The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 38:

Chapter 38:

-The Kingdom of Eden, The Capital-

Issei and Ramius finally reached the capital.

The capital as expected is the biggest city in the Kingdom. The roads were packed with people, but whenever the occasional carriage passed, the crowd would split to let it through. There's a water canal in this city and there are lots of people riding a canoe. The buildings are arranged nicely, they are standing strong and tall along the roads of pedestrians.

There's a lot of business shop such as blacksmithy, supply shop, delivery guild, adventurer guild, etc. But the building that stands out the most is obviously the Castle and the royal district, where the kings and royalty lives. They are built on top of a beautiful mountain.

Even Issei is impressed because this city looks very beautiful indeed.

Because the day is getting dark they decided to spend the night at the inn.

They don't have sex that night because they need to wake up early to meet with Barro. And both Issei and Ramius know if they really have sex then they won't be able to wake up in the morning.

So they only sleep in the same bed and hugging each other that night...

In the morning Ramius asked Issei that she wants to visit her mother's grave.

Ramius - By the way, Ise. I hate to ask when we just got here, but do you mind if I go visit my mother's grave?

Issei - Of course not. Should I come along?

Ramius - No, um... I-I'm telling her that I got married, but I'm embarrassed to say it if you were there too, so let me go alone. If you allow me of course.

Issei can only relent at her request

Issei - Fine. But be careful ok? And send my regards to your Mother as well. Or should I say "Our" Mother?

Issei couldn't help wanted to tease Ramius

Ramius face went beet red and she stammers while saying "U-Un... I-I will send your regards t-to our M-Mother." Her voice went small at the end.

Issei chuckled at seeing his wife's antics so he stopped teasing her "Fine take care, but before that, come here." Then he took Ramius into his embrace and give her lips a soft kiss.

Ramius - Eep! *Mm!*

Ramius went wide-eyed by the sudden kiss.

People on the roads started staring at them, and Ramius felt embarrassed by all the stares people giving them. So she just closed her eyes but she's squirming around in Issei's embrace.

Issei finally stopped the kiss. "Go ahead, now." He said to the bashful Ramius.

Ramius - U-Un. I'm going...

Then she left Issei while still fidgeting a bit because she still remembering their kiss just now...

They decided to meet up at the castle entrance, Issei parted with Ramius and walked around the town.

He visited the church here.

He saw Laurent again at the church. Then they have conversations with each other about how they've been doing and stuff like that.

Laurent realized that Issei has a Golden Ring at his ring finger, she becomes surprised finding out that Issei is already married. But she congratulates him right after that.

She becomes a little jealous seeing him already married deep inside but there's nothing she could do either way. Because she's a saint she's not allowed to marry common people.

After chatting a bit more they separated with each other, and Laurent is seeing Issei off again like in Abel town.

After walking down the street Issei heard a familiar voice along with a perturbed girl's voice coming from an alleyway.

??? - I-I really don't need the offer. Stop following me or I'll scream.

??? - I'm telling you, I ain't sketchy. Traveling alone's dangerous, so I'm just offering to guard you for cheap.

Issei - Hm? That voice...

Issei was curious about the familiar voice and walked toward the alleyway.

At the corner Issei saw a shadow coming out of the alleyway, he knows there's someone just around the corner but he never thought she gonna turn his way. And because of that, they bumped with each other.


??? - Eek!

Issei reflexively caught the girl from falling.

??? - Oh, I'm sorry... I'm in a... hurry...

The girl tried to apologize but because of the colliding with each other Issei's hood got uncovered and then she saw his handsome face at close range.

Her eyes went wide after seeing his face and she becomes dazed just from seeing Issei's face.

Issei was already very handsome before he lost his virginity but after losing it his face becomes even more manly and he has a certain mature aura around him that makes woman couldn't help become drawn to him.

Even after he wears his hood the girls who saw him automatically attracted to his aura alone. Forget seeing his face even from his aura alone he might attract the opposite sex, like a moth to a flame.

The girl in Issei's arm felt her body melt at his embrace because his aura is affecting him at point blank range, and Issei still doesn't realize that.

Her eyes moisten and her face went red, she felt her heart beating so fast.

Issei who saw her current face becomes confused at first then he asked: "Are you okay?"

Then after hearing his question the girl finally snaps out of it and she hastily apologizes once more "I-I'm very sorry!" She said that while bowing her head.

Then they both heard a man voice coming from behind the alley.

??? - Hey, let me finish talking!

The man saw his target but he also saw a man he never expected to see here.

??? - Wha- Issei?!

Issei - Hm? Oh, Yarase huh...

Yarase, to be honest, is afraid of Issei after he felt his aura during Abel town which he emits towards Ginyu. And he's surprised seeing his handsome face.

He felt very jealous deep inside but he hid it.

Issei could see a flash of envy on his eyes though, but he doesn't know what he's envying about. And Issei doesn't really care about Yarase that much anyway.

Issei asked what he's doing here, is it to take the Knight test he said.

Yarase told him he decided to become an adventurer instead of a Knight, he said being a Knight doesn't fit him because he doesn't like taking orders from people.

But Issei knows he's lying. From the info he gathers so far there's a high chance that Yarase failed the test because Riche already said there's no one passed the test this time. And the way Yarase averted his eyes and started sweating confirms his guess.

So he said he was waiting for a request at the adventurer's guild but by chance, he saw this girl and he wanted to offer his services to this girl. She's traveling alone and he wanted to offer some protection.

Then suddenly the girl cut in.

??? - Um... Then you're out of luck. Yes, um... I-I've asked Issei here to be my guard already.

Issei becomes confused at first but then he saw her pleading eyes towards him.

He knows that this Yarase is not a good person. So leaving her alone with him might be dangerous.

Issei won't call himself a hero or anything like that. But he won't just watch when someone is in need of help.

The girl whispered towards Issei "I-I'm sorry... Please help." she pleaded once more.

After Issei heard her pleading once more she finally relented and decided to play along.

Issei - *Sigh* She's with me, you can leave her to me.

Yarase - E-Eh? But...

Issei - I said she's with me.

Issei put a bit of pressure on Yarase.

Yarase - O-Oh I see. W-Well, see you around.

Then Yarase leaves just like that because he doesn't want to mess with Issei. But he feels a bit of resentment towards Issei after this...

??? - Umm... Thank you so much. He was terribly persistent.

Once she confirmed Yarase was gone, the girl began to repeatedly thank Issei.

Issei - Um. Just be more careful from now on.

When Issei wanted to leave the girl called him "W-Wait!"

Issei - Hm?

??? - U-Ummm, I haven't introduced myself. My name is Towa.

Towa wears an attire that seems like a sailor uniform one piece at Japan but with a bit of modification here and there along with a blue shoe and black sock. She also wears a blue beret and a black ribbon on her head and. She has short light brown hair that reaches her neck and green eyes. She also carries a brown backpack at her back. (AN: /wiki/Towa?file=Towa-portrait.png her image in case you're wondering)

Issei - ...Issei Hyoudou.

Towa - Eh?! Are you a noble perhaps?

Issei - No I'm not.

Towa - I-I see... U-Um, would you mind walking with me for a while? I would hate to run into him again you see... If that's not a bother...

Issei - ...I'm kinda busy at the moment, I need to head into the castle to meet up with my wife.

Towa - A-Ah that's perfect. Because I'm also heading towards the castle library.

Issei - ...Very well.

Towa - T-Thank you!

Towa becomes happy she can walk together with Issei to the castle. When she heard he's already married she felt a bit disappointed but doesn't show it in her face.

So they head together towards the castle.

Along the way, Towa keeps informing him about the city. How to use the castle as a landmark in case he ever got lost. All the capital's important facilities are set up around the castle, and all the rods are connected to those facilities.

She also told him the history of the kingdom and etc. Issei is pretty surprised she seems very knowledgeable.

She said she's a tourist who likes to collecting stories to read, that's also why she headed towards the library.

Towa is a professional storytelling hailing from the City-State of Hamlet, more specifically the hospital-town of Horatio, which is operated by her father, Senator Laertes. Towa is sponsored by the Bigbux Company to travel the world telling stories (and advertisements) to the disenfranchised, especially children. In this capacity, she also helped educate her future husband, Aster, about the history of the world's various countries. While on her journeys, Towa often does favors for her father and the administration of Horatio, such as collecting food orders from the Kingdom of Humpty.

As both a professional storyteller and de facto healthcare provider, Towa is very good with people and especially with children, who love her illustrations and storytelling style. She often attracts large crowds to her readings with her playful and engaging style, is able to help children through their long-term medical care, and maintains a professional bedside manner with adult medical patients.

After a while, they finally reached the castle.

Towa - Oh, we're at the castle. I can stop bothering you now, then. Thank you once again.

She felt a bit sad that she's gonna separate with Issei.

Issei - You're welcome.

Then Towa waved with a smile and entered the castle.

Issei just look towards her with a small smile.

Ramius was waiting for Issei

Ramius - You're late, I was getting worried. Now let's go meet with Barro.

Issei - Ah. Sorry about that, I was helping someone.

Ramius - Oh. It can't be helped then, shall we?

Issei - Sure.

Then Issei and Ramius entered the castle, they headed towards Barro office right away.

They were led to the commander room in the castle's Knight sector.

Barro - It's been a while, Ramius.

Ramius - It has, Barro.

Barro - You seem as standoffish as ever. Acheval can get along with anyone, but you're honestly like his total opposite.

Ramius - I'm not my brother. Ise, this is one of our Zero Knights, Barro Roan.

Issei - Um. Nice to meet you.

Barro is quite the handsome man, he has long blonde hair tied in a long ponytail. He has light green eyes. He wears some kind of white suit with a red cape on his back just like Acheval and white jeans, he also carries a twin sword on his waist. (AN: /wiki/Barro_Roan?file=Barro-full.png his image)

Barro Roan is a Zero Knight of Eden, a descendant of the Baroroan who cleared much of southern Eden of monsters, leading to the creation of Fort Baroroan. Barro himself ascended to the rank of Zero Knight during the Arthur Tragedy and has since gone on to manage Eden's knights on a day-to-day basis, with the help of his assistant, Sufy.

Barro - So, you're Ramius's husband, Issei Hyoudou was it?

Issei - Ah. But I believe I haven't introduced myself to you... Unless Acheval-nii told you about me.

Barro - Hah hah hah, indeed. I saw Acheval earlier. He was overjoyed that he finally got a little brother.

Ramius - Maybe Aniue could learn to keep his mouth shut...

Barro - Ahahaha. But you do seem less cold than last time I saw you, Ramius.

Ramius - ...It's all thanks to Ise.

Barro - Heh, good going pal.

Issei just flashes a small smile.

Barro - With a former Zero Knight mother and a current Zero Knight brother, Ramius has always seemed desperate to accomplish something herself... Eventually, she started trying to rush it by taking constant, reckless actions, getting her the nickname of Loner Knight.

Ramius - Barro, that's all in the past now.

Barro - True enough. You've found someone to stand by your side.

Ramius blushed hearing that but she still responded with. "...Yes."

Barro - And I heard that you're able to defeat Acheval, huh. Issei-kun.

Then Barro redirected his attention towards Issei once more.

Barro - If I don't know what type of guy Acheval is I might have thought he's lying but he's not the type who lie about something like this you see.

Issei just calmly said, "It's nothing, he just went easy on me."

Barro - Hahaha, quite the humble attitude you have there. But Acheval already told me the full story you see... He fought you with all his strength and you can calmly block his attacks so I've heard.

Issei just stays silent at that. But Ramius confirmed it.

Ramius - Indeed. Aniue attack Ise with all his strength but it's all blocked by Ise.

Barro - Hoo... I see... Well, I would like to fight you myself but I'm kinda busy at the moment... Acheval is out at the moment, but if you want you can leave a message to him and I will tell him later.

Ramius - No, we're here to see you. See, we were given this.

Then Ramius gives the letter of recommendation from Riche to Barro.

Barro - Hoh, a letter of recommendation... Mhm, mhm. I see... Even our young lady Riche has her problems. I would've just appointed you to become a Knight myself if I could you see... Your strength is already confirmed by Acheval himself anyway. But rules are rules so no shortcut allowed. Very well, I can oversee your Knight test.

However, this test isn't official. So whether you pass or not, I can't appoint you as a Knight. Understood?

Issei - Got it.

Barro - Then I'll tell you the conditions of our recruitment test from the other day... An abnormal phenomenon called the Fog Labyrinth occurs around the capital. Determine and stop the cause of this anomaly.

Ramius - ...The Fog Labyrinth?

Issei - Ah... That thing huh.

Barro - Oh, sounds like you're already familiar with it.

Ramius - Well... You see... We already determined the cause and stopped it.

Barro - Eh?

Ramius - Yeah. On our way here we encountered the Fog Labyrinth and we already finished the problem.

Barro - ...Tell me the details...

Then Ramius proceeded to tell Barro what happens in the fog labyrinth...

Barro - I see... You're more impressive than I imagined. I think you're perfectly fit to be a Knight. *Sigh* But what a lucky coincidence huh, to think you already passed the test even before knowing the content...

Issei - Stuff happens.

Barro - Fine. You pass, Whatever the reason why you want to be a Knight, I'll vouch for your talent. But it's too bad though. If this were an official test, I'd have you recruited as soon as possible.

Issei - Hm? And why is that?

Barro - Well, this isn't public knowledge, but when the Soldiers we sent on this mission saw the ghost, they fell into disarray and even began to attack each other.

Ramius - I think I can understand that. I can say facing an unknown foe shook me up, at least.

Barro - But the same thing didn't happen to you. Why is that?

Ramius - Well... Because Ise was with me... Wait, don't ask me that!

Barro - Hahahaha, sorry. But you'd be surprised how few people can stay calm when they feel threatened. In fact, everyone who failed the test even tried to make excuses by spreading rumors that the Fog Labyrinth was dangerous... Actually, the fog labyrinth is actually harmless, beyond getting people lost. The monsters are one thing, but the ghost itself never attacked anyone.

Ramius - In other words, you knew about the labyrinth and the ghost already... Do you know anything about who the ghost girl was?

Barro - Yes, it was a few years back I think... On one foggy day, a girl lost her life. Ever since then there have been sightings in the Fog Labyrinth of a ghost girl wandering in search of a flower... Giving her the flower she wants does stop her for a while, but we've had our hands so full with monsters that we haven't been able to do that as of late.

Ramius - Then why didn't you say to give her that flower as part of the test?

Barro - That wouldn't be much of a test now would it? Listen, Knights have to combat more than vicious monsters. If you determine that another human is harmful to humanity, you'll have to fight them as well... That's why a Knight must always keep thinking. You have to find out who the true enemies are on your own.

Issei - So you wanted to see what would the participants do if they meet the ghost huh...

Barro - Exactly. Well, if they just reported that she had no ill intent, that would've been fine on its own... But I'm surprised you even gave her the flower as well.

Issei - It's Ramius who did it.

Ramius - W-What? But it was you who get the flower, Ise...

Barro - Haha. That just means you both are nice people... Well, that's even more unfortunate, we're forced to let a big fish go it seems...

Barro shrugged, looked down at his desk, and wrote up a document.

Barro - Here's proof of your strength. I doubt anyone would want to get on the Dreissen family and a man who can beat a Zero Knight by himself bad side. But if anyone does doubt you, show them this.

Issei - Ah. Thanks a lot.

Barro - No problem.

Ramius - I know you're busy combating Outlaws, so I thank you for taking the time for this.

Barro - Hm? There have been several Outlaws sightings, but not to the degree that we need to take action just yet.

Issei - Hm?

Issei and Ramius feel something wrong because Riche said the Knights were on the move because of the sparkle bombs.

Ramius - Didn't you hear what happened in Abel?

Barro - I did, a young girl left town and got kidnapped. I feel deeply for her. But she has been rescued no?

Ramius - ...

Ramius felt even worried after hearing that. Issei also felt the same thing

Ramius - I-I'm sorry, I just remembered something urgent. We'll be leaving now.

Issei - Ah. Thank you once more.

Then Ramius grabbed Issei's hand and pull him outside, but Issei knows what's on her mind so he doesn't resist.

Barro - What a nice couple... Be careful on the way home.

-Outside the castle-

Ramius - It sounds like Riche played us for fools...

Issei - Indeed. She said she told the Knights about the sparkle bombs, but that doesn't appear to be the case...

Ramius - Um. Sparkle bombs are very dangerous. If they were used in the city, we would have countless casualties. They should be mobilizing everyone available...

Issei - Tsk! That idiot princess...

Ramius - But we know her target. It's whoever gave the Outlaws from that hideout their orders.

Outlaws are just a pack of bandits. They wouldn't be able to procure sparkle bombs on their own so there must be a mastermind behind it.

Riche didn't inform the knights because if they enter a state of high alert then the mastermind would have notice something's wrong and all will be for naught.

Ramius - I can't leave Riche to hurt herself. I think I'll go help her right now.

Issei - Ah. I'll come too. I still have some business with that idiot anyway.

Ramius - Um. Thank you, Ise. With you, it should be pretty easy to help her. Then let's head towards that old Outlaw's den we found last time.

Issei - Ah. Let's go.

Then they headed towards the Outlaw den...

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