The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 41:

Chapter 41:

Issei eyes stir open and he saw both Ramius and Riche sleeping on top of his chest with a blissful smile on their face. Their face still has a tinge of blush from their nightly activities.

He hugged them both tighter gently against his chest. He saw the ring on his hand seems a bit different, the Romanian symbol changed from "I" into "II" now. Perhaps that's the number of wives he has...

Startled by the sudden movement the girls also slowly opening their eyes.

Issei - Good morning. Sorry if I wake you up.

Then they both look up towards Issei face, their eyes are still blurry after waking up.

Riche squirmed around a bit then she hugged Issei on his neck while Ramius just rubbing her eyes.

Riche - Morning, darling~

Riche lazily said.

Ramius - Uhm... Morning, dear...

Issei felt an itch on his heart hearing them call him that. But he just holds it in and said, "Ah. Morning."

Issei - By the way, Riche. I think I might have gone too far last night. Are you feeling okay?

Riche - Mm? Yep, perfectly fine. Still feels like something's in me though... Whoa! There is something... It's all sticky...

Riche reached her hand down there and felt something sticky still coming out of her.

Ramius - He did let out a lot. Even inside me too...

Riche - Eh?! You two done it last night too?

Ramius - Well...

Ramius blushed hearing her question.

Issei chuckled and said, "Yeah, sorry. But 4 times is nowhere near enough for me. So I did Ramius too."

Riche - Uwaah... I don't think we can take him on by ourselves, don't you think so too. Ramius?

Ramius - Um. His sex drive is out of this world... Even stronger than me...

Riche - H-Heee...

Riche is amazed by her husband sex drive.

Riche - W-Well, there's nothing we can do about it other than try our best to satisfy him I guess... But we need help soon or our bodies won't be able to handle it if he's that wild every night.

Ramius - Agreed.

Issei is speechless seeing them deciding things on their own but he can't say anything about it because it's true... He honestly wants to do it again but he knows their bodies won't be able to take it anymore at this moment, so he just stays silent when they talk with each other.

Issei - Well you girls better go wash up, I'm gonna go ahead and prepare breakfast for us.

Riche - Eh?! You can cook too?

Ramius - Hmm. I didn't know that as well.

Issei - Oh, come to think of it I indeed never cook for you both huh. Well, just go ahead and wash up while I go ahead and prepare the food.

Riche - W-Wait, I'll help.

Issei - No need, just take it easy.

Riche - But...

Issei - I said it's okay. Making good food for you two is something I look forward to as well.

Riche - ...Hm. Thanks. Then I look forward to the food.

Ramius - Um... Sadly I don't really know how to cook so I leave it to you as well...

Issei - No problem.

Then Issei gives both of their lips a peck and he got out of the bed and head towards the kitchen after wearing his clothes.

He doesn't really need a bath because he can use <Cleaning> spell on himself but he will take a bath after they're done.

Both Ramius and Riche watched him with a loving gaze and then they both also get up from the bed and head towards the bathroom.

Riche keeps looking at her ring in the bathroom because she finally gets married to the man she loves as well just like in the fairy tale she often read.

Ramius just smiled looking at her like that because she also felt the same thing when she first saw the ring on her hand. Even now she still gazes at the ring on her hand sometimes.

After a while, they are finished cleaning themselves and head towards the dining room.

They saw a variety of food such as bacon, sunny side up egg, soup, etc.

They are amazed by the delicious looking food served at the table, and just from smelling the aroma alone they felt like their stomach growled loudly.

Issei is already done setting up the food on the table and told them to sit down and eat.

When Riche and Ramius took a bite of his food, they become frozen stiff.

It's the most delicious thing they have ever taste and they both teared up just from the taste alone.

Then they quickly eat as fast as they can.

Issei who saw them like that sweat a little and said "Slow down... It's not like the food is going anywhere you two..." Although he said that but inside he's happy and proud that his wives like his cooking.

Riche and Ramius finally realized their mishap and they both blushed deep red and slow down their eating speed. Riche is especially ashamed of her eating etiquette just now because she's supposed to be a princess here, 'Uuuu. It's his fault... Why does his food have to be this good?! It's just unfair! And I'm supposed to be the wife here, but why my husband is an even better cook than me?!'

While Ramius although feeling a little embarrassed, she doesn't really mind that much because she doesn't really mind etiquette or formality stuff like that.

After they are finished eating they said they will bring the dishes to the kitchen and Issei agreed to it.

They both keep praising how delicious his food is.

Riche - That was really delicious! The most delicious food I've ever tasted!

Ramius - Um. Indeed.

Issei - Well, I'm glad you both like it.

Riche - ...Is there anything you can't do, Ise?

Riche couldn't help but wonder about Issei's capabilities because he seems able to do everything.

Issei - Hmm. Of course, I can't stitch clothes for one. And I can only do what I can do, It's not like I'm omnipotent.

Riche - W-Well... True, I guess...

Ramius - Un.

Then the door suddenly opened and they saw Acheval coming in.

Acheval - Yo! Good morning!

Riche - Acheval?!

Ramius - Aniue?!

Issei - Hm? Oh, hey Acheval-nii.

Acheval - Hey, thought I'd stop by. There's a lot I'd like to ask here, but... Can't say I'm surprised Riche would go this far really.

Riche - Not often you're actually up and working in the morning, Acheval.

Acheval - Hey, you can't just send a Snake Crest member's corpse over and not come yourself, y'know... First thing in the morning, the king told me to go find you. Man, this is supposed to be your job, Ramius.

Ramius - Oh. Sorry, Aniue...

Acheval - You've always been too nice to her... Well, anyway, His Majesty wants to see all three of you, so get your asses down to the castle.

Riche - Fine, I was planning to head back anyway.

Acheval - I'll go back on my own, but... Well, uh, mind if I report what I saw here?

Riche - What, that I married Ise? Go ahead, gives me less I need to go over.

Acheval - Err...

Ramius - I'm very sorry, but Riche has her own intentions.

Acheval - Ugh, whatever. You ain't kids. You can make up your own minds. Just come straight to the castle, got it?

Acheval scratched his head before leaving the room, wearing an exhausted look as he did.

Riche - Huff. Now, let's go to the castle and report on Snake Crest, then discuss what's next.

Ramius - First, you need to report on your marriage.

Issei - Oh, right. Your father is a King huh, Riche.

Riche - ...How could you forgot that... Well, he might be a little mad but that's about it... I guess.

Issei - No point in worrying stuff like that, I've already married you so I might as well go meet your father.

Riche - U-Un, but you seem to be not afraid of my father don't you, Ise?

Issei - Why should I?

Issei couldn't help become confused at her question. While Riche is speechless seeing him doesn't have any tension on meeting the King of the Kingdom.

Riche - 'Well, that's just how he is. I suppose.' Nevermind, let's just go meet my father.

Then they head out to the Capital.

Upon arriving in the capital of Eden, Issei and his wives were given passage to the throne room. Issei doesn't wear his hood because it would be considered rude to be wearing them while meeting the King.

If it's just some random King he won't really care but this is his father-in-law. Even if his father-in-law is some farmer or something, Issei will still pay his respect toward him. He doesn't care for some background stuff like that.

He is strong, but he knows how to respect the elderly especially if it's his father-in-law.

Along the way to the throne room, every maid and female knight on the castle blushed deeply seeing him. If they weren't on duty then they might have tried to flirt with Issei, but after seeing him walking alongside The Princess, Riche Eden and The Knight, Ramius Dreissen they know he's someone of special status.

The King himself wasn't present, but around the throne were people of presumably high status who appeared to be sizing Issei up. But the ones closest to the throne were the familiar faces of Acheval and Barro. They both smiled at Issei when they saw him.

Issei felt some ill filled gaze towards him and saw a middle-aged man with an eyepatch on his right eye, he wears purple formal clothes. (AN: /wiki/Rochefort?file=Rochefort-portrait.png too lazy to describe him here ya go).

Issei is wondering who he is because he can feel something is wrong with this man, he reeks of evil intention.

Riche - That's Prime Minister Rochefort. He takes care of diplomacy and advises Father.

Riche guessed what Issei was wondering from his gaze and whispered an answer.

Issei - Hmm... I see.

Ramius - He's still technically a <Hundred Knight>, but he lost one of his eyes during the Arthur Tragedy and retired from combat.

Issei - There's something wrong with him... Riche, you better be careful of him.

Riche - Eh?

Rochefort - Silence! Louin, the King of Eden, has arrived!

At Rochefort's shout, the already tense atmosphere got even more oppressive, and everyone bowed their heads.

Louin - Apologies for the sudden summons. You may raise your heads, everyone.

(AN: /wiki/Louin_Eden?file=Louin-portrait.png The king portrait in case you want to see his image)

Rochefort - Y-Yes, Your Majesty!

Issei - 'Hmm, so that's the king.'

He had a different air about him than powerful fighters like Acheval and Barro, but his majestic dignity was no less overwhelming.

Riche - Hello, Father! Eating well?

Louin - Haah... I swear. Normally, you'd supposed to sit next to me and greet our guests, Riche.

Riche - Eh heh heh! That chair's not very comfy.

Rochefort - Princess Riche! You may be royalty, but you must learn when to behave.

Riche - You've been a politician for a while now. When'll you stop shouting like a Knight?

Acheval - Buhah!

Barro - Acheval, I get it. But that's rude.

Rochefort - Grrr...

Louin - I've only called people we're close with. There's no need to be overly polite.

Rochefort - But Your Majesty, she's been instructed to humble herself before you. This is no way to-

Barro - Prime Minister Rochefort, His Majesty has spoken.

Rochefort - Gggh... If his Majesty insists.

Rochefort gave Riche a nasty look, lowered his head and stepped back.

But he felt a sudden chill from somewhere and he got goosebumps all over for some reason.

Issei gazed at him and put a bit of bloodlust on him without anyone realizing it.

He took back his bloodlust after hearing the King spoke once more.

Louin - But I do understand Rochefort's outrage. Riche, it's becoming difficult to ignore your actions.

Riche - I'm doing what I can for my country. Tea parties and royal balls won't help to save anybody.

Louin - Hoh, and getting married without informing anyone did?

Rochefort - What?! Married, you say?! I-Is this true?!

Acheval - Yeah, I just reported it a second ago. Our little Riche is a wife now.

Louin - I'm appalled, frankly...

Rochefort - Ridiculous... A princess can't choose to get married without anyone's input...

Riche - Here, let me introduce you to my darling. I need his help to make my ideals a reality.

Issei just ignored the piercing glare Louin and Rochefort's giving him and introduced himself calmly.

Issei - I'm Issei Hyoudou. Riche made me her Knight and Husband. Pleased to meet you.

Riche is a bit bashful hearing him says that but she's happy inside.

The King and everyone else is a bit surprised by his bearing when he introduced himself. Acheval just grinning and Barro is the same. But Rochefort keep asking him

Rochefort - Issei Hyoudou, is it? Where do you hail from? Are you a noble of some sort?

Issei - No, I'm not a noble. As for where I hail from, you could say I'm just a commoner from <Fresh Fish Island>.

Rochefort - WHAT?! <Fresh Fish Island>... It is technically one of our territories, but you could find no more backwater a location!

Issei totally ignores him.

Louin - ...<Fresh Fish Island>...

Riche - Well, complain if you want, but what's done is done. Nothing you can do about it now!

Riche smiled joyfully and held out her ring-clad left hand, turning the entire crowd's faces pale.

But some of the women there feel a bit jealous of her for having a husband like Issei. After all, he's even more handsome than Barro Roan.

Acheval - Pfft! Heheheh, hehah...

Barro - Heheh, heheheh...

Rochefort - Enough, this is no laughing matter!

Acheval - Sorry, the look on your faces is just funnier than I imagined.

Barro - Is this not something to celebrate? After over 300 matchmaking attempts fell through, she finally found someone she likes.

Issei - ...300?

Barro - They've reached out to royalty, nobles, and even the children of successful merchants, but it always ended in failure.

Riche - Every time they learn I'm as strong as a Knight, they chicken out. Well, not that I want a normal guy anyway, so it's fine by me.

Louin - And yet when we've given Knights a try, you always ambush and injure them anyway.

Riche - Weeell~ I was thinking like, when you're in real danger, you realize your true power... Or something.

Riche's response made not only the King but the entire audience sigh. Even Issei is no exception because of his new wife antic quirks.

Louin - Well, I don't know what change your heart, but Issei... What about you? You don't want to run away deep down, do you?

Issei - No, not at all... Sure she can be weird and dummy sometimes but that's just who she is and I found her to be very cute.

Riche - H-Hey! Don't say that to my father!

Issei just chuckled and said, "Sorry, sorry." Riche puffed her cheeks hearing his insincere apologies but she's really happy inside because the man she loves feels that way about her, she's just embarrassed, to be honest.

Acheval - Gahahaha! Now that's the man who married my sister!

Rochefort - What?! He's even married Ramius?!

Ramius - Yes, I'm Issei's wife too. I was first... by the way.

Riche - Well now, I'm surprised that matters so much to you.

Ramius - I'm only stating the facts.

Barro - You've taken two brides nobody else could handle, Issei-kun. How generous of you.

Issei - Well, what can I say. They're both wonderful girls... And I just love them both that much, as for the other guys maybe they're just idiots, who knows.

Both Riche and Ramius blushed deeply hearing his words and they almost let out a silly laugh if not for their current location.

Barro - Hm, maybe you fall in the same category as they are.

Issei - Perhaps... But I don't hate it at all.

Issei smiled softly at both of them and the women audience who saw his smile for the first time felt an arrow just went through their respective hearts.

Rochefort - Ggggh, this commoner's defiling the royal bloodline... Despicable.

Rochefort scowled at Issei as though drilling holes through him with his gaze but then Issei suddenly glare at him back and that makes him took a step back just from Issei's gaze alone. He felt Issei is very dangerous and he might mess up his plans. 'G-Guh! J-Just who is this guy?!'.

Louin - *Sigh* Issei, I acknowledge your marriage to Riche. Treat her well.

Issei - I will.

Louin - And Riche... What do you intend to do with your new Knight?

Riche - Obviously, I'll be ruining <Snake Crest's> plans and protect our country... And the world. Father, there's no question that <Snake Crest> starting to act. We should mobilize the Knights and come up with countermeasures as soon as possible.

Louin - We've confirmed that corpse belonged to a member of <Snake Crest>, Sparkle bombs... Were they used as a weapon, it would likely bring great harm to our nation.

Rochefort - Wait, Your Majesty. This is all conjecture. Nobody has actually seen these sparkle bombs.

Riche - Why do you say that? There was proof!

Rochefort - You found empty boxes! That Outlaw's corpses did have <Snake Crest's> emblem, but it could just as well be fake.

Riche - We don't have time to argue over little details!

Barro - Wait, Princess Riche. Prime Minister Rochefort has no ill intent with his disagreements.

Acheval - Fighting monsters is one thing, but mobilizing Knights for any other reason must be cautiously considered.

Riche - Why? If there aren't enough Knights to deal with it, then just recruit more!

Louin - We can't. I won't allow the expansion of our military.

Riche - But why?

Barro - There's a reason. I'm sure we're all aware. It's due to the Arthur Tragedy.

Acheval - It's exactly like when <Snake Crest> covertly tried to get us into a war. The two biggest countries they tried to instigate were Eden and the Central Empire up north.

Louin - At the cost of many lives, the war was avoided. Then, to assure the same mistake won't be made again, we signed an agreement not to expand our forces. Of course, if <Snake Crest> does bare their fangs at us, we'll use all our power against them. But using the military without absolute proof may trigger a war in and of itself.

Barro - And if that happened, we'd be doing just what the <Snake Crest> wanted.

Rochefort - Action can wait until we've seen what damage they can do. We reached our capacity on Knights during the post-Arthur Tragedy recruitment.

Acheval - The thing is that most of our Knights are young now, so there are fewer people retiring and fewer spots opening up.

Riche - Until we've seen the damage?! What about the people who will die then?!

Rochefort - Hmph, regardless, there's no other option.

Riche - Then we'll go after <Snake Crest> ourselves! Give us permission!

Louin - They aren't only in Eden. If it's true they have sparkle bombs, they must have some influence in the country that procured them.

Riche - Then give us permission to go to other countries too!

Rochefort - Despite all your questionable decisions, you're still a princess. Letting you thoughtlessly travel to other countries could result in diplomatic issues.

Riche - I married outside of royalty, so who cares?

Rochefort - We can't assume other countries will feel the same! If they take it as an act of intervention, it's over. Do you want to start a war?

Riche - No! I'm stopping one!

Riche and Rochefort really don't get along, it seems her chaotic behavior and his obsession with order don't mix well.


Suddenly the door to the throne room burst open.

Knight - Apologies for interrupting the meeting!

Rochefort - What is it?!

Knight - Sir! There are reports of a fire at Fort Baroroan.

Rochefort - What?! There are supposed to be Soldiers stationed there!

Knight - Th-The cause is unknown, but we can see black smoke rising from the fortress.

Riche - It's <Snake Crest>! While we've been taking our sweet time, they made the first move.

Louin - But Fort Baroroan?

Rochefort - Your Majesty, if their objective is to start a war, it's a more logical target than any town.

Barro - I see. That fortress can stand against even the most ferocious monsters. Were it to fall, it would cause widespread panic. Then, if they spread the right rumors, they could get the whole nation rallied against another country.

Acheval - Tch, this is the same plan they used during the Arthur Tragedy! Assholes like them just have to be underhanded.

Rochefort - We just have to handle it quickly. Summon the Knights and every Soldier we have on reserve at once.

Acheval - We don't have time for that.

Barro - Yes, I agree. Let's send whoever's available first.

Riche - We'll go too! C'mon, that's okay, right. Father?!

Louin - ...It is an emergency. You have my permission. Show me you have the power to combat <Snake Crest>.

Barro - I see, and we'll be overseeing that test.

Acheval - Riche, Ramius! You better not drag us down! We know Issei won't have a problem but not you two.

Riche & Ramius - Got it!

Rochefort - Then I'll organize the Knights. Summon every one in the nation here posthaste.

Knight - Yes, sir!

Barro - If they're trying to manipulate the public, we'll need to put a stop to that first.

Acheval - Alright, it's a good first step. Let's get anyone freaking out about the fire to chill out.

Barro - When everyone is ready we'll meet outside.

Issei - Ah.

Issei's party accompanied the two <Zero Knights> to the burning Fort Baroroan.

After a while, they reached the Fort Baroroan.

Barro - Looks like the fort's still standing.

Riche - Are sparkle bombs not enough to bring it down.

Acheval - Does it matter? We just need to beat everyone in there.

Ramius - Acheval's right. We can investigate after they're dealt with.

Barro - Hmmm, siblings think alike...

Riche - In any case, let's be on the lookout for sparkle bombs.

Acheval - Right, let's get in there!

Then the party stepped into the Fort.

They kill anyone that gets in their way.

The party was running through the fortress when Barro, the one in the lead, suddenly stopped.

Barro - Hrm, someone's here.

Acheval - An enemy?!

Knight - Cough, cough... Cough!

Barro - You're a Knight who was stationed here, aren't you? Can you tell us what happened?

Knight - A-A <Zero Knight>?! Um, we heard an explosion, then the whole fort was filled with smoke and we were attacked by Outlaws and monsters one after another.

Riche - An explosion? Must be the sparkle bombs.

Knight - Our captain went down straight away, then the rest of us all got separated.

Barro - Okay. Try not to inhale any more smoke, and retreat in the direction we came from.

Knight - Yes, Sir! Thank you!

Barro saw off the Knight who bowed before leaving. As he looked around the fortress, Barro appeared to have an idea.

Acheval - What is it? Let's clear out all these Outlaws already.

Barro - Well, I'm a bit curious about something... Would you mind if I went my own way?

Riche - Curious about what?

Barro - My apologies, Princess. But there's no time to explain.

Acheval - Well, why not? Looks like we've got nothing but small fry here anyway.

Riche - ...Fine, just tell me what this is about later.

Barro - Excuse me, then. Take care of the rest for me, Acheval, Issei-kun.

Issei & Acheval - Got it.

Barro bowed to the rest of the group and head still lowered, sprinted back in the direction they came from.

Riche - In any case, let's clear all the enemies out of here.

The party proceeded further into the fortress...

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