The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 72:

Chapter 72:

Issei finally could really relax after that whole incident. He spent most of his entire time training Ramius and the others while having a date with them from time to time.

There are a lot of people wanted to see him in person but he declines them all saying he's not interested. But they only saw this side of him to be a humble type for some reason.

The girls' progress is going steady as well, even Croix started to learn some offensive magic and some basic training taught by Issei himself. As Issei has already expected, her progress in learning magic is really fast.

Now that Croix doesn't need to keep her act anymore she diligently started to learn magic and get basic training from Issei as well. She's like a sponge that keeps absorbing Issei's teaching.

After some times, the whole world titled Issei as the second coming of Arthur, as in he's the new hero of the world but some still thought the title <Tyrant Overlord> suit him better. Issei doesn't really care what they call him though.

Riche and co asked Issei to show them his dragon form at some point and Issei agreed to their request. When they heard his chant they felt warm and happy inside because that's basically his vow towards them. To bring them infinite hope and dreams, to become their light in the darkness and also their protector. A future that shines brighter than any light...

But the twins are even more awed after seeing his dragon form because it's by far the most beautiful and majestic dragon they've ever seen. Even QD Dragon form loses against Issei Dragon form. And they have to agree that he's indeed the most fitting to become The True Dragon Emperor.

All of them asked Issei to carry them on his back, except for Riche that is because she's still afraid of heights but after some reassuring from Issei she finally agreed to hop on his back and she enjoys it a lot. They played all day long with Issei's dragon form, thankfully Issei already deployed a barrier around himself or it will bring about a great commotion if people were to see his Dragon form.

The public still doesn't know that Issei could transform into a Dragon, they only know that he's half-dragon. It's better this way because from the pact with QD it's stated that no Dragon should get

involved with the human problems.

Issei was also able to tweak the world's law for a bit and make the Outlaw girls at the Arthur ruins be free from the curse they once had. When they saw that the <Black Ring> disappeared from their hands they all shed tears of joy, some of them even in a state of disbelief because they never thought they can be free from their curse.

Tio shed tears of joy but she never said thank you towards Issei because she knows he wouldn't want that, instead she shows him just how thankful she is on the bed. Tio push herself to the limit and able to last for half a day with Issei but soon she fainted with a blissful smile on her face but she can't get up from the bed for the whole day after that though...

Tilt scolded Issei for going too far but it's just fake anger from her because she's also happy to see those Outlaw Girls freed from their curse. And she kind of envy her big sister after all this time because how good it must've been to be fucked silly like that by Issei.

Issei wryly smiled after being scolded by Tilt because he's indeed has gone a little overboard back then.

But some of the Outlaw Girls said they wanted to repay Issei by serving him for the rest of their lives because they don't have any more place to go back to one of them is Colpis even though she's not an Outlaw before she still chooses to follow Issei alongside the other girls as well.

Issei doesn't refuse their request but he told them that they can leave at any time they want because he does this for Tio and not for his personal gain. All the girls feel touched by his words but they promised him that they will never betray him, then they follow Tio and learn from her to manage the company.

Issei and his wives also visited Sora at the <Level-up Shop> because it's about time they reach Lv.100 which is the maximum level on this world.

When Sora finds out that Issei has so many wives she becomes a little dejected but when she saw that all of them becomes Lv.100 she was ecstatic because that means that she can finally become the <Level-Up Goddess>.

She instantly profusely thanked them and wanted to become Issei personal <Level Goddess>, she tried to seduce Issei with her sexy "Picture" but to no avail because Issei already knew that her real form is that of a little girl which looks like 12 years old. (AN:

She becomes embarrassed for being exposed but she told Issei that she surely grows up just like her older sister. (AN: This is her older sister).

Most Level Gods candidates work in Level Shops, public stores people can go to when they need to level up, they needed to have a contract with someone that has promising future to become a <Level God/Goddess>.

Some Level Gods form contracts with humans and become the personal Level God for that individual or their companions. Adventuring parties typically induct someone with their own Level God into their group so they can level up out in the field without any complications since the person that is bound to the Level God can summon them at any time.

There are <Temporary Contract> and <Eternal Contract>, as its name implies, <Temporary Contracts> are only temporary and both parties can cancel it at any time. But <Eternal Contracts> means they are bound forever, the <Level God> that have linked themselves to the other party can only serve him/her for their entire life.

This is extremely rarely seen since it's not worth the risk because if the contractors were to die then the <Level God> will also fall alongside them. It's a win-win situation for them other than that.

As long as the contractors grow stronger then that <Level God> will also grow stronger alongside them, and the <Level God> also assist their growth by converting the <EXP> points which only visible to them to make the contractors grow even stronger.

The <Level God> which has <Eternal Contract> could also make their contractors companions grow stronger, do note that by what it means by their companions is their family and not just friends. The contractors needed to have some kind bonds with that said companion of them, whether it by blood or by some other bonds such as love, etc. In other words, companions here equal to their wife/children/parents.

And in the eyes of Sora, there are no better candidates other than Issei from what she has seen so far even from what she studies or read there are no cases like Issei, so what he's done so far is unprecedented and unheard of.

The fastest record for a sentient being such as human to reach Lv.100 so far is 50 years, Arthur is a special case since he's assisted by QD back then.

The last time they met was like a month ago and that time he already reaches Lv.60+ from the get-go. Now when they meet again he's already become Lv.100 just like she expected and not only that, he also brought along all of his wives and they all also already reached Lv.100, in just a span of 1 month... If that's not amazing then she doesn't know what is...

One of the requirement to make the girls become a Dragon is they need to be Lv.100 first according to QD. Because if he were to change them into a Dragon when they're low-leveled or in other words still weak then their bodies won't be able to take it.

So he needs to train their physical body and their soul as well before they could undergo the process of their <Rebirth> to become a Dragon. Physical training is easy enough but for Soul training, it's kind of hard, and the easiest way to do it is to have your own <Level God> to do the job.

When an individual has reached Lv.100 they automatically advanced to <Tier 1>, and then when they reached Lv.200 it's <Tier 2> and so on.

The Tier classification below is according to the power level of the DxD world. (AN: I've just read the wiki and there are no Satan Class Devil so yeah, my bad ).

<Tier 0> = Normal Human

<Tier 1> = Low-Class Devil/Angel (Ramius, Yunyun, etc.)

<Tier 2> = Middle-Class Devil/Angel (Wiz.)

<Tier 3> = High-Class Devil/Angel (Rias, etc.)

<Tier 4> = Ultimate-Class Devil/Angel (Sirzechs, Michael, Azazel, Vali, <9 Divines>, Jeanne, Jalter, Kyou, Kinou, Millet.)

<Tier 5> = God-Class (Shiva, Odin, etc.)

<Tier 6> = True God-Class (Bible God, Trihexa, Great Red, Ophis, Semiramis, Scathach, Forzelotte, QD, Irene, Issei.)

<Tier 7> = Ultimate True God-Class (Nyarlathotep.)

<Tier 8> = ???

<9 Divines> members for those that forgot are = Mertel, Ekate, Kyuriha, Miarute, Suisen, Paniverna, Izana, Ultinia, Marialis.

(AN: The order of the names don't have anything to do with their ranking in power. And note that Ramius and co still haven't become a Dragon so their tier is quite low at the moment, the same goes for Yunyun and co.)

The higher the tier the harder to advance, obviously.

<Tier 8> Is still unknown because no one has ever reached that tier yet or it's just not recorded and it's also unknown if there is a higher tier after <Tier 8>.

<Tier> Level also don't decide everything, <Tier 1> could defeat <Tier 2> and even <Tier 3> if they have an outside help such as <Sacred Gear>, etc. That's just their raw power basically.

For example, Issei vs Riser Phenex.

Riser was High-class Devil while Issei was only a Low-Class Devil back then, but because of the former lack of experience in real combat experience and Issei having <Boosted Gear> and the Holy water, he lost against Issei who's 2 tier lower than him. If he wasn't so arrogant or too over-reliant on his phoenix bloodline then he could defeat Issei easily but reality said otherwise.

So <Tier> or <Level> is not everything in battle.

Because of that, Issei doesn't see any reason to refuse Sora's offer. And from this moment on, Issei has his personal <Level Goddess>. But Sora needs to advance into her Godhood first so she has to leave Issei for now. She will return to him when she's done doing that.

Sora has never been so happy. First, she finally able to become true <Level Goddess> and her crush also accepted her offer, now if only her elder sister wasn't such an airheaded. Everything would be perfect she thought.

And from Issei's records, Sora knows just what kind of person he is, so she's not too worried about being mistreated or anything similar. That's one of the requirement to form an <Eternal Contract> after all. Since Issei doesn't have anything to hide he agreed to it and besides, he could hide the things he doesn't want to show like something personal.

Sora also only needed to know his personality and affiliation, so since Issei is obviously not evil he got a pass on that part and even made Sora becomes stupefied because the amount of Good Karma he has is too outstanding... He's like a beacon of light or a sun compared to most people she has seen.

As for his personality... He's perfect... At least in her eyes, he's beyond perfect. The way he treats his loved ones and always put them on top of his priority is out of this world as well. So she's more than willing to have Issei as her eternal contractor. Thankfully Issei blocked his memory when he's having sex with his wives or Sora brain would've over-loaded, but she's more mature compared to her elder sister though.


Kyou - Breakfast is ready, everyone!

Kinou - A productive day starts with a tasty breakfast.

Ramius - Looks delicious, like always. I didn't know about rice for breakfast at first, but I can't live without it now.

Natal - Well, everything that Darling made is tasty so I'm fine with anything as long it's made by darling. Oh, of course your food tastes good as well Kyou-san, Kinou-san.

Kyou - Don't worry we understand. And your cooking is not bad either, Natal.

Kinou - Ise's cooking skill is unfair...

Croix - But it's one of his good points as well though~

Millet - Um, agreed. My Lord is perfect in every sense.

Kathryn - Yer still going to call him Lord?

Gurigura - Eheheh, Millet-nee is too used to call Ise-nii like that.

Tio - But I think she's just too embarrassed to call him with another nickname though.

Towa - U-Un, I think so as well.

Millet - N-No I'm not!

Tilt - ...Yes, she is.

Millet blushed because they hit the nail with their guesses. She's indeed too shy to call Issei with another nickname other than Lord. She tried calling him "Dear Husband" at some point and her face went red for the entire day after that.

Issei - ...

Riche - What's wrong, Ise?

Issei - Well, I was just thinking about how this table used to be too big... But now it's packed.

Riche - True. I got it with the kids we'd eventually have together in mind, but oh well.

Kathryn - We can always just get a new one when it comes time for that.

Riche - What, you actually want a kid? Just can't wait to have Ise give you a baby?

Kathryn - Wha?! Th-That's not what I meant!

Towa - Yes, children are something you're blessed with.

Kathryn - I didn't mean that either!

As Ise watched the lively conversation and smiles at the dining room table, he naturally smiled too.

Kyou - Hard to be lonely now.

Kinou - It is quite the cheery family.

The twins looked at Issei's smiling face and nodded as they whispered their relief.


Days later...

Silent visited Issei's home.

Silent - It's nice to see you again, Issei-sama, Princess Croix.

Croix - Hello~

Issei - Oh, Silent? Is the church okay with you being here?

Silent - Yes, I wanted to see how Princess Croix is doing, so I fought my rival for the opportunity.

Issei - I see.

Silent - I have a letter from Pope Norshin.

Issei - Hm? For me?

Silent - Yes, here it is.

Silent respectfully gave Issei the letter Pope Norshin.

Issei - Oh, thanks... Let's see...

Then Issei read the letter which addressed to him and when he read it mid-way his body stiffen and his face started to twitch a lot as well.

Issei - ...Err.

Issei was about to ask if this is some kind of a joke but Silent beat him to it.

Silent - What you've read is totally correct and not a mistake nor is it a joke, Issei-sama. With that said, please take good care of me... Girls, you can come in now.

After Silent said that with a smile, there are two women came into his house. The first one is Laurent which is the first Saint Issei met a while ago. While the second woman is a new face to him. Issei thought the one who's standing outside is Silent escort but apparently not...

She has a slightly tanned skin just like Millet with a light red colored hair tied in a ponytail. She has quite a beautiful face and light blue eyes. Her bust is normal sized, but there's a lazy aura surrounding her. Her outfit looks similar to the other Saintess. (AN:

Laurent - Nice to meet you again, Issei-san. Please take good care of me from now on as well.

Laurent bowed politely towards Issei while smiling happily.

??? - Sup, the name's Burst... Take care of me will ya? By the way, where's the bed? I wanna sleep...


Silent instantly hit Burst at the back of her head when she finished "introducing" herself.

Burst - Ouch! What was that for, Silent?!

Silent - You know well just why I hit you just now. Properly introduce yourself to Issei-sama.

Burst - Guh... Fine, fine... Pleased to meet you, My name is Burst. Please take good care of me... There, happy now?

Silent - Good enough.

Riche - Wh-What's going on?! Why did all the saints gather at our house?

Croix - Eheheh, goody~ finally all of my saints' mate came to join the family~

Riche - Eh?! What do you mean by that, onee-chan?!

Croix - Well, you see...

Then Croix explained just what being the <Holy Knight> truly means. After they all heard her explanation they all become stupefied. Their husband automatically gained all of the Saints to be his wife just from being appointed to be the <Holy Knight>?

Issei just rubbed his forehead and headed to his room without saying anything. But then Kyou and Kinou get a message from him telepathically.

Kyou - Umm... He said that he wants to be left alone for now.

Kyou wryly smiled while saying that.


After that incident, Silent and the rest of the saints keep coming back to Issei's house trying to make him accept them except for Burst because she's kind of lazes around all day. But after being threatened by Silent about something she hastily joins their cause.

Croix also never helped the trio because they need to gain Issei's trust on their own, she knows that if she were to ask Issei to accept them then he would've done so but she doesn't want to make Issei obey her every wish, he's not her slave he's her beloved husband.

After spending a few weeks they've finally able to gain Issei's approval but he still needs some time to fully accept them, and for them, it's good enough. At least they're making some progress. Then they went to the Kalars to study some stuff from them. Burst will feel living in hell though because the Kalars are very strict when it comes to their king so they don't allow her to laze around at all...

The Saints know that it's better to give Issei some room for now. They can take their time to make him fully accept them later on. They're fully intent to make Issei accept them and they know that Issei will accept them someday as long as they're serious about their feelings. And they're right, sometime later on the future Issei finally accepts them as his women.

The reason why he doesn't out flat refuses them is because according to the letter from Norshin, the three of them did agree to become his spouse and not forced at all. And it's stated that Saints are not allowed to marry anyone else other than the <Holy Knight>, Croix is the only special case ever since the first foundation of the church that is allowed to marry outside the church because of her lineage being the royal family and the best Saint they ever had.

And they indeed have already given a choice whether they're willing to become Issei's wife or not. Well, both Silent and Laurent agreed to it without a doubt, and as for Burst, she's too lazy to care so she just said yes without thinking much about it.


Issei decided that they should go on a vacation and all of the girls agreed to it.

Thus, the party continued to spend some time enjoying the newlywed life. They decided to have their honeymoon on Issei's old home of <Fresh Fish Island>.

But when Issei and his wives teleported to the <Fresh Fish Island> what awaits them there leaves him completely dumbfounded. Even Riche and co are also surprised.

??? - So, you're about to take a vacation but you don't invite us, dearest?

??? - Hmm, even though we told you to take it easy in this world you still train hard, huh? Not that I hate it though since I like hard-working people the most, but that still doesn't give you the permission to go against your master order, baka-deshi!(Stupid disciple).

??? - Heheheh, It's been a while beloved. Although for me it's only been a few days though. But I still missed you regardless.

??? - Ah, Master... We have finally meet again.

??? - Hmph, you got guts for forgetting us, did you forget your vow? Stupid Master.

???/??? - Ise-san!

That's right, the ones who are waiting for Issei's party is Semiramis and co.

Both Yunyun and Wiz instantly jumped towards Issei and he reflexively catches them while still being dumbfounded.

Issei - ...Y-Yunyun, Wiz? And you all...

Semiramis - Fufufu, surprised? We're feeling bored without you back at my domain so we've decided to join you on your vacation here.

Scathach - Hmph! *Flick!*

Scathach flicked Issei on his forehead.

Issei - Ouch... Shishou...

Scathach - That's for not listening to my orders... And this is your reward for working hard.


Scathach pulled Issei to her embrace and put his head on her heavenly mountain valley. Seeing Scathach action Yunyun and Wiz joined her and they all hugged Issei's head from both sides as well.

Issei - Mmph!

Scathach - Umu, It's been a while since I smell your scent...

Yunyun - Ise-san, Ise-san...

Wiz - Eheheh, Ise's scent~

Right now Issei is surrounded by triple marshmallow combo he almost suffocated from their hug if it weren't for Jalter stopping them.

Jalter - Cut that out! Can't you see he almost suffocated from your actions?!

The three of them finally realized what they're doing and hastily let go of Issei's head.

Yunyun - Ah?! S-Sorry, Ise-san!

Wiz - I-I'm sorry!

Scathach - Oh, my bad.

Irene - You almost died because of Oppai just now, beloved, how was it?

Irene teasingly asked Issei.

Issei - Err...

Issei wryly smiled hearing Irene's question. But then he remembered something.

Issei - Wait, how come Jeanne and Jalter are here?

Jalter - What? Don't like us being here?

Jalter glared at Issei.

Issei - Of course not. And you would've known it as well if I were to lie to you, right?

Jalter - ...Hmph! Good thing you still remember our vow. Or I would've burned you at the stake!

Their souls are bound together after all. So Jalter knows that Issei is just honestly confused on how come they're here. She's really glad that Issei doesn't forget them at all, she's just afraid of being forgotten by him.

Jeane - Heheheh, she's just being shy, Master. She's afraid that you've really forgotten her.

Jeanne could clearly see what's on her "little sister" mind.

Jalter - Sh-Shut up! I'm not being shy!

Jalter shouted at Jeanne.

Jeanne covers her mouth while laughing at Jalter and the latter face went red for having her true feelings being exposed.

Semiramis - We brought them with us of course. When you've finished solving the <Black Grail> back then.

Issei - Oh, I see... Nice to see you again, Jeanne, Jalter.

Issei smiled at them both, Jalter cheeks went redder after seeing his smile because she really missed him after all.

Jalter - H-Hmph!

She pouted while averting her head to the side. But there's a small smile on the corner of her mouth.

Jeanne - Hai, it's really great to see you again, master... Then please excuse me...

Issei - What's wro- Mmph?!

Jeanne bowed slightly towards Issei before she started walking in front of him and before Issei could ask what's wrong she stole his lips.

Issei's eyes went wide after being kissed by her.

Jalter - Hey!

Jalter instantly separated them after realizing what Jeanne just did.

Jeanne - Oh? What's wrong, Jalter?

Jalter - You still have the guts to ask what's wrong?!

Jeanne - Hm? But all I did is kissing our master?

Jeanne titled her head to the side because she's genuinely confused just what's wrong from what she just did. She really misses Issei after all. So she conveys her longing by giving him a kiss.

Jalter - Y-You...

Jalter scowled at her but when she's about to open her mouth again she heard Yunyun voices.

Yunyun - Ah! Not fair! I wanted to kiss Ise-san as well!

Issei - Mmh?!

Yunyun hastily took advantage of Issei while he's still being stupefied and stole his lips once again. After a few minutes, Yunyun finally let go of Issei.

Yunyun - Pwah... Ise-san taste... Eheheh~

Wiz - M-Me too!

Issei - Wha?! Hmmph?!

Before Issei could process what's going on. His head is once again rotated to the side and this time Wiz is the one who stole his lips.

Semiramis - Oh, that looks like fun. Let me go next.

Scathach - No, I'm next. You already had your moment with him a while ago, Semi.

Irene - Count me in.

Scathach - And definitely not you, Irene! You're the one who went the furthest with him!

Scathach growled at them both because she's the only one who still hasn't had her moment with her beloved apprentice. Semiramis and Irene both laughed at her.

Riche and co are still stupefied from what's going on, but Tio thankfully recognizes Semiramis so she informed them about her with a low voice while Kyou and Kinou introduced Irene to them.

Only then Riche and co understand that she's the Goddess Lover of their husband. And the other girls must be the one he's been talking about before.

Wiz - Mmpwah... Eheheh.

Wiz smiled happily because she finally gets to kiss Issei as well. Even back in the Konosuba world she still hasn't kissed Issei yet. She finally had her first kiss after hundreds of years.

Issei finally comes back to his senses and smiled wryly, he thought he let his guard down too easily around his women but he doesn't really mind it though. Then he looks at Jalter who has been scowling at them, there is a bit of tear on the corner of her eyes and her cheeks are a little red as well.

He couldn't help but think that she looks just like a little girl, a very cute little girl...

Issei knows what she wants so he wryly smiled once more before his smile turned gentle and walk towards her.

Jalter - Wh-What?

Jalter took a step back after seeing Issei started walking towards her and when Issei arrived in front of her he pulled her into his embrace.

Jalter - Just what do you- Mmph?!

At first Jalter body stiffened but soon she realizes on what's happening right now, her face becomes totally red and when she's about to scream at Issei, he stole her lips.

Her eyes open wide and her brain turned blank after being kissed by Issei so suddenly. But she doesn't struggle at all inside his embrace, she just blankly stares at Issei's face while he's tasting her delicious lips and soon she also closed her eyes to savor their kissing session.

After a while, he finally stopped their kiss, he gazes at her face and stroked her cheeks gently.

Issei - There, happy now?

Jalter unconsciously nodded her head after hearing Issei's words but soon she snaps out of it and realizes what she just did just now.

She basically just admitted that she wanted to be kissed by Issei as well. Then she saw Jeanne and co smiled teasingly at her.

Her face turned completely red and there's steams coming out from her head and she glares at them first before redirecting her glare towards Issei as if saying "It's all your fault!". Then she pinches his waist albeit gently.

Issei - Heheh, my bad...

Issei chuckled at her but still doesn't let go of her waist. She finally let go of her pinch and pouted, but there are happiness and joy that couldn't be hidden deep inside her eyes.

After that Issei gave Semiramis, Irene, and Scathach a kiss that they wanted to.

Scathach face went a bit red after being kissed by Issei but soon praised him that he has become better at kissing. And when Issei teases her that he's also much better in bed her face become totally red and she punches Issei at his gut.

Issei could only smile wryly after being punched by her, but he thought he deserves that one.

Issei then introduces all of them to Ramius and co.

Riche gets along really well with Yunyun and Wiz because they have the same class basically. She keeps asking Yunyun and Wiz about the magic they know and both of them gladly share their knowledge.

Yunyun thought that she really has a lot of friends now so she's really happy nowadays.

Scathach saw Ramius, Gurigura, Kyou, Kinou, and Millet as a great seedling to be trained. All of them stiffened their body when Scathach laid her gazes on them. They're feeling nervous knowing that she's Issei's master.

At first, they were pretty nervous to be nearing an actual Goddess but after interacting with Semiramis a little bit more they finally relaxed because she's very easy to get along with apparently.

She never sees herself as above them, she thinks of them as her equal and as fellow sisters as well. And that obviously makes them like Semiramis in no time.

Jeanne and Jalter saw Croix as their equal as a Saintess, because they can feel her holy power is the same as them. They both felt a little amazed seeing a human having this much holy power. Jeanne then started to talk happily with Croix while Jalter put some words in now and then.

After chatting for a bit they finally did what they've come here for. Taking a vacation on the beach.


Every one of them changed into their respective swimsuit and asked Issei opinion about it. Issei honestly almost lost control of his libido once more after seeing all of them in their swimsuit.

It's too arousing in his opinion. Especially Semiramis which basically just a black string covering her private parts. She keeps seducing Issei by hugging his arms and hold it close to her breasts, Scathach went for his other arm.

Scathach is fine with her being the teaser but not vice versa because she's too shy and that's because of her lack of experience in a relationship.

Scathach wears a purple bikini but compared to what Semiramis is wearing it's still fine. It's still really beautiful though, it really emphasizes her beauty and fit body as well.

Thankfully only Semiramis who's wearing that kind of swimsuit or he would've really lost it.

But the same goes for the girls as well when they saw Issei's on his swimming trunks. That chiseled chest of his and that perfect abs are too mouthwatering for them. Semiramis almost couldn't hold herself back when she saw his bare body once again. She kept licking her lips while looking at Issei.

If they're alone right now then she would've jumped straight at him.

Kathryn shed tears of sorrow after seeing the comparison between her and most the other girls. She kept glaring at their particular body parts while comparing her own with them.

Kathryn - Gah, you're all showing off your fucking jugs... They're just fats. Am I right, Gurigura, Towa!

Gurigura - E-Eh?! U-Un.

Towa - H-Hai!

She thought thankfully she still has comrades in here, which are Gurigura and Towa. They both felt scared by Kath glare so they instantly agreed to her words.

Riche smiled wryly because even she felt threatened from seeing all that "Mountains" so she's not surprised seeing Kath feeling down the entire day on their vacation.

They keep playing at the beach all day long after that.


At dusk, Issei can be found sitting by the rocks near the beach. He's just gazing at the horizon seeing the sunset with a faint smile on his face.

He really felt at peace right now... All his loved ones are here with him. He couldn't be happier right now.

The girls are helping Kyou and Kinou preparing the BBQ food. He wanted to help but they told him to just take it easy.

So here he is watching the sunset and soon all of the girls joins him as well while bringing a plate of food with them to share with him.

They silently enjoy the view until the sun finally set. But then Irene remembered something.

Irene - By the way, beloved... Isn't today's your birthday?

Everyone - ...Eh?

Issei - Hm? Oh... You're right...

Everyone - EHHHHHH?!

Issei - W-Whoa?! Wh-What's wrong you girls?!

Issei is taken aback after hearing the girls screams.

Everyone - You still dare to ask us what's wrong?!

Irene - ...Heheh, that's so like you, forgetting about yourself like that.

Irene smiled bitterly at Issei while Issei just scratches his cheek while smiling wryly.

All the other girls screamed at him on why he doesn't tell them about this. They hastily tried to think of something to gift Issei with but where could they get a present when they're in the middle of nowhere right now?

Even Semiramis pinched Issei by his cheek for not telling her this, while Scathach went for his other cheek.

Semiramis - Dearest~!

Semiramis smiled chillingly at Issei while Scathach scowled at him.

Scathach - Baka-deshi!

Issei - M-My bad...


He could only say sorry towards them. But then he felt something hot on his chest.

Issei - Guh?!

Everyone - Ise?!

All of them become surprised seeing Issei suddenly fell to the ground clutching his chest while groaning. Then they saw his forehead started to shine brightly and keep blinking on and off every few seconds.

The color of his mark on his forehead which was red before started to change its color and becoming purplish-crimson. The black claw mark below his eye also changed its color from black into purplish-gold. (AN: That black claw mark from the novel picture which located below his eyes)

Then the memory which was sealed before started to coming back towards him. When he met Forzelotte and how he "died" before, deep inside his soul he felt a connection towards her. And he can something summoning him.

And just like he expected, there's a sudden portal materializing below him... And before he could respond that portal swallowed him and his body disappears from Semiramis and co vision...

Everyone - ISE?!

Semiramis and co tried to grab Issei but it's no use. She also couldn't cancel that portal because it's a soul summoning and not just some random summoning magic.

They can only watch blankly after Issei disappeared right in front of them.

Some of the girls like Gurigura, Yunyun and Towa started crying and asked Semiramis and co what happened to him and where did he go while Riche and co are too shocked trying to make sense on just what happened just now.

Scathach - Semi. Did you have any idea just where did he went?

Scathach thought she must be the calm one here because panicking won't help their situation at all so she asked Semiramis if she knew something about this.

Semiramis - ...I don't know but from that magic power I felt just now I could tell that the one who summoned Ise is quite strong individual as well... Give me a moment, I will try to find out just where they're summoning him to.

Semiramis started to tweak the spot where Issei just dissapear with her own magic to gain any clues about the summoners and their specific location.

Scathach - Um, we're counting on you.

She instantly summoned her <Gae Bolg> spear to prepare for the upcoming battle, because if the summoner doesn't have any good intention or explanation on why they summoned Issei then she would make sure to make them pay.

The other girls also finally get snap out of their shock and prepared themselves as well. But Scathach told Ramius and co to stand back because the one who they're going to fight is not someone they could take on their current state.

They could only begrudgingly agree to Scathach words because it's true. They're too weak to be of any help on their rescue mission. They don't like this feeling at all, the feeling of being hopeless and can only wait sitting there doing nothing while the man they love is out there somewhere probably in danger.

They bit their lip in frustration and the girls desire to get stronger become even greater than ever and Scathach who saw that nodded to herself because she's proud to have them as her sisters and her beloved apprentice doesn't choose his women wrong.

But now she needs to prepare for her upcoming battle as well because from Semiramis words just now then this summoner must be very strong as well, probably even stronger than them but she will still go there regardless the cost. She will show them just why she's called the Queen of the Land of Shadows.

Irene - Beloved... Just wait for us...

At least Irene knows that Issei is still safe for now because of the bonds they share, the same goes for the twins and Millet as well.

Then they wait for Semiramis to finish her investigation.


??? - Hmhm... Finally, it's time... Come to me, my other half... I've been waiting for our reunion for so long...

There's a beautiful mature woman sitting on a throne smiling and waiting for the summon magic she used to finish the summoning. There's a clear glee that could be found on her face.

If any of her subjects saw her current face then they would've become dumbfounded and keep rubbing their eyes if what they're seeing is true or not, because they never saw her making a face like this...

This woman is obviously the Supreme Overlord, Forzelotte Savant. And now she's waiting for her another half to appear in front of her...

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