The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 49:

Chapter 49:

Issei - This is the Bigbux Company? Looks more like a city.

The party arrived at a town of comparable extravagance to the capital.

Riche - It's not. Apparently, it really is a company. Most of the people who live here are either employees or their families.

Issei - They employ these many people?

Ramius - You can see why the CEO can give the king his opinions.

Gurigura - Oh, that big buildings says it's the CEO office.

Issei - That whole building is an office?


Rocinante - Bonjour. I'm Rocinante, CEO of Bigbux.

Issei - 'Jackpot'

The first time Issei saw the Rocinante he knows this is their guy... He reeks with an evil aura.

Riche - Thank you for meeting with us. I'm the second Princess of the Kingdom of Eden, Riche.

When the party handed their letter of introduction in at the front desk, they were immediately allowed into the CEO's room.

Rocinante face is like a weasel, he has purple hair styled like an ant antenna at front. He's a skinny guy. His clothes are purple with gold colored outlines. The most that stand out from his face is his teeth which like bunny bucktooth. (AN: /wiki/Rocinante?file=Rocinante-portrait.png his face).

Rocinante - Non, non, if you just said you're royalty, I would have made time for you without the general's introduction. Now, what is it you'd like? If you're inviting me to open factories in Eden, I may look into it, depending on the offer.

Riche - Oh, that's a fine idea. But unfortunately, that's not what I'm here for today.

Riche detailed the existence of the evil organization known as <Snake Crest> and the possibility that King Ben had ties with them.

Rocinante - Sacre bleu! There's such an organization out there? How dreadful.

Riche - If this country were to be harmed, your company most assuredly would be as well. If you want to prevent that, you need to help.

Rocinante - Oui, naturally. But I do have a business to run. If you can't provide proof, it's hard to justify putting time into this.

Issei - Hmm... Proof huh...

Issei smirked at Rocinante.

Rocinante felt like he's being observed by a Dragon and he seems to know everything about him... He feels insecure by feeling Issei's gaze on him. 'So this is the top-ranked enemy set by Shiro and Kuro that must be avoided at all cost... Indeed... He is truly a frightening man...'

Rocinante feinting ignorance by Issei's gaze but inside he felt frightened.

Rocinante - Yes. You could buy my time some other way if you're interested.

Issei - Hoo... What is it?

Rocinante - You see, my company has an urgent order from a major magic appliance manufacturer, but we've been unable to get ahold of the materials we need.

Riche - And you think we can get those materials for you?

Rocinante - You catch on fast. We can only get those materials from the Kalar Forest, but the Kalars aren't interested in exporting.

Riche - I see, so negotiations aren't going well, and with the deadline approaching, a third party like us could give you another means of acquisition. Are you sure, though? We'd find out what plastic's made of.

Rocinante - I wouldn't expect that a princess from Eden would be an industry spy.

Riche - 'Just what you'd expect from a big company's CEO. He knows what he's doing. By using my status, he can push negotiation forward and keep us from spilling anything at the same time.'

Riche felt Rocinante is a very talented businessman indeed.

Riche - Okay, I get the gist of it. Ise, what do you think?

Issei - Hmm... Sure, why not.

Issei just smirked at Rocinante plan for now.

Riche - My husband approves, so we'll do it.

Rocinante - Tres Bien. It's a deal. 'Going out of her way to separate herself from her position as a princess... Competent girl... But her husband is even more terrifying...'

Albeit with some compromises occurring beneath the surface, negotiations with Rocinante went well.

Issei has to admit that this Rocinante guy is better compared to Rochefort which obviously can't hide his emotion well. If he didn't know better then he might just be fooled by him.

Gurigura - Riche, that was kinda awesome.

Issei - Um. I have to agree you handle yourself splendidly.

Riche - Hmph! But of course! Whose wife do you think I am?

She pumped her chest out feeling proud by Issei's praise.

Issei chuckled at her seeing that, but then he takes a hold of her waist and whispered to her ears "My little wife of course."

Riche who heard that feeling bashful and happy while letting out a goofy laugh "Ehehe~".

Ramius feeling jealous by their intimate contact so she also scoots towards Issei said acting proud as if she done something good as well. Issei can only smile wryly at her and also give her a hug which instantly makes her beaming with happiness.

Gurigura also smiled wryly and felt like both of them are like kids... But she also joins them soon after.

Their lovey-dovey act is causing the single men who are around felt jealous and thought the same thing on their mind, which is "RIAJUU! EXPLODE!".


Ramius - I barely followed the conversation, but I got that there was some scheming going on.

Riche - That's a rude thing to call it! Negotiations... Or, well, business is like that. That's all.

Gurigura - What do you think about that Negotiations, Ise-nii?

Hearing Gurigura words both Ramius and Riche also looked toward Issei.

Issei - Hm? Well... I'm quite sure he's with the <Snake Crest>.

Riche - What?!

Ramius - What makes you so sure?

Gurigura just keeps looking at Issei waiting for him to continue.

Issei - I can sense aura remember? His aura is pure evil just like Rochefort and as for the rest... It's up to you to find out about the truth.

Riche - Hrrm... Well, if he is with the <Snake Crest> we need concrete evidence on it. And all we can do so far is to follow his demands for now.

Ramius - Indeed... But at least with this knowledge, we can be more cautious with Rocinante.

Issei - Ah. For now, we can go to the Kalar Forest and get the materials to make plastic. And also see if the Kalars are also involved with the <Snake Crest> or not.

Riche - Un. And he wouldn't tell us what they are, so we basically just have to negotiate with the Kalars ourselves.

Gurigura - I know where the Kalar Forest is! It's just south of here.

Riche - Now let's see just what this mysterious Kalar Forest is like.

In order to acquire the plastic materials, the party decided to go to the Kalar Forest.

Issei - You guys can head there first, I have something to take care of.

Riche - Ok, be careful.

Issei - Ah.

With that said Issei calmly walk away from their position.


-At Rocinante's office-

Rocinante - Now, what fascinating employees. Let's see if they return on the investment. How do you think they'll do, Monsieur Black Knight?

Kuro - Wouldn't know. Never been involved in business, so I can't say.

In what was a seemingly empty room, Rocinante turned around to where the Black Knight appeared to have materialized from the darkness.

Kuro - ...But you must have already met with Issei Hyoudou I believe?

At the mention on Issei's name, Rocinante face went grim right away.

Rocinante - ...Oui... He's indeed a very dangerous person... In front of him, I felt like I've been laid bare...

Kuro - ...As long you don't blatantly oppose him then it should be fine I think... Just don't let him find any evidence of your doings or that will be the end of you. Even me and Shiro can't beat him...

Rocinante - ...Oui.

Kuro - Anyway, The Supreme Commander calls for a meeting of <Snake Crest's> administrators.

Rocinante - An unscheduled summons, how unusual... That must be awfully important. But time is money! Not even the Supreme Commander can get away with dragging down my business!

Kuro - What if I told you that Rochefort died? You still won't answer the summons?

Rocinante - ...Hoh, that crown-coveting, power-obsessed wretch is dead? Must be because of Issei Hyoudou I assume?

Kuro - Yes... He was slain by Issei Hyoudou like nothing. He can't even put a single resistance up against him. Even when both I and Shiro was there... There's nothing we can do... We can't even see his attack clearly.

Rocinante - ...I see... I guess Rochefort didn't heed the warning and blatantly oppose Issei Hyoudou right? Knowing his stupid pride that's what he would do, what a fool... And they did seem remarkably knowledgeable about our organization.

Kuro - Indeed...

Rocinante - But, so what?

Kuro - ...

Rocinante - If they could help me turn a profit, I'd happily shake hands with my own sworn enemy.

Kuro - I see, but... I was under the impression you were close with Rochefort.

Rocinante - Because were he, in fact, to become King, I saw the opportunity for great profits, yes. If he only had the money, he could have gotten a country for himself. I thought he was a fool. Better to leave the governing to your puppets and focus on business.

Kuro - You had different ways of thinking. But your way is certainly appropriate for <Snake Crest>.

Rocinante - Isn't it? Now go tell the Supreme Commander if he wants me to attend, he has to pay up first.

Kuro - Very well, I'll tell him... I'm sure the Supreme Commander will be pleased.

Rocinante - So, you're not doing anything else? Don't tell me you joined <Snake Crest> just to be a messenger.

Kuro - Just waiting for the seeds to sprout.

Rocinante - Dear, dear, how slothful of you. Don't you think that's a waste of time?

Kuro - We all joined only to further our own goals. That's <Snake Crest> for you. But we do share starting a war as a common objective. Don't forget that.

Rocinante - Hmph, no need to tell me.

Rocinante responded with vitriol, but Kuro had already vanished from the room.

Rocinante - War... You can just smell the business that would bring...

Countless business plans for when the world went to war popped into Rocinante's head. You have weapons and armor, of course, and cow steeds would rise in demand, plus food would explode in price. There'd be a need to hire adventurers and mercenaries, I'm sure, so no doubt that'll be a booming business.

Simply the premise of war brought forth opportunities for profit.

Rocinante - But for that to work, my company has to be expanded further... To the size of a country...

A man who nearly worshipped money, Rocinante... This adherent to capitalism began fiddling with his abacus, considering how to intervene in the Kingdom of El Quixote's affairs even further.


At the Kalar Forest entrance. After waiting for a while, Issei finally returned to them. Riche asked him where was he, but Issei just said he's just sightseeing around the area.

Gurigura - Past this point is the Kalar Forest. In there is the home of the Kalars, The Kalar Village.

Issei - I see. It's in the midday, but it looks pretty dim.

The party was confronted with sprawling woodland full of dense greenery. From within the woods, they could hear the roar of beasts. The wind carried with it the pungent scent of plant life.

Riche - There's a fork in the road. Wonder which way we should go.

Issei - There are some people coming from the west path. Let's ask them.

Man 1 - Well, would you look at that? Don't see young ladies around here often.

Riche - We want to go to the Kalar Village. Would this be the route to take?

Man 2 - What, you're tourists? If you want to get to the Kalar Village, just go through the West Woods.

Man 1 - There are Kalars keeping watch, but you can just make a deal with them.

Gurigura - A deal? Are they gonna demand something?

Man 2 - Uh, w-well, y'know. I can't tell you.

Ramius - Where's the south path lead?

Man 1 - It supposedly goes to the Kalar Village too, but they call that place the Lost Woods.

Issei - Lost Woods?

Man 2 - Yeah, anyone who tries to sneak around the guards and wreck havoc in the Kalar Village gets lost in that forest till they die, apparently.

Issei - Hmm...

Issei felt something is pulling him from the South path though... In fact, the forest seems to be more lively when he stepped near the region for some reason.

Man 1 - If you're going west... Well, you're already surrounded by cute girls. But you must love those Kalars too.

Issei - Hm? What do you mean?

Gurigura - By the way, what were you guys doing at the Kalar Village?

Man 1 - Uh, well... Um... Agh, don't look at me with those innocent eyes.

Man 2 - O-Oh yeah, I was taking a walk! Just getting some exercise when I happened to pass by the village.

Issei - ...

As though to flee from Gurigura's gaze, the men left.

So the girls asked Issei which path they should take, but Issei said South path.

The girls were surprised because from the men information it's called a Lost Woods, but Issei just said it will be fine.

The moment they set their foot at the entrance of the South Path, the forest seems to open up a path for them. Like they are welcoming the coming of a King.

The girls are surprised seeing this outstanding phenomenon happening, especially Riche who basically has her eyes turned into stars by now.

Riche - Whoaaaaa~

Ramius - This is quite something...

Gurigura - I never see anything like this before.

Issei felt the forest is indeed welcoming him so he just went in the path which just opened.

After walking the path for a while they finally see what appears to be a Village. So they decided to enter the village...

-Kalar Village-

Gurigura - Whoa, so this is a the Kalar Village. Look at all these Kalars.

Ramius - They really are all girls.

Unlike human towns, the Kalar Village appeared to blend in with nature.

There's a lot of house build on top of a tree or under the tree roots, it's really a very beautiful sight, Issei who saw these felt really comfortable and the beckoning feelings he received at the entrance of the Forest becomes stronger and it came from the biggest building on the Village it seems. Which appears to be the Queen castle.

There were no men in sight, and when the Kalars noticed Issei, they all glanced over only to become frozen stiff at their place, but after a few seconds their faces turned red and their eyes turned moist just from feeling the Aura he possesses. Their breathing turned rapid and they keep leaking hot sighs, they unconsciously walked towards his direction.

Issei - Hm?

Issei who was looking at the castle direction notices their movements and he becomes a bit taken aback from seeing the aura they are leaking right now. He never saw this kind of aura before.

Riche - Wh-What? They seem to be coming here all at once?

Ramius - U-Um... They are giving me an uneasy feeling right now.

Gurigura - Are they planning to attack us?!

Riche felt confused about why they suddenly walk towards them all at once. Ramius who saw that feeling uneasy and Gurigura felt the same so they prepared for combat in case they do launch an attack on them.

Riche - ...Wait... Their faces are not like someone who's planning to attack... Ah...

Ramius - What do you mean, Rich- Oh...

Gurigura - Ahaha... So that's why...

Then the 3 girls looked towards Issei and gave a wry smile at him. They know why they suddenly walk towards them... It's because of Issei.

Issei - Wh-What? Why are you girls also looking at my direction?

Issei becomes more confused feeling his wives gaze on him, it makes him feels really uncomfortable.

Riche - Hehe... Our husband seems kinda dense don't you guys think?

Ramius - Un. Even I who's really dense sometimes can tell.

Gurigura - Ise-nii... Don't you realize what faces are they making right now?

Issei - Their faces? What do you-...

After Issei look at their face clearly, now he knows what they meant... Their face is clearly filled with lust. No wonder their aura is colored pure pink like that...

Suddenly Issei felt his instinct kicks in and he instinctively jumped on top of a tree and the place where he was standing just now there was a Kalar there with both of her hands outstretched in the air, it appears she wanted to hold him from the back just now.

The other Kalars take that as a cue for their 'Attack'.

Kalar 1 - He's on top of that tree! Get him!

Kalar 2 - Don't let him get away at all cost!

Kalar 3 - Team A, prepare the rope! Team B, use wind spell to boost our agility and slow him down! Team C, prepare the bed!

Team A B C - ROGER!

Issei - Wait! Why are you chasing me?! 'And what the hell is that?! Just when did they create a division for each task? And what the hell "prepare the bed" means?!'

Kalars - No particular reason... We just want your semen.

All of the Kalars answered at the same time.

Issei feels speechless hearing their words but he got no time to be standing still because the Kalars started climbing the tree with skilled movements and they're all heading towards his direction.

They all started chasing Issei around, the village filled with loud commotion after that.

Issei's 3 wives who saw that can only smile wryly, there's nothing they can do. They can't follow them jumping around on top of the trees and it's Issei's fault for attracting them anyway.

??? - Wha?! What are you people doing here?!

Riche - Hm?

??? - This is the Kalar Village. What do you humans want?!

When the 3 girls watching Issei avoid all the Kalars 'Attack' with precise movements they heard a sudden voice coming from behind them.

Riche - Oh, Kath, what a coincidence. Did you forget you're human too?

Lorenzo - Kath... Are these your friends?

Kathryn - No, they're not friends! Just sorta acquaintances from a long time ago.

There's also a Kalar appeared next to Kathryn and it's Lorenzo whom Issei just saved before at the <Vilfuente> town.

Riche - So the friend you wrote about is...

Kathryn - That's right. My best friend for life, Lorenzo Kalar.

Lorenzo - Nice to meet you. I'm Lorenzo Kalar, the Queen's private secretary, and you girls must be the wives of Issei-sama I presume? By the way, where's Issei-sama?

The girls introduced themselves to Lorenzo to which Kath snorted with disinterest, but she's also wondering on where is Issei.

Lorenzo remembered that they were with Issei before so she's wondering where is Issei at the moment because she doesn't see him nearby. She started looking around while blushing hoping to catch the sight of Issei once again.

Riche - Well... He's over there...

Riche pointed at the direction of where the "Chase" game between Issei and the Kalars are happening.

Issei - Go away!

Kalars - No chance!

Issei still nimbly avoid all of the Kalars attacks but oddly enough the Forest seems to be cheerful and there was no damage done to the trees at all.

Kathryn - ...What are they doing?

Lorenzo - Ah! Issei-sama...

Kathryn is confused by what she saw while Lorenzo is happy just from seeing Issei once again.

Riche - Well... You see...

After some explaining by Riche both Kathryn and Lorenzo knows on what just happened.

Kathryn becomes speechless while Lorenzo is nodding to herself because she knows fully well on why this is happening. Even she who's a reserved Kalar felt lustful towards Issei, what's more for the normal Kalar which known well for their straightforwardness...

Riche - So, you left your home a wreck and came here to do what?

Kathryn - While I'm ordering a new hut, I figured it was a good time to... Visit some graves.

Riche - Visit some graves... Oh, I see...

Kathryn - While I am a genius, I'm not much good fighting solo, so I was thinking I'd have Lorenzo come along... Lorenzo?

Kath is confused about why Lorenzo seems not responding to their conversation and she saw that she's been looking at Issei direction all this time.

Lorenzo - O-Oh? What? I-I'm sorry I haven't been paying attention to the conversation... What was it again?

Kathryn - ...Lorenzo, is he the one you've been talking about?

Lorenzo - ...U-Un.

Kathryn - Oh... No wonder...

Kathryn can only bitterly sighed after knowing the guy that Lorenzo has been talking about all this time is apparently Issei. She has to admit that he's indeed one of a kind man out there... Even she felt a bit of liking towards him, not that she would admit it though.

She was also a bit surprised she got another wife though.

Riche - What are guys talking about?

Kathryn - Nothing, just some girl stuff.

Riche - ...You do realize that we're also girls right?

But Kathryn just ignored her comment.

Kathryn - So what about you? Also, like, if you got in here, you had to pay that fee...

Gurigura - What fee?

Ramius - Um, we just got here by using the South Path.

Kathryn - ...Huh? Isn't the South Path a Lost Woods?

Lorenzo - Ah! I remember now. The Queen told me there's something happening at the South Path so I'm told to check on it. But to think it was you guys who're the cause of it...

Riche - No, not really us you see. It was Ise there. The Forest just suddenly opened a path for him and we just walk along the path to reach here. And we're here to meet the Queen to discuss something.

Lorenzo becomes surprised hearing that because she never heard anything like this ever happening before while Kathryn just becomes even more confused.

Lorenzo - But the Queen might be busy right now...

Kalar - Oh, Lorenzo! Her Majesty says to bring her the guests.

After a Kalar scrambled over and whispered into Lorenzo's ear, she awkwardly said she'd lead them to the Queen.

Lorenzo - Okay, girls! Enough! Her Majesty said that she wants to see the guests so stop chasing that gentleman around, please.

Lorenzo told the Kalars who's still chasing after Issei to stop and they begrudgingly stopped with a reluctant look on their faces while Issei heaved a sigh of relief seeing them finally stopped chasing him around.

Even though he's not tired physically, he's tired mentally...

Issei said thank you to Lorenzo which made her go red in the face after hearing that.

So Issei's party went to the castle to meet the Queen but along the way, every Kalars keep watching him which make his face twitch a lot.


Mertel - Greetings. I'm Mertel, the Kalar Queen.

Riche - Nice to meet you, I'm Riche Eden. And this is my husband...

Issei - Oh, I'm Issei Hyoudou. Just call me Issei if you want.

Mertel - Hoh, so it's you? I heard there was a young man who has an intoxicating aura and makes all the girls in the village go wild and I have to say... They are indeed right...

The Queen narrowed her eyes and licked her lips seductively after seeing Issei and feeling his aura firsthand.

Mertel - Hm...

Mertel is a very mature woman with a beautiful face, she has long blue hair and blue eyes just like any Kalars. And she has a curvaceous body with a big bust and slim waist, her outfit barely covers any skin at all. It's basically just a loose tribal robe that colored black with green outline, she has a very seductive aura around her. (AN: /wiki/Mertel_Kalar?file=Mertel-portrait.png her image.)

Mertel got up from her chair and got so close to Issei that they almost touched.

Issei just calmly looks at her while she kept feeling his aura at point blank range. 'This aura... This bountiful intoxicating aura... I see... He's not human... There's no human capable of possessing this kind of aura. Not even King Arthur himself... Ah... This is indeed dangerous... I might really fall in love with him just from feeling his aura up close... No wonder the girls won't stop talking about him, I see... Even Lorenzo has feelings for him... Fufufu, perfect...'.

Mertel - I see... Heheheh, smells really nice... You're not a human, aren't you?

Issei felt a bit surprised she could tell but he stays calm. While the girls in the room become totally taken aback.

Riche and co are surprised she could tell Issei's not human while Lorenzo and Kathryn don't know what Mertel means by her words just now.

Kathryn - What is she talking about? Oi, Riche.

Kath asked Riche what the Queen meant.

Riche can only wryly smile and just when she's wondering if she should tell her or not Issei beat him to it.

Issei - Ah. I'm a Dragon.

Mertel - Fufufu, I see... It's been a long time ever since I saw a Dragon first hand...

Kathryn becomes totally slackjawed while Lorenzo just covers her mouth in surprise.

Kathryn - ...H-He's a Dragon? Well... That explains a lot of things...

Lorenzo - Issei-sama is a Dragon?

Mertel - Excuse me for a second.

Then the Queen extends her hand and uncover Issei's hood. When his face is fully shown...

The time seems to stop for Lorenzo and Mertel. Both of them become totally wide-eyed seeing his perfect face... His face is the most handsome face they ever see in their entire life, Lorenzo is one thing but Mertel has been living for more than 100 years.

Mertel's face becomes red for the first time in a while and she holds Issei's face up close.

Mertel - Ne, will you be my husband? If you become my husband every Kalars in this Village will be yours for the taking... We will be yours to command. And we won't decline your orders whatever they might be.

Lorenzo - Wha?! Your Majesty! Don't joke around at something like this!

Issei's wives - Hey!

Kathryn - Wha... Wha... A proposal?! A real-life Proposal?! Uwaaahhh...

Riche - Why do you seem to be the most affected from all this?!

Mertel - I'm totally serious.

Mertel looks at Issei right in the eyes and her eyes are indeed serious. But Issei calmly refused her offer.

Issei - I refuse.

Mertel - ...May I know why?

Issei - I won't marry someone I don't love.

Issei's words made the room becomes silent...

At first, Mertel becomes taken aback on his refusal but after hearing his answer she becomes stupefied but soon after she laughs.

Mertel - Fufufufu... I see... Then will you marry me if you come to love me? But before you answer that question. Know that by marrying me you will become the King of the Kalars. The Queen is not just any titles, we Queens have responsibilities to lead our race towards happiness. And if by chance we have a Husband then that person shall be the new King of the Kalars... And we can never betray the King or we will perish... That's also the rule set by Mother Eve.

We Kalars are not bound by the human rules, we won't become an Outlaw even if we kill or have multiple sexual partners but the moment we have a King then we are not allowed to betray our king in any way. If we had sex with other males than the king we will die, if we plan to hurt the king we will die as well. So it's an absolute law set by the Creator God.

Issei - Creator God?

Issei at first was surprised when she suddenly started telling him all this but when he heard about the Creator God he becomes intrigued. He was wondering if this Creator God is the same God that already died in his world or not.

Lorenzo seems to know this as well but not Issei's and co. So they become curious about it.

Mertel who saw that Issei still planning to listen to her stories decided to continue.

Mertel - Let me tell you a bit about the history of the Kalars and Eve. The creator of not only all living things but of the world itself wasn't Eve, it was the Creator God. When the Creator God made Eve, she was all that existed... So Eve used the pieces of her soul to create the world and its various inhabitants, thus becoming known as the mother of all... Mother Eve.

Kathryn - And Kalars must've been one of the things she made.

Mertel - Mother Eve desired someone to look after her, and created the Kalars for that purpose.

Ramius - To look after her? If she created a new species just to do that, that's rather unbelievable.

Mertel - And it's said the reason Kalars are made up entirely of women is that Mother Eve based them on her own body.

Gurigura - So aside from not having men, Kalars are basically the same as us?

Mertel - No, not exactly. Humans have the distinction of being 'born of' Mother Eve. One day, Mother Eve realized she had no man to be her counterpart. At the same time she created Dragons, she created him. He's been known as 'The First Man', 'The First Ancestor', or simply 'Man', and he became Mother Eve's companion.

Gurigura - And what they gave birth to together was humanity.

Riche - So humans really are Mother Eve's children, just like the church says.

Kathryn - Makes sense. Nobody can have children by themselves.

Ramius - I did know about the First Ancestor, but I was never taught he was so important.

Kathryn - Probably not, no. Getting into that would require going into detail about reproduction.

Riche - Church does get attended by lots of kids after all.

Mertel - Back to topic, when Mother Eve decided to leave us be. She set rules that we won't be bound by the human rules, meaning we can kill or have multiple partners. But the Creator God won't have any of that and set new rules of his own which is the King rules you just heard from me.

Issei - I see... But why are you telling me any of this?

Mertel - That's because I was testing you... If you just accepted my offer back then I would be disappointed and decided you're not worthy to be our King. But you said you won't marry anyone you don't love and that's what I wanted to hear... We need to know our King personalities before we make him our King. It's been thousands of years but we finally have the right candidate to be our King... We don't want a King that doesn't love us and treated us like tools you see.

Mertel gave Issei the gentlest smile she had after saying that.

Issei is the one who's become stupefied after hearing her words.

Mertel - Don't you think he's a good candidate as well, Lorenzo?

Lorenzo - Y-Yes... I think Issei-sama will be able to become the perfect king we wished for... And Your Majesty, there's something I need to tell you.

Mertel - Hm? What is it?

Then Lorenzo told Mertel about what happened at the South Path. And Mertel who's hearing that become even more surprised and she told Issei to follow her with a serious face.

Mertel - Can you please follow me? Just you, as for the others please wait here.

Issei becomes confused by her change of attitude but decided to follow her anyway.

Issei - It won't take long.

Issei told his wives to wait here and follow right after Mertel.

Riche and the others are still processing about what just happen and just nodded at Issei's words.

After following Mertel for a while, they arrived in a secluded room which seems to be the core of the castle. There's a floating green orb at the center of the room.

Mertel - That is the <Orb of Life> which we're guarding ever since we are created by Mother Eve... That Orb is left behind by the Creator God to give it to someone worthy of it.

Issei - ...I see... So that's the thing which keeps beckoning me towards it...

Mertel - Indeed... Recently this orb suddenly started pulsating rapidly like it's calling for someone and it appears to be you...

Even now the orb is still pulsating rapidly ever since Issei step onto this room. Issei felt a certain attraction towards it and he unconsciously extends his hands towards it.

Mertel who saw that doesn't stop him but deep inside she feels excited.

The moment Issei's hand touched the orb, it started to shine brightly that makes Mertel blinded by it.

There's a sudden beacon of light launching towards the sky. But oddly enough there's no one else notice that beacon except for Issei's wives, the Kalars, and QD...


QD and Arthur who saw that instantly become alerted.

Arthur - Qu...

QD - Ah... Finally, the Kalars will be welcoming their true King... Heh, I can't say I'm not surprised even though I know this will happens sooner or later after that boy stepped into this world...

Arthur - Issei-sama sure is an outstanding individual...

QD - Indeed he is... Guess this is what you aim for... LD?

Semiramis and Scathach are also there with them.

Semiramis - Fufufu... Just as planned...

Scathach - Hmm, so that's what you want him to get in this world huh?

Semiramis - Yes... The Kalars are just a bonus for him. My true aim is that <Orb of Life>. With that, he will be able to comprehend the <Chaos> even easier...

QD - Cheh! Now that's not the only thing you're aiming for right?

Semiramis - Well now, whatever you mean by that~?

Semiramis feint ignorance by QD accusation.

QD - You think I don't know? You can't have children if that boy doesn't possess that Orb. Because of your mastery on <Death> aura is too high that you can't create life within your body.

Semiramis - Oh, you could tell?

QD - Of course I could tell, who do you think I am?

She puffed her nonexistent chest proudly while Arthur just wryly smiles at her antics.

Arthur - Do forgive her attitude, Semiramis-sama, Skadi-sama.

Semiramis - Hm, we don't mind her in the slightest. After all, we've known each other for a long time already.

Scathach - Fumu, agreed. And you can just call me by my first name if you want.

Semiramis indeed wanted Issei to possess that <Orb of Life> so he could impregnate her. Her excuse for having Issei taking a vacation is also a part of her true objective. But she never thought he will go to another world and meet Nyarlathotep on top of that.

That was a miscalculation on her part, she thought she successfully sent him to this world, not that stupid world (Konosuba). If she really sent him there then he might become stupid just like most of that world inhabitants... Thankfully the girls he gets from there is pretty normal. (Yunyun and Wiz)

Semiramis - Well, I guess that's that. But you don't seem to care that my husband gets that Orb, QD?

QD - Why should I? If anything I'm happy that he get that Orb because that means that asshole Creator God gonna lose 1 of his possession, HAHAHA!

QD hate the Creator God because she thinks the tragedy that happens to Eve is because of him. But that's a story for another time...

Semiramis - Is that so?

And then they all watched the beacon of light until it disappears.

-Back at Issei-

Issei at this moment is floating in the air with his Dragon wings out. He's enveloped by a green aura at this moment, there's a red diamond mark appearing on his forehead, there's a dragon wing on both side of the mark. (AN: /static/56329138e4b0c1d58a5333a8/t/564baf1fe4b00be1a7ac2658/1505580970497/?format=1500w just like that but it's colored red and it's dragon wings instead of electric symbol.)

When he opens his eyes it appears even more enchanting than before, his wine-red eyes have a tinge of gold around it but it disappears soon after.

Then he floated down from the air, Mertel who saw him now is shedding tears of joy.

She's prostrating herself on the floor at Issei's direction while saying

Mertel - Mertel Kalar the current Queen of the Kalars greets our new King.

Every Kalars around the country who saw that beacon of light shed tears of joy and they all prostrated themselves towards Issei's direction, everyone who saw them suddenly prostrating towards the same direction becomes confused and puzzled.

Even Lorenzo who's in the same room as Riche and co also doing the same.

Kathryn - L-Lorenzo? What are you doing?!

Lorenzo - At last... We, The Kalars have finally welcomed our King arrival...

Riche and Co. - King?!

Then they all look towards the direction where she's prostrating at and notice that's the direction of Issei and the Mertel went just now.

Riche - Could it be?

(Chaos Comprehension = 40%)

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