The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 23:

Chapter 23:

Yunyun was wondering where Issei went, so she searched for him.

After some searching, she still can't find him.

Then she saw him inside Wiz-san store from the window.

But she got shocked by what she saw.

Her idol Ise-san is hugging Wiz-san and their position is quite intimate.

Wiz is sitting on his lap hugging him and he's also hugging her while stroking her back.

Just when she about to go inside the store she heard their conversation.

So she unintentionally heard the content of their talk.

She becomes shocked about the past of Wiz and she feels sad for her.

But when she heard Ise-san proposal of killing the Demon Lord and Vanir just for Wiz, she becomes shocked but also quite jealous because he's willing to go that far for her.

Although she also has to admit he is really charming and cool when he gave Wiz that confident and reassuring look that even she becomes entranced just by seeing it.

Then she never thought Wiz will reject his proposal and after hearing the reason why she realized that it's all true, and she becomes even more amazed at Issei for thinking that far ahead.

She felt she just fell in love all over again with him.

But when she was in her delusion once more she saw her Ise-san cupping the face of Wiz and looks like he's about to kiss him (Only in her perspective, Issei never really intend to kiss Wiz at that time)

So she can't take it anymore and go inside the store with a BAM!

-Back to the present-

Issei - ...Yunyun?

Wiz - Eh? Yunyun-san?

Yunyun murmured in a low voice

Yunyun - ...It's not fair...

Issei & Wiz - Huh?

Then she finally lifted her face and she has tears in her eyes while blushing a little

Yunyun - It's not fair that Ise-san only hugs Wiz-san like that!

She suddenly runs toward them and jumped into Issei embrace as well.

Issei - W-Wait! Yun-

Wiz - Uwa-!

They clashed with each other and the three of them dropped to the floor because of the impact from Yunyun.

Both Yunyun and Wiz lay on top of Issei's body and both of their big breasts are pressed against his chest.

And Issei almost loses control because of that, his Dragon libido is threatening to be unleashed.

And it took all of his efforts just to suppress it.

Yunyun - I want to be hugged by Ise-san too! It's not fair that only Wiz-san gets it!

Wiz - E-ehhhhh!?

Yunyun started hugging Issei tighter and Wiz is confused by this sudden development.

Issei took a deep breath to calm himself once more and he extends his free hand to rub Yunyun head.

Issei - You silly girl... What's going on inside your head? I'm not hugging her because I want to do something inappropriate to her.

Yunyun - Wu-wuuu! I know. But its still unfair because I want to be hugged by Ise-san too after all this time.

Yunyun looked up towards his face and give Issei the deadliest 'puppy look' she has ever done.

That upturned glistening crimson eyes coupled with her blushing face and her glossy plump-looking lips that awaits to be plucked by him.

Finally, Issei can't take it anymore and he stole her lips.

He breaks free his other hands that got squished by Wiz body and because of that Wiz body rolled over to the side.

And he brought his now freed hand around Yunyun's body to hug her tighter against his body and his other hand grabbed onto the back of her head.

He pulled her head towards him and finally he capture her lips with his own.

Yunyun went wide-eyed because of the sudden kiss he gave her but she doesn't struggle at all.

Her body at first went stiff but after a few seconds. Her face went deep red, her crimson eyes blurred and drowned in happiness because finally the man she loves kissed her.

He pulled her head gently towards him, and his fingers ran across her smooth silky hair and he kissed her, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made her cling to him as the only solid thing in this dizzy swaying world. His insistent mouth was parting her shaking lips to capture her tongue with his own. Sending wild tremors along her nerves, evoking from her sensations she had never known she was capable of feeling. And before a swimming giddiness spun her round and round, she knew that she was kissing him back.

They both got lost in their own world while Wiz just observing them from the side with her mouth wide open. Her face went beet-red from what she's witnessing.

After some times Issei's hand went down to caress Yunyun soft butt then he gently grabbed it.

Yunyun is still lost in their kissing session, she felt like she's in heaven right now.

The way he kisses her and the way he caresses her whole body. It all makes her lost in blissful feelings she never experienced before in her entire life.


Their kissing sound effect can be heard loud and clear by Wiz.

Then finally they parted their lips after they both felt like they almost ran out of breath.

There's a bridge of saliva between their tongue and there's also a bit of saliva at the corner of Yunyun's and Issei's mouth because of the intensity of their kiss.

They both just gaze at each other with a lustful look in their eyes.

Yunyun's glowing crimson eyes clashed with Issei's glowing wine-red eyes, just when they both want to continue their make-out session they realize there's another person in this room.

So they look towards Wiz place. She's sitting on her butt and her eyes went wide along with her mouth wide agape from the shock she received.

Her face blushing madly from the sheer embarrassment she felt by seeing them suddenly just making out with each other.

Then their gazes met each other and silence ensues...

Issei is the first who broke the silence.

Issei - ...Yo.


After that incident, both Wiz and Yunyun can be found holding their red face with both of their hands, they are too embarrassed to see each other after what just happened.

Issei just calmly sitting on one of the chairs but even his face has a faint blush on it because he can't believe he loses control like that and forgot there's also Wiz in this room.

Issei - *C-cough*

Issei faked a cough and both Yunyun and Wiz body trembled a bit at that.

Issei - ...Yunyun, I'm sorry for suddenly kissing you like that. And Wiz, I'm sorry you have to witness all that. That's a mistake on my part, so I apologize once more.

Then he bowed his head down a bit to express his apologies.

Yunyun and Wiz who's seeing that got a little panicked and they tried to tell him it's not his fault and all that.

Yunyun - W-wait, Ise-san! I-It's also my fault for suddenly hugging you like that! So don't take the blame all by yourself!

Wiz - Y-yes! S-she's right! It can't be helped that you got aroused like that when two girls jumped at you like that!....and to be honest I'm jealous at Yunyun...

Wiz muttered that last part lowly so only she can hear it. Or so she thought because Issei can also hear it thanks to his heightened sense.

Issei reaction to that is just a twitch on his face because he can't believe this girl will get jealous at that. And he didn't think she will fall for him at this short amount of time either.

Yunyun he can get it because they have spent some time together and get to know each other.

But he just met Wiz today...

He started wondering once more, what's wrong with this world. But unknown to him he's just that charming in the girl's eyes.

Issei - Yunyun. I will take responsibilities if you want me to. And Wiz I will do anything you asked me for as long it doesn't go against my principle.

Both Yunyun and Wiz face went blank then it changed into red once more, because Yunyun is happy he said he will take the responsibilities for her.

While Wiz started thinking about what she will ask him for and she found the answer right away.

Wiz - T-then...

Issei - Yes?

Issei asked because she suddenly went quiet after saying that.

Wiz - Then I-I want you to... Also, t-take responsibilities for me just like Yunyun!

She practically screamed at the last part and she closed her eyes while saying that.

Issei and Yunyun went silent at that.

Wiz - I-is it no good?... Well, It's not surprising... Who will want an ugly old hag like me, and I'm an undead on top of that...

She started getting nervous after not getting any response and started babbling nonsense.

Yunyun still has her mouth wide open from Wiz sudden confession.

Issei just sighed and proceeded to say

Issei - *Sigh* I told you I won't judge people for what they are. And you're not ugly nor old in my eyes. You're a very beautiful woman. Wiz, also Yunyun. You both are a beautiful girl so don't worry about what other people said. In my eyes, you both are a very beautiful woman.

Both Wiz and Yunyun heart thump loudly at his words.

Issei - And to answer your question... Are you sure you want me to take responsibilities for you?

Wiz hurriedly says "I'm sure!" and Yunyun also follow up with "Me too!" at Issei's question.

Issei - ...I see. But I have to inform both of you. There's more woman waiting for me to answer their feelings and I won't abandon any of them for anything in this world, even for you. So I ask you once more... Are you sure you want me to take responsibilities for you even after knowing there will be other girls involved?

Wiz and Yunyun look at each other in the eye and they answer at the same time ""We're sure!""

Issei - ...*Sigh* You girls are really silly you know that... There's a better man than me out there you know...

Wiz & Yunyun - NO! THERE ISN'T!

They both suddenly screamed at him. And Issei got a little taken aback by that.

Then they follow up with:

Wiz - We're glad that you admit that you have another woman waiting for you. And if you do abandon them just for us then we will be disappointed, because if you abandon them just for us then someday you will also abandon us for other girls.

Yunyun - Un! And it's normal for a great man such as yourself to have multiple partners. Ise-san! And that also means I will have more friends!

Issei - ...

Issei becomes speechless at their answer, especially at Yunyun's last words...

Issei - ...Is that so... Then please take care of me from now on. Yunyun, Wiz.

Wiz & Yunyun - Hai! Take care of us too!

Then both girls hugged Issei once more and they are smiling while shedding tears of joy.

Issei calmly hugged both of them back and they all savor this joyful feeling they felt in silence.


After that incident, Wiz also moves into Issei's mansion.

And along the way, they attract everyone attention, because both Wiz and Yunyun are clinging to Issei's arm respectively.

Wiz on his left while Yunyun on his right.

And everyone who saw them started gossiping with each other

Mob 1 - O-oy! Isn't that the "Tyrant Overlord"!

Mob 2 - Y-yeah! Wow looks like he got another mistress...

Mob 3 - Kuhhh! How envious! To have 2 bishoujos as his mistress!

Mob 4 - Sshhhh! Tone your voice down, you idiot! Do you want to be forced to take a "Vacation"?

Mob 5 - Yeah you idiot! Be quiet! Did you forget what happened to those who piss the "Tyrant" off? Remember Dust? They said he went broke because he took to many "Vacation"!

That's the reaction from the man.

While the girls...

Girl 1 - Uwaaa~ How envious! To think both of them can be his mistresses.

Girl 2 - Indeed! What does he see in those 2 women anyway! I'm much prettier than they are!

Girl 3 - B*tch please! Have you look at your own reflection? Even a gorilla is prettier than you.

Girl 4 - Ah~ Issei-sama~ please look over here~

Issei just ignored all of them while Yunyun and Wiz are too happy to notice.

Issei tried to tell Wiz to just close her store but she refuses because that's her hobby.

So Issei doesn't say anything after that and just say he support her all the way and he told her if she has any financial problem then she can just tell him because he's rich.

Issei is the type of guy who will spoil his wives rotten. So thankfully a certain useless Goddess doesn't become one of his wives later on...

From all the Quests he has done his profits are very high.

His profit is even higher than some nobles household at the capital, and his profit rough estimation is around 10 Billion Eris and that's not counting what if he doesn't split the rewards with Yunyun.

(Don't think too much at his profit its a fantasy world just go with it)

Yunyun tried to give him her share of profit but he refuses by saying they are a party and the split should be 50:50.

She can only relent after that because he's so adamant on it.

On the way to his mansion, they met with Kazuma party.

And almost all of them become slack-jawed after seeing the 2 girls clinging to Issei's arm.

Kazuma just has this respectful looks on his eyes and gives a thumbs up at Issei.

Aqua just doesn't care and she looks depressed probably because she still has her debt.

Darkness is drooling thinking something perverted such as what if she's also with them and treated like an abandoned mistress after having her body played by Issei.

Megumin is the most shocked of them all because she saw Yunyun clinging lovingly at Issei's arm.

Megumin - Y-Yunyun?

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