The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 81:

Chapter 81:

A few minutes have passed after Semiramis and co leave the room...

Issei - There, don't cry anymore, you two will look like a tabby cat at this rate you know?

Issei is still stroking their head gently.

Kuroka - Hmph, I'm already a cat anyway so it's fine nya~

Rossweisse - N-No matter, even if I indeed turned into a tabby cat I know you will still have me, right?

Rossweisse looked up at him and used the legendary skill "Puppy eyes" and Issei once again got K.O ed instantly after seeing that.

Issei - Ah... I will...

He can only wryly smile once again because of how weak he is towards that ultimate skill... Not that he's planning to reject Rossweisse in the first place.

Rossweisse - Eheheh~

Hearing his answer Rossweisse smiled happily and snuggled her head once again on his chest.

Kuroka - How about me nya~?

Kuroka faked a pout at Issei.

Issei - You know the answer to that, Kuroka... I promised you before, didn't I?

(AN: Read the wiki, Kuroka is already the seventh bride of Issei. He promised her that he will take care of her and Koneko as well).

Issei stroked her cheeks gently.

Kuroka who felt her touch purred blissfully. But soon her face went downcast...

Kuroka - I know you will keep your promise, but Shirone...

Issei hand halted only a second before he resumed his gentle caressing.

Issei - She is she, you're you... That's all that matter to me. And don't worry, I don't bear any hatred towards Koneko. So you can rest assured that I won't do anything to her.

Kuroka - ...Un... Ddra- I mean Irene-san has also told us about it... You don't really care about them anymore, don't you?

Maybe you won't do anything towards her but Irene and co will, Kuroka thought to herself... But she doesn't blame Irene and co for that because she knows Koneko deserved it...

Kuroka knows that Issei doesn't bear any more hatred towards Koneko but she still felt sad about the whole thing... She thought she and Koneko would be able to become a whole family again while becoming Issei's bride together, but apparently not...

Issei - Yes.

Issei voice is calm and firm but for both Rossweisse and Kuroka it's making their heartache... They're also disappointed with Rias and co for what they've done but there's nothing they can do... They already made their choice... The choice they will regret for the rest of their lives...

And remembering the suffering Issei went through after that whole incident fueled their heart with rage towards Rias and co.

Issei who felt their rage calmly hugged them tightly and both of them froze at first before they hugged him back.


Kuroka - By the way, Ise-nya... Why are you wearing a mask?

Rossweisse - Ah, that's right... Did something happen to your face? Don't worry, no matter what happens we won't leave you.

Both of them gazes at Issei with conviction. They're true to their words and Issei knows that as well so he felt warm inside.

Issei calmly extends his hand towards the mask and channeled a little bit of his magic on it.

There's a click and before long the mask started withdrawing itself and socketed itself into the side of Issei's collar.

When Rossweisse and Kuroka saw his face they become completely dumbstruck... They felt like their mind went completely blank. What they saw is the most handsome and stunning face. Not a single man they've ever seen in their life could compare to this face they're seeing now... None...

They felt like they're hallucinating or some sort so they extended their hands towards Issei's face and started pinching his cheeks gently to see if it's real or not.

Issei sweated a little feeling them pinching his cheeks.

Issei - ...It's not fake or hallucination you know... So you don't have to keep pinching my face...

Only after hearing Issei's words that they stopped pinching his face but then their cheeks went completely red and their face looks completely infatuated with him.

Issei - Err... Rossweisse-sensei? Kuroka?

Even though Issei called their name they still don't respond to him and they both suddenly tackled him down to the ground.

Issei - Wha-?!


The three of them dropped down to the floor and just when he wanted to ask them why would they do that, he saw them staring at him filled with desires in their eyes.

Issei words got stuck in his throat when he saw that.

Issei - ...G-Girls?

Issei felt a little intimidated seeing their predatory gazes on him.

What can he expect from a Valkyrie who never had a boyfriend and a Cat in heat? Both of them have been waiting for this moment for a long time and it finally can't be contained anymore.

Rossweisse is the first to jump in and stole Issei's lips right away.

Issei - Mmph?!

Issei never thought that Rossweisse would suddenly kiss him out of nowhere. She tries her best but because she's inexperienced in this kind of things, her kiss is quite clumsy. She still enjoyed the kiss nevertheless, she thought that she's dreaming right now... She can finally feel the warmth and kissed the man she's in love with.

Kuroka who's at the side felt a little jealous so she gently pushed Rossweisse away.

Kuroka - My turn, nya!

Rossweisse - Ah...

Rossweisse doesn't resist her push and she started dozing off enjoying the after taste from the kissing session she had with Issei just now.

Kuroka licked her lips seductively before she goes in for the kiss. But this time Issei won't let his self be on the passive side.

The moment Kuroka lips joined with him he instantly wrapped his arms around her voluptuous body and give her one hell of a kiss.

He entangled their tongues together and explored the inside of her mouth thoroughly... Kuroka body shivered slightly in pleasure. She never thought just from kissing him she could feel this kind of pleasure.

She may be looks like a seductress but she's a virgin herself, and her first kiss was with Issei as well but back then Issei still a total greenhorn compared to now.

There's a loud *Tch* *Tch* sound can be heard from their kissing session. Rossweisse finally comes back to her senses and look at them with envy. She also wanted to be in Kuroka position right now, her kiss with Issei just now is a bit clumsy and too short.

They finally finished their kiss with a loud *Pop* and Kuroka becomes dazed after their kissing session, she seems totally out of it... She felt like she's in heaven right now just from this kiss alone...

Then Issei felt a tug on his clothes and he looks to the side only to see Rossweisse having a pleading look on her face. Issei smiled gently at her and Rossweisse who saw his smiling face got captivated once again.

Issei set Kuroka body to the side gently and then he pulled Rossweisse into his embrace before giving her the kiss that she wanted.

And just like Kuroka she felt like her body almost melted just from Issei kiss alone.

Rossweisse - Mmh, haumph... Hnn... Mn... Mwah... I-Ise... I love you... Mmn...

Rossweisse muttered in between their kisses. She always wanted to say that word and now she's finally able to say it.

Issei who heard that stopped their kiss for a brief moment.

Issei - Ah, I love you as well, Rose...

Rossweisse felt like her heart almost exploded in happiness after hearing his words, and this is the first time Issei ever called her with a nickname. He usually only call her formally before this after all.

She instantly wrapped her arms around Issei's neck and resumed their kissing session. Issei gladly reciprocates her kiss.


Issei, Rossweisse, and Kuroka could be found sitting on the couch. Both Rossweisse and Kuroka are sitting on his left and right side respectively, they are snuggling comfortably on him.

They both keep humming and purring in happiness. Kuroka's tails wrapped around Issei's waist encircling him, she's marking Issei with her special scent again and this time she will make sure that it will last for eternity.

Issei has already told them the reason for the change on his face. It's the second side effect from Forzelotte messing up her magic a bit... The first one he turns into a super pervert and the second one is his face will look average to those around him.

They're just silently enjoying the calming and soothing atmosphere they have until there's a knock on the door.

*Knock* *Knock*

Rakia - Issei-sama, I'm sorry for disturbing you, but Kyou-sama and Kinou-sama said it's almost time for dinner.

Rakia gentle and limpid sound can be heard from behind the door.

Issei - Ah, we'll be right there... Then let's go you two.

Rossweisse & Kuroka - Hai/Hai nya~.

Then the three of them walked towards the dining room while Rossweisse and Kuroka clinging to Issei's arms the whole time. Only after they reached the dining room they reluctantly let go of him.

All of them had a great dinner that night...

Rossweisse and Kuroka are surprised at how delicious the food tasted. And they become even more amazed knowing that Issei is even a better cook compared to the one who made their dinner.

Rossweisse and Kuroka instantly asked Issei to teach them and Issei obliged to their request easily. He likes cooking but he likes eating the food cooked by his wives more, no matter how bad it tasted.

They all happily chat with each other during the whole instance of dinner. Issei thought that they sure bonded fast with each other.

Kuroka seems to like Gurigura a lot and they seem like true sisters from Issei's eyes at least. Probably because they both have black cat ears and tails? Who knows, at least they all get along with each other very well.

Kathryn for some reason is pouting while looking at this 2 new addition in the family... Riche who saw that knows why she's pouting though... They both have big breasts that's why...

Issei flashed a teasing grin seeing Kathryn pouting at him so he moved closer to her ears and whispered something that made the latter face turned red and then she screamed "Stupid husband!" before she scurries off to her room.

Issei could only scratch his cheeks while smiling wryly, probably his teasing went too far... He told her that he also loves her modest breasts and maybe he could make it bigger by giving it a thorough massage later.

If they're alone then Kathryn would probably agree to his offer but they're in the presence of the other girls and they, of course, could hear his voice considering they all set their attention towards them both.

So when Kathryn saw the teasing grin Riche and co gave her she becomes completely embarrassed and ran off... And it's not like Kathryn's breast doesn't grow at all, it grew a bit after all this time but compared to most girls in this room, her breast indeed looks small.

Rossweisse and Kuroka who saw that blushed slightly thinking that Issei sure has grown up. Now he can easily tease girls while he's usually the one being teased before.

And they have to say that they like this new personality of his a lot more. But they started fidgetting a bit on their seat thinking when are they gonna have their first time with Issei... But one thing for sure, they both are anticipating it a lot.


Kuroka told Issei that Kunou missed him a lot as well, she still doesn't know about his disappearance. As for Rossweisse, she informed him about what happens after his disappearance.

Issei said that he will make a visit to Kyoto later on as respond for Kuroka words.

Kuroka doesn't tell Issei about Yasaka secret though, because it's better he finds out about her himself. Kunou has a crush on Issei is not a secret at all but Yasaka also has a crush on him just like her daughter is totally unknown.

Kuroka finds out about it after she "Accidentally" heard her moan inside her own room. She heard Yasaka keep calling Issei's name during the whole ordeal so she knows for a fact that Yasaka also harbors some feelings towards Issei.

She often keeps teasing and seducing Issei whenever they met but everyone thought that it's just her being playful and not a single one thought that she's being serious. If Kunou doesn't have a crush on Issei then Yasaka would've probably made her advance towards Issei already.

She's holding back for her daughter it seems... But Kuroka knows for sure that if Yasaka were to meet the current Issei then she won't be able to hold back her feelings anymore.

One of the reasons is because of how handsome and manly Issei looks now and as for the other reason, it's because of his aura. As <Senjutsu> user, Issei's current aura is like an addictive drug for them... Not surprising since <Senjutsu> enabled them to sense the natural aura and ki of other living beings and from nature itself.

Issei's aura and ki being the best of the best speak for themselves. Kuroka has it easy because she already accepted her feelings about Issei but for Yasaka who's trying to deny her feelings would feel a certain backlash. It's not dangerous but she will be in a state of arousal the more she tried to deny her feelings towards Issei.

As for Kunou case... Kuroka knows for sure that Issei won't lay a hand on Kunou at her current state. She's still too small after all.

When Issei heard that the 4 faction leaders made a search party for him he felt a little conflicted. To be honest, he doesn't want to get involved with them anymore but on the other hand, he also felt like he needs to thank Azazel at the very least for taking care of him after all this time.

Issei then asked Rossweisse about Trihexa. When he heard that the sealing is going smoothly he felt something is really odd about the whole thing, so he decided that he should personally check it later.

Now that he recalls it, he remembers that Trihexa has a bit of <Chaos> element inside it. That's why it seems so destructive... Because it can't master the <Chaos> element it basically got controlled by the <Chaos> element instead.

Its only purpose is to bring destruction and calamity, in other words, Chaos... It can't even form a proper word because of it...

Rossweisse and Kuroka are not that surprised hearing that he will be able to defeat Trihexa at this point. They can't even sense or tell just how strong he is right now, they could still sense Ophis and co power but not Issei... And that's enough proof that he's clearly stronger than them all.

They felt proud and happy that the man they love is this powerful.

During their whole stay there they keep following Issei around and with that, they could see just how loved he is by the Kalars and his subjects. They are awed to no end knowing that he saved multiple worlds already.

When they saw Rakia they kind of reminded by Sirzechs and Grayfia for some reason. Not surprising since Rakia always follows Issei around as well.

Rossweisse and Kuroka also interact with the demonkin such as Rakia and Meryl and also the kalars, the topic of their talk mostly revolving around Issei though... They got along instantly after they finished their talk.

Rossweisse took out her trusted notes and started writing the content of their talk. She already started thinking to become Issei's secretary as well. Although there's a lot of them already, for example, Ekate, Mertel, Meryl, etc.

Ekate and co don't really mind when Rossweisse asked them if it's okay for her to be Issei secretary as well. They said it doesn't matter as long as Issei allows it.


Issei traveled to a lot of worlds as well to see anything that could boost his power even more. He won't settle for his current power just like that, he knows that he needs even more power to defeat Nyarlathotep.

On one of the worlds he visited he met a certain alien Princess with long pink hair and she also possesses a devil tail on her back.

She said she's running from home because she doesn't want to be forced to marry any of her suitors... It's also from this world that Issei got ahold of their advanced technology.

This is also the reason behind the <ECH> company success... Their tech products are clearly more advanced compared to Issei the DxD world. So no one is able to copy their product.

He offered the Princess in exchange for his protection she would allow him to gain access to their technology. The Princess instantly agreed to his condition, but that's only because she saw his power with her own two eyes...

It all started when Issei teleported to a secret lab somewhere in that world space. When he finds out that most of the scientist there is experimenting on a young looking small girl with golden hair he instantly obliterated the whole lab without question asked.

One of the scientists there is trying to save that specific girl from the evil scientists' clutches so she's spared by Issei. But he feels weird that this scientist looks completely identical with the young girl. They could even be Mother and Daughter he thought.

And that's also when the alien Princess passed by seeing the big explosion caused by Issei so she heads towards them.

The Scientist thanked Issei profusely while the young girl only stared at him with a curious gaze. But before long there's a reinforcement to that lab, probably from the mastermind of the whole experiment.

The scientist told Issei to get away and to bring the girl with him while she's distracting them.

Issei saw a lot of advanced looking space ship and weapon but it doesn't matter to him since he killed them all with just a wave of his hand. The scientist, the young girl, and the alien princess who just got there instantly become gobsmacked seeing his display of power.

Issei saw the alien Princess spaceship but because there's no ill intent coming from it he doesn't attack it as well. And he could sense that the spaceship owner is just a young girl that looks naive but pure.

He then ignored her and turned his attention to the scientist who's currently holding the young girl. He asked them what's their plan from now on, but the only answer the scientist could come up with is they don't know yet.

Issei then started thinking for a while... From his observation, he could tell that this scientist is quite a talented individual so he thought that he should hire her if she's willing. In exchange, he would pay her and keep both of them safe.

It didn't take long for the scientist to agree on his offer because she already saw Issei capabilities. Then he also made a deal with the alien princess.

Issei then decided to stay in that world for a while. The Princess spaceship is big enough to hold multiple passengers so they could stay there for now. As for food necessities, he could easily take it out from his space storage.

Before long they are visited by the Princess's bodyguard. The bodyguard tried to bring the princess back by force only to be stopped by Issei with a flick of his finger and he fainted dead away. Issei reassured the princess that he's just fainted and not in danger whatsoever.

But Issei becomes speechless after a while because there is quite a lot of her suitor. Although he could easily handle each of them who tried to kidnap the princess it's still annoying to keep getting attacked almost every day. Then he decided to just tell the princess to arrange a meeting with all of her suitors in a specific coordinate.

The princess obeyed his words and posted a piece of news to those who wanted to marry her should go to this specific coordinate. And only in a single day, there are hundreds of them lined up already...

And also in a single day, each and every one of them who doesn't want to give up got obliterated from the face of this universe... From then on there's not a single person dares to bother the princess any longer... They put a bounty and warning on Issei after that. But there's not a single person dares to mess with him... Even the one who put that bounty for some unknown reason disappeared on the very next day never to be seen again.

They can't see his face so they can only post an image of his mask. His mask is one of a kind after all.

The young girl with the golden hair got attached to Issei at some point. She keeps following him around and observing him all the time. When Issei asked her what does she want, she answered that she wants to become strong like him so she wanted him to train her.

And when she's asked why she wants to become strong, her answer makes Issei feel a little taken aback.

She said so that she could protect the scientist who helped her and so she could repay his favor. She also said that she wanted to become Issei's weapon.

Issei instantly corrected her that he doesn't want her to become his weapon, he agreed to train her as long as she only uses her power to protect herself and those she holds dear and not to see herself as a weapon.

The girl is feeling confused because that's what she's created for according to the other scientists. But Issei calmly taught her step by step about some common sense about what's evil and what's not.

The scientist who saw their interaction felt grateful and thankful towards Issei. The princess who saw that also felt attracted towards Issei, he's so kind even though he has all that power they both thought.

One thing led to another Issei gained an outstanding scientist although she's a bit clumsy and some advanced technology as well.

There's a continuation about the alien princess but that's a story for another time...


Issei at some point thought that he should start making the rings for the girls but he needed some time because the materials he wanted is quite difficult to obtain. It's not normal Diamond and the like.

It's more like a philosopher stone, he wanted to shape the materials to his liking so it can last for eternity and being the overprotective husband he thought to add some bonus to their rings as well. Such as status up, defensive barrier, etc. At this point, it could be seen as a Legendary Artifact rather than a marriage ring, all the girls thought at the same time.

But they're really happy because it shows just how much he cares for them.

When Rossweisse and Kuroka heard that he will also make them one as well, they could barely contain their happiness and barely stopped themselves to just push him down on the spot and have their way with him.

But they still raining him with kisses though.

Rossweisse and Kuroka asked Riche and co about some tips on how to set up the mood for the last step, but the only tip they got is "Go get em!". Even Kuroka sweated a little hearing that, even though she seems eager to do it with Issei but she's still a virgin regardless...

Ramius - Fumu, but be careful of his libido. Even all of us combined together can't take him on but it felt extremely good. Like REALLY good... EXTREMELY good.

Ramius nodded sagely. Ophis and Lilith who's nearby hummed in agreement.

Ophis & Lilith - We approve...

Kathryn - That last information was kind of unnecessary... And you're saying the same thing twice, you titty monster...

Ramius - As I said before, Kath... Call me either one but not both of them at the same time. And your boobs have also grown compared to before, right? Fumu, it is indeed has grown a bit... I wonder if I should ask Ise to massage mine as well...

Ramius frowned a little at Kathryn before she gazes at Kathryn's breasts and gave it her assessment about it. Then she looks down at her own boobs and thought if she should make it a bit larger because Issei loves big boobs it seems...

Actually, he loves every boob no matter the size as long as it belongs to his wives.

Kathryn - S-Shuddup! And yours is already big enough, don't make them even bigger!

Kathryn is feeling embarrassed remembering the time where Issei teases her before... She read an article from somewhere that said your boobs will grow bigger if the one you loves give it a lot of caressing/massaging.

That's why every time she has her time with Issei she always asked him to massage her boobs and Issei gladly obeys her request. And it seems it is indeed working... But that was a secret until Issei decided to tease her back then... Now everyone knows her secret... Stupid husband, she thought.

Riche - Ahahaha... But it's true though.

Riche wryly smiled at them both but she also agreed on Ramius's words.

Kathryn - I know that as well, but still...

Gurigura - Don't worry Rose-nee, Kuroka-nee, it will be fine! Ise-nii knows how to hold back after all.

Rossweisse & Kuroka - U-Un...

Gurigura reassured both Rossweisse and Kuroka who's blushing a little while hearing their conversation. They have mixed feelings being reassured by Gurigura who's clearly younger than them both though...

Croix - Ufufufu, but it will feel even better if he has his way with you though~

Natal - That's right! It felt even better if you let darling has his way with you!

Croix and Natal inputted their opinion on the conversation.

All of them nodded to Croix's words while slightly blushing. Jalter who's nearby also started squirming a little remembering the moment between her and Issei, but she's feeling a little irritated that she couldn't outlast Jeanne during their lovey-dovey time with Issei. Who would've guessed that famous Saintess Jeanne would have a quite big sexual appetite...

Semiramis, Irene, Scathach, and Forzelotte also nodded in agreement. But Scathach pouted a little remembering that she's basically the weakest here in that field, even a petite girl like Gurigura and Towa could last longer than her.

She still can't last long enough with Issei until this very day because of how sensitive she is. She thought that she could beat him in this field at the very least but she clearly overestimated herself... Big time.

Riche and co also told them to be careful of his libido. Even though he's not the complete pervert like he used to his libido is still out of this world. After hearing that, both Rossweisse and Kuroka got a little nervous but they are looking forward to doing it with him even more.

Rossweisse and Kuroka at some point asked Issei to remove the <Evil Pieces> inside them and to make them a Dragon just like Riche and co. Kuroka knows that Vali wouldn't mind at all about removing the <Evil Piece> inside her because they've already discussed it with each other before.

She will inform Vali about it later on so it's fine. She might still participate in the tournament as Vali Rook though. Not that it matters since the upcoming rating game champion seat belongs to Irene and co without a doubt... Yep, they're pretty sure on that.

As for Rossweisse, it's needless to say that she wanted to remove the "Mark" from Rias and to have Issei mark her as his. They both wanted that special <Mark> from Issei, as in the <ECH> symbol.

Issei of course fulfilled their request and it's very easy for him to take out the <Evil Pieces> without any side effects. He easily took them out without any complication and channeled a bit of his <Life> aura into them to counteract with the side effects of having the pieces removed.

Kuroka chooses to hold on to her piece to give it back to Vali later. While Rossweisse just tosses it aside not caring about it in the slightest.

They felt really comfortable and warm after being exposed to Issei's aura. Especially Kuroka who can use <Senjutsu>, she almost went into heat mode just from that brief but direct exposure of Issei's aura. And their power got boosted a little bit as well.

Then Issei also begins the process of transforming them into a Dragon. Just like Riche and co before, they also encased by a red-cocoon made from Issei's aura and blood essence.

Now Issei only needs to wait for them to emerge from their respective cocoon... And just like back then, Issei and co are guarding them the whole time...


Back at Hyoudou household.

Rias and co keep feeling like their world is starting to fall apart ever since they lost Issei. Now Rossweisse is also missing from their life...

When they found out that Rossweisse is missing they thought she's going to Odin's place or something so they don't really feel concerned about it.

But after a few days, she's still missing so they contacted Sirzechs and the others.

Odin is the first to become alarmed because he saw Rossweisse as his granddaughter, he instantly told his subordinates to search for her.

Sirzechs and Azazel tried to do a summoning on her since Rossweisse supposed to have Rias <Evil Piece> inside her. But what came back is only the Rook piece...

Their mind turned blank because usually, this kind of incident of only the <Evil Piece> that got summoned is because of the one who possesses the <Evil Piece> is dead... Just like back then when they tried to summon Issei after his fight with Shalba.

Odin doesn't say a single word the whole time and just turn around and return to his place. But they all know that Odin is the most affected from this whole incident...

Rias and co cried sadly knowing that Rossweisse might be dead. Reiji and co also felt a bit sad that a woman of her caliber would suddenly die just like that.

Reiji and co were thinking to try to flirt with Rossweisse at some point hoping that she would choose them over Issei but that chance will never come it seems...

Now Rias is missing a Rook for the upcoming rating game. Only at this point, her confidence started to waver... She felt like her world is starting to fell apart little by little, the same goes for the other girls. Things weren't the same anymore without Issei in their life... Only after he's gone that they remember just how important he is to them.

Thankfully Reiji and co, treated them well... If not then they might've got a mental breakdown already. Unknown to them Reiji and co are kind of forced and they also missed their old life before they met Rias and co...

Reiji missed the time he spent with his other friends a lot...

Souji is lamenting that he still hasn't successfully wooed Kiyome Abe. For some reason, she seems oblivious to his advances, they indeed seem close but that's only from the outsider's eyes. And she also often talk about Issei Hyoudou the name which makes them envy and hate at the same time.

He finds out that Kiyome Abe is also a part of the supernatural world. Her class is a Beast-Tamer it seems from what Rias and co told him. Apparently, she and Issei have some history together and she basically owes Issei a favor or something...

They are getting irritated that most outstanding woman they've seen seems to have a certain connection with Issei. Whether it be Kiyome Abe, Kuroka, or Rossweisse.

(AN: Kiyome Abe has a certain connection with Issei, if you guys want you can read her on DxD wiki but I won't spoil it here).

Kiba and Gasper also treated them differently nowadays... Kiba turns completely stoic towards them, he usually has this smile on his face but not anymore.

As for Gasper, he seems more distant and he spent most of his time with Valerie in the hospital.

They visited Valerie once but she has this same gaze like Kiba when she's looking at them... No emotion whatsoever...

Their training basically halted at this point, they keep gazing at the ceiling blankly. Akeno's dad, Baraqiel visited them once but his gaze contains a certain disappointment and sadness towards his daughter. The same when he gazes at Rias and co, but he still gives a word of encouragement towards them.

Sirzechs and Grayfia visited Rias as well to give an encouragement towards her, saying everything will be alright. Grayfia only chooses to silently stand behind Sirzechs with a calm face. But she's getting a bit irritated being leered by Reiji and co.

They disgust her to no end... That greedy and lustful gaze of men she recognizes fully well... They may be able to hide it from Rias and co but they can't hide it from her. They might look like a gentleman and calm but she could see their true nature from their eyes... Disgusting, she thought.

After getting the encouragement from Sirzechs and co, Rias and her peerage finally resumed their training and hope for the best once again... Just like the usual her...


After a few days, Rossweisse and Kuroka finally emerged from their cocoon. They immediately spread their wings wide and they instantly captivated Issei with how they look now, they become even more beautiful compared to before. Rossweisse wings color is silver while Kuroka is black, overall they both look so mesmerizing and gorgeous.

Kuroka still has her cat tails and ears but its furs become even smoother and glossier than before. There's also a tinge of red could be found on the tip of her tails and ears.

They don't wear any clothes at this moment and Issei could see every corner of their bodies without any obstacles. Their white skin like snow without any blemish and those voluptuous breasts which amaze him to no end.

They finally opened their eyes and their pupils become slit like those of a Dragon but it makes them look more exotic if nothing else. Their whole being radiated power waiting to be unleashed.

There's a white <ECH> mark could be found on their bodies. Rossweisse on top of her left chest while Kuroka just below her belly button.

They inhaled fresh air greedily but there's something else mixed when they do that. It's the special scent which makes them feels aroused, it incites their desires.

They turned their heads towards Issei direction at the same time and there's a bright glimmer could be found inside their eyes when they spotted him. Both of them waste no time before they latched themselves on Issei's body and started sniffing and lightly kissing his neck and face.

Ramius and co who saw that nodded to themselves because they know how it feels after they become a Dragon. They also went into heat mode just like Rossweisse and Kuroka, but it seems that their arousal is even greater than them back then.

Irene who saw that told them that it's normal because both Rossweisse and Kuroka have been holding back their feelings and desire for a very long time. Now that they become a Dragon, their feelings and desires are multiplied and finally, it broke loose...

If their will wasn't strong enough then they might've just had their way with Issei right here, right now... No doubt about it seeing how they instantly latched themselves on Issei. Even at this moment they keep sniffing and lightly kissing his neck and face. Kuroka even started licking Issei while her tails wrapped itself around Issei's body.

Kyou - Ahh, that sure brings back memories...

Kinou - Indeed...

Both Kyou and Kinou started reminiscing when they first met at <Fresh Fish Island>. They often do what Rossweisse and Kuroka doing right now and even more when Issei is asleep.

Irene - With that said, beloved... Go and make them yours now or they might go crazy from their arousal alone.

Irene grinned teasingly at the three of them.

Issei - G-Got it...

Issei awkwardly smiles at them while Rossweisse and Kuroka are too busy to take notice of Irene's teasing gaze. Their eyes even started to turn into mini heart shape now... They keep exhaling hot sigh and their face are tinged red with arousal.

Issei took ahold of their bodies because if not then he might've been pushed down to the ground again by them both.

Under the teasing gaze of the girls, Issei brought Rossweisse and Kuroka to his bedroom. Even along the way they both never stopped their kissing activities...

Irene - Fufufu, tonight is doomed to be a sleepless night for the three of them it seems... Too bad I won't be getting my turn for tonight though... Oh well... And Ophis, Lilith, don't go to Issei for tonight, understand?

Ophis and Lilith's body twitched a bit after hearing Irene words. They're the "Trespassers" in this family after all.

Both of them pouted knowing that they can't have their moment with Issei and choose to take their grievance out on the sweets at the table instead.

All of them sweated seeing them like that...

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