The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 32:

Chapter 32:

Knights are further subdivided based on their combat style. Only a few subclasses are described in detail, though others presumably exist, such as whatever class is associated with Barro Roan's iaido-style. (Barro Roan is one of the Zero Knight of Eden Kingdom)

The sub-classes that are noteworthy are:

-Magic Knight

-Defender (Ramius)

-Sorceress/Sorcerer (Riche)

-Ranger (Gurigura) Basically Assassin and Scout combined.

-Tactician (Kathyrn)

This is the only class that is listed on the wiki. So I might add some new class on my own.

-Back to the chapter-

When Issei and Ramius are conversing with each other. There was someone hiding in the bush nearby.

??? - 'Uwaaaahh~ I never saw Ramius face went that red and becomes so flustered like that, especially to a guy. Well not that I can blame her when the one who said that is so handsome and manly... Even I would become like her if we switch places... So envious... Wish he told me all that too... So Ramius make him a Soldier huh... But they sure take their time talking with each other...'

Well, she always notices the lustful looks the Outlaws or some man gave her or on any beautiful girls for that matter. But she doesn't see any of those from Issei's gaze.

His gazes only have an appreciation towards her or Ramius even now. There wasn't any lustful greedy feeling at all.

And that's very rare on this world for a man to have that kind of gaze. Her big sister fiance Prince Felton is giving her some odd feelings because even though he doesn't have lustful looks toward her sister or her but his eyes are always have nothing inside it.

He might be smiling but inside his eyes, all she can see is boredom or something else altogether.

Then she saw that Issei is looking straight at her.

??? - 'E-Ehh? D-Did he notices I'm here? No that can't be.'

But Issei keeps looking straight at her and just when she started getting nervous he looked away.

??? - 'F-Fiuhh... That was close...'

Ramius - What's wrong. Ise?

Issei - It's nothing just a cute 'Squirrel' on the bushes over there.

Ramius - Hmm. Is that so? Then, shall we go?

Issei - Sure.

??? - 'H-He totally noticed me?!'

Then after she saw Ramius and Issei is gone she finally comes out from the bush.

??? - Uwaaah... He totally noticed me there...

She was walking when she noticed Ramius and Issei coming to her place just now. So she hides in the nearby bushes to not be noticed by them.

Well, she doesn't want Ramius to see her at the moment. She's fine with Issei though.

??? - C-Cute 'Squirrel' he said... Geez! Guess I'll take a detour towards the west cave before they arrived there because I need to check something there. The Outlaws there might have some leads on the <Snake Crest> organization.

Then she went through the detours.

Along the way to the west cave, Ramius keep peeking towards Issei time to times. He just ignores her look though.

After a while, they finally arrived at the supposed Outlaws hideout.

At the entrance, there's no one guarding it but Issei can smell some human scent inside the cave. And with his <Haki> he knows they hit the jackpot because he can feel a lot of human presence inside the cave.

Ramius - Here we are... Let's go in cautiously.

Issei - Um.

Then they went inside the cave.

Ramius is on high tension all the time with her weapon and shield prepared for any incoming ambush.

While Issei just calmly strolled inside without getting into combat stance at all.

When Ramius wanted to warn him then suddenly out of the corner there was an Outlaws ambushing them.

Outlaws 1&2 - Die!

Ramius - ?! Watch ou-


Then both Outlaws become meat paste on the wall.

Ramius who saw that become totally slack-jawed...

Issei just calmly walk forward like he was never did anything in the first place.

Issei - Ramius. Are you coming?

Ramius - U-Um...

Then along the way every time a Monsters or Outlaws coming towards them, they all died with just one hit from Issei.

Whether it by his punch, kick or just casual sword slash.

They all died without knowing how they died in the first place.

Ramius got totally numb seeing all that she just decided to follow Issei from behind. She felt stupid worrying about him in the first place, and she's supposed to be the Knight here but she doesn't have a chance to do anything...

What could she do? Even if somehow there's sudden attacker from his left, right, top, bottom, behind. They all died just from his casual attack.

It's like he can see 360 degrees around him. There's no blind spot at all, and he doesn't even turn around to kill the one that comes his way. Just a back slap, backslash, etc.

Then they arrived at a crossroad.

When she's deciding where to go she heard Issei said:

Issei - Ramius wait here for a minute. I need to check on something.

Ramius - A-Ah. Sure.

She doesn't need to be worried about his safety at all. She even wonders if these can be called a rescue operation anymore.

They just basically waltz in like they own the place with no tension feeling at all. Just like taking a stroll in their home backyard...

Issei saw 'someone' sneak in towards the left path. So he chooses to check on it alone.

Then he arrives at the room where the intruder snuck in.

??? - Hmmm... Just like I thought. <Snake Crest> must be behind this...

Issei saw her looking through the boxes that seem to be filled with something dangerous before because it has 'DANGER' sign on it.

Then Issei comes up behind her and says:

Issei - What's just like you thought?

??? - UWAAAA!

The intruder reflexively swings her staff behind her at full force afraid she got ambushed by the Outlaws.

Issei calmly stops her attack with one hand.

Issei - Then. What are you doing here, Riche? You also have been peeking on me and Ramius back at the town entrance.

That's right. The 'Squirrel' and the intruder is Riche herself.

He can see some Outlaws knocked out around the place, seems like they got taken by surprise.

Riche - I-Ise?! Geez! You scared me. I thought you're an Outlaw! Good thing I'm a mage or you will get hurt by my sudden attack. (Her actual sub-class is sorceress but I'll just call her a mage because it's easier to spell and they both is the same class to me)

Issei - ...Sorry for scaring you but you still don't answer my question.

Even if the one who attacks him a Dragon he will barely get scratched. That is if he let its attacks land on him or he doesn't cover his body with <Haki> in the first place.

But he won't tell her that or he might hurt her feelings.

Riche - *G-Gohon*. Well like I thought you noticed me back then at the town entrance. And what I found here is just proves my suspicion that <Snake Crest> Is indeed involved with all this. These boxes were once filled with sparkle bombs. They are made from Mini Hannies. They are tiny but they self-destruct when hurt and they deal a ton of damage.

Issei - Yeah I know about them. I've read about them in the encyclopedia before.

Not only do they create an explosion several times as strong as any fire magic, but anyone can set one off. But handling them is difficult if you're not careful. You and everything around you'll go kaboom. That's why every country has sparkle bombs strictly regulated. You need permission to even produce them.

And the symbols on the plate of the boxes around here said 'Contains sparkle bombs, be careful.' So it couldn't be more obvious.

Riche - But that's not only it... Did you notice The Outlaws here seems coexisting with monsters?

Issei - Hmm... Indeed It's weird.

Issei never really thought about it because he got no interest in them. But now that he thought about it, it does seem weird that every monsters and outlaw who attacked him and Ramius before seems working together. (Just like some certain kid with their 'Balls' filled with monsters)

Monsters are usually attacking people indiscriminately. Even if that someone is an Outlaws.

Riche - Something... Something's going on. I have a really bad feeling about this... I'll look around a bit more. Maybe I can figure out where the sparkle bombs went.

Issei - Sure, but you're coming with me.

Riche - I-I promise I'll lay low so I don't get caught... Okay?

Issei - Nope.

Riche - P-Pleaseeee~

Issei - Hmm... Maybe I should call Ramius here?

Riche - A-Ah. Wa-Waittt! P-Please don't let her found me.

Issei - ...Why?

Issei already feels suspicious about how she was hiding from them at the town back then. He knew she's not hiding from him so that only leaves Ramius.

Riche - U-Uuuuu... Fine... I tell you.

Riche wanted to dodge the question but after seeing his gaze she spill the beans...

Then she told him that actually Ramius is sent here by the capital to look for her and bring her back.

She snuck out from her home to look for clues on the <Snake Crest> (As for why she did that you can read her summary on chapter 29. I already posted everything about her on that chapter)

Issei - Hmm... I see. So you're the second princess of Eden Kingdom. Well, your name already says it all with that last name, actually.

Riche - U-Un. T-That's why don't let Ramius find me out for now. Pleaseee~

Issei - ...

Just when Issei thinking about it he heard Ramius voice calling him

Ramius - Iseeee? Are you done yet?

Riche - ?!

Riche who heard that sends a pleading gaze towards Issei once more.

Issei who's seeing that finally relented

Issei - *Sigh* Fine but don't you dare gets find out by the Outlaws or you will pay. Got it?

Riche nodded hastily while shedding tears of joy that she can still continue her adventure and find clues about the <Snake Crest>

Issei then head outside the room.

But then Riche called him back

Riche - Wait. Ise.

Issei calmly looks towards her.

Riche - What do you think about Ramius?

Issei - I think she's a dedicated, hard-worker and cute girl. Why?

Riche - Hehehe~ I see. 'Good for you, Ramius. Maybe you really have a chance with Ise'

Issei - ...?

Issei is confused why she suddenly laughed like that. But she just said don't mind.

So he goes out of the room.

When Issei got out of the room she forgot to give her this paper that says '50 50' Well she assumes it's nothing important and throw it away.

Then Issei group up with Ramius once more.

Ramius asked him if he finds anything there. He just said no.

So they continue their operation. After a while, they arrive in front of a metal door.

Ramius - ...It's locked.

Then there's a voice coming out from the door.

Door - Here's a question! Dingaliiing! Which is lewder:

1. Begging Dragon

2. Boobie Hero

Pick one!

Issei is speechless hearing the question.

While Ramius seems to think about it seriously.

Ramius - Hmmm... They both have their good points... Begging Dragon is... While Boobie Hero is... This is really tough... Hmmmm...

Issei becomes even more speechless seeing her really think about it. What in the hell are those anyway? The name alone seems stupid.

Then Ramius suddenly said

Ramius - ...I got it! Both are equal! So we can't choose one! The answer is... 50 50!!!

Door - ...

Issei - ...

Just when the silence ensues for a while...

Door - CORRECT! *Click*

Then the door opens on its own...

Ramius - Yosh! I got it right!

Issei just blankly looks at her.

Ramius finally realized his gaze.

Ramius - W-What? They both are indeed equal you know. I've read about them before and they are really good!

Issei thought 'Just the fact you know about them in the first place is already 'Amazing' enough but to correctly answer that stupid quiz is even more 'Amazing'.'

He sighed and went on ahead...

Ramius - I-Ise? AH!

Then she remembered that the two book is actually a porn magazine. And she just basically said that she reads porn.

Ramius - W-Wait Ise! I-I meant my friend told me about them! So don't think I've read them on my own. Okay?! H-Hey! Are you listening to me?! Ise! Iseeee?!

Issei just ignored her...

Along the corridor, there's Outlaws again but they all died instantly by Issei punch.

And after a while, they finally reached the end of the room.

At the center of the room, they can see Colpis is being abused by the Outlaws.

She has light bruises around her body and face. Her clothes are almost gone because it's mostly ripped apart from her body.

The Outlaws surrounding her are laughing out loud seeing her like that.

She seems to have a blank look after all the abuse she received.

She seems to have given up on hope, her fiance doesn't even try to help her, Yarase is the same.

She got nothing left behind, she just wants all this to over.

The Outlaws are starting to take off their pants and they want to inject something to her before they start r*ping her. It's a syringe filled with Dark green colored liquid.

Outlaw 1 - Hehehe. Now let's move on! After you get injected with this then we will start the main course!

Outlaw 2 - Gehahaha! Do it, bro!

Then just when the guy wants to inject the syringe towards Colpis, there's blur moving towards them and after a few seconds they all dropped down with their heads separated from their necks.

They don't even have time to scream.

The last Outlaw who's at the corner of the room screeched at seeing that and just when he wanted to run away there's a sword flying towards him and it pinned him on the wall. He instantly died while dangling on the wall with a sword embedded through his chest.

Ramius was at her breaking point seeing how they treated Colpis and just when she's about to act she saw a blur and they all died instantly.

She saw Issei calmly stand before the headless corpse without any emotion can be seen on his face but his eyes are glowing.

Issei - ...I despise scum like this the most.

Then Colpis suddenly screamed

Colpis - NOOOOOOOO!!!

Issei & Ramius - ?!

Colpis - What? There's blood everywhere, ahaha... Oh, I know, this is a dream.

Issei - ...Colpis.

Colpis - EEK! A-A man... Aaaah, no, I... I'm gonna get ra*ed, wah, AAAAHH!

Then she scrambled backward and keeps knocking stuff down along the way.

Issei - ...Ramius... Please handle her. I don't think I should be near her right now.

Ramius - Un. I don't think she should be near any men right now. I'll stop her.

Issei - ...I'll leave it to you.

Ramius slowly approached the hysterical girl and spoke in a calm tone.

Ramius - There, there It's all over now...

Ramius tried to calm her down by holding her gently

Colpis - Hiiii! *CRASH*

But even after she collided with a box and knocked everything out of it, she kept struggling to escape Ramius.

Colpis - No... NOOOOOOOO!

Issei - ?! Look out!

Issei tried to stop Colpis but it's too late.


Ramius - Ngh!

In her hysteria, Colpis picked up a syringe sitting on the floor and stabbed it into Ramius arm. Thankfully she doesn't unload the content of the syringe and just stabbed Ramius with it.

But even that is gonna be fatal if not treated right away...

Issei - Ramius?! Are you okay?

Ramius - I'm fine... Stay put, Ise... Look, nobody's left to hurt you. You don't need to be afraid.

Ramius still gently talk towards her.

Colpis - Ah...

Colpis saw Ramius remain calm despite the harm she was inflicted with and finally stopped running.

Ramius - Alright... Good girl.


Colpis - Ngh...

Then Colpis fainted after a chop on the neck by Ramius.

Ramius - I put her to sleep using <Qi>... It's not painful. Now she should calm down.

Issei - I see...

Ramius tries to stand up but she stumbled.

Ramius - Ah.

Issei quickly catch her from falling.

Issei - Careful there. Are you hurt anywhere?

Ramius - No... I'm... Fine...

Issei - Are you sure?

Ramius - A-Anyway, I'll take Colpis back. I'd like the chance to thank you again, so when you're back in town, come to the inn.

Issei - Why not go back together? It's dangerous to leave you alone after all this. I won't allow a cute girl such as yourself alone without protection, who knows what's inside that syringe.

Ramius - Ah... Again with the cute thing... 'Nngh, Ise's hand is hot...'

Issei - Ramius?

Issei peered at Ramius's face to see what she was thinking. Her eyes were moist and her cheeks appeared slightly flushed.

Ramius - Hyaaah!!

Issei - W-What's wrong?! Are you really okay? You're kinda squirming around.

Ramius - I am not! I-I'll go on ahead.

Issei - I'll go with-


Issei - ...

Issei got taken by surprise by her sudden yell.

Ramius - Oh. Sorry... But I'm fine on my own. In fact, I prefer it!

With Colpis in her arms, Ramius ran to the exit.

Issei - ...Tsk! That idiot.

Then Issei hurriedly follows her closely just in case something happens.

Then they head back towards Abel town.

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