The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 33:

Chapter 33:

When they arrived at the town there's a bunch of Knights can be found. Apparently, they arrive earlier than expected.

Ramius give them a brief report of the situation then she leaves Colpis to them.

Ginyu are also there but he's too afraid to confront Colpis at this moment, Yarase is also there but he's just acting like an observer.

Ramius went to the inn right away and Issei was following behind her until she enters her room.

When Issei asked her if she's really okay she told him to leave her alone for now and come meet her at night.

Issei can only relent after hearing that so he leave her alone for now. He decided he will check on her again later at night just like she requested.

Issei decided to spend some time walking outside of town. After a while, he reached the shore where he first came here.

He's blankly looking towards the ocean thinking how he arrived here. How he met Riche and Ramius.

He really has to admit he feels really concerned towards Ramius, he enjoys spending time with her.

Maybe Kyou and Kinou already expected this... How he will meet new girls and more.

Ramius personality to brave dangers without caring about the danger she put herself into kind of remind him of some memories.

Her foolhardy attitude... He remembers he's used to be like that too long time ago but he still cannot recall it perfectly. On who he was protecting...

Bit by bit his memory are returning but not all at once. He recalls some of the skills he has at some point during the time he spends at the Fresh Fish Island.

He can see some dark silhouettes inside his memory and it's getting clearer as the day went pass but he still can't recall them perfectly just yet. He needs a bit more stimulation to his mind.

Then he heard some sound coming from behind him, and he could tell who it is.

Riche - What's wrong. Ise?

Issei - ...Nothing. I'm just thinking about something.

Riche - I see... So did you and Ramius saved the girl?

Issei - Ah. But she got some trauma you see, the good news is she's still not r*ped by the Outlaws when we arrive there.

Riche - ...That's a little unfortunate but you have already done the best you could. If she got r*ped then she will become an Outlaw too, and her life could be worst than it is now. She could've been killed after they had their fill with her you know? After all, they can't have an extra mouth to feed since they can only steal so much each time.

Issei - Ah. I know.

Then there's silence once more, they watched the sunset together.

Riche keeps looking at Issei face rather than the sunset because Issei's face right now has that certain irresistible charm of man in melancholy feeling to it.

And how the sunlight shone on his face and his hair makes his handsome face even more mesmerizing. His bellowing silky dark brown hair combined with that face is so mesmerizing that Riche can felt her heart thump loudly threatening to break free out of her chest.

Her face is lost in reverie just by looking at Issei right now, she wishes time could stop at this moment so she could enjoy looking at his face forever.

The silence continues until the sunset is finally over.

Issei - ...Well, I guess I'm gonna head back to the town now. I need to check on Ramius after what happened to her.

Riche snapped out of her reverie and she catches on to Issei's word quickly.

Riche - What happened to Ramius?

She felt worried for her childhood friend.

Issei - I don't really know but she accidentally got stabbed by Colpis with a syringe that contains some dark green liquid at the Outlaws hideout. And she's not in her right condition after that.

Riche - S-Syringe with dark green liquid? W-Was it like this one?!

Then Riche took out the exact same syringe Ramius got stabbed with.

Issei - Yes. That's the one. What's wrong with it?

Issei felt a bad premonition after seeing Riche reaction and he's right

Riche - Oh no... Why...

Then Riche dropped the syringe in shock.

Riche - ...<Adan's Blood>. It's a drug that Outlaws bring with them... Using it gives you a sense of intoxication and security. It also sharpens the senses, so it can be used as an aphrodisiac... Depending on how it's synthesized, <Adan's blood> can contain a bunch of different effects. What they had was probably made with an emphasis on the aphrodisiac aspect.

Issei - <Adan's Blood>?

Riche - Adan's is the name of the Archfiend who brought monsters into the world. And the drug was given the name <Adan's Blood> because the drugs can draw out the desires that are impossible to hold in. Such as make people went on frenzies to kill, those who went into hallucination can no longer see reality... And those whose pleasure is drawn out will indiscriminately desire the opposite s*x...

Issei - ...Tsk! Can't I just tie Ramius up until the effects disappear?

Riche - You can't... If you try to stop the symptoms, most people go mad... She'll lose all self-control at the same time she's filled with lust, so she'll assault a guy, And if he happens to be married already...

Issei - ...She will become an Outlaw...

Riche - Yes... But knowing Ramius, she wouldn't let that happen... She'd kill herself first.

Issei - ...Indeed. Knowing her personality she will really kill herself before letting herself become an Outlaw...

Issei felt angry at himself for letting Ramius got stabbed with that syringe. If he just realizes fast enough...

But he felt even more anger towards the <Snake Crest>. His anger boils toward them. And on this day the <Snake Crest> have attracted anger from a being that they shouldn't have mess with in the first place...

They are not afraid of QD because she won't interfere with their plans because she's not allowed to. The last time QD act was on that time when the stupid human king declares war towards Dragonkin.

But after that, she never shows herself to the world anymore. Even during the Arthur tragedy she still doesn't show up, that's why the <Snake Crest> become brave and complacent without fearing her judgment on them.

But Issei is not like QD, he won't abide by the rules. He won't be chained by some measly rule.

And the end of <Snake Crest> countdown starts from now... All their preparations after all this time will be gone to ruins just by a single person, the one they will call the Strongest Knight in history, The "Tyrant Overlord".

Riche - What do I do... If I haven't come to Abel, then all this won't happen in the first place...

Issei - Don't blame yourself. It's all on the Outlaws and <Snake Crest>. None of this would've happened if they weren't around. And I will help Ramius however I can, no matter the cost.

Issei's eyes glow brightly with conviction but weirdly enough Riche who saw that doesn't feel afraid but feels secure instead. Like no matter what happens, he would be there for her.

Riche - Ise...

Issei - Is there any antidote for the drug, Riche?

Riche - Sadly no... But there's a way... There's one way to save Ramius.

Issei - Tell me.

Issei looks straight into Riche's eye and that makes her heart thump loudly once more.

Riche - Then... Ise- No. Issei Hyoudou.

Riche suddenly changes her attitude and become more serious.

Issei just silently looks towards her.

Riche - Please. Have s*x with Ramius.

Issei - ?!

Issei is taken aback by her words.

Riche - From what you said, Ramius only got stabbed by the syringe. That means there's only a very small amount of drug got into her system. Then if she spends about a night feeling so good she can't think, the symptoms should be under control by tomorrow morning.

Issei - ...Are you serious about this?

Issei couldn't help asked her to confirm her theory about it.

Riche - Yes. I'm sure. I know you already have 2 brides in mind. But I beg of you. Please! Suppress Ramius's lust by having s*x with her.

Then Riche suddenly kneeled to Issei.

Riche - I know I'm asking a lot. But, please... Save Ramius by making her yours. You realize that she has feelings towards you right? How she keeps looking at you. So I beg you! Ise!

Issei just stays silent by Riche sudden outburst. He's contemplating seriously about it.

He knows Ramius has feelings towards him, but if someone asks him if he loves her...

He's still not sure. He does enjoy spending time with her, and she reminds him of the old him a lot.

Then he reminiscent the time they've spent together, and her mesmerizing smile back then...

Their first meeting can be called unique, but the time they have spent together albeit short is very eventful. He loves her dedication and hard-work the most, the way how she keep trying her best no matter what happens.

Heck, she even counted 100G 1 by 1 just to make sure he collected the requested amount. That's how dedicated she is. Even though she has a 'Problem' at counting...

Then Issei finally decided what he will do.

The decision that will make him feel glad and happy every time he recalls this moment in the future...

Issei - I will do it. So get up. No need to kneel before me. You're the princess here, aren't you?

Issei makes Riche stands up while saying that.

Riche - Really?! You will do it?

Issei - Ah. Besides, I do like her personality.

Riche - Then how about her appearance?

Issei - What about it? I find her very beautiful and cute as a girl.

Riche - REALLY! YOU DO?!

Issei - ...What's so weird? She is indeed a cute and beautiful girl. And just to make sure. Does Ramius has a fiance or some-

Riche - No, She doesn't.

Issei - ...That's a quick response.

Riche - Well, we're old friends. So I know. Not only is Ramius not into anyone but you before this. There's also no man interested in her so far. People call her the Loner Knight. Even other Knights keep their distance.

Issei - ...Seriously? Even though she's that beautiful?

Issei is speechless hearing Riche says that. He knows Riche isn't bad mouthing Ramius like Yarase or the others, but she's just telling the facts...

Riche - Yeah, well... Sure. Her appearance isn't the problem...

Issei - ...I see.

Riche - I'm sorry for asking you do this... I mean, asking you to marry Ramius is like telling you to give up on the girls you already love...

Issei - It's fine. They even told me to get more wives rather than just them you know?

Riche - ...Eh? Really?

Issei - Ah. I know it's weird, but it's the truth... Besides it's not like I won't make them my brides later, I just need to climb the top of the Knight's rank, don't I?

Issei said that like it's no big deal to become the highest Knight's rank.

Riche - ...That's true. And judging from your strength you have shown me so far you can indeed easily reach the top rank...

If Riche knows what he showed her not even 10% of his full strength, then what would her reaction be by now.

Riche - Then I'll stop feeling bad. Please take care of Ramius for me. You can think of it as what I want you to do like you promised me when we first met.

Issei - No, this doesn't count. I will do this either way so your request is invalid. You can keep the request for later if you want.

Issei seriously told her. And Riche who saw that blushed and she felt happy she still has his promise.

Riche - T-Then see you later. Ise.

Issei - Ah. See you later. Riche.

Issei waved to Riche then he heads towards Abel town.

Riche - ...They gonna be married soon... How nice... Huh? What's with me? I'm the one who asked him to do it, but... Now I'm sad for some reason...

Riche thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure out the cause. She still hasn't realized yet that she already fell for Issei.

Funny how she could tell Ramius like Issei but she doesn't realize her own feelings...

-Back at Abel town-

It's night already when Issei arrived back at the town. He heads straight towards Ramius room at the inn.

The owner of the inn knows Issei and Ramius is acquainted. So she let him head towards her room right away.

Issei stood in front of Ramius room. He took a deep breath and just when he's about to knock on her door, he heard some voice coming from inside her room

Ramius - Mm... Aah, haah... Ah, aah... Ise... Ise...

Now Issei felt awkward standing in front of her door...

He knows what she's doing inside her room right now, the seductive moans couldn't be more obvious...

Ramius - Ah, haah... Ah, ahah, mm... Ah... Haah... Ise... Haah...Iseeeee~!

Issei who's hearing that felt his blood boil from arousal. He's holding himself back just to burst inside her room right now and have his way with her. But he's still hanging on because he doesn't want Ramius's 1st time will be like that...

Thankfully it seems Ramius has finished already after one final shriek... Then all he heard is ragged breathing.

So he decided to knock now.

*Knock Knock*

Ramius - Uhyaaah! Wh-who's there?

Issei - It's Issei. Sorry I'm late.

Ramius - I-Ise? One moment... Actually, nevermind. Just come in...

Issei still felt a bit awkward after what just happened, but didn't let it show on his face as he opens the door.

But what he saw almost made him went out of control.

Ramius - A-Apologies for not being dressed... Wearing clothes is difficult at the moment you see.

Ramius is in her birthday suit. It means she's totally naked right now. He can see every part of her body out in the open.

Issei has to avert his eyes quickly to prevent himself from losing control. But he still blushed a little from what he see just now.

Issei - O-Oh. Sure. I don't really mind.

The room was filled with her odor, vividly reminded him what she was doing just a moment ago.

And Issei's enhanced smelling is backfiring against him right now. Just from the smell of her odor alone almost make him went out of control.

Ramius - Oh right. I said I'd thank you back then... Sorry, I'm going through something that's making it hard to think... I have a report to write. So, unfortunately. I'll need to take it back to the capital- Ah...

She tried to reach her desk but she stumbled along the way. And Issei caught her by reflex,

Issei - Look out!

Ramius's soft breasts sandwiched Issei's forearm, making both of them freeze up.

Issei & Ramius - ?!

He REALLY almost lost it if not for his will strong enough after feeling her soft breasts on his arm.

Issei thought 'Kuh!? That was dangerous... Clear mind, clear mind...'

Ramius thought 'Ise's arm... It's getting me strangely hot...'

Ramius - I-I'm sorry... I don't seem to have my footing at the moment.

Issei - D-Don't worry about it...

As though to shake off the feeling of Issei's skin, Ramius lightly pushed him away, creating some distance.

Issei - ...Is the <Adan's Blood> affected you that much already?

Ramius - ...You knew?

Issei - Ah... I heard about it from someone.

Ramius - I... see. Then you know what situation I'm in don't you?

Issei - Yeah... It's apparently an aphrodisiac?

Ramius - Yes... Just a moment ago I tried to handle it myself, but it doesn't seem to be working...

Issei - ...

Ramius - Wh-What else could I have done?... I-I don't have anyone to turn to for this...

Issei - ...I don't mind it... Everyone needs to do it once in a while...

Ramius - ...Talking about masturbation isn't easy to respond to.

Issei - ...Yeah.

Then they averted their eyes from each other and laughed at nothing in particular.

Like she was carried along by the lightened mood, Ramius said something further.

Ramius - Ise... May I ask you a favor?

Issei - What?

Ramius - Can you help me commit suicide?

Issei - ?!

Issei got taken aback by her sudden request.

Ramius - At this rate, I'll give in to the <Adan's Blood> before long... A knight becoming an Outlaw would harm the dignity of their country.

Issei - ...

Ramius picked up her lance from against the wall, made Issei hold it, and directed the tip of the lance to her heart.

Ramius - I'll slit my neck with a dagger, then you give me one good thrust to make sure... And don't worry, I've written a parting message that should absolve you of all guilt...

Issei still calmly look at her but his hands are trembling a bit, he clutched his hand so hard that it's almost bleed...

Issei's current situation went unnoticed by Ramius, who continued to try and convince him.

Ramius - If only I were a little cuter, maybe there could've been another way...

Her eyes teared up as she solemnly smiled.

Issei who saw that finally snapped.

Issei - DON'T F*CK WITH ME!?

Then he throws her lance away along with the dagger in her hands.

Ramius who saw that got surprised.


Ramius got nothing to say at his words.

Issei's expression at this moment filled with anger and pity.

Issei - DIDN'T I TOLD YOU THAT YOU ARE A CUTE AND BEAUTIFUL GIRL. RAMIUS DREISSEN?! YOU THINK I WOULD FEEL OKAY AFTER KILLING YOU? I WILL FEEL HURT AND SAD!!!... So, please... Don't kill yourself... I love you, Ramius. And if you're okay taking me as your husband... Let me be yours...

Then Issei hugged Ramius tightly.

Ramius who heard all that felt her body stiffen but finally, she shed her tears. Then she hugged Issei back tightly herself.

Ramius - UWAAAAAAAA!!!

She cried in his warm embrace. She felt afraid but also happy at the same time.

She's afraid to die and afraid all what she just heard was just a dream. And she's happy that the man she loves feels the same way towards her...

Issei just tightly hugged her and let her cry her feelings out.

After a while, she finally calmed herself down.

Issei - ...So? Will you be my wife. Ramius?

Ramius - ...Are you really okay with a woman such as myself? I don't want you to force yourself to love me... A woman who can compete with monsters, who's called a Loner Knight. A failure of a woman... All I'm good for is fighting, and you would still have me?

Issei - Ah. I'm sure of it. I vow to you that I will always love you regardless of what happens till death. So I ask you once again. Ramius Dreissen, will you be my wife?

Ramius went silent a bit after that, she shed one last tear of joy and whispered

Ramius - ...Um... Then please make me your bride.

Issei smiled at that and he brought his face close to the girl in his arms and kissed her lustrous lips.

Then after a while, they stopped the kiss, Ramius eyes are moist after the kiss alone and her red face is so mesmerizing in Issei's eyes. Then he finally let go of his restraint.

Issei whispered to Ramius ears

Issei - Be prepared. Ramius... I've been holding back myself after all this time. Tonight you won't get any sleep.

Then he nibbled on her ears.

Ramius - ?!

Issei suddenly picked Ramius up with princess carry style and carried her to the bed and gently put her down. After that, he hastily removes all his own clothes.

Ramius who saw his perfect body clearly for the first time felt even more aroused than ever.

That perfect six abs and glistening muscle, his enchanting wine-red eyes that filled with lust and love towards her, and that ever-present soothing smile on his handsome face are enough to make her almost reach orgasm once more.

Then she saw his dragon down there and she becomes even more wide-eyed because of how big it is, she even wonders if that could fit inside her in the first place or not.

Then Issei also went to the bed and looming over her.

He still has his smiles and his gazes never left her.

Having never experienced such a thing before, Ramius's mouth emitted a whimper.

Ramius - Ah...

Issei - Nervous?

Ramius - N-Naturally... I've never done anything like this before...

Issei - Same here.

Ramius is surprised this is Issei's first time as well.

Ramius - I-I see.

Issei - Then here I go. Ramius...

Ramius - U-un.

Then Issei kissed her lips once more but this time with more intensity. Ramius who's on the receiving end feels really aroused just from the kiss alone. Then she felt something went inside her mouth and captured her tongue.

Ramius - Mmn.. Mmm, Mwah...

Issei put his tongue inside Ramius mouth and entangled their tongue together. After a while they stopped their kiss and there's a bridge of saliva between their tongue.

Ramius face is totally lost out of it, her eyes are moist and her cheeks are deep red. She still has her mouth open even after Issei stopped the kiss. Then Issei brought his hand towards her face.

First, he caressed her face, as if tracing the beauty displayed there. Each point of contact made her skin burn, and now it was as if she were blushing to the roots of her white hair.

Then his hand moved from her face to touching her breasts. Issei's fingertips lightly circled the small nub on her breasts. Then, he pinched them, and the sudden sensation made Ramius's whole body seize up, like she was being blasted by an electricity spell. A hot, hoarse whine escaped her mouth as he continued to tweak and pinch her. Then, as if knowing the effect he had over her, he stopped, returning to circle her perk mountains. His feather-light touch was so tantalizingly pleasurable, assaulting her brain with tiny jolts.

Ramius - Ahn! Mmm~ Ah... Ngh!

The sensation of rubbing these obscenely contorting breasts impressed Issei.

Ramius - Hyah... Mm... Aah...

The feeling of having her breasts massaged by man for the first time caused Ramius to yelp and her nipples to harden even more. '...What's wrong with me? He's just rubbing my chest...'

Ramius was extremely sensitive to Issei's caresses, almost like her whole body had become an erogenous zone.

Ramius - Haah... Haah... Something may be wrong with my body.

The extreme ecstasy left Ramius unsure of what to do.

Issei - You're beautiful. Ramius... And there's nothing wrong with your body.

The breasts were too big to contain in Issei's hands. He enjoyed them thoroughly.

They were shockingly soft, yet had a definite firmness to them. It was more than enough to captivate Issei.

Ramius - Haah... Mm, ngh, ah...

Then Issei brought his mouth close to her breast to suck on her nipple.

He put the tip of her breast in his mouth and lightly suck on it.

Ramius - Hwah?! Ah... Mmm, you'd go that far? Hyah! Your tongue... Mm, aah, I'm getting hot...

Issei's tongue teasing her nipple was all it took for Ramius to shiver and gasp.

Ramius - Haah... Ah, mmm, my nipple tingles... Hwaaah, yah!

Issei kept her nipple in his mouth and rolled it with the tip of his tongue then nibble it lightly with his teeth.

Then Issei uses his other hand to pinch her other nipple lightly and twirl it around with his fingers.

Ramius - Hwaaahn! Ah... Good... That... Feels good...

Issei then stopped his sucking and moved on to sliding his lips to her cleavage.

Ramius - Haah. Ah... What's this feeling? My body's heating up again... Nnah, haah...

He tasted the sweat between her breasts as he ran through his lips along her cleavage.

Then his lips gave her vibrant skin a peck. *Smooch*

Ramius - Mmm! Ah, haaah, mmm...

When Issei took his lips away, a pink flower-like mark was left.

Issei - Sorry, did that hurt?

Ramius - Hwah, ah... Not at all, I'm fine. In fact, mmm... I'd even like more of that...

She shyly said that.

Issei - Is that so?

Issei's just smiling at her but his eyes are overflowing with love and gentleness towards her.

Ramius - I-I don't mind... This mark is like a proof that I'm yours...

Issei who heard that got smitten all over again with Ramius.

Issei - You're so beautiful, Ramius... I can't believe a cute girl like you can be my wife.

Ramius - Mmm... My body and soul are all yours, Ise. I want you to have your way with my body...

He ran his fingers up her thighs. His caresses down there made her bite her lip, made her force down a squeal. Each feathery stroke and rub made her brain boil from the sheer output of pleasure, He was slowly driving her insane with pleasure

Then his fingers grazed her lower lips. She froze, like helpless prey, as he focused on her steaming nethers.

He kissed the valley of her ample breasts once more as he kneaded them. He gobbled on each nipple, separately, then together, flicking his tongue over the sensitive nubs. He thoroughly conquered her navel, fighting his way downward back to her crotch, where her thighs met. Then he spread her legs open, after pausing for a while at the threshold, he gave her pussy lips a lick.

Ramius - Hyaaahhnn!

Crackling hot pleasure enveloped her. Just that one piece of contact, and already it felt as if he'd been doing her for the whole day. Her juices sprayed out from the orgasm she experienced.

Issei just chuckled at that.

Ramius still feeling the lingering after effect, her luscious chest heaving up and down from the orgasm she had.

After seeing her prepared down there, Issei positioned his penis towards Ramius lower lips.

Issei - I'm going in, Ramius.

Ramius finally comes back to her sense and she looks towards Issei penis down there and she gulped after seeing it buts she braced herself

Ramius - U-Un. Make me truly yours. Ise.

With his right hand, he aligned his c*ck with Ramius's moist entrance. then he pushes forward.


Ramius - Waaah... Ah, mmmmm!

Issei - Ngh!

His c*ck was surrounded by the soft but tight walls of her inside, forcing a groan from his mouth.

Issei - 'S-So tight! But this feels really good!'

Issei felt a pleasure he never felt before.

Wanting to feel further pleasure, he tried to push the rest of his c*ck all the way inside in one go. There's blood flowing from the place they are connected marking that Ramius just lost her virginity.

Ramius - Hngh! Mm, ghhh... Ngh... Ahhhh...

Ramius's face twisted with pain, causing Issei to stop. So he stays like that for a while.

Issei - Is it still hurt, Ramius?

Ramius - I-It's fine. It's still hurt a little but... More than that... Nnah, ah... It feels good.

Issei - I see... Then I will start moving.

Ramius - Ah... Please do... I want you to soothe my insides.

Issei then started moving slowly at first

Ramius - Ah, ah... I almost feel like I could lose myself and drown in pleasure.

Ramius clenched the sheet with her hands but she entwined both her legs on Issei's waist.

*Slllsh*, *Blllsh*

Ramius - Mm... Hwaaah, it's... Deep inside... Mm, Ahn!

Each shake of Issei's hips strained out some of the mix of hymen blood and erotic juices of Ramius, soaking the sheets beneath.

Then Issei's started humping faster and faster, Ramius hips unconsciously move trying to match his pace to increase the pleasure she's feeling right now.


In sync with their hips, the loud erotic sound of their skins hitting each other sounded loudly in the room.

Issei - Kgh!

Ramius - Ah... Haah, hah... I-It's strange... Feeling someone else's warmth inside you. It feels so good... Hahhn...

Issei - Ah. I feel good too, Ramius...

Ramius - Mmm, your thing is warm too... I... Hwah, ah, that's it... good~!

A slight shift in angle seemed to result in a sensitive spot being rubbed, getting her to shriek.

Finding it both arousing and endearing, Issei's kissed Ramius's lips once more while still wildly humping on her inside.

Ramius - Mmwah, mm... Hwah, haaah... Mchu...

Issei - Ramius... Mmm, Ramius!

He went on to lick and kiss across her nape, leaving marks behind.

Ramius - Mmm, ah, haah, that's good... Ah, more~ Ahn... Ise! Iseee!


Every time he swung his hips, Ramius's plentiful breasts enticingly swayed.

Issei gripped them with all his strength and accelerated his thrusting even more.

The bed creaks loudly from their lovemaking session.

Ramius - Wah, ah. I-It's trashing! Ahn! Inside me.... Ah, aaahahhnn.

Then Issei felt he's reaching his limit.

Issei - Kgh! Ramius... I'm about to make you totally mine.

Ramius - Ahn! Ah... Y-Yes... Yessss! Make me yours! Ise! Haahhnnn!

Issei - I'm coming! Ramius! Guhhh!

Ramius - Give it to me! Give me your hot stuff! I'm coming as well! Haaaaahhhhnnn!

Ramius and Issei reached climax at the same time.


With his c*ck in her deepest part of her insides, Issei released his hot sprays of semen.

*Gush* *Gush* *Gush*

Ramius went wide-eyed with her head bend upwards with her tongue out feeling Issei's hot semen coming inside her womb.

Ramius - Haah, haah... Ah... There's so many of your hot stuff... Inside me...

Issei can't believe how good he feels right now. The same goes with Ramius, she felt her whole mind just went white.

Ramius's pussy is twitching, as though to slurp up every drop of Issei's semen.

Finally, Issei's c*ck finished its ejaculation.

Then he drops his head beside Ramius head while panting heavily alongside Ramius.

Ramius still entwined her legs on Issei's waist like she doesn't want him to go.

Ramius - Haah... Haah... Ah... Now I'm truly yours...

Issei lifts his head and matches his gaze with Ramius. Inside his eyes there's only Ramius right now, the same goes for Ramius.

Their gaze filled with love and passion for each other.

Issei - Haah... Haah... I love you, Ramius.

Ramius - Un... I love you too. Ise...

Then Issei gives Ramius another kiss on her lips. But without tongue this time and just a soft and gentle kiss filled with love he has towards Ramius.

After a while, Issei's c*ck went soft for a bit, but before long it regained it's hardness once more.

Ramius - Mwah? Ah... It's growing again... Hwaaah...

Issei - Sorry, can't help it. Besides, I already told you I won't let you sleep tonight, don't I?

Issei gives Ramius a sly smirk but In Ramius eyes, that smirk of his is very tempting and handsome.

Ramius - I-I don't mind... I want to keep doing it too... Keep filling me with your thing... Makes my body can't live without you anymore!

Ramius asked with a look of ecstasy.

Issei - Ah. I'll do just that. I will keep making love to you tonight. My arousal might be too much to handle and I want to fill your insides even more, Ramius.

Ramius - Mm... No problem. I don't think I'll be satisfied any time soon myself...

Issei - Then here I go. Are you ready?

Ramius - Fufu... Yes. I hope you are ready too. A Knight's stamina isn't to be underestimated.

She chuckled and took Issei's idea as a challenge.

Issei just smirked at her confidence because there's no way a human can match a Dragon's libido.

Then he started thrusting his reinvigorated c*ck into Ramius's depths once more.

Ramius - Nnah?! Ah, Issei, mmm, aaaahnnnnnnn!

After that, they keep going at it like a rabbit all night. And as expected, Ramius can't keep up with Issei's vigor on her own. She passed out after the 7th round of their lovemaking session on top of Issei's body after they've done the cowgirl position.

Issei can only stop because she passed out, but he kept his c*ck inside her and hug Ramius to sleep.

The room is overflowing with their scent and the bed is wet from their bodily fluid.

There's still Issei's semen coming out from her pussy like a fountain even now.

Ramius has a silly look on her face (Ahegao).

They both slept like a log until the afternoon. Thankfully there's no other customer on their inn at the moment or they won't be able to sleep because they're so loud that night.

Even the inn owner feels embarrassed hearing them, but she's a professional so she kept quiet about it.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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