The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 48:

Chapter 48:

(AN: Here's the explanation on how Issei lose his memory for those who's wondering:

First, he was using a forbidden technique you could say which is his new <Balance Breaker>, not the old one where he's on the Scale mail of boosted gear. So obviously there will be a side effect from using that technique, and Nyarlathotep "Chaos" element which hitting him all the time also isn't helping either.

Although he started to comprehend the "Chaos" element during the fight it's still not enough so it backlashes to him by affecting his souls in the process. It's like how our body reacts to a certain poison the first time but after some time passed our body will adapt to it no?

So coupled with all that I would say losing his memories seems pretty plausible since his soul got affected in the process so his soul automatically protects itself from having the "Chaos" element corrupting it. Which in turn make him lose access to part of his memories and skills at the time.

All that happens when he fainted after using his <Balance Breaker> and if Nyarlathotep doesn't give him her "Mark" then he might be dead by now because his body can't handle the "Chaos" element corruption any longer. So because of the "Mark", he is saved from death but what's done is done so it takes time for him to regain access to his memories.

That's also why Nyarlathotep says "This must be your blessing" when she gave him her "Mark". Because if not he will be dead by now.

At first, he regained his skills, then after a while, he started remembering his past bit by bit but not the people's name and looks. He needs a certain trigger to completely regain his memory which is done by QD by telling him the name of LD which goes by Semiramis now.

This explanation supposed to be for later when he meets LD once more but here you go...)

(AN: I forgot to show you how Pancho looks like in the previous chapter. He wears a bulky grey colored armor with a red cape behind it, and only his face is shown overall, his face is average. /wiki/Pancho_Quixote?file=Pancho-portrait.png here's his image.)

Once they passed through the natural border that was the mountain range, the party found themselves in a dense jungle.

Riche - Wooow, a jungle! It's a jungle! AaaaAAAAaaah!

Gurigura - Riche-nee sure is pumped.

Ramius - Yes, she's seeing something she's only seen in pictures before, so it must be hard to contain her excitement.

Issei - The plant smell's pretty strong here. Seems like a very humid country. But it still beautiful though, kind of reminds me of the Amazon forest back at my world.

Riche - Hee, your world seems also has lots of wonder on its own huh, Ise.

Issei - Ah.

Gurigura already informed of Issei's background, when she finds out about it she was pretty surprised but accepted it quite well.

Gurigura thought no wonder Issei is so strong, so he's basically a Dragon. But she wanted to follow Issei anywhere he goes because she doesn't have a place to stay anyway. And she does love Issei a lot for that matter.

She decided to adopt his last name and Issei permitted it. So her name is basically Gurigura Hyoudou now. Ramius seems wanted to do the same but Riche reminded her that she already has a last name to her disappointment.

So Riche told her they could use his last name later on. Maybe when they already went to the other world.

Ramius is totally up for that so she gets over her depression really quick.

Gurigura - Ise-nii, that town right over there is the capital, El Quixote.

Issei - You've been here, Gurigura?

Gurigura - Yep, I went to lots of countries for field trips with the Academy, so I know my way around.

Issei - Is that so? Alright, then let's head to El Quixote.

The party struggled their way through the thick grass as they stepped foot into the Kingdom of El Quixote.


Issei - This is the capital?

The party passed through the high defensive wall and entered the capital of El Quixote to find what appeared to be many factories, as well as workers walking in and out of them.

Riche - Kinda smells like sweat... But it's a lively town besides that.

The workers on their way out were filled with satisfaction over a job well done as they went off toward public baths or bars.

Issei - But what do these factories make exactly? They've all got the same sign... Bigbux? I remembered hearing that somewhere before...

Riche - The Bigbux Company. They're a huge corporation with a monopoly on the plastic market.

Ramius - Plastic? Okay, I know what that is.

Riche - Obviously. Most magic appliances are made of plastic nowadays.

Gurigura - But most of the town's made of factories.

Riche - It's like that all over the country. Thanks to the Bigbux Company, their tax revenue's constantly growing, which also means a growing military budget, apparently.

Ramius - They're used to be the poorest nation in the world though.

Issei - Hmm. I see, well even in my world plastic is commonly used there. So it's no surprise it's also the same here, I guess.

While they were chatting, Pancho appeared and greet them.

Pancho - Oooh! You're finally here! I've been waiting!

Issei - Hey, Pancho.

Pancho - Perfect timing! I've already spoken to the king. Allow me to lead you to his office.

Issei - Hm? Already?

Pancho - Honestly, I'd forgotten you hadn't arrived yet, and I arranged the meeting in advance.

Riche - What if we came late?

Pancho - Well, this is rather embarrassing. I just can't think before I act.

The party was uneasy, but Pancho paid them no mind and decided that everything had worked out fine as they proceeded to the palace.


Pancho - Uncle! I brought the guests.

??? - Pancho? You're supposed to call me 'Your Majesty' here, remember?

Riche - Nice to meet you, I'm Riche Eden of the Kingdom of Eden, and these are my cohorts.

Ben - My name is Ben Quixote and as you already know, I'm the king of the kingdom of El Quixote. I'm impressed that you came so far to visit. If I may ask, what is your business here?

Ben face is very similar to Pancho's face and built but she wears a royalty robe and wearing a crown. (AN: /wiki/Ben_Quixote?file=Ben-face.png Meh that's the only image shown from him because he's basically not that important lol).

Riche explained how an organization called <Snake Crest> was engaging in evildoing behind the scenes and how her party was pursuing them.

Ben - I see, <Snake Crest>? I've heard of them before.

Riche - Then I'd like to know if you could arrange a meeting with our kingdom about them.

Ben - Hm, unfortunately, I can't do that.

Riche - Huh?

Ben - Our nation of El Quixote already has the most powerful army in the world. We have no reason to fight alongside other countries.

Riche - But <Snake Crest> isn't a foe who can be dealt with through force.

Ben - Hmph, in this world, military might is everything. And I won't be misled by threats of war or any such nonsense. My country has the Monster Burrow, a real danger to all of humanity.

Riche - Well, that's true.

Ben - During the Arthur Tragedy five years ago, we were the only country that didn't deploy our military. That is entirely because we have to keep an eye on the Monster Burrow. As such, my nation would never be manipulated by the likes of <Snake Crest>. I've heard that the Kingdom of Eden's port was destroyed and you're having some trouble with trades.

Riche - Th-That has nothing to do with this.

Ben - When we were in a crisis, what did the Kingdom of Eden ever do for us? We don't forget easily.

Issei - Then we take it that is your final answer then?

Ben - Yes, you could say that.

Issei - ...Very well.

Issei felt something's odd with Ben and he noticed there's a letter with a <Snake Crest> emblem sealed on it. And he knows that this Kingdom is pretty much already belong to them...

Ben aura itself is not pure evil but it's still leaning towards the evil side while Pancho has much purer aura compared to Ben.

So Issei decided to wait for now to see if he can find more clues.


Pancho - I'm very sorry about that.

Once the uncomfortable meeting with the king had ended, Pancho apologetically lowered his head.

Issei - It's fine, It's not your fault

Pancho - Despite how he comes off. Uncle is a kind man at heart. But he has been showing his age as of late. He's also had a lot to worry about recently.

Ramius - So he was just in a bad mood at the moment?

Pancho - My family's hereditary hastiness may be to blame, If you wait for Uncle to cool his head before talking to him again, he should listen.

Riche - Sounds good. Hope you can get us another meeting when that happens.

Pancho - Of course! Leave it to me!

Knight - General Pancho! There you are!

The conversation with Pancho was cut short when a Knight ran over.

Pancho - What are you so panicked about? There shouldn't be any monsters coming from the Burrow.

Knight - A cow carriage tumbled over nearby. It seemed unnatural, so I investigated, and... Suddenly, some Outlaws appeared and attacked!

Pancho - WHAT?! Hmmph, they would cause trouble on the king's doorstep? What insolence!

Riche - They must've set a trap to turn it over and make it easier for them to attack.

Pancho - How dare they bring harm to our nation? I'll make them regret it in Hell!

Upon hearing the report, Pancho forgot about Issei and the others and dashed out of the capital.

Riche - This might have something to do with <Snake Crest>! We'll go too!

Issei - Ah, Agreed. Let's follow him.

Gurigura - He can't be too far away!

The party chased after Pancho.


When the party arrived on the scene, the overturned cow carriage in the middle of the road was surrounded by Outlaws.

Outlaw 1 - Hand over that cow carriage pronto!

Carriage Owner - D-Don't lay a hand on the passenger!

Outlaw 2 - Oh, nice lady you've got in there. Heh heh heh, time to give you some loving.


Issei - Hm. Towa?

Issei heard the scream and saw that it's apparently belonged to Towa.

Then Issei dashed towards the Outlaw. The instant the Outlaw tried to touch Towa, Issei appeared in front of him and punched the Outlaw right in the face.

The Outlaw body flew far away to the sky, just like a certain team "R" blasting off again.

Then Issei grabbed Towa towards him.

Towa - Eep!

Issei - Stay behind me.

Towa - I-Issei-san?!

Outlaw 1 - Y-you! Everybody get him!

Outlaws - Woaaahhh!

Pancho - Watch out!


With each punch, the Outlaws who come near Issei flew just like their first buddy. Issei doesn't want to let Towa see blood so he just punches them away, they're all already dead though...

Pancho is surprised seeing Issei took care of those Outlaws with such ease, he could also handle them but it will take some time.

Pancho - Nice job! Outlaws deserve nothing but death!

Once the Outlaws appeared to be wiped out and they confirmed no more were hiding in the area, Issei spoke to Towa.

Issei - Are you okay, Towa? I didn't realize you were in El Quixote.

Towa - Y-Yes... Th-Thank you. 'Uwaaa... Issei-san saved me again... And he was so cool just now...'

Towa can feel her cheeks flushed.

Issei - Well, as long as you're okay.

Pancho - Hm, thankfully there were no casualties... Oh right?!

Issei - What's wrong?

Pancho - It's this time already? I actually have a meeting with someone important in <Vilfuente>. But at the same time, I can't just leave this passenger unattended to... Hrrm, this is a pickle. And I need to prepare myself for the meeting as well...

Issei - It's fine, you can leave them to us.

Pancho - Oooh, can you do that for me?!

Riche - Sure. We know Towa anyway.

Pancho - Then, please do!

Pancho bowed to the party, then told his subordinates to handle the rest and ran off.

Riche - He's kinda frenetic. I dunno if someone like that should be a general.

The party decided to take Towa to the capital of El Quixote.


Towa - Thank you so much for saving me.

When they arrived at the capital, Towa bowed to the party.

Issei - Seriously... Don't worry about it.

Issei can only wryly smile at her because this exchange had already happened several times on the way here.

Riche - When you said you were heading to the next town, I didn't know you meant in El Quixote.

Towa - I never thought we'd see each other this soon again. Oh... Are you on a honeymoon?

Issei - Hmm, you could say that?

Riche can only wryly smile because only Issei can be so relaxed facing the <Snake Crest> like that. They're investigating the <Snake Crest> but to Issei, they are not worthy enough to become a threat it seems.

Ramius is only nodding to herself while her cheeks are a bit red. She's happy to be on a honeymoon with Issei.

Gurigura - Hey, what's a honeymoon?

Ramius - It's where after a couple gets married, they go on a vacation and do various things to become closer.

Gurigura - Oh! Then this is a honeymoon for me and Ise-nii.

Towa - Huh?! Wh-What does that mean?

Issei - Oh, this is Gurigura. We just got married.

Gurigura - I'm Gurigura Hyoudou! Hello!

Towa - Oh, you were there when I told my story in Lancelot...

Gurigura - Yeah, that was a lotta fun.

Towa - Eheheh, thanks. I see, so you married Issei-san... WHAAAAAAT?!

Riche - Wow, her reactions are pretty funny.

Towa - Wait, but you already had two beautiful wives... Huh, how could this be?

Riche - Ise was promoted to a <Ten Knight> and he's also an honorary baron now. So he's getting more wives to carry out his duty of leaving more offspring in the world.

Issei - ...Can you say that with a less perverted way?

Riche - But it's true though?

Issei - I know... But... *Sigh* nevermind...

Towa - A <Ten Knight> and a baron... W-Wow... Ah! So that means I should have treated you with more honorifics now! I'm so sorry!

Issei - It's fine. I'm not bothered with such formalities... Just call me like the usual.

Towa - B-But...

Issei - No but.

Towa - O-Okay... Issei-san. 'Issei-san sure is amazing... He was just a Knight when we met at Lancelot but in this short time, he already reaches his current position... Wow... And that girl take his last name? I'm so jealous... Towa Hyoudou? Ehehe...'

Issei - Anyway, done touring already? I get the feeling there's not much to see here but factories.

Towa snaps back out of her fantasy and answered hastily after hearing Issei sudden question.

Towa - Y-Yes! T-The Kingdom of El Quixote's able to sustain its Knights thanks to those factories, though.

Ramius - And because of the Monster Burrow, not many people seem to complain about the size of the military.

Issei - Is the Monster Burrow really that dangerous?

Riche - Well, for you it's not dangerous probably? But it is for them.

Towa - Why don't I explain? I just told the story of this country at one of the Bigbux Company's daycares.

Ramius - Volunteering again. How nice of you, Towa. I'm sure the children enjoyed it.

Issei - Um, I agree with Ramius. I'm sure the children enjoyed it a lot.

Towa - Th-Thank you... But I also enjoyed listening to the elderly people who watch over the children too. The elderly people in El Quixote are excellent at telling stories, so I ended up listening to theirs when I was supposed to be telling mine.

Riche - Huh, interesting. But why's that?

Towa - Hmm, I wonder. Their descriptions are so vivid that it's like I'm seeing the Monster Burrow myself.

Issei - Always about the Monster Burrow. I'm interested to know about that if you don't mind telling me.

Towa - Yes! Gladly! I'll be ready in a moment!

Issei - O-Ou... I'll leave it to you.

Towa - Yes!

Issei got taken by surprise by her sudden passion.

Riche and Ramius who saw that only smirked at each other while Gurigura's just looking at Towa waiting for her storytelling once more.

Gurigura - Yaaay, storytiiime!

Towa slightly blushed as she took a bundle of pictures out of her bag.

Towa - "El Quixote was the name of a Knight who traveled with Arthur..."

Then Towa told Issei's party about the history of El Quixote. How the Kalars race used to be enemies with the people of El Quixote Kingdom.

Compared to the Kalars, the humans, who harvested lumber, differed greatly in philosophy, and there was no need to try and coexist at first.

Basically just like elves and humans in another fantasy world. The Kalars wanted to protect the forest while the humans wanted to chop them off.

But then the El Quixote discovered something shocking. It was the Monster Burrow. Right as he heard roars from a hole at the peak of the mountain, monsters of all sizes came flooding out. It was like all the monsters in the world came from that hole. El Quixote was prepared to fight to the death.

But Arthur and the Witches of the Round Table ran onto the scene and stopped the monsters.

Riche - Coming just in the nick of time, like any real hero!

Yet not only did the roars from the Burrow not end, but they also echoed across the land as though they had only been angered. Even were humanity to find paradise, if the Burrow was left unchecked, the mass of monsters would prevent them from coming and going as they pleased.

Towa - "With that in mind, El Quixote chose to remain in this land and construct a fortress from which to keep an eye on the Monster Burrow. That was the beginning of the Kingdom of El Quixote."

Issei - So it was founded to fight against monsters?

Riche - Maybe that's why there are so many muscleheads around.

Towa - That's how it was originally, but the Kingdom of El Quixote had many problems following its founding. First, they and the Kalars were unable to understand each other and got in several fights over many years. Second, the forest took all the nutrients they would need to farm corps, so they were reliant on other countries for food.

Ramius - I wouldn't be satisfied with just the fruits and berries of the forest either.

Towa - Third, maintaining an army to watch the Burrow was expensive, leaving the country in constant debt.

Gurigura - What happens if a country's in debt?

Riche - Same as anything: They go bankrupt. That means they can't even import food.

Gurigura - Wow, that would be bad.

Towa - But ten years ago, El Quixote became the birthplace of the Bigbux Company.

Issei - Ah, the company who make plastics.

Towa - Yes. They successfully developed a miracle material called 'plastic' that became popular worldwide. With the tax revenue from the export of plastic, El Quixote's national budget improved in less than a year.

Riche - They have become one of the most famous companies in this world, Ise.

Issei - Hmm, I see.

Towa - Now El Quixote has a massive budget to spend on their army, to the point that they're now considered a great military nation.

Ramius - In a world that's demilitarizing, only El Quixote is spending money on their army.

Riche - They say it's for keeping the Monster Burrow in check, so it's hard for other countries to complain.

Towa - Thanks to their now-plentiful funding, they've even recently improved their relationship with the Kalars. The freedom given by financial security may have been what let them expand their thoughts and finally understand another race. But unsettling roars come from the Monster Burrow to this day... The Knights of El Quixote work day and night to defend against the threat.

This story was brought to you by the corporation paving the way to the future with plastic, the Bigbux Company. The end.

Once Towa finished speaking and took a deep breath, the party smiled and clapped.

Issei - Indeed if you put it that way the Monster Burrow is dangerous.

Ramius - But it does help make the people of El Quixote stay on the alert.

Issei - Speaking of which, you mentioned the Bigbux Company again at the end of the story.

Towa - Yes, they pay some of my travel fees in exchange for advertising.

Riche - Huh, they must have money to spare if they're putting it into something like that. I mean, I'm sure they have to be making a ton. They won't reveal how plastic is made, so they've got a monopoly on the market.

Towa - They aggressively advertise in magivision shows and newspapers too, I believe.

Ramius - I'm glad your stories are easy to understand. Even a dim person like me can follow them.

Issei - I'm sure it's a good lesson for the kids, too.

Towa - It's not so much meant to be a lesson. I just want to show the world to children who can't travel on their own.

Issei - Don't worry, I'm sure you get that feeling across.

Towa - Eheheh, thank you... B-By the way... Riche-san, you're Princess Croix's sister, aren't you? The one who's about to go through a marriage ceremony?

Riche - Yep, that's right.

Towa - Wow, I knew it! I was stunned by how pretty you were before, but I didn't realize it until later.

Issei - What marriage ceremony?

Towa - Issei-san, you don't know?

Issei - No.

Ramius - Well, Ise here is a special case you see.

Riche - Remember how my sister's engaged to the prince of the Central Empire?

Issei - Yeah.

Towa - Right around when their engagement was announced, the church unveiled a new story about Mother Eve.

Issei - Hmm? I didn't know Mother Eve's story is still ongoing.

Towa - Yes. What we know about Mother Eve is all excerpts from a scripture called the 'Evenicle' that's in the church's possession.

Issei - The Evenicle, huh...

Gurigura - I dunno much about what's in it either... What's the story like?

Riche - Essentially, it's a love story about how Mother Eve created humanity.

Towa - After Mother Eve introduced Dragons, Kalars, Poppins, and various other races to the world, she finally created a man in her own image.

Issei - I see. 'It's kinda similar to the bibles back on my world... Except there was a man first rather than a woman... Kind of interesting.'

Ramius - Um, indeed.

Riche - In the beginning, there was only Mother Eve, meaning women. Men were made later.

Issei - 'Yup, pretty similar.'

Towa - And once Mother Eve had spent a lot of time with the man, she began to harbor some special feelings for him.

Riche - Then one day, she locked the man away in one of three towers where they lived and secluded herself on an island.

Towa - Still, she wanted to see the man again, but she was ashamed... She took several detours before returning to her tower, when...

Riche - The man who was supposed to be locked in a different tower greeted Mother Eve with a smile.

Towa - Looking at the smile made Mother Eve aware of her special feelings toward the man, so she swore to love him for all eternity. Then it's said that the three towers glowed as though to celebrate, and the world was enveloped in joy.

Riche - Haah... What a wonderful story. Makes me think that romantic stories are okay sometimes.

Towa - I know right!

Ramius - Mother Eve's actions up to when she swore love to the man are going to be reenacted by Princess Croix. That's what people are referring to as the Marriage Ceremony.

Issei - I see.

Ramius - But I'm more interested in knowing what Mother Eve did with the man, personally...

Issei - ...Why?

Towa - Huh?

Ramius - I mean, it's about a man and a woman spending time together. Don't you think they did something?

Towa - Um... Is there something special you would do with a man?

Gurigura - Ramius-nee... I don't think Towa's gonna get it.

Riche - Geez, don't corrupt this pure girl!

Ramius - I-I'm not really trying to...

Issei - ...'How come that Towa seems more clueless about sex compared to Gurigura?'

Issei is wondering why Towa seems even more naive compared to Gurigura, did her father didn't teach her about sex education or something? As for Ramius antics he already got used to it at this point, she's kinda like the old him which he finds quite funny and cute, to be honest.

Towa - Just that it's a wedding between a prince and princess is lovely enough, but that they're reenacting Mother Eve's actions... It's magnificent... Wait... I'm sorry I started talking about this out of nowhere... I'm just so glad...

Riche - Don't worry about it. I'll tell Onee-chan there's a girl who can't wait for the ceremony.

Towa - I-I couldn't ask for that! Getting to watch it on magivision is enough for me.

Issei - So what are you doing now, Towa? If you've got time, we could thank you by doing something for you.

Towa - Ah, oh no! I forgot it's time for my boat to leave.

Issei - Oh, so soon?

Towa - I-I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting to run into you. I'll be heading off to the next country by boat, then. Take care, I hope we will meet again soon.

Issei - Ah, thanks. I'm sure we'll meet again.

Towa - ...Hai!

Towa blushed at Issei's assurance as she ran off into the busy streets of El Quixote.


Issei - Now what should we do?

Riche - Until we can meet with the King again, all we can really do is try investigating <Snake Crest> ourselves.

Gurigura - <Snake Crest> was Master's- I mean, Rochefort's organization, right?

Issei - Ah.

Gurigura - There was a letter with the same seal as on Rochefort's eye sitting on the desk. What could have that been?

Issei - Oh, you notice it too huh, Gurigura.

Gurigura - Un.

Riche - Huh? There was? In the King's office?

Gurigura - Yeah, his desk had a letter with that seal on it.

Ramius - Hoh, and you noticed it. That's our Ranger.

Gurigura - Maybe the King's involved with <Snake Crest>.

Riche - Why you didn't tell us back then, Ise?

Issei - Well, even if we confront him about it he might just feign ignorance like he never saw that letter before. And without proper evidence we can't just accuse him, he is a King after all. But he has kind of an evil aura, not as thick as Rochefort's but it's leaning towards there... He's probably being used just like Bors, who knows.

Riche - ...Indeed. Whatever the reason, he's pretending to have nothing to do with them. We have to drive him into a corner somehow.

Issei - Um. For now, we'll just have to gather more information. We can ask Pancho to set up another meeting.

Ramius - Then we'll have to go after Pancho. Was it <Vilfuente> he went to?

Gurigura - You can get to <Vilfuente> by going east of the capital.

Issei - Well, let's go.

In order to seek assistance from Pancho, the party hurried to <Vilfuente>.

Along the way to <Vilfuente>, they saw an army of Knight marching towards the Monster Burrow.

Ramius - Looks like they're heading to the Monster Burrow.

Guy - Travelers, are you?

While the party watched the Marching Knights, some men who were seeing the Knights off approached them.

Guy - Look at the sky. When that's around, the Burrow starts acting up, so the Knights are keeping an eye on it.

Issei - Oh?

Far off in the sky, they saw a giant island floating by.

Issei - Sky island...


Riche - Hyah! Wh-What?

Guy - The Monster Burrow. Scary roar, huh? Maybe seeing Sky Island gets them into a frenzy.


Gurigura - Sounds gross.

Guy - Hahaha, when you've lived here as long as we have, you get used to it.

The floating island blew past as though carried by the wind until it finally disappeared from their sight.

Issei - 'Hmm, that sound doesn't look like it came from a living being... It seems hollow...'

Riche - ...The roars stopped too. I see... So that's why the Knights are climbing the mountain where the Burrow is.

Guy - Been sightings of monsters jumping out of the Burrow too. They're particularly feisty at the moment.

Issei - Is that so?

Guy - Well hey, there are a few sightings every year. Whatever happens, the Knights are keeping watch, so you're safe as long as you stay in the cities.

Ramius - But that creepy roar... Whatever's in the Burrow might be really strong.

Guy - It grew so big that it can't get out anyway, apparently.

Man - I've heard it's a giant spider with three faces and sixteen legs.

Guy - I think it's a giant, wailing face. Anyone who sees that dreadful face has three days of constant nightmares, then dies.

Riche - Uh... So which is it, really?

Man - Well, nobody knows. Never in the history of the country has someone gone inside the Burrow.

Riche - What?!

Guy - The entrance is at the top of a steep cliff. No way for heavily-armed Knights to climb up there.

Gurigura - Couldn't a Ranger do it?

Guy - If you try to climb up there, you don't have any hands free. You'd just end up prey for flying monsters.

Issei - So you can't even reach the Burrow?

Guy - Some say the Archfiends in there. Well, if he ever got out, that'd probably mean the end of the world.

Issei - Archfiend Adan... The creator of all monsters was it...

Riche - Why don't we go check it out?

Issei - It's plausible... But <Snake Crest> is more important right now. Let's go find Pancho in <Vilfuente>.

Then they resume their journey towards <Vilfuente>.

Ramius - This is <Vilfuente>? Lots of factories here, just like the capital.

Issei - Actually, it seems even more lively in this city.

Riche - I'm sure the living expenses are lower than in the capital, and there might be more manpower available too.

Gurigura - Whoa, they're all plastic factories for the Bigbux Company.

Issei - Ah.

Ramius - Mm, mm... I've heard plastic... Ulp... Has particularly high demand.

Riche - Hey, no fair! Don't go buying food without us.

Ramius - It's the squid bits they're selling over there. I couldn't help but buy some... Mmm...

Issei - Let me see... Huh, looks like diced squidman legs and flour, lightly cooked and covered in sauce.

Ramius and Gurigura stuffed their faces with the tray of squid bits.

Issei - 'Really look like sisters, aren't they...'

Issei face turned gentle looking at both of them stuffing food like squirrels.

Gurigura - Eheh, the sauce is delicious! Try some, Ise-nii. Say, aaaah...

Issei - Hm? Sure. Aaah... *Munch Munch* it is good. Thank you, Gurigura.

Gurigura - Eheheh, you're welcome.

Issei smiled gently and pat her head.

Riche - Ramius...

Ramius - Hm?

Riche - Did you realize there's a bunch of Kalars has been tailing us?

Ramius - Ah... They're not really hiding it, to be honest.

Riche - And I seem to know why they're following us...

Ramius - You do?

Riche - ...Look at their faces...

Ramius looked at the Kalar's faces that's been following them around ever since they entered <Vilfuente>. For some reason, their faces are red and seem like a lovestruck maiden in love. And they all keep looking at one direction... Which is Issei...

Ramius - ...Aahh...

Riche - ...Yep. As expected from our husband I guess... Even with his face hidden he can still charm girls here and there but Kalars are known for their straightforwardness... If Ise's was alone right now then they would've swarmed him like ants attracted to sugar...

Ramius - Fumu... The only thing holding them back is us it seems... Thankfully there's a rule that the Kalars only allowed to extract semen from an unmarried man or widowed man.

Riche - ...Indeed, well even then I doubt they can hold back much longer after seeing how they keep squirming around. They even started to attract some man towards them...

Ramius - Yeah... Look at that pinkish aura around them...

Issei spotted some Kalars as well but he's not that surprised seeing them following him because he got used to things like these after a while.

Even normal girls seem to keep looking at him before so having Kalars do the same is not very surprising.

But unknown to him the Kalars can sense <Aura> to a certain extent because they live in nature so it's not very surprising just like how elves can sense nature around them.

You need to remember that Issei has the biggest <Lifeforce> even in the eyes of Semiramis(LD). So Issei aura is like an aphrodisiac for the Kalars and combined with his unique aura of a Dragon it almost made all the Kalars drunk from his scent alone.

Issei can just snap his finger and the Kalars would gladly swarm towards him if he wanted to.

Just by staying near Issei the Kalars can feel their power grow bit by bit, the gem on their forehead is shining more brightly by the seconds. But in reverse, they become more intoxicated by his <Aura> alone.

There's some human man tried to ask them for a 'relief' but the Kalars ignored them all, which is surprising for the humans because they're usually happy to collect their semen.

Issei - Oh? Is that the Kalars?

Riche - Yes, this is the first time I'm seeing one in person too. They're another race made up entirely of women. Kalars have been living in the Kalar Forest on this land since long before humans arrived.

Gurigura - They're super talented at wind magic, and since they go hunting in the forest, they're good at archery too.

Issei - I see. So they are all women?

Gurigura - Yeah, there are no male Kalar.

Riche - There are a few races, but only Kalars can breed with any other race, and always end up giving birth to a female Kalar.

Issei - So the Kalar Forest's full of nothing but female Kalars? You would think they'd all die out fast.

Riche - That's why they take sperm from human men. And that buildings you're seeing there is the 'Break Room' for the sperm collection.

Issei - I see... There's not a single person going there at the moment though? Are they perhaps having a lunch break or something?

Riche - ...Well, I think I know why it's empty...

Riche wryly smiles while looking behind them.

Almost every Kalars they passed by ended stalking them around... Well, stalking Issei that is...

Issei - Hm?

Issei is confused by what Riche's mean but he ignores it right away because he doesn't really care about the 'Break Room', which basically is a Brothel in this country.

Gurigura - Aren't you curious about them Ise-nii?

Issei - Hmm? Why should I? I have you girls no?

Issei smiled gently at his wives and that makes them very happy he feels that way.

While the Kalars woman who saw his gentle smile from far away swooned over his smile, some of them even have a little nosebleed... They really wanted to uncover his hood and see the rest of his magnificent face they thought. Some of them can't take it anymore and wanted to run up to Issei but her friends stopped her from doing so.

Kalar 1 - Let me go! I can't take it anymore! I need his semen, I want his child!

Kalar 2 - Don't be stupid! You will get arrested! We are not allowed to do married man, remember?!

Kalar 3 - We know how you feel but it's not the place and time yet! If he went to the forest then...

Kalars - ...*Gulp!*

All Kalars after hearing that last words started imagining the things they could do, even the 1st Kalar who was going berserk calmed down and held down her lust for later...

All of their eyes are shining like a predator watching its prey.

Issei felt a sudden chill and he hurriedly turned around to see who's giving him the sudden chills, but all the Kalars averted their eyes when he turned around and pretending they were just chatting with each other.

Gurigura - What's wrong, Ise-nii?

Issei - ...It's nothing.

Issei can only ignore that chill he just felt because he doesn't see the perpetrator clearly, there's no ill intent either but it gives him the chill for some reason...

The Kalars decided to disperse for now because they started attracting more attention to themselves, but all of them choose to return to the forest rather than going to the 'Break Room' which makes all the human men cry tears of sorrow because they can't vent their lust...

Along the way, Issei party encountered a Drunk man forcing a lone Kalar to get him off.

Drunk Man - Hey, girl. I haven't gotten much lately. Can you get me off?

Kalar - No, I don't participate in that.

Drunk Man - What? This is a human's dick, bitch. You're supposed to beg for it.

Kalar - ...

This Kalar seems different from the other Kalars, she has a red gem on her forehead instead of blue which means she's still a virgin because once a Kalar lost their virginity their gem will turn into blue colored.

And her bearings are also different from the other Kalars, she seems much more reserved and shy looking.

Like the rest of the Kalars, she has light blue hair which is pretty long that reach her butt. She has light blue eyes, and there's some kind of white ornament on her hair. She wears what seems a tribal outfit for the Kalars which colored white with green outlines and there's a green ribbon on her chest. She has modest sized breasts but her body is alluring just like the other Kalars. (AN: /wiki/Lorenzo_Kalar Here's her image.)

Drunk Man - C'mon, let's get in that shack where you can suck my dick.

Kalar - S-Stop it. Ow... Let go.

Riche - *Sigh* There's always guys like that anywhere.

Ramius - Um, what a disgrace... Where's Ise?

Gurigura - Ise-nii went over there, look.

Issei appeared in front of the distressed Kalar and he grabbed onto the Drunk man hand.

Drunk Man - What?!

Issei - She doesn't want to, so let go of your hand.

Kalar - ?!

The Drunk Man felt his arm hurting badly and he reflexively let go of the Kalar's hand.

Issei - Go away.

Then Issei pushed the Drunk Man away from the Kalar.

Drunk Man - Guh?! Y-You'll regret this!

The man ran as fast as he can because he knows Issei is not someone he should mess with.

Issei - Are you fine?

Kalar - Y-Yes... Th-Thank you...

The Kalar girl is surprised because someone suddenly appeared in front of her and saved her from that Drunken Man. When she first saw the man who saved her, she felt her heart thump loudly.

She can feel his intoxicating aura at point blank range and for a virgin Kalar like her, that is fatal...

When the man turned around she can vaguely see the outline of his face and she knows that he's a very handsome man and just by staying near him she felt very comfortable.

Issei - Then be more careful from now on.

Just when she's still lost in reverie she saw that Issei started walking away from her. So she hastily called him

Kalar - W-Wait!

Issei turned around to see what she got to say.

Kalar - M-My name is Lorenzo Kalar... C-Can I know your name?

Issei - ...Issei Hyoudou.

And with that said Issei left her behind to reunite with his wives. Lorenzo who saw that felt a bit loss knowing he already has someone special with him, but from what she observed so far he seems to be having 3 wives already. So that means she still has a chance...

She was waiting for someone here because that person said he wanted to have a talk with her.

??? - S-Sorry to keep you waiting!

Speak of the devil that someone is here, at last, he's Pancho Quixote the general of the Knights in the El Quixote Kingdom.

Lorenzo - No, It's fine. So why do you want to meet me here, General Pancho?

Pancho - Y-You can just call me Pancho! A-And I'm calling you here because... I-I-I...

Lorenzo - Yes?


Lorenzo is taken by surprise by his sudden confession but she responds to his confession regardless.

Lorenzo - I'm so sorry... I can't answer your feelings.

Pancho felt his heart hurt hearing her respond but he still steeled himself to ask why she can't answer his feelings.

Lorenzo - Because I already found someone I love, so I'm sorry once again... Oh, right. Here's the monster outbreak report I got from the Kalar Queen while we're at it. Then if there's nothing else I need to go back to the Queen, so excuse me.

And with that Lorenzo left Pancho behind while still thinking about Issei in her mind...

Pancho felt like crying for being rejected but he can't do anything about it because they barely interact with each other so far... He just confessed to her because of a sudden impulse.

So he gets over it pretty quickly. He met Issei party along the way back and they discussed the <Snake Crest> letter found at the King's office.

Pancho - Hm, an envelope with a snake-shaped seal?

Pancho tilted his head. His response told the party that he really didn't know anything. And Issei also can't see any spike on his aura while he's talking about <Snake Crest> which confirms that he is innocent.

Riche - <Snake Crest's> a dangerous organization. If the King has any ties with them, he has to be convinced to cut them off.

Pancho - They do sound more unsettling the more you tell me. I wouldn't want them near Uncle. But while Uncle is often hasty, he's also stubborn, so if he said he won't take meetings, I can't imagine you'll get a meeting anytime soon.

Issei - Even you?

Pancho - That we're related by blood only makes it worse. Besides, it's true we don't need other countries. We're drowning in tax revenue from plastic sales.

Riche - But <Snake Crest> has weapons of mass destruction, like sparkle bombs and poison gas.

Pancho - I know, but meeting with and convincing Uncle would require... Hm, we could ask for some outside help.

Issei - From where?

Pancho - The Bigbux Company... The CEO should be able to get Uncle to listen.

Issei - The Bigbux Company huh... 'Got the first clue we needed... A businessman CEO who can make the King listen to him? Seems like a clue to me.'

Pancho - I don't care for his obsession with money, but it's true this country's indebted to him.

Riche - Perfect! I was interested in the plastic factories anyway. Let's give it a shot.

Pancho - Then I'll write you a letter of introduction. I could see you there personally, but I do have work to do, and I'd rather not have to meet with that CEO myself.

Riche - Thanks, that's plenty enough.

Pancho wrote and handed over the letter of introduction, then left with the documents he received from Lorenzo.

Riche - Now let's go check out the famous Bigbux Company.

Gurigura - You should be able to find it southwest of here.

The party decided to head to the corporation that held influence over even the king, The Bigbux Company.

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