The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 86:

Chapter 86:

When Issei, Yasaka, and Kunou arrived at <Babylon> they become awestruck with how majestic it looks. The surrounding area of the <Babylon> is very beautiful and wondrous at that too.

The sea of greenery from the forest and the crystal clear lake along with miniature waterfalls that fall down from the <Babylon> itself to the lake and river below it. There are huge trees that reach the clouds above. From Issei's mouth, Yasaka and Kunou knew that it's a Yggdrasil tree.

At the nearby distance, there's also a blue vast ocean and white sand beach. There's also a harbor build there.

The first thing that pops out in Yasaka and Kunou mind after seeing all this is... Paradise... Heavenly Paradise...

They saw some kind of new species of animals here and there and they all live in harmony. But dragonkin species seems the dominating species here.

There are some species that look like some sort of a wyvern, flood dragon, sea drake, earth drake, etc. They all seem to be kneeling or bowing deeply at Issei direction at this moment. Not very surprising considering his identity.

Some of that dragonkin is trying their best to get stronger so they can transform into human form and able to serve Issei better while some just because they adore him and wanted to try courting him.

There's also some Angels and Devils flying around the <Babylon>. They appear to be patrolling the area to see if there are some intruders that are foolish enough trying to break into <Babylon>.

Yasaka and Kunou already know about the Kalars race history from Issei, so they're not that surprised seeing them.

He told them all this during his stay in Kyoto.

Issei doesn't bring them directly into the portal room is because he wanted them to see the <Babylon> and its surrounding area.

Raikou, Shuten, and Ibaraki already went back to their respective territory because it's been a while since they left it. They reluctantly parted with Issei but soon they smirked to themselves because they can brag to the other Overlords about their stay with Issei.

Issei can only sigh tiredly at that. He knows that in the near future the other Overlord will be more proactive because of their provocation... He should be more careful from now on just in case they pull another stunt just like Shuten and co did recently...

When the patroling Kalars saw Issei's party they instantly go down to the ground to greet him with endless respect and passion which Issei returned their greeting with the same intensity if not even more.

Ekate & Marialis - Welcome back, Ise-sama.

Both Ekate and Marialis who's around also heard about his arrival and instantly went to his location. They both greeted him with the best smile they have and both of their beautiful black wings flapped around in happiness.

Issei - Um, I'm back, Ekate, Marialis.

Issei smiled back at them both.

Ekate and Marialis are wearing a custom made outfit that differentiates them from the other Kalars.

Ekate is wearing a full pink colored battle dress with some black feather around her arm and boots.

Her pink horns which used to be small now grown a little bit longer since she's been growing stronger ever since. She and the other Kalars are nourished by Issei's "Essence" quite often after all.

She's wearing a collar-like pendant around her collarbone with the <ECH> insignia at the middle of it.


Marialis is wearing a full black battle dress with light purple frills. If Ekate has a horn on top of her head then Marialis has another pair of small dark wings. And just like Ekate, she's also wearing a pendant with the <ECH> insignia on it.


The other <9 Divine> members are away either at the Celestial realm or somewhere else at this moment.

Issei then introduced Yasaka and Kunou to the Kalars.

Kunou hid behind Issei's back while cautiously looking at them. When they noticed Kunou gaze they smiled calmly at her and that for some reason manages to ease up Kunou and Yasaka nervousness.

Kunou felt relieved because it seems the big sisters she just met seems to be a nice people while Yasaka kind of nervous to be judged by them because she already had a daughter. But it seems that her worry is unnecessary.

The Kalars bowed slightly at them and both Yasaka and Kunou return the courtesy as well.

Issei then asked Marialis and Ekate if Ramius and co are home or not but it appears that they're currently training outside yet again.

There's only Semiramis and co at home right now, as in the Goddess party.

They then entered the <Babylon> to meet with them. Along the way to Semiramis and co location, Yasaka and Kunou are in awe once again with the interior decoration inside <Babylon>, it's so majestic and exotic looking...


Kunou who saw Ophis and Lilith become pleasantly surprised and instantly hugged them both.

Kunou - Phis-chan! Lith-chan!

Ophis & Lilith - Hello, Kunou.

They also hugged her back.

They have become very close with each other during Kunou visit to Hyoudou household before after all.

Yasaka already knows that Ophis and Lilith are staying with Issei now and they've also become his wives already.

Now she's starting fidgeting a little bit after being gazed by Semiramis, Scathach and Forzelotte.

Irene only chuckled lowly at the side seeing her in this predicament.

Yasaka also already knows that Irene is actually Ddraig.

She, just like the others such as Rossweisse and Kuroka also become dumbfounded after finding out that the great Sekiryuutei is apparently a woman.

Issei keeps quiet about Irene case with Albion back then though... He already promised Irene to not tell anyone about that after all.

Not that it matters because the one who tells the others about her little secret is Semiramis and co. There's nothing that Irene could do to stop them other than gritted her teeth in frustration about this.

She thought that she ought to beat the crap out of Albion for this later on... She could ask Semiramis or Issei to extract his soul out of Vali for a few minutes for that.

Albion who's currently sleeping felt a sudden chill out of nowhere and started to look around wondering what just happen.

Vali who was resting felt his partner sudden jolt and asked if something's wrong.

Albion said it must've been only his imagination much to Vali's confusion. He's also wondering just who is this <Dragon Nest> team but more than that he's excited being able to fight strong opponents later on while Albion still trying to remember just why Irene's name sound so familiar...

Semiramis and co are silently inspecting Yasaka and Kunou with their gaze.

Kunou automatically passes since she's quite cute in their opinion and she's still a little child so they can teach her easily about some stuff. But they won't let Issei touch her for now since she's still too small. Not like Issei would touch her inappropriately in any way though...

They have to admit that Yasaka is very beautiful still even though she already has a daughter. They don't really care about her background story as long as she stays loyal to Issei.

Actually, Yasaka became even more beautiful after being nourished by Issei during his stay in Kyoto. No one really knows about the wondrous effect of Issei body fluid, not even Issei himself.

At this point, his body fluid act just like how Elixir would. It could make a person younger and more beautiful and also enhance their strength slightly to a certain extent.

Semiramis stands up from her seat and walks forward to Yasaka's direction and she stopped right in front of her.

She then squinted her eyes closely at Yasaka's much to the latter nervousness but she looks quite calm on the outside and stared back at Semiramis.

Semiramis - Hmm... So your name is Yasaka?

Semiramis asked Yasaka with a small smirk on her face. She took a liking at Yasaka already for not backing down from her stare.

Yasaka - Yes. And you must be Semiramis-sama, Ise-san has told me a lot about you.

Yasaka also calmly answered Semiramis question with a slight bow. She's not nervous about meeting Semiramis who is a True Death Goddess but she's nervous because Semiramis is one of Issei's main wives.

Semiramis is one of a kind after all among the other girls here, so it's quite easy to recognize her. Her long ears and ethereal beauty and also the way she dresses, all of her profile matches of what Issei informed her about Semiramis.

Semiramis - Hee~ Is that so?

She smiled at Yasaka's words.

For some reason, Yasaka felt like she's currently standing in front of a mother-in-law rather than one of Issei's wife.

Semiramis - Dearest.

Semiramis suddenly called Issei.

Issei - Hm? What's wrong, Semi?

Issei curiously asked her.

Semiramis - Why don't you show Kunou-chan around our home for now? I want to have a little chat with Yasaka-san here.

Issei - Umm, sure. But don't make her more nervous than she is already, okay?

Semiramis - Don't worry, I just want to have a little chat with her.

Issei then brings Kunou along with Ophis and Lilith to a little tour around the <Babylon>.

Kunou felt worried about her mom but after being reassured by Issei and Yasaka herself that she will be fine she finally went with Issei.

Semiramis - Now then, shall we have our little chat?

Semiramis smiled thinly at Yasaka and the latter nodded with a smile of her own. Yasaka's already knows just what they're going to talk about so she's not that nervous anymore.

Just from the small eye contact they had just now, Yasaka already knew that the woman in front of her put Issei as her main priority above all else.

They're going to talk mostly about Issei himself. Semiramis wanted to see the extent of Yasaka's loyalty and if she's prepared to do anything for Issei, the love of her life.

Then they had their little chat...

During the tour, Kunou, Ophis, and Lilith had a fun chat with each other as well. Although, Kunou is the one who mostly does the talking while Ophis and Lilith answered her question now and then.

But both Ophis and Lilith are also having fun while talking with Kunou. Issei who saw that smiled fondly at them.

They are also accompanied by Rakia at some point.


By the time Issei returned with the loli trio in tow, Yasaka has already blended in with Semiramis and co chatting and giggling at each other.

Issei never stops being amazed by how quick they get along with each other. But he's feeling relieved of it.

Kunou instantly went to Yasaka's side to tell her all about the little tour she just had.

Issei smiled at them all before he took a seat at one of the sofas as well but the instant he sat down, both Ophis and Lilith also sat on his lap.

Kunou - Ahhh! Not fair, Phis-chan, Lith-chan!

Kunou who saw that instantly got jealous of them and she went towards Issei this time trying to compete for Issei's lap.

In the end, they compromised with each other. Ophis and Kunou stay at Issei's lap while Lilith stays on Issei's back being piggybacked by him. Lilith started playing with Issei's hair the moment she sat on his shoulder.

Issei could only smile wryly at their little contest while Semiramis and co giggled at him because he looks like a Dad that is surrounded by his children.

Soon Ramius and co came back from their training. Then they introduced themselves with each other.

Jalter as always went straight to the point and asked Yasaka loyalty towards Issei. Yasaka was a bit taken aback being bombarded with question by the other girls but she calmly answered them one by one and she passed with flying color.

Rossweisse smiled wryly at Yasaka feeling bashful with each other while Kuroka grinned teasingly at her.

Yasaka blushed slightly being teased by Kuroka because the latter told her that she knows her little "secret" before he becomes one of Issei's wives.

Yasaka and Kunou felt a little bit overwhelmed with how many beautiful women surrounding Issei but thankfully they all seem to be pretty easy to get along with.

Kunou instantly got mofu-mofued by Croix who saw her for the first time. She flailed around her arms around trying to get away from Croix but to no avail.

So she can only accept her fate... It's not like being hugged by Croix feel bad or anything... If anything it feels warm as if she's being hugged by Yasaka herself, it's just that Kunou is feeling embarrassed. That's all...

Riche who just got home saw the beaming smile of Issei that aimed at her and she sweated seeing his smile that looks like not a smile. She knows she's going to get it tonight...


Then they spent some time staying at the <Netherworld>. Kunou plays around to her heart content while Yasaka is familiarizing herself with the system here.

She also trained herself because she doesn't want to drag Issei down.

Issei doesn't change Yasaka into a Dragon since she's pure blooded Kyuubi but he infused some of his Dragon Aura towards Yasaka to boost her power.

The moment Yasaka is infused with Issei's Dragon Aura or more specifically, his <Yin & Yang> aura, she unlocked her next stage of evolution she never thought she possesses. From normal Kyuubi, she now has a White-tailed Kyuubi form which the opposite of her normal form that represents <Life>, this new form of hers represent <Death>.

Semiramis herself found this amusing since Yasaka is the first Kyuubi to have both forms at the same time.

In <Netherworld> there's another White-tailed Kyuubi as well but unlike Yasaka she doesn't represent <Life> but only <Death>.

But that doesn't mean that she's weak though... After all, this White-tailed Kyuubi is one of the <Overlords> that goes by the name Hagoromo Gitsune. She's quite loyal towards Issei since she wanted to have his child no matter what because she believes that Issei will be able to give her the best descendant she ever wished for.

She, Hagoromo Gitsune, just like Yasaka is also a leader of a group of Yokai albeit much larger compared to Yasaka since in <Netherworld> the amount of Yokai here is bigger. They have their own nation/territory after all.

Semiramis thought that Yasaka abnormality must have something to do with Issei. Not surprising since Issei is someone who's able to make the impossible becomes possible and it has been proven time and time again.

Xuanzang Sanzang also nicknamed Issei as a <Miraculous God Child> considering all of his achievements so far and the amount of good karma he has made her completely dumbfounded.

She almost mistook him as Buddha himself but even she herself knows that even Buddha can't compare with Issei amount of karma because she herself almost knelt in reverence in front of him while when she met Buddha himself she doesn't have the urge to kneel but only admiration.

(AN: The Buddha here is not the Buddha we all know in the real world. He's the Buddha from Fate series, this is the "Buddha" I'm talking about so no offense intended for true Buddha believer, peace! /wiki/Saver_(Fate/Extra)).

Now she knows a little just why a faithful believer such as Jeanne D Arc would change her beliefs from the Bible God to Issei.

Heck! Issei even still accumulating good karma as we speak!

But the real reason isn't what she thought though... It's because Jeanne fell in love with Issei something Xuanzang still doesn't realize even though there's already a budding feeling inside her when she first laid her eyes on Issei.

Note that Issei's charm has little effects on a devout believer such as Xuanzang. What attracts her is Issei's huge amount of good karma that overshadows every holy being she ever knew. She almost got "converted" herself when she first met Issei.

Semiramis thought that if Hagoromo Gitsune were to know of this then she might ask Issei to infuse some of his <Aura> to her. The thing is... Issei can only infuse his <Aura> through dual cultivation or in other words, through sex...

Of course, Semiramis and co forbid her to bore his child before them. Hagoromo Gitsune told them she doesn't mind how long she has to wait since she's basically immortal anyway.

Issei who knows about this becomes speechless... Doesn't he have any say in all of this? Why do they treat him like some sort of a stud?

And as Issei expected... Because of Raikou and co bragging to the other <Overlord>, they felt indignant and envious being left out and demanded that they could also spend some time with Issei as well.

They lined up while bringing their achievement report hoping to get their long deserved reward much to Semiramis and co amusement.

The <Netherworld> undeniably has become one of the most successful and thriving worlds in the entire multiverse now because of their hard work.

Most world knows of the <Eternal Crimson Heart> and the <Gunguskar> corporation since the <Overlords> keep advertising it whenever they had the chance during their visit to the other worlds. Whether it's directly or indirectly.

Directly is self-explanatory while indirectly is how they're wearing the <ECH> insignia or logo on their equipment or on their bodies which piques the onlookers' curiosity.

Just like what Raikou's wearing before.

Tio, Rakia, and Mertel is the one who comes up with that idea. They thought that it's a great chance to promote their company brand.

Forzelotte's felt annoyed at this but she can't do anything about it now... They've indeed already promised them back then if they manage to achieve a great achievement for themselves then they could have a chance to meet Issei directly face to face and try their best to earn his favor.

Then she finally decided to just have a Walpurgis Night in the near future. It's almost that time of the year after all.

Of course, Issei will have to attend to it and meet with the Overlords there without his mask on obviously. The Overlords who heard that become ecstatic and they hurriedly prepare themselves for the upcoming event.

It's not every day that they could meet the <Supreme Overlord> face to face after all. Even the Kings of the human-realm also knows of this thanks to a certain someone who loves to share her story among the children.

Issei could only smile wryly at this because it seems that he will have more work to do now... He honestly doesn't know what to do with the <Overlords> who has feelings for him.

He still hasn't developed his feeling for them and if he accepts them now then it will be unfair to them since he still doesn't love them yet. He doesn't want any false love happening between them.

He thought that he should let nature take its course at this point.

The time for the rating game is near without Issei's knowledge. Even if he knows he won't care about it though.

There's no point for him to participate there since he's far too overpowered already... There's not a single person that can match his power in the DxD world whether it's now or in the future. It's not arrogance, but it's just a simple fact.

Sun Wukong already knows about the background of the <Dragon Nest> team which is a mystery to most people but he won't tell anyone about this, obviously.

He can only look forward to what's to come along with their arrival later on.

He remembered about Rias and co... He couldn't help sighing in disappointment once again whenever he remembered it.

He already read the report about Reiji and co and he doesn't see anything special about them other than being pretty faced.

What a joke he thought to himself... Handsome? If they thought that Reiji and co are handsome then how about Issei? The one who has an otherworldly visage and extremely overwhelming power at that?

Sun Wukong - *Sigh* I can only hope that they don't push it too far or they might have another war soon... But this time it won't be called a war... Rather, a total massacre... On this world factions that is...

He mumbled to himself before he inhaled his smoking pipe and exhaled once again. He knows for sure that even if the 4 factions of this world band together and had a war with Issei's faction it will be a lost cause... A war they could never hope to ever win...

Issei alone could annihilate them all single-handedly and he put his life on the line on that claim. Even though he never really see the full extent of his power but from their small bout beforehand his instinct is already telling him to never cross Issei's path or the only outcome will be Death...

Why only 4 factions you might ask. Even though it supposed to be 5? As in the Angel, Fallen Angel, Devil, Gods, and Yokai faction?

Obviously, because the Yokai faction has already assimilated themselves to Issei's faction. If they do have a war then the Yokai faction will stand with Issei's faction.

Heck, they might don't need to do anything other than adding to the numbers and act like some kind of back up even though their help is not needed at all...

He means... Did you see Raikou, Shuten, and Ibaraki before? If the 3 of them already have that much power then how about the rest of the <Overlords>?

He shuddered a little just thinking about it... What a behemoth of a faction he thought to himself...


At one morning, it's been a while ever since Yasaka and Kunou staying at the <Netherworld>.

Issei is currently sleeping on the bed while at his side there's Jeanne and Jalter also asleep with flushed cheeks which made them even more mesmerizing. They cuddled themselves on Issei's body.

The three of them are stark naked at this moment. Their long, smooth and silky hair is sprawled freely on the bed. Jeanne's golden blonde hair, Jalter's platinum blonde hair, and Issei pitch black hair with a tinge of red at the end of his hair tip.

Their <Mark> is located at their chest. Right where their heart is located to be exact. And it is glowing brightly signifying their everlasting love and undying loyalty for Issei.

They look like they come straight out of a wondrous painting right now with how gorgeous Jeanne and Jalter is and how devilishly charming Issei is.

There's white fluid leaking out from both of Jeanne and Jalter crotch but that doesn't bother them at all and even made them feel much more comfortable at sleeping, if anything, It makes them feel really warm and loved.

After all, that is the proof of love from their beloved master for both of them. If they could have their love crystallization then it would be even more perfect.

Both of their faces are blissfully smiling from the passionate night they had with Issei. This is one of the rare occasions where Ophis and Lilith don't barge in during their lovemaking session.

It's because they're currently sleeping with Kunou... Almost all of the girls felt immense awe and gratitude for Kunou because she's the only one who can put a "leash" on Ophis and Lilith.

So they can enjoy more private time with Issei nowadays.

Jalter hugged Issei's body tighter feeling greedy for his warmth. Issei who felt that slowly opened his eyes and set his gaze on Jalter's face.

After seeing her blissful face Issei also let out a smile of his own. He then wrapped his arm around her body to hold her tighter and he does the same to Jeanne's.

Their smile grew wider feeling his touch and they also opened their eyes slowly as well.

Issei - Good morning, Jeanne, Jalter.

Issei gave both of them a good morning kiss and they gladly reciprocate it.

Jeanne & Jalter - Good morning, master.

They returned his greeting with a loving smile. Only in front of Issei Jalter face would smile in happiness like this. In front of others, she would keep a cold and calculating face.

Of course, her fellow sisters is also an exception for this case. But in the future, her face will smile more often because she doesn't want their children to see that grumpy face of hers.

She will just hide her cold and calculating side in the inside rather than the outside unlike the current her.

Issei - Sorry if I woke you two up.

Jeanne - It's nothing, Master. You don't need to blame yourself because we're about to wake up anyway.

Jeanne hurriedly said that.

Jalter - She's right, Master.

Jalter hummed in agreement towards Jeanne's words.

Issei - Is that so? Then I'm glad I didn't wake you two up.

They then smiled at each other once again.

There's nothing that Issei could do to make them stop calling him master. Well, maybe if he forces them then they would stop but there's no way in hell that Issei would force them against their wish.

He would rather die than to force his wives to go against their own will.

They are very adamant about this for some reason. In the end, Issei just let them be and it's not like he really cares what they're calling him in the first place.

As long as they still love each other then that's all that matters.

Just like Semiramis once said. Issei himself won't like it either if all of his wives went along with his words like some kind of doll.

He doesn't want that... What he wants is mutual respect between each other as husband and wife. Not a puppeteer and his puppets.

Jalter thought of something before she gets on top of Issei's body.

Issei - Jalter?

Jalter doesn't say anything but her face is flushed before she gently grasps Issei's Dragon down there and aimed it towards her nether region and inserted it right away.

Jalter - Aaah...

She moaned in bliss feeling his entire length inside of her once again.

Jeanne and Issei were a bit taken aback when she suddenly does that.

Jalter who saw their confused face pouted with a red face.

Jalter - ...W-What?!

She asked even though she knew just what caused them to become confused. This is the first time for her to take the initiative after all.

It's used to be Issei who initiate it.

Hearing her words both Issei and Jeanne chuckled a bit.

Issei - It's nothing... I guess last night wasn't enough for you?

Jalter - ...H-Hmph...

She averted her face to the side but doesn't try to deny Issei's words. She's feeling annoyed a little that she's the first to faint yet again rather than Jeanne last night so she thought that she should be the first to get his first load of the day.

Issei smiled lovingly at her and that makes Jalter a bit dazed. Issei pulled her face close to his and give her a loving kiss that almost makes Jalter melt from the sheer pleasure and happiness she's feeling right now.

They then had another lovey-dovey session joined by Jeanne... But they stopped soon enough because it's time for breakfast.

The three of them came out with a glossy face and the other girls grinned teasingly at them.

Issei only smiled at them back while Jeanne and Jalter blushed a little.

After breakfast...

Tio - Then Ise-san, let's go and make your outfit for the upcoming Walpurgis Night, shall we?

Issei - Oh, got it.

Tio asked Issei with glee. Making clothes for Issei has been one of Tio's hobby lately.

Tilt - I want to help as well!

Semiramis - Count me in as well.

Scathach - Fumu, me too.

Forzelotte - Umu, the same goes for me.

Tilt who's at Tio's side chimed in along with Semiramis and co.

Ophis and Lilith didn't say anything, but seeing the way they stuck to Issei's side then it's safe to say that they will be coming as well.

Rakia - Ise-sama, after you're done with Tio-sama, please go meet Da Vinci-sama. She said that she wanted to discuss some things with you involving the stuff you asked her for.

Issei - Um, thank you for your reminder, Rakia.

Rakia - It's nothing, Ise-sama. It is my duty.

The thing that Issei asked for from Da Vinci is the help on making the rings for his wives. He's not an expert on that field so he asked Da Vinci to help him with it along with the others.

Da Vinci is one of the heroic spirits that work for Issei directly unlike some others who decided to become an <Overlord> instead because they thought it will be more fun that way. Of course, some of the Heroic and Divine spirits choose to move on, as in entering the cycle of reincarnation at long last...

They're too tired to continue on as they are and choose to forget everything...

Issei recruited Da Vinci along with Xuanzang Sanzang and the others when he went to the <Holy Grail War> in the past by the request of Jeanne saying that she wanted to put a stop to it.

Jeanne along with Jalter got a small twinge in their soul as if something trying to summon them but it won't work anymore since she's not a spirit any longer and they're also protected by Issei's Divinity.

So, they know that the next <Holy Grail War> will happen soon enough.

Issei along with Jeanne and Jalter went to the world that is currently undergoing a <HGW(Holy Grail War)>.

They easily found the Grail location but they never thought that the Grail will be inside the body of a seemingly little girl inside a big mansion. The girl has crimson eyes and long white hair.

But they notice that she's not a normal human...

The girl becomes alerted after 3 people came out of nowhere right in front of her.

She screamed towards her servant, Berserker, asking for help because she thought that these 3 newcomers came for her.

Not surprising since the 3 of them are nowhere looks like a normal person.

??? - B-Berserker!

Along with her scream, there's a huge humanoid creature came out from thin air.

Berserker - Groaaaaaa!

Berserker is a colossal, statue-like man who can be described as a "black giant." He gives off the impression of a monster just from first glance. Fitting to his name, Issei, Jeanne, and Jalter thought to themselves.

Even after seeing this horrific beast-like man, Issei and co don't even flinch much to the little girl confusion.

When Berserker swung his gigantic greatsword towards them, Issei and co still don't move from their place and the girl thought that they're a fool only to become stupefied of what she saw in the next moment.


Issei calmly stopped Berserker greatsword with one of his hand. The difference of Issei's small build and that gigantic greatsword is great but with a seemingly small arm of his, Issei easily stopped it in its track.

??? - Wha?!

The girl let out a voice of disbelief of what just happen.

If it were Jeanne or Jalter who stopped the sword then she could still find it believable since she can tell that both of them are a very strong servant.

But she can't sense anything at all from Issei, so she thought that he's just a normal human, probably the Master of both Jeanne and Jalter.

That's also what Berserker is actually aiming for. He aimed for what appears to be the weakest link between the 3 of them... He never thought that this seemingly normal human is the strongest of them all...

Berserker tried to pull back his greatsword but to no avail... It won't even budge from Issei's hand.

It's like its stuck in a vice grip.

Berserker finally decided to let go of the sword and used his fist to punch at Issei instead.

He aimed right at Issei's head hoping to deal maximum damage.

But this time his fist is blocked by Jalter with her sword.


The clash between her sword and his fist resounded loudly throughout the whole mansion. But Jalter clearly has the upper advantage seeing how calm she is after blocking Berserker punch while the latter is trembling slightly.

Jalter - I've had enough of you... Do you think you can attack my Master again and again?! Begone!

Jalter opened her mouth and blasted a black flame from her mouth towards Berserker.

*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*

Berserker's body got enveloped by the flame and blasted through multiple walls of the mansion.

??? - Berserker!!!

The girl screamed at the top of her lungs feeling worried about her servant.

Her maids are also here wanting to help but there's nothing they can do because if even Berserker stood no chance against the 3 newcomers then their chance is even lower than his...

One of the maids gritted her teeth and told the second maid to bring the girl away from here while she stalls for some time.

But before they can launch their plan they are blocked by Jeanne this time.

??? - Guh!

When they're about to go all out thinking that there's no hope anymore they heard Jeanne's spoke to them.

Jeanne - Please, there's no need to be worried. We meant no harm.

Yeah right, like we can trust your words just like that... There's no way that they can trust Jeanne and co words considering that they suddenly came here out of nowhere, is what on their mind.

Even if the person in front of them seems like a Holy woman with the Holy aura she's emanating right now. It's all fair and square in the <HGW>.

Jalter seems like she can see through their thoughts.

Jalter - Hmph! Do you think that if we want to do something to you we will wait until now? We can easily beat the crap out of you if we ever wish to!

She scoffed at them thinking how stupid of them thinking that they could get away if they wanted to do something bad to them and why would they wait till now when they clearly have the upper hand.

They thought that Jalter's words make sense since it's a fact of how easily that they're able to deal with Berserker just now, if they wanted them dead then they would be dead by now... But they still can't trust them just like that, right?

Issei tossed aside the sword in his hand and walk towards the girl...

The girl and her maids become tenser when they saw him walking towards their direction.

Issei lowered his body a little to match the girl height. He then took off his mask and asked the girl with a thin smile on his face.

Issei - Can you tell me your name? My name is Issei Savant Hyoudou, nice to meet you. Oh, you don't have to worry about your friend, my wife already made sure to hold back her attack just now.

Issei reassured the girl since he knows that attack from Jalter just now is not her full power. At most, Berserker will only faint and if what he's been told by Jeanne and Jalter, that Berserker should be a heroic spirit and there's no way a heroic spirit will go down just like that.

Actually, Berserker doesn't faint but he's still regenerating the damage he received and it will take a few minutes before he's back to his top condition. It should've been faster but the damage done by Jalter is nothing to scoff at either and that's not even her full powered attack.

After seeing his face, the girl and her maids become totally dazed and dumbfounded, they also don't realize that Issei just called Jalter as his wife.

Jalter who heard Issei's words blushed slightly and she's holding herself back from smiling in happiness from being introduced as his wife, her mouth is spasming signaling that she's about to lose the control of her face muscle.

Jeanne who saw her reaction giggled slightly only to earn the glare of Jalter but this time her face turned completely red from embarrassment but her desire to smile disappears though...

The girl unconsciously answered Issei's question with a red face and little stutter because all of her tension seems to disappear into thin air... She felt like she could trust Issei even though they just met after seeing his smiling face.

??? - M-My n-name is... Ilyasviel... Ilyasviel Von Einzbern.

Issei - I see... Nice to meet you Ilyasviel.

Issei smile grew wider after he heard her name and that manage to make Ilyasviel and her maids' heart flutter even more. They can feel their heart starting to beat erratically threatening to break free from their chest.

Issei only took off his mask to gain Ilyasviel trust. He doesn't want to hurt a little kid after all.

They then have a little talk... Which resulted the end of the <Holy Grail War> once and for all and the freedom of the shackled Heroic Spirit, Divine Spirit, Anti Hero, Avengers, etc...


Back at the DxD world.

Inside the Sitri household.

Sona Sitri at this moment is being dazed while looking at a picture of a man wearing a unique black mask. And it's even only his head and not a full body picture.

That man in the picture is of course Issei.

This picture is the only clue she got about him. She waited for Yasaka to return but it has been quite a while ever since she's away. Even Sun Wukong himself doesn't really know when she will return much to her dismay.

She never saw him again either... She tried searching for him but she got nothing... It's like he's never existed in the first place.

There's no person that goes by the name "Savant" either as far as she knows.

She's feeling irritated that she can't find this man who's able to beat her in a game of chess with such ease.

From the start of the game until the end, she can only get swept away by his pace. It's like it's all according to his plan.

It's a first for her feeling like that. Whenever she tried to come up with a plan, he seems like he's already two or three steps ahead of her.

Even if she does unscientific moves, it's still doesn't work.

In the end, she can only watch on as she loses her chess pieces one by one...

The reason why she's looking for Issei so desperately is because she made a vow back then in the past to avoid being engaged to someone she doesn't know or hate just like Rias.

She vowed that she will only marry someone who's smarter than her or able to beat her in a game of chess.

Ever since then there's not a single person able to beat her in it. And along with it, she's also never got forced to an arranged marriage by her parents.

Serafall supports her decision too, but it's mostly because she doesn't want to lose her though...

But she actually was hoping to be able to find someone that can beat her in both fields, whether in power and intelligence.

She knows about Saji feelings for her but sadly she doesn't see him that way.

She states that she sees him more as a little brother and that she does not want to touch him when she knows that two other members of her peerage have shown romantic interest in him.

And that two is Ruruko Nimura and Momo Hanakai who has a crush on Saji but he's too oblivious of their feelings just like a certain somebody in the past.

She's also at the age where she's looking for a love interest so finding someone who's finally able to defeat her in chess is a starting point.

Before this, she has an interest towards a man named Issei Hyoudou which she came to respect after getting to know him better.

At first, she thought that he's only a pervert but he proves himself to be more than that and his selfless side also manages to amaze her.

The way he put his life on the line to protect his loved ones and friends is what attracts her so...

But she thought that it will be inexcusable if she were to aim for Issei as a love interest because of her consideration for her best friend, Rias. So she only sees Issei as a friend ever since then...

Although... Never in her wildest dream that Rias would abandon him like that... She's very disappointed towards Rias and co but there's nothing that she could do...

No amount of advice or tips can help Rias and co now... Only they themselves could fix this and no one else could... And she has a feeling that it won't be that simple just like how Rias expected it to be...

Now her focus is on this mystery man... She wanted to see just who he is actually and how well is his personality.

She can't just forget about him just like that because she already made a vow before. Her pride won't allow her to forget about this just like that.

If he is worthy enough to be her husband then she will try it out with him. But if not then she can only hope that he's at least reasonable enough to break off their "Engagement"...

She decided to keep this a secret from her big sister and her parents for now.

Sona - ...Just who and where are you...

She mumbled in frustration.

Right next to her there's her trusted friend and Queen of her peerage, Tsubaki Shinra.

At this moment she has this concerned face when she's looking at her King.

She knows what makes Sona looks so frustrated at this moment. At first, she also can't believe it that someone is able to beat her King in a game of chess.

But facts speak louder than words...

She's also helping Sona to search for this man who goes by the name "Savant".

The Yokais are pretty tight-lipped as well so they can't extract any information at all from them. This is the second time she saw Sona being so distressed like this.

The first was when she finds out about Rias and co betrayal towards Issei. She's also shocked of their betrayal, to be honest...

She also respects Issei to a certain extent, he's proven to be a very loyal and trusted person after all. Sure he's kinda perverted but at least he's open about it and doesn't act like a hypocrite...

She wishes that Kiba Yuuto is at least a little bit perverted though... He acts too gentlemanly sometimes that it kind of weird... And is that rumor of him and Issei having a relationship is really just a fake?

The more she thought about it the more she's starting to doubt the credibility of it...

Issei suddenly felt a chill out of nowhere right when Tsubaki finishes her thoughts... If he knows what Tsubaki thinking right now then he might've just went nuts.

Sona - ...*Sigh* Nevermind... It's almost time for the rating game... Let's resume our search for this man after the rating game, Tsubaki.

Tsubaki - Hai.

Sona decided to drop this matter for now because there's no use to worry about it now. They need to focus on the upcoming rating game.

She, just like the others are also wondering just who is this newcomer team they've never heard of...

Sona - Let's just go train some more and hope for the best...

Then both of them went to train again putting aside their search for the mysterious man...

Note that all this happened a few days after Sona loses against Issei...


-Back to the present-

Irene - Then we'll see you later, beloved.

Irene hugged Issei closely and look at him lovingly.

Issei - Oh? You're going somewhere?

Issei asked Irene with wonder while he encircled his arms around Irene's perfect hourglass figure.

Irene - Me and some of the girls will go somewhere for a while. You could call it a girls night out.

She winked at him with a mischevious smile before giving Issei a passionate kiss.

Issei - Is that so? Then take care, okay? Just give me a call if anything dangerous happened.

Issei said that after they separated their lips.

Irene - Fufufu, you're such a worrywart, we'll be fine, did you forget just who I am?... Now go on, don't keep Tio and the others waiting for you.

Although Irene said that but inside she's feeling really sweet and happy of Issei's concern. The same goes for the other girls.

Issei - Got it.

With that Issei went with Tio and co to design his outfit for the Walpurgis Night...

Irene then looked at Ramius and co with a smirk.

Irene - Well, shall we?

Ramius and co nodded solemnly at Irene's words while Jalter's started grinning evilly... They are heading towards one location and one location only... The World-Class Rating Game, Azazel Cup...

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