fiercely shakes after hearing that and after seeing Issei doesn't answer right away...

They both threw themselves at Issei legs and cried out loud while saying "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE US BEHIND. ISSEI-SAMA!"

Issei - Gross! Your snot and tears are touching my legs! I won't leave you behind! So let go!


Issei - Yes! Really! Now let go!

They finally let go after that but Issei fiercely glare at Kazuma for causing this to happen.

Kazuma hurriedly do a dogeza while saying "I'm very sorry..."

Yunyun tried to wipe the stain on Issei's leg. But Issei stopped her from doing so because the way she planned to do it seems very wrong...

-After waiting for a while-

Aqua - Heh! The wolf must have ran away after knowing the great Aqua-sama is here!

Just when she finish boasting the ground fiercely shakes and Megumin pointed behind Aqua while her hands are trembling

Megumin - W-w-wolves...


There's a loud roar heard and loud footsteps heard from the distance behind Aqua back.

Kazuma and Megumin faces are pale and they are shivering while looking behind Aqua's.

Aqua - ...You guys must be working together to trick me right? What's with that expression? Like there's some monsters behind my back? Don't do this kind of joke, okay? There will be divine punishment if you tried to scare off a Goddess. Okay? Okay?

Even though Aqua tried to look calm but her body is shivering like crazy.

Then the sound of footsteps behind Aqua suddenly stopped.

But this sudden stillness just make Aqua more afraid...


With that roar the footsteps resume itself and started to close in at a faster rate on them.


Then Aqua hurriedly run towards Kazuma group while crying loudly.

Both Kazuma and Megumin turn around and run as fast as they can while shouting "DON'T COME OVER HERE! GO AWAY!"


Issei and Yunyun who looked at this become speechless...

Yunyun tried to help them but she got stopped by Issei.


The leader of the <White Wolf> pack gave a loud roar and after that its pack started running faster towards Aqua direction.

Then Aqua tripped herself "NOOOOOOOO!!!"

Issei could only sigh while saying "I obviously want to look at their capabilities but for this to happen..."

Then he made a dash towards Aqua direction and when a wolf almost bite Aqua. He arrived in front of it and punched the wolf right in its head.

The wolf got blown away while its head break like a watermelon without able to let out a single sound. And its body smashed with the rest of the wolves behind it and make a loud "BOOM!" sound after the impact.

The wolves that got hit by the blown away wolf body died right away.

Issei calmly stand in front of Aqua after doing that.

Kazuma - W-wow! Seriously?

Kazuma who's hiding behind a tree give that reaction after seeing Issei action.

Megumin - Wow... Amazing... Moreover very cool and charming...

Megumin who similarly was hiding behind a rock also said this while having stars in her eyes.

Aqua who just got saved becomes dull faced then she suddenly grab onto Issei's body like a vice grip and started crying while thanking him at the same time "Thank you! Thank you for saving me! Wahhhhhhh!!!"

Issei - Oy! Don't grab onto me while you're crying! Your tears and snot are rubbing against me! Let go you idiot!

Issei tried to push her off but he become surprised because she have such a strong grip surprisingly. 'What!? How come her grip are this strong? This is not what a human capable of doing! Is she really a Goddess!?' Issei physical body is strong as hell and for him to unable to peel her off of him is pretty surprising, even though he's not fully used his strength in fear of hurting her.

The rest of the wolf gave a loud roar because they lost their companions.


But they are not stupid, they know if this 'human' capable of doing all that in one punch then he's pretty strong himself.

They just putting a tough front because they know they can't beat him even if all of them went together.

Then Issei just look towards them while suppressing the wolves with his <Aura> alone.

They become petrified in place and lower their head while growling softly. "Awoo..." They are feeling afraid.

Megumin who saw this thought its her chance to show off her skill.

Megumin - Main character is going on stage! Its really a golden opportunity! Now I shall let you experience the most powerful magic of all times!

After that declaration Megumin raise her staff and chant her magic.

Megumin - Darkness blacker than black and darker than dark. I beseech thee, combine with my deep crimson. The time of awakening has cometh. Justice, fallen upon the infallible boundary, appear now as an intangible distortion! This is the mightiest means of attack known to man, the ultimate attack magic! <Explosion>!!!

Then there's a loud blast and giant explosion in the distance.

Issei - Wait! You Idi-

Issei's voice got drown in because of the loud sound effect caused by her <Explosion> magic...

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