The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 22:

Chapter 22:

Issei finally agrees to her invitation.

-At Wiz's place-

Wiz - P-please makes yourself at home.

They arrived at her place which is basically a magic shop item store.

Even though its kinda cramped but Issei doesn't mind it because he's not that rich even in his original world.

Even though he has all that stock share of his Oppai Dragon show but he will not think of that as his own money.

He does that shows for the kids, not for the money.

Wiz - Please take a seat here and wait just a second. I will make you the tea.

Then she went to her kitchen to make some tea for Issei.

Meanwhile, Issei observes her store.

She got all kinds of items which he doesn't really recognize, there are some familiar items here and there from his own world but its shape is not really the same.

And he could tell some of her merchandise is a fake dud or cursed.

So he got up from his seat and head towards the cursed items to erase the curse, it's quite easy to do since cursed items usually possessed by some Evil souls.

So he just inputs his aura a little bit into the items to erase the evil soul then its purified.

Wiz who saw him able to do that become stupefied because she never thought he's able to purify the curse.

Wiz - I-Issei-san are you a priest by any chance?

Issei - No.

Wiz - B-but you're able to purify the curse on that item just now.

Issei - It's just one of my special abilities.

Wiz doesn't investigate anymore after that because she's not the kind to pry into people secrets.

Even she has some secrets on her own.

Wiz - T-then here's your tea. Sorry for the wait.

Then she served the tea on the table and Issei head back to the table.

Issei just calmly drink her tea and he doesn't complain even though it's quite cold.

Wiz knows that the tea is cold because she can't serve hot beverages nor food because she's an undead and her magic skills consist of <Ice> type.

Wiz - I-I'm sorry that the tea is not hot...

Issei - I don't mind.

Wiz - I-I see...

Then the silence ensues once more.

After a while, Wiz finally started talking once more

Wiz - You must be wondering why I invited you here...

Issei put down the tea and look calmly at her.

Wiz took that as a signal for her to continue her words

Wiz - Y-you see... Actually, I'm an undead... A <Lich> to be precise.

She tries to see if he have any reaction towards her after he knew she's an undead.

But he still has the calm look on his face even after hearing her 'secret'.

Wiz - D-don't you feel afraid. Issei-san? Knowing that I'm an undead?

She couldn't help but ask him that question because people usually always hate her for what she is. And even though she looks like she doesn't mind it. But deep inside she felt hurt because of it.

She didn't choose to be lich on her own, she's forced to become one after her fight with Vanir.

She has to make a contract with Vanir to save her friends who got captured by the Demon Lord General. But because she can't defeat him she has to choose to become a Lich herself.

If not then her friends would die.

So even though she isn't regretting turning herself into a Lich just to save her friends, she still feels hurt that everyone else condemns her for what she is.

Issei - Why should I?

Wiz - Eh?

Wiz becomes stupefied after hearing his immediate answer.

Issei - Why should I be afraid of you just because you're an undead?

Wiz - B-but usually people detest undead don't they?

Issei - I won't detest someone because of what they are. You cannot change what you are, only what you do. If you're an evil undead then sure I might detest you, but from what I have seen at the cemetery you are not evil. Aren't you?

Wiz can only blankly nod at his question.

Issei - Then why should I detest you because of what you are? It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not. I won't change myself for someone else just to be loved by them because that would be false love. Don't you think so too?

Once again Wiz can only blankly nod at his statement because she got nothing to say in return.

She has tears streaming down her face without her realizing it.

Because that's the words she wants to hear after all this time.

For not to be judged by what she is but for who she is.

She's a proud Adventurer Wiz the Ice Witch. Not some unknown undead Lich.

When she's still alive she has a big pride for who she is.

But after some time passed she started forgetting it.

And that makes her afraid. Afraid of losing her true identity.

People keep calling her evil undead even though she's not, she always protects them even until now.

She made a deal with the Demon Lord to keep the barrier on their castle and become one of his generals.

The deal is for the Demon Lord to release her friends Brad and Rosary. And also for the Demon Lord army never to involve innocent non-combatant civilian in their attacks on the humans.

She can get it if Adventurer dies because of the risks involved but she won't allow any innocent bystander to get involved.

So for her deal with the Demon Lord, she will maintain the barrier on his castle and she also won't attack the demons as long they don't break their deal.

But she knows on her behind the Demon Lord still keep her bounty while she's still human, and because he doesn't want to lose his own army. He spread the words that she's an evil undead and she's also one of the Demon Lord Generals.

That's why she has to move from her old country. Then after some negotiation with the Kingdom of Belzerg she finally allowed to stay in their country, but she's not allowed to leave Axel city on her own.

And that's how she finally open her store and make Axel city as her new home.

(It's just a made up story, most of it is true though such as she turned into a lich for her friends and how she made a deal with the Demon Lord)

At long last, she finally found a person who truly understands her feelings.

Wiz - *Hi-hick* I-I'm sorry for my pathetic display *Sniff* I-its just that *Sniff* It's the first time for somebody to truly understand me.

Issei pulls his hood down and he extends his hands to wipe the tears off her face.

Issei - Nonsense... There's nothing pathetic from being who you are. You are you. Now, isn't that pleasant?

He gave her the gentlest smile he has, and he kept brushing away her tears away from her face with utmost gentleness and care.

Wiz who saw his face and feels the gentleness he gives her started bawling even harder and she jumps towards his chest and gives him the tightest hug she could muster.

Wiz - Uwaaaaaaa!

Issei just calmly hug her back and rub her back gently.

After a while, she finally stopped crying and after realizing what she just did.

Her whole face becomes totally red and she couldn't be more even embarrassed after what she did.

She just started bawling like a child in front of the man she just met and she's clearly the older one here.

She just wants to find a hole to bury herself into now.

She's so embarrassed that she might die just from the shame alone, but she also doesn't want to leave his warm embrace. So she feels conflicted whether to let go or not.

After coming into close contact with his body she can clearly feel that soothing feelings she felt when around him.

And she couldn't help feeling intoxicated by it, she just wants to stay like this forever.

But she knew she can't stay like this forever, 'Uwahhhh! So embarrassing! To think I cry like that in front of the man I just met! But... His embrace is so warm... And his face is really handsome... Uuuuu... Get a hang of yourself Wiz! You're the older one here and he might not see you the way you see him!' She tried to talk herself down.

Issei - Are you feeling fine now?

Wiz snapped out of her thoughts after hearing his question. So she answers with a low voice while still looking down and red-faced.

Wiz - U-un...

Issei - Then can you tell me why you cried just now? If that's okay with you that is.

Wiz got taken aback by his question but after looking at his face and the way he looks at her, she finally relents and decided to tell him her story...

-After some time-

She finally finishes telling him her story...

Issei still calmly stroke her back with the same gentleness as before, and Wiz really enjoys this feeling she even started mewling a little bit. After all, when she's still alive she never felt something like this before.

Because no man dares to court her before so she never been into a relationship and never knows what it feels like to be loved by the opposite gender.

Issei - ...I see. Do you want to get back at that Vanir or the Demon Lord himself? I could kill them for you if you want?

After hearing her story he really felt sorry for her, she really looks just like him.

Never hesitate to protect her friends and even sacrificed her 'life' to achieve it.

Wiz got totally surprised by his question.

So she jerked back and look at him in the face, but all she sees is still the same calmness and gentleness looks he has before.

Like he can easily do what he just said without effort.

Wiz - B-but they are really strong. And Vanir can't be killed in normal ways because his physical body is at hell.

Issei just chuckles a bit at her statement then he gives her the reassuring look once more but with even more conviction this time.

Issei - There's nothing I can't kill in this world.

His eyes are glowing a bit and it's overflowing with confidence.

And that is totally a lady killer move coupled with his handsome face, so Wiz got lost in trance once more after seeing his confident face.

Issei - Well?

Then she finally snaps out of it and started thinking about it.

Wiz - ...No

Issei - Hoo? May I know why?

Wiz - Because it might break the equilibrium... If humans lose their common enemy then they will start having a conflict with each other. And at some point, they will wage war against each other. So there's no reason to kill Demon Lord at this time.

Wiz at first is tempted to kill them. But then she realized something...

Issei at first just went silent.

Then he suddenly pats Wiz head.

Wiz - Eh? I-I-Issei-san?

Her face went beet red after getting petted by him.

Issei - That's the right answer. Wiz.

Wiz couldn't help become stupefied after hearing that but Issei continues once more

Issei - If I kill the Demon Lord then like you said before, the humans will lose their common enemies and they will start having a conflict with each other. And the cause of it will be their greed, they will start competing with each other to have the Demon Lord territories all for themselves. And the ones who will truly suffer are the innocent civilians and bystander.

Wiz totally agrees with his opinion and that's also why she rejected his proposal. And she becomes amazed once more that he can think that far ahead even though he's this young.

Issei - So how about Vanir? Do you want me to kill him?

Issei asks her once more.

Wiz just decline once again and her reasoning is

Wiz - "...No need. Even though he's a Devil but he never took humans life, and in some ways, I'm indebted to him because he showed me how to get the power I need to save my friends. And besides... The reason why I keep fighting him is just because of my pride. He only tricked me and my friends once. But my pride can't take the blow of being tricked like that.

So I keep coming back at his place to repay back the humiliation I receive.

If I don't let my pride get in the way then my friends would have never got caught by the Demon General Beldia in the first place. So it's also my fault for what has happened and you could say I reap what I sow there... Hehe... It's stupid isn't it..."

She rubbed the back of her head while acting bashful.

Issei - ...Beautiful.

Wiz - ...Eh?

Wiz becomes stupefied after hearing his word. And when she realizes what he just said her face went full beef red once more.

Wiz - E-eh. W-wha. B-b-beau- I-I Wha-

Her eyes started spinning from utter confusion and happiness she felt.

Issei - It's beautiful how you can clearly admit your past just like that. You never blamed anyone for what happened and you fully accept yourself. Even your past and the present you...

Issei admires her for accepting her past and her present life. Just like him who accepts his past and present but he has some help from others.

While the woman in front of her come to fully accept all that on her own, without anyone assisting her.

He admits he won't be able to do what she did without receiving any help. And he really admires her because of that.

He couldn't help extend his hand to her face and gently stroke it.

Wiz is at her limit here and her face can't be redder than it is now.

She started having smokes coming out of her head and she started hallucinating that an angel is here to guide her to the afterlife.

Wiz - Hawawawawawawa. I-I-I-Issei-san!

Then at this moment, the door of Wiz shop burst open with a loud BAM!

The one who did it is Yunyun.

And she's looking down at this moment so they can't see her face clearly, but her body is trembling a little.

Issei snapped out of his trance and Wiz although still have a red face also turned to look at the door of her shop.

Issei and Wiz position at this moment is kinda inappropriate.

Issei is sitting at the chair while Wiz is on his lap.

One of Issei's hand is on Wiz waist while his other hand is cupping her face like they just secretly had a lovey-dovey moment and want to kiss each other.

It was at this moment, that Issei knew... He fcked up...

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