The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 44:

Chapter 44:

Issei and his wives visited the Lake Guinevere. There they saw a giant creature like squid.

The civilians around the lake told them it's not dangerous so they aren't allowed to kill it. So Issei and his wives just enjoy the scenery for a while, and when night comes Issei told both Ramius and Riche he will be meeting the middleman.

So they both wait at the inn for him while Issei went to meet the middleman.

Issei arrived in an alleyway at night. Then he saw someone waiting for him there.

??? - I've been waiting. You're King Louie's representative right?

Issei - Ah. I'm Issei, nice to see you again.

??? - Oh?!

Waiting for Issei at the meeting spot was presidential candidate Tio.

Issei - Then I guess you're the middleman king Louin mentioned?

Tio - E-Eh. Indeed... Oh, I'm sorry about this afternoon. When I heard you're from Eden, I just assumed you were on Prime Minister Rochefort's side.

Issei - It's fine. But Rochefort's more or less is hostile towards us.

Tio - But I think it's best people not see us being close. It may have been for the best.

Issei - ...As you wish.

Tio - B-But don't think I hate you or anything like that. It's just we shouldn't draw too much attention.

Issei - I understand.

Tio - Uh... Um, did you bring the funds?

Issei - Yeah, here.

Tio - Good, that should be enough for-

Issei caught sight of a shining metal object, grabbed Tio, and jumped to the side.

Issei - Excuse me.

Tio - Aaaah!

*Cahk!* *Cahk!* *Cahk!*

Where Tio had just been standing, some sharp throwing weapons were stabbed into the ground.

??? - I heard that... Presidential candidate Tio. Based on your suspicious activities... You must be... Evil!

Issei - 'That sound... Gurigura huh'

Then Issei heard rapid footsteps coming their way. Apparently, it's Tio's bodyguard.

Escort 1 - Miss Tio! Did something happen?!

Escort 2 - Are you there?! Damn criminal!

They saw a small black silhouette moving in the dark.

Escort 3 - I-It's Kitty! We're dealing with fucking Dark Night Kitty!

Escort 4 - Don't let her lay a hand on our client! Overwhelm her with numbers and beat her dead!

Then they attack Gurigura together.

Gurigura - I don't like hurting more people than I need to, but if you're on evil's side, then it can't be helped.

The tiny figure exhibited some shocking power in dashing out of the back alley, revealing herself in the moonlight.

Escort 1 - Gwaaaah!

The black shadow's huge hand swung down, knocking a scream out of one of the guards as he was blown away.

The girl incapacitating men over twice her size with a single swing was the same girl Issei had given bread to that afternoon. Just like he guess from the sound before it is indeed Gurigura.

Escort 2 - She's so fast... Hey, don't run away!

Gurigura - You're just too slow!

Escort 2 - Guhaaaaaah!

Issei could tell just by watching it's not that the guards were amateurs, but Gurigura avoided all their attacks by the breadth of a piece of paper, then delivered precision strikes to their vitals.

Escort 3 - You let your guard down. You're full of openings after you attack!

One of the men watched for Gurigura to land after taking out another guard, then attacked from behind.

Gurigura - Hmph!

Escort 3 - What?!

But as though she had eyes in the back of her head, she ducked to avoid his strike and drove her far-reaching glove into the man's face.

Escort 3 - Guhaaaaaah!

Despite the numbers being against her, Gurigura beat down the men one by one, as though it were merely a game. She came off as a wild, carnivorous beast with instincts honed solely for slaying its enemies.

The guards realized this was no foe they could take on barehanded and drew their weapons, intending to split her and her gloves in half.


Escort 4 - H-How?! The glove blocked my sword!

Gurigura adeptly deflected the vigorous slash with her battle glove's claws.

Gurigura - You don't wanna put too much force into your attacks, or you'll leave yourself open when you get blocked.

Escort 4 - Crap, Can't let her get close.

The man jumped backward, but the glove closed in on him faster than he could move.


Escort 4 - Guhah!

Tio - What in the world? These people are strong enough to be Knights, so why can't they handle this tiny girl?

Gurigura's seeming invincibility made Tio go pale like she had an encounter with Death himself.

Issei - Indeed, she's quite skillful.

Tio - Wh-Why are you admiring the enemy?!

Issei - No particular reason. I'm just stating facts, she's indeed skillful don't you think?

Tio - I-I know but...

The guards were forced into a defensive battle, but their numbers were still steadily decreasing.

There were few left standing between Gurigura and Issei.

Escort 5 - M-Miss Tio, while there's still time... Guhah...

Gurigura - There's no escape, villain! I have a Knight's duty to fulfill!

Issei - 'Knight?'

Gurigura finished beating all the guards and approached Tio.

Tio - Eek!

Gurigura - Judgement!


Issei calmly stands in front of Tio and stopped Gurigura attack with one hand.

Gurigura - Hm?! You can take my attack head on? Are you a Knight?!

Gurigura finally shifted her attention from her target to Issei and stepped back a cautious distance.

Gurigura - ...Huh? Issei-nii... Why?

Issei - Yo, Gurigura. What's up? You didn't notice it was me? And what about you? Why are you attacking Tio?

Issei calmly greets Gurigura, just like an everyday greeting.

Gurigura - Cause she's bad! She's making a sketchy deal here in secret! That proves it!

Issei - Hmm. If you see it that way it is indeed hard to explain it.

Gurigura - I can let you go, but not Tio. I need to kill her so she won't be president.

Issei - Kill her?

Tio - You're Dark Night Kitty, aren't you? Even last year, you attacked Bors's opponent and influenced the election.

Gurigura - Call it what you want, I'm just passing judgment. There was proof that guy was doing bad stuff too.

Tio - Yes, it's true there was proof he took bribes! But was there any need for violence? Everyone has the right to run for president, whether they're bad or not. The choice is up to the voters, not you!

Gurigura - But I've got no choice... Since I'm a Knight. I've gotta beat the enemy.

Tio - Oh dear...

Issei - Gurigura, can we just talk for now?

Gurigura - Why? I said I'd let you go. Why are you defending the bad guy?

Issei - I don't know a thing about Tio. But until I've personally seen that she's evil, I won't let her be hurt just like that. This is also for your sake.

Gurigura - My sake?

Issei - How would you feel if you're mistaken about Tio? Knowing you kill an innocent people?

Gurigura - B-But... Then what's this sketchy deal about? Is it not bad?

Gurigura pointed to the bag of money in Issei's waist.

Issei - Well, there's nothing I can do to prove it to you that it's not a sketchy deal other than give you my words on it. It's not for something evil I can tell you that and if it is indeed used for something evil. Then I will pass the judgment myself, You're okay with that right Tio?

Issei calmly gazed at Tio while saying that.

Tio - Y-Yes, it's not for something evil. And if you find out it's for something evil then you can judge me right away.

Issei - See?

Then Issei looks towards Gurigura once more while softly smiling.

Gurigura - But... If I don't beat her, my life's gonna lose all meaning.

Issei - ...What meaning?

Gurigura - So... I'm sorry.

The emotion disappeared from Gurigura's face, replaced with piercing bloodlust aimed directly at Issei. But Issei doesn't even flinch feeling her bloodlust.

Gurigura who saw that sweated internally, 'Issei-nii sure is strong... I don't know if I can beat him but I have no choice because if not then...'

Man - There she is! this way!

Man 2 - Wh-What?! What's all that noise?!

Then there's a lot of sound coming towards this direction.

Gurigura - Oops, now civilians are coming. Oh well... That's it for now. But I'll stop you eventually, Tio! Just wait for me, okay?

With that, she jumped on top of the buildings and disappeared...

Issei keeps looking towards the direction of Gurigura while thinking about something.

Palomides - Oooh, you're still safe, Miss Tio?

Tio - Palomides, I'm sorry I worried you.

Palomides - Hrm, and I remember this man...

Tio - He's acting on behalf of King Louin.

Palomides - Is that right? But for now... It looks like most of the guards were just knocked out. Let's take them to a doctor quickly. And as for you young man, if you don't mind doing this instead. Could you guard Miss Tio for now?

Issei finally took back his gaze and look towards Palomides.

Palomides - Ahem, as you can see, our guards have been wiped out. It will be some time before we can hire more from the guild, so your assistance would be appreciated.

Well, Issei can't do his secret mission without Tio so he agreed to it.

Issei - Sure, I'll stay with her for now.

Palomides - Thank you very much.

Palomides bowed, gave orders to those subordinates who could stand, and began to swiftly pull away.

The crowd that had gathered seemed to sense that the chaos was over with and left, leaving nobody around but Issei and Tio.

Tio - I'm sorry... But I'm depending on you for the time being.

Issei - It's fine, but I left my wives at the inn, so if you don't mind I'm gonna get them first.

Tio - Yes, I'll just stand aside and stay out of your way, so don't mind me.

To be honest, she felt a bit disappointed that Issei already married. Because she felt a certain charm that other man doesn't have emitting from him.

And when she saves her back then look so gallant that her heart skips a beat. She can vaguely see his face under his hood back then and she could tell that he's a very handsome man. But she has her duties for now so she doesn't have time to get into a love affair.

Issei - Um.

Then they head towards the Inn.

Meanwhile with Gurigura.

Gurigura was using the magic transmitter to report that she had failed the mission.

Gurigura - I'm sorry, Master. Someone got in the way...

Gurigura didn't even know the name of the person she was talking to.

But as a Ranger, a job class that sometimes takes spy missions, she was taught that not being told that information was perfectly normal.

??? - Do you not want the chance to proudly, publicly proclaim that you're a Knight?

Gurigura - ...I do.

??? - Aside from how to act as a Knight, you've received no other education. What's beside fighting are you good for?

Gurigura - I'm sorry...

??? - Who was it that gave your worthless life some value?

Gurigura - You did, Master.

??? - ...Once this job is over, I'll treat you as an official Knight.

Gurigura - Really?!

??? - Yes, so see to it that Tio is killed. For your missions, you could never make yourself public, but after this. I want you to declare you're a Knight with pride.

Gurigura - Okay.

??? - Then you'll get a warm bed to sleep in and enough food not to starve. Put in an earnest effort.

The person on the other side hung up without waiting for Gurigura's response. He never talked about anything but her mission.

Gurigura - I'll become a real Knight...

Kitty - Nya.

Gurigura - Oh, a kitty?

A kitten approached the smiling girl.

Gurigura - Is this where you sleep?... I don't have a house of my own... So just lemme sleep here today, okay?

Gurigura is sitting on some boxes in the alleyway.

Kitty - Nya.

Gurigura - Soon, I'll get to call myself a Knight. Then I won't have to sleep in alleyways, and I'll get to eat every single day.

Kitty - Nya.

Gurigura - Oh, that reminds me. I do have food.

Gurigura remembered she still had some bread from Issei left and stuck her hand in her pocket.

Gurigura - Aw, it got all squished...

Gurigura gave half the bread to the jealous-looking kitten, then nibbled at her piece.

Gurigura - Eheheh, still tastes good.

Kitty - Nya...

Gurigura - Huh? Where are you going?

With the bread still in its mouth, the kitten disappeared into the dark alleyway.

Gurigura - Oh, I bet it has a home to return to...

Once she was alone, Gurigura recalled Issei and his wives smiling faces.

Gurigura - Issei-nii... Why is he on the bad guy's side? Maybe he's bad too...

For some reason, the bread seemed like it was rapidly losing its flavor.

Gurigura - Issei-nii was right... It doesn't taste so good when you're by yourself.

After satisfying her hunger, Gurigura lay down and spent the night alone like she always did.


After returning to Lancelot and spending a night at the inn, Issei told his wives about the secret mission.

Tio - Uh, um... This mission was given by King Louin, wasn't it? Who's your father?

Riche - Oh, I'm Riche Eden. He's my father.


Riche - Though since I married Issei, I lost any right to the throne. Not that I care since being a King never suited me anyway... And I love Ise so the more reason not to care about the throne.

Tio - Um, my apologies. I wasn't aware you were of such importance.

Riche - Father's the important one, so there's no need to feel tense around me or Ise. Just be yourself.

Tio - Um, then I want you to feel the same way around me. We're around the same age...

Issei - Hm? I thought you were older.

Tio - Not that much older.

Issei - O-Ou... Got it...

Issei felt an unusual pressure from Tio and decided to agree to her claim...

Riche - Well you can just give Tio the funds and be done with the secret quest right?

Issei - Ah. Tio, would you mind taking me to this organization we're giving money to? I promised Gurigura after all.

Tio - I can't... As long as Dark Night Kitty is around, I can't take you there. Besides which, you seem to be an acquaintance of hers, so it's not impossible that you're planning for that to begin with.

Issei - Hmm. Good point.

Tio - So, until all doubts are completely cleared, I can't trust you.

*Knock!* *Knock!* *Knock!*

There's a knock on the door then Issei opened it to see Palomides outside.

Palomides - Apologies for interrupting! Miss Tio, there's trouble!

Tio - P-Palomides?

Riche - Hey, what's this about?! We said we're talking about something important.

Tio - I-It's okay... Palomides and the guards know about the secret mission.

Riche - Hrrm...

Palomides - Yesterday's attack was reported in the papers.

Tio - Huh?!

Palomides opened the newspaper he had, displaying a large article on last night's incident.

Palomides - There are pictures of the guards who were brought to the hospital. Denying that an attack happened may prove difficult.

Tio - But how'd they put this together so fast?

Riche - Whoever ordered Dark Night Kitty to attack leaked it to the newspaper company, I'm sure.

Palomides - I know... It must be Bors! She's his pawn too, I'm sure of it.

Riche - Um, why are you panicking about this? You were one of the victims.

Palomides - After Dark Night Kitty's attack last year, she was celebrated as a righter of wrongs.

Riche - I see... And since she attacked you, it'll spread the idea that you're doing something bad? That's fishy... The newspaper company that's calling her a hero could be in it too... Public image is an important part of elections I guess.

Tio - Palomides, we have to do something. If we stay silent, it'll be the same as admitting we're hiding something.

Palomides - Yes, it would be best to give a few speeches and inform the public you're innocent... But... We don't have new guards yet. Unless Kitty is stopped, I can't let you go out in public.

Tio - ...

Tio sneak a glance towards Issei and Issei noticed her gaze.

Issei - *Sigh* Then we'll take her around.

Palomides - Huh? Are you sure?

Tio face lit up hearing Issei gonna escort her once again.

Issei - I'll have to capture Gurigura if I want to finish my secret mission anyway. Not that I'm gonna hurt her or anything, I'm just gonna ask her some questions. And besides, as I told her, I want to see whether you're good or bad for myself. If you are evil then you know the consequences.

Tio - Yes, I'm fine with that. Very well then. Please be my protection.

Issei - You two are okay with that right?

Riche - Well, Rochefort's on the president's side, so I can't complain about supporting his opposition.

Ramius - I will follow your decision all the way since I'm your wife.

Issei smiled hearing that.

Palomides - We applied to give speeches in advance. Take her to Lionel, Hector, and Safere in that order, please.

Issei - Got it.

Riche - Lionel first then. That's where the incident happened, right? Might make it a good place to start.

Issei - Then let's go.

Having agreed to escort Tio around, the party decided to leave for Lionel, their first destination.

After a while, the party arrived at the entrance to their first destination, Lionel.

Tio - Made it in time, now let's hurry and-


Tio ran past a thicket that suspiciously shook. There are some monsters pop out but they got killed instantly.

At first Riche and Ramius thought it was Gurigura but Issei told them it's not. Then they entered Lionel.

By the time they arrived in the main square, there was already a large crowd. But they looked not so much supportive about the incident as they are curious.

Tio - Hello, everyone. As you know, we were attacked last night, resulting in the injury of much of my staff.

But unphased by the audience's gaze, Tio bravely delivered her speech.

Tio - The reason why I was attacked isn't clear, but I can proudly declare I have nothing to hide. I won't back down in the face of such senseless violence. For the sake of my staff members who were injured last night, I swear I will fight on. Even simply from the perspective of the Kingdom of Arthur's historical value, we should undergo a thorough investigation of the ruins before taking any drastic actions. Please, don't let the ruins be destroyed by buying into these baseless claims that Outlaws are inhabiting them.

What we should focus on solving right now is the issue causing the most suffering... The poison gas coming from Lake Guinevere.

Despite the news of the attack, the audience seemed captivated by Tio's speech and, when it was over, gave her an ear-splitting round of applause.

Tio - Whew, somehow got through that okay.

Issei - Good job. Everyone seemed to like it.

Tio - T-Thank you... Maybe it's because of the attack, but they seemed to take it more seriously than usual.

Riche - Then it would probably be best to get to the other towns sooner rather than later.

Tio - Yes. The next town we're going to is Hector.

The party then headed towards Hector the location of the next speech.

Ramius - Hrm, are those Outlaws? They've got some guts to be wandering near town.

The party arrived at Hector and sighted some suspicious men snooping around the entrance.

Outlaw 1 - Oh. We were gonna attack some suckers leaving town, but looks like we've got some good targets right here.

Outlaw 2 - Hoh, nice chicks you've got there. If you ladies stay, we'll let the guy go.

Riche - Outlaws really need to come up with some new lines.

Ramius - What are Lancelot's Knights doing?

Outlaw 3 - Heh heh heh, don't you know? They're so caught up with the poison gas problem that they ain't got time to stop us.

Outlaw 4 - Blame your luck for being shit. Now hand the chicks over!

Issei - You must be a total idiot if you think I'm going to hand over my wives to you.

Outlaw 5 - Whaaaat?! They're all your wives?!

Tio - Oh, no... I'm not... But I'd love to...

Tio's cheeks blushed for some reason. Riche and Ramius who saw that looked at each other and smiled wryly at the same time.

Riche - Guess we will have another sister soon enough.

Ramius - Fumu. So it seems.

Issei face also twitched hearing that but he won't point it out...

Outlaw 5 - Dammit! I can't rest until this guy's beaten to a pulp!

Outlaw 4 - DIIIIIE!

With a quick work from Issei they all down for the count.

Tio who saw his action become mesmerized even more. Issei can only smile bitterly seeing that while his 2 wives smirked at him.

Then they enter the town.

Riche - Why would Outlaws come near such a big town? What idiots.

Ramius - This may not be the best time for an election.

Tio - After the speech, I'll tell the Knights they should reinforce security.

Tio went to the crowded main square and began to speak in front of the audience.

Tio weaved the Outlaw incident into the speech, garnering a positive response from the townspeople.

Besides drawing on their personal experiences in that manner, she talked about her own ideas.

Her talent for public speaking seemed to capture the hearts of the citizens of Hector.

Tio - I'm done. Now let's get to the last town.

When the party arrived at Safere, a bush near the entrance moved suspiciously.

Ramius - Now is it Gurigura?!

Issei - Nah...

There's a Hanny pop out from the bushes.

Hanny 1 - Haniho!

Ramius - Oh... It's just a Hanny.

Hanny 1 - What do you mean, 'just a hanny'?! You may not be aware, but I'm a presidential candidate!

Hanny 2 - Yeah, that! Even just running for president means we get attention!

Hanny 1 - Eheh, once I become a president, I'll make all girls wear glasses and bloomers.

Hanny 3 - All hail the president!

Issei - ...

Hanny 1 - Heheh, let me tell you something, stupid hoomans. This kind of platform is called a 'Majestic'.

Hanny 2 - Boy, hoomans are so dumb!

Riche - You mean a manifesto? Not that that word sees much use in that way anymore...

Issei - Are hannies even allowed to run for president?

Tio - No, it's supposed to be humans only.

Hanny 1 - That's not true! We even have campaign posters up!

The hanny puffed out his chest (?) and showed them a poster.

Issei - ...What's this doodle?

Tio - Oh right, I've heard about someone sticking doodles up on election bulletin boards. Election officials keep having to go around and take them down.

Hanny 2 - Gwah! All that time spent putting them up, and for what?!

Riche - Look, we're pretty busy, so could you go away? Shoo, shoo!

Hanny 3 - Grrr, give haniwa the right to run for president too!

Hanny 1 - If it's come to this, we'll have to make you wear glasses and bloomers by force!

The infuriated hannies attacked the party. But all of them broke to pieces just from one punch by Issei.

(AN: You guys might have not played the game but this jackasses of hannies give more game over than any bosses around because they have ranged attack and immune to magic. So Riche is totally useless fighting them, and they very often attack Tio in the game for an instant game over because she only has like 50 hp and 1 hit die... Hate this part so much ~_~)

Riche - What a waste of time that was. You okay, Tio?

Tio - Yes, thanks to you all. I haven't even suffered a scratch.

Tio bowed to the party and ran to the main square where a crowd was waiting.

Issei and his wives are visited by Palomides.

Palomides - Oh, already made it here, have you? I was worried that you might not have made it safely, so I brought our remaining staff here to wait and see if you arrived.

Eventually, some loud applause came from the site of Tio's speech.

Palomides - Hm, I thought we were in a pickle, but Miss Tio turned it into a good opportunity.

Palomides's face was like that of a grandfather appreciating his grandchild's growth.

Tio - That went well... Oh? Palomides?

Palomides - The attack by Dark Night Kitty seems to have given you some guts.

Tio - Th-Thank you.

Palomides - You traveled around faster than I expected. I also applied for a speech in <Pankarch> town if we had the time, so you might as well go there now.

Riche - I believe they've been severely impacted by the poison gas up there.

Palomides - The wind today has apparently cleared up the poison gas on the road.

Tio - Understood. I'd like as many people as possible to hear my speech.

Palomides - Can you help with that, everyone?

Issei - Sure.

Palomides thanked them once more and left.

Tio - Pankarch is up north, past Lake Guinevere. It's a bit far, unfortunately.

Ramius - That's Lancelot's harbor town. They call it their 'gateway to the ocean'.

Tio - Not only is the poison gas impeding trade, but the destruction of Eden Harbor has resulted in great dissatisfaction among the citizens.

Riche - Couldn't that make them dangerous?

Tio - There does seem to be some disorder, but I believe it's a politician's job to hear such people out.

Ramius - Alright, leave it to us. We'll keep watch in the city too.

Tio - Thank you.

For one additional speech, the party decided to head north to <Pankarch>.

Ramius - Hrm, something's wrong with the town!

Upon entering Pankarch and arriving at the main square, the party noticed something strange about the crowd.

Man - Cough, cough... Nnngh...

Girl - Haaah, haaah... Mom, it huuurts...

Riche - Guh, it reeks!

Issei - It's a poison...

Tio - It's poison wind! The Outlaws have been causing so many distractions that nobody's watching Lake Guinevere.

Issei - Ramius, Riche. Let's have the civilians evacuate! Lend a hand to anyone who can't move.

Ramius & Riche - Got it!

The party split up and assisted the people coughing on the ground, then had them take shelter in a large building.

Issei - Is that everyone?

Tio - Over there! There's still someone left.

Next to a cow carriage that broke down in the commotion, Tio spotted someone crouched over and ran up to her.

Tio - Are you okay, old lady? Here, grab my shoulder.

Old lady - Ooow, my leg... It got caught in my cargo. Don't waste time on me. Save yourself.

Tio - I'll be fine, just hang in there! Issei, untie the rope around the cargo.

Issei noticed someone is hiding on the bushes nearby and he knows who it is, so he tested something. He's faking it by saying the ropes bound very tight so it might take a while.

And just like he hoped she would do...


While Issei is faking it, a sharp throwing weapon flew past and cleaved through the rope.

Issei - 'Just like I thought... You are a good girl.'

Tio - There, your leg's free. Now hold on to me!

Old lady - Thank you... Thank you so much...

Issei - Tio, that's the last person.

Issei confirmed that nobody else was left and helped Tio carry away the old woman.

Issei - We managed to get everyone to safety for now... So this is what the poison gas does?

Issei doesn't know what the effect of the poison gas is since he's resistant to poison thanks to Semiramis.

Tio - Yes, it's been around since the Arthur Tragedy. With each passing day, there are more and more incidents like this.

Issei - Hmm...

Issei knows it shouldn't be caused by the Witches because he met with QD and Arthur himself before. Perhaps there's some magic went haywire at the ruins or something. So it might just be an accident...

Tio - I don't know what's causing it, but I can't imagine the Kingdom of Arthur I know would have developed such dangerous magic. They're pinning everything on the dead who can't defend themselves, and that's not right.

Issei - I agree.

Tio and Issei took the old woman to a safe place, around which time the effects of the poison gas seemed to have subsided in most of the townspeople, and they began to return to a normal condition.

Riche - Doesn't look like you'll be able to give a speech.

Tio - Well, given the circumstances... At least we were still able to help people. There would be no election without them.

When the chaos died down, the party noticed Tio was exhausted after all the speeches and had her rest in the shade of a tree.

Then suddenly Issei saw Gurigura made her move.


A knife heading toward Tio was caught by Issei.

Tio - Ah!

Gurigura - Darn, I thought my timing was perfect.

Gurigura was shocked by Issei's reaction time. She was holding a big cloth that featured the same pattern as the tree.

Ramius - So you were sneaking around using camouflage.

Gurigura - I might've messed up but I'm not calling it quits just yet!!

Issei - Wait, Gurigura.

Gurigura - What?

Issei - You helped us save that old lady, right? Thanks.

Gurigura - ?!

Issei - But you must've seen all that too. How could you still think that Tio's a bad guy?

Gurigura - But... But... She is...

Issei - Think about it yourself. Based on what you saw, could Tio really be a bad person?

Gurigura - Y-You're trying to shake me up! I won't let you get away with that!

Issei - Gurigura...

Driven into a corner by Issei's question, Gurigura prepared her gloves and displayed the intent to fight.

Riche - Guess it's come to this. As her guards, we're gonna protect Tio. Please guard Tio, Ise. And let us handle her.

Ramius - Ah. We also need to stop relying on you too much. Gurigura will be a perfect foe as our training partner. Don't worry, we'll try to hurt her as little as possible.

Issei - ...Got it, I leave it to you guys.

Gurigura - Don't take me... Don't take Rangers lightly!

Ramius - Well, if Ise is the one who fights you then it will be over instantly. You notice that too right? Can you beat him the way you are now?

Gurigura - Guh...

Indeed Gurigura can't see any opening from Issei nor does she have the capabilities to defeat him either. It's like he's a giant mountain she can never hope to surmount.

Riche - Well then. Shall we, Gurigura?

Then they start their fight against Gurigura. Riche and Ramius teamwork is perfect, every time Gurigura tries to land a hit on Riche, Ramius will always be there to cover her.

And Ramius close combat capabilities also nothing to scoff at. Even though she carries a giant lance and shield but she's quite fast, at least fast enough to stop Gurigura from attacking Riche.

Riche cast magic attack on Gurigura but never aimed it at her vitals, she just aims it at her legs or hands. Her aim is quite accurate but Gurigura is able to minimize the damage every time Riche magic is about to hit her.

Gurigura is also a skilled fighter because she can fight with 2 of them at the same time.

Tio is in awe seeing their battle.

Tio - W-Wow... They all are so skillful... Our Knights are not as skillful as them...

Issei - Ah... Indeed.

Issei feels proud seeing his wives in action but he's also impressed by Gurigura's skill.

Tio who saw Issei gentle face while looking at his wives felt a tinge of jealousy, she really envied Riche and Ramius for being able to have a husband like Issei.

She thought she will train later in the future when her job is finished. And perhaps she could...

She blushed thinking about the future.

Then finally their fight is over with Gurigura's on the losing side.

Gurigura - Ah... Oh no, how'd I lose?

Although she lost, Issei can see there are no serious injuries on her.

Ramius - We won't do anything bad to you, so just surrender peacefully.

Gurigura - ...After my mission's over.

Riche - No way! She can still move?!

Gurigura seemed to be at her limit but managed to run away while the party's guard was down. Issei noticed she was gonna run but choose to let her go instead so as to teach his wives to never let their guard down whenever they face against an enemy no matter who they are.

After all, it's fine in this case since it's the perfect opportunity to let them learn without hurting themselves. If it's just pure evil person then Issei would've stopped him/her from running away but Gurigura is not evil.

Issei - Now remember to not let your guard down even if the enemy is on their last stand girls.

Ramius - Guh... To think I would make that kind of mistake...

Riche - Hai...

Issei smiled at them and patted their head.

Issei - Don't worry. I'm sure you will be more careful next time.

Riche - Ehehe~

Ramius - U-Um...

Riche and Ramius are happy being patted by Issei while Tio who's seeing that felt a little jealous.

Ramius - But, that girl seems to have received some serious training.

Riche - Maybe she graduated from the Academy.

Issei - What academy?

Riche - There was a special academy for training Rangers, a type of Knight with unique combat skills.

Ramius - But after the Arthur Tragedy, every country had to cut down on Knights.

Riche - The academy's only purpose was raising new ones, so I heard it was put to rest around then. Since the only country that's still recruiting Knights in large numbers is the Kingdom of El Quixote to the east of here.

Ramius - The whereabouts of most of the Academy's students is apparently unknown.

Issei - I see... Must've been quite a school. They taught her to move so quickly.

Of course, that's based on a human standard. For Issei, Gurigura is still too slow in his eyes.

Riche - No point standing here and talking. The speech was called off, so why don't we head back to Lancelot?

Issei - Sure.

Having stopped Gurigura's attack, the escorts decided it was time to return to Lancelot.

-At Lancelot-

Tio - Thank you, everyone. These speeches should have minimized the damage from the newspaper article.

Riche - Based on the voter's reactions, you might even be more popular than before.

Tio - Maybe so. The crowds were bigger than usual, so it was a good chance to talk about my positions.

Ramius - When life gives you lemons... You know, that saying. (AN: Yup Ramius, Indeed... When life gives you Lemons... ( ))

Riche - If the president's the one who organized the attack, I'd love to see his face after these results.

Issei - Well, we will meet Gurigura again later and we can ask her why she attacks Tio in the first place. And Tio about the secret mission I guess we can't go there anytime soon.

Tio - ...I'm sorry. Under these circumstances, I can't be your guide.

Riche - Well, if it's supposed to be secret, what can you do? You never know when Gurigura might be watching.

Tio - I'm very sorry. If it would only affect me, I wouldn't mind, but I couldn't impose any potential burden on others.

Ramius - Until Gurigura's stopped, the mission can't be completed, then.

Issei - Don't worry, Gurigura's not a bad girl. She's just being used, I'm sure of it.

Riche - Then do you think she's wrong about Tio being a criminal?

Tio - Oh dear... I-I...

Issei - Ah. From what I've seen so far I think she's a kind and wonderful person. Besides, I've told you that I can see people's aura right? And I don't feel any evil aura on her.

Tio - Uh... Aah... I-I'm not so...

Tio blushed deeply being praised by the man she has feelings for.

Riche and Ramius smirked when seeing her acting all bashful like that. And Tio who noticed their gaze on her become even more embarrassed that she hides her face with her hands.

Issei felt speechless seeing them like that...

Then Issei told them why Gurigura's indeed not a heartless killer. Because if she is then she could have taken advantage of the poison gas commotion in Pankarch to attack Tio but she never did and helped the civilians in the shadow just like how he 'helped' Issei to cut that rope on the cargo. The one with the old woman.

Issei took out the throwing weapon that had severed the rope. It was the same as the ones Gurigura attacked with.

Ramius - That's true, it would have been a perfect opportunity to attack.

Issei - Ah. Even when she attacked Tio the first time, it seemed like only did it because our meeting in the middle of the night seemed fishy.

Riche - Hm, you're probably right. She's indeed seemed to be being used by someone. I mean, I agree. She's not attacking out of personal interest, she's taking someone else's orders. I mean... From what I've seen, she doesn't come off like she can make decisions for herself.

Issei - Ah. Indeed. Now you girls just need to think of something to catch her, because you asked me to leave it to you two no?

Issei could easily catch Gurigura himself but he chooses to let his wives handle it by themselves just like they requested. And although he spoils her wife a lot, he knows when to spoil or not to spoil.

He doesn't want to make them weak and can't think for themselves. They are his wives not some dolls to be set as a trophy.

Ramius - Fumu, you're right. But it won't be easy... When a Ranger gets serious, their skills are even compared to those of ninjas.

Issei - Ninjas? Oh right, there's a manga about them in this world.

Ramius - Yes. They apparently did exist hundreds of years ago, but they say Rangers are modeled off the ninjas in the manga.

Riche - Ninjas... Ninjas?

Issei - What's wrong Riche? Noticed something?

Riche - It's just... When you mentioned ninjas, I almost remembered something. Uuuuh, hmmmm... Oh! Now I remember! That's right, ninja birdlime!

Issei - Ninja birdlime?

Ramius - Right, there is that. It's an item created for capturing Rangers who sneaks into castles.

Issei - Hm? Does that kinda thing exist?

Riche - Right before the Arthur Tragedy, every country was taking efforts to collect info on every other country, so a lot of Rangers were sent on spy operations. Of course, some were sent to spy on Eden... But we invented ninja birdlime, something that could even capture a ninja. The inventor was really proud of it and rambled on about how it works forever, so I've still got it stuck in my memory.

Issei - Oh, You know the inventor?

Riche - Yeah, the inventor came by the castle a lot and we're around the same age, so we talked plenty.

Ramius - And she's a <Zero Knight> like Aniue.

Issei - Oh, the 3rd <Zero Knight> huh.

Issei isn't that surprised hearing the 3rd <Zero Knight> is a woman, he never the one to judge people capabilities by gender after all. Just like how he first met Ramius and finding out that she's a Knight.

Riche - But what should we do? I doubt there's even any left at the castle.

Issei - Really? Then couldn't you ask this <Zero Knight> to make it for you instead? Where is she again, at the capital? I could teleport us there if you want.

Riche and Ramius remembered that Issei is basically a Dragon and he can teleport them to where they have been before. Tio is being confused hearing their conversation but chooses not to cut in.

Riche - Well... That won't do any good. Unlike Acheval and Barro, this <Zero Knight's> not required to stay in the country or anything.

Issei - Hm? I thought <Zero Knights> had to?

Riche - Well, both this person's promotion to <Zero Knight> and current position are pretty unique. She doesn't actually do a Zero Knight's job, she just hides away in the mountains. Based on the New Year's card we got last year, we would want to look somewhere in the mountains between Lancelot and the Kingdom of El Quixote... I think.

Issei - I see. Why she lives there in the first place anyway?

Ramius - I've heard rumors the inventor can't live near anyone due to her dangerous experiments, or something like that.

Issei - Well, let's go meet her then and you can ask her to make the ninja birdlime for you.

Riche - Hmmm, don't know if they'll agree to it. That's all I'm worried about.

Issei - Well, what would you do in the meantime, Tio?

Tio - Eh? Oh, Palomides contacted me saying he found some guards, so I think I'll return to my office.

Issei - Okay, we'll get in touch with you again later.

Thus, the party saw Tio off, then decided to head for the mountains to the east in search of the inventor of the ninja birdlime after getting some sleep for the night.

The next morning...

-Border Mountain Range-

The party set foot in the rugged mountains making up the border between the Republic of Lancelot and the Kingdom of El Quixote.

Issei - This pathway sure is a mess... They could bother to maintain it a little better no?

Riche - It's on the border with El Quixote, so they have to constantly argue about who's putting how much money into it, apparently.

Ramius - All things considered, it's much faster and safer to take a ship than to climb these steep, dangerous mountains.

Riche - Even long ago, during King Arthur's exodus, they constructed a bunch of boats so they could cross by sea.

Issei - Huh, really?

Ramius - Unlike Lancelot, they have plenty of lumber to use in El Quixote.

Riche - The plan was put forth so that women, children, and old people who couldn't climb the mountains were able to keep going, according to the story. Now, the person we're looking for should be near the peak. Let's get climbing.

Issei - Got it.

Then after some time they finally reached the peak.

Ramius - Kathryn lives right over there. Let's go pay her a visit.


Riche - We're here! There should be a hut over this way!

Issei finally saw what looked like someone's home.

Issei - ...This is her house?

The house looks weird. Like a combination of a wooden dome and iron parts with lots of antenna at the top.

Issei - Hm?

While Issei was dumbfounded by the location of the hut, a hanny carrying a big package passed by.

Delivery Hanny - Heave ho... Heave ho... Haniho! Amuzon delivery!

The delivery hanny yelled this outside the front door, then tossed the package on her doorstep.

Delivery Hanny - Thanks for using Amuzon!

Ramius - Amuzon does deliver everything from cradles to graves everywhere in the world, as long as you can pay. (AN: Is that true guys? I never used Amazon before so I don't know lol. This game obviously referring to Amazon in real life just changed 1 letter on it, and it became Amuzon .)

Issei - ...Anyway, let's say hi.


Issei pushed the old-fashioned doorbell at the entrance.

Issei knew someone is inside but he's confused why she doesn't appear to be moving from her spot hearing the doorbell.

Riche - The magic AC's condenser is running, so I'm sure she's there.

*Dingdong!* *Dingdong!*

Kathryn - God, stop... The form's in the mailbox, so just leave the package in front of the door...

Issei - ...We're not a delivery man.

They heard a lazy voice of a woman coming from inside the hut.

Kathryn - Hmmm?... You're not the delivery guy? Are you with MBC (Magic Broadcasting Company)? I haven't got a magivision. (AN: Magivision is a television)

Issei - ...I can see an antenna on your roof.

Kathryn - That's... Uh, for decoration. Or it's for receiving radio waves from space.

Issei - ...Well, we're not with MBC nor an Alien...

Kathryn - Then what, newspaper guy? Missionary? Salesman? If you're a swindler, I've got enough, thanks.

Issei - ...I don't think a house that needs more swindling exists.

Considering how the hut looks there's obviously no swindler gonna bother trying to swindle the owner of this hut...

Riche - Been a while, Kath. It's me, Riche.

Kathryn - ...R-R-R-Riche?! Is that titty monster there too?

Ramius - Who are you calling a titty monster? If you must call me names, use either titty or monster, don't combine the two.

Kathryn - Gah! Ramius! G-Get outta here, meathead! Just so you know, if you break down this door, I'll call the Knights!

Ramius - I'm one of those Knights, though.

Kathryn - Shut up. Then I'll call Lancelot's or El Quixote's Knights.

Issei - ...Is she really a <Zero Knight>?

Ramius - Yes, one of Eden's three <Zero Knights> Kathryn Lapucelle.

Riche - Hey, Kath, could you just hear us out, please? We want your help.

Kathryn - Rejected!

Issei - ...That was quick... Are you two not on good terms with this Kathryn girl?

Ramius - No, I wouldn't say we were close friends, but we were friendly enough and pretty close in age.

Riche - Kath has always been antisocial, is the thing...

Ramius - That's why we spent time with her. She would shut herself away otherwise, so we broke down her door and forced her to go out to another place with us.

Issei - ...I can see why she'd be mad about that! 'So basically she's a hikiNEET? Just like Kazuma...'

Kathryn - Hm? What? I hear a man. You get a sex change, Ramius?

Ramius - No, I became a woman, actually.

Kathryn - ...What? Like, you must've had a period by now, so that can't be what you mean.

Ramius - No, I had sex for the first time and became a full adult. I'm no longer a girl... But a woman.

Ramius said that with a blissful smile on her face that almost make Issei almost lost control of himself if not for their current location.

Kathryn - S-Sex?! You dare bring this filthy talk to my front door, you meathead?!

Riche - Um, so we got married.

Kathryn - Wha-?!

After they heard a gasp, there was immediately some noisy footsteps approaching them from inside.


Kathryn - Whaaaaaaat?!

Issei saw Kathryn for the first time.

She has quite a beautiful face with dark green eyes, she has light brown hair tied in a ponytail, she wears a small dark brown coat on her shoulders. She wears a green beret on top of her head, she also wears a green colored outfit that modeled like a military outfit and she wears a long skirt that reaches her feet. She carries a crossbow on her back. (AN: /wiki/Kathryn_Lapucelle?file=Kath-full.png her picture)

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