The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 79:

Chapter 79:

Issei - Do you really have to scream that loud...?

Issei is taken a little aback after Kazuma and co suddenly screamed loudly out of nowhere.

Megumin - D-D-Did you just say you're going to make Yunyun your bride?!

Megumin ignored Issei's words and launched a question of her own.

Issei - Hm? Yeah, what's wrong with that?

Megumin - What's wrong you say?! You're saying you are going to marry this loner?!

Yunyun - How rude! I'm not a loner anymore! I have lots of sisters and friends now just so you know, Megumin!

Yunyun thrust her chest out in pride and that caused her bountiful breasts to bounce as well. Megumin thought that this loner's breasts keep getting bigger and that irritates her even more...

But you basically just admitted that you were a loner before though, Issei thought wryly inside his mind.

Megumin - Imaginary friend doesn't count! And why would you marry her anyway?! She just barely turned 15 a month ago! Are you a lolicon?!

Megumin missed the underlying meaning behind the word "Sisters" from Yunyun words.

Issei - ...Just so you know, I'm still 17... Well, I'm about to turn 18 soon though.

Issei thought that he should use his old age when he just arrived in this world, it's easier that way so he doesn't need to explain it further to Megumin and co. Yunyun's current age is 16 while Issei is 18 and about to turn 19 soon.

They don't really feel surprised even though they knew that Wiz is also Issei's lover because polygamy is quite normal in this world. Only Kazuma felt jealous thinking why isn't he in Issei's shoes right now...

K/M/D - ...Huh?

Issei - ...What?

All of them never thought that Issei is that young, they never clearly saw his face after all. They only catch a glimpse of it when he's still wearing his hoodie. And they just judged that he's older than Kazuma because he's taller and look maturer than Kazuma...

Kazuma age is 20 for your information.

Kazuma - Y-You're younger than me, Issei?

Issei - Yeah, so?

Issei tilted his head in confusion, he never thought much about age because he's basically immortal already, the same goes for Aqua. But of course, it's different for normal humans such as Kazuma and co.

Even now Aqua still doesn't realize that Issei is also a God just like her... If Issei were to go to the <Gods Realm> now he would probably be titled as <God King> over there and Aqua automatically will be his lackey. But of course Issei would refuse to become a <God King> for this weird world... No thanks... Who knows if there are multiple "Aqua" up there...

Megumin - Y-You're lying! Your body looks much fitter and taller than the beansprout like Kazuma here! And he's a 20 years old hikiNEET!

Kazuma - Oi! Was that part at the end really necessary?!

Issei - Even if you told me that... What use for me to lie to you?

Yunyun - That's right, Megumin. Ise-san age is clearly like he just said.

Wiz - Un, I can attest to that as well, you can see it from his <Adventurer Card> as well.

Yunyun and Wiz know that it's better to keep them in the dark as well.

K/M/D - Ah...

Only now that they remember about the <Adventurer Card>, other than status it also has age description in it.

Megumin - T-Then let us see it!

Issei - Hm? Sure, here.

Issei easily gave his card to them.

Megumin hastily took the card away from Issei's hand and take a look at it along with Kazuma and co.

Megumin - ...I-It's true... He's still 17 years old... B-But what is this status... It's clearly way too high for a normal human... Are you really a human, Issei?

Look and behold... It's clearly stated that his age is indeed 17 years old. Not that hard to manipulate the card with his magic so no surprise there. But in the process of looking at Issei's age, they also saw his overly high-status bar and level.

Issei was thinking to make his status low as well but they've already seen his power back when how easily he dealt with Beldia so he let it be. Besides, that card can't completely measure Issei's true status anyway so it's fine he thought.

Issei - Well, yeah, I am a human.

'Used to be' Issei added inside his mind.

Chomusuke at some point already taking a nap at Issei's lap. She slept so comfortably without a single care about the whole world...

Megumin - Hee... Is that so?... Anyway, why do you wear a mask now? Even though that mask looks really cool but we never saw your face clearly before... Can you let us see it?

Issei - Well, reasons... And no, it's better if you don't see my face...

Both Wiz and Yunyun smiled wryly when they heard that. They can still remember how all those female <Overlords> kept pursuing Issei non-stop when they saw his face after he defeated them all. It's like a group of ants going towards a sugar source...

Thankfully their home can fly and deny access to those that are forbidden to enter. But even then there are some of them still waiting outside the fortress for a few weeks straight just to catch a glimpse of Issei.

Forzelotte even tried to repel them away but to no avail... Finally, Issei had to take the matters with his own hands, he said that if any of them could provide a great service for the world he would consider meeting them personally.

After hearing Issei's words they indeed dispersed but with a new resolution at hand. They become very proactive and keep conquering or subduing any traitorous faction that resides within the <Netherworld> and the other world as well. But that's a story for another time...

Megumin - Why? Are you afraid that your face is not up to par? Don't worry, we won't judge you just because you're ugly.

She smirked at Issei.

Megumin knows that Issei is quite handsome just from the contour of his face alone back then, but she wanted to provoke Issei so he would show his face to them after being called ugly.

Obviously, it doesn't work. Issei just ignored Megumin provocation on him.

Issei - Yeah, let's just go with that.

Issei calmly answers to Megumin provocation. Megumin felt ticked off that her provocation doesn't work so she tried to take off Issei's mask with her own two hands but Issei easily holds her down in place with just one hand.

Megumin - Let me see! Let me see! Let me see!

She flailed her arms around trying to get to Issei's mask.

Issei - ...What are you, a kid? *Sigh* Anyway, it's getting late. Let's go to bed, Yunyun, Wiz.

Yunyun & Wiz - Hai, Ise-san.

After hearing Issei's words both Yunyun and Wiz naturally answered him with a gentle voice and there is a little tinge of blush on both of their cheeks. But there's an obvious joy that could be found inside their eyes because they can have Issei for themselves for a while.

Megumin stopped his attempt to take off Issei's mask because she becomes completely stupefied after hearing their conversation.

The same goes for Kazuma and co.

Issei gave the sleeping Chomusuke back to Megumin and the latter unconsciously received her.

But their mouth started opening and closing just like a fish mouth would often do. When they saw the 3 of them stands up from the couch Megumin finally snapped back from her thoughts and screamed at them.

Megumin - W-W-What are you saying?! W-W-Why would you sleep together in one room?!

Issei - Hm? Isn't it normal for husband and wife to sleep together in the same bed?

Issei said that as if it's a normal common sense.

Megumin - Y-Y-You... Y-Yunyun, Wiz! Are you really okay with this?!

Even though what Issei said is true, Megumin still tried to argue with him but she doesn't know what to say. She can only choose to ask Yunyun and Wiz instead.

Yunyun and Wiz look at each other before giving their answer.

Yunyun - Why not?

Wiz - We love Ise-san after all.

After hearing their answer, Megumin got nothing more to say.

Then both Yunyun and Wiz hugged Issei's left and right arm respectively before the 3 of them headed towards the bedroom.

Megumin and co blushed deeply seeing them being so nonchalant about it while Kazuma shed tears of blood because of how jealous he is. A guy who's clearly younger than him already has a small harem of his own while he's stuck with these weirdos... They are beautiful but their personality ruins it!

Of course, Issei erected a soundproof barrier inside the room for obvious reasons... He's not the one who started it though, it's Yunyun and Wiz who asked him for it.

That night, Kazuma and co are wide awake because they can't stop thinking about them... Well, except for Aqua, she's fast asleep while hugging her booze...

Kazuma wanted to try and take a peek at Issei's room but he forgets about it soon enough. He knows that will be a suicidal move if he does try to peek on them.

Darkness started fantasizing something while her breathing turned ragged.

Megumin thought that she can't accept this... That loner Yunyun with no friends she used to know has already climbed the stairs towards adulthood even faster than she is... And her partner seems quite to be the handsome and perfect guy as well... She's feeling a bit jealous now that she thinks about it.



Rossweisse - S-So you're saying that you're Ddraig? The one who's used to reside in Issei's <Boosted Gear>?

Kuroka - One of the Heavenly Dragon, the Red Dragon Emperor which is the rival of Albion the White Dragon Emperor? That <Sekiryuutei>?

Irene - Yes, why? Is it so hard to take that I'm actually a woman?

Rossweisse & Kuroka - N-Not at all!

Irene squinted her eyes at them and both of them hastily shake their heads to deny her claim.

Irene - Hmph! I know it's hard to take, but if you think about Ophis and Great Red who can change their gender at will I'm nothing much. Ophis is also the one who assist me to change my gender back then anyway...

Although, now Ophis and Lilith can never change their gender any longer because they've already become Issei's mate.

Ophis - ...I did?

Hearing her name is being mentioned Ophis looks up and asked that while tilting her head.

Irene - Yes... You did...

Then Ophis just nods her head before continuing eating the sweets at the table. Irene sigh tiredly seeing Ophis doesn't seem to really care about it.

Both Rossweisse and Kuroka indeed find it hard to take after knowing the truth about the whole cause of the rivalry of the <Sekiryuutei> and the <Hakuryuutei>. They can only smile wryly seeing Irene who was known as Ddraig Y Gooch before...

Who can guess that the great <Sekiryuutei> is apparently a woman and a very beautiful one at that?

Semiramis - Fufufu, even I still finds it funny now.

Scathach - Hahahahah! Indeed it's quite funny! The great red dragon emperor changed her gender just to avoid her stalker! Ahahahahah!

Forzelotte - Heheh... It's quite amusing indeed...

The other girls also laughed gently, even Jalter laughed out loud, because she can finally have her payback for all the teasing Irene gave her before.

Both Ophis and Lilith are confused just what are they laughing for but they decided to ignore it soon enough and back to eating their sweets.

Irene complexion turned a little red after that and then she glared at them.

Irene - Shut it, you girls...

Rossweisse and Kuroka who saw their interaction also felt warm... So this is Issei's wives they thought... Quite a rowdy and happy bunch. They get along so well... There are no discrimination nor hierarchy could be found seeing how they're interacting with each other.

They always believe that their Issei is quite a special individual. But they never thought that he manages to attract so many Godly being towards him in such a short amount of time.

Semiramis, the former Lady Death herself who is apparently a Goddess that's even stronger than Hades from their world. She's the true Death God it seems.

Scathach, the renowned unbeatable God Slayer and the <Queen of the Land of Shadows>. But apparently, her win-streak has been broken by Issei.

As for this Forzelotte the former <Supreme Overlord>, they never heard of her before but her strength is on par with Semiramis and Scathach from what they've heard so far. But they also find out that the reason for Issei being so perverted before is also because of her.

They never thought that the Issei they knew would change this much. They said he's not a super pervert like back then and he becomes much stronger even compared to Semiramis and co? They still won't tell them how he looks now though for some reason? They told them to see for themselves later.

They don't care much though because even if Issei for some reason become disfigured they would still love him no matter what.

They know that Ophis and Lilith have special feelings towards Issei so they weren't too surprised and thought it's only a matter of times before they join his harem back then. Now they already have become Issei's wife even sooner than them...

They have been told what that red heart mark means by Irene and they can see almost every single woman in this room have that mark. They're feeling a little jealous now that they know what that mark means... They can't wait to ask Issei to give them one as well. (AN: The one who doesn't have the <ECH> mark is Semiramis and co because they have their own unique mark).

When they're told that Issei is very good in bed, both of them blushed deeply but their reaction is quite different.

Rossweisse acted very coy and started fidgeting a lot, Irene thought for an adult woman she's sure quite shy... She knows that she's still a virgin but still... Well, what can you expect from a Valkyrie who never has a boyfriend before... At least she knows how to judge a man.

As for Kuroka... She started licking her lips seductively after she heard Issei is really good in bed. Her whole body started feeling hot as if she's on the heat just thinking about it... Now she REALLY can't wait to meet Issei once again.

She kept getting interrupted when she's about to have her moment with Issei at his old house, but here she won't have any of it.

Semiramis - Anyway... How's the registration for the rating game going, Irene?

Finally, Semiramis stopped her laugh and asked Irene that question. After hearing Semiramis question, all of them stopped their giggling and look towards Irene waiting for her answer.

Irene - It's going quite well. I've met the 4 faction leader and all of the <Evil Pieces> I got is all mutated, but... It would've been perfect if I don't meet Rias Gremory and her peerages over there though.

Irene frowned a little remembering back when she saw Rias and co.

All the other girls' faces also went gloomy, even Ophis and Lilith stopped eating their sweets. Each and every one of the girls' eyes glows a little bit and the atmosphere turned a little cold.

Rossweisse and Kuroka also realized that they all really seem to hate Rias and co... Not that they could blame them for it because they also hated them as well. Except for Kuroka who can't fully come to fully hate Koneko. She is very disappointed in her but... Blood is thicker than water after all.

They weren't too surprised hearing that all of Irene's pieces are mutated since they already know that her soul is connected with Issei. And if what they've heard so far about Issei is true then it's nothing surprising... He is stronger than all the godly beings in their world after all. Perhaps he's even the strongest God in history already...

They're feeling proud when they think about it... The man they're in love with is such an outstanding individual. They can only think how foolish of Rias and co to just abandon him like that...

Semiramis - Hmm... That's unfortunate... I bet you're holding yourself back from killing them outright when you see them?

Irene - Ah... Indeed.

Jalter - Hmph! If I was the one who's there I would've made them lose a layer of skin at the very least!

Riche - Well, it probably wouldn't be that easy considering there's the 4 faction leader there.

Ramius - Fumu, it won't be wise to just launch an attack when they are there.

Kathryn - Meh, we're gonna face them anyway during the rating game, so just hold back until then.

Millet - Agreed. We can have our moments when we're faced against them later on.

Jalter - Heheh, I can't wait for that moment...

Jalter grinned evilly.

Semiramis - So, I have a question for you two... Would you be willing to kill Rias Gremory and her peerages if dearest told you to do so?

Kuroka was about to say something when Semiramis beat her to it.

All of the girls' eyes started glistening waiting for their answer.

Rossweisse is the first to answer.

Rossweisse - I will. If Issei asked me to kill all of them then I would do it without hesitation.

They all can see how serious she is just by looking at her face. There's also not a shred of doubt that can be heard from her voice.

Semiramis - Hmm, I see... Then, how about you... Kuroka, was it? Would you do it?

Semiramis smiled at Rossweisse and then she turned her attention towards Kuroka.

Kuroka - ...I will do it... But I can't kill Shirone... I can kill Rias Gremory and the others but I can't kill my own little sister... I'm sorry but that's my answer. And I also won't let any of you kill her as long as I'm still alive.

Kuroka closed her eyes at first before answering Semiramis question with determination.

Semiramis - Hee... So you're saying you can prevent us from killing your little sister?

Semiramis squinted her eyes at Kuroka and emit a bit of bloodlust towards her.

Kuroka - ...I know I won't be able to prevent you to do so when the time comes but I will put my life on the line to protect her even if it's the last thing I would do.

Kuroka also doesn't back down after feeling Semiramis gaze on her. She might be killed here but she won't take back her words.

Semiramis look at Kuroka for a while before she suddenly clapped her hand.

Semiramis - You pass.

Kuroka - ...Eh?

Kuroka becomes totally dumbfounded because she thought Semiramis is going to kill her or something.

Semiramis - "As I said, you pass. It doesn't matter whether you're willing to kill your own sister or not but I want you to have the backbone/will of your own. I don't want any doll or machine to become his wife... Sure we are his wives but we're not his doll. Even he would not like it if we were to always do what he told us to do.

As husband and wife, we're ought to respect each other wishes but that doesn't mean we should obey all his command. If he were about to turn into the wrong path, our job as his wives is to help him to return to the right path and vice versa, remember that... I'm not saying that Rossweisse answer is wrong but there are limits to everything. He wouldn't want us to dwell on revenge all the time especially if it's only for his sake, what he wants us to do is to be happy and that's it, no more no less.

Of course, when it comes to it I will even follow him to the limbo itself if I have to... And don't worry about us killing your sister, Kuroka... We won't kill her but she still needs to face her punishment for betraying him... You're fine with that, right?"

All the other girls nodded to themselves after hearing Semiramis words because they completely agreed to her words. Only Jalter harrumphed coldly but she doesn't deny Semiramis's words.

They don't want to bring unnecessary trouble towards Issei after all. Killing them won't solve anything anyway, it would be too easy of a punishment...

Kuroka - ...Yes.

Croix - Ufufufu, I know how it feels to love your little sister dearly. I would've done the same as you if I'm in your position.

Croix laughed gently while looking at Kuroka then she looked at Riche who's smiled back at her.

Ramius - Fumu, I also have a stupid elder brother so I can also relate to you.

Ramius nodded at Kuroka while reminiscing about Acheval herself.

Kuroka knows that this is the best scenario for Koneko, even if she were to suffer but she still needs to face her punishment that is caused by her own choice. At least she won't have to die...

Both Rossweisse and Kuroka has already seen the projection of what happened to Issei when he finds out how Rias and co abandoned him... They saw everything...

Both of them cried and felt extreme rage at Rias and co after watching it. Rossweisse won't hesitate to kill Rias and co but Kuroka can't do the same because she loves Koneko dearly as well. Koneko is her last family member she has after all...

Semiramis and co already know the reason on why Rias abandoned Issei just like that from Rosseweisse mouth herself.

They became totally dumbfounded because they never thought there will be such an idiot exist in this world... They almost puked in disgust from trying to find out just what's inside Rias and co brains... How dumb can they be?

It's totally acceptable being afraid in a relationship since they are inexperienced but can't they just talk it out first with Issei himself? And if that doesn't work, try to talk with someone with more experience in a relationship...

How in the world did they come up with that stupidest idea they've ever heard in their entire life? Are there any holes inside their brain or something?

'You can't truly love without trust. Any relationship that isn't built with a secure foundation of faith will break.' This quote is perfect for Rias and co situation... Issei completely trusts them no matter what but they apparently don't trust him enough... Then so be it... Good riddance they all thought.

Semiramis - Umu, good. Dearest also doesn't want us to kill them anyway because it will cause too much trouble for that world... And while we're at it, don't tell him about our registration on the rating game, okay?

They both nodded at Semiramis's words.

Kuroka - By the way, where's Ise-nya?

Rossweisse also wanted to know the answer to that question.

Semiramis - Well, he got some business to take care of in another world from what Rakia has told us but it shouldn't be that long before he came back. In the meantime, why don't you both tell us about yourselves more?

Semiramis smiled at them both.

Both Rossweisse and Kuroka nodded at her before they have another chat with each other. But this time their conversation is more relaxed than when they first met.

Towa also asked them about some folklore and legends from DxD world, she wanted to collect stories to share with the children at the school which Issei opened. The school is completely free.

They wanted to know how they get to know and fell in love with Issei. They all shared their stories with each other starting from Semiramis until the last of them...

Just listening to how they met and fell in love with each other makes them admire Issei even more.

His adventure in the other world sounds very exciting and they said he claimed a whole race as his? So that's where all those angels and devils came from, both Rossweisse and Kuroka thought to themselves.

Issei really exceeded their expectations. They said he also met the <God of Chaos> itself and survived... And not only that, but he also mastered the fabled <Chaos> element as well.

He never ceases to amaze them it seems...


-Back at Issei-

Finally, Megumin and co barely able to sleep that night... Only Aqua slept well.

When morning comes, they smell an extremely enticing food aroma coming from the dining room.

Aqua is the first to gets out of her bed and head directly towards the smell source. Megumin and co reluctantly get up from their bed because it's morning already...

When they're about to arrive at the dining room they heard Aqua scream.

Aqua - Why?! Why won't you allow me to eat it?!

Issei - Isn't it obvious? I only make food for my wives. Why would I cook for you?

Aqua - Don't you know that I'm a Goddess?! You should feel honored for being able to feed me with your food!

Issei - I could care less of who you are. My answer is still no.

Both Yunyun and Wiz thought at the same time inside their mind... But Issei is also a God though...

Aqua - Gununununu!

Aqua started tearing up soon after.

Megumin and co finally arrived at the dining room and saw a lot of tasty looking dishes on the table. They drooled just from looking and smelling it.

They also saw Aqua has a giant bump on top of her head probably because she got hit by Issei.

Issei - The same goes for you all. Go make your own breakfast if you want one yourself.

Now, Yunyun, Wiz, hurry and eat it before the food gets cold.

Yunyun & Wiz - U-Un...

Issei instantly stopped Megumin and co have any ideas towards his food when he saw them drooling.

Megumin - Wha?! That's so unfair!

Megumin screamed and pointed at Issei.

Issei - And why exactly is it unfair?

Megumin - Isn't it common sense to share food with your friends?!

Issei - ...Since when are we friends? You work for me, remember? And like I said, you can make your own breakfast if you want to have one yourselves.

They do offer to work for Issei before, saying they can be his cleaner/maid for the mansion as long as they're allowed to stay at his mansion.

Megumin - Y-You!... Y-Yunyun! We're friends, aren't we?

Seeing Issei isn't budging in the slightest, Megumin can only put her hopes on Yunyun. Kazuma and Aqua also look at Megumin hoping that she can somehow persuade Issei.

Darkness started having another delusion on her own, she can be heard muttering weird stuff like "A neglecting play...". Issei automatically ignored her.

Yunyun - E-Eheheh, I'm sorry, Megumin... But I can't help you with this one...

Wiz - T-The same goes for me as well...

They can only smile apologetically at Megumin and co.

Seeing their last hope also fail they become frozen stiff like a statue and overcome with despair. Megumin never thought that Yunyun who's usually can be persuaded(More like tricked) with the word "Aren't we friends?" would reject her request just like that.

Of course Yunyun won't be tricked with those words anymore because she has a lot of friends and sisters already.

Issei then ignored them and started serving food for Yunyun and Wiz. He treated them like a true princess and it makes both Yunyun and Wiz feel really blissful for having Issei as their husband once again.

The way he treated both of them is so gentle and caring that it manages to make Megumin and co feel jealous, even Darkness felt a little jealous after seeing their interaction.

'He's strong, looks cool, handsome, rich, very gentle and loving towards his lover, and to top it off, he can also cook! He's perfect in every sense! Gaaahhh... I can't accept this!' Megumin thought to herself thinking how jealous she is of Yunyun right now.

While the other guy she knows is this useless hikiNEET which is the complete polar opposite to Issei.

Megumin and co can only look at Yunyun and Wiz eating while drooling all over the place because of the food Issei made smells and looks very delicious and very appetizing as well.

Yunyun and Wiz sweated being watched by them like this.

Issei totally ignored them and calmly ate his share of food as well. There's an opening at his mask lower jaw so he can easily eat.

Megumin and co thought that it's weird that he's still wearing his mask even at times like this. And he seems perfectly natural as if he has done this so many times before. But just by looking at his lower face they felt their heart started racing erratically for some reason... They really wanted to see the rest of his face... Of course, Kazuma is not included since he's not gay...

Aqua tried to extend her hand towards the food on the table but before she's able to get an inch closer to the food there's a knife stabbed directly right in front of her extended hand.

That gave her a total fright thinking she almost lost her hand there. After that, they can only give up and make breakfast of their own.

Yunyun and Wiz felt bad for them but there's nothing they can do because Issei won't share his food with just anyone...

After they finished their breakfast, Issei's party was about to teleport themselves to Yunyun's village when Megumin said that she wanted to come as well with an excuse she wanted to visit her family member back at the village.

Kazuma and co also choose to follow them as well because they're going to be chased around by the debt collectors anyway if they stay here.

So Issei reluctantly brings them along as well because the village is also Megumin's home after all.

Then they all disappeared from the <Axel> city soon after...


Home of the Crimson Demon Clan.

That is well-known the in the world village, is honored as the strongest Arch Wizard Clan Crimson Magic Clan place of residence.

Although the villagers in the village were while in infancy then can obtain Arch Wizard Top Tier Class completely, and learned the existence of Advanced Magic, but its population in the end still only then few several hundred people, absolutely not over 300.

In addition, situated in such remote mountains and ancient forests, even if the villagers all are a talented person who once outside exiting wantonly fought, a Home of the Crimson Magic as before only simple village, to person a feeling of comfortable countryside.

Properly speaking, under such background, appears in the people at present either is the similarly simple villagers or a charming magnificent magic scene.

However, the condition that the above mentioned, has not appeared entirely.

Issei looked at the present village situation the corner of his eye started twitching a lot.

It can't be helped because all of the villagers he saw is wearing the same style as his old clothing when he just arrived at this world. Complete set along with the hoodie... Albeit they have different color and not just all black. There are pink, red, blue and many more.

It's like a rainbow... Issei sighed tiredly while Yunyun started apologizing at him for her fellow villagers conducts.

The reason for this is of course because of Issei... He's quite famous in this world for being able to advance to B-Rank in less than a week and recently he single-handedly defeated one of the Demon Lord General.

There's no doubt that he's supposed to be an S-Rank by now according to his achievements so far. The guild master at the capital is having a headache because Issei keeps refusing on taking the test to advance his rank.

They thought it's better to just advance his rank without any test because him being able to defeat the Demon Lord General already proves his capabilities. And if there are any complaints they can just tell them to defeat Issei himself if they could.

Unsurprisingly, there are almost no complaints when Issei is declared as the <S-Rank> adventurer back at the capital. The ones who are complaining shut their mouth when they heard all his achievements so far. When he defeated Beldia someone recorded it and sent the recording to the capital.

Their mouth is wide agape after seeing him one shot Beldia just like that... There's no suspense at all, they thought... They can barely fight A-Rank monsters and you want to tell them to fight a person that's able to defeat S-Rank bounty in 1 hit just like that? Nope...

Issei - *Sigh* Let's just get this over with...

Issei thought that he started sighing a lot when he arrived at this world once again. If it wasn't for Yunyun and Wiz he wouldn't have chosen to come back here...

Chomusuke - Nya~

Chomusuke who's at Issei's shoulder tapped his shoulder as if to console him.

Issei mouth twitched thinking why in the world the weird being such as this devil cat has more common sense compared to the normal looking being here...

He then stroked Chomusuke head gently as thanks which made the latter purred comfortably.

Megumin who saw that mumbled lowly saying Chomusuke's supposed to be her familiar but why is she more chummy towards him...

Then they all headed towards Yunyun's house.


When they arrived at Yunyun's house they are greeted by Yunyun father himself, his name is Kurozakuro. (AN: I honestly don't know what's Yunyun father name is... Even in the wiki all it said is "Village Chief", so I made just made up his name).

Like all Crimson Demons, Kurozakuro has red eyes and dark hair. He is a middle-aged male, with a mustache. He wears open-finger gloves and a neck choker, and, despite these seeming tacky to outsiders, his sense of fashion is admired and considered to be fashionable attire for among his peers.

He has a cheerful and carefree personality. Even though he loves Yunyun and plans to pass the chieftainship to her later on, he lets her explore the Fantasy World on her own. He even seems to encourage her to go out and gain new experiences/appreciations about the World.

He is also chuunibyou like the rest of the Crimson Demons.

He's very surprised seeing Yunyun along with other people because she's quite known to be a loner after all. He's also amazed seeing his daughter becoming even more beautiful than before.

But what surprises him the most is Issei himself because he's quite famous in their village after all. He nodded to himself then said that Issei's mask looks cool so he wanted to make one for himself later on.

Issei sweated hearing his words.

Issei also asked Megumin and co why they follow them here but her excuse is she wanted to visit Yunyun's house because it's been a while.

Nevertheless, Kurozakuro welcomed Issei and co to his house.

Then they started discussing what they came here for.

Issei bowed slightly towards Hyoizaburo and asked him directly.

Issei - I know this is sudden but please allow me to take your daughter hand in marriage. I loves her dearly and I want to make her my wife.

Kurozakuro eyes went completely wide after hearing Issei's words.

Yunyun who heard Issei's proposal blushed deeply and then she smiled blissfully and Kazuma who saw her face got captivated once again, even Megumin and co also felt the same although only slightly since they're the same gender after all.

Yunyun - I-I also want to marry Ise-san. So father... Please give us your blessing.

Yunyun holds Issei's hand gently before bowing towards Hyoizaburo as well.

Kurozakuro - ...Are you two serious about this?

Kurozakuro asked them both with a solemn voice.

Issei & Yunyun - Yes.

They answered without any hesitation whatsoever.

Kurozakuro - Gladly! I'll gladly give you my blessing!

Issei & Yunyun - Eh?

The moment Kurozakuro heard their confirmation, he instantly screamed in happiness and hurriedly give them his blessing as if he's afraid that Issei would suddenly change his mind.

Issei and Yunyun thought that he will feel hesitant or something because their arrival is too sudden but reality said otherwise...

Kurozakuro - You heard me! I gladly give you my blessing! Please take her as your wife, Issei-kun, was it? Who would expect the famous <Tyrant Overlord> would become my son-in-law! Good job Yunyun! As expected from my daughter, ahahahaha! I can't wait to tell the whole villagers about this!

With that said, Kurozakuro instantly ran out from his house.

Everyone becomes dumbfounded after seeing that... After realizing what just happen Yunyun face becomes completely red for whole another reason and she started apologizing towards Issei for her father's attitude.

And that day, the whole village decided to celebrate Yunyun's marriage...

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