The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 87:

Chapter 87:

Irene - King

Jalter - Queen

Jeanne - Bishop

Croix - Bishop

Ramius - Rook

Gurigura - Rook

Millet - Knight

Natal - Knight

Kyou - Pawn (2)

Kinou - Pawn (2)

Kathryn - Pawn (1)

Yunyun - Pawn (1)

Wiz - Pawn (1)

Riche - Pawn (1)

All of them are mutated pieces.


Yasaka decided to return to Kyoto for now since it is almost time for the rating game.

If Yasaka isn't there then it would raise some questions from the other faction leaders.

Odin, Shiva, Amaterasu, and the other Gods will be there as well after all.

Yasaka said that she will check Kyoto since it's been a while since she's away. Issei thought that it makes sense so he doesn't ask too many questions other than telling her to take care and to give him a call at any time if she needs his help.

Yasaka just like the others can give an instant signal towards Issei if something dangerous were about to befall them. And Issei will go to their location immediately.

Kunou chooses to stay with Issei and Yasaka doesn't see any reason to forbid her to it so she let her stay much to her joy.

She's having a lot of fun during her stay in the <Netherworld>. She also made a lot of new friends.

The children from Kyoto also came here to visit some time ago. They are offered by Issei himself to attend the school at <Netherworld> which Issei founded.

In Kyoto, they need to live in hiding away from normal human eyes. But in <Netherworld> especially at Issei's school... They don't need to fear anything nor do they need to hide.

Every single one of Issei's school whether it be a Culinary School, Education School, Combat School, etc, have mixed race student inside it... Humans, Demi-Gods, Demons, Yokais, Dragons, etc.

Some of the teachers are a volunteer worker that decided to follow Issei from the <Holy Grail War>. And some are the <Overlords>...

Any race is able to join as long as they follow the certain rules of the school. One of the rules is obviously no discrimination amongst fellow students.

Of course, the school grade is divided from kindergarten, elementary, and so on, just like how normal human school grade would.

Issei doesn't really demand any payment for those who wanted to attend the school, they are free to pay if they want but if they want to get their hands to certain things they need to pay for it.

There are also multiple guilds available. Such as Adventurer guild, Mercenary guild, Merchant guild, etc.

Adventurer guild and Mercenary guild are quite similar. As they mostly deal with Monster problems or exploration.

Merchant guild is self-explanatory, they are obviously dealing with Economic stuff. But one thing all of these guilds have in common is they all founded by the <Eternal Crimson Heart> company.

The <Netherworld> is a massive world. Even Issei never really explored the whole of it because it is by far the biggest world he ever saw.

If compared to Earth on the DxD universe then their difference is about 10 times bigger give or take.

Issei indeed has countless treasures that are given by Semiramis for him. But it would be foolish of him if he thinks that treasures would last forever.

The last thing Issei wanted is for his loved ones to live in hardship so there's no way for him to let that happen. He would provide anything that his loved ones need.

Since Rosseweisse isn't participating in the rating game, she decided to check on the seal of the Trihexa since what Issei told her is kind of bugging her.

He said that it's too weird for Trihexa to be sealed that easy considering the power it has.

Even though Rossweisse knew that Issei can easily beat Trihexa now, she still needs to check its seal.

It won't be a good thing if it suddenly breaks free and brings Chaos to the world once again.

So she went towards Trihexa sealing location while Irene and co went to the rating game location.

Kuroka also tags along with them but not before she masks her presence and aura. She's also going to participate in the rating game since she already promised Vali to be on his team.

If she hasn't promised Vali beforehand, then she might just decide to stay with Issei or come with Yasaka instead.

She might not be showing it on the outside but she's still feeling insecure about Koneko... If it really came to it then she will stop Irene and co at all cost.

As long as they don't kill Koneko then she can still accept it... No matter how painful the punishment will be, Koneko needed to face it. She reaps what she sows after all...

Kuroka separated herself from Irene's party when they arrive at the DxD world once again and headed towards Vali location.


Vali team is currently waiting for Kuroka at the designated location. His team consists of:

Vali - King

Fenrir - Queen

Gogmagog - Rook (2)

Arthur Pendragon - Knight (2)

Kuroka - Mutated Bishop

Le Fay Pendragon - Bishop

Bikou - Pawn (8)

(AN: The number on the end of the Piece class is the total amount of pieces they possess. In the wiki, their team have Shu Wujing and Zhi Bajie in it but since there's no info about them I changed it).

Bikou - Where's Kuroka at... She sure is late.

Bikou said in a carefree voice.

Arthur - No need to rush, I'm sure she will arrive soon enough.

Arthur said in a calm voice.

Le fay - Un, Kuroka-san will keep her words so there's no need to be worried about her.

Le fay chimed in with her brother words.

Fenrir - Woof!

Le fay - See, even Fenrir-chan agree with me.

She patted Fenrir head which makes the latter growl and wags its tail joyfully.

Gogmagog is waiting to be summoned by them so it's not here at this moment.

Just when they finished talking, there's a magic circle appeared close to them and when the light disappeared, Kuroka presented herself to Vali and his team.

Bikou - It's about ti- Eh...?

Bikou was about to say something but he becomes dumbfounded after seeing Kuroka.

The others are also taken aback as well.

Kuroka - I'm here nya~

Kuroka waved at them.

Le fay - K-Kuroka-san... I-Is that really you?

Le fay asked her doubtfully.

Kuroka - Of course nya? What's wrong?

Kuroka tilted her head playfully. She knows why they became dumbfounded after seeing her.

She becomes much more alluring and mesmerizing after being "Nourished" by Issei almost daily. She just can't get enough of their lovey-dovey session that she follows the footstep of Ophis and Lilith, as in she became the new addition of the "Intruder" squad.

But at least she knows better compared to Ophis and Lilith just whose place she could intrude or not.

Semiramis, Forzelotte, Scathach, and Irene is kind of obvious... They might shrug it off if the one who's intruding is Ophis and Lilith. But if it were Kuroka then she might lose her time alone with Issei as punishment and she obviously doesn't want that...

Even Vali, Arthur, and Bikou himself become a little captivated by her current appearance.

Her previous beautiful face becomes glossier and prettier, her voluptuous breasts and butt become firmer and fuller, her snow-white skin looks smoother than ever... Everything about her is gorgeous...

But what attracts Vali attention the most is color of the tip of her tail and ear fur which tinged with red crimson color, it kind of reminds him and Albion of a certain Dragon. And there's something with her that made him and Albion felt a little trepidation.

It's like they're looking at a fellow Dragon rather than a Nekoshou...

Albion closely examined Kuroka but he got nothing but the usual Kuroka's nekoshou aura, although there's a bit of difference as her aura become much stronger than before, but, that's about it... The same goes for Vali and co.

Kuroka has already hidden her Dragon aura and only let her Nekoshou aura appear on the surface.

Kuroka is currently wearing custom made kimono she designed on her own. She studied a little bit of tailoring skill from Tio.

Her current outfit is quite similar to her old outfit but with more frills and mixed color between crimson, gold, and black which suits her new appearance perfectly.

Before Vali and co could ask her anything else, she beats them to it.

Kuroka - Let's go nya, we don't want to be late now, do we?

She bypasses them and somehow she appears to be the leader of the team rather than Vali. They could only dumbfoundedly follow her to the rating game location.

When they arrived at the stadium, Kuroka attracts the male onlookers' eyes automatically because she's quite standing out compared to the other females around there.


At Hyoudou household.

Rias and her team consisting of:

Rias - King

Akeno - Queen

Asia - Bishop

Gasper - Mutated Bishop

Xenovia - Knight

Kiba - Knight

Koneko - Rook

Irina - Rook

Reiji - Pawn (3) [Rias & Akeno BF]

Ken - Pawn (2) [Asia]

Souji - Pawn (1) [Xenovia]

Ryutaro - Pawn (1) [Irina]

Hijama - Pawn (1) [Koneko & Ravel]

Rias - Are you all prepared?

Rias asked her peerage members.

Akeno & co - Yes!

They all answered energetically. At least the girls' and their boyfriends' group did...

Kiba only answered calmly while Gasper only nodded at Rias words. Gasper doesn't have any spirit at all attending the upcoming rating game.

He barely trained himself. He totally focused on taking care of Valerie as an excuse so he doesn't need to see Rias and co that often...

There's nothing Rias and co could do to make him stay. He seems very distant from them nowadays.

Rias and co felt sad about this but they can only hope that things will return like it's used to be.

Rias was afraid of what to say towards others about Issei's "absent" but thankfully her elder brother, Sirzechs and co already covered that up by saying that they sent Issei away for some secret mission much to the public confusion.

But there's nothing they could do other than believing their words. It's not like they have any reason to lie to them, right?

And again... Sirzechs spoiled his little sister in the wrong way... Even though he felt disappointed towards Rias, he still doesn't want her to suffer from the public jeering.

It would be catastrophic if the other factions knew about Rias and co secret affair... Shiva for one might just do something unthinkable towards her and the other girls...

What they don't know is that Shiva has already got the gist of what happened... He saw the future where Rias and co in agony but what surprises him so is that he doesn't see Issei anywhere near them.

In fact, he couldn't foresee Issei future at all. He also tried to see just who is this <Dragon Nest> is but he came up with another blank...

So he concluded something has happened between Rias and Issei because if it's the Issei Hyoudou he knew then he wouldn't let Rias and co be in that state of agony...

He thought that things should get more interesting from now on so he let it be and doesn't investigate any further than this...

Sairaorg who heard of Issei's absent thought that it's too bad that he couldn't fight against the latter once again. The same goes for Vali, Cao Cao, Riser, and etc.

Vali also has a suspicion about all this but there's nothing he could do other than believing Sirzechs and co words... Even Azazel told him that it's all good.

Rias said thank you once again towards Sirzechs and co of their "help" for them. She's also hoping that Issei will return to them soon enough.

But they need to focus on the rating game for now because she and the girls thought that it will be inexcusable if they were to lose in this rating game.

They have been training with all their might during this time after all. So it should work out, right...?

They still have that blind hope thinking that it's all going to be okay just like it used to be... But alas... Not this time...

And with that, they all teleported themselves to the Azazel cup stadium...


One by one, the participants for the rating game came to the stadium waiting for the start of the rating game.

From Rias team to Vali, Sona, Sairaorg, Riser, Dulio, Cao Cao, Shiva, Typhoon, etc...

Sona, Sairaorg, Riser along with their peerage greeted Rias right away when they saw them but the girls on their respective group frowned a little seeing how Reiji and co gazing at them which makes them kind of feeling uncomfortable for some unknown reason even though they look proper on the outside.

They don't know why but they are giving them a very bad vibe...

Reiji and co extended their hands to give Sona and the others peerage handshake and the latter group reluctantly shake their hands. But they are less enthusiastic when they are shaking Saji's hand or with other male members from their peerage for that matter.

Saji and co are fine with this because they also share their feelings while some just doesn't care about it.

Bennia the former grim reaper of Hades felt disappointed that Issei isn't with them since she's a big fan of him.

Bennia has the appearance of a girl with pale skin. She is described as a cute girl with long, dark purple hair and sleepy golden eyes. Her hair is tied in a long braid by a bow with a purple skull, reaching all the way down to her hips. Bennia also has 3 black markings on both her thighs also having gold neon lines in its interior.

She wears a white skull mask in conjunction with her Grim Reaper clothing which consists of a light blue dress and a black and white hood resembling a jester cap with an emerald gem at the tip. She also wears black elbow length gloves covered in gold neon lines with gems at the back of her wrists. As a huge fan of Oppai Dragon, she has many embroideries of its designs on the back of her black cape.

Bennia is shown to be an upbeat and outgoing young girl. She greatly admires the Oppai Dragon, comparing the Hyoudou Residence to Shangri-La. She can also be a bit of a prankster, such as dropping Elmenhilde Karnstein out of her magic circle several feet off of the floor or a roof.

Not much is known about Bennia's past, other than the fact that she used to serve as a Grim Reaper alongside her father, Orcus, under Hades in the Underworld. She eventually left the place as she could not get along with Hades and his method of doing things.

Elmenhilde Karnstein also came towards Rias's team and greeted Gasper her fellow vampire but she's quite confused as to why Gasper seems so down. She's also quite disappointed that Issei isn't here with them.

Elmenhilde Karnstein is a Noble pure-blooded Vampire and a member of the Carmilla Faction, a female-dominated Vampire faction, that was previously in a civil war with the Tepes Faction, a male-dominated Vampire faction.

Elmenhilde has a doll-like appearance with long wavy light blonde hair, deep red eyes, and a beautiful face similar to that of a Western doll. She also has a pale skin tone similar to that of a corpse.

As a pure-blooded Vampire noble, she originally had an extremely arrogant, noble, and selfish personality, often discriminating against those who are not pure-bloods, such as herself, although she was capable of acknowledging someone's strength, even if they were outside her race. However, sometime after the chaos caused by the civil war in her homeland and Rizevim's actions, she becomes much more calm, sweet, sensitive and kind, ultimately dropping her discriminatory and arrogant attitude.

Elmenhilde is seen to act flushed and embarrassed at the mention of Issei, showing that she has fallen for him. Similar to Ravel, she previously looked down on Issei, but over time she developed feelings for him. She can be quite clumsy with trivial things when nervous, as shown when she tripped and dropped a tray with teacups by accident.

Shiva team surprisingly only has him alone. He's participating only to find a good match and he thought that perhaps this <Dragon Nest> team is the one.

He's more like a guest contestant rather than actual participants. He will only fight the team that reaches the final, but if that said team lose against him they are still considered winning the game already.

Rias and co tensed up a little when they saw all the participants here. Reiji and co keep glancing left and right seeing the other participants members.

Their eyes are glued to every beautiful girl they see. They have this bright greedy glint on their eyes whenever they saw them but their face looks calm on the outside just like a gentleman would. They thought that they're so lucky able to see this many beautiful women at the same place.

Their gazes moved on to one beautiful woman after another.

Rias and co are oblivious to this since they hid it so well and the girls are also feeling rather nervous seeing other participants.

While Reiji and co are feasting their eyes on other girls, the other male onlookers' also feasting their eyes at Rias and co.

But most of the men there set their gazes on Kuroka who's currently silently gazing at Koneko.

There are disappointment and regret inside her gaze while looking at the latter. Rias and co also become stupefied after seeing the new Kuroka.

But Reiji and co almost drooled a little while looking at her. Little Hijama even keeps glancing between Koneko and Kuroka while he's comparing them both.

He rudely thought that they don't look alike at all for a blood-related sibling. For one, Koneko isn't as voluptuous as Kuroka and then, she's also not as beautiful as the latter... He thought to himself, how good would it be if he can have Kuroka instead of Koneko as his girlfriend.

He's getting really annoyed by Koneko and Ravel treating him like some kind of toy... He wanted to be spoiled by a mature woman such as Kuroka instead as a change of pace...

Thankfully, lately Koneko and Ravel aren't that competitive like before so he got some room for breathing. They are mostly focused on their training that's why and Koneko often becomes dazed while looking blankly at the air.

Kuroka's words keep repeating itself inside her mind now and then. She started recalling the time she's spent with Issei in the olden days... The same goes for Rias and co...

Hijama thoughts are shared by Reiji and co as well. After all, Kuroka is an adult woman already, so she has that certain charm and aura that Rias and co will never have...

Koneko body trembled slightly under the gaze of Kuroka, but Hijama is too captivated by the sight of Kuroka to notice...

Only Ravel tried to do something for Koneko but being gazed by her mother and brothers she's also having it hard. The same goes for Rias and co who's currently gazed by their respective parents or guardian.

Akeno by her father Baraqiel, Irina by Michael, Rias is obviously by Sirzechs, Grayfia, her parents, etc...

They either have this questioning gaze or disappointed gaze on their eyes. The confused party is confused just who is these newcomers(Reiji and co) that came with them, but after being "Explained" by Sirzechs they nodded to themselves thinking that they are just a temporary replacement for Issei's absent.

Although, Venelana, who's Rias and Sirzechs mother doesn't buy their words at all. Her womanly instinct is telling her that there's something more to this... The same goes for Ravel mother.

And the way Reiji and co looking at them making them felt a little angry because unlike Issei's gaze back then, their gazes hold too many impure thoughts... If they're not acquaintanced with Rias and co then they might've just slapped them outright for being so disrespectful.

But for their daughter sake, they held it in...

Bikou and co are confused why did Kuroka look at her beloved little sister like that. Vali narrowed his eyes while looking at Reiji and co.

He sensed something is very suspicious about these newcomers but he doesn't know why he felt this way...

Shiva who saw Reiji and co finally realizes just what's going on... No wonder he can't "see" Issei anywhere when he saw the future of Rias and co...

He smirked at them thinking what a joke... He can see Reiji and co like an open book and they disgust him to no end...

If he doesn't see their future then he might do something towards them but since he has already seen it, he sees no reason to do anything at all. Their destiny has been set in stone after all.

He only scoffed at them one last time before he took his gaze off of them looking completely bored, but he's also wondering just where Issei currently is...

Sirzechs and co who's by his side sweated because they thought that Shiva has realized something but from the looks of it, he doesn't? That is until they heard his next words.

Shiva - Hmm, how disappointing... Is this how you educate your sister, Sirzechs Lucifer?

Sirzechs body trembled slightly hearing Shiva's voice.

Sirzechs - W-Whatever you mean, Shiva-sama?

Sirzechs tried to feign ignorance. But his pale face, the little stutter he had, and the sweat that currently rolling of his cheek kind of gave it away...

Shiva - Who knows... Well, whatever... It is not my place to judge them anyway.

With that Shiva closed his eyes while sitting on his chair.

Sirzechs can only grit his teeth in frustration hearing his words. Even he doesn't want any of this to happen but there's nothing he could do anymore to fix it... The same goes for Grayfia who's standing nearby him.

Thankfully his parents and Ravel parents party are not nearby or they could hear Shiva words just now...

Azazel and co know that Shiva now knew what really happened. Odin who's nearby look kind of down because he is still hoping that he could find Rossweisse.

He doesn't really care about Rias and co case anymore other than Rossweisse case. So far he got nothing on his search for Rossweisse. Deep inside he's actually blaming Rias and co...

He thought that it's because of them that all this happened in the first place. If they didn't do what they did then Rossweisse would still be here... Odin already knew about Rossweisse took a liking of Issei and he totally agrees with her decision and fully supported her on the pursuit of her love.

Rossweisse herself forgot to inform Odin about her wellbeing because she's too over the cloud after she becomes Issei's wife.

And she's also busy during his stay over there leading her own regiment of Valkyrie that Issei "recruited".

Walkure Ortlinde, Walkure Hildr, Walkure Thrud is some of them.

While the most loyal of them all is a Valkyrie who goes by the name Brynhild (Brunnhilde).

She's saved by Issei after he killed the All-father Odin.

(AN: Not Odin from DxD world and the same goes for the Brynhildr).

Odin is a great God who is the father of Brynhildr and many other Valkyrie. Odin blessed Hjalmgunnar of the country of the Goths with victory in his battle against Agnar, but Brynhildr supported Agnar who defeated Hjalmgunnar.

When she was guiding to Valhalla warriors who died as faithful servants to the Great God, at some time, Brynhildr allowed a warrior to gain a victory that differed from Odin's intentions. She experienced the Great God Odin anger, he punished Brynhildr for her betrayal by stripping her of many of her divinities, placed her into a state of suspended animation with the "pale rune of punishment", and placed her in a circle of flames situated at the summit of Hindarfjall. She was later saved by Issei.

The reason for Issei and Odin fight is because Odin wanted to take Scathach <Gae Bolg> spear as his own, he won't settle for the prototype he currently has. And he also lusted over some of his wives such as Scathach herself thinking that she should be the best wife candidate for his harem and to create the strongest descendant.

At first, Issei warned him but he ignores Issei warning and when Issei found out that he's being disrespectful towards his wives... Issei wasted no time and doesn't care for any consequences of what would happen after he killed Odin using the very same spear he's coveting, which is the <Gae Bolg> itself. He stabbed Gae Bolg right into Odin's heart and that instantly killed the latter.

Issei killed Odin effortlessly like he's some kind of insect that makes the other Gods fear him even more because Odin is the strongest God as far as they know.

It's not like other Gods or his subordinates doesn't try to help Odin during his fight with Issei but they all occupied with Issei's own army of Kalars and wives.

They have a pretty short war... If it could even be called a war at that point because the only suffering side is Odin's side. The <9 Divines> along with the other Overlords who participate easily massacred any opposing foe that doesn't want to surrender.

Shuten, Ibaraki, and Raikou are among that Overlords.

Multiple Gods and Demi-Gods were slain that day... The surviving Gods called that day as the <Ragnarok>...

Not even Odin body is left behind since Issei erased it along with his very soul...

It's not like Odin is weak or anything... He's as strong as Ophis or perhaps Great Red at the very least but Issei is even stronger than him much to his disbelief when he fought Issei... He thought that Issei is just your everyday brat who thought too highly of himself. But apparently, he's clearly the one who thought too highly of himself... And that mistake of his cost him his life...

Issei doesn't go alone this time because he thought that it's a great chance for some training session for his wives. Well, his wives are the one who asked him for it though... They wanted to use this chance to gain more experience for themselves.

Issei borrowed Gae Bolg from Scathach which the latter gladly gave it to him. She even said that he can have it if he wanted since Issei can fully utilize it just like she could, perhaps even better. But Issei declines it saying that it's better for her to own it rather than him since she needs it more than him.

Issei could use any kind of weapon without limitation thanks to his <Eternal Arms Mastership> that he trained until absolute perfection.

Whether it be spears, swords, bows, dual swords, etc. He could use them all without a single flaw now.

Scathach also knows this well since she's right beside Issei whenever he's training himself.

The other Gods that sided with Odin become stricken with terror seeing how easy Issei killed Odin just like that. But some of them such as the Valkyries are glad that Odin has finally died because he's such a tyrant for them all.

The Valkyries instantly gave their loyalty towards Issei as long as he doesn't treat them like how Odin would and some of the Valkyries asked Issei to free Brunhild and Issei did just that.

But not because he wanted to gain the Valkyries loyalty for himself. He just despises what Odin did towards her own daughters...

When Issei found her she's completely naked leaving her flawless body laid bare before Issei. But there's not a single lustful desire could be found inside Issei's eyes when he laid his gaze on her other than pity.

Brynhildr has a delicate body and mystical long white hair with a teal accent reminiscent of the night sky as she enters battle clad in silver armor unrecognizable to Saber. Formerly a Valkyrie, she is now a mortal human that possesses a perfect body.


Brynhildr becomes petrified seeing that someone came to this God forsaken place. She asked Issei for what does he came here.

Issei only said that he came here to give her freedom back. Just that one word shocked Brynhildr to her very core. How long has it been ever since she heard that word that she craved so very much after all this time...

In the end, she gave her undying loyalty towards Issei swearing that she will follow him until her demise as long as he keeps his words of giving her freedom. She has no familial love towards Odin in the slightest considering how he treated her... The same goes for the other Valkyries.

They are treated just like how a machine or tools would. Only after seeing how Issei interacted with his army that they know that Issei is clearly different than Odin...

The other Gods thought that it would be extremely stupid at this point trying to fight Issei over a dead Odin so they also swore their fealty towards Issei.

Issei is completely uninterested with them so he ignores them all and leaves them be much to the other Gods relief but some of them took interest of him.

The Valkyries followed Issei along just like how a chick would follow their mother would... But in this case, it's a father instead...

One thing led to another they finally joined the <ECH> company and Rossweisse has become their leader later on along with Brunhild herself as Rossweisse vice-captain in the Draconic Valkyrie regiment.

Rossweisse kind of has an awkward feeling about this because, back in DxD world, she also has a senpai that taught her a lot back in the past during her apprentice day. And her name is also Brynhildr...

(AN: From now on, I will call the Brynhildr from Fate series with "Brunhild" while from DxD still with "Brynhildr" to avoid further confusion).


The known team list:

Team Dragon Nest

Team Rias Gremory

Team Imperial Purpure

Team White Dragon Emperor of the Morning Star

Team Sona Sitri

Team Spear of Heavenly Emperor

Seekvaira Agares's Peerage

Team Trump Card of Heaven

Team Babel Belial

Team Phoenix

Team Black Satan of Darkness Dragon King

Team Vajra

Team Asura

Team Leisure of the Kings

Zatouji's Team

Team Shooting Star

Team Black


The stadium becomes more crowded over time with the participants flooding in one after another.

Thankfully the location where they held their rating game is quite large.

The participants have a chat with each other. They are discussing about famous teams such as Vali's team, Sairaorg team, Cao Cao team and the like.

But what most of them talking about is the mysterious <Dragon Nest> team because they can read about other contestant teams information to a certain point but not this specific team.

The available information they know is that all of this team member is a Dragon race and they all are female. As for their name, they can't recognize a single one of them...

They are completely unknown to every single individual here except for Kuroka, Yasaka and Sun Wukong who just arrived not too long ago. But even Sun Wukong never saw Irene and co face to face so he's also wondering just what are they looks like.

Just like Kuroka, Yasaka also attracted a lot of the male onlookers' gazes.

Yasaka and Sun Wukong greeted Sirzechs and co along with Amaterasu and co who's quite surprised after seeing the current her.

Because they can feel that something is really different about Yasaka but they can't really tell just what it is. It's like she's shrouded in mystery... Yasaka obviously hid her strength and aura to a certain extent so everyone who saw her only thinks that she has gotten stronger but that's about it.

They can't sense the divinity she possesses which are given by Issei. But the other female Gods asked her including Amaterasu herself just what is her secret for looking more beautiful than ever.

Yasaka can only smile wryly at their question with a tinge of blush on her cheeks and told them that she's not so sure either. She can't tell them her little secret after all that her new dearest husband is the secret behind her beauty nowadays...

They also asked where's Kunou because she usually always stick with Yasaka wherever she goes. Yasaka said she's staying at her friend house at the moment.

Yasaka accidentally saw Odin who seems kind of down and she realizes that he still doesn't know about Rossweisse well being and still searching till this very day. She can only apologize inside her mind for forgetting about Odin case.

Well, it will all become clear soon enough anyway so it should be fine, she added inside her mind.

She glanced towards Rias party and when she saw Reiji and co leering at her direction there's a glint of disgust inside Yasaka's eyes.

She doesn't really see anything special about them. What bunch of hypocrites she thought to herself...

They might look proper on the outside but their gazes are so impure that it sickens her. She turned her gaze towards Rias and co and she felt nothing but disappointment now when she saw them...

Rias and co felt shame and guilt whenever they saw the questioning or disappointed gazes that are aimed towards them.

They then approached by multiple individuals that wanted to get to know them better hoping to get on their good book and perhaps getting some profit in the process. It is their chance considering that the <Sekiryuutei> who's supposed to be their fiancee isn't here right now.

Only then Reiji and co retracted their gaze from Kuroka and Yasaka and act like they're their protector as a rightful boyfriend.

Sona was about to go to Yasaka's place to ask some question about the man named "Savant" but she stopped in her track soon enough because the whole stadium suddenly becomes silent...

All of the commotions that's happening on the stadium soon died down when they saw a specific group entered the room. One by one they all looked at the entrance...

The party is led by an otherworldly beauty with scarlet hair. She's wearing her usual witch outfit.

Her gazes are sharp and filled with pride but not to the point of arrogance. Her bearings look just how a Queen would look like. Quite suitable considering she is indeed the <Queen of Dragons>, Irene Belserion Hyoudou, but to the public, they only know her as Irene Belserion H.

Ever since Irene first appearance, there are a lot of people trying to gain info about her but as always, they all came up with a blank...

Behind her, there's also a gorgeous group of woman that's quite different from each other.

Some of them look calm and proud, some look holy and pure, some look menacing and gallant, etc.

They are of course Ramius and co.

Their clothing isn't that much different from their old clothes. It can be said their current outfit is the upgraded version of their old clothes. They choose their old clothing design for this specific occasion since its the most comfortable for them to move in, and it's also accentuated their beauty and curvaceous body even more.

Ramius still has the long sleeved black mini jacket she used to wear before, but this time with more decoration and a little bit of change here and there. The same goes for Riche and co outfit.

Croix for another example is still wearing her usual one-piece dress but with a bit more addition here and there. Her outfit main theme color is still white but her belt that used to be colored gold is now colored crimson gold.

She's also wearing gloves that are imbued with multiple enchantments that boosted her power.

Jeanne armor clothing is mostly the same but instead of blue colored, it's a combination between crimson and white. Her flag also isn't the old white orchid but the <ECH> insignia instead. Her long golden blonde hair is tied into a long braid.

Jalter also the same as Jeanne but instead of pure black like her old outfit, it's also has a mixed crimson color to it. Her flag also the same as Jeanne but while Jeanne flag is mostly white, hers is crimson black. Just like Jeanne, she also has her long platinum blonde hair tied into a long braid.

Overall, they look like twins with a completely different air around them. Jeanne has a calming aura that could calm people while Jalter has a sharp aura that instills awe to others. They're currently holding their respective flags.

Jeanne is at Irene's left while Jalter is at her right. They unfurled their unique looking flags that manages to awe the onlookers'.

The sight of them entering the stadium made all of the onlookers' amazed and awe-struck.

Especially the male onlookers', some of them even blushed red like they just had a sudden fever, some drooled, some even had a massive nosebleed... One thing they have in common is that they instantly fell head over heels seeing this group of ethereal beauties.

Sirzechs and co attention instantly zeroed on Irene and co the moment they entered the stadium but they are also become stupefied after seeing them.

Koneko and co for one are surprised seeing Gurigura who has cat tail and ears.

The one who's stupefied the most is the angel party.

They saw Jeanne and Croix whose whole body radiating holy aura that manages to overshadow their holy power. The Devils who saw them felt trepidation but also felt attracted to them just like how a moth to a flame would.

They are the very definition of femme fatale...

Michael and co recognize Jeanne and Jalter but they don't know what to say because they're supposed to be dead and should've been reincarnated already as far as their knowledge goes.

There's indeed the incarnation of Jeanne somewhere before who goes by the name Laeticia but that was ages ago... Laeticia is the one who Michael and co have knowledge about.

She's born into a rich family and had a happy and peaceful life as compensation for her past life tragedy...

Michael and co didn't know about the existence of the <Holy Grail War> that manages to shackled Jeanne and Jalter true souls along with other Heroic spirits and Divine spirits. There are many things that they don't know yet...

Well, Jalter is more of a corrupted soul of Jeanne but they of course didn't know that.

(AN: I will call Jeanne from Issei's side with "Jeanne" while Jeanne from DxD with "Joan").

Joan who's with Cao Cao felt somewhat close towards Jeanne and Jalter, not surprising since she's their supposed "Descendant".

The Dragons from DxD side except for Tannin, Tiamat, Yu Long, etc. bowed their head towards Irene and co in respect. They felt their instinct took over them and their body unconsciously or consciously bowed automatically in respect.

Even Tannin himself felt an urge to just bow towards Irene when he first met her but he can resist that urge unlike some of the dragons here...

Sun Wukong who saw the awed face of Yu Long smirked at the latter. Actually, Sun Wukong himself is feeling amazed by Irene and co... So this is "his" women... What a bunch of splendid women... Sun Wukong mused to himself.

Tiamat and co are currently in their human form or in their miniature Dragon size.

The other onlookers' are confused about all this but soon they remembered the title that Irene has... <Queen of Dragons>... No wonder the Dragons bowed towards them they all thought to themselves. What a befitting title...

Albion who's residing inside Vali felt even more familiar feeling coming from Irene but he still can't fully recall it.

'Hmm... Just where have I heard that name before... And that aura... Nevermind that for now, I need to warn Vali', Albion thought to himself before calling his partner.

Albion - Vali.

Vali - Hm? What, Albion?

Vali who heard his partner calling him snaps out of his thoughts and asked back.

Albion - You better prepare yourself because all of them are really strong... I can't say for sure just how strong they are but give or take they are about on par with Sirzechs Lucifer and the other faction leaders in term of strength as far as I can tell...

Albion warned Vali with a stern voice.

Vali - Heh, is that so?

Vali only smirked with a battle maniac smile on his face while looking at Irene and co itching for a fight.

Albion - You might have a chance with the other women but don't challenge that scarlet haired woman.

Albion once again warned Vali, but this time with more intensity compared to his previous warning.

Vali - Hoo, and why is that? Is she that strong?

Albion - ...I can't sense her power at all. But my instinct is telling me that if you were to fight her then it will be instant defeat and perhaps even death... Even if you were to use <Diabolos Dragon Lucifer> form... That, I can assure you...

Vali eyes widened a little after hearing Albion words because that form is Vali strongest form. The same goes for his other team peerage but one specific person...

Kuroka - You better listen to Albion's warning, Vali... She's not someone you can hope to defeat for the current you.

'And perhaps never able to...' Kuroka added inside her mind because she knows that Irene is connected with Issei. And the stronger Issei get, the stronger Irene will be and vice versa...

Sadly, Irene can't master the <Chaos> element Issei has or his other special skill such as <Devour> and the like. But if they took those special elements out of the picture, then Irene more or less will have the power that comes closest to Issei's strength...

Irene is undeniably the strongest woman in Issei's harem. Hence her title as the <Queen of Dragons> since Issei is the <King of Dragons> is really on point... Or perhaps it is more suitable to call him the <True Dragon God King> now...

Vali and co who heard Kuroka's words become completely taken aback because they can tell how serious Kuroka currently is. Her face is completely serious when she said this and her usual "Nya" also isn't present in her words just now.

Vali - You know her, Kuroka?

Vali asked the question that everyone nearby wanted to know because the way she's so sure with her words kind of make them a little suspicious.

Kuroka - Nya~? Who knows~?

She smiled playfully at them.

She returns to her playful side immediately much to Vali and co annoyance.

Tiamat also felt the same as Albion but unlike the latter, she honestly never met Irene before. Tiamat only met "Ddraig" and never met "Irene" after all. The same goes for Tannin and co.

They only felt kind of familiar with Irene's aura but it is too different compared to the old Ddraig after all.

Only Albion, Ophis, and Great Red have met with "Irene" beforehand. But the last two is too forgetful or just can't be bothered to remember this...

Even Asia familiar, Rassei suddenly appeared on his own without her summoning him.

Asia - Rassei!

Asia tried calling her familiar but it looks like he's entranced and doesn't respond to her call and only bowed in submission towards Irene and co. He acts just like how a subject met their Queen would... Total submission...

Asia is confused about this and the same goes for Rias and co.

Reiji and co once again look like they just got their soul stolen when they saw Irene and co because of how captivating they are...

Asia's sudden shout is like a signal for Irene and co.

They all instantly set their gazes towards Rias and co and when they saw them, most of the girls let out an intense bloodlust towards the latter group. Especially Jalter whose eyes started glowing with intensity like she can't wait to decimate them all.

While the girls who have a pure heart such as Yunyun, Wiz, Jeanne and Croix only frowned but they're also feeling angry at them.

Thankfully Irene already predicted this was going to happen so she erected a silent barrier without anyone else noticing it. But Shiva frowned a little because he can feel a tiny bit of magic fluctuation coming out from Irene.

He then tried to read Irene future only to come up with nothing once again much to his amusement. He thought that things will really get very interesting soon...

So in the eyes of the onlookers', they only thought that Irene and co glared at Rias's team because of Asia sudden shout and they felt offended by it.

But for Rias and co they all become frozen stiff and their body started shivering slightly without anyone else noticing it.

Irene sends a telepathic message towards Jalter and co to hold their bloodlust for now because it is not the time yet.

Only then they retracted their bloodlust and look away from Rias and co because they're afraid if they were to keep looking on the latter group then they might lose control yet again.

Jalter still glaring at Rias and co though... But soon she retracted her gaze because they can feel a group of people approaching them. And that group is Sirzechs and co.

Sirzechs - Welcome, Lady Irene.

Sirzechs greeted Irene with a little sweat falling down from his cheek because he's worried that Irene and co still feel "Offended" by Rias and co just now.

Azazel and co also chimed in with Sirzechs words welcoming Irene's party arrival.

Irene - Um.

Irene only nodded calmly to their greetings.

Sirzechs and co then lead them to their designated waiting location and of course, their location is the best one available, a VIP location you might say because it is next to Sirzechs and co location but with more comfortable furniture and stuff.

Rias and co are told to stay put for now as not to earn Irene and co ire than they already are. They all nodded obediently at Sirzechs words.

Along the way, Michael and his fellow angels keep gazing at Jeanne and Jalter wanting to say something at them both.

Jeanne and Jalter who sensed the former group gazes look back at them.

There's curiosity, guilt, sadness when they're looking at Jeanne and Jalter.

Jeanne only nodded at them briefly while Jalter scoffed at them with a glare. From their reaction, Michael and co knew that they both recognized them.

Michael - Child, I...

Michael wanted to use this chance to say something but he's cut off by Jeanne.

Jeanne - There's no need to apologize nor you need to say anything, Lord Michael. I understand my duty as a former faithful follower of God.

Michael words become stuck on his throat when he heard Jeanne's words. The other angels also felt the same as him. Gabriel for one covered her mouth feeling a little disbelief.

They caught on the words "Former" from Jeanne's mouth, that's why they are flabbergasted. They never thought that Jeanne who was a devout believer of God will say that.

Sirzechs and co decided to just silently listen to their conversation with interest, while Irene and co already knew what they're going to talk about so it doesn't attract their attention that much but they do want to know what will Jeanne say to them.

Jeanne - If my death can bring salvation to the human race as a whole then so be it... But along with my death once, my duty as God's messenger should be fulfilled as well... That's why... I'm sorry to say this but I've found a new Master to serve with my whole being, so forgive me for I have sinned and chooses to abandon God.

Jeanne stopped moving and turned around to face the Angels' group and bowed one last time towards them.

Jalter who saw that smirked proudly towards Jeanne. Finally, she finally did the right thing for once Jalter said to herself.

Jalter - Heh, well said... E-Elder S-Sister...

Jalter added at the end with a low voice with slightly blushing cheeks.

Jeanne who heard that made a surprised face but soon she smiled gently at Jalter because this is the first time for Jalter to call her that.

Michael and co are still out of it after hearing Jeanne's words... And just when he was about to say something, this time its Jalter who cut him off.

Jalter - Hmph! You better hear what she said just now. We have found a new Master to serve, so you can save your preach for somebody else!

Jalter changed her attention from Jeanne to Michael because she's feeling kind of embarrassed being gazed by Jeanne and the others.

Irene and co who heard their words smiled to themselves feeling glad that Jeanne still stays loyal towards Issei even when she met with her former "Boss".

Irene - Well, you heard their words... I believe that you won't try to force them to change their mind now, are you? Because if you do... You all better be prepared for war since our husband will surely erase your whole faction from this world when it comes to it.

Irene looked at Michael and co with narrowed eyes because she believes that Michael and co won't be that stupid. There's nothing more that Issei hates other than someone tries to disrespect his wives or planning to do something bad towards them.

Michael and co can forget about past relations if they were to touch Issei's reverse scale because he will sure to kill them all without hesitation... She guarantees it...

The other girls also stared at Michael and co with the same gazes waiting for their answer.

Michael and co who's being stared like that by them felt really uncomfortable and unnerved because the way their slitted eyes glows instill terror not just towards them, but towards Sirzechs and co as well.

Michael - O-Of course not. I just wanted to apologize towards them.

Michael hurriedly said.

He honestly felt great shame for what happened towards Jeanne and Jalter... He believes that if God was still alive then he could come up with a better solution...

So he always feels sorry about it... Although he also felt pity now that they have chosen to abandon their beliefs since they both could've been an outstanding Angels... But it looks like even though they have become a Dragon they are still the holy woman they once knew so that's quite a relief at least...

Michael and co were quite sure that the reason for this is because of this mysterious husband of theirs and also they've finds out that God has already died... They become even more curious just who he is for being able to gain faithful believers such as Jeanne and Jalter.

That's why he made sure their supposed reincarnated life is an easy and peaceful life.

But... Why is there two of them, Michael thought to himself... They might look exactly the same but there's something quite different from Jalter compared to Jeanne... She looks more vengeful if they have to put it into words...

Michael and co only know about Jeanne but they don't know about Jalter case.

Irene - Oh? Is that so? Then you already have your chance just now. What do you say, Jeanne, Jalter?

Irene turned her attention to both of them.

Jeanne - I stand to what I said before, there's no need for you to apologize towards me, Lord Michael... But if I must give an answer, then, apologies accepted.

Jeanne calmly responded with a smile.

Jalter - Tsk... Fine, apologies accepted.

Jalter harrumphed and turned her head to the front once again. If it were the old her then she wouldn't have forgiven Michael and co that easily because she is an Avenger after all. But ever since she becomes Issei's wife her personality changed a bit.

Irene - And there you have it... Satisfied?

Irene smirked towards Michael and co who hastily nodded at her statement.

After that, they finally arrived at Irene and co designated location.

Irene - Hmm, I'm not used to using other furniture other than our own product.


Irene then snapped her finger. When she does that, the pieces of furniture that are already available before disappeared and replaced with a brand new furnitures that look far more beautiful and fancier.

Whether it be the chairs, table, etc. Everything is replaced within seconds.

Only then Irene nodded in satisfaction.

Irene - Well, I guess this will do I guess.

Irene then sits down at the middle chair that looks like a throne rather than a chair. It is crimson colored throne with golden casting and decoration all around it. At the top of the throne, there's a <ECH> symbol but with a Queen's Crown at the middle of it.

She slowly crosses her leg when she sat down and that makes her look like a Queen, even more so when she let out her dominating aura.

The other girls also sit down with Irene at the middle. Each of their chairs is numbered with a Romanian number from <I>, <II>, <III>, etc and also the chess pieces position they occupying for the rating game... They sat down on the chair that represents their number. From Ramius to Riche to Gurigura and so on...

Everyone is wondering just what that number represents but no one but Kuroka and Yasaka knew about it... Kuroka also has that specific number as well after all, but thankfully her <Mark> is hidden from plain sight or everyone will take notice of it... Just a reminder, her <Mark> is located at her belly, or on top her womb location to be exact.

While Yasaka has a different <Mark> from them.

Jeanne and Jalter put down their flags at their respective spot which Irene provided and that added even more artistic points to their already majestic room.

Now their room section looks completely different and one of a kind compared to the other participants' room.

Sirzechs and co become dumbfounded after seeing all of this unfolded. The other contestants also felt the same way as them... How ridiculous they all thought...

Just because she's not "used to" using other furniture products, she changed the whole room...

But they have to admit that they all look really majestic and even more exotic looking compared to before... They look like true royalties.

The male and female competitor alike are completely captivated by the sight of them all... Especially Reiji and co who's basically dying to get their hands on them. They would do anything in a heartbeat just to gain their attention even just for a millisecond...

Shiva smirked to himself thinking they sure have the style. The other Gods also share his thoughts along with many others... They took note of their style thinking to replicate it for their own home later on.

Rias gritted her teeth in frustration because of how beautiful these newcomers are. They basically leave them in the dust with their beauty alone... They can only hope that their power is at least on par or perhaps even weaker than them.

Thankfully Irene won't directly participate in the rating game... So they maybe still have a chance...

All of the participants knew about the special condition where although Irene is immensely powerful, she won't be directly participating in the game itself unless she is challenged by someone directly. And if anyone could defeat even one of her team members then they could be considered winning the fight.

They first thought that she's too arrogant when she first stated these conditions but it seems it was necessary because they all can tell that Ramius and co are quite powerful as well...

If these conditions are not enlisted then there would've been a lot of participants that choose to cancel their registration right now... Thankfully it exists...

Irene waved her hand lazily and only then the kneeling and bowing Dragons lifted their heads and returned to their previous activities. Some of them are confused just what were they doing just now while some act like it's a natural thing to do.

What Irene just did before was she emit a silent aura that only Dragons can sense. And that aura forces them willingly or unwillingly to submit towards her.

If the Dragon is strong enough just like Tiamat and co level then they will be able to withstand it, if not then they will automatically submit to her.

Rassei who's Asia's familiar finally unsummoned himself as well much to Asia and co dismay.

Irene - Then? What are you waiting for? Aren't you going to start the game?

Irene asked Sirzechs and co who are still standing around looking awe-struck at them.

Azazel - O-Oh, certainly! Then if you would excuse us, milady.

Only after being reminded by Irene that Sirzechs and co snap out of their thoughts and hurriedly excuses themselves to launch the Rating game ceremony...

(AN: For those that are confused about how the "Room" in the stadium look like. Imagine a giant Colosseum in Rome and the Julius Cesar balcony thingy where he could observe the whole Colosseum, Irene team room are obviously at the middle and at the highest position while Sirzechs and co's are located next to them).

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