The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 42:

Chapter 42:

When Issei's party head towards the center of the Fort.

Issei and Acheval suddenly stopped in front. Issei told his wives to hold.

Issei - Wait.

Riche and Ramius stopped in their tracks hearing his commands.

Riche - What's wrong, Ise?

Ramius also wondering the same thing.

Acheval - You realize it too huh, Ise?

Issei - Ah. There's no point in hiding, come out.

Then out of thin air, there's suddenly a man appeared in front of them.

It's a man in a full body armor like a Knight colored in white. He has golden patterns all over his White armor and his helmet has 2 horn on the side of its head bending upwards. He carries a single blue greatsword.

Riche and Ramius is surprised seeing him suddenly appear out of nowhere. They hastily put on their guard, Acheval also draws his sword. Only Issei just calmly looking at the White Knight.

White Knight - I'm surprised you can sense my presence. Acheval is one thing but you on the other hand...

Issei just calmly stares at the White Knight.

The White Knight is having a bad feeling seeing Issei being so calm. His battle instinct told him that the man in front of him is extremely dangerous. But he can't feel anything from Issei, it's like he's just a normal person.

But he can tell there's something really wrong with Issei. He's sweating internally thinking, 'Just who is this guy... The Intelligence only said he's an uprising Knight that just recently got promoted. If I'm not wrong his name should be Issei Hyoudou... Tsk! Too little info about him...'

Issei - Are you with the <Snake Crest>?

The White Knight startled hearing his sudden question but he answered anyway, "Ah, Indeed. I'm with the <Snake Crest> You can call me Shiro Kishi(White Knight). (AN: I'm just gonna call him Shiro for easier typing).

Issei - Hoo. Is that so...

Then suddenly Issei released his bloodlust against him, and Shiro felt very threatened at this moment. From the day he was born he never felt this threatened by someone before.

Even Acheval doesn't really give him much threat. He's suffocating just from Issei bloodlust alone.

Shiro - ?!

Issei - What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?

Then Issei calmly walks towards him but Acheval suddenly stopped him.

Acheval - Wait, Issei. Please, let me handle him...

Ramius who's hearing that become startled and said "What are you saying, Aniue?! We should fight him together!"

Riche also feels the same with Ramius, "Ramius is right, together we can easily defeat him."

Issei only calmly looks towards Acheval.

Acheval - We won't have much time if we fight him now, I know Issei is strong but please let me handle him. I've been itching to have a fight against my equal... Issei is way stronger than me so I can't have a decent fight with him. Please, I'll be fine. You guys can go ahead and stop the Outlaws from blowing this fort or all will be for naught.

Acheval seriously looks towards Issei in the eyes. To be honest, Issei can easily take this Shiro on. But he's not sure if he has any trick up his sleeves that can slow them down or not, and he's worried if the Fort really got blown up then the Kingdom might be really in danger...

He could kill Shiro instantly but taking him alive is something else altogether.

Shiro who heard their conversation become even more wary of Issei, 'He's stronger than Acheval one of the <Zero Knight>?! Damn, our intelligence never reported this... If they both attacked me at once then I'm done for and all will be lost... Thankfully I have someone ready to teleport me if the situation goes awry...'

Shiro got into high alert in case they both decided to attack him together.

Issei finally relented because they really don't have much time left.

Issei - ...Fine. Ramius, Riche, let's go. Acheval-nii will be fine.

Ramius - ...But

While Riche agreed with Issei and Acheval.

Riche - ...Ise and Acheval are right, Ramius. If we're too late then all will be for naught. Let's just leave it to Acheval, he will be fine.

Ramius finally relented as well.

Ramius - ...Be safe, Aniue.

Issei calmly walks bypass Shiro like he was never in his eyes in the first place. Ramius and Riche followed right after him.

Shiro felt relieved they won't be teaming up against him, he got lucky this time because there's a diversion.

He doesn't have any intention of blocking them. After all, The Fort attack is just a distraction, while their real target lies elsewhere.

He silently released a sigh of relief after seeing Issei walk away, then he saw Acheval attack him.

Then they both have a fight against each other...

When Issei's party reach the center of the fort they found a bunch of Outlaws trying to set up the sparkle bombs and light it up.

Issei hastily knocks them all out because they need them for interrogation, Riche wakes the Outlaw 1 by 1 and question them all. They said they are only ordered to set the bombs up and light it up, but apparently, it's not working and only create a small explosion.

And the one who ordered them is not Shiro, but someone else.

After some questioning, they all thought the bomb isn't that powerful probably so it can't blow the Fort up. But Issei feels something is wrong, if they want to start a war then blowing this Fort shouldn't be enough. That means their true target lies elsewhere...

So Issei told them about his suspicion and after thinking about it a little more they realize that Issei is right. So Issei said to them if they're aiming for war then they should have aimed for the border to another country not a Fort inside the Kingdom.

Acheval joined them soon after, he has few broken ribs and hurt here and there but overall his life isn't in danger. Riche asked him what about Shiro.

Acheval told them sadly they fought to a draw and he got away because he suddenly disappears from his spot, probably by teleportation.

So after informing Acheval about their discovery, they decided to head towards the bridge of Lancelot. That bridge connected the Eden Kingdom with the Lancelot Kingdom.

If that bridge is destroyed there might be a massive problem.

Sure they can self sustain themselves without getting materials delivered from the other Kingdom and they have the harbor for overseas trade but if the flow of information is cut off then it's going to be very dangerous.

The Outlaws can attack other kingdom and make rumors that the Eden Kingdom is controlled by Outlaws, that's why they blow the bridge so they can't be attacked. And the other Kingdom might just believe this rumors and might band together to launch an attack on The Eden Kingdom.

So they decided to head towards the bridge. Acheval told them he's just gonna hold them down so he decided to stay here to handle the aftermath.

Along the way to the bridge, they saw a bunch of Knights heading towards the Fort where they just came from. Ramius informed them the Fort has been secured and send a medic to treat Acheval of his injuries.

They are surprised that a <Zero Knight> got injured and Riche told them Acheval got injured because he fought against a powerful enemy.

Then Riche asked why there's so few of them. Wasn't Rochefort supposed to be gathering the Knights?

They were just told to head to Fort Baroroan. Issei felt even more suspicious toward Rochefort.

After a bit of talk, the Knights bowed towards them and headed towards the Fort to treat Acheval, while Issei party head towards the bridge.

Close to the bridge, they meet some Soldiers. After a bit of questioning, they found out apparently there's a Knight telling them they are on a secret mission so they must stay put and let them do their job.

Issei's party knows they must be with the <Snake Crest>.

It looked like they were transporting a large amount of material to the bridge. So instead of operating from a base, they've been wandering around pretending to be Knights.

If they're moving out in the open, that must mean they don't see the need to hide anymore.


When the party arrived at the bridge leading to the Republic of Lancelot, a number of men were setting up something on the structurally weakest points of the bridge.

The fake Knight found out their presence, he's surprised they got here this fast. That means the Fort distraction was quelled already.

They tried to attack Issei party but they all instantly killed by Issei and only let the fake Knight lives, because he doubts the thugs with him know something important.

When they're interrogating the fake Knight he suddenly gargled and died just like the Outlaw from the cave... It seems he died by poison.

There's suddenly a man clad in full armor just like Shiro but this man armor is black colored. Oddly enough Issei doesn't feel any ill intent from this one.

The Black Knight introduced himself as Kuro Kishi(Black Knight). (AN: I'll be calling him Kuro)

Kuro informed them the <Snake Crest> objective is indeed to start a war. Then he told them there's a hidden bomb near the bridge and said it's a reward for finding out the diversion plans.

Kuro knows Issei is powerful so he doesn't try to attack him.

Then there's suddenly newcomers coming towards them, It's Rochefort.

Rochefort is surprised finding Issei's team in here, he thought they're supposed to be at the Fort.

Riche told him it was a trick and their real objective is the bridge. But Riche is suspicious what is he doing here. Why he didn't go to the Fort...

Rochefort stammers while saying, "Err... I-I also noticed it was a trick and ordered the Knights to come here!"

Kuro suddenly said, "Fighting you all at once could be entertaining, but let's leave the fun for another time." Then with that, he disappears from his spot.


When Kuro disappeared they felt a tremor under their feet.

Riche - W-What is that?!

In the sky far off to the west, they all spotted black some rising so high that made it look as though the heavens were burning.

Rochefort - Is that the capital?... No, it's Eden Harbor!

It's a town on the northern edge of Eden. It's the kingdom port for overseas trade.

Apparently the <Snake Crest> objective isn't only the bridge but also the Harbor as well. It seems they really wanted to cut off the source of information of the Eden Kingdom.

Thankfully Issei's party realized it fast enough so they still have the bridge or else...

Then Riche told the Knights to get rid of those bombs.

The Knights and Soldiers obeyed Riche's orders and carefully removed the sparkle bombs that were set up on the bridge.

Issei told Riche they should head back to the castle and Riche agreed to it because they also need to check on the Harbor.


Issei and his wives returned to the capital, where they were immediately allowed into the audience room to see the king.

After a bit of talking they were told that, while the infrastructure was destroyed, there was miraculously no harm to even a single person. That means there are zero casualties.

Riche - Zero casualties?!

Louin - Barro had returned early, investigated the harbor, determined there was danger afoot and had everyone evacuate.

Barro - Well, it would've been best if we could get rid of the sparkle bombs, but there wasn't time.

Riche - So you left because you realized the harbor would be attacked?

Barro - No, I thought the target might be this castle. My next thought was either the bridge or the harbor, but the harbor happened to be closer.

Riche - Huh... Good thing nobody died!

Apparently relieved, Riche plopped herself down towards Issei embrace, startling Ramius and Issei.

Issei - Whoa there.

Riche - Ehehe, please hold me like this for a while.

She sticks her tongue out towards Issei while acting spoiled.

Issei - *Sigh* Fine. What a spoiled princess...

Riche - Ehehe~ I'm your spoiled princess.

Ramius felt a bit jealous seeing their interaction but she holds herself back because she's a Knight.

Issei can only smile wryly seeing his wife acting like this.

The audiences on the hall become speechless seeing them acting like that.

Rochefort - H-How insolence! Acting like that in front of His Majesty!

Louin - *Sigh* It's fine... It's Riche after all...

Rochefort can only relent hearing that.

Then they continued their discussion.

Louin - However our harbor was destroyed, and our nation's military vessels and trade ships have suffered critical damages. But at least we still have the bridge. For preventing its destruction, the three of you have my deepest thanks.

Riche - But now we know that the <Snake Crest> is on the offensive for sure.

Riche who's still in Issei embrace said that.

Louin - The White Knight and The Black Knight... If they're on par with Acheval, <Snake Crest> must have gained some new allies.

Acheval - Yeah, that guy was crazy tough.

Barro - Speaking of which, Acheval, are you okay?

Acheval - Just need a little rest and I'll be fine.

Ramius - Don't be ridiculous, Aniue! You were hurt worse than I thought. It'll take some time before you can return to work.

Acheval - Guh, when did you look into all that?

Barro - ...I see. That's a significant blow to our forces.

Rochefort - Your Majesty, let's abandon the agreement and recruit more Knights and Soldiers.

Riche - Finally think <Snake Crest> as a threat, so you wanna fight back now, Rochefort?

Rochefort - Hmph, <Snake Crest> is of no concern to me. What we should be wary of is the Central Empire, of course. Remember, we lost numerous military vessels! The Central Empire's military is equal to ours, and they may take the opportunity to attack us by the sea!

Riche - Wait a sec! Why are you bringing the Central Empire into this?! I mean, my sister...

Issei - Your sister?

Ramius - The first princess of the Kingdom of Eden, Princess Croix. Shortly after the Arthur Tragedy, she was engaged to the prince of Central.

Issei - I see...

Rochefort - Regardless of the princess's engagement, we have no reason to trust them. Consider that <Snake Crest> could only have gotten all those sparkle bombs by making a deal with another country.

Riche - If we recruit more Knights for that purpose, we'll only create more enemies!

Rochefort - Oh? I was under the impression we both wanted more Knights.

Riche - Gh...

Louin - I respect Rochefort's input. The fact of the matter is that some will harbor such fears.

Barro - Many who lost family members in the Arthur Tragedy continue to believe this to be the work of another nation, as well.

Acheval - Well, they lost someone important to them. Makes sense to want someone to blame.

Riche - But Father...

Louin - However, we will only recruit more Soldiers, and they will be assigned to repairing the harbor. How does that sound, Rochefort?

Rochefort - ...I believe that's a valid approach.

Louin - And Riche, compose yourself.

Riche - ...Okay.

Then Riche reluctantly leaves Issei's embrace.

Louin - Regarding <Snake Crest>, while we must be cautious, we must also swiftly investigate other countries.

Riche - Yeah, the Black Knight left from the other side of the bridge. If we're gonna pursue <Snake Crest>, heading into the Republic of Lancelot would be the quickest choice.

Louin - I would like to give that duty to my son-in-law Issei. Acheval, Barro, what do you think?

Barro - From what I observed while we traveled together, I believe that would be a fine choice.

Acheval - Sure, no brother of mine would do a bad job.

Issei just smiled at that.

Riche - Then, Father...

Louin - You have my permission to go to Lancelot. In order to prevent concerns over a foreign princess entering their territory, I'll come up with a reason why you're visiting.

Riche - Yay! Now we can pursue <Snake Crest>.

Louin - You accomplished great things here, Issei. Were the bridge to have fallen, my country likely would have suffered terribly. With that in mind, I grant the rank of Ten Knights to-

Rochefort - Wait, Your Majesty!

Riche - What, do you have a problem with that?

Rochefort - Yes, they did arrive at the bridge first, but the other Knights did get there as well. Only rewarding him seems rather unfair.

Acheval - But they got there after dealing with shit at the fortress.

Riche - Yeah, we worked fast. Unlike you.

Rochefort - Mobilizing a large squad takes preparation!

Louin - Hm, Rochefort isn't wrong.

Louin stroked his beard as he thought until he finally hit upon a good idea and looked at Issei.

Louin - Then I'll have Issei carry out a secret mission in Lancelot.

Issei - ...A secret mission?

Barro - I see. It would normally be Acheval's job, but he can hardly even move at the moment.

Acheval - Man, I can move, at least...

Barro - Try to play along, Acheval.

Acheval - Oh... Right. Ooooooow! Dang! I can't move at all! You'll have to take care of it, Issei.

Issei - ...Okay.

His act is so bad that anyone could tell, but nobody would point that out though because he's a <Zero Knight> after all.

Rochefort - Wait, just what is this secret mission?

Barro - Something only Acheval and I know about. There's no need to make it public here.

Rochefort - Hrm... Perhaps, but...

Louin - I'll give you the details later. If you complete the mission, I'll use my authority to promote you to a Ten Knight.

Rochefort - W-Wait, Your Majesty.

Riche - What, are you still complaining?!

Rochefort - Restoring the harbor will require support from Lancelot. I have many connections there, so I'd like permission to go as well, if I may.

Ramius - You're going with us, Prime Minister Rochefort?

Rochefort - I have my own personal guards prepared. Traveling with amateurs who might say something that harms international relations wouldn't be ideal.

Riche - At least you got those preparations done quickly.

Rochefort - Ugh...

Louin - Very well, I give that duty to you.

Thus, Issei and his wives were granted permission to go to Lancelot.

Issei stayed behind to be informed about his secret mission while everyone else left the room, bringing the meeting to an end.

Issei and Louin are the only ones left in the room.

They just stare at each other for a while.

But Louin is the first to break the silence.

Louin - You are really a great individual... First, you're stronger than Acheval himself. And your bearing is impeccable as well... Just like that of a King... I'm truly blessed to have son-in-law such as you. Riche has found a great husband for herself... Even though you're strong you never exploit your power to suppress the weak from what I've known so far. If I don't have Philip I might have appointed you as my heir...

Issei - Thank you for your praises, to have my father-in-law blessing and approval is a great thing for son-in-law such as myself, but I have no interest in being a King of a nation. It doesn't suit me you see.

Louin - Hehe, indeed. With power like yours, being a King who only sits behind the desk isn't suitable at all... If I could, I would have appointed you as a <Zero Knight> already. But my ministers won't agree to it you see, especially Rochefort... If we have a strong person such as you to be our <Zero Knight> it would have been a great boost in strength for our Kingdom. Alas...

Issei - I don't mind. And even without being appointed as a <Zero Knight> I would protect this Kingdom either way. After all, both of my wives are from this Kingdom and if it's their wish to protect this Kingdom then it shall be my wish as well.

Louin chuckled hearing Issei's word and said, "Then I'm grateful for your words, but It seems you spoil your wives a lot huh?"

Issei - Ah, indeed. They both are the best wife I could have ever asked.

Louin - I'm glad knowing you love your wives dearly... But try not to spoil Riche that much or she won't stop acting so reckless.

Louin smiled once more hearing that. He's a doting father so of course, he's worried about his daughter well being.

Issei - Well... I'll do what I can I guess.

Louin - Is that so... *Sigh* Now, Issei. Allow me to tell you about your mission.

Issei - Got it.

Louin - As mentioned earlier, this secret mission would normally be entrusted to a <Zero Knight> like Acheval or Barro. I can only assign it to those I trust... Think about what that means as you carry it out.

Issei - Understood.

Louin - The secret mission involves delivering funds to an organization. It's to be done entirely in secret.

Issei - So I just need to give them the funds?

Louin - Correct. In the Republic of Lancelot, you'll find a middleman between the organization and us. You need only to meet with the middleman at the date and time you're told to. That is all. Any Questions?

Issei - If I'm allowed to know, what's this organization?

Louin - They're Outlaws.

Issei - ...I see.

Louin - Hoo. Are you not going to ask why I send these funds to an Outlaws organization?

Issei - No need, I can vaguely know the reason.

Issei can feel Louin aura and he has no evil intent whatsoever. Unlike Rochefort who reeks with it.

So, he can vaguely tell the King objective is to test him, to see if he can handle this mission successfully. And he guesses that these Outlaws shouldn't be the Outlaws with the <Snake Crest>.

Louin - ...Heh, You're indeed an extraordinary man... Now that I've told you all this, you aren't allowed to refuse. This is to remain completely confidential. Tell nobody, not even my daughter.

Issei - Understood. Oh and just a warning, just consider it as a son-in-law rambling you can ignore it if you want. But be careful with Rochefort, he's not what he seems to be.

Louin who heard that become wide-eyed but nodded regardless.

Louin - ...Ah. I'll take your advice to heart.

With that Issei left the room and meet up with his wives outside.

Louin - ...Rochefort, huh...


Issei and his wives decided to head home to <Stallion> first to prepare for their journey tomorrow. They also decided to celebrate their marriage by having a feast at their home tonight.

When Issei was preparing the food, Riche keeps asking him if they could use wine to mix it with the rice, or beer to make it even tastier. Issei told her no it won't and it's better to drink the wine and beer instead.

Ramius also tried to help but she asked Issei if she could use her lance to tenderize the meat or cut the vegetables with it...

Issei is speechless hearing her question so he told them both to just stay put and let him prepare the food. With that, he knows his wives cooking experience is totally zero.

Then both Riche and Ramius can only agree because they indeed never done cooking before. But both of them keep staring at Issei preparing the food with mesmerized eyes because the way he prepares the food is so cool in both women eyes.

Issei just ignored their stares but he feels a little prideful inside.

After a while, he finally finished cooking the food.

There's rice, bread, steaks, fried fish, salad, etc. Basically, their food is looking very sumptuous and both Riche and Ramius eyes sparkled seeing all the food available.

Riche preferred rice and more balanced diet while Ramius prefer bread and meat.

Riche told Ramius to eat more vegetables instead of only meat, she thought that's why her breasts becoming so big.

But Ramius told her that's not the reason for why her breasts got so big, she's no expert but it seems it's because she always drinks milk during her childhood.

At some point, even her mother who saw her growing breasts regretted not to drink more milk in her childhood.

Riche who heard that begged Issei to prepare milk every day for her to drink.

Riche - ...Hey Ise, let's have milk with every meal from now on. Yeah, for sure. We're doing that, okay?

Issei sweated and can only smile wryly hearing that, he told her that her breasts are nice as it is.

But Riche is very persistent about it so he can only agree to her request.

During the feast Riche got an idea and wanted to feed Issei, so she picked up a piece of meat off her plate with her fork and held it in front of Issei's mouth.

Issei - Huh?

Riche - Isn't this a thing newlyweds do? I'll feed you. Say aaaah~

Issei - Uhhh... No need, I can eat by myself...

Annoyed by Issei's rejection, Riche pressured him by moving the fork even closer.

Riche - Say aaaah!

Issei finally relented and ate the food Riche's giving him.

She becomes really happy being able to feed Issei and Ramius who saw that feels jealous. Then she looked at her bread in her hands and decided to feed Issei with it too.

Issei becomes speechless seeing her feeding him a piece of bread like that, but he accepts it anyway.

So after a while, they finally finish their dinner feast and decided to head to bed. Both Riche and Ramius wanted to sleep with him together and of course, Issei said yes to that.

Even though in their house there's a lot of empty room available but they prefer to sleep with Issei instead.

The three of them have some steamy sex that night but they only went at it for 3 rounds each because they need to wake up early tomorrow to head to the Lancelot Kingdom.

Issei is fine with it but the girls become putty once they're done and slept like a log with a blissful smile on their face while they're asleep. Issei cast cleaning spell so their bodies won't be sticky after they're done.


-In the morning-

After some quick preparation, they are prepared to travel to Lancelot.

Riche - Ehehe, I'm so excited I can travel to another country.

Issei - Hm? You never travel around before, Riche?

Riche - Being royalty actually means I can't travel. Even if I wanted to take a vacation, people might assume there's something political going on.

Issei - I see.

Ramius - Well, I don't really mind where we're going as long as I'm with Ise though.

Issei smiled hearing that and she smiles back at him.

Riche - Anyway, let's hurry!

The party set off to the capital to get the permit.

When the party arrived at the capital, they saw some Knights frantically running around the city.

Ramius thought maybe it's because of a disaster drill but Riche said it should have been in Autumn though.

Then they head to Barro's office.

There they meet a Female Knight guarding his office.

When the female knight saw Issei's face she becomes a bit taken aback, 'Wha- There's someone more handsome than Lord Barro Roan?! W-Well doesn't matter I like Lord Barro anyway.'

Female Knight - What are your purpose for coming here? Hrm, what, Ramius? We're busy, what are you bothering us for?

Ramius - Judging by that flat chest, you must be Sufy. I haven't seen you since basic training.

Sufy - D-Don't identify me by my chest size!

Sufy wears a full armor colored white and have yellow outlines she also wears a purple visor, you can see her mouth from her helmet but that's about it. The rest of her body is covered by the full plate armor, but if not for her voice and the design of the armor people might think of her as a man...

Ramius - When you're wearing armor, it's hard to see your face.

Sufy - How's that any different from a chest?!

Barro - Hi. Issei-kun, sorry I kept you.

After Barro entered the room late, the Knight named Sufy stepped back and saluted.

Issei - It's fine. Oh and here's a little gift.

Barro - How nice of you. Hoh, are these cookies?

Ramius - Ise made them. They're crisp, and sweet... and very tasty, and also crisp.

Riche - You said crisp twice...

Barro - I'll try it later. Sufy, hold onto these for me.

Sufy - ?!

Barro - Is something wrong?

Sufy - N-No... The buttery aroma's just so strong I could smell it through the bag, is all.

Barro - It certainly isn't a scent you'd find in any old storebought cookies, Is there something special about it?

Issei - Nope, they're just cookies. The only different things would probably be the cow butter I made myself, I guess.

Ramius - You can make your own cow butter?!

Issei - Huh? Oh, yeah. The twins taught me.

Riche - Ise's cookies give off such a heavy aroma that as soon as they start baking, all the kids in Stallion gather around our house.

Issei - They're easy to make, so it's simple enough to bake enough for everyone, too.

Ramius - Mhm, giving delicious food to all the kids in the territory... Befitting of the lord of the territory's son-in-law.

Riche - That's nice, but did you forget you're his actual daughter?

Barro - ...Your delicious cookies made you popular with the kids, you say?

Sufy - Sir Barro, do you like cookies? I-If you do, I could make some for you...

Barro - Not particularly. I just wondered how this was made.

Sufy - ...I see.

The female Knight was so disappointed that you could see it even through her iron helmet.

Barro - Anyway, I've been holding you long enough. Here's your permit.

Riche - Okay. Thank you. Then we're gonna head off to Lancelot.

Barro - Ah. Take care now, see you guys later.

Then Issei party set off to Lancelot.

At the bridge, they saw Knights guarding it and when Riche shows them the permit they become relaxed.

After crossing the bridge, Issei saw that the area of Lancelot is mostly desert. Along the way to <Lancelot>, they meet some monsters but Ramius and Riche proposed to be the one who handles it because they want to get stronger so they won't be a burden to Issei.

Issei agreed to it and told them he will be watching in case something goes awry.

Issei decided to train them later on...

When Issei is watching them fight the monsters he saw something on the ground. It appears to be a pocket watch, and it seems to be still in a good condition. So he picks it up and keeps it for now.

After a while, they finally reached <Lancelot>.

Powerful sunlight scorched the stone buildings, dry wind scattered the sand, and so the people naturally traversed the city through the shadiest spots.

The calm wind carried a citrusy aroma that reinforced the fact that they were in a foreign country.

Ramius has been here a few times because she often tasked to assist them on several occasions because the Republic of Lancelot's Knights is lacking.

Which Lancelot pays for, of course. The Kingdom of Eden is on friendly terms with Lancelot. So more than just Knights travel here from Eden.

Ramius - After they take care of monsters, many Knights enjoy spending some free time at Lake Guinevere. Lake Guinevere's is the huge, ocean-like lake north of here.

Issei - Hmm. I see.

Ramius - But when other female Knights saw me in a swimsuit, they kept their distance. That's when I became even more isolated from the other Knights... Hahaha.

Issei - ...No, I don't think they avoid you because you're scary or anything... Well, in a way you are scary for them but I'm pretty sure they avoid you because you clearly have a nicer body compared to them.

Ramius - R-Really?

Issei - I'm pretty sure.

Ramius smiled hearing his words.

Ramius - Well, as for the details of the history of the lake you could ask Riche... Uh, where's Riche?

Issei - Hmm, she's lined up at a food stand over there. She seems to really be enjoying herself.

Ramius - Oh... You're right.

Riche - Sorry! When I see a line, I just get the urge to stand in it.

Sometime later, Riche returned with more bread than she could hold.

Riche - This is the Rising Sun bread from Heidi, a famous bakery.

Ramius - Riche... It's okay to be excited, but did you need to buy that much?

Riche - Weeell, I asked for a whole pile of bread. But I didn't expect to actually get it...

Issei - You sure you can finish all that?

Riche - Well, we can save them for later. Here eat some.

Then the 3 of them enjoyed the bread and it is indeed tasty.

Issei meets someone he knows, it's Towa.

Towa - Ah. Issei-san!

Issei - Hmm. Oh, Towa.

Riche - Oh, is this someone you know, Ise?

Issei - We met in Eden.

Riche - Well now, so you know my husband? I'm his wife, Riche. Nice to meet you.

Towa - Oh, Issei's-san wife? 'Wow... She's so pretty. Like a princess from a fairy tale...'

Ramius - I'm Ramius, also his wife.

Towa - ...WHAT?! 'W-Whoa... And she's really sexy. H-He has two beautiful wives?! That means I still have a chance... W-What am I thinking?!'

Issei - So are you sightseeing in Lancelot now?

Towa snaps out of her thoughts hearing Issei question.

Towa - Huh? Oh... Yes, yes I am. I've been looking into Lancelot's history, culture, traditions, and so on. I heard the city of <Safere> holds a strange celebration called the Nubobo festival, but it was called off for various reasons.

Ramius - Hoh, I've never heard of that festival before.

Towa - I wish I'd gotten to see the legendary Giant Nubobo.

Riche - Are you a bard? Does that bag on your back have an instrument in it?

Towa - No, I'm not a bard... Um, I make these.

Towa put down her bag and took out some sheets of paper with drawings on them.

Riche - Oh, do you use those pictures for storytelling?

Towa - Yes, I draw them myself.

Riche - Hee~ How interesting would you mind showing us?

Towa - I'm glad you're interested, but I have little something to do right now... There's no time, unfortunately. Sorry I have to say goodbye already. Maybe another time. I need to look for something you see...

Issei - You're looking for something?

Towa - Yes, my cherished pocket watch. When I got back from the cow bus tour I noticed It was missing. I'm sure I dropped it somewhere during the tour. It's very important to me...

Riche - Hee, I see...

Ramius - Well that's unfortunate indeed...

Issei - Pocket watch? Do you mean this?

Issei remembered picking up a pocket watch back then along the road so he showed it to her if it's the one she's looking for.

Towa - Yes, that's it! Where did you find it?

Issei - Oh I picked it up on the ground on our way here. Since this is yours then here.

Issei gives the watch back to Towa.

Towa - T-Thank you so much!

Towa accepted the pocket watch and held it tight in her hands.

Issei - Don't mind it, it's just a coincidence on my part.

Towa - But I still need to thank you for it. Thank you once more, Issei-san!

Issei - Well, you're welcome. So why is that watch so important to you?

Towa - It's an heirloom from my deceased mother.

Issei - Oh... Sorry about that.

Towa - D-Don't feel bad. Father gives me enough love to make up for it.

Ramius - You must have a good father.

Towa - Yes, he makes me quite proud.

Ramius - Heheheh, actually. My father's nothing to scoff at either.

Riche - I don't think this is a competition... Well, not that I don't have a pretty impressive father too.

Issei just smiled at their antics.

Towa - Now, since I've already found my watch. I'll let you see my story... Although, I hate to disappoint you. But it's not terribly exciting.

Issei - Don't worry about it. You put your best effort on your story no? Then that's all that matters, no one should be allowed to laugh at another person's hard work.

Riche and Ramius smiled hearing his words while Towa felt her heart beat rapidly.

Towa - 'U-Uwaaa... Issei-san sure is cool... I would be happy to become his wife someday...'

But she quickly responds to Issei's word anyway while thinking that.

Towa - T-Thank you... I tell stories because I want to teach children who can't travel about the world.

Riche - Huh, sounds like I could learn something. That's interesting enough in itself.

Towa - I'd also like to see what the children around here think, so would you mind if I let some of them watch as well?

Issei - Not at all. It wouldn't be fair if we kept you to ourselves.

Towa - Thank you. Now then...

*Clap* *Clap*

When Towa clapped, the children playing in the area rushed over.

Boy 1 - Yay, storytime!

Boy 2 - Dang, I used all my allowance.

Towa - This story is entirely free. I'm not a professional.

Towa smiled at them while saying that.

Boy 3 - Aaaw, do you not have candy to give out either?

Towa - Oh, I did remember to get some... Here, have some candy, if you'd like.

Boy 3 - Yay!

Boy 4 - Oh, me too, me too...

Now that they knew the story was free, children started to gather around Towa in droves.

??? - Hi, give me some too, please.

While she was handing out candy, one girl clearly much older than the children held her hands out.

She looks like a 14-15 years old girl with a black hair styled in short twin-tails tied with a red ribbon, she has brown eyes, she has a cute face. She wears a yellow and black striped scarf on her neck, she wears a sleeveless red shirt and pink ribbon on her collar, she also wears a white skirt and white knee sock and red boots. There's a black cat tail on her back, probably a set with her clothes. On her hands, she wears a giant gauntlet shaped like a cat paw colored in black and yellow. (AN: /wiki/Gurigura?file=Gurigura-portrait.png here's her picture)

Towa - Oh. I'm sorry, I only have so much to give out. Would you mind leaving it for the children to have?

??? - Oh... Okay.

The girl gave Towa a sad smile, stepped away from the children and waited for the story to start.


Her stomach growled.

Issei - Riche.

Riche - Yes, Ise, we still have loads of bread, so of course it's okay.

Riche guessed what Issei was about to say and handed him the remaining bread.

Ramius - Hrm, was that like... A-A psycho connection? I'm a bit jealous!

Riche - Who are you calling psycho?! I think you mean a 'psychic connection'!

Issei just smiled wryly seeing them argue with each other. He then carried the bread to the girl.

Issei - Hey.

Girl - Hm? Me?

Issei - Want some bread?

Girl - Huh?! Are you sure?!

When Issei held out the bread, the girl's eyes happily shone, but soon after her brow furrowed.

Girl - But I don't have any money...

Issei - It's free.

Girl - But... You've got no reason to give bread to me...

The girl appeared to have some reservations about accepting the offer, but her eyes remained locked on the bread.

Issei who saw that smiled gently and said

Issei - Thing is, we bought too much that we don't know what to do with it.

Girl - But... But...

Issei - Besides, the more people you share good food with the better it tastes so I've heard. So, if you eat some, that'll make my bread even better.

Girl - Really?

Issei - Ah. We'll find out once we try it. Here, have some.

Girl - O-Okay. Thank you... *Omf*, mm, mm...

Issei forced the bread on the girl. She hesitantly accepted it and began to stuff her cheeks.

Issei is rather impressed that she can eat with those giant gloves on. But her face looks really cute when she munching on the bread that Issei's face turned gentle as well while watching her.

Girl - Whoa! Wow, it's delicious! This bread's so soft and sweet!

Issei - Um. It is great.

Girl - It's totally different from the rye I usually have! Is this really bread? (AN: rye is a cereal plant that tolerates poor soils and low temperatures.)

Issei - Hmm, I never had rye before but I guess they are different? But here, there's plenty more where that came from.

Girl - What?! What?! You sure?! Onii-chan, are you Mother Eve?

Issei chuckled hearing her words and said, "Don't be silly, it's just bread. I'm Issei, besides Mother Eve is clearly a woman while I'm a man no?"

Girl - I'm Gurigura! Thanks, Issei-nii! Mmm, so good, so tasty!

Issei - Haha, glad you like it. 'She's a nice girl... Maybe this is what having a little sister's like.'

Issei couldn't hold back from patting her head gently.

Gurigura - Eheh~!

Far from expressing any displeasure over it, Gurigura broke out into a smile as she kept eating the bread.

Towa - Are you ready, everyone? It's time to begin!

Towa announced she was ready to start the story, quieting all the children.

Issei sat next to Gurigura and waited with her for it to begin, while Riche and Ramius sit beside Issei as well.

Then Towa started her story...

The story Towa told them is about King Arthur heroic deeds and how the Guinevere lake came to be... (AN: Ain't gonna write the story here if not it will take a while and you guys not gonna read it anyway lol so I skipped it. Not really that important tbh.)

Towa - And this story was brought to you by the corporation paving the way to the future with plastic, the Bigbux Company... The End.

When Towa announced it was over, the quiet children erupted in applause.

Riche - That was pretty educational, but the kids seem satisfied enough just hearing about Arthur.

Riche, who's standing next to Issei nodded to herself while saying that.

Boy 1 - Lady, What happened to King Arthur? Where'd the Witches go?

Towa - It's said King Arthur died of old age, while QD. The leader of the Witches of the Round Table still watches over Arthur's grave to this day. (AN: The twins are also the member of the round table, and yes all the 'witches' is a Dragon)

Boy 2 - Where's his grave?

Towa - I've looked into it myself, but <Camelot>, where it's supposed to be located, is nowhere to be found...

Boy 3 - Then I'll find it! Hey, let's go search!

Towa - Oh, there are Outlaws and Monsters out there, so you shouldn't leave town.

Boy 4 - Don't worry, there are adults around Lake Guinevere! We'll be fine!

Towa - There's also poison gas around the lake, so don't go without talking to an adult first.

Boy 5 - Tch, we'd totally be okay...

Even after the story ended, Towa continued speaking with the children...

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