The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 80:

Chapter 80:

During the celebration, Issei keeps getting asked for his signature by the Crimson Demon Clan villagers by children and adults alike.

He can only sigh and grant their request.

They also asked him if they could see his face but he refuses by saying there's a good reason for it. And as expected for a Chunnibyou Clan, they misinterpreted his words thinking that if his mask were to be undone then there will be a great calamity happening to the whole world.

In a way, their misinterpretation is true though... If his mask is undone then there will be something dangerous befall to the world... As in a declining birth rate...

Megumin parents also asked for his signature but, for some reason, they keep pointing out their daughter good points at him.

Megumin who nearby had her face turned completely red but she doesn't try to stop them at all as if she's expecting something to happen.

Megumin's little sister is also there which is named Komekko. She greatly resembles her older sister in regards to their facial complexion and shares the characteristic Crimson Demon red eyes and straight brown hair. She's basically the mini version of Megumin.

Komekko keeps her short hair tied in pigtails with red ribbons and occasionally uses a yellow star-shaped hair-clip on her bangs. As a result of her family's financial situation, all of her clothes are Megumin's hand-me-downs, so her mage cloak also has some noticeable patch works.

She gazed at Issei with eyes filled with stars. After all, she, just like the other villagers also idolized Issei a lot.

Issei sweated a little being gazed like that by her. Issei then bent down to match her height and they had a little chat together...

Her parent never thought that Issei would suddenly bend down like that. But after seeing how he interact with Komekko they felt warm inside...

Issei has already discussed the business proposal with Kurozakuro beforehand so the whole village knows that Issei is basically their new boss. Kurozakuro almost died from happiness knowing that Issei not only strong but also rich as well. Like REALLY rich...

Kazuma and co almost swallowed their tongue seeing that many money comes out from Issei's space storage. Aqua eyes completely turned into "$" and she thought with this many money she could make Axis cult the dominant religion in this world.

Each to their own delusion... Whether it be Kazuma or Megumin.

Kazuma thought with that amount of money he can enjoy life to the fullest surrounded by beauties from each side.

While Megumin thought she won't have to starve anymore and she can also buy an unlimited amount of Mana Potion so she can keep using her <Explosion> spell.

Darkness is a noble so she's not that moved to see that amount of money. What she's suspicious about is about Issei's true background... There's no way a regular adventurer could make so many money in such a short amount of time.

They're not talking 1-2 Billion Eris here, but it's about 100 Billion Eris as the advance payment for his business cooperation with the Crimson Demon Clan. Even her family can't produce 100 Billion Eris in just 1 month... Not even the King himself could do that. (AN: Remember, this is fantasy world money, not $).

Issei told them that one of his subordinates will keep in touch with them to take the items, so they don't need to deliver it.

They won't be surprised if he's actually a noble from somewhere at this point but they are surprised seeing him interact with them all like they're equal. He never acts like how a superior would interact with their employees would.

And after seeing him interact with Komekko they got even more convinced that Issei is a good guy all along and the rumors about him are just exaggerated. Such as how he's a very cruel individual that keep forcing people to take a "Vacation" against their will.

They still think of him as cool regardless though...

When Komekko saw Chomusuke which was on Issei's shoulder she started drooling for some reason.

Both Issei and Chomusuke sweated seeing her like that.

Issei took out some food that he prepared beforehand and gave it to her. Komekko face beamed with happiness after receiving so many foods at once.

Komekko - Thank you, onii-chan!

Issei - Ah, eat slowly okay?

Komekko - Un!

Issei rubbed Komekko head gently and the latter giggled in glee. Everyone smiled warmly seeing their interaction... Megumin face turned a little bit red seeing how gentle Issei treated her beloved little sister.

Issei remembered how he met Gurigura, back then he also gave her some bread seeing how hungry she looks. He automatically smiled fondly in reminiscence.

Yunyun and Wiz who sees their interaction also smiled gently because they all know that Issei has a soft spot in dealing with children and the children also likes him a lot because of that.

He often visited the orphanage and school for children he opened along with Croix and spend some time with them all. And all of them smiled fondly seeing him interact happily with the children.

If he's this gentle and caring in dealing with some random children then how well will he treat his own children they all thought... They can't wait to give birth to his child... But they can only wait until he finished defeating the God of Chaos.

Then they continued their celebration until night...


Yunyun and Megumin met their schoolmates during the celebration.

The first one is named Arue, she has dark brown hair and red pupils. Her hair is shoulder-length & end as drills. She also wears an eyepatch identical to Megumin's. She is also consistently described as voluptuous and not surprising because her breasts size was about the same as the old Yunyun.

The second one is named Funifura, she's a petite young girl with black hair and crimson red eyes and her hair is tied in a twintail.

The third one is named Dodonko, she is a young girl with black hair and crimson red eyes, a trait she shares with most members of her clan. She has free-hanging bangs and short, straight hair which she ties to a high ponytail with a red ribbon.

They kept asking Yunyun and Megumin about a lot of things, like how they met Issei and how Yunyun fell in love with him, etc...

They all also wondering just how come Yunyun becomes this beautiful and mature since the last time they met her which was around 1 month-ish ago. They immediately asked her the secret behind it but obviously, Yunyun can't tell them the secret behind it...

She could tell the reason she looks mature is that she kept getting "Nourishment" from Issei but... Yeah, better keep it a secret...

From time to time they would look at Issei direction while they're talking with each other.

And Issei could hear the content of their talk and he twitched his mouth hearing Yunyun tried to keep up with their talk... It's not Yunyun's fault or anything that she can't keep up because the stuff they talk about is mostly Chuuni stuff...

No wonder she's a loner even in her own village... It's because she can't keep up with their weird conversation...

Issei thought that it's a good thing that she met him, if not who knows how long she will stay a loner like that.

??? - Excuse me.

Issei heard a limpid and pleasant sound to hear from behind him.

Issei - Hm?

Issei looks towards the voice owner and he saw a beautiful woman standing behind him with a gentle smile on her face.

When she saw Issei look towards her direction she bowed slightly and introduced herself.

??? - Nice to meet you, Issei Hyoudou-sama, my name is Soketto, the Crimson Demon Clan humble Fortune teller.

Soketto has flowing long hair and her clan's deep crimson red eyes. Even among the village, she is acknowledged to be the most beautiful girl of the Crimson Demons.

She's wearing an outfit full of the Mystery atmosphere the national dress, jet black pretty long hair dangling like a waterfall, on her ears she's wearing a sparkling shining earring that looks quite attractive.

Issei - Um, nice to meet you as well, but you can just call me Issei, no need to use any honorific.

Soketto - Oh my, if you insist then I will call you Issei-sama instead?

Issei - ...As you wish then.

Soketto - Then, Issei-sama. On behalf of the whole village, I thank you once again for hiring our clan. We're quite honored for being able to work for you.

Soketto bowed once again to express her gratitude.

Issei - Don't mind it. It's a win-win situation for us both anyway.

Kazuma and co asked Megumin just who is the beautiful girl that is talking with Issei right now. Kazuma drooled seeing another beautiful woman but then he remembered that she's also Megumin's clansmen so she might be a weirdo just like the rest of them.

His hope instantly got crushed when he thought about it... He really wanted to return to his old world now... This is not the fantasy life that he wanted...

Soketto - I see... You're quite humble for someone of your standing aren't you, Issei-sama?

Issei - I'm also a commoner just like you all.

Soketto - Hmm... I wonder...

She squinted her eyes slightly at Issei.

To be honest, she already tried to see through Issei's destiny and stuff like that. But all she gets is pure brightness that makes her unable to see anything else.

That light does bring warmth and safety though but this is the first time that she can't predict the destiny of somebody else.

She became really curious about just who Issei really is after that.

Soketto - Then can you allow me to do a Divination for you, Issei-sama? Don't worry, it's free of charge.

Issei - ...Sure.

Issei doesn't see any reason why he should refuse her request so he let her try.

Soketto - Then, excuse me... Can you put your hand on this crystal ball?

Soketto took out a Crystal ball from her storage space and asked Issei to put his hand on the crystal ball.

Issei follows her instruction and put his hand on top of the crystal ball.

Without them knowing it, the whole area went silent observing the interaction between Issei and Soketto.

Soketto is a famous fortune teller from their village after all. And her divination never mistaken as well.

They all curious just what will Issei destiny looks like. Even Megumin and co stopped their talking and gazed towards Issei and Soketto...

When Issei put his hand on the crystal ball, there's a bright light shined through the whole village.

Everyone closed their eyes because that light is so bright. Only Soketto's the one who tried to take a sneak peek through the slight opening of her eyes.

What she saw amazes her to no end...

Soketto - ...True God King...

That's all she saw from the crystal ball but it soon fades away... But because of the bright light, she caught a glimpse of Issei's true face behind his mask and she felt like her mind went blank when she saw it.

She doesn't even realize that everyone already regained their sight and started murmuring just what happened just now.

Soketto only returned to her sense when she heard Issei's voice again.

Issei - Are we done?

Soketto - ...E-Eh?! Ah! Y-Yes!

Issei - And please keep this between us.

Soketto - H-Hai!

Issei - Um, then excuse me.

Issei whispered towards Soketto. She knows what he meant by that is the word "True God King" because it tells Soketto that he's basically a God and he doesn't want to attract unnecessary attention towards him.

Her face blushed deeply for some reason and Yunyun and Wiz who saw that smiled wryly because they weren't blinded as well when that bright light shined through the whole village.

They can see that Soketto saw Issei's face through his mask because of the reflection from the light.

They are almost certain that Soketto has been smitten when she saw Issei's face... Her blushing face is the proves of it...

Issei then excused his self and walk towards Yunyun and Wiz place. He instantly got bombarded with questions from Megumin and co, including Arue and co. He sweated being asked with so many questions at once just like that...

After that, everyone asked Soketto just what happened just now and what's that light means but she keeps dozing off looking towards Issei's direction with a blushing face.

In the end, she told the other villagers that she doesn't know either.


Home of the Crimson Magic, Mixed Bath Hot Spring.

This is one of a must visit place for tourist at the Crimson Demon Village.

The reason is not difficult to guess, just from the word "Mixed Bath", every male tourist would instantly head towards this location.

The Hot Spring is also top notch even according to this world standard. Therefore, this place is quite lively as well because it's often visited by either male or female. Sadly for the males... It's a trap.

Indeed it is "Mixed Bath" but they are separated by a tall wooden fence. Only the water is mixed here...

This place was recommended to Issei by Megumin. Issei felt weird about why she has this sly look on her face when she told him about this place, he obviously doesn't believe such place exist unless it's private mixed bath just for couples.

So he's not baited here unlike Kazuma who instantly almost screamed in agreement to visit the hot spring. But he is also duped by the word "Hot Spring" though...

Megumin who saw Issei calmly agreed to her invitation knows that he's not fooled like Kazuma here but she has something else in mind...

At first, Issei thought that why not? He could experience the hot spring in this world. As a Japanese person, Issei love hot spring as well so he doesn't see any reason why he should reject Megumin's invitation.

But to think that it's only a public bathhouse named <Mixed Bath Hot Spring>... He sighed tiredly and just let it be... At least it's quite a good place anyway...

Too bad he can't go in with Yunyun and Wiz though... It wouldn't be inappropriate after all. Sure they're husband and wife already but there's no way he will go take a bath together with them on a public bath.

Kazuma - This is not a mixed bath and this is also not a hot spring, so why call this place a <Mixed Bath Hot Spring>, Ahhhhh?!

In the men's side, Kazuma who's only wearing a towel around his waist is yelling his lungs out in disappointment for being tricked by Megumin.

Kazuma - Isn't this what called a scam?! Trolling people?! Are you making fun of us?! Ahhhhhhh!

Issei - *Sigh* Would you cut it out already... Isn't it obvious there won't be such thing as Mixed Bath here? And even if there is, do you think I would let you go in when Yunyun and Wiz are there? Well, I do feel a little disappointed that there isn't a true Hot Spring though...

Issei who's currently already soaking in the hot water said that because it's been quite some time since Kazuma screamed in indignance... As a fellow man, he can understand his disappointment but that's about it. He already passes his super pervert phase after all... Maybe if it's the old him he would do the same thing as Kazuma.

Kazuma winced slightly when he heard Issei's words. It's true that he wanted to see Yunyun and Wiz, but which man doesn't? They both are extremely beautiful and bodacious after all... But Kazuma forgot that with Issei here he won't be able to fulfill his wish... Ever...

But at least he can peek on the other girls, right? Such as Darkness and co. As for Aqua... She doesn't even register in Kazuma's brain at all. He automatically neglects her existence altogether.

Right now Issei doesn't wear anything and that includes his mask as well.

When Kazuma first saw Issei's face he almost turned into the wrong path, he instantly averted his face and keep saying "I'm straight, I'm straight...".

Only after he bashed his head against the wall repeatedly that he becomes clear-minded once again. Issei becomes speechless seeing that.

Kazuma really has to admit that Issei is extremely handsome and that perfect body of his made him very jealous as well. He wondered just why are they so different? Aren't they both fellow Japanese? Then how come their difference is like heaven and earth?

No wonder he wears that mask all the time... If any woman saw Issei's face, then they're guaranteed will become enamored towards him, Kazuma thought... Even he who's a guy almost turned into the wrong path after seeing his face for the first time... Kazuma's body shuddered thinking about that.

Kazuma - I-I know that... But still... *Sigh* I want to go back to Japan...

Kazuma finally slumped down the hot water as well while muttering those words.

Issei also took pity on Kazuma as a fellow Japanese man, his life really suck... Even back in Japan, he died because of a heart attack from a slow-moving tractor and he's also a hikiNEET at that, so what's the point in going back to Japan at this point? Issei thought to himself...

If he has any redeeming qualities then Issei might hire him, but so far he doesn't see any good qualities on Kazuma so he's not sure on how to help him.

Issei - Do you really think if there is a mixed bath Megumin would take the initiative to invite us? Aren't you supposed to be the brain in the team, so why can't think it through?

At the very least Kazuma is more normal and smarter compared to Aqua and co.

Kazuma - I don't want to hear such a realistic analysis! I know you already have 2 beautiful women waiting but I'm still single dude! I want to see! And if for example both Yunyun and Wiz isn't your wife, wouldn't you want to peek as well?!

Kazuma shouted with indignance.

Issei - Sorry, but no... Do you think I would want to peek that 3 weirdos?

Maybe the old him would agree to Kazuma statement though.

Kazuma - But... I know that 3 of them are an anomaly but they are still beautiful don't you think?! Megumin is weird but she's still cute. Darkness is needless to say, with that voluptuous body and beautiful face... As for Aqua... Nevermind... How about Megumin's friends?! That Arue and co also...

Kazuma keeps on babbling about the girls on the other side while Issei ignored his babbling and closed his eyes to enjoy the relaxing hot bath.

Chomusuke chooses to come with Issei instead of going with Megumin, which is a first because she's usually going with Megumin whenever they took a bath.

She's inside a small wooden bucket filled with hot water and she's gazing at Issei all the time with a blissful face. Issei who saw that rubbed her head gently and Chomusuke purred comfortably feeling his touch...


On the woman side.

All of the girls' body shuddered slightly.

Megumin - Hmm, I have a feeling that trashzuma is talking about us...

Darkness - Y-You as well, Megumin?

Aqua - Considering that hikiNEET personality it's quite possible... Perhaps he's planning to peek on us?

The 3 of them started discussing about Kazuma with each other.

Arue and co started having goosebumps thinking that a man would peek on them. If it's Issei they could reconsider it but...

Yunyun - W-With Ise-san there he won't be able to peek on us. So don't worry...

Wiz - U-Un, I'm sure Ise-san wouldn't let Kazuma do as he wishes...

Both Yunyun and Wiz wryly smiled at them. They know Issei's personality quite well after all. There's no way he would let another man sneak a peek on his women... But if they are not here then he wouldn't bother though... That's why they're quite reassured that Kazuma won't be able to peek at them at all.

Only after hearing their words that Arue and co exhaled a sigh of relief.

Megumin - Hmm, you both sure trust Issei a lot...

Megumin stared both of them with an annoyed face.

Yunyun - Of course, we're his wives after all. And it's a wife duty to trust her husband with all their heart.

Wiz - Un, it's true.

Both Yunyun and Wiz answered with conviction. It's as if they're glowing brightly right now.

All of the girls here are blinded by their glow. They thought Yunyun sure has changed a lot and is this what being mature looks like... No... What a woman in love looks like.

They kind of jealous Yunyun and Wiz now... Especially their beauty and bodacious body... They really want to know their secret for it but they just won't tell them saying they don't know themselves...

Megumin gnashed her teeth in frustration because of her self proclaimed rival left her behind in the dust already at this point.

Time to launch her plan...

Yunyun - Megumin? What are you doing?

Yunyun and the others are also wondering just what Megumin planning to do. She suddenly stands up from the water and put a towel around her body before she started sneaking around the wooden wall.

Megumin - None of your business.

She started knocking on the wooden fence as if she's searching for something.

Darkness - What are you looking for, Megumin?

Megumin ignored Darkness question and after a while, she finally found it.

Megumin - Found it!


Everyone - Wha?!

There's suddenly a small opening appeared on the wooden wall. It's quite small but it's enough to take a peek to the other side.


Issei - Hm?

Issei suddenly got a feeling that someone is peeking on them, but he got distracted by Kazuma who's tiptoeing towards the other direction.

Issei - Oi... What are you doing...

Kazuma suddenly froze at his spot after hearing Issei's voice.

Kazuma - I-I'm just going for a walk?

Issei - ...

Issei silently stares at Kazuma and the latter started sweating profusely... And before long Kazuma shoulders slumped down before he heads back to the water.

Just like Yunyun and Wiz said, Kazuma tried to peek at them but with Issei here he won't be able to.

And then Issei felt it again, it's like somebody is trying peeking on him. He used his <Haki> to see just who it is but he can't find it. It's because Issei doesn't expand his <Haki> towards the woman bathroom for obvious reason, Issei doesn't want to peek at girls anymore so he doesn't expand his <Haki> to the girls' side. if he does that then he would be able to find Megumin and co trying to peek on him.

Issei never thought that the one who's peeking on him would be Megumin and co. and even if he knows, he thought that Yunyun and Wiz would stop them but apparently not...

He's wondering just who it is... Until he heard a creak on the wooden wall...

Issei - Hn?

*CRACK!* *BANG!* *Kyaaaaa!*

A part of the wooden wall broke down...

Megumin - Ow ow ow, I told you guys not to push around, don't I?! Now get off of me, you're all heavy!

Darkness and co - S-Sorry.

They hastily apologize towards Megumin.

Issei - ...

Issei who saw them become totally speechless... No wonder he has this feeling of being peeked at. So the perpetrator is them... Why Yunyun and Wiz don't stop them?

When he looked towards their direction, he saw Yunyun and Wiz gave an apologetic smile at him.

Kazuma - O-Ohhhhhh! Ah...

Kazuma face turned perverted immediately after seeing so many half-naked girls showed up from the other side. But he immediately went limp because Issei pinched him by the scruff.

Megumin and co at first wanted to scream because of Kazuma but when they gaze at Issei direction they all became frozen stiff. Not a single exception, whether it be Aqua, Megumin, Darkness, etc.

Aqua maybe has a few screw loose on her head but she can judge which man is perfect or not, obviously... Aqua herself is quite a beauty herself but sadly her personality ruined it all. There's not a single male God finds her attractive because of that, such a shame because even in heaven she's considered a beautiful woman as well...

They all become frozen stiff and went completely wide-eyed after they saw Issei's face and body. And before long their face blushed deeply and they have this enamored look on their face.

His dark slightly long hair which is wet because of the water and the way those waters runs down his chiseled muscle and perfect abs aroused their desire to no end. They instantly got charmed by Issei's devilishly handsome face and his wine-red eyes which makes them lost in reverie just by gazing it... Perfect... They all thought everything about him is perfect, there's not a single flaw could be found on his body...

Issei who saw that sighed tiredly.

Issei - *Sigh*... Even though I might already know the answer to this... I'll ask it anyway just to make sure... What are you all doing?

Megumin and co still don't answer Issei's question and keep on looking at him with an unfocused gaze on their eyes.

Issei then turned her attention towards Yunyun and Wiz once more.

They hastily explained how all this happened to Issei...

In summary, Megumin is the one who wanted to see Issei's appearance at first but the other soon follows suit and one thing led to another and here they are.

They all are curious just how Issei's face looks like so you could say curiosity kills the cat... Now their common sense on appearance is fcked up... To them, other men whose appearance below Issei is just trash...

And just like Kazuma. They finally understand just why he's wearing that mask... It will bring calamity to the world indeed...

Issei - ...So, are you all satisfied now?

Issei turned his attention back to Megumin and co once again but this time they nodded dumbly at his question.

Thankfully Issei is already wearing a towel on his waist so his Dragon rod down there is hidden from plain sight or they all might just faint immediately. But Megumin might screamed "Excalibur" before she passes out though...

Issei mouth twitched slightly seeing their response. He sighed once more before bringing the unconscious body of Kazuma with him towards the exit.

During the whole instance of Issei exiting the bathroom, they never took their gazes off of him.

Only after they lose sight of Issei's form that they reluctantly look to another direction, and that direction is at Yunyun and Wiz.

Now their gazes are overflowing with envy towards them both... If before they're just jealous of them, now they're totally envious of them. Which women won't be envious of them who has such a perfect husband?

Yunyun and Wiz who sensed their envious gazes smiled wryly at them.

Yunyun - W-We've already told you not to do it right?

Wiz - A-Ahahaha...

They both know that this will end badly... At least for Megumin and co because they will find it hard to fall in love with another man after seeing Issei's face.

Just like his other victims from before... This is not the first time this ever happened after all.


Ever since that incident Megumin and co keep taking a sneak peek at Issei all the time while slightly blushing... Soketto, Arue, Funifura, and Dodonko also often visiting Yunyun's home as well because that's where Issei is staying at the moment.

Even an idiot could tell just what are their purpose for visiting Yunyun's house all the time at that point... Aqua for some reason acting very weird... She's trying hard to be a proper lady, and that creep out Issei and Kazuma a lot.

The other girls know why she's doing that though...

Kazuma cannot remember anything at all after that night at the bathhouse... All he could remember is that he went to the bath with Issei and that's about it... After that, it's all blank.

Issei finally also finds out that Kazuma has a knack for being a merchant, so Issei offered something towards him and when Kazuma heard his proposal he becomes slackjawed before he latched his self on Issei's leg saying thank you profusely.

Issei offered him that he will be able to send him back to Japan and he also offers a job for him as well. (AN: I will just make it that both Kazuma and Issei is from the same Japan, not parallel dimension Japan. Much easier that way).

Kazuma instantly accepted Issei's offer without hesitation. When Megumin and co find out that Kazuma will be leaving they don't have that big of a reaction but they do getting more curious just what is Issei true identity.

That mysterious air about him just added his charm even more, they all thought.

After that, Issei spent about a week to deal with everything that needed to be dealt with in that world... Such as defeating the Demon Lord, meeting another Goddess who's disguising herself as a thief and a Goddess who govern over Violence and Sloth, he also has a meeting with a lonely little princess and many more...

One of the Demon General by the name Hans the poison slime tried to do something behind the scene but Issei found out about it and stopped his plan. Although, Wiz is the one who defeated him because she's angry that Hans tried to include innocent bystander into the fray.

Issei never told anyone else other than the Little Princess of the Belzerg Kingdom along with her trusted cohorts about the defeat of the Demon Lord because it's better this way. So humankind will still focus on defeating the "Demon Lord" rather than going to war with one another.

When Issei showed his face to them so there will be no one able to fake his appearance only Claire, one of the princess trusted cohort herself doesn't show much reaction other than anger towards him because of the Little Princess reaction.

As for the Little Princess, she went completely wide-eyed and blushed deeply after seeing Issei's appearance.

Knowing that there will be no actual danger from the Demon Lord any longer the Little Princess can take it easy. And because of how kind Issei is towards her, the little Princess keeps sticking to him as well during his stay on the capital.

She kept asking Issei for a story about his adventurer. At some point, she addressed Issei as her Onii-sama. Issei also spoils her a lot because she's the 3rd normal person he ever met in this world and she's quite pure and cute as well.

Claire cries tears of blood because of how close the Princess with Issei. During the time they spent together, the little Princess considered to make Issei her engagement but he declined with the excuse that she's too young.

She asked Issei what if she grew up later, can she be his fiancee? Issei mouth twitched a lot seeing another "Puppy eyes" skill user... He can only say he will think about it later. The little Princess wanted a pinky promise with him and Issei can only smile wryly after that.

After getting the pinky promise she wanted, the little Princess went giddy the whole day while she keeps looking at her pinky finger with a joyful smile.

-Time Skip-


Issei and co are preparing to return to the <Netherworld>.

Issei - Then, shall we go back?

Issei asked Yunyun and Wiz.

Yunyun & Wiz - Un!

With that said, they all disappear from this world... They can still come back later if there's something needed their presence for so it's fine even if they don't say goodbye to Megumin and co.


<Netherworld, Hanging Garden of Babylon>

They reappeared inside the Fortress teleporting room.

They don't really need to appear at the teleporting room per se, but it's easier to note if any of them about to go somewhere. So if someone is looking for a specific person they will know if that person is out somewhere or not.

With that said, it's better to report first unless it's an emergency.

The moment Issei appeared there he's greeted by the Kalars who's guarding the room. And the whole fortress is warned of his arrival...

There are 2 women who flinched slightly after hearing the announcement of his return. Both of their body immediately tensed up, they would've gone to his direction already if it wasn't for Irene told them to relax.

She wanted to surprise Issei after all.

Issei nodded gently to the kalars who greeted him and then he along with Yunyun and Wiz proceeded to the living room. They wanted to greet Semiramis and co as well.

Yunyun and Wiz are the first to enter the room.

Yunyun & Wiz - We're back.

Semiramis - Um, welcome back you two.

The other girls also greeted them back with a welcoming smile.

Semiramis - So, how was it? Did you enjoy your short vacation?

Both of them nodded while slightly blushing. They've spent some time alone with Issei in Konosuba world and also went on a date with him as well, so they're pretty satisfied.

Semiramis - Fufu, good to know.

Finally, Issei also entered the room.

At the corner of the room, both Rossweisse and Kuroka body tensed up seeing him. Issei is still wearing his mask so they are still not sure if it's him or not.

But the moment Kuroka smell the special scent she left behind on Issei before she's completely sure that it is him. Even though the scent is already faint but it's still there regardless and she could also sense Issei's warm and calming aura from before.

Rossweisse who's at her side look at Kuroka's whose body suddenly stiffened and when she saw Kuroka reaction, she knows that this man is indeed Issei himself.

They unconsciously held their breath while gazing at Issei who's walking to the middle of the room.

They almost mistook him for someone else just from seeing his body shape alone, he looks taller and fitter than before. They can see even from all his clothing that he possess a magnificent body that would make any woman swoon over him.

Semiramis - Welcome back, dearest.

Semiramis stands up from her seat and hugged Issei gently.

Issei - Ah, I'm back.

Issei also returned the hug she gave him while smiling gently under his mask.

The other girls welcome him back as well.

Ophis and Lilith immediately floated to his side and pulled the corner of his clothes to gain his attention.

Ophis - Welcome back, Ise...

Lilith - Welcome back...

Issei - Um, I'm back you two.

Issei let go of his hand which was hugging Semiramis and patted both of Ophis and Lilith head.

They both felt happy feeling his warm touch and smiled gently at him.

Irene - By the way, beloved... There's someone who wanted to meet you really badly, you know?

Irene grinned slyly and look at Rossweisse and Kuroka direction. Both of them at this moment have their eyes dead set on Issei unmoving in the slightest.

Issei - Really? Who was it?

Issei tilted his head in confusion.

Irene - Look over there~

Irene pointed at Rossweisse and Kuroka direction with her chin and Issei look towards the pointed direction.

Issei - Hm?... Eh?

Issei also finally noticed both Rossweisse and Kuroka gazing at him intently. His eyes also went completely wide as well after seeing both of them here.

Issei - ...Rossweisse-sensei? Kuroka?

And that does it... The moment they heard him call their name they instantly dashed towards his direction while shedding tears along the way.

Rossweisse & Kuroka - Issei!

Both of them shouted at the same time. Semiramis took a step back from Issei's embrace and the same goes for Ophis and Lilith although they're pouting a little bit because they still want to feel Issei's warm touch.

But they know it's time for those two to have their moment with Issei.

Issei who saw them running towards him unconsciously extended his arms to catch them. They instantly hugged him tightly inside his embrace while muttering his name repeatedly...

Issei is still confused about what's happening right now... How come they both are here? He's indeed was planning to meet them sooner or later but he never thought they will be here already. Then it hits him and he looks towards Irene who's grinning slyly at him at the moment, and that grin basically told him that she's the one who's responsible for it.

He smiled wryly at her before he turned his attention towards the 2 women that are currently inside his embrace... They are still bawling their eyes out on his chest so he gently stroke their heads and that manage to stop their sniffling for a second before they look up to him.

Issei who saw their swollen eyes from crying felt pity for them, then he gently wipes their tears away. After feeling Issei gentle touch they smiled through tears before they buried their face on Issei chest again. But this time they're not crying anymore and only hugged him tightly.

Kuroka's tails and ears can be seen swaying around probably because she's feeling really happy right now and as for Rossweisse, it's her ahoge.

Semiramis gave the signal to the other girls and they exited the room to let them enjoy their reunion.

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