The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 71:

Chapter 71:

Millet knows well just what happened to Felton so she doesn't need to ask. She doesn't really care about him at this point.

When Issei arrived at the Kalars Village, he's greeted by them all.

Every Kalar - Welcome back, Issei-sama.

Issei - Um, I'm back.

Mertel - So, my king, I take it that you've made Millet the <Zero Knight> of Central as yours?

Mertel teased Issei slightly seeing him carrying Millet on his arms.

Issei - Ah. You could say that.

Millet knows that each of the kalars here is stronger than average and she becomes more awed seeing this many of them serving her lord. She's proud because this is how a True Dragon should be unlike that hag, she thought.

But after seeing the teasing gazes the kalars gave her she becomes even more embarrassed but there are some that are jealous of her so it's not that bad she guess. But she still needs to put up a proper appearance so she asked Issei to put her down.

Millet - M-Milord, can you put me down? I'm fine now...

Issei - Oh? Are you sure?

Millet - U-Un...

Issei - Very well. Mertel, give her a proper treatment because she just lost her first time recently, and it's while I'm in "That" mode as well...

All the kalars body trembled slightly when they heard Issei's words because they know just what he meant by "That" clearly. They've experienced it first hand after all.

Their body trembled not because they are afraid of it, but because of how good it was. It's their body natural reaction after hearing it.

Mertel - I see... That must've been... Unfortunate? Well, maybe not... Fufufu...

When Mertel saw the current face of Millet she knows that she must've been really enjoying it. Millet realizes the knowing gaze Mertel gave her and she blushed deeply once again because it's true that she really enjoys it back then.

Issei - Um, that's why treat her well okay?

Issei doesn't realize their silent communication and proceeds to talk normally.

Mertel - Hai.

He finally let Millet down after that.

Issei - Where's Croix?

Mertel - Oh, she's at her room waiting for you right now. Her room is the best room we have of course.

Issei - Um, got it.

Issei knew which room she's talking about because he spends some times inside it before when he visited the Kalars.

Issei - Then Millet, go ahead and follow Mertel. I will go meet Croix for now.

Millet - Ha.

Then Millet went with Mertel while Issei went to Croix's room.


When Issei's about to knock on Croix's room he heard her voice.

Croix - *Kuhn* *Kuhn*... Otouto's smell~ Hnnn~

Issei - ...

Why does this feel like another deja vu? Well, he better knock fast or it will elevate to something else altogether.

The Kalars never really clean the room thoroughly so granted Issei's smell still lingers inside it. They only rearrange the stuff and the likes. They also like Issei's smell after all.

*Knock* *Knock*

Croix - H-Hai?! Who is it?

Croix got startled because she was just about to touch herself while smelling Issei's smell on the bed.

Issei - It's Issei.

Croix - O-Otouto-kun?! J-Just a sec!

Then he heard rustling sounds coming from inside probably because Croix wanted to regain her composure or something. After a few minutes, she finally calls Issei in.

Croix - You can come in now.

When Issei entered the room he saw Croix standing beside the table with her usual smile but there's a tint of blush on her cheeks this time.

Issei chooses to ignore what he just heard before.

Issei - How are you feeling?

Croix - Eh? Ah, I'm totally fine. The kalars treated me very well in here, they're very nice to me. But it's kinda surprising seeing some of them become an angel and devil though...

Croix is also a bit taken aback after seeing the new kalars for the first time.

Issei - Well, I'll explain about that later and good to know that you're feeling okay...

Issei flashed a gentle smile but soon he held back his smile because he needs to inform her about Felton situation.

Issei - ...I've already handled Felton and his accomplices, sorry if you have any feelings towards him but-

Croix - No.

When Issei's still apologizing to her for killing her fiance because he wasn't sure if she has any feelings towards him or not, Croix cut his words.

Issei - Hm?

Croix - You don't have to apologize towards me about taking care of Prince Felton because I'm fully aware of what he's planning to do.

Croix was awake when she arrived at the <Sky Island> but she can't move her body for some reason so she heard the conversation between Felton and Acheval loud and clear... Only idiot will love a man like Felton after hearing that whole conversation.

Croix - And I don't feel anything towards him as well... Do you know, our marriage is only a political marriage, there was no love involved.

Issei - ...I see... Then I apologize for making you go through all that, I basically used you as bait. I'm sorry... I will take any punishment you want to give me.

Issei bowed slightly because he feels bad for using Croix as a bait, he doesn't want Felton and Seydes to escape. If he saves Croix right away then Felton or Seydes might've escape beforehand. If any of those two escaped then the <Snake Crest> will keep existing and that's not what he wanted to see.

So he waited for Felton to arrive at the <Sky Island> because he knows that he needs to report to Seydes after his "Success". Issei's plan is perfect and the only downside is that he needed Croix to play the role as bait.

Croix - ...You know, Ise...

After waiting for Croix to decide his punishment he heard her start talking, so he looks up only to see the ever-present gentle gaze of Croix along with her smile. But there's something more inside her gaze, there's relief, joy, happiness, longing, passion, and love?

He becomes puzzled, how come her gaze contains that many emotions? He understands she would feel relief, joy, and happiness but as for the others...

Then he saw her started to walk forward until she arrived at his front. She suddenly put both of her hands on his face, Issei is used to her close skinship so he doesn't mind it but there's something different from her touch this time. It feels more gentle than it used to be, it's like she's touching a delicate artwork and the like.

Croix - When I was kidnapped by Prince Felton, I never feel afraid at all... Do you know why?

Issei unconsciously shakes his head because he truly doesn't know.

Croix - It's because I know you're going to save me... I never stop believing that you will somehow save me from him. You promised me after all... When my father asked you to protect me, remember?

Of course Issei remembers it, he's a man of his words after all. Even before he became a dragon he always keeps his words.

Issei - Ah...

Croix - That's why I never lose hope nor feel fear the entire time... And I was right... You saved me... Even though it's not you personally but it's enough to know that you sent the kalars to save me.

Her gaze turned a little feverish and her soft fingers started to stroke his face gently and it kind of makes him feel itchy inside his heart.

Croix - Ne, Ise...

Issei thinks that this is the first time he heard her call him by his name and not his usual nickname.

Croix - Do you know who's the man I'm in love with?

Issei eyes widen hearing her question but he doesn't know how to respond to it, deep inside he already knows the answer to her question but he's still not 100% sure so he shakes his head gently.

Croix - You actually already know it didn't you?

Croix can see inside his eyes that he actually already knows the answer so she smiled gently at him.

Croix - It's you... You're the man I fell in love with, Ise...

Issei - ...

Issei is at loss for words after hearing Croix confession.

Croix - Ever since I first met you, I started to develop feelings towards you. It's like love at first sight... And my feelings keep growing when I see what kind of man you are. When I see how well you treat your wives... I keep getting more and more attracted to you... And from their faces, I can see happiness and joy for being your wife... To be honest, I feel jealous of them... At how free they are, for being able to marry the man they truly love... I even feel jealous of Riche... Jealous of my own beloved little sister for being able to marry you...

Issei - ...Croix.

Croix - ...And if I'm not engaged already, I would've pursued you, just like Riche did... But my duty as the royal princess doesn't allow me to be that selfish, because my selfishness would bring sorrow and trouble for my father and the people of Eden as well... So I buried my feelings thinking that we're not meant to be...

*Drip Drip*

Issei saw tears starting to flow from Croix's eyes and he felt excruciating pain inside his heart after seeing her tears that he doesn't know what to do after seeing it, but then he saw that she started to smile even though she's still crying.

Croix - ...But Mother Eve must've heard my prayer... I feel bad for feeling happy that Prince Felton is the <Snake Crest> member, but I can't help it... I can't help feeling happy and glad at the same time... Because that means I could also pursue my own true love... I can finally do what I want for the first time in my entire life... I can choose the man I want to marry... So, Ise... My beloved otouto-kun... Will you accept my feelings?... Will you accept this foolish princess feeling?

There's no way Issei can refuse her confession and he doesn't want to refuse her anyway, so he obviously accepts her feelings.

Issei - ...Ah, I accept.

Then Issei saw the most beautiful smile blooming on Croix face, the prettiest and happiest smile she ever has. Issei instantly becomes captivated at that smile of hers.

Croix closes her eyes and puckered her lips slightly, and Issei knows just what she wants and he obviously going to obey her wish. He held her body close and finally... Their lips are connected and the same goes for both of their hearts as well.

Croix felt like she's in bliss right now. She never felt so happy in her entire life, she's finally in the arms of the man she truly loves...

After a few minutes, they finally stopped their kiss and they both gazes at each other before chuckling together.

Issei - I don't know what would Riche think about this...

Croix - Hmm, I think she's going to be happy because her beloved onee-chan is going to join the family~ .

Issei - ...Knowing her then it's probably true.

Croix - But of course! We're best sisters after all... Then, otouto-kun~.

Croix suddenly asked Issei alluringly.

Issei - Hm?

Croix - Make me your wife now, please.

Issei - Err... Shouldn't we ask father-in-law opinion first?

Croix - No need. I'm sure he will agree to our marriage as well.

It's true, Louin already planned to have them both married to each other. She knows her father's way of thinking the best apparently. Even better than Riche herself which is obvious since she's more close with Louin compared to Riche.

Croix - Now, hurry hurry~

Issei didn't know how to respond to her encouragement, he's the man and she's the woman, right? How come she's more enthusiastic than he is?

Issei - But...

Issei still wants to say something but Croix doesn't want to wait any longer so she came up with an idea.

Croix - Moouu~... Ah! Then as for your punishment, make me your wife now!

She acts like she just said a brilliant idea.

Issei - ...

She's Riche's elder sister alright... Their pushy personality is totally the same. Not that he hates it though...

Issei - Fine...

Issei finally relented because it seems she won't stop until she gets what she wants.

Croix - Yaay~ I've been dreaming about this moment since a long time ago... I always wanted to know what it feels like to do ecchi stuff with the man I love. Now, I get to do it with my beloved otouto-kun~

Issei - You're still going to keep calling me "Otouto"? Even though I'm about to become your husband?

Croix - Hmm, why not? You're still my otouto-kun regardless if you become my husband or not, right?

Issei - Well... I can't deny that...

But there's something off about the way she calls him though... But Issei chooses to disregards it because it doesn't matter what she calls him anyway.

Croix - Then it's fine~ Let's go~

Then Croix pulls Issei's hand and walks towards the bed.


Issei maintained his gentle smile as he watched Croix undress herself.

Croix - ...Um, all that staring is a little embarrassing...

Issei - Hm? Oh, sorry. It's just that you have a very beautiful body.

Croix already took off all her outer garments and now she's only at her underwears. Issei got captivated looking at her bodacious body. That smooth white porcelain-like skin of hers, that smooth and beautiful thigh and long legs and her perky butts... She has the perfect hourglass figure... There's not a single blemish can be found on her body. And most important of all, that heavenly breasts of hers...

Guess he's still the oppai dragon after all...

Croix - Heheheh, I don't mind so much. I'm about to become your wife, after all...

Issei - I see... But are you sure you want to do it now? You must've heard what Felton was about to do to you, so I was wondering if you're really sure about doing this now... I'll still treat you as my wife no matter what. Just be honest...

Croix - ...

Even though Croix said she doesn't feel afraid but the truth she indeed feels it a little bit, even if she really believes that Issei will come and save her and Issei knew it as well.

Croix - Honest...?

Issei - Ah.

Croix - Okay then... The truth is, ever since you came into this room...

Issei - ...

Issei seriously listens to what Croix's about to say. He expected her to say that she's probably kind of afraid of men or something right now.

Croix - ...My panties have been dripping wet...

Issei - I see, just like I expect- Wait... What?

Croix - ...

When Issei looked at her with confusion, Croix covered her loins with her hands and her cheeks are blushing deeply. Seeing her acting like this almost made Issei lose control of himself.

Croix - You know, otouto-kun... In reality, I'm awfully naughty... Just being here alone with you, my body is throbbing... Even when we first met, my body started to get really hot whenever I'm near you... That's one of the reasons why I keep hugging you whenever I had the chance... Because I like that feeling... And also your hair is so soft and nice to touch, and hugging you is always so pleasant and you smell really good as well...

Issei - ...

No wonder, Issei thought. He smiled wryly after hearing her words.

Croix - I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be a saint, but I'm a really dirty girl... I can't help it, though... I keep thinking about how much I want to sleep with you.

Croix look at Issei with moist upturned eyes, she felt really embarrassed after confessing the truth about herself but she didn't know that her current pose is the breaking point of Issei's limit.

Issei - ...

Issei felt like he couldn't take it anymore after hearing that. So he instantly lifted Croix's body and put her on the bed. He snapped his fingers and Croix undergarment is gone as well.

Croix - Eep! O-Otouto-kun?

Croix got a little taken aback after Issei suddenly picked her up.

Issei - ...Be prepared, Croix... You've flipped my switch... I won't stop even if you told me to now.

Issei instantly removed his clothes as well and loomed over Croix's body and whispered that words to her ears. Croix's body trembled in excitement after hearing his husky hypnotic voice and saw his beyond perfection body in the flesh.

Croix - ...Un. And I don't want you to stop anyway... Make me yours... O-to-u-to-kun... Mmh!

She whispered back to his ears and as soon as she finishes her words, Issei instantly captured Croix lips once more. He entangled their tongues together with a rough kiss and while he's at it he spread her legs wide and tease her lower mouth with his cock. He keeps rubbing their genitals with each other, and Croix almost loses her mind of how good it feels when he's doing that.

Her pussy is soaking wet already from all the foreplay. But it's not enough, she wanted more... She wanted him to put it in right away.

Croix - Mmm... Mmah... Mmn! Mmwah... O-Otouto-kun... Please...

Issei - ...Ah.

Just from seeing her begging eyes and seeing her keep licking her lips, he knows that she wants him to put his cock in and he does just that.


Croix - Mm... Ah... Your thing... Mmmm... It's finally in...

Croix was ready to take it from the start, so Issei can enter her very smoothly. Even her hymen doesn't stop his advance, Croix also doesn't feel that much pain after he breaks her hymen.

Issei - ...So this is what Saint Croix feels like...

Issei couldn't help but sigh. It wasn't out of disappointment, but because of how good her inside is.

Croix - ...Does it feel good for you as well, Otouto-kun?

Issei - Ah... You feel awesome inside, it's perfect... I feel like I could cum any moment just from being inside you...

Issei's explanation stunned Croix for a moment, but then she smiled.

Croix - Heh, heheh... I'm glad... If you want to move a lot, by all means, do. I'm sure whatever feels good for you will feel good for me.

Issei - ...Got it, just tell me if it hurts.

Out of concern for Croix, Issei moved his hips slowly. When he put his cock in deep, the walls of her pussy happily coiled around it, providing a slippery but tight sensation.

Issei - 'Gh, I could cum already if I'm not careful. But I need to do it as gently as possible because it's her first time...'

Croix - Hnn... Heheheh, I can tell how caring and loving you are... Otouto-kun...

Croix waved her hand toward herself, beckoning Issei. He lowered himself, placing his face close to hers.

Issei - Croix?

Croix hugged Issei tight.

Croix - I smell your scent... I feel your weight... It's like your body's all around me... Warming me up... Heheh... Eheheh...

She started smiling. Croix's face wasn't visible from Issei's position, but he could hear her stifling a laugh by his ear.

Croix - ...I'm happy... I'm really happy... Thanks... Now that I know you love me, I'll be fine... I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you. As husband and wife...

Just from how Issei treat her, Croix knows just how much he cares and love for her. If it's any other men then they wouldn't care what their partner feeling and will only satisfy themselves. At least, that's what she heard from the rumors... But Issei wasn't like that at all... Even when he's feeling uncomfortable he still thinks about her first and foremost over his own satisfaction.

And Croix couldn't be happier knowing that the man she loves also felt the same way as hers, and he doesn't accept her feeling out of guilt but because he also loves her as well. That's why she's so happy right now.

Croix - Eeey, have some of this!

Issei - Mmpph, C-Croix?

Croix grabbed Issei's head and squeezed it between her curvy breasts. She wasted no time in lovingly petting Issei's soft hair.

Issei felt it's really calming, just like always...

Croix - Heheh, you're holding back, aren't you, otouto-kun?

Croix whispered into Issei's ear. Her hot breath tickled his earlobe.

Croix - Heheh, I am still your sister-in-law. I'd never complain about my beloved otouto-kun being a little rowdy. You can do whatever you want with me, otouto-kun... I'm your wife now...

Issei - ...Ah.

The boundless kindness of her offer reminded Issei of the fact that he was having sex with a saint.

Issei - Alright... I'll be a bit rougher.

Croix - Hai. It's up to you, otouto-kun.

Issei - ...Um, kind of hard to do until you let go, though.

Croix - Eheheh, too bad! That's your punishment for going easy on your big sister. You're even cuter when you're hugging me like a little boy, so try moving like that, okay?

Croix giddily ran her hand through Issei's hair.

Issei wryly smiled as he slowly moved his hips, rubbing his cock around inside her pussy.

Croix - Hah... Mm, mmm... Mm, heheh... Mmm, your thing's stirring inside me...

In time with Issei's movement, Croix quietly sighed.

As Issei moved his hips, the rest of his body naturally moved as well, scrubbing his face against the breasts it was sandwiched between.

Once in a while, he felt a hard nipple on his cheek.

Croix - Mmm... This is so ticklish... You're rubbing your cheeks up against my chest... Heheh, otouto-kun~, you've been interested in my chest for a while, haven't you?

Issei - Oh, so you noticed?

Croix - It's hard not to when you ogle them all the time. What do you think? Not disappointed, are you?

Issei - Absolutely not. They're soft and warm and comforting. Better than I ever imagined.

Croix - Mm, thank goodness...

Croix gently pats Issei's head.

Croix - They're yours now. You can play with them any time, wherever you want, however you want.

Issei - I see...

Croix - Because I'm your wife, yes. If you ever want something naughty from me, I'm sure I'll be happy to provide... You're always welcome to...

The saint's sweet whisper in his ear caused a reaction from his cock.

Croix - Heheh, do you like when I whisper to you? Your penis is twitching inside me...

Issei - W-Well... It tickles my ear...

Croix gave Issei's earlobe a light kiss.

Croix - Mwah... Then let me say lots of sexy things for you... Otouto-kun~. Heheh, there's a really delightful warmth in my chest...

Croix pet Issei's head as she whispered into his ear.

Croix - I'm ready for it, otouto-kun. You can give your big sister lots of sex.

Issei - Ah...

Issei slowly swung his hips, stroking his cock inside Croix bit by bit.

Croix - Haahn... Heheh, keep it up.

In the meantime, Croix kept on gently petting Issei's head.

Croix - Go on, otouto-kun, you can grind harder than that.

As she said she would, Croix kept whispering dirty things into Issei's ear, provoking his cock to further swell. Unable to hold back anymore, Issei thrust even deeper.

Croix - Ahn, mmm... Ah, otouto-kun... Amazing...

Croix's body was already aroused enough that with just a slight movement of Issei's cock, she'd let out a moan.

Croix - Ah... Aaah, haah... Wow, so this is what sex is really like... It's actually very calming... I didn't know it could make you feel this happy.

Croix's pussy was also moist with plenty of fluids, such that it accepted any forceful movement Issei made.

Croix - Your penis fills every last bit of me... It's like we're made for each other... Heheh, I'm ashamed to say it, but I'm kind of glad... Haahn.

Croix's body was aroused to the maximum, so she simply felt good without feeling pain at all.

Issei - ...Don't say that, or I really won't be able to hold back.

Issei rocked his hips back and forth, making a gushing sound as he churned her insides.

Croix - Mmm, mm, go ahead, otouto-kun... Use me to make yourself feel nice... That'll make me happy too...

Issei thrust his hips, sinking his cock deep in her warm pussy.

Croix - Mm, mmm... Your penis certainly is incredible...

The cock stirring around inside Croix got a faint moan out of her.

Croix - 'Oh, my head feels kind of light... Mmm, Otouto-kun is just so cute when he's trying hard...' Mmm, mm, mwah... Mmm, mm... Mmwah...

Issei - G-Guh... Wh-What?

Suddenly, Croix nibbled on Issei's ear and stuck her tongue inside.

Croix - Hamph, mm, mm... Heheh, I'm sorry... But you're just too cute...

Issei didn't know how to respond on being called cute since he's a man...

Croix - Oh, your penis is twitching in me again. Do you happen to like it when I lick your ear?

Each time Croix's hot breath and dirty words tickled his ear, Issei's cock tingled.

Issei - Gh! I really can't control myself now!


Croix - Aah, eek?!

His cock delved deeper into Croix. Not only that, but it started to violently scrub back and forth.

Croix - Ah, aah?! O-Otouto-kun?! Ahee, w-wait... So sudden, aah?!

The abrupt pleasure being beaten into her abdomen bewildered Croix.

Croix - N-No, not like this... Ahii! I wanted to be the one making you feel good!

Issei - I feel the same way. But if you're gonna be like that, then I'm not showing any mercy... Here, let me rub right here near the entrance. Slowly, so it doesn't hurt...

Croix - Ah, hee! H-How? How'd you find my weak point already?! Aahn!

Like she'd lost control of herself, Croix's whole body quivered.

Issei - Heheh, I don't just thrust at random. I was looking for your most sensitive spot.

Croix - O-Oh nooo... That's what I get for being inexperienced... Uuuu, as the big sister... This is rather frustrating... Kyahn!

Issei - Since it's your first time and all, let your little brother take the reins, here...

Croix - Aah, don't thrust so, gently... Ah!

Like she was in a state of extreme arousal, even a tiny bit of movement from Issei made Croix's pussy twitch.

Croix - 'Aah... Oh no, I can't, control myself... I feel a hot, tingly throbbing deep inside... This is incredible...'

The sensation was like being tickled with feathers inside her stomach. Juices oozed from her pussy.

Croix - I-Ise... No, don't... I... I feel too good... Dizzy... Hwaaaah...

Croix stopped calling him "Otouto" and returned to calling him Ise.

Issei - Croix, you're really beautiful up to a moment ago, but now... You're super cute and sexy...

Issei couldn't stop himself from kissing her on the lips.

Croix - Hamph, mm, mmmmh... Ise's smooch... Mmm, mm, warm... Mmwah...

Croix wasn't asked to do anything, but she naturally coiled her tongue around Issei's.

The near melting hot tongue tangled with his, mixing their sticky saliva together. Issei sucked on Croix's tongue.

Croix - Mmmmmm... Tongue, my tongue... Being sucked... Nwah, don't, liiick...

He massaged the tongue in his mouth with his lips, then sent his own saliva back into Croix.

Croix - Omf, gulp, gulp... Gulp... Pwaaah... Our naughty, mixed saliva... I drank every drop... Hah, aah... Wow, it's too much... My heart's beating so fast, I think it might explode...

Issei - Don't worry, you can always let yourself feel better.

Croix - Hah, ah, mm, but I wanted to, aaah, ah, make you, feel good!

Issei - You can do that another time.

Croix - Hah, aaaaah! D-Deeeep! Ah, mm, your penis is kissing the back of my stomach... Haahn!

When Issei rammed his cock all the way to her deepest point, Croix arched her back so much that it lifted off the bed and let out a sultry moan.

Croix - Ah, ahee, e-eyes, blurry... Wh-What is going onnnn? Ah, ah, ah!

Issei knew Croix's should be about at her limit. He thought it's time to push her straight to orgasm.

Croix - Mmm, Ise!

Issei - Mmmhp?!

Suddenly. Croix exhibited great strength in pulling Issei over and giving him a forceful kiss. Croix stuck her tongue in Issei's mouth and nibbled on his lips. Her tongue moved like that of a kitten.

Croix - Hamph, mm... I don't want it to just be me... Mm, this is all, I can do, but... Mm, mm, mmmmmm...

It wasn't that she felt compelled to do it for herself, but because she wanted to give Issei whatever pleasure she was capable of.

Issei - Croix...

A warm sense of happiness spread throughout Issei.

Issei - ...Sure, let's both feel good.

Issei hugged Croix tight, smelling her sweet aroma.

Croix - Aaah... Iseee...

Held in Issei's arms, Croix let out a blissful sigh and let the tension drain from her shoulders.

Issei - Alright, here we go...

Croix - Haaah, aaaaaaaaah!

Issei gripped Croix's hips in both hands and violently thrust. He particularly focused on what he thought was her G-spot. The sheets were already so soaked that there was a puddle, there's also a bit of red on it which was a sign the loss of her purity.

Croix - Ah, hahee, no, no, that spot, aaaahhn! Hahn, mmwah, mmmm... Mm, Mmwah...

Not to be outdone, perhaps, Croix resumed kissing Issei. The kiss was so passionate to the point that everything around their mouths was smeared with spit. But even that, due to just a bit of shaking against her pussy, was cut off by a moan from herself.

Croix - Mmmnn, mm, mmm! Pwah, hah, haaah, I-I can't take this!

Croix was near orgasm, her whole body lightly shaking. Even Issei felt his own orgasm sneaking up on him.

Issei - Sorry, Croix... Won't last much longer...

Croix - O-Okay, Ise... C-Cum any time! Ah, ah, ah, pick any time, to cum inside meee!

Her words took the final limiter off Issei. They indulged in each other's bodies as they neared orgasm.

Using the short thrusts he reserved for the verge of orgasm, Issei rapidly moved his cock. It was like he was thrusting into slush. Croix's bountiful breasts bounced up and down like it tries to hypnotize Issei with their movement.

Croix - Ah, hyah, ah, ah, ahn, n-no! Ah, aah!

Croix was assaulted by a burning sensation around the top of her head. A cock, a foreign object, was mercilessly rubbing inside her, but it wasn't the least bit unpleasant. Rather, the euphoria of it all made her dizzy.

Croix - Ahee, hngh, mmm, Ise, Ise, aaah... Aaah, I love you, hyah, use my body to feel good! Ahn, oh no, I-I'm, aah, cumming!

Issei - Croix!

Issei's cock pierced into her depths and stopped in place to ejaculate.

Croix - ...Ah... Hyah! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!


Semen was released deep inside Croix.

Croix - Ah, hngh, mmm, mmm, Aah... Haaahn... Mmmmmmhhh!

Washed away in a torrent of pleasure, Croix arched her back like a bow and spasmed. Seemingly an unconscious action, her long, slender legs wrapped around Issei's hips and squeezed tight. Wanting more of the hot jizz, her legs pulled Issei closer.

Croix - Hyah, ah, so, deep... Nnah, aaah!

The hot semen directly hit the back of her womb, making her whole body shiver as she groaned. Issei ejaculated so long it was as though he was gushing out everything he head, and the whole time, Croix's body never stopped quivering from the intense pleasure she felt.

Croix - Haaaah, ah, haaaaaaah...

Once Issei's orgasm ended, Croix finally relaxed and settled back into the bed. Also exhausted from the orgasm, Issei fell over on Croix.

Croix - Thank goodness... We... Eheheh... We came together... We got to feel nice at the same time...

Issei - Yeah...

Croix - Mm... Your smell... Heheh, my husband's smell... I can't believe sex feels so good... And makes you so happy... It's not about one side using the other... We can both be happy... Ise... Don't pull out yet... Let me feel you for a while longer...

Issei - Sure... We can do this till I go soft...

And so they spent some relaxing time together. It was a joyful, amorous moment... However... Croix noticed something was off.

Croix - Uuuuum... From what I've heard when men came, they usually went soft right away... Ise, does yours not get small?

Issei - Well... That felt so good that I can probably cum a few more times.

That was a lie... He can cum all day long and never get tired... Heck, he just spent 7 hours straight having sex with Millet before coming here and he's still good to go.

Croix was shocked but soon got over it.

Croix - Heheheh, just as I expected from my beloved otouto-kun~

Issei - So... Mind if we do it again?

Issei asked her while smiling wryly because he really wants to do it again.

Croix grinned hearing her question.

Croix - If you want, I'm always happy to do it again. Of course I don't mind... Danna-sama(Dear).


She gave him a light kiss.

Croix - Show me more about how to be happy together.

Issei - Ah, gladly...

Croix - Hai... Haaahn.

Then they keep going at it like rabbits in heats all day long. From day time to afternoon, to evening, till the next morning... But she still fainted away after she reaches her limit while Issei reluctantly stopped their lovemaking session because it felt really good doing it with Croix just now. So he hugged her body tightly while his penis is still inside her.

Croix's tummy is a little bloated from the amount of semen that's inside her that it looks like she's been pregnant for about 3 months. And Issei who saw that feels proud of his capabilities but he needs to clean her up because it won't feel good to sleep while feeling sticky now, won't it?

He made sure to clean all the stains from the sheet but he could swear that he heard some crying voice when he cleaned their aftermath. But choose to ignore it and join Croix in the land of dreams, both of them smiled blissfully at their sleep.

The cries which Issei heard just now was from the Kalars because there's a reason on why they never thoroughly cleaned this room. It's because they want to smell their king's scent, that's why.

They were intoxicated with Issei's smell because how strong his smell was when he's having sex with Croix just now, all of them without exception are drunk and extremely aroused after smelling his raw sperm scent.

Sure they can't hear their sound but from the smell alone they know just what're they doing right now, they won't mistake their king essence smell after all. Not a single Kalar will forget that intoxicating sweet raw smell.

Even Millet also feels a bit intoxicated of the smell. But when they notice the smell suddenly disappear, they know that Issei must've used his magic to clean the whole room so they feel despair after realizing that fact and cries simultaneously.

Even Mertel shed tears a little. But she feels even more in awe at Croix's endurance... Even she as the Kalar Queen couldn't take on Issei's monstrous libido for the whole day. All of the kalars respected Croix even more because of it.

Millet is confused about why they all suddenly cry but because she's too tired she chooses to ignore it.

Croix is probably the only woman that can take on Issei head on for a whole day straight so far. Not surprising since she's basically Goddess incarnation, and Mother Eve is well-known for her sex drive according to <Evenicle> and the <Black Evenicle>. And it's all true, if anyone asks QD what's the most outstanding thing about Eve then she would answer "It's her sex drive!" without hesitation.


QD - Hmm, guess that's the limit of the amount of blessing I can give him... Oh well, I'm sure he will be able to master the <Chaos> element even without my help anyway.

Arthur - Indeed, knowing Issei-sama then I'm sure he will master the <Chaos> element soon enough.

There's a ring appeared on Croix's ring finger when they're asleep with a Roman number "X" on her ring. The same goes for Issei's ring as well.

<Chaos Mastery - 83%>

Riche and co were wondering just what's taking Issei so long until Kyuriha and Miarute got a message from Mertel and they both smiled wryly at each other. So they told Riche and co that Issei and Croix will arrive tomorrow at the very least.

When they asked the reason for why he's so late, Kyuriha and Miarute only said that there's a little incident but it's nothing serious so they don't have to worry. They told them that Croix is already safe and Felton has been dealt with along with the <Snake Crest> as well.

Well, they've already expected that. But Riche and co had a foreboding on what's just holding Issei back. Their wife intuition is tingling...

Then they decided to wait for Issei at Eden instead, so they asked Kyuriha and Miarute to teleport them back to their respective places. Palomides returned to Lancelot, Hatter to Humpty, etc. But Norshin are told to follow them back to Eden because Issei has something that might interest the church.

Of course Norshin obliged to it but he told Silent to take care of the things at Hamlet while he's away. Silent can only begrudgingly obey Norshin order because she wants to see Croix and Issei as well.


*Poke* *Poke*

Issei was fast asleep when he felt a poke on his cheeks. He frowned a little bit but then gently opened his eyes.

What greeted him when he wakes up is the childish smile of Croix while she's gazing at him.

Croix - Eheheh, good morning, otouto-kun~.


She gave him a light kiss and Issei smiled back at her. He put his arms around her soft body and hug her tightly.

Issei - Hmm, morning.

Croix - Look look, otouto-kun~

Croix held out her hand to show him her shining golden ring.

Issei - Oh.

Croix - It's the proof of our marriage, eheheh~

Issei - Ah... So you're feeling okay?

Croix - Yep! I'm feeling great... But I still feel kind of sore down there, though...

Issei - Err, my bad.

Croix - Eheheh, it's fine~. And I'm the one who asked for it anyway.

After they frolicking with each other a bit more they finally decided to get up from the bed and started preparing because they need to go back to Riche and co place.

They went outside their room only to be greeted with Mertel and Millet.

Millet - Good morning, milord.

Mertel - Good morning, my king. I believe you both had a pleasant time last night?

Mertel gave both of them a knowing smile.

Issei - Err, yeah...

Croix - Eheheh, we sure did~

Croix only smiles cheerfully at Mertel.

Mertel - Good to know and we've already told Riche-sama party about your delay, so they're waiting at Eden castle right now, alongside King Louin and Pope Norshin as well.

Issei - Ah, got it. Millet, will you come with us heading back to Eden?

Millet - Sadly, I have to decline, because I believe it's not quite appropriate considering I was Prince Felton accomplices until recently... And Princess Croix.

Croix - Yes?

Millet - I'm sorry for the recent incident, do forgive me. You can give me any punishment as you see fit.

Millet bowed slightly at Croix and she has been told by Issei before to apologize to Croix about the kidnapping incident and Millet doesn't find it shameful to apologize towards Croix because she's one of her Lord's wife after all.

And considering they're going to serve the same Lord from now on, she doesn't want any grudges between them.

Croix - Oh, it's fine. No one gets hurt so it's okay~

Croix, as expected, doesn't hold a single grudge on Millet, besides just like she said, no one gets hurt from this incident except for Felton's party of course. And Croix already knows that Millet is also Issei's wife so she sees her as fellow sisters, so the more reason not to hold grudge against each other.

Millet - Then I thank you for your forgiveness.

Millet smiled a little at Croix, and Croix returned Millet's smile with her own.

Issei feels gratified seeing their interaction, he's thankful that his wives get along really well with each other.

Then after they had breakfast together Issei and Croix head back towards Eden while Millet and the rest of the kalars see them off together.

Millet is being educated by Mertel about normal common sense and the like as per Issei's order while she's staying at the Kalars village.


Days after Emperor Viaries is saved by the Kalars. The leaders of every country held a conference where they acknowledged the existence of <Snake Crest>, as well as it's destruction.

They revealed how a saint had been kidnapped and tried to use her to erase Mother Eve's blessing in an attempt to bring a war to the world, on top of countless other crimes.

When they learned that <Snake Crest> had been responsible not only for planning a coup in the Empire but for the Arthur Tragedy as well, the people were overjoyed to learn of the organization's demise.

They also spoke of how a Knight had vanquished the entire <Snake Crest's>, exciting the public as to the idea that he was Arthur reborn. When they find out the one who's responsible for the <Snake Crest> demise is a single man named Issei Hyoudou they doubted it at first but after getting more information about him they all started to believe it.

Just the fact that he's the <Holy Knight> of the church is enough to convince most of the public but then the church announced new information about him. That he's apparently also a Half-Dragon. So his new title is <Holy Dragon Knight>, it's said that even the angels who are believed to be Mother Eve's army are his subordinates as well.

These rumors are confirmed by the kidnapped women, they said they're saved by the angels themselves. If it's just 1 or 3 people who said that, the public wouldn't have believed it. But there are more than a thousand women who testified at that claim so like it or not they had to believe it.

Ever since then, there are lower crime rates all over the world and there are more people visiting the church as well. Some Outlaws even surrendered themselves to the authorities fearing that the angels will deliver judgment at them.


When Issei and Croix arrived at the castle, every single Knight there bowed respectfully towards them. The whole Kingdom knows that Issei is a hero and it's only a matter of time before the whole world knows about him.

Then they head towards the throne room together. Croix never let go of Issei's hand along the way. But not a single person along the way finds their interaction weird. Because from the rumors it's already said that the King wanted to betroth the two of them with each other.

And they don't see better candidates to be their princess husband other than the Hero of their kingdom anyway.

Now that Croix is already Issei's wife she wanted to let the whole world knows about it, that's how happy she is.

They finally reached the throne room where Riche and co are waiting for them. Riche and co are finally can rest easy after seeing them in person.

Riche - So, what's taking you so long, Ise?

Ramius - Um, we were worried that something bad happened to you both.

Gurigura - Un un, I agree with Riche-nee and Ramius-nee.

Kathryn - Oh, I think I know what took them so long...

Kathryn noticed something shiny on Croix's hand.

Riche - What are you- Oh...

Riche also finally notices it the same goes for the rest of the people on the room as well.

They all give Issei a silent stare and the latter sweated realizing their gaze on him.

Louin - Son-in-law... Do you have anything to say?

Issei - Err...

Croix - Wait, father. I'm the one who asked Ise to make me his wife. If you want to blame someone blame me.

Croix instantly gets in front of Issei to cover for him but of course, Issei won't let her take all the responsibility.

Issei - No, it's my responsibilities... Father-in-law, please bless our marriage.

Issei bowed towards Louin and ask him to bless their marriage.

Louin - Sure.

Issei - I know this is too sudden but- Eh?

Louin - I said sure, I was planning to betroth her to you anyway. You just made my job easier.

Issei - ...Thank you?

Louin - Umu, you're welcome.

Issei never expected that their marriage will be agreed on this easily.

Croix kind of already expected this but she still needs to ask about Riche and co opinion. But even before she about to open her mouth Riche and co already gave their answer.

Riche - Oh, we don't really mind.

Gurigura - I like anyone that Ise-nii likes.

Ramius - I have no objections.

Kathryn - Same here, I guess.

The four wives answer made Croix beamed with happiness and she went and hugged Riche straight away and thanked them all.

Croix - Eheheh, thank you all of you!

Riche - U-Un, you're welcome.

Ramius - Umu.

Gurigura - Eheheh, welcome to the family!

Kathryn - Sure.

Louin - So let's hear about your report about Felton and <Snake Crest>...

Issei - Um, got it, what happened was...

Then Issei explained the details about it all, from Felton and Seydes demise till about Bolonius and Acheval as well. He told them that he sent Bolonius back to Hamlet escorted by Ultinia so she could explain the details to Laertes.

Bolonius also have the antidote for the <Adan's Blood> addict, so it's even more helpful to them. When Laertes is still not sure if he should trust Bolonius again or not, Ultinia told him that Bolonius soul is basically enslaved by Issei already. So he can kill Bolonius anytime and from anywhere if he decided to betray them once again. After hearing that only then they could rest assured and receive Bolonius well.

Bolonius of course won't betray them again, just the fact that Issei brings his daughter back to life is enough to make Bolonius eternally grateful towards Issei. He doesn't even think for a second to agree to become Issei's slave as long as he could revive Ophelia back then.

As for Acheval...

Issei snapped his finger and Acheval appeared in front of Ramius and co. And when he appeared he got greeted by Ramius glaring eyes.

Acheval - Y-Yo...

Ramius - ...Aniue... I think we need to have a little talk.

Acheval - Err... Can we talk about it later?

Ramius - No.

Then Ramius grabbed Acheval by the collar and started to drag him away.

Acheval - Gah?! L-Lil bro! H-Help me!

Issei - Nope. Just like I said before, you reap what you sow.

Acheval - Th-Then, Barro! Help me, we're friends right?!

Barro - Heheh, sorry, Acheval... But I don't want to get into Ramius's bad side either.

Barro smirked towards Acheval because he indeed deserves this punishment after all.

Acheval - D-Damn... W-Wait, Ramius, if you want to talk then we can do it here right?!

Ramius - It's a private talk so no.

Acheval - Guh! Just how strong did you get?! I can't shake you off at all! Damn you, lil bro! You made her into a true monster now!

Acheval tried to struggle but to no avail because Ramius used her <Haki> to drag him away.

Ramius and Acheval finally exited the room and soon they heard a loud scream from Acheval along with a smashing sound as well.


After a few minutes, Ramius return alone without Acheval. And in the background, there are a rushing maids sound probably carrying Acheval away to the hospital...

They don't need to ask just what she did towards Acheval. Just from that scream alone, they could tell about his fate.

Issei told Louin that he just need to inform the public that Acheval is just a double-agent he sent to spy on the <Snake Crest>, and Louin agreed to Issei suggestion as well.

Issei gave the <Black Evenicle> to Norshin and when Norshin read it he becomes a little pale but soon sighed tiredly. It also happens to have Felton's notes in it, so it should help the translation progress later on.

Emperor Viaries was already informed about his son fate but he won't blame Issei for doing it. His son has already embarked to the road of no return after all.

He's even very thankful towards Issei and wanted to invite him to his country to have a parade. But Issei refused instantly because he's not fond of being in a parade and stuff like that. As for the rewards, he just said to give them away to the poor.

Emperor Viaries got stupefied by his lack of interest but King Louin already informed him of this beforehand so he's not too surprised.

So after a bit more briefing, Issei finally finished his report.

Louin tried to ask Issei what he wants as a reward but as expected he says none. So Issei asked to be excused because he wants to return to his home.

Louin can only agree to his request. So Issei heads back home with his new wife in tow.

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