The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 39:

Chapter 39:

The Arthur Tragedy was a major event in the World of Eve, which occurred some five years before the events of Evenicle. The incident began as an attempt by the original Snake Crest to bring the human nations of the World of Eve to war. Having caught wind of these plans, an alliance was formed between King Tram of Arthur, King Louin of Eden, and Emperor Viares of Central to thwart the Snake Crest. Unfortunately for the alliance, events soon spiraled out of control due to unexpected developments, and ended with, among other losses, the destruction of the Kingdom of Arthur. With high losses and a global realization that the consequences would have easily been higher, the repercussions of the Arthur Tragedy are still felt to this day.

The Snake Crest objectives are to bring war into the world once more.

Acheval, Barro, and Kathyrn become <Zero Knights> after that event because of their achievement during the war.

Riche is unfit to become the next heir so she wanted to serve the country she loves by uncovering the Snake Crest whereabouts and plans.

There's a mole in the Knight's rank that's why she has trust issues and doesn't report the finding of the sparkle bombs to them.

-Inside the Outlaws cave-

Riche is hiding behind a box to wait for the Mastermind shows himself and after waiting for a while there's a bunch of Outlaws arrived here just like she expected.

She cleaned the aftermath from Issei and Ramius raid a few days ago so the mastermind won't feel suspicious.

The Outlaws started talking with each other, they were wondering where are the previous comrades are.

Riche knows she's outnumbered so she decided to just hide for now and gather information about them. She was thinking after she found out their hideout and plan she will ask Issei to help her solve this problem after appointing him as her Knight.

That's why she gave Issei that recommendation letter so he could pass the test and appoint him herself to be her Knight.

And as expected after waiting for a while the Outlaws started mentioning their backers, how they already set up the sparkle bombs like they were told to.

Then they started bragging how good killing and raping is. How they gonna change the world by bringing war.

Riche can feel her patience is at its limit after hearing all the deeds they had done to the country she loves.

Finally, she can't take it anymore and started engaging the Outlaws.

Issei and Ramius reached the cave as fast as they can, along the way, as usual, there are some guards and monster in their way but Issei kills all of them instantly.

And when they reached the main room they saw that the Outlaws are surrounding Riche, and she seems to be at her limit because her mana almost runs out.

One of the Outlaws which seems to be the leader showed an insignia on his body, the insignia looks like a snake eating its own tail.

Apparently, if someone becomes an Outlaw then the monsters won't target them as much as they target the one who still has Mother Eve's blessing, and with that insignia, they can tell a simple order to the monsters and they will obey it.

They have a giant monster with them that looks like a green lizard but it has 4 legs and 2 hands it also has a third eye on its forehead.

The Outlaws wanted to **** Riche and take her hostage against the Kingdom, so they ordered the Lizard to just injure her.

Riche was in despair knowing she might get raped by them and the thought of being made a hostage as a bargaining chip for the country she loves makes her resolute herself.

She took out a knife in her pocket to end herself in order to prevent being taken as a hostage and raped by them.

Riche - 'If it comes to it I rather kill myself... Ise...' At the last moment of her life, she recalled the memory she has with Issei.

She shed tears knowing she might not meet him again or meet the family she loves once again.

Outlaw - Go get her you lizard!


Riche closed her eyes and bring the dagger to her throat but suddenly she felt someone holding her hand.

Issei - What do you think you're doing, idiot princess.

Riche opened her eyes wide just to see the face of the man she wanted to see the most on the last moment of her life.

Riche - ...Is this a dream?

Issei - What do you think, idiot.

Then Issei flicked her forehead after throwing the knife in her hand.

Riche - It hurts!

Riche holds her forehead with teary eyes.

Issei - Hmph. Think that as a punishment for your stupidity.

All the Outlaws feels shocked because there's suddenly a man who shows up out of nowhere.

Outlaws - W-Who are you?!

The outlaws become alarmed because of his sudden appearance, but then they remembered they still have that Lizard.

Outlaws - Heh! It doesn't matter who you are because you will die here anyway. Hey, you dumb lizard go get them!

But the Lizard doesn't respond to the Outlaws command.

Outlaws - What are you waiting for? Go get them I said!

Issei - It won't obey your order anymore.

Outlaws - What?!

Issei - Because it's already dead.

Then the lizard head got separated from its body.


Its corpse dropped lifelessly into the ground with blood spurting from its severed neck.

Outlaws - H-Hiiiii!

Issei - And you all will be joining it soon.

Outlaws - Y-You ass-

The outlaw's word got cut off because suddenly Issei is right in front of them.

Outlaws - ?!

Then with 1 swing of his sword, they all become a corpse with their head separated from their neck just like how the Lizard dies.

They still don't know how they died, they can see their own bodies at the last moment of their lives.

Riche who saw all that become awed, even she can't tell when did Issei suddenly got there.

The next thing she knows he just casually swing his sword and they all died right after.

Issei just calmly stands there with his sword out in the open, there's not a single drop of blood on its sword. Then he sheathed his sword back.

Riche who saw that blushed deeply because he looks so cool just now, she felt she's getting hot inside just by looking at him.

Issei went to Riche once more.

Issei - So what do you have to say for yourself, you dolt.

Riche - H-Hweh?

Riche got taken by surprise because of Issei sudden question.

Issei - Didn't I told you to be careful? You're supposed to be a princess for god's sake, how come you're so reckless.

Issei sighed and rubbed his forehead.

Riche stayed silent and looked down.

Issei - Ramius and I were worried if something will happen to you, you know?

Riche body stiffens hearing that.

Riche - ...You're worried about me?

Issei - Hah? Of course I am, you think I'm some unfeeling monster or something? Besides, Ramius will be sad if-

Issei words got cut out because suddenly Riche jumped into his embrace and hugged him tightly.

Issei at first got taken aback by her sudden action but then he felt her body is trembling and he can feel something's wet on his chest. He knows she must be pretty shaken about what just happened back then.

She almost lost her chastity and her life just now.

So Issei just sighed and rubbed her head and her back to make her feel better.

Riche sobbed harder feeling his touch...

After a while, she finally calms herself down but her face is red after what she just did.

Issei - Feeling better? And did you get hurt somewhere?

Riche - ...Um. And I'm not hurt anywhere... But I might get hit by something else...

She added the last part with a low voice.

Issei - What?

Riche - Nothing... I just came to a realization you see.

Ramius - I swear, you always overdo it. When we get home, you'll need a lecturing.

Riche - Haah... What, Ramius? You were there?

Ramius - ...Yes, I've been at the door this whole time. You didn't notice? In fact, this whole time you were hugging Ise I've been standing here the whole time.

Riche - I-I see...

Riche blushed once more at that.

Ramius - And by the way, here.


Ramius tossed a sole Outlaw survivor at the floor.

Ramius - That's the Outlaw who's been left alive by Ise. He also has that insignia on his collar you see.

Outlaw - H-Hyiii!

Riche - Hm. Perfect.

When they wanted to get the info from the Outlaw he suddenly died while murmuring they are disposable pawn after all this time.

They apparently died by poison. It appears to be from the wine they drink just before they got here, and from their conversation back then Riche knows someone gave them that wines.

Snake crest insignia fit them perfectly because they kill and eat each other basically.

Riche - Anyway, if you're here. I take it you were approved for becoming a Knight?

Issei - Ah.

Riche - Then I'll appoint you, as promised... Or so I'd like to say but...

Issei - What?

Riche - I want a Knight because I want help fighting Outlaws... Or Snake Crest, specifically... As you just saw, Snake Crest is not only cruel but has agents within our own government. Their darkness knows no bound.

Issei - So?

Riche - With skill like yours, you could take next year's Knight test and pass easily. Then I'm sure you'll have no problem moving up the ranks.

Riche implied it'd be better to stop associating with her, but continued to look solemnly into Issei's eyes.

Riche - ...In spite of all that, will you still be my Knight?

Issei answer is just another flick to her forehead.

Riche - It hurts! Stop flicking me in my forehead...

Issei - That's for being stupid once again. Do you think I will be afraid of something like this? And did you forget that I still owe you one promise?

Riche then remembered the promise he gave her.

Issei - Besides, I have something against them too you see... For hurting Ramius before...

He remembered the Adan's blood incident with Ramius and that makes his anger boils.

Ramius felt warm inside that he love her that much while Riche is getting a bit jealous seeing that. So she made up her mind.

Riche - Alright, I'll make you a Knight. But I need to make some preparations. Can you wait at your house in <Stallion> for me?

Ramius - Hrm, preparations? You're not planning something again, are you?

Riche - O-Of course not. I really do need to prepare, uh... Mentally.

Issei - Mentally for what?

Riche - Anyway, if you want to be a Knight, just go wait at home!

Issei - O-Ou.

Issei is a bit taken aback by her sudden yell but he agreed to her request anyway.

Issei and Ramius head back towards their house after that.

Issei waited at home until nightfall, when Riche arrived as promised.

Riche - Sorry I'm late! I had to get everything ready.

Issei - You keep coming in without knocking... Having that magic key sure is convenient.

Riche - Just the Kingdom of Eden's. When I was born, I was baptized by the Church of Mother Eve, which gave me special powers... One of those is the power to appoint Knights. But since I'm the second princess, I only get to appoint one.

Issei - Hmm. I see.

Riche - Now, let's get started. I'm sure you'll be bored, Ramius. So have some tea while you wait. Oh, be careful, it's still hot.

Ramius - When did you make this? Actually, how did you know where everything was in our kitchen anyway?

Riche - I checked it out during my last visit. Even bought stuff you were missing.

Riche brushed off Ramius's question and took an eye-catching ornamental dagger out of her bag.

Riche - Ise... Issei Hyoudou's Knight appointment ceremony will now begin. Come before me.

Issei - Ah.

Riche - I, Riche Eden. In the name of Mother Eve, welcome a new Knight into the world.

When Riche said Eve's name, her body began to emit a mystifying light. The glow was glorious. Riche's beautiful face is illuminated in that light.

Riche - Issei Hyoudou, protector of peace and tranquility. In order to fulfill your duty, do you swear to dedicate your life to Mother Eve?

Issei - I do.

Riche - Very well. Then I shall grant your soul the Mother's blessing.

Riche lightly tapped the dagger on Issei's shoulder. The light spread from her to him, enveloping them both in a dull glow. Eventually, as if being absorbed into his body, the light disappeared.

Issei - 'Quite warm...'

Riche - There, all done! Now you're one of our Knights! You did it! Congrats!

Ramius - You're aligned with the Kingdom of Eden, but unlike me, you should be able to act freely as long as Riche allows it.

Riche - But you wanted to marry those twins? You'll have to wait until you're a Ten Knight for that.

Issei - I know.

Riche - With that said... Ise...

Issei - What?

Riche is fidgeting around while being red-faced.

Riche - U-Um... Please have sex with me...

Issei - ...What?

Ramius - What are you saying, Riche?!

Issei thought he heard something weird from her just now.

Riche - W-What? I want to have sex with Ise of course.

Ramius - Are you serious... Guh...?


Ramius jumped up at Riche's suggestion but then she stumbled onto the sofa.

Issei - Ramius?!

Ramius - I-Is this... an anesthetic...

Riche - Yeah, put some in the tea. I had a feeling you'd get in the way.

Ramius - Is this... what you were 'preparing'...? Wh-What is the meaning of this?

Riche - Well... I've been thinking it through and I decided I wanted to marry Ise you see.

Ramius - Ridiculous... You're still technically a princess of Eden.

Riche - So what? My newborn brother's supposed to take the crown, and they haven't found anyone to marry me off to anyway.

Ramius - That's because you keep doing these crazy things...

Riche - Uh huh, say whatever you want. N-Now, Ise... You'll have sex with me, won't you?

Issei - Nope.

Riche - Wha- But why?!

Issei - What do you mean why... When you just suddenly asked to have sex with me out of nowhere... Sex is supposed to be done by the one who loves each other, not just anyone.

Riche - B-But... I asked you because I love you...

Issei - ...What? You weren't thinking to make me your husband to help you with the Snake crest problem? If so then you don't need to make me your husband because I will help you either way.

Riche - I know you would help me with snake crest either way... I-I know I'm a princess but I won't pick you as my husband just because you're only useful for me.

Issei - ...Hah?

Riche - Ugh... Ahh, geez! I love you okay! I've felt that way ever since we first met each other! Then knowing your kind personality, and how you're willing to save Ramius no matter the cost. I felt jealous of seeing your interaction with her, how you took care of her with so much gentleness and caringness... And after you saved me at the Outlaw den I've become sure of my feelings toward you!

Riche's admission of her feelings made her go red in the face. She looked away and pouted with teary eyes like a child who did something wrong.

Issei - ...

Issei didn't know what to say after hearing that. To be honest, he also felt a liking towards her. But it's not to the point of love.

Now after hearing her confession, he felt something inside him stir and he wasn't so sure of his feelings anymore.

After he lost his virginity he felt like something inside him changed. He's more vulnerable to the emotions called 'Love'.

Ramius - ...Do it, Ise.

Issei - Huh?

Riche - What? You don't mind, Ramius? If we, like... Have sex?

Ramius - It's a bit sad I can't have Issei to myself, but I'm more than used to sharing with you. In fact, I'm glad you fell in love with the same man as me.

Riche - Ermm...

Issei - I wonder if you two will even ask my opinion on this...

Ramius - O-Oh right, sorry...

Riche - ...I-If you don't want to then it's fine you know... I won't force you...

Issei - *Sigh* You're a beautiful girl, Riche.

Riche - Hwah?!

Riche blushed hearing his sudden praise.

Issei - I will be lying if I don't have feelings for you but I still don't know if I love you or not... And you know I already have Ramius and the twins that are waiting for me back at the island. Even after knowing that do you still want to have me as your husband?

Riche - I-I do!

Issei - *Sigh* I hope you won't regret this...

Riche - I won't!

Issei - ...Is that so? Then you better be ready because you won't be getting any sleep tonight.

Issei smirked evilly.

Riche - ...Eh?

Riche felt she just did something wrong.

Ramius - You have my condolences, Riche...

Riche - Wa-Wait?!

Issei - Nope. Not happening, think of this as a payback for listening to Ramius and me having our first time together.

Then Issei put Riche on his shoulder like a bag of potato sack and carried her off to the bed.

Ramius - Umu. Agreed, and I will be watching you as well of course.

Riche - Ehhhhhh?!

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