The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 85:

Chapter 85:

When they arrived back at Yasaka's Castle, Issei instantly asked the trio newcomers.

Issei - So... What are you three doing here?

They are seated in front of a big tatami table. Issei is seated right in front of the grinning trio, while at his side, there's Kunou and Yasaka.

Sun Wukong is still looking at him in disbelief... He never thought that this man in front of him is Issei Hyoudou himself. The brat he saw before is nowhere to be seen...

He looks really mature and much different compared to before... Way too different, he thought...

His body builds... His face, well his face is still fine because he can see the similarities of his previous face from before here and there now that he look at it more closely.

But his aura and power which he can't sense at all... He notices that his aura is so pure that it blends in with nature itself.

As for his power, he can't sense it at all... It's like he's clouded in mystery...

He looks just like your average human but it would be extremely stupid to be thinking that he's an average human...

He wanted to ask Issei a lot of question himself but it seems that they're in the middle of something right now...

Shuten - We want to see your majesty of course~

Shuten is the first to answer with a sultry voice.

Ibaraki - I want to eat your cooking, Buchou!

Ibaraki followed right after her.

Issei silently stares at them both then he turned his gaze towards the last woman.

Issei - ...And I assume you're here because of them both... Minamoto no Raikou...

Hearing Issei's words Yasaka and co eyes went wide because they never expected that this woman is Minamoto no Raikou herself. But wasn't she's supposed to be a man from the history book and supposed to be dead already?

Raikou - Aww~, Ise-chan~, there's no need to call me by my full name you know? I already told you that you can just call me Mama Raikou or just Mommy, didn't I~? And yes, I'm here to get both of these insects.

She answered Issei's question joyfully but when she talks about Shuten and Ibaraki her voice turned into a mocking voice.

The reason Raikou didn't call Issei with that nickname before is because she knows that his identity is kind of sensitive in this world, so she called him with his majesty in front of the other onlookers. But now that they're basically alone she could call him like she used to.

Shuten - Arara, I wonder who are you calling an insect you blowfish lantern.

Shuten narrowed her eyes at Raikou who doesn't back down and glared at her back.

Ibaraki - That's right! You Cow Demon!

Ibaraki growled at her.

The three of them then glared at each other.

Issei face started twitching a lot after hearing Raikou words. For some unknown reason, she keeps telling him to call her Mom... He knows that she has some feelings for him but what's up with that? Why would you want your love interest to call you mother?

He already knows the 3 of them never really get along so he's used to seeing them doing this kind of stuff.

It all started when he helped her kill Akuji no Takamaru and his followers because they were planning to do something behind his back targeting his wives. He wiped all of them and coincidentally met Raikou there looking distressed, obviously from fighting Akuji underlings.

She thought that he saved her but it's just purely coincidence... Well, maybe not? Since Semiramis told her about that location... He doesn't really care though since Akuji really was planning to do something to his wives.

Raikou isn't fully human but rather more of a divine spirit of some sort. Kind of like Jeanne and Jalter beforehand.

She's also Gozu Tennou descendant meaning that she has a Yokai blood inside her more or less. When she asked him if he's feeling repugnant or disgusted by her because of her bloodline and obviously Issei said no.

He's not the type to judge people just based on their bloodline and the likes after all. They are what they are but in the end, everything is decided by the things they do. And since she's not an evildoer there's no reason for Issei to be disgusted by her.

He even respects her to a certain extent after reading her life history. It's quite different from the history he knows but since its the other world he thought that it makes sense.

(AN: Go read her wiki if you guys want to know her history).

The other reason that Issei doesn't know is that her part Yokai was going berserk and went out of her body so she's weakened by that time and Akuji took advantage of that. If not then she shouldn't have been so distressed.

Her Yokai self is named Ushi-Gozen and joined Akuji the moment it separated itself from Raikou hoping to devour her and gain even greater power for itself. But in the end, it got killed by Issei along with Akuji himself.

And Raikou absorbed it once again and this time there won't be a second time because it really becomes one with Raikou made her stronger as well.

Ever since then Raikou keep telling him to call her by that nickname... She enlisted herself to the <ECH> company and saw herself as one of Issei's trusted General.

The <9 Divines> who are the actual trusted Generals of Issei are told to let her be by Semiramis. She wanted to see Raikou capabilities and dedication towards Issei. And so far she's pretty satisfied with Raikou achievement.

But she's just as confused as Issei about her insistence on having Issei calling her mom...

There's no doubt that Raikou is a really competent General for that matter... She always emerges victorious from the small skirmishes she had with other Overlords that are dissatisfied with Issei as the next <Supreme Overlord> before this.

Issei never really care what the others thought about him so he never bothers to give them his attention. He rather spends more time with his wives after all.

He told those that are dissatisfied with him can just go and challenge him. But of course, there are cowards that don't dare to do that and just planning behind Issei's back and some are still away/MIA back then.

Shuten and Ibaraki are one of them because they never met Issei yet back then. That's where the rivalry between the Oni duo with Raikou came from.

They are the only ones that prevent Raikou from gaining victory and lose her winning streak in the process. Shuten and Ibaraki themselves are a great general and strong individual that is at least on par with Raikou herself.

So they are at a stalemate back then... Only after they got their ass handed off by Issei himself that both Shuten and Ibaraki submit themselves completely to him. The reason why they face off against Issei is because of Ibaraki telling Shuten about him.

Ibaraki submitted herself mostly because of his cooking... She accidentally met Issei when he was experimenting with new ingredients out in the open. More like she got attracted by the smell of his cooking though...

Issei thought that she's just a starving child from somewhere so he gave her some of his food. She instantly got hooked, line, and sinker when she ate his food.

And also because he treated her kind enough.

Only later that Issei found out that Ibaraki is one of the <Overlord> and way older than him. She keeps calling him Buchou(Boss/Chief) ever since then... Not really surprising since he beat her in a fight and he also conquered her stomach.

Issei's cooking is the only thing that ever made Ibaraki completely full. What she starves for is an extreme pleasure and she got that from Issei's cooking.

Now she's hoping to experience the other extreme "Pleasure" from him. Too bad she still hasn't gained his favor though... Just like Shuten said, she's also wondering when will she able to gain his love.

Raikou at first becomes envious towards Semiramis and co when she finds out that they're his wives. She was planning to do something at some point but after being scolded by Issei she becomes completely tamed and thinking to defeat Semiramis and co by stealing Issei's heart and make him forget them.

Of course, that will never happen... Perhaps Issei might fall in love with her sometime in the future but there's no way that he will abandon Semiramis and co just like that. She might as well wait for hell to freeze over rather than to wait for Issei to abandon Semiramis and co.

And Raikou herself also knows that so she can only sulk thinking she's too late to gain his love only for herself. But she won't give up and when it comes to it she can share him with the other girls... Even with Shuten and Ibaraki for that matter... Nevermind, anyone but them, she thought to herself.

Kunou - Ne, Ise...

Issei - Hm?

Kunou tugged at Issei's sleeve with a curious gaze.

Kunou - Why are they calling you his majesty?

She curiously asked him. Yasaka and Sun Wukong also wanted to know that.

Shuten - Oya? You don't know about his majesty true identity?

Before Issei could say anything Shuten already beat him to it.

Shuten amusedly looked at Kunou and co who seems totally clueless about Issei's current background. She thought they are Issei's subordinate or some sort but it seems that she's mistaken about it.

But they indeed seem close with him, especially that Kyuubi mother and child.

Being asked by Shuten they unconsciously shake their heads at the same time.

Shuten - Maa~, then let me enlighten you... He is-

Raikou - They don't need an insect to tell them, it is my duty as Ise-chan's mother to tell the world about his greatness.

This time it's Raikou who cuts in Shuten words with venom in her voice.

Shuten - Heh, self-proclaimed mother wannabe, I bet even his majesty won't like it when an old hag such as yourself becoming his mother.

Ibaraki - Gyahahaha! That's right, that's right!

Shuten scoffed at her and insult her back while Ibaraki laughed out loud while pointing her finger at Raikou.

Then they have another glaring contest...

Issei kneaded his forehead tiredly.

Issei - *Sigh* The thing is...

Then he decided to be the one who tells them himself.

He told them everything about the <Netherworld> and his current position as the <Supreme Overlord>...


After he finishes telling them about it, all of them becomes completely flabbergasted with their mouths wide open.

Kunou - Amazing, Ise!

Kunou is the first to snap out of his thoughts and clung towards Issei arm right away. Her eyes are glittering with stars while looking at him.

Issei - Oh, thanks.

Issei just smiled at her and gently patted her head which earned a small giggle from Kunou. The fighting trio stopped their glaring contest looking envious of Kunou.

His reaction when Kunou congratulated him is just "Oh, thanks?", He's basically a King of an entire world! Both Yasaka and Sun Wukong thought inside their minds... It's not a leader of a faction such as Sirzechs and co but a KING of an entire world for God sake!

Sun Wukong doesn't know what to say any more while Yasaka felt immensely proud of her new husband. Which woman won't feel proud if their man is that outstanding?

Shuten and co who saw Yasaka and Sun Wukong reaction know what exactly they are feeling right now.

Shuten - I know what you're thinking right now... His Majesty doesn't really think much about being the <Supreme Overlord> you see...

She put her hand on her cheek feeling a bit of pity.

Ibaraki - Yeah, if Buchou wanted to, he could conquer multiple worlds as easy as pie but he doesn't have that intention at all... If only he would just order us then we would gladly conquer any world for him...

Ibaraki pumped up her fist while her eyes glowing brightly but soon her enthusiasm went down because Issei would never tell them to conquer other worlds for no reason...

Raikou - Hmph, what do you two know about Ise-chan. That's what makes him a great king. Not like a total tyrant such as some kings out there... They are lost in their search of power and lost their way at the end which leads to their ruin, but Ise-chan is nothing like that.

Akuji is the perfect example of that.

Raikou scoffed at both of their words.

Shuten - Well, true...

Ibaraki - Cheh... I hate to agree with this cow but it is true...

Shuten and Ibaraki reluctantly agreed to Raikou words.

Yasaka and co nodded to themselves because it seems even after all this time, Issei kind personality doesn't change at all.

Sun Wukong still doesn't know about Rias and co betrayal and just when he wanted to ask something at Issei he got a message signal from Yasaka. He nodded at her acknowledging her message.

Sun Wukong - But I have to say... You've sure become a great person huh, Sekiryuutei-boy.

Wukong smirked at Issei.

He already knows that Issei would become a great person in the future but he never thought that it will be this soon and it's even beyond his expectations.

He never thought that he will become the supreme ruler of another world...

Issei - Well, things happen.

Issei just calmly answered him back. And Sun Wukong felt even more impressed because of how calm and collected he is when answering him.

He used to gets flustered whenever he got praised but it seems he has grown mature indeed, Sun Wukong thought to himself.

Sun Wukong - Heheh, I wonder how Hakuryuuko-boy would feel when he finds out that his rival has surpassed him miles away.

He thought to himself in amusement.

Issei - Hmm, considering that it's Vali we're talking about here then I'm sure he will just get more excited.

Sun Wukong - Hahaha! That is true.

They both chuckled at each other.

Although... It's too bad that Vali will never be able to match Issei any longer... Not in this lifetime...

Raikou and co - *Jiiii*

Yasaka - U-Umm... C-Can I help you?

Raikou and co are staring at Yasaka intently and the latter felt a little awkward being stared like that by them.

Raikou - ...You two smell that as well right? She has Ise-chan scent all over her body... And it's quite recent as well...

Raikou asked both Shuten and Ibaraki which earned a nod from them both.

Shuten & Ibaraki - Un...

Yasaka blushed after hearing their words because she knows what are they talking about.

Sun Wukong who overheard their conversation raised his eyebrows in amusement.

Sun Wukong - Ohoo~, so that's why your whole body reeks of Sekiryuutei-boy scent, Yasaka-sama... Here I was wondering just what happened. But I have to say... You sure move fast, huh, boy... My mistake, you're not a boy any longer now, aren't you? Hahahaha!

Sun Wukong grinned at Yasaka and Issei before he laughed out loud. Yasaka face turned completely red while Issei's face is still calm and he just smiled thinly at Sun Wukong. Kunou puffed her cheeks at the side feeling a little jealous of her own mom.

Thankfully Issei doesn't tell Sun Wukong that Yasaka is the one who initiates it and not himself. And Yasaka felt grateful for that because she might just die from embarrassment if it were to be known.

Raikou - Mou~! Ise-chan, if you want to do that kind of thing could've told me you know?!

Raikou pouted at Issei. She wanted to hug him but Issei calmly holds her in place with just one hand. She flailed her arms around trying to reach Issei but to no avail.

Shuten and Ibaraki wanted to join in the havoc but Issei beat them to it.

Issei - Anyway, isn't it about time for the three of you to go back? Is it fine for you to be here leaving your territory alone unattended?

Shuten - Oh, you don't have to worry, your majesty. We have already instructed our subordinates about that matter and besides... There's no one would be stupid enough nowadays trying to attack our faction. As for the other <Overlord> which could be eyeing our territory, I would say none except for this cow here.

Ibaraki - Shuten's right, Buchou! It's all clear!

Shuten reassured Issei that it will be fine while Ibaraki chimed in agreement with the former words. Shuten and Ibaraki shared their territory together so they are quite the powerhouse together.

There's a contest between the <Overlords> who gets the closest territory to Issei's fortress.

Each territory is numbered by a 1 digit number to a 7 digit number. 1 Digit number is the closest to his place and the one who owns that territory is the cream of the crop from all the <Overlords>. Or it could be seen from the strongest to the weakest <Overlord>.

The territory surrounded Issei's <Hanging Garden of Babylon> just like a spiral would with the Garden at the center of it all. To get to a specific territory they could travel there on their own or they could use a portal gate.

The <Netherworld> is a very big world after all.

Shuten, Ibaraki, and Raikou belong to the top 20.

Some of the Overlords names are Overlord Marchosias, Overlord Barbatos, Overlord Paimon, Overlord Shiroyasa, Overlord Kiss-Shot, Overlord C.C, Overlord Rozalin, Overlord Salvatore, Overlord Marbas, etc.

Not all the Overlords are female of course and some of them are a tagalong that come with Issei or wanted to follow him whether it's because of Issei himself or the other <Overlords> enticement.

Number 1-9 is obviously the closest and it's also the most contested territory of them all. Issei becomes completely speechless when he heard all this back then.

Yes, he never claims or takes over other territories as his own unless they provoke him first just like the Celestials did before but he would never thought that this would happen...

The one who comes up with this idea is Scathach and co, they thought that it will be more fun. Forzelotte at first doesn't approve of this but in the end, she relented to it because it's better this way.

She rather has them do this rather than standing outside her home every day alright...

One of the rules is, no killing is allowed between the contestants and no involving innocent bystanders.

During Forzelotte's reign, it's kind of bad how unbridled they all act but after Issei took over her place it became much more peaceful.

The judge of these little contest that could be also called a game is a certain moon rabbit... Issei and she had a contract together when she summoned him to her world... But that's a story for another time...

And don't be mistaken thinking only a Demonkin that could be an Overlord.

There's also a High-Human, Demi-Human, Divine Spirits, Heroic Spirits and the likes that became an <Overlord> of their own free will or titled as such for their might and intelligence. Some of the Human King also titled as such.

The <Netherworld> is a big world even compared to most world Issei has visited before.

The country names also have similarities with his original world such as Japan but in there it's called Zipangu instead of your usual Japan.

(AN: Other countries such as England, Egypt, Rome, etc also have similarities to it but it's hard to tell the difference in English. If it's in Japanese it's quite easy I think, but in English, it's hard to tell).

The history there is quite similar as well but there's some difference such as how King Arthur here is depicted as a Woman rather than a Man.

Raikou and co is another example of it. Issei has already informed Yasaka and co about this and they finally understand the gist of it.

No wonder Minamoto no Raikou they currently seeing is a Woman they thought to themselves.

Yasaka and Sun Wukong thought of something that since Shuten and Ibaraki still exist does that mean there's also another version of them over there.

For Yasaka, Issei told her that there is a Kyuubi who goes by the name Tamamo no Mae which is the last member of the Japan or Zipangu Great Three Monster much to her surprise.

As for Sun Wukong... Issei smiled wryly at him much to the former puzzlement before Issei told him that there is indeed another Sun Wukong back in the <Netherworld> and also occupied the seat of an <Overlord>.

Sun Wukong felt proud that his another counterpart is also a great figure it seems but when he heard the next word of Issei he becomes completely dumbfounded...

Issei - The thing is... Sun Wukong over there is a woman...

Sun Wukong - ...Eh?

Issei then showed him the picture of the Wu Kong from the <Netherworld> with his custom phone made by Kathryn herself. He has the picture of all the Overlords since they are registered in the database.


Sun Wukong becomes a statue after he saw his other counterpart picture. It's as if his soul has left his body because what's in the picture is clearly a beautiful woman and not some macho man like his imagination.

The woman in the picture has a slightly long golden brown hair that is tied into a twintail. her eyes are colored blackish-brown.

Just like himself, she wears a golden bangle on her forehead. She has a long monkey tail on her waist and on her hand, there's the iconic Golden staff just like his.

Her outfit is red colored that appears to be a customized Qi Pao showing a lot of skin and there's <ECH> symbol on her waistband.

Issei can only pat him in the back.

Anyone can call themselves an <Overlord> as long as they are prepared for the consequences for claiming that title. There will be an adjudicator that will test those that claim to be an <Overlord>.

But they can't enter the Overlords order just like that because they are a special case.

If they pass the test then they will become a new <Overlord> member while those that failed will either be crippled of their power or be killed outright if they refuse to stand down... It might sound harsh but in the <Netherworld>, possessing the title of an <Overlord> is a special privilege.

For example, they can gain access to some of the technique or skills that are forbidden to most people and they can request for funds and supplies for their own private project or needs.

Of course, if their plan is to bring harm to the world then they would be dealt with.

This system is new to the <Netherworld> hoping that with these rewards the citizens would become more motivated to become stronger and not just laze around all day.

Yes, the world there is at peace most of the times but that doesn't mean that it should be an excuse and not to improve yourselves because of it.

Excess brings decay, remember?

The more they invest their time and dedication, the bigger the reward they will get. The closer they are to the center the better the resources they will get.

Now you would think isn't that how things normally work? Well, not for the <Netherworld>.

It used to be more chaotic and more dangerous for the common people since power is everything there. Forzelotte herself doesn't see any fault with that rules before this since she only cares for her own kind most of the time.

Issei - Hmm, is that so... But how did you know where I am? Nevermind... It must've been Riche who told you all, wasn't it?

Raikou and co nodded to his claim confirming his guess.

Issei wanted to ask them but then he remembered about Riche mischievous deeds she often does... Just wait when I got home, Issei thought to himself.

Riche who's currently training felt a sudden shiver out of nowhere and started looking around just what caused it. But then she remembered about her mischief on telling the whereabouts of Issei...

She could only smile wryly because she knows that she will get her punishment when Issei is back. Well, another long day ahead of her... Being incapacitated on the bed that is...

Ramius who's nearby tilted her head in confusion while gazing at Riche who suddenly started looking around only to smile bitterly in the end.

Ramius then shrugged to herself before she returns to her own training.


Ibaraki - Buchou! I want to eat your cooking!

Ibaraki suddenly raised her hand high with stars in her eyes while looking at Issei.

Yasaka and Kunou who heard her words are curious because they don't know that Issei could cook.

Shuten - Maa~, now that Ibaraki said it, me too please, your majesty~

Raikou - Muu~... As Ise-chan's mother, I can't accept it that he is a better chef than me... But at the same time, I felt really proud of him... Oh~ what a dilemma...

Although Raikou said that with a pout on her face, she also wanted to taste his cooking once again.

Issei - Hmm, now that I think about it... We still haven't finished our breakfast yet... *Sigh* Fine, I'll make you some food but after that, you better go back.

Shuten and co - Haiii~

They nonchalantly answered him.

Issei - ...Why do I get the feeling that you won't go back even after I give you the food?

Issei narrowed his eyes at them.

Shuten and co averted their eyes simultaneously and Issei thought only at this situation that they seem to get along very well... He sighed tiredly once more before he stands up and heads towards the kitchen.

Yasaka and co are curious so they followed him to watch him cook but Sun Wukong decided to go somewhere else because he doesn't want to bother them more than needed.

The girls blushed with a captivated look on their face when they see Issei wearing a white apron and he tied his hair into a short ponytail while cooking.

His every movement is very precise and on point without any flaw. Everyone who saw him now will think of him as a professional chef, and no one will think otherwise.

They become completely mesmerized seeing the way he cooks... It's like watching art showcase they thought to themselves. The way he moved the Knife in his hand and the way he handles the ingredients... There's only one word that came up on their mind when they saw him cooking... Perfection.

In no time at all Issei manage to make a dozen of food for them all ranging from simple Japanese food such as sushi and miso soup to Unadon and the girls who caught the smell of his cooking drooled unconsciously without a single exception. Whether it be Yasaka herself or the others for that matter.

Just from the smell alone, they could tell that the food will be extremely delicious. Ibaraki is the one who cannot wait any longer to eat Issei's cooking.

If it wasn't for Issei who forbid her to eat it now then she probably would've dived straight in without a single care of the others. Issei prepared a special piece of meat he got just for her since he knows that she really like to eat meat.

Then they have a rowdy breakfast together... Even Yasaka and Kunou compete with Ibaraki and co to eat Issei's cooking.

Issei only calmly sipping his coffee at the side sweating a little bit seeing how they fought over his food but he's happy that they liked it.

Only after they finished all the food on the table that Yasaka came back to her sense and saw Issei looking at her with a smile on his face.

Yasaka's face turned as red as a tomato in embarrassment while Shuten and co just pat their stomach in contentment.

Kunou pleaded at Issei to cook her food from now on to which Issei gladly obliged. Kunou started jumping in joy and even though Yasaka seems calm, her tail is swaying around just like her daughter feeling happy that they could eat Issei's cooking once again.

But as his wife, she felt like it's unacceptable to lose to her husband in this field so whenever Issei cook she always come with him to train her cooking skill.

While we're at it, Kyou and Kinou are also attending a famous Culinary Academy called <Totsuki Culinary Academy>. They entered that academy hoping to discover some new cooking elements.

But in the process of their exploration, they accidentally took over that Academy because the former headmaster challenged them to a cooking contest...

Just when the headmaster thought that they both are the apex chef of the whole world he became completely flabbergasted when he heard that their husband is even a better chef than them.

Some of the men who are attending the Academy felt sorrow and despair when they found out that they both are already married because they both are the dream girl for them.

While the women group are curious just what kind of a person their husband is to be able to claim such outstanding girls as them both as his wives... They are able to saw him sometime later when Kyou and Kinou asked him to take a visit there.

And on that day there's another howl of despair and jealousy from the men over there while there are a swooning and lovelorn voice coming from the girls...


Ibaraki and co who heard that started planning just how they could stay here longer... They wanted to spend some time with Issei and eat his cooking at the same time so they could brag to the other <Overlords> about it.

They instantly set their eyes on Yasaka because they know that she's basically Issei's new wife and they can take advantage of her... They offered her some bribery and the likes so they are allowed to stay here longer.

Of course, the bribery here is not money, obviously... They offered their help and the likes of that saying that they will owe her a favor if they're allowed to stay here longer.

Yasaka doesn't really have any objection about them staying here but she needs to ask Issei opinion as well on this thing since she already decided to make him the new leader of the Yokai faction.

Issei can only sigh tiredly and let them do as they please because even if he were to force them to go back it would be of no use.

Yasaka already discussed this with Sun Wukong while she told him about Rias and co betrayal and what happened to Issei during that time.

Sun Wukong who heard about Rias and co betrayal went silent... Outside he looks calm but inside he felt very disappointed with them.

And he totally agreed to Yasaka's suggestion on merging their faction with Issei's. It will be a great thing if they do that.

Sun Wukong already had a mock battle with Issei and he can only smile bitterly because he can't land a single hit on Issei.

Do note that these events took place a few days later after Shuten and co arrived at Kyoto.

Issei easily deflected or avoided his attacks with just one hand and he never moved from his original spot from the start until the end of their mock battle.

Sun Wukong already used all of his power but the result is still the same... He can't even make Issei move a single step from his original position... He can only imagine how dangerous it would be if they're having a real fight and not a mock battle.

Even if he has his partner Yu-Long right now it won't change anything at all and Sun Wukong knows that very well.

Issei never launches an attack of his own either but Sun Wukong knew that if he were to seriously launch an attack towards himself then it will be fatal... At best he will be injured badly while the worst that could happen then he might die immediately...

What makes him speechless is that he never sensed Issei using any skills at all. He blocks all his attacks only with his physical body while Sun Wukong used all kinds of skill trying to land a hit on him... Whether it be <Senjutsu>, <Touki>, <Youjutsu>, etc.

Issei never stopped training even after he reached <Tier 7> so it's kind of a given that his power keeps on rising ever since back then he just ascended.

Yasaka and Kunou who saw their mock battle become amazed by Issei prowess. They become lovestruck all over again seeing him so easily deflect or evade Sun Wukong's attack.

Raikou keeps cheering for him during the mock battle and it made his face twitch a lot hearing her cheering.

The other male onlookers' eyes are glued towards her bouncing heavenly mountain but they shivered in fear when they saw her deadly glare and hurriedly averted their faces downwards.

At that time Issei already wore his mask back because he's told by Yasaka that it's kind of useless for him to hide his presence like that. Unless he used his presence hiding to the maximum then they could still see him as he is.

The female onlookers' felt pity that he already wore his mask back because they wanted to see his face once again. They have this lovelorn look on their face which makes the other males cries tears of blood while staring at Issei.

Issei is already used to these kinds of gazes so he ignored them all.

He accompanied Kunou played whenever she wanted to and sometimes Yasaka would tag along with them and that makes them looks like one big happy family.

Yasaka smiled blissfully the whole time and the same goes for Kunou.

Ever since then the Yokai faction become more flourishing with the assistance of Issei. They grew in power, wealth, knowledge, and etc. But it is kept a secret for the other factions as per the instruction of Yasaka.

Yasaka becomes awestruck by Issei's capabilities. He easily dealt with every problem that bugging her for a while and his advice and the way he dealt with it is very perfect in her eyes.

At least she can't think of a better way compared to the way he dealt with it all.

Nurarihyon faction who keeps on going against her also defeated in a short amount of time and now the Kyoto faction becomes one completely.

All the Yokai felt endless respect for Issei but they still don't know his real identity after all this time.

Yasaka and co never told them about his real identity and he is only known with the name "Savant" which is Issei's current middle name that he got from Forzelotte. So they call him Savant-sama whenever they saw him.

Raikou and co is the one who dealt with Nurarihyon faction. They volunteered to do it themselves so they could be useful during their stay at Yasaka's place and not just become a freeloader.

Shuten and Ibaraki is the one who had fun the most because they love fighting, more like steamrolling weaklings... They only capture them and doesn't kill them outright though.

They leave their fate in Yasaka's hand. Yasaka obviously spares them all as long as they don't go against them any longer.

Issei doesn't participate in all this because he wanted Yasaka to still be in command while he just assists her from the sidelines. He doesn't have a single ounce of interest in taking over any faction as his own.

Mertel and the other <9 Divines> is usually the one who handles this kind of stuff.

No matter what her choice will be, he will make sure that he got her back and Yasaka also knows that as well so she felt really warm and even more in love with him. They have another wild night that day... Kunou as always is already fast asleep.

She got tricked by her mom that if she sleeps early then she will grow up faster.

Raikou and co tried to peek but they can't because Issei already erected a barrier around him much to their annoyance.

They tried everything they could trying to break the barrier but obviously, it won't work... Only Nyarlathotep itself could break Issei's current barrier.

At some point, they were about to use their Noble Phantasm only to earn a knock on their head by Issei who realized it right after.

Even if they used their <Noble Phantasm> it still won't break his barrier but it will be dangerous to their surrounding.

But they don't regret anything because they could see his naked body at full glory.

The 3 of them had a nosebleed and drooling while listening to Issei's lecture while their eyes are totally glued at his certain body part. They tried extending their hands towards it only to earn another smack from Issei.

Only after that Issei realized that he's still naked... He can only rub his forehead tiredly before going back to Yasaka's side but not before he sealed their power and make them immobilized on the ground.

Yasaka also sweated seeing their antics. But soon she forgot about them and focused back her attention towards her beloved husband and continued their hot lovemaking session until morning...

But they kinda overdid it and Yasaka got to stay in bed for the whole day much to her embarrassment but out of that incident she got to be treated very caringly by Issei the whole day so it's not really that bad she thought to herself.

Although Kunou pouted a little seeing Issei can't accompany her to play for the whole day because of that but since it's her mother who's feeling "Sick" she soon gets over it.

The other children also pouted at Issei while feeling a little sad. They often tag along with Kunou and play with Issei after all so they kind of attached to Issei as well.

Issei is fine with accompanying the children to play and all but why are their mother for some reason eyeing him like some sort of delicacy?

Sure some of them are widows or divorced but some are not, as in they are still married...

During Issei stay at Kyoto he had a little match of a chess game with a certain little sister of a bubbly massive sis-con of a Maou from the Devil faction.

Issei felt a little nostalgic seeing her here so when he saw her alone sitting in front of the chessboard he thought that he might as well accompany her for one game at the very least since he got to go somewhere soon.

So he came up to her table and asked her if she wants to play one game with him. She sees no reason to refuse so she accepted his offer while waiting for her friend return.

She's confused as to why this newcomer is wearing a mask but it's none of her business to ask but he felt some kind of familiarity when she heard his voice.

She doesn't know the identity of Issei, obviously.

Issei easily beat her in the game that she becomes completely stupefied after beaten by Issei fair and square. She keeps on looking at the chessboard feeling disbelief of what just happened and doesn't realize that Issei already left the table...

Not surprising since this is the first time for her to lose in a game of chess. And Issei has been playing chess with a lot of great individuals back at the <Netherworld>, and sometimes he also played it with Kathryn once in a while.

He thought that playing chess would sharpen his thoughts processing so he trained in the art of chess back in the <Netherworld> as well.

Issei tried calling to her but she doesn't respond to his voice so he can only silently leave much to his confusion as to why she seems out of it.

By the time she looks up and searching for him, Issei is nowhere to be found... He already went back to the <Netherworld> along with Raikou and co for a while.

She asked around for his information but all she got is that he is known as "Savant-sama" and they won't tell her anything else, no one really knows his true identity other than Yasaka, Kunou, and Sun Wukong themselves but when she wanted to talk to Yasaka and Kunou she finds out that they went off to somewhere along with Issei.

They went with Issei going to the <Netherworld>. They wanted to visit his new home and meet with his other wives.

Only Sun Wukong stays in Yasaka's place to take control for some time. Not that he needs to do much though since all the problem and case they needed to deal with is already dealt with.

Sun Wukong only grinned at her saying that it's not his place to tell her about his true identity. He only said that it is not the time yet.

She tried everything trying to gain info about Issei but to no avail. The other Yokai is pretty tight lipped too.

There's a reason why she wanted to know Issei true identity really badly... But that's also a story for another time...

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