The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 28:

Chapter 28:

After Issei can move around he helped the elderly villagers.

Whether its just plain labor work or helping them catch some fishes for them to sell.

Issei feels very relaxed staying in this small village.

Kyou and Kinou also keep him company all the time.

They prepared food for him, wash his clothes, stitched back his ripped clothes.

Issei is very grateful towards them. At one point they tried to teach him how to cook.

But Issei seems to be a natural born chef, he easily surpasses their cooking skills.

Maybe even though he loses his memory he still retains the skills he got, so it's not that hard for him to learn how to cook.

Both Kyou and Kinou also wanted to teach him how to fight, but he easily defeats them in hand to hand combat.

So they both got even more surprised, although their power is mostly suppressed at the moment, they are still a strong Dragon compared to most.

Everything they threw at him he can completely handle it like an expert, it makes them wonder if there's nothing he cannot do.

From swordsmanship, spearmanship, etc.

They still haven't tested his magical capabilities but from seeing how he handle all that easily they assume he must be also quite good at it.

Well, the only thing he's not talented at is to make potion or poison.

After some time passes they finally decided to mark Issei as their mate.

They did this without Issei's knowledge when he was asleep.

Issei doesn't really know that they are actually a perverted Dragon in a way, but only because they haven't found their true mate all this time.

So they got sexually frustrated, and they can only comfort each other all this time.

But of course, it's not enough for them both.

They both still have their virginity up to this day because of the special law in this world.

So they started feeding him special "Medicines" without knowing those special drugs don't effect Issei that much because his libido is basically at max already.

They also use their magic spell to enhance his sexual capabilities and libido.

Again this is also useless to Issei. But he doesn't realize what they did to him.

He trusted them both fully after spending their times together, and he sees them as his elder sisters but also as a woman.

They confessed to Issei at the same time.

Kyou - Ne. Issei.

Issei - What's wrong. Kyou?

Kyou - Me and Kinou have something to say to you.

Kinou - Un.

Issei - Hmm?

He's always smiling towards them because he really likes them both.

Kyou - You see. We both have already marked you as our mate.

Kinou - We did this when you were asleep.

Issei got surprised by their words, he knows what that means because they have already told them about it before.

That means they will only see him as their husband/spouse/master you called it any way you want but basically, they will only marry him and will never betray him.

The moment they marked him they are bound with the Dragon pact. If by chance they betray him then they will instantly die.

Other male Dragon will stir away from them instinctively, they won't try to court a female Dragon who already bound their self to another male.

It's proven to be useless because there was never a case of female Dragon abandon their mate no matter what happens.

They will be bound for life once they've done the bonding ritual. If somehow the male Dragon died then they will also follow right after.

But that case never happens because Dragons are seen as a holy creature in this world, they are seen as Mother Eve apostle.

There were some human king tried to kill a Dragon. but his country instantly destroyed the very same day he declared that he will wage wars with the Dragon.

QD leads the attack to his country along with all Dragon's. Even though QD alone is enough to destroy the country but she chooses to bring the whole Dragon race to show them their might.

But if by chance a Dragon chooses to be a spouse of a human then that Dragon will be treated as a special case.

The Dragon will be forbidden to use their Dragon power so they don't abuse it for the human to use.

If the Dragon break that rule then QD will judge them right away.

And if the human spouse country wage war with another country then even if the Dragon were to die they won't receive any help from the Dragonkin.

So there's rarely any Dragon choose to be married to a human.

And since Issei isn't fully Dragon that rules also apply to him. He will be considered as a human in this world.

That's also why Issei got shocked by their decision.

Issei - Are you guys serious!? You know I'm not a full-fledged Dragon!

Kyou - Un. We both are serious.

Kinou - Even if you are not a full-fledged Dragon we will still love you.

Kyou - No matter what happens.

Kinou - We will still be with you.

Kyou & Kinou - So will you accept us. Issei?

Issei is at loss for words after hearing them. He's happy that they choose him because he also loves them after all this time.

But he was afraid to confess his love for them because he didn't want to implicate them in case something happens to him.

Then after hearing their confession, he resolved himself.

Issei - Yes. Kyou. Kinou. I will accept both of you as my wives, and I give my word to both of you that I will protect and love you both until the end of my life.

Kyou and Kinou both shed tears of happiness because they are afraid if he were to decline their love then they won't know what to do anymore.

Then they all hugged each other.

The three of them have the most blissful smile on their face.

Issei looks toward his two wives and his eyes are filled with love and gentleness.

But there's also a resolve to never let anything happen to both of them and he swore on his life that he will protect them from any harms to come.

Then they share a kiss with each other.

First was Kyou. They both only kiss softly without tongue involved.

Then next was Kinou.

Issei - I love you both. Kyou. Kinou

Kyou & Kinou - We also love you. Issei.

Then they smiled at each other once more, but then Kyou suddenly said

Kyou - But. Issei.

Issei - Hmm?

Kyou - Sadly you can't marry us both right now.

Issei - What do you mean?

Issei is confused by her sudden words.

Kinou - There's a special law in this world that forbids someone to marry more than one spouse.

Kyou - Whether it be male or female.

Then they teach him this world history.

Mother Eve. The one said to have given birth to the first humans.

She's considered the mother of all humanity and is revered as a Goddess.

To aid humanity in the harsh world it's forced to inhabit, Mother Eve offered numerous blessings.

But those blessings apply only to those who obey the Mother's two teachings.

One: You must not kill other humans.

Two: You must not engage in intercourse with more than one partner.

For those who break that two teachings they will become an outlaw.

Outlaws are stripped of Mother Eve's blessings, and can no longer live without numerous complications.

They can't grow plants, they can't receive gold from killing monsters, they can't have children and many more.

So they can only live by stealing from others and basically, they are as good as human trash at literal meaning.

And because of that Issei can't marry them both at the moment.

It's still unknown if the rules of this world apply to Issei or not, but he will never take the chance anyway. (He still lost his memory so he doesn't know he could just leave this world later with them. He basically thinks of himself as the inhabitant of this world at the moment so he won't try to break the mother eve's teachings)

When Issei was getting irritated they both continue

Kyou & Kinou - But there is a way

Issei - What is it?

Kyou - You just need to become a Knight.

Issei - Knight?

Kinou - Yes. A Knight.

Then they explain what a Knight is:

Knights are an important element from the world of Evenicle. While most humans, Poppins, and dragons are bound by the commandments of Mother Eve if they wish to retain her blessing and not become Outlaws, knights are specially empowered to operate outside of these commandments to help protect the faithful, both from monsters and the aforementioned Outlaws. To this end, knights are empowered to kill members of species under Mother Eve's Blessing. As Knights are seen as exemplary members of their species, they are also allowed to marry more partners than the average person, in hopes of passing on their genes.

Knights are ennobled with the help of a sacred artifact. Some members of the nobility possess minor artifacts that can ennoble someone to the level of a standard knight, but these are limited in their number of active uses.

And Knight rank is divided into multiple ranks, they are:


Soldiers are not typically considered a knightly rank but play a similar role in that they are excepted from one of Mother Eve's commandments, namely the commandment against killing. Soldiers are deputized by an existing Knight, after which they can continue in training as a knight, or can go into dangerous careers where they might come in contact with Outlaws, like that of an Adventurer.


Base-level knights are the first "true" level of knighthood. As a knight, they are empowered to marry two spouses instead of one. But are also expected to serve under their patron (the noble that created them a knight in the first place) and in turn to the nation their patron serves. They may also be expected to serve under the command of knights belonging to higher ranks. Base-level knights are far and away the most common kind of knight, to a degree that the Snake Crest was able to gather a large number of Outlaw Knights to their banner.


A Ten Knight is the second level of knighthood. It is so named because a Ten Knight is expected to perform the duties of ten individual knights, but in some cases, a Ten Knight is sent to command exactly ten knights. This structure continues for later ranks of a knight. A Ten Knight is empowered to marry four spouses instead of two.

Hundred Knight:

A Hundred Knight basically has the same expectations as the previous rank but is empowered to marry six spouses instead of four.

Thousand Knight:

A Thousand Knight is empowered to marry eight spouses instead of six.

Zero Knight:

Zero Knight is the highest level of a knight and is typically awarded to a person of international renown. The rank enables a person to marry ten spouses, but further promotions are possible, though the particulars of these promotions are currently unknown.

Well, Kyou & Kinou both know the requirement to advance to the last rank but they are not allowed to tell anyone of it.

There's also sub-classes of Knights but that's not really important.

There's rarely any Female Knight because they are basically encouraged to be a housewife instead because this world is very dangerous and the birth rate is low.

And besides, they are not allowed to have multiple husbands because of the teaching. Even if they become a Zero Knight they are not allowed to have more than 1 husband.

Men's are allowed to have multiple spouses so that they can impregnate multiple partners at once.

A woman who got rap*d by Outlaws will become Outlaws themselves since they are seen as having multiple partners even though they are forced.

And a woman who becomes an Outlaw will never be able to have children, so even though they are not evil they won't be allowed to enter cities anymore.

Kyou - So because of that you need to become a Knight yourself to be able to marry us both.

Kinou - Un. If possible tries to find multiple wives candidate along the way.

Issei - ...May I ask why I have to find multiple wives other than you two?

Kyou - Because we believe you will get at the top of the Knight ranks easily.

Kinou - And strong knights are enforced to have multiple spouses.

Kyou - We will be proud if you can have multiple wives other than us both.

Kinou - Because that proves that you are a strong male. And we as Dragons couldn't be prouder having a strong male as our mate.

Kyou - Indeed. So you must find more girls to marry. Ok~?

They finish each other sentences perfectly.

Issei becomes speechless by their words once more.

Issei - ...*Sigh* Fine. But that's only if I can find another woman I can love...

Kyou & Kinou - That's good enough for us~

Then they laughed at each other.

So they spend some more times together on the island.

Kyou & Kinou basically stuck at Issei like a glue all the time.

They keep giving Issei a hug and kisses whenever they have the time.

But Issei never complains at all, if anything he's happy by the attention they are giving him.

They even wash each other in the bath.

Issei is holding himself back to not jump into both of them right there and then.

Because their body is so beautiful and flawless.

Kyou and Kinou know that they shouldn't tempt him so much or he might lose it and all will be for naught. So they wear a towel when they are bathing together.

But when they saw Issei's perfect body and especially his junior down there, they are very elated.

They are also holding their self from pouncing on Issei themselves.

Then when Issei is asleep they both did something because they just couldn't take it anymore without relieving themselves.

So they snuck up at his room after feeding him some sleeping drugs by putting it inside his foods and cast sleeping spells on him just to be sure...

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