The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 27:

Chapter 27:

Issei told everyone he's gonna go outside for a while to test his new skills.

He went to an area that's far from the city because he doesn't want to test his new skills near the city.

After a while, he arrived on empty land.

He tried <Dragon Explosion>, it basically looks the same with Megumin <Explosion> but his version has Dragon made of fire then it crashed to the ground.

The power is even bigger than Megumin <Explosion>, about 3 times more powerful.

Then he tried <Frost Nova>, he created an ice field around him and everything near him is basically frozen.

So it works just like Grayfia and Serafall <Ice Field> but with more intensity that the area around him instantly frozen.

As for his <Ice Dragon Breath>, it's just him able to breathe Ice from his mouth just like how his Fire breath works.

His <Armament Haki> covers his body with his Dragon aura and make it looks pitch black.

He could tell it's like he just gained a secondary armor when he covered his body with it.

As for his <Observation Haki>, he just assumes it's gonna be like how he gained a 6th sense.

So he can easily see incoming attack aimed at him from anywhere, he basically got no blind spot.

Issei - Hmm. Thankfully I didn't try any of my new skills near the city or there will be commotion...

He looks toward the area where his attacks landed and it's so devastating that anyone who sees it will wonder if there were Gods fighting here just now.

Then he remembered he still hasn't tried to evolve his <Teleportation> skill.

He thought maybe he could open a Dimensional Rift just like Semiramis.

But when he tried to infuse his <Aura> with it... It becomes <???>

Issei is confused what's that means. So he tried to use it, but then he opened a rift black hole.

Without given time to react, he instantly got sucked into it, then he disappears...

-Inside the rift black hole-

Issei - Kuh! What was that?... Where am I? This place looks like the dimensional rift...

Because Issei still hasn't comprehended the space magic he cannot create safe dimensional rift passage as Semiramis does.

So he unintentionally created a random rift black hole.

Issei - Tsk... That was a mistake on my part. I never thought it's gonna went haywire and created a rift black hole on its own. Now how do I get back to that world...

Just when Issei's thinking how to get back he heard something.

Then he looks towards the sound and saw a creature.

That creature form is unclear, it's like its just a lump of meat with a giant mouth and sharp teeth with lots of eyes attached to it, and a bunch of tentacles swaying around probably to act as its arms.

That creature eyes are on Issei right now. And Issei who felt that feels threatened.

He feels extreme danger from this creature, his instinct telling him to get out of here as fast as he can.

??? - oH, aNotHer LiVIng BeINg iN HeRe? HoW RAre... WeLL JuSt mORe FoOd FoR Me.

That creature voice is also mixed like that of a child, man, and woman.

Issei - What are you? I didn't come here to disturb you.

Issei is sweating right now because he knows this creature is stronger than him and he can't beat it the way he is now. So he can only try to buy some time...

The creature speaks once more:

??? - WhAT aM I? WeLL, TheY CaLLeD Me LoTs Of tHinGs... BuT ThEy uSuaLly CaLL mE "ThE CrAwLiNG ChAoS". AnD iT DoEsN't MatTer wHy yOu coMe HeRe, I JuSt wAnt To EaT YoU.

Issei finally knew what this thing is, it is the "Nyarlathotep" known to many by its epithet The Crawling Chaos, is an Outer God in the Cthulhu Mythos.

He never thought he will meet this Godly being here of all places. Talk about bad luck.

But Issei snapped out of this thoughts when the creature suddenly attacked him with its tentacles.

He tried to evade it but the creature movement is just too fast, one of the tentacles hit him and he got thrown back.

Thankfully he already covers his body with <Armament Haki> or he would be severely injured by now.

He coughs a bit of blood from that attack. It's been a while ever since he bleeds.

For some reason, he feels excited even though he knows he won't win this battle.

Issei got up and launch every magic attack he got at the creature.

Issei - <Dragon Explosion>! <Frost Nova>! <Saber of Light>! <Ice Dragon Breath>!

He tried everything but its useless against the Nyarlathotep.

Sure it got hurt here and there but it instantly regenerates from its wounds.

Nyarlathotep - InTeResTinG... It's BeEn a wHiLe eVeR SinCe I GoT HuRt. YoU InTeResT Me... NoW DoNt DiSSaPoiNT mE!

Issei has this excited grin on his face even though he's sweating a bit. He's actually a battle maniac but because the old him is into boobs so it got suppressed.

Then the Nyarlathotep and Issei resume their fight.

Nyarlathotep and Issei exchanged blows after blows.

Issei covered his whole body with <Armamaent Haki> because Nyarlathotep has pure <Destruction> element on its attack.

Way stronger than the Gremory clan <Destruction> element.

Issei is improving by the seconds every time he got into contact with Nyarlathotep elements.

He's absorbing it bit by bit, slowly but surely he started to comprehend the <Destruction> element Nyarlathotep possess.

But his body is at his limit, he's standing just with his pure will. He doesn't have the time to change into his Dragon form or he will have a better chance of facing the Nyarlathotep.

His <Ougi> doesn't do much because it doesn't effect Nyarlathotep that much since its form is unclear.

Nyarlathotep never has a fixed appearance anyway, sometimes it took the form of Cthulu, sometimes just a plain old man.

Just like Ophis but it's more destructive compared to Ophis.

No one ever knows what Nyarlathotep purposes are, all they know every time it shows up then the world will be in Chaos.

Just like Issei improving bit by bit as time goes, the same happens with Nyarlathotep.

It absorbs every magic Issei cast at it.

So all of Issei magic attack barely scratch it now.

Nyarlathotep - IT's BeEn FuN... BuT nOw iT's TiME To EnD ThiS. <WoRLd EaTeR>!

Nyarlathotep cast its attack, and it spits out a black hole like ball that absorbs everything into it.

Issei finally forced to use his <Balance Breaker>.

This is not his old <Balance Breaker> when he possesses Ddraig still.

It's his newly created one which he created during one of his spars with Scathach.

Scathach and Semiramis told him not to use this skill because it's too dangerous to use it without fully mastering it.

Its backlash might just take his life, the minimum is a critical injury, at worst its instant death.

Thankfully when he uses this skill Semiramis and Scathach are there to prevent the worst from happening.

But he has to use it now or he will die without question.

Issei - <Balance Breaker>!!!

After he used the skill, he feels his blood boiling and his <Aura> went wild at full throttle.

His appearance changed, his dark brown hair changed into pitch black, his ears elongated just like an elf, his eyes turned golden but still slit like a Dragon's eye. There are claw-like gloves on both of his hands colored black with a red outline, his whole body covered with a black and red aura.

His dragon wings spread majestically, his wings are colored red and black combination the same goes for his dragon's tail. He's basically the personification of Humanoid Dragon right now, even Nyarlathotep felt a bit threatened at his new form.

(His new form kinda look like Killia from Disgaea 5 but with the dragon tail and wings, also longer hair)

Issei look up towards the incoming attack from Nyarlathotep and he countered it with his own skill

Issei - <True Dragon King Hellfire Shot>!

He covered his arms with Hellfire and punch repeatedly towards the incoming attack.

Every time he lets out a punch it created a barrage of Dragon shaped fire infused with his Dragon <Aura>.

Issei - HAHHHHHH!!!

And he successfully destroyed Nyarlathotep attack and also a part of its body.

Nyarlathotep for the first time in its life feels danger.

If it doesn't evade quick enough then it might just die.

And that exhilarates it a lot because it never found anyone who could make it feels this way.

It always looks for beings that are stronger than it, but it could never found one.

It feels bored that no being can prove to be a challenge to it.

And finally, it found the one who can threaten its life.

Nyarlathotep - Good! Good! GOOD! Do that attack once more!

It's so happy that finally, its voice is not mixed like it used to. Now it sounds like a happy girl voice.

Issei wishes he could use it once more but sadly he's at his limit.

Issei - ...Heh... So even that doesn't enough to kill you huh... I guess this is it for me... I'm sorry... Ddraig... and everyone...

Then he reverts back to his previous form and he loses his consciousness.

Nyarlathotep who saw that feels disappointed

Nyarlathotep - What's wrong? You can't use it anymore? *Sigh*... After all this time, I finally found the one who can beat me... Hmm... I guess you haven't finished growing yet... Kyahahaha! How fun! I Guess this is your blessing... True Dragon King huh... I will give you my mark, so at our next meeting let us kill each other once more... True Dragon King!

Then Nyarlathotep gives Issei its mark inside his body.

That mark will let Nyarlathotep knows where he is and it also gives Issei the <Destruction> element it has to make him easily master it.

Nyarlathotep then opened a rift for him to pass through.

Nyarlathotep - Let's meet again soon... True Dragon King...

Then it disappears as well.

-Back at Issei-

Issei free falling once more and he fell on an island located at the middle of the ocean.

After a while, somebody finally arrived at his location.

Its two girls that seem to be twins, the first one have an emotionless face and short hair. While the other one has longer hair and has more emotion on her face.

They both are wearing the same clothes as well, it's like a green sleeveless kimono with a white outline, and they both wearing the same ribbon on their hair as well.

They both have white stockings and sandals Japanese styled.

(Google "Kyou and Kinou Evenicle" and you will have their picture)

Kyou - Kinou. Look, there's someone fell here. Oh! And he's badly injured!

Kinou - Um... He's indeed badly injured, let's bring him to our house. Kyou.

Then they both brought Issei body to their house.

After they get Issei's clothes off him and cleaned his body they finally see his handsome face and perfect body.

They both blushed after seeing him.

Kyou - Ohhh~ He's so handsome, don't you think so too. Kinou?

Kinou - ...Um. And he got a nice body as well... But you feel it as well, don't you, Kyou? He's a Dragon just like us.

Kyou - Un. But he's not a fully fledged Dragon... If I have to say he's about half dragon half human?

Kinou - Indeed... But I wonder how he fell from the sky? And who injured him in the first place...

Kyou - Guess we will ask him that after he woke up.

Then they continue to take care of Issei after that.

It took Issei a week for him to wake up. And both Kyou and Kinou know if its human in his place then he/she would be dead long ago from his injuries.

Even for a Dragonkin, it's still a miracle for him to survive that.

But his perseverance allows him to stay alive until now and they are impressed with him.

Issei finally woke up. He slowly opens his eyes.

Then he started to look around, he found out he's inside a wooden house.

Issei - '...Where am I?'

When he's still looking around Kyou comes in and saw that he's finally awake.

Kyou - Kinou! He's awake!

She hastily calls her twin sister.

After that, they both arrived at Issei's side.

Kyou - How are you feeling?

Kinou - You need anything?

Issei is confused for this sudden development.

Issei - ...Who are you two? And where am I?

Kyou - I'm Kyou.

Kinou - I'm Kinou.

Kyou - We both are twin sisters. And we are a Dragon just like you. As for where we are right now. We are at <Fresh Fish Island>.

Kinou - Um... And we are also the one who saved you.

Issei - ...Dragon? Kuh!

Issei head is hurting badly, and his memories are jumbled up. All he can remember is his name which is Issei Hyoudou.

As for the rest of his memories, he can't seem to recall it.

Kyou - Are you okay!?

Kyou hastily prep up his body to prevent him from overexerting himself.

Kyou - Don't push yourself, take it easy... It's no wonder you're still hurting after the injuries you went through.

Issei finally lay down once more because his body is indeed hurting badly now, especially his head.

Kyou - There. Just lay down for now, we will bring you some food soon. After all, it's been a week since the last time we found you.

Issei is even more surprised after hearing that he passed out for 1 whole week.

Then he just nodded towards both of them

Issei - ...Um... Then I thank you both for taking care of me.

They both smiled seeing him thanking them.

Kyou return it with a full smile of her own

Kyou - Don't mind it! After all its only natural to help anyone in need.

Kinou - Un.

While Kinou just gave him a small smile because she's not that expressive in the first place.

Then they brought his food. At first, Issei wants to get up to eat on his own, but they both won't let him and insist to feed him the food instead.

Issei feels embarrassed that he got to be fed by a girl but he can't do anything about it.

After some time passed Issei finally able to walk around on his own but he still can't recall his memory.

He told both of them he seems to lost his memory and all he can remember is his name.

They both don't see any lies from his words so they accept it.

Then Issei learned the history of this world. This world commonly called <The World of Eve>.

<Fresh Fish Island> is a location in the World of Eve, located far in the southwest. While technically a province of the Kingdom of Eden, the island is isolated to the extreme, home only to a small village (Fresh Fish Village) populated almost entirely by senior citizens. How this situation came to be is unknown. Boats heading to the island is infrequent at best, and the only site worth seeing for the tourist is a ruin of Mother Eve on the island's southern side.

Both Kyou and Kinou stays here because they love the quiteness of this place.

The twins are very similar in terms of personality, though Kyou is outspoken and Kinou is quiet.

Their age are more than centuries old. Since they are both Dragon's then they can live longer than humans obviously.

Like all fullblooded dragons, Kyou and Kinou can teleport from place to place and are functionally immortal. As twins, they share a unique subset of the teleportation power that allows them to swap places at will (and not necessarily with the consent of the other twin). They can transform from their human forms to dragon forms, but their capabilities in this form are unknown.

As Witches of the Round Table, the twins are presumably powerful beyond the average mortal, but their power is constrained by Arthur's treaty with QD. On ability they have been allowed to demonstrate is the ability to constrain a deceased soul to the mortal plane.

The twins are also experienced poisoners and druggists, with incredibly strong knowledge of herbal lore, pharmacy, and concealment. They are also among the world's best cooks, and are particularly fond of combining the two fields to create drugged food so irresistible that victims will eat it willingly.

But they didn't fully told Issei about themselves yet, after all they just met.

Although they both are attracted to him because of the pureness of his <Aura> as a Dragon.

And his personality is kind hearted just like their type.

They never felt this kind of pure <Aura> before from any male Dragon they met. Even QD doesn't have this kind of <Aura>

Both Kyou & Kinou decided they will only marry the same guy they approve of, but they never found one after all this time.

But finally, they can see the one. And after spending some times together with Issei they become more assured that he's the one for them.


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