The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 45:

Chapter 45:

Kathryn - You got married?! But you're weirder than I am!

Riche - Yep. This is my husband, Issei Hyoudou. He's not a royalty just in case you're wondering.'Well, he'll probably become one soon enough though.'

Riche added that last part inside her mind because she believes Issei will become a royalty soon enough or even surpass the royalty at that matter.

Ramius - By the way, he's my husband too.

Issei - ...Yo.

Kathryn - ...What? Hey, gimme a good look at your face.

Issei - Hm?

Kathryn grabbed Issei's head, drew him in close, and stared. Issei can dodge her grab but he chooses not to because he doesn't see any reason why he should dodge it when she's only wanted to see his face.

Kathryn - Wait, this is a real man! It's not a realistic magic item or an illusion or- Aah...

Kathryn suddenly becomes frozen stiff after seeing Issei's face clearly. Looking at his handsome face at point blank and feeling his aura up close at that too is a huge mistake.

Even a saint feels their heartbeat thumped loudly moreover so for a normal girl like her.

She becomes instantly mesmerized... She can feel her cheeks flushed, she can even feel her heart thump loudly threatening to break out from her chest.

When she was totally lost in seeing Issei's face when she heard a chuckle.

Riche snickered seeing Kathryn becomes mesmerized after seeing Issei's face. After all, even she becomes mesmerized when she first saw Issei's face when they first met.

Ramius just calmly nodded thinking to herself that her husband is truly a great man that can even mesmerize Kathryn who's known to be an anti-social girl in the capital. Ramius doesn't really see Issei for his handsomeness but for what's inside him. Even if Issei has an average face she will still fall in love with him what's more when he's this handsome.

Kathryn after realizing the look of Riche and Ramius giving her came back to her senses and hastily shoved Issei while her face turned totally red like a tomato.

Kathryn - H-Hey, are you really a normal guy? You don't like, crossdress, or anything?... Even more when you're that handsome...

She felt her face heat up even more at the last part.

Riche - Well, I wouldn't call him 'normal' you see...

Ramius - Um. Indeed, he's far from 'normal'...

Issei - ...What?

Kathryn - Then are you-

When Kathryn wanted to ask him if he's indeed crossdressing or not suddenly Ramius and Riche continued talking.

Ramius - ...He defeated Aniue you see, and he becomes a Knight in less than a week at that too and he's undergoing a test to become a <Ten Knight> at the moment. He will be promoted when he finished the test and returned to the capital.

Riche - ...Um, um. He's crazy strong, smart, cool, handsome, kind, caring, and a great cook at that too. So he's anything but normal you see.

Ramius - Fumu. Indeed.

Both Riche and Ramius nodded at the same time while wearing a smug look on their face making Kathryn who saw their face becomes annoyed.

Issei blushed a little hearing his wives praises on him but he's happy inside that his wives feel that way about him.

Kathryn who saw his blushing face got even more mesmerized than before but she hastily snaps out of it and said.

Kathryn - W-wait! Did you say he defeated Acheval? That Acheval?!

Ramius - Yeah, he defeated my brother, Acheval. And easily at that too.

Riche - Even my Father and Barro acknowledged his talent you see.

Kathryn becomes totally speechless hearing that... She even thought he must be isn't a human. Well, she's right on that part...

She just sighed and asked them once more.

Kathryn - ...So what do you want? You gonna drag me to the celebration?

Riche - We want your help. Could you make ninja birdlime for us?

Kathryn - Ninja birdlime? Oh right, that. I remember making something like that... But nah, that would be a pain. Bye, see ya.


Kathryn tried to close the door, but Riche jammed her foot in the way.

Riche - Hold on a moment! Why can't you just do it?!

Kathryn - Don't wanna. Waste of my time. What do I have to gain?!

Riche - Uh huh. So that's how you're gonna be...

Kathryn - Wh-What?

Riche - I'm gonna make Amuzon orders to your house for weird, incriminating things in your name!

Kathryn - You wouldn't dare! Returning things is a pain in the ass!

Issei just calmly look at his wife antics, he knows they are just playing around with each other and Riche won't really do what she just said.

Riche who felt Issei gaze hastily said.

Riche - I-I'm not really trying to force her, It's just, seeing Kath brought me back to the old days!

Ramius - Ise, they've always treated each other like this. She means no real harm, so don't worry.

Ramius tried to back up Riche but Ise just respond with a smile and said

Issei - I know. Riche wouldn't do something like that.

Riche - I-I see... That's good, I guess...

Riche blushed in happiness knowing her husband trust her that much.

Kathryn - ... 'The hell? She seriously likes this guy? Riche was never one to make girly faces like this... I know he's handsome but there's no way Riche would only like a guy just because they are handsome the same goes for Ramius. Riche was all into heroes in the manga and fairy tales and stuff... And Ramius was the Loner Knight, so why's she seem to trust this guy in particular?'

Kathryn keeps thinking all that while looking at them.

Kathryn - ...Hrrm... 'Oh... I've got an idea.' Alright, not like you're strangers to me, so I'll be nice and make you some ninja birdlime. The thing is, I haven't got the materials, so we'll have to go get those.

Kathryn paused for a moment to build up the tension, then stared right at Issei.

Kathryn - I'll lead the way, you follow me. And only you.

Issei - Hmm? Sure, I guess. What materials do you need?

Kathryn - There's a small fountain I made not far past here. I need some water from there.

Issei - ...Very well.

Ramius - Why not just me?

Kathryn - Nope, has to be, uh... Issei. If you want me to cooperate, he has to come alone.

Riche - ...'She's gotta be planning something.'

Riche gave Kathryn a silent stare but the latter just ignores it.

Kathryn - Listen, the fountain's right outside this hut. Let's get going. Follow me.

Issei - You two can take a break.

Issei smiled at Riche and Ramius, then went with Kathryn to the fountain.

After a while, they arrived at the fountain.

Kathryn - Alright, here we are. This is the fountain.

Issei - Huh. It's quite pretty.


Issei - Hm? What's that? Are there fish in here or something?

Kathryn - Riche and Ramius are bathing, probably.

Issei - Huh? How? We left them back at the house.

Kathryn - Heheh, so there's actually a faster way from there to the fountain, and I tricked them into wanting to wash off in it.

Issei - ...Why would you do that?

Kathryn - Just seeing if you can prove you're not just posing as couples.

Issei - You think we are faking it? Like using each other for personal gain by pretending to be in love with each other?

Kathryn - Y-Yeah.

Issei can feel some insecurities inside Kathryn's eyes. She must have some past he thought, just like him.

Issei - Well, we're not pretending though.

Kathryn - Th-Then go bathe with them.

Kathryn keeps nudging the back of Issei's back while saying that.

Issei - ...*Sigh* No need to push me.

Then Issei calmly stripped his clothes. He thought he might as well humor her.

Kathryn who saw his naked body felt a bit tingly down there and she felt her body heated up just from seeing his naked body. She keeps thinking how perfect his body is, all that toned muscle of his, and his smooth dark brown hair and fair skin that can even make woman envious of it.

Thankfully Issei didn't turn around to face her or she will see his dragon down there.

When she saw he's about to jump in the water she snaps back from her delusions and suddenly asks him.

Kathryn - S-So?

Issei looked back seeing her talking once more.

Issei - Hm?

Kathryn - Who do you love more?

Issei - What?


Issei got taken by surprise because he was just thinking about her question and was gonna answer it when she suddenly pushed him down into the fountain.

When Issei fall into the fountain he accidentally drank some of the water inside of it. 'This girl...' Issei is speechless with Kathryn action.

When he pops his head out of the water he saw Riche and Ramius bathing inside the fountain fully naked. He thought how great his wives bodies are, but...

There's something wrong with them... They have no scent. And Issei could tell right away that they are just an illusion.

Then he saw the illusions talking with each other, Riche asked Ramius if her breasts have grown once again. And who can satisfy Issei more in bed, they keep talking about stuff like that.

Issei just enjoying the scenery. Even though It's an illusion, it's still his wives body after all. And he gotta agree that this illusion is spot on.

If he can't smell their sense then he might think they are indeed real. Well, he can also use his <Observation Haki> to tell if its an illusion or not...

Then the illusions noticed Issei and tell him to join them, Issei just calmly standing there. They keep seducing him with their bodies and to be honest he is indeed feeling a bit aroused but not to the point of losing his mind.

He can tell it's not really a harmful illusion so he just let it affect him.

Then the illusions asked him who can satisfy him more in bed. Issei answered their question thinking he should follow along just for fun. He said both of them do satisfy him.

And when they asked who he loves more between the two of them, he said both of them too.

Then she heard Riche voice behind him, he knows this is the real Riche.

Riche - Uh huh, that's enough of that.

Issei - Oh, you girls are here.

Riche - W-Well, we got worried and followed you, and it turns out I made the right decision. You can't tell the difference between reality and an illusion?

Issei gets out of the water and said.

Issei - Hn? Oh no. I realize it from the start, I'm just enjoying the view you see.

Riche - ...Y-You could just ask me and Ramius for that you know?

Issei - Well, doing something like this is not bad sometimes you see. And I know I can ask you both for that... After all, who moans my name loudly while we're in bed?

Issei comes closer to Riche and hug her close by her waist and whispered that last part near her ears and nibbled at it a bit.

Riche squirmed inside his embrace and she felt really hot inside and a bit wet down there because she just saw Issei naked body and his teasing is just too much for her. And she can feel his dragon rod touching her stomach down there.

When she felt his hand grab her butt gently she came a little.

Riche - ?!

Her face went ruddy and her gaze turned moist.

Riche - I-Ise... Not here... Please...

Her breathing got a bit ragged and she looked down.

Issei who saw that slyly smirked and lifted her face gently to make her look up to him. Then her lustful face came into view.

Issei - Hmm... Too bad...

He touched her lips softly and then he bent down to kiss her lips gently. He put his tongue inside Riche's mouth and entangled their tongues together.

Riche who felt that almost cum once more just from the kiss alone. Her body shivered in his embrace like a trembling baby deer.

Then Issei stopped the kiss after a few minutes.

Issei - Then I'll let you off with just that... For now...

Riche felt like she's at her limit hearing that.

Ramius - *G-Gohon*

Hearing Ramius cough finally Riche snaps out of it and hastily leave Issei's embrace, while Issei just calmly smiled at Ramius.

Ramius - I don't mind if you two flirting with each other but there's someone else here with us here remember?

To be honest, Ramius felt hot as well just by seeing their interaction just now and she also wants to kiss Issei as well.

Riche - Th-That's right. Hey, wh-where are you, Kath? Tell us what's going on here!

Ramius - If you're looking for Kath, she's cowering over there.

Kathryn at this moment is covering her lower face while there's seem a bit of blood flowing out of her hands.

Her face is flushed deep red and her eyes are spinning around.

It seems she got a nosebleed after seeing all that...

Kathryn - Aaah... A-A penis... A real penis... I've never seen one before... A-And that kiss... It's just like the ones in the manga... Uuuu...

Riche - ...Quit your whining. Hey, what were you trying to do? Talk, or I'll push Issei's crotch right in your face.

Riche quickly regained her composure after their flirting session just now. But her cheeks are still a bit flushed, and if anyone sees her panties now it's a bit damp...

Kathryn - W-Wah, idiot, wait... I'll talk, okay? Just get that guy to put some clothes on.

Issei - ...Oi.

Issei felt speechless with Riche threat. So he dries his body and started wearing his clothes.

Ramius felt a bit of pity for seeing him wearing his clothes... The same goes for both Riche and Kathryn too but they won't show it on their face as Ramius's did.


Kathryn - I made that spring by investigating a place called the Fountain of Truth. I ended up constructing something similar to it. Oh, but I really did need materials. Well, not that sewer water wouldn't work just as well.

After Issei got his clothes on, Kathryn relaxed then cleaned her nosebleed and scooped some water out of the fountain.

Riche - Wait, the Fountain of Truth is sacred territory for the Kalars! Good job getting them to let you check it out.

Issei - Kalars? The Fountain of Truth?

Ramius - Kalars are a species separate from humans.

Kalars are an all-female race. They have a signature pointy long ears, a crystal on their forehead and light-blue hair. They reproduce by mating with human males and will always give birth to another Kalar.

That's the extent of Ramius knowledge of Kalars.

And below is the detailed description of Kalar's race.

The features that separate them from humans are:

1. Their ears are long and they have a crystal on their forehead.

2. They are a female-only species.

3. They have a long lifespan, practically immortal.

4. At some point in their life, they become an 'Angel' or 'Devil'. (AN: See why I'm pointing out this 4 explanation? DxD anyone? Devil? Angel? Now Issei 5th faction will also be known as Harem King faction if you catch my drift ( ))

Another unique trait the Kalar possess is the Kalar Curse. Powerful magic ability is inherent in all Kalar. It can be considered the final vengeance from a Kalar to the one that killed her. The curse will either deliver instant death, or a slow, debilitating and painful one.

The curse is usually activated when the crystal is pulled from the Kalar's head, it will afflict the one that killed the Kalar. The Kalar Queen tends to have more powerful Cursecraft skills and can deliver a large-scale curse that kills all human males in the vicinity, and close access to the settlement is prevented by the heavily-armed Kalar Guard force.

Since there are no male Kalar, they must use a human male to reproduce, often keeping them locked and used as sperm banks. Pregnancy only lasts three months, and the child born is always a Kalar. The first few months they age incredibly fast. After being around the same stage as a 6-year-old human they age normally until they hit the age of 20. Once they hit their fully matured appearance, they stop aging until they die.

They were initially created by Supreme God Harmonitt with the objective of restocking Angels. This is the reason why their pregnancy periods are so small since it allows them to have more children, grow fast on the first stages of their lives and stay young until they die, to ensure they are capable of giving birth even in their old ages.

-Back to the party-

Riche - And the Fountain of Truth is a Legendary spring where it's said that if you drink the water and lie afterward, you die.

Kathryn - You can always count on Riche to know about the world's mysteries. That's exactly right.

Issei - Hmm, Is that so.

Kathryn - Y-You're not mad?

Issei - Why should I?

Kathryn - B-But didn't you heard the effects if you drink the water?

Issei - That only applies if I lied right? I never intend to lie in the first place. I'm honest with my feelings, I like what I like and hate what I hate. Simple as that.

Riche and Ramius squirmed around in happiness hearing his words while Kathryn becomes totally at loss for words hearing his words...

This is the first time she ever saw a man who's so honest about his feelings... Now she knows a little why Ramius and Riche trust and love him that much.

Kathryn - W-Well, don't worry. The effects aren't as severe as the real thing. It just makes you see things. I did give you some suggestions right beforehand to make the illusion stronger, though.

Issei - Oh, so that's why you mention Ramius and Riche were probably bathing and asked who I love more between the two.

Issei remembered that just before he was pushed in the spring, Kathryn claimed Ramius and Riche were bathing and asked which of them he liked more.

Kathryn - H-Hmph! You felt the need to show off that you got married, so I wanted to get back at you.

Riche - So you tried to get Ise to say which of us he likes more, huh?

Ramius - Useless move if I have to say. Because we know he loves us both dearly.

Issei just smiled gently at both of them.

Kathryn - O-Oh. That's it! I was testing the bond between you three! Yeah, good job overcoming the trial!

Riche - Don't try to make it sound like you did something good.

Kathryn - Tch, you caught me...

Riche - No duh, I caught you! Now go make the ninja birdlime already!

Kathryn - Fine, fine. Can't even take a joke.

Kathryn pouted, took a beaker out of her pocket, filled it with spring water, tossed in some grains of rice, and began to mix them together.

Kathryn - Hmm, think this is how it worked... Oh, it's getting sticky. Mix, mix, mix... Alright, done. My homemade ninja birdlime.

Issei - ...That was fast.

Kathryn - Now you can catch all the Rangers or ninjas you want. Add some offensive magic and it'll take out everyone caught in it if you want that.

Issei - Just capturing is fine. We know we can talk some sense into her.

Kathryn - Hmmm, sounds like an interesting story. Mind telling me about it? As an apology, I could give you a little assistance.

Issei - Oh?

Riche - It's easy to forget, but she's one of Eden's <Zero Knights>. She wouldn't leak any info, and she is smart, so I think it's okay if we talk about it.

Issei accepted Riche's answer and summed up everything that had happened during their time in Lancelot.

Kathryn - Poison gas, an election, the ruins of Arthur, Outlaws, a big-boobed challenger to the president, a Ranger girl... I see.

Riche - Well, notice anything? If you have any ideas at all, feel free to tell us.

Kathryn - I may be a genius, but I'm not so smart that I can figure out everything just by hearing about it. Especially when it comes to why anyone's doing anything. People's feelings are the last thing I can understand.

Issei noticed a spike from Kathryn aura when she mentioned the last part but he chooses to stay silent.

Kathryn - But as to what's happening... I might have a decent idea... Take this. It's still in the prototype stage, but I'm sure it'll come in handy.

Riche - What's this? Medicine?

Kathryn - A prototype antidote. If you've got four on hand, you'll probably be okay.

Ramius - An antidote...

Riche - I see, since the truth's hidden in the poison.

As though Riche knew what Kathryn was thinking she nodded with understanding, Issei also nodded to himself hearing that. And he has to admit she is smart indeed.

Then Issei saw Ramius staring off in a daze into the distance so he knows she didn't understand what Kathryn's implied just now. Ramius noticed Issei gaze on her and her cheeks turned a little red from embarrassment but she admits it anyway.

Ramius - Sorry... I'm incapable of understanding, but I trust Kath's intellect.

Issei - It's fine everyone has their own strong points remember? But is Kathryn's promoted to a <Zero Knight> because of her intellect?

Ramius - No, it was specifically for her skill as a Tactician.

Issei - A tactician?

Ramius - Yes, it's an exceedingly rare talent that enhances the abilities of everyone else in the party.

Issei - I see...

Issei thinks of something and asked Kathryn.

Issei - Uh, Kathryn Lapucelle.

Kathryn - W-What? And just call me my first name. We're around the same age, so whatever...

Issei - Then I'll call you Kath.

Kathryn - I-I didn't say you could use my nickname! That's too casual!

Issei - Oh, I just thought it's fine to call you that just like Riche did. Sorry if you didn't like it.

Kathryn blushed hearing that and said "N-Nah... I-I don't really care, so it's fine..."

Ramius and Riche give her a sly smirk at that, but she ignores them although her cheeks become even more flushed.

Issei - If you don't mind, would you be interested in coming along and helping out?

Kathryn - Huh?! D-D-D-Don't think so highly of yourself! You're trying to marry me too?!

She becomes totally flustered hearing Issei's invitation.

Issei - ...Why did it come to marrying you? I meant we could use your help with the <Snake Crest>. So having you on our side will be great.

Kathryn - Th-That's even worse! I'd have to go everywhere with you obnoxious lovebirds while you enjoy your stupid relationship!

She felt a little disappointed knowing he's not trying to marry her...

Issei - Nah, we'd keep it down around you.

Kathryn - Don't! I'd rather be completely alone rather than being pitied by you three!

Riche - ...Says the one who got a nosebleed while seeing our interactions

Kathryn - Shuddup!

Ramius - Well, give it up, Ise. Kath hates working in groups. You could call her a professional loner.

Kathryn - Hey, Ramius. I don't think the 'Loner Knight' is one to talk.

Ramius - Heheheh, after meeting Ise, I'm a changed woman.

Kathryn - T-Talk up your husband all you want. I'm saying no, and that's that.

Issei - Hm, is that so... Well, I'm not gonna force someone to do something they don't like so that's that I guess.

Kathryn - ...Th-Thanks... I guess... But more importantly, I've got a duty I need to fulfill!

Issei - What duty?

Kathryn - Hm? Looks like you're curious.

Issei - Sure, why not.

When Issei nodded, Riche winced, but it was too late...

Kathryn - I see, I see. That interested, are you?! Well, this is a secret, but just this once, I'll tell you! It turns out that I'm currently supremely busy with an outstanding invention! It's known as the Uppy Engine!

Issei - Uppy? Engine?

Kathryn suddenly becomes like a totally different person the moment she talks about her invention.

Kathryn - Yes, uppy as in the guy monster. And you can think of an engine as a device you use to power things. We live in an age where everything is powered by magic. Magivision, ACs, fridges everything runs on magic, as I'm sure you know.

Issei - ...Ah.

Kathryn - Yes, it's always all about magic, magic magic magic... But should it be? No, it shouldn't, humanity! So I had an idea. Is there anything that can generate energy without using magic? In fact, what is 'energy' in the first place?! I began my search from there.



Kathryn - And it turned out that just by capturing uppies, I could use their flames to generate a rotational force, I'm confident that rotation can be used as a power source in a way that's applicable in a number of different fields.


Kathryn - Well, it's currently in the prototype stage, and the most difficult part is capturing the uppies and getting them to cooperate, but... Being the genius that I am, I have an idea. You see when it comes to monsters...


Issei - ...Uuugh, this is taking forever.

Riche - Thing is, while Kath's normally reclusive if you get her talking about something she likes, she never stops...

Issei - ...Oh...

Ramius - Zzzzzz...

Ramius had fallen asleep while standing only five minutes into Kathryn's lecture.

Riche - All you can do is wait for her to finish. You can't just walk away or... She gets really depressed.

Issei - ...Yeah, I can kinda imagine that.

Kathryn - If you actually think of an uppy's flame as a form of visible energy, then everything is...


Kathryn - Well? Pretty awesome, huh?

After her hour-long lecture about the Uppy Engine, Kathryn smiled with satisfaction.

Issei - ...Yeah...Cool. It's basically a steam engine...

Kathryn - Steam engine? What's that?

Issei - A steam engine is a machine that converts the heat energy of steam into mechanical energy. A steam engine passes its steam into a cylinder, where it then pushes a piston back and forth. It is with this piston movement that the engine can do mechanical work...

Kathryn becomes wide-eyed hearing about that. She hastily grabbed onto Issei's shoulder and asked him to tell her more about it while her eyes shine brightly.

Riche is also surprised at first but remembers that Issei is from another world so she knows his world technology must be pretty advanced compared to this world.

Issei - Well...

Issei finds it hard to deny her request when she's this interested. Thankfully Riche saved him.

Riche - Okay, that's enough... We still have somewhere to be, so leave it at that Kath.

Kathryn - Just five more minutes, please!

Riche - Nope. If you want to know more... Then you can marry Ise and you will have all the knowledge you need about it.

With a sly smirk Riche said all that to entice Kathryn.

Kathryn's body stiffen then she let go of Issei while pretending nothing ever happened.

Kathryn - O-Oh, I don't have the time for this. I need to get back to my research. I-If your interest's piqued again, stop on by. Maybe I'll show you the prototype If I feel like it. DO stop on by okay?

Issei - O-Ou... Got it.

Issei finds it hard to deny her request when she pressed on like that...

Riche - Heh.

After that Kathryn walked straight to her hut at a fast pace.

Issei - ...She's pretty interesting.

Riche - I guess. Hey, wake up, Ramius.

Ramius - Mm... Breakfast already?

Riche - It's not even morning anymore...

Having obtained the ninja birdlime, the party decided to return to the Republic of Lancelot for the time being.

They meet up with Tio there and told her their plan to capture Gurigura.

Gurigura - Th-That was dumb of me... Ngggh...

Minutes later, Gurigura was caught in the ninja birdlime.

Ramius - Who could've guessed she'd be this easy to capture?

Tio - It is very surprising.

Riche - All we had to do was have Tio go somewhere that not many people pass through.

Gurigura - Wh-What's this sticky stuff? My Ranger skills can't even get me out. Eeew, it's icky and gross.

Issei felt something is wrong with this strategy of them...

Riche - C'mon, don't struggle too much or you'll tear your clothes. That'll just make Issei here happy.

Issei - Oi.

Riche only stuck out her tongue at Issei. While Issei is being speechless at that.

It must be her payback for the incident at the Fountain of Truth. Then Issei suddenly said, "...Just you wait at night."

Riche who heard that becomes stiff and she becomes teary-eyed while looking at Issei. She tried to seek help from Ramius but all Ramius gave her is an envious look. Now she becomes the one who becomes speechless thinking 'You're feeling envious here?!'

While Tio is thinking 'W-Would he likes it too if I become naked as well? Wh-What am I thinking?!'. Her face becomes red realizing what's on her mind just now.

Gurigura - Issei-nii... Are you gonna do naughty torture stuff to me?

Issei - Hell no!... I won't do anything to hurt you. We just want to talk.

Gurigura - Pillow talk?

Issei who heard that almost dropped to the ground and he gives Riche a silent glare. Riche sweat profusely seeing his gaze on her and she felt she won't be able to get up for the entire day after he's done with her...

Issei - ...Riche, don't give her any ideas. You're just making her warier.

Riche - A-Ahaha... Sorry...

Gurigura - I just have to talk? Okay.

Once Gurigura nodded, Issei loosened the birdlime enough that it wouldn't be painful.

Issei - So why are you trying to attack Tio?

Gurigura - Cause she's bad. If nobody stops her, she'll only hurt more people.

Issei - How can you know Tio's a bad person? It's not like you've investigated everyone who ran against the president, I'm sure.

Gurigura - Master told me.

Riche - Is that who's giving you orders? Are they a family member?

Gurigura - I don't have a family. Master's the one who made me a Knight.

Issei - Made you a Knight?

Gurigura - Yeah, I beat up the bad guys so everyone can live life with a smile. Since that's what Knights do.

Issei - 'I knew it... Someone's taking advantage of Gurigura and he seems to be in a high position too for being able to appoint someone to become a Knight.'

Ramius - Would you happen to be a graduate from the Academy?

Gurigura - You know about the Academy?!

Ramius - You must have taken some cruel classes. I've heard only one in ten students lived to graduation. I remember asking my parents to let me attend as a child, but they wouldn't allow it.

Riche - That's what most people would do, so most of their students were orphans who displayed some talent.

Gurigura - Yeah, they got a bunch of kids with no home or family like me, then the teacher taught us lots of stuff. But then the Academy went away, everyone was separated, and I couldn't become a Knight, so I didn't know what to do...

Riche - After the Arthur Tragedy, most countries cut down on their Knights, so that'd be why there's less demand for Rangers.

Gurigura - But then my teacher introduced me to someone who wanted to use me as a Knight. That was Master.

Issei - What's your Master looks like?

Gurigura - I've never met him in person. He says if I do a great job being a Knight, I'll get to meet him one day.

Issei - ...

Ramius - (It's pretty clear this 'Master' person's just using her.)

Issei - (...Ah. But she seems to trust him, unfortunately.)

Ramius - Gurigura, can you introduce us to him?

Gurigura - Huh? To Master? But...

Issei - Yeah, maybe he only thinks Tio's bad because of a misunderstanding. We'd like to check.

Ramius - Y-Yes, I'm sure neither of you wants a misunderstanding.

Gurigura - Hmmm... He says I shouldn't ever call him, though...

Issei - Don't worry, we'll only talk for a little bit. I doubt he'd get mad at you.

Gurigura - Really?

Issei - Ah. Really.

Issei felt bad tricking a clueless girl such as Gurigura but this is for her own good. Ramius also felt the same as Issei.

Gurigura - Okay, I'll try asking him. Issei-nii, here... Help me out.

When Issei loosened the birdlime enough that Gurigura could use her arm, she took a metal tube out of her pocket.

Riche - A magic transmitter? I can't believe she has one... Her master must be pretty rich.

Gurigura hit the switch on the device and started a call.

Tio - ...

Issei - Sorry we asked you to do this, Tio.

Tio - O-Oh, I don't mind much.

Riche - We couldn't claim it'd be totally safe, so I was worried Palomides might object. Although it should be pretty safe with Ise's here with us. But it's better to be safe rather than sorry.

Tio - You came at a good time. There was something I wanted to think about by myself, so I was acting independently.

Issei - Huh, that doesn't seem like you.

Tio - ...Um...

Issei - Hm?

Tio - Would the three of you be willing to help me become president?

Issei - Huh? Of course we would. But that's just me personally. But...

Riche - Sadly we can't. The most we can do is help with your speeches. Picking the President should be left up to the people of Lancelot, I think.

Tio - Yes... You're right. I'm sorry I asked such a strange question...

Gurigura - Um... This is Gurigura. Uh... Huh? A misunderstanding? Wh-What do you mean?

Issei - 'This voice... Ah... I see now.'

Issei can hear the voice on the other side of the transmitter clearly. And he knows who's behind this.

Issei - Rochefort huh...

Tio flinched hearing Issei mentioned Rochefort's name and he notices that.

Riche - What's wrong with Rochefort?

Issei - He's Gurigura so called 'Master'.

Riche - What? Is that true?!

Issei - Ah, I can hear his voice from Gurigura transmitter.

Riche - That guy!

Ramius - To think he's the one behind all this...

Issei - And Tio.

Tio flinched once again hearing Issei called her name.

Issei - I believe we need to talk...

After some brief talk with Tio, Issei finally get knows why she seems to be out of it just now. He can see a tinge of guilt inside her eyes and her aura turned chaotic, that's why he knows something is wrong. And his guess is confirmed when he saw her flinch hearing Rochefort's name.

Issei told them not to inform Gurigura of the true identity of her Master just yet. Because if they try to tell her now, she will become even warier and untrustful towards them even more.


Tio - I will tell you everything once we arrived 'Somewhere'...

Issei - Ah. I'll wait until that time... What's wrong Gurigura?

Gurigura - Um, so... Masters says he can't meet with you.

Riche - Won't let us catch him that easily, I see.

Gurigura - But he did say he was wrong about Tio being bad, so he's sorry.

Issei - ...I see.

Tio - ...Is that true?

Gurigura - And to apologize, he wants me to help you defend her.

Issei - ...'Ah, I can vaguely guess what's his plan now... So he's planning to use Tio rather than Bors this time huh.'

Riche - Hmmm, he might be sending Gurigura to our side to gather info...

Issei - No need. I believe it's fine now right, Tio?

Tio - ...Yes, it would be fine. Everything's cleared up now, so I'd like to carry out my duty as the middleman.

Riche and Ramius feel surprised hearing that but after seeing Issei's gaze they went silent and choose to play along.

Riche - Is that so?

Tio - Yes, it seems we don't need to fear Dark Night Kitty anymore.

Issei - Good to know.

Tio - ...Yes. Now, the Outlaws we're giving the funds to are in the ruins of Arthur... Head there, please.

Issei - The ruins of Arthur?

Tio - Yes, the Outlaws created a base there where they undergo a variety of activities. And that's also the 'Somewhere' I mentioned before...

Issei - Got it...

Riche - I see, and you object to the ruins being destroyed in order to conceal that?

Tio - Think of it what you will. You'll understand everything when we get there. And you need to buy special shoes to cross the desert because that's where the ruins are located.

Ramius - Then let's go get those shoes and head towards the ruins.

Gurigura - Um... Can I come too?

Issei - Of course. We're glad to have you, Gurigura.

Issei smiled gently at Gurigura and proceeded to pat her head.

Gurigura - Eheh~. Thanks, Master told me to take care of my friends, too.

Issei - Oh? Did he now?

Gurigura - Un!

Issei eyes glow a bit hearing that.

Gurigura - I'll do my best, okay?

Issei - Ah. I'm sure you will.

Gurigura - Ehehe~.

Riche - He sure spoils Gurigura a lot isn't he?

Ramius - Fumu. But I can see why. She's cute after all.

Riche - Can't deny that...

Tio is just silently looking at them with a sad face.

Thus, with the sudden addition of Gurigura to the party, the group accompanied Tio to the ruins of Arthur.

The party stepped foot into what had once been the Kingdom of Arthur, the most advanced country in the world.

Tio - It's easy to get lost here, so please don't wander off. Also, there are some leftover monsters wandering about that you need to be wary of.

Issei - Hmm. A natural defense huh, Outlaws rarely get attacked by monsters. But it's still risky no?

Tio - Yes. Monsters are very much monstrous. If they run out of food, they'll attack not only Outlaws, but their fellow monsters as well.

Riche - Hmmm, sounds like there's a mystery here. Hopefully we can unravel it one day.

Tio - The Outlaw camp has a magic barrier around it, and there's a detour there that lets us avoid encounters with monsters, so it's a surprisingly pleasant place to live.

Issei - Hmm. I see.

Tio - But instead of the detour, I'd like to use a rough path where monster encounters are frequent.

Gurigura - Is it because I'm here?

Tio - No, it's because I'm just a middleman. You can learn about the safe route only if the Outlaws don't mind you knowing.

Riche - They really must not want people finding their base. Pretty cautious of them.

Tio - I won't make you participate. If you aren't up to it, we can go back.

Issei - It's fine.

Tio - I-I see. Then let's go. First, we'll head straight down this big road.


Issei - I have to say, this country's bigger than I expected. How was it all destroyed in one night?

Ramius - The monsters that appeared five years ago were numerous enough to cover the whole nation, I've heard.

Issei - Where's all that monsters came from?

Ramius - I don't know, but days before, the number of monsters around the world had dropped, which is now believed to have been a warning sign of the attack.

Riche - The overflowing number of monsters didn't stop with Arthur. They spread all over and did tons of damage.

Ramius - Many Knights lost their lives, but my brother, Barro, and even Kath's achievements made them worthy of promotion to <Zero Knights>.

Issei - Ah, right. Kath was around during the Tragedy too huh.

Riche - She wiped out the huge mob of monsters that came to the Kingdom of El Quixote with only a small number of troops. They even called her a hero.

Issei - Oh.

Riche - Kath rejected the position at first, but El Quixote insisted so strongly that she had to take it.

Ramius - It was mostly done so as not to insult them. Unlike my brother or Barro, she has no real authority, just the title.

Issei - It's amazing that she beat such a big mob with only a few soldiers. How'd she do that?

Riche - Well... If you ever get the chance, you can try asking her.

Issei - ...Got it.

Issei know it must be some sensitive subject.

Tio - We're near where the monsters start showing up, so be on your guard.

Issei -Ah.

The party followed Tio deeper into the ruins.

Along the road Issei asked Gurigura if she's okay.

Issei - You're doing fine, Gurigura?

Gurigura - Huh?

Issei - What do you mean, huh? We're in the same party now, so we need to look out for each other.

Gurigura - Okay. I'm doing fine. Thanks, Issei-nii!

Issei - Great.

Gurigura - Oh, wait! I sense enemies.

Issei - Ah. I notice them too. I believe you all can handle them right?

Riche - Yes.

Ramius - Leave it to us.

Gurigura - Hai.

Issei - Then Tio get behind me.

Tio - Y-Yes, thank you.

Then Issei waited for them to finish all that monsters.


Issei - Is that all of them?

Gurigura - Yep, I don't sense any more monsters.

Tio - They may be building burrows or something around here. We'll have to be extra cautious.

Riche - Got it.

Ramius - I don't know if it's because they were able to survive in this environment, but these are very strong monsters. Let's remain on guard as we proceed.

Gurigura - Okay, I can do that.

Ramius - Mhm, good answer. I'll reward you with bread later.

Gurigura - Yay!

Issei smiled seeing their interaction and feeling happy with their teamwork as a team.

Tio - Now, let's move on.

The party was urged by Tio to move even deeper into the ruins.


Meanwhile, in the Republic of Lancelot...

In one room of a mansion, President Bors was unable to hide his frustation over his poor position in the election.

He's debating with Rochefort why she's not killed yet and all that kinda stuff.

Rochefort got Outlaws together for him but Bors haven't used them effectively. He need to instill more fear into the citizens.

Bors said Outlaws alone can't bring about such an incident. They need at least sparkle bombs or something on that level. And of course Rochefort have some of those bombs in his arsenal.

Bors decided to produce some casualties in a town that Tio's winning.

Bors gave orders to his subordinate, then left Rochefort behind and rushed out of the room heading towards his destination.

Rochefort - Now for my own finishing touches.

??? - Well, aren't you confident?

Someone inside the seemingly empty room spoke to Rochefort.

??? - Are you sure you should do that? Bors has been a valuable pawn.

The Black Knight appeared from nowhere, but Rochefort wasn't the least bit shocked.

Rochefort - No use in holding onto the useless. There's an ocean of others out there just waiting to be pawns. So what do you want?

Kuro - The Supreme Commander wants a progress report.

Rochefort - Does he, now? Are you sure it's not you who wants one?

Kuro - If you don't trust me, very well. That's not inappropriate for a member of <Snake Crest>.

Rochefort - Heh heh heh, I'm only joking. The Republic of Lancelot has been under my influence for the past several years now.

Kuro - I was under the impression you were after Eden though.

Rochefort - Hmph. I've gained a considerable hold over Eden's central government as well. However... It's not enough. To seize total control of Eden, I would have to have royal blood. Quite the wretched country... What sense is there in choosing a ruler by birthright?

Kuro - ...

Rochefort - But with their one harbor lost, Eden's reliant on Lancelot to obtain all manner of goods. I just need to manipulate Lancelot from the shadows and stir the pot here until faith in the King plummets.

Kuro - Are you after a revolution? If you're still planning to head one up, that might be a bit hard after you failed to be the hero who saved the bridge like we planned.

Rochefort - Only because you didn't kill that meddling princess and her cohorts!

Kuro - Hoh. Got a problem with that? And you know Issei Hyoudou capabilities well don't you? Even me and Shiro together won't be able to defeat him, you think me alone can handle him?

Rochefort remembered Issei bloodlust and shivered a little.

Rochefort - H-Hmph, what's done is done. But thankfully. I've acquired info that'll harm not only faith in the King, but trust in him as well... This is my moment. I'm going to do away with all the worthless, obstructive pawns, and make this my first step toward ruling the country myself!

Kuro - ...'I wonder if you will succeed... We told you not to get involved with Issei Hyoudou if possible but you ignored our warning... Heh... Idiot.'

Rochefort - Tell the Supreme Commander that when next we meet, I'll be the ruler of Eden.

Kuro - Right... I'll do that.

When he finished asking his questions, the Black Knight faded away into the shadows in the same manner he had appeared.

Rochefort - Now, let's finish this up.

Rochefort shifted gears and removed his eyepatch. It had gotten twisted, and he intended to put it back on properly. His normally hidden eye was imprinted with the crest of a snake eating its own tail.


Back in Arthur, the party continued to advance deeper into the ruins...

TBC - To Be Continued.

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