The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 89:

Chapter 89:

Bikou's party - Vali?!/Vali-san?!

Kuroka only sighed tiredly to herself because she knows that Vali would do this.

Everyone else in the spectator seat is also taken by surprise but before long they are starting to anticipate the match between them. The strongest White Dragon Emperor in the history versus the mystical Queen of Dragons.

Irene doesn't have any big reaction because she already expected this. The same goes for Albion...

Irene - Oh? And do tell me the reason why you decided to challenge me?

Irene smirked at Vali knowing fully well just what will his answer be.

Vali - Because I want to see just how far our strength differences are and also to test my limit... Now don't think that I see your other team members are weak but why settle for second when you have the best right in front of you? No offense intended but you are the strongest of them all right?

Vali smirked back at Irene.

Irene - Heheheh... Interesting answer but... I have to correct you on some part. I am not the strongest, our husband is.

Irene who heard his answer laughed slightly before she corrected Vali thinking that she's the strongest.

Ramius and the other girls also nodded to her statement because it's a fact after all.

Vali - That may be so, but... He's not here right now, is he?

Vali answered back once again.

Irene - Hmm, Indeed... Very well, I accept your challenge.

Irene chuckled lightly before accepting Vali challenge.

Vali - Thanks.

Both team members then spread out to give both Vali and Irene some room for their fight.


Bikou - Man, I knew Vali would do this...

Bikou muttered wryly but his face still looks carefree.

Arthur - Um... But that's what makes him the that Vali we know.

Arthur calmly answered Bikou mutters with a respectful voice. Vali never backs down against anyone after all. Kind of similar to Issei himself.

Le Fay - But... I wonder if Vali-san has a chance?

Le fay said worriedly.

Kuroka - Nope.

Kuroka said almost immediately.

Bikou and the others gazed at her suspiciously yet again because of how sure she is.

Kuroka - Like Albion said before. Even if Vali were to uses his strongest technique he won't be able to win against her.

Kuroka continued her words regardless of their suspicious gaze on her.

Bikou - Seriously... Do you know them, Kuroka? You seem so sure about it...

Bikou narrowed his eyes at Kuroka because this is the second time she sounded so sure like she knows Irene quite well.

Kuroka only grinned playfully at them before she set her gaze towards Vali and Irene once again much to their exasperation.


Albion - [Are you sure about this, Vali?]

Albion asked Vali inside his mind.

Vali - [Ah.]

Albion - [...Do as you like then... But don't say I didn't warn you]

Athough Albion said that, he's feeling proud at Vali for not backing down in front of an overwhelmingly strong opponent.

Irene - [Are you boys done talking with each other?]

Suddenly, Irene's voice is heard inside their mind and that alarmed both Vali and Albion because they were talking through their mind just now.

If Irene was just sending a telepathic message then they wouldn't be that surprised but the facts that she could hear their conversation is quite alarming.

Irene - [There's no need to be so alarmed, I can only hear tiny bits of your conversation]

Irene send a grin towards Vali and both of them screamed "Bullshit!" inside their minds when they heard her words... But they didn't say it out loud...

Vali - ...Then, sorry to keep you waiting... <Vanishing Dragon: Balance Breaker>

Vali immediately used his Balance Breaker from the get-go. It's his usual white scale armor.

Irene is still standing there with a smirk on her face. She's thinking it's been quite a while ever since she saw Vali balance breaker, what a nostalgic sight...

Vali - Are you prepared?

Vali mechanical voice sounded, he asked Irene who seems to be standing still without her guards up but he knows that it's just an illusion... If he were to launch a sudden attack at her then she will react to it instantly.

Irene - Come at me whenever you like.

Irene calmly answered Vali.

Vali - Then... Here I come!

Vali instantly dashed towards Irene baring his fist towards her. He punched towards Irene's head right away which the later calmly evade with a tilt of her head but Vali has already expected this. He swiped his leg doing a roundhouse kick only to be blocked by Irene with just one hand.

Vali took a step back before he launched a barrage of magic attack but once again, it all got deflected by Irene with a wave of her hand. After seeing this, Vali knew at this rate that he won't be getting anywhere... Just from their brief close quarter combat just now he can feel his hand aching because it feels like he just hit a solid steel block instead of an arm from a seemingly delicate woman.

Vali - <Divide>!

Vali decided to use his Divine Dividing towards Irene aiming to decrease her power.

It indeed worked because Irene loses a tiny fraction of her power but right at the very next second, nay... Half a second, her power returned straight away.

Vali - ...Divine Dividing doesn't work?!

He's not the only one who's shocked. The other onlookers' also felt shocked knowing Vali <Sacred Gear> doesn't work on Irene... Well, it works but it might as well be called useless seeing how minuscule her power has been decreased and even then it returned straight away right at the very next half a second.

And for some reason, he also can't make that power as his own like usual.

Vali gritted his teeth before he started his chanting.

"I, who am about to awaken,

Am the Heavenly Dragon who has taken the principles of supremacy from God

I envy the infinite and I pursue the dream

I shall become the White Dragon of Supremacy

And I shall take you to the limits of white paradise

<Juggernaut Drive>!"

Vali body grew larger and he assumed the form of his Juggernaut Drive once more.

Ramius and the other girls already knew about the whole rivalry going on between the <Sekiryuutei> and the <Hakuryuukou> so they're not too surprised seeing the similarity Vali possess with Issei, as in the way they chant.

They have to admit that Vali is indeed strong and if it were them from a while back then they wouldn't have stood a chance against him.

Jalter - Hmph, not bad but still far too weak... And what's up with his chant? Envy the infinite? Pursuing the dream? He can continue to dream on then.

Jalter scoffed after seeing Vali Juggernaut Drive form. And his chant ticks her off a bit because her beloved master is the true ruler of both.

Jeanne who saw Jalter getting grumpy smiled wryly at her because of how sensitive she is when something involved Issei's case. Not that she blames her though because she knows her feelings very well.

Vali then proceeded to attack Irene once again but the result still stays the same...

Vali size difference compared to Irene is quite large but it still doesn't help him to land a hit on Irene... If anything it made it harder for him to land a hit on her.

Irene only needs to sidestep a bit to evade his attack and sometimes she will land on top of his head as if to mock him.

Vali - Then how about this... <Half Dimension>!

Vali spread out his dragon wings wide and started using his other skill.

The <Divine Dividing> also has the ability to halve the size of objects and living beings through the use of it's Half Dimension, the user does not need to make any contact with the target to use this ability.

Irene - Hmph, child's play... <Crush>.

Irene extended her right hand towards Vali direction before she clutched it. There's a scarlet light coming out from her extended hand and then it took the form of a miniature crimson dragon made out of light before it headed towards Vali.

*Screech!* *Zeng!*

Vali - What?!

And just like that, Vali <Half Dimension> has been broken to pieces. The other spectators also gasped in shock seeing how easily Irene destroyed Vali's skill.

Thankfully Irene didn't send her magic towards Vali or he might be dead by now...

Vali - ...What was that?

Irene - Surprised? That skill was invented by my husband... <Crush> is an extremely powerful Magic that smashes everything the user comes into contact with into pieces. It can be used to both crack Magic into pieces, thereby nullifying its effects, as well as to reduce the Magic's power and to deflect it. Even the most powerful spells are rendered useless when faced with this destructive and advanced Magic, which is difficult to control by just anyone... So far only my husband and I are able to perfectly uses it.

It kind of uses the same concept as <Dress Break> but with a bit of tweaking here and there, Issei managed to invent a whole new magic skill.

Heaven defying... That's the only words they can come up with after hearing the detail of the magic she just used...

They got even more increasingly curious and even felt fear towards this husband of theirs. How come they never heard of such an anomaly beforehand? If this person decided to wage war against them all then what would happen? They are afraid just to imagine the consequences of such development...

Sirzechs and the other faction leaders are the ones that started feeling big trepidation... They can only hope that this husband of theirs are not evil just like they were told before...

Irene - Just so you know... If that magic were to hit you then you will be dead without a doubt.

Irene smirked playfully at Vali who's started sweating a bit thinking how close he was to death just now.

Albion - [...Vali]

Albion called Vali.

Vali - Ah... I know...

Vali then reverted back to his <Scale Male> form once more.

Irene - Oya? you finally decided to use your <Diabolos Dragon Lucifer> form?

Irene asked in amusement.

Vali - How did you...?! Nevermind... Indeed, I am about to use my strongest technique.

Vali was a little bit shocked seeing that Irene also knows about his <Diabolos Dragon Lucifer> but then he chooses to just stop thinking about it and just focus on defeating her.

Vali - <Diabolos Dragon Lucifer>!

<Diabolos Dragon Lucifer>. This form is the combination of the White Dragon Emperor's power and the Lucifer power that Vali synced through Ophis' blessing. Similarly to the Diabolos Dragon God Issei possesses, the armor is a mix of silvery-white and jet-black, and also possesses the same organic characteristic. Vali gains twelve wings of Lucifer in this form, which can be ejected and turned into wyverns, similarly to the Dividing Wyvern Faeries that Issei is able to create. The power that Diabolos Dragon Lucifer possesses is enough to completely destroy a 5,000 meter-tall mountain in one attack and fight on par with Crom Cruach, the strongest Evil Dragon. Vali can only sustain this form for a short time.

The spectators are awed with this form of his because it radiates so much power.

Jalter and the others are also pressured by Vali current form but they are not feeling dispirited. They have to admit Vali current form is very powerful and they're not sure if they could take him on unless they also go all out with him but since they're not sworn enemies they don't see any reason to do so.

Irene - Finally, something worth fighting... Well, I will need to unleash a bit of my power to face your current form. Rejoice, because there's not many who can force me to do so. Now let me show you why they call me the <Scarlet Despair>.

Irene took off her witch hat and stored it away in her space magic.

She closed her eyes for a brief second and when she opened her eyes once more, her previously green emerald eyes turned into red and there's a huge scarlet aura bursting out from her body.


The air around her started tearing and the whole arena started shaking as if there's an earthquake going on. There's fissure created on the floor beneath her.

Bikou and the others reflexively put their hands in front of them to block the sheer wind pressure Irene created just by unleashing a bit of her aura. While Ramius and co are already used to this kind of thing happening and they also knew that this is not Irene's full power so they only calmly stand there without looking completely unperturbed.

From Irene's head, there's a pair of horns appeared and it curved upwards just like a Queen's crown would, there's a golden earring-like decoration on her horns making it look even more majestic.

There's also a tail sprouted from her behind with twin forked blade at the end of her tail. From both of her wrist, there's a red gauntlet appearing taking shape of a claw and the same goes on her legs.

And last but not least, there's a pair of beautiful scarlet wings spread out from her back which is also armored with golden decoration all over it which looks similar with Issei's wing and it serves to enhance her beauty even further, all of that made all of the onlookers' awe-stricken and also terror-stricken.

Now they understand why her enemies called her the <Scarlet Despair>... But what's going inside their mind as onlookers' when they saw her was... Ethereal beauty... No... Goddess... She looks more like a Goddess in her current form...

Unlike Vali whose body is fully enveloped by armor, Irene only has her arms and legs partially covered in it.

Irene - Haaah... Then... Shall we?

Irene exhaled a hot sigh with a little bit of flame coming out from her mouth before she looks up to the already fully tensed up Vali.

Right before they start their fight, the whole recording on the stadium blacked out presumably because of the sheer pressure Irene emitted and what's going on inside the arena are unknown to the spectators...

While in truth, Irene is the one who shut down the camera feed.


There's only silent after the video feed has been cut off. The audiences are still frozen stiff after seeing Irene's display of power.

Sairaorg and the likes are also frozen stiffs.

Now they saw a glimpse of Irene's true strength looks like and they can only sigh bitterly at themselves thinking there's indeed a sky above the sky...

Azazel - ...Don't you think her gauntlets just now looks kind of similar with a certain <Sacred Gear> that we knew?

Azazel suddenly said.

After hearing his words, Sirzechs and the others are taken aback before they started recalling it... And indeed... The shape looks kind of similar now that they think about it.

Sirzechs - Indeed... But it's still only to the point of similarity... And it's not rare for such thing to occur, right?

They then started discussing it among themselves.

Sirzechs told his subordinates to investigate just what happened to the video feeds along with Azazel as well... While Yasaka and Sun Wukong who's nearby them look very carefree because they know the answer to everything already.

Shiva felt really ecstatic knowing that Irene holds such tremendous power. He thought that maybe she will give him the challenge he's looking for... Unbeknownst to him, Irene held greater power than he could think of, and that's not including Issei himself.


Irene started walking forward towards Vali with a slow but steady step, the way her boots heel clacking resounding in the arena make Vali heart beating erratically not in fear but in excitement because of how powerful she is.

Vali - Hah!

Vali decided to be the one who launches the attack first. He closed their distance in just an instant and finally managed to land a hit on Irene's... Or at least that's how it supposed to be but he only hit her after image.

Vali - After image?! Then where is-?!

Irene - Looking for someone?

Irene's voice resounded from Vali's back.

Vali got goosebumps all over before he hastily swiped a kick at his behind but once again, he only hit an after image.

Vali got frustrated because he can't seem to follow up her movements at all. He used an all-direction magic attack but to no avail yet again...

Irene suddenly grabbed Vali's leg with her tail and slammed him down to the ground. But Vali gets up back right away and proceeded to attack Irene again.

Vali tried to match up Irene speed but it's of no use... She's too fast for his eyes to follow... He can only use his battle instinct and play a guessing game where will she shows up next.

Even the spectators such as Bikou and the others can't see it... Not even a blur... It's like she suddenly appeared out of thin air much to their dismay...

Kuroka - Amazing right? That's her pure raw speed... She's so fast that she created an after images of herself and it's as if she's appeared out of thin air. And as for the individual that could match up to her speed... I can only count them with one hand at most...

Kuroka suddenly said when she saw their confused face.

Bikou - ...Okay, what the hell, Kuroka? You do know them, don't you?

Bikou said with annoyance because she keeps talking about Irene like she fully knows them well.

Arthur and Le fay also feel very suspicious of her.

Kuroka - Isn't it obvious nya~? We're fellow sisters after all.

Just when Bikou and co thought that she will evade their question once again, Kuroka admitted to his question with a grin and that made them all dumbfounded.

Kuroka then proceeded to show them her Dragon wings which made them become completely stupefied with their eyes went wide open. She also released her Dragon aura which manages to alarm even Vali who's currently focusing on fighting Irene.

Along with the reappearance of her wings, they can see that on her belly, she also possess the very same <Mark> which Irene and her team members have.

Kuroka - Gurigura-chan~!

Kuroka then flew over to Gurigura and the other girls' location leaving Bikou and co who's frozen stiff because of her sudden revelation.

Gurigura who saw Kuroka calling her waved back at her.

Gurigura - Kuroka-nee!

Kuroka glomped at Gurigura who hugged her back. Then Kuroka proceeded to rub her cheeks with Gurigura's.

Gurigura - Eheheh, it's ticklish, Kuroka-nee.

Gurigura giggled. Black meets Black and they look like a true sister with how similar looking they are.

Ramius - Mu? Is it fine for her to disclose her true identity?

Ramius mused while seeing Kuroka who's currently mofu-mofuing Gurigura.

Kathryn - Meh, it's fine... The video feeds have been cut off anyway because of Irene-nee.

Kathryn lazily replied.

Vali - ...Kuroka? What?

Vali is just as confused like his teammates.

Irene - Don't you think it's rude to ignore your opponent, boy?

Vali - !?

When Vali is distracted by Kuroka, Irene said those words from behind him which snapped him out of his thought.

He was going to refocus his attention towards Irene once again but it is too late.

Before he could fully turn his body around to face Irene direction, she grabbed him by his head and slammed it down towards the ground.


Vali - Guh!

Thankfully Irene doesn't aim for Vali's life or that attack of hers just now might just pulverize his head like a splattered watermelon. But it still cracked open his helmet and Vali entire head are out in the open.

She then brought her other fist down towards Vali face... There's nothing included in that punch of hers, just pure raw physical power.


There's a loud explosion and the whole area near them are enveloped by a cloud of smoke.

Bikou's party - VALI!?/VALI-SAN!?

They are snapped out of their thoughts when they saw Vali has been brought down by Irene to the ground and what they saw made them shocked fearing Vali's life has been forfeited by that punch of Irene just now...

When the area cleared up, they could see that Vali is totally fine but the ground beneath him and Irene have become a giant crater...

Irene - You do realize if this was a life and death battle then you should be dead by now, right?

Irene smirked amusingly at the dumbfounded Vali below her.

Irene - Now get up... It's about time we conclude our battle and besides... You can't keep up your current form for an extended period of time, right?

Bikou and the others sighed in relief knowing that Vali is still fine.

Vali - ...Haah, I know...

Vali exhaled bitterly because of what Irene just said is the truth. Sure he could keep this form up for another few minutes but it will cost him his life force and stamina...

He felt indignant knowing that he still hasn't unleashed his strongest attack though...

Irene - Heh, seeing your bitter face I know what you're just thinking about... Fine, give me your best shot. Use your <Satan Lucifer Smasher> on me.

Vali eyes went wide knowing that she even know about his strongest attack name but soon he accepted her offer...


And as expected, it doesn't work... Well, he managed to scratch Irene a little but that's about it...

Irene - Don't look so down. You're the first one in a while being able to land a hit on me and deal some damage. It's already healed though... Heheh, as expected of the strongest White Dragon Emperor in history... And Albion... I know you already remembered just who I am, are you still planning to feign ignorance?

Irene compliments Vali a little before she glared at Albion that resides within Vali that becomes quiet for some time now.

Albion - ...Long time no see... Ddraig's mate...

Albion muttered in a low and even a bit bashful voice...? Vali is confused because of how timid Albion being right now.

He recognized Irene when she unleashed her dragon aura and that manages to jolt Albion memories from the past.

Vali and co - Ddraig's mate?!

Vali and his team shouted in unison after hearing Albion words.

Irene's eyebrows twitched after hearing Albion words. This stupid dragon still thought that she's really Ddraig's "Mate" until now... She really wanted to beat the crap out of him.

It's not Albion's fault though considering she's the one who tricked him back then... But women are quite well-known for their unreasonableness...

Jalter and Kuroka covered their mouths holding back their laughter, the other girls are also not having it better.

Irene - ...If any of you dare to laugh then I will confiscate your private time alone with Issei for a month!

Irene growled at them seeing that they're about to laugh out loud. And her threat works like a charm... Jalter and the other girls instantly went into poker face mode.

Taking their private lovey-dovey time alone with Ise? And a month at that? No thanks...

Vali and his teammate don't miss her words though...

Vali and co - ...Issei?

They muttered in confusion. Why does Issei name is mentioned by Irene?

Irene - Haah... I think it's about time I tell all of you... The thing is...

Irene grumbled in annoyance because she needs to explain the reason why Albion called her "Ddraig's" mate...


When Irene's finished explaining, Vali and his party mouths become wide open... They are completely dumbfounded after hearing her story.

Vali for one started questioning his life as the <Hakuryuuko>... What the hell... Their whole rivalry is apparently because of a love "triangle"? And not because of some epic rivalry or anything?

Albion - ...

Even Albion has nothing to say after hearing it. He honestly doesn't know how to feel after knowing his rival is just a made up individual and his actual greatest rival is his first crush?

But he has to say that he truly knows how to choose a woman... Although, that woman didn't become his mate in the end...

Bikou was about to laugh but when he saw Irene glare he immediately stopped himself and hurriedly change the topic.

Bikou - S-So your husband is that Issei Hyoudou?! The Oppai loving Drago-!


Bikou never got to finish his words because he got smacked by Irene in the head and he got teleported out of the arena just like that...

Everyone who saw him suddenly appeared outside the arena are confused. How come he's the one to come out first while being knocked out cold?

Vali and Albion thought that he is sure are stupid... Even Arthur thought the same thing...

Le Fay started looking at Irene and the other girls including Kuroka with an envious look... She's envious of them for being able to become Issei's wives. She has a crush on Issei for quite some time after all.

Kuroka who saw her gaze grinned at her.

Kuroka - What's wrong Le Fay-nya~? You're feeling jealous of us?

Le Fay - Hoe?! N-N-N-N-No...

Le Fay waved her hands erratically and tried to deny her words for being exposed by Kuroka in front of the other girls. But even she could tell that she's not being very convincing right now...

Kuroka - Really nya~?

Le Fay face turned completely red with tears brimming in her eyes threatening to burst free being teased by Kuroka. But before long she looks down while her head nodding slightly proving that she's indeed feeling jealous of them.

Kuroka - Nyahahaha~ Don't worry, I'm quite sure Ise would love to make you as his next bride~

Le Fay - R-Really?!

Le Fay instantly looked up at Kuroka with a bright face only to found that the latter still has the teasing grin on her face.

Le Fay finally can't take it anymore being teased by Kuroka and hid behind her elder brother.

Croix - Maa~ She's really a shy one, isn't she?

Croix smilingly looks at Le Fay who's currently hiding behind Arthur.

Jalter - Tsk, looking at both of them kind of put me in a bad mood because of similar they are with that detestable woman...

Jalter snorted while looking at both Arthur and Le Fay which made them flinch a little thinking that she hates them. It especially affects Le Fay because Jalter is one of Issei's wives... If she hates her then...

Jeanne - Please don't take her words to heart both of you... She's just having a temper tantrum because both of you looks kind of similar to one of her friends back home.

Jeanne placated both of their feelings with an apologetic smile.

Jalter - Who's having a temper tantrum?! And what friend are you talking about?! That detestable woman is not my friend!

Jalter snarled at Jeanne who only smiled gently at her which annoys her even more.

Jeanne - The woman we're talking about is both of your supposed Ancestor...? Well, maybe not since she's from a different world from both of you. Although... She might be a little different compared to the history that you knew...

Jeanne smiled wryly at Arthur and Le Fay who looks taken aback by Jeanne's words.

Their Ancestor? The Arthur Pendragon? Isn't "she" is supposed to be a man? Then what's up with the "She" suffix?

Irene - Anyway, let's just end this match already...

Irene said tiredly.

And with that, the fight between Vali and Irene's team are concluded and the next fight will be the final of the rating game...


When Irene and Vali team teleported out of the arena once more. The spectators are looking at Irene with a completely awe-struck look.

Irene already reverted back to her human form and she also wore back her witch hat once again.

The spectators applauded at her. They don't find it weird that Irene came out as the final winner and even though they are lamenting at the fact that they couldn't see their fight they don't dare to complain about it.

Just from the brief recording beforehand, they already knew that Irene is many times stronger than Vali so it's totally understandable that Vali loses against her. It's not that Vali is too weak but it's just that Irene is just on a whole another level.

Now they understand that if she were to directly participate in the rating game then the whole rating game will have no more meaning to it.

But they're confused about Rias Gremory team. So far they still haven't fought a decent opponent at all. They don't know whether to call them cheating or just pure luck at this point... Or maybe they are just that strong as well? And maybe their team could give Irene's team a good fight?

If that's true then that would be something to look forward to.

Azazel announced that there will be a quick break before the final.

Vali and his team now gaze at Rias and her peerage members with a different look. Their gazes are cold and full of despise.

Even Le Fay frowned deeply while looking at them but she can't keep up looking at them for long because she's being teased by Kuroka yet again which made her face turned red from shyness.

Kuroka keeps telling her that if she were to see the current Issei then she will have her heart stolen all over again, she guarantees it. Le Fay is getting even more curious and full of anticipation to see Issei once more after that.


-At the space dimension near the rating game location-

Semiramis, Scathach, and Forzelotte are gazing at Rias's team with gazes full of killing intent. They are on top of a majestic prototype of the <Hanging Garden of Babylon> that is shaped like a massive warship. Its name is <Ryuuteimaru>.

Yes, this ship is the familiar of Issei but it's only able to materialize after undergoing a process of evolution which is his current form, that's why back in the world of Eve Issei couldn't use it. <Ryuuteimaru> has grown into an enormous flying ship adorned with the design of a dragon.

It wanted to copy the Babylon design but since their level is too different apart it can only become a warship in the end.

The one controlling <Ryuuteimaru> is a heroic spirit that goes by the name of Francis Drake. She is a female pirate captain with long wavy crimson pink hair, blue eyes, and a scar across her face. She wears brown choker collar almost attach to her dark pink captain vest that shows her bountiful chest, as for her bottom she wears white pants and long dark brown boots.


It's quite small compared to the original Babylon but it's still big enough to hold hundreds of passengers. It didn't really need a person to maneuver it but it will be better if there's someone took control of it.

Behind them, there is Rakia, Ekate, Paniverna, Ultinia, Marialis and also a group of Angels, Devils, Demonkin, and Heroic Spirits alike.

There's also some Overlord such as Shuten-Douji, Ibaraki-Douji, Minamoto no Raikou, etc along with their respective subordinates behind them.

The former group is asked by Issei to "Assist" Irene while the latter group is just a bunch of tagalong.

Semiramis - Hmm... Now that I see them at first hand, I can barely contain my rage... I would kill them outright but I know that they will have it easy that way...

Semiramis mumbled with a low voice with his gaze filled with rage.

Scathach - Fumu...

Scathach hummed in agreement with her red eyes glowing. She's holding <Gae Bolg> on her right hand as if she's about to throw the spear right at them at this instant.

Forzelotte - Hmph... I would devour their soul but it would just make me feel sick and I don't want to disgust Ise with it.

Forzelotte scowled with her aura went a little bit wild.

Rakia - Semiramis-sama, Scathach-sama, Forzelotte-sama. Ise-sama has left me a message... He said, "No matter what you decide to do, I will totally support it".

Rakia said with a slight bow from behind the three of them. Although her face is calm, she's also feeling anger from the sight of Rias and the other girls.

After hearing Rakia words, the three Goddesses gaze went soft right away knowing that their beloved husband completely got their back no matter what their decision will be.

Semiramis - Ufufufu... It seems that we can't hide it from him after all...

Semiramis said with a wry smile but her eyes held nothing but endless love and devotion for Issei. They were planning to go silently to assist Irene but they met up with Rakia and the others along the way.

Scathach - Well, considering how intelligent and observant he is, I doubt we could keep things hidden for long from him... He's my most prided disciple after all.

Scathach push her chest forward in pride.

Forzelotte - Umu... As to be expected from the King of Kings, the <Supreme Overlord>.

Forzelotte nodded calmly but she can't hide her smile when she's talking about Issei.

At the mention of Issei, all of them who are present of the <Ryuuteimaru> vicinity smiled in gratification and become went into a worshipful mode for having such wonderful King/Master.

Francis - Gahahahaha! That's Boss for you!

Francis laughed out loud totally uncaring about how unladylike she currently is. Well, she never really care about those kinds of stuff anyway. That's why in the history book she's described as a man rather than a woman because her crewmates never saw or depicted her as a woman.

According to a sailor who serves under her before, "Ergh, we cannot call ourselves men if we look the captain as a woman, or rather, it would be rude towards her".

She also never interested in romance and the like until she met Issei. The only man that could awaken her womanly side with just one glance... Other people often felt repulsed when they saw her scar or know her reputation but Issei genuinely sees her as a normal woman through and through without any strings attached.

From the rumors she overheard, he's supposed to become a total sex-beast when he's drunk... But as to date, she has yet to successfully trick Issei to have a drink with her and the other girls. Mainly because Jalter becomes overly protective against them all especially against her fellow Avenger/Alter Ego.

Francis Drake always believes things will come to an end no matter what they are and there is no exception for it... But recently, she found an exception... It's Issei himself.

She for some reason cannot see nor imagine the end of him... It's like he's an absolute existence ever existed...

Semiramis - Be that as it may... We've already promised Kuroka that we're not going take it too far against her little sister... Koneko, was it?

Semiramis wondered. She then gazes at Koneko who's currently looking very upset because Kuroka never meets or talk with her anymore ever since that day where she visited them at Hyoudou household.

And even during this tournament, all she does is only gazing at her with a disappointed gaze which makes Koneko become upset even further.

Forzelotte - Ise himself promised Kuroka... The word of a King is gold.

Forzelotte reminded them all.

Scathach - Hmm... But we still need to punish her regardless.

Semiramis - Don't worry about that... I'm pretty sure Irene and the other girls will properly punish them all. Now get ready all of you... It's about time...

Hearing her call, all of them started preparing.

The sheer line up for the so-called "backup" is overwhelmingly imposing that no matter who saw them now will think that they're about to go to war instead of just a plain backup...


During the break time, Sirzechs was about to beg Irene to take it easy on Rias team but he's met with a threatening glare by Jalter which halted his advance towards their location.

Azazel and Michael could only sigh bitterly at that because they know there's nothing they could do to change their mind. Well, they suppose this is it... If things go too far they're not sure if they should assist Sirzechs or not...

They mean... Did you see Irene display of power just now? They're pretty sure that her true power is perhaps on par with Great Red itself.

If there are Ophis and Lilith here with them then they might still have a chance since both of them saw Rias and co as their friends, right? But alas... They're not here...

Serafall went towards Irene location or to be more specific towards Croix location.

Serafall - Ne ne, why did you all seem so hostile towards Rias-chan and her teammates?

Serafall asked innocently even though she herself kind of feeling disappointed towards the latter group because of how they basically abandoned Issei to his own luck before.

Croix - Umm... It's a secret~?

Croix tiled her head acting clueless. But Serafall notices how her tone held a bit of anger when she's talking about Rias's team.

Serafall stopped talking about Rias and talked about them instead. But they mainly talk about Croix and the other girls' husband.

Only when it comes to their husband that they all seem very enthusiastic. Even the usually scowling Jalter smiled thinly in a longing manner. She really can't wait to meet up with her beloved master once again... Even though it's only been a few hours ever since she left his side...

This makes Serafall and the others such as Gabriel increasingly more curious just who is this husband of theirs for being able to make this array of amazing women to love him with all their heart. He must be quite an amazing individual.

Gabriel and Grayfia joined in to listen to their conversation not too long ago.

Rias's team is preparing for their last match so they excuse themselves before this to formulate a strategy.

Their strategy is quite simple... They will aim at one of them that seems the weakest of them all and if they are able to defeat her then they would instantly gain victory.

Since they have a greater number than them then they would split the team to hold back each one of them while the assault team headed towards their designated target. In this case, they are aiming for Yunyun because she seems to be the weakest of them all.

But unbeknownst to them... They won't even have a chance to execute their "Perfect" plan...

When it's time to start the final match, Irene seems to be looking at a thin air above her with a knowing grin on her face.

Irene - Fufufu, I see... Let's go girls... It is time.

Hearing her words the girls instantly prepped themselves up and teleported themselves to the arena to meet with their target...

Sirzechs for one had a very bitter and frustrated face. He even prayed to God hoping Rias's team will be fine... Which earned him a massive headache since he's the Maou after all...


When both teams arrived at the arena, Rias and her team doesn't pay any respect towards Irene and her team and was about to execute their plan right away. But they stopped in their track in the very next moment because of the intense bloodlust Jalter emitting right now.

Jalter - Ehehehehe... Ahahahahaha! I've been waiting for this for a long time!

With a bloodthirsty grin on her face, Jalter maniacally laugh. Her aura went wild with glee...

Irene and the others are also emitted their respective bloodlust towards Rias's team.

Rias and her whole team started shivering greatly while also sweating profusely because they've remembered that they've sensed this bloodlust before.

Their mind may have not remembered it but their bodies do. It's an instilled fear they gained back then. Their whole mind, body, and even instinct are telling them to run but they can't even move right now...

Only Kiba and Gasper are confused as for why their teammates suddenly stopped moving with their teeth clattering and Little Hijama even pissed himself from the get-go.

But they also can't move from their spot feeling the intense pressure Irene's party emitting right now.

Even Azazel screamed at Sirzechs with an urgent voice.

Azazel - Damn! Sirzechs! They are the possessor of those bloodlusts from back then!

Even without Azazel telling him, Sirzechs has already started to move.

Sirzechs - Cancel the match immediately!

He screamed at his subordinate and even at Tiamat who's serving as the judge of the rating game.

Subordinate - W-We can't Sirzechs-sama! We can't recall Rias-sama and her team for some reason! Something is preventing us from doing so!

Tiamat - The same goes on my side! Something is interfering with the system!

Tiamat shouted back in a dire voice. She and the other gatekeeper are trying everything they can to teleport Rias and her team back here.

Everyone in the stadium become restless. The match turned from an anticipated match into a nightmare straight away without anyone knowledge except for the selective few...

Vali - Give it up, Sirzechs Lucifer... Your sister and her team will meet her judgment soon.

Vali said calmly from the side with his hand crossed in front of him.

Azazel - Vali, What do you mean by that?

Azazel asked Vali who seems very calm with all of this commotion that's currently happening.

Sirzechs - Vali... If you have anything to do with this whole incident then-

Sirzechs was about to say something towards Vali but the latter beat him to it.

Vali - Hmph! You of all people should know just what they fault are.

Vali scoffed at Sirzechs with a mocking face.

After Sirzechs and Azazel heard his words they stopped in their tracks right away and started recalling Rias's peerage blunder...

Shiva - Heheheh...

Shiva only laughed slightly seeing the whole predicament. This ought to be a good show he thought to himself.

The parents' party started bombarding Sirzechs and Azazel with questions of what did Vali meant by that. But they cannot say it out loud in public, obviously... With thousands and thousands of eyes out here in the open, it would be catastrophic if it were to be known...

Vali - You haven't told them yet? No matter, it's all will be revealed soon enough.

Vali said once again.

Sirzechs and the others are still a bit confused by what Vali meant by that. They know Rias's fault but what do Irene and her team got to do with all that?

When Sirzechs was about to ask Vali once more about it. They all heard a scream from the arena...


It is the voice of Rias and Akeno...

Jalter can be seen grabbing Rias and Akeno together directly on their head.

She appeared to have slammed both of them down to the ground with a massive force until the ground beneath them burst open and created a miniature crater. Thankfully both of them are Devils so their head doesn't explode right away because of that.

But their head still bleeds a little from the impact just now.

Jalter made sure to savor her time with them so she didn't use her full power on her smash just now.

And there's another addition appeared on the arena without any of them noticing it. It's Ravel who was on the backup seat on Rias's team side... She appears to be distressed but from the looks of it, there's no immediate harm has been done to her, unlike Rias and Akeno.

Sirzechs's party - Rias!!!/Akeno!!!/Ravel!!!

Only after this happen that Kiba and the others broke free from their fear and tried to help them.

But before any of them could launch their own respective attack, there's suddenly someone appeared in front and each one of them.

Reiji and the others are the only exceptions of all this because they all are still frozen stiff from fear. They have never faced with a life and death battle situation after all...

In front of Koneko, there's Gurigura.

Xenovia is confronted by Millet.

Irina by Jeanne and Natal.

Kiba by Ramius and Riche.

Asia by Yunyun and Wiz.

Ravel is currently being stepped on by Kathryn feet which is imbued by <Haki> so she can't move in the slightest.

It's unknown when, but Gasper is already in Croix's front being held by her, Croix put both of her hands on his shoulder. Unlike Ravel, he's being held in a gentle yet firm manner by Croix.

Gasper started panicking after being held by Croix and was about to use his <Sacred Gear> only to hear the voice of Croix from behind him.

Croix - There there~ Don't struggle too much~. Just stay with big sister for now, okay?

She said with a gentle smile which is a total contrast compared to his other teammates' situation.

Gasper blushed feeling something very soft behind his head. His whole head is almost enveloped by Croix massive bust.

Gasper knows that this is not the time for this but for some reason he can't muster any power at all to use his <Sacred Gear>. So he can only watch his teammates in dire strait helplessly in Croix's grasp.

His magic power has been sealed by Croix that's why... Being a Half-Vampire and Devil at the same time doesn't really help his situation in any way...

Croix - Ufufufu, so your name is Gasper-chan? Maa~ you're indeed a cutie for a boy just like otouto-kun said~

Croix started giggling at Gasper who's confused by who she meant by otouto-kun.

Croix - Ah! You don't know the otouto-kun I'm talking about, don't you? It's your senpai, Gasper-kun~. He's Ise-senpai~

Croix said with a smiling face. Gasper who heard her words become frozen stiff and his eyes went wide after hearing her words.

Gasper - ...Y-Y-You know Issei-senpai?

Gasper asked Croix in a timid and low yet hopeful voice.

Croix - Hm~? Of course I do~, I'm one of his wives after all~

Croix said with a blissful smile.

Gasper becomes further taken aback with confusion and shock.

Croix doesn't say anything else after that.

Croix - Hehehe, judging by your face, you seem like you don't believe me? Just you wait... It will all become clear soon enough~

After that, Croix doesn't say anything else and the same for Gasper... They are on the sideline when all of the "battle" is happening.

Kathryn only looks on all of this happening while one of her feet is on top of Ravel's head preventing her from moving in the slightest. Ravel tried to use her flame towards Kathryn but the latter kicked her on the stomach before she has the chance to do so and proceeded to put her feet on her head once again.

Not like the flame would hurt her in any way but it annoys Kathryn if she struggles too much.

Irene is also standing nearby them with a mocking grin on her face. She pointed her finger towards Ravel and that sealed her every sense of hearing, taste, sight, etc which frightened Ravel a lot.

It's like she's alone in the darkness right now without being able to see, taste, touch, hearing, nor smell anything... She can't even scream... Before long there's an excruciating pain assaulting her and she doesn't know what happened but she still can't scream...

Irene put her in an illusion of being in constant pain. Ravel's body started squirming in pain but she can't say anything at all other than to endure the pain...

Wiz already prisoned Reiji's group in an Ice coffin with only their heads out in the open. They all are still out of it with their faces overcome by fear. Their teeth started clattering not only because of fear but also because of the cold.

Wiz is currently standing in front of Asia who's also shivering in fear. Right next to Wiz, there's Yunyun whose crimson eyes are glowing brightly.

Yunyun doesn't say anything and the same goes for Wiz. They are only gazing at Asia with an angry gaze.

Wiz is the first to move.

Wiz - ...<Cursed Abyssal Prison>.

She extended her hand and clutched her hand. In the next moment, there's a dark magic circle appeared under Asia and then there are a bunch of skeletal hands made their ways towards Asia.

Asia screamed in fear seeing so many skeletal hands appeared below her trying to get their hands on her.

Asia - K-Kyaaaaa!!!

Those skeletal hands grab ahold of her feet, thighs, stomach, chest, arms, and finally, her head... Just being touched by those skeletal hands made Asia felt terrorized and paralyzed in fear. Their grabs are so bone-crushingly hard that if it weren't for her physic as a devil, she would've already been turned into a meat patty by now...

She turned her head to the side slightly looking slightly hopeful at her boyfriend condition but the latter doesn't even glance a tiny bit at her direction. He even closed his eyes in fear while mumbling something incoherently in fear...

The last bit of hope in Asia's eyes dimmed after seeing that...

Asia - ...A-A-Aaaa... It hurts... H-Help me... Ise-san...

And with her last words, Asia is dragged down to the abyss by the skeletal hands... She will forever be prisoned there unless Wiz let her out...

Both Yunyun and Wiz scowled at her when Asia mentioned Issei's name... They both thought only at this moment that you remember him?! Only when you needed him the most?! And what about when he needed you all the most?! Were you there for him?! The answer is a big fat NO!

They screamed out loud inside their mind with anger... It took them quite a while before they regained their calm once again albeit only a little.

They then changed their attention to the other girls...

Kyou and Kinou who's nearby them nodded with approvement because they could enact proper punishment even though both Wiz and Yunyun quite timid compared to the other girls.


Koneko is confronted by Gurigura so they're on a standoff. But unlike Koneko who's very tense, Gurigura appears to be more relaxed. Although, she's glaring hatefully at Koneko right now.

Koneko could hear Asia scream but there's nothing that she could do since Gurigura is standing in front of her.

Gurigura - ...Do you know what I hate the most?

Gurigura suddenly spoke which makes Koneko taken aback.

Gurigura - I hate liars the most... I've been tricked by someone I trusted before... But "He" brought me back from the despair I felt when I found out about the lies I've been fed up with...

Gurigura continued on saying things while she reminiscing her past before she met Issei.

Koneko is confused about why she's telling her all this. What's this got to do with her?

Gurigura - If it weren't for the promise we made to Kuroka-nee then you would probably already in a more dangerous situation you know? You should be thankful for having an elder sister like her... So...

Koneko was dumbfounded hearing Kuroka name from Gurigura's mouth and suddenly Gurigura disappeared from her previous spot.

Gurigura - ...I need you to stay down for now.

Gurigura voice resounded from behind Koneko. And before Koneko could react to it, she felt a powerful impact from her back which launched her body towards the wall.


Koneko body embedded to the wall because of the sheer impact Gurigura deliver to her and she passes out just like that.

Gurigura - Hmph... How weak... Even the old Kuroka-nee is more powerful than you.

Gurigura speed is already extremely fast but combined with her ability to assimilate into the shadows made her even more dangerous altogether. What she just did was teleporting herself into Koneko shadow and appeared from it.

This ability of hers is called <Shadow Walk>.

Gurigura then snorted at Koneko before pulling her body out of the wall and walk towards Irene location.


On Xenovia side.

She already has her Ex-Durandal out in the open while Millet only stands in front of her with both of her hands on her back which is her usual stance. It gives people a false sense of security thinking that she's unprepared while in reality, she could immediately launch an attack in just a split second.

Their standstill is broken when Xenovia saw what happened to Asia.

Xenovia - Asia!

Xenovia instantly dashed towards Asia direction wanting to help her but Millet is blocking her way.

Xenovia - Get out of my way!

She slashed down with all of her power at Millet who's standing in front of her.

Millet doesn't have any reaction at all seeing the incoming greatsword that's coming her way and still standing straight in her spot... But when it's about to reach her, she calmly extended her hand towards the sword trajectory.

If it were any other individual then this would be a dumb and fatal move but not for Millet.


The sound of contact between Durandal and Millet hand is like the sound of two metal clashing instead of a sword coming into contact into a seemingly delicate hand of a woman.

Xenovia - What?!

Xenovia eyes went wide seeing this... She's feeling disbelief because even Cao Cao or even Vali for that matter wouldn't dare to block her sword with their bare hands.

Xenovia tried to pry off Durandal from Millet's hand but it doesn't move in the slightest.

Millet - Hmm... So this is the Ex-Durandal I've heard about... It's nothing much... The sword my lord gifted to me is far more superior than this.

Millet calmly assesses the Durandal.

And with that said, Millet's summoned a unique looking sword from her space storage. It is a sword named <Chaosbane> which is the old <Ascalon> that Issei recast and rebuild with the help of the Goddess Hephaestus herself.

Unlike the old Ascalon which contain pure <Holy> element and mainly used for Dragon Slaying, it is now imbued with Issei very own <Chaos> element and aura or divinity.

The sword color is also not white and gold like before. It's instead a combination of black and crimson. Its handle which was colored gold is now colored crimson while its blade is colored raven black.

The <Chaos> element enabled this sword to destroy anything in its path while Issei aura or divinity made this sword unable to be used by anyone else and it also cannot hurt anyone who possesses Issei divinity inside them. In this case, Issei's wives.

The sword still retains its <Holy> element but it has been toned down because of the <Chaos> element inside it. But both elements managed to coexist together with the assistance of Issei's divinity.

This sword is also probably the only sword in existence which could resist the <Chaos> element even from Nyarlathotep itself. Hence the name <Chaosbane>.

Xenovia is surprised after seeing <Chaosbane> because it looks really similar to the sword she recognized... The same goes for Michael and the others.

Millet - Isn't it beautiful? My lord made this sword just for me... This sword name is <Chaosbane>.

Millet gazed at <Chaosbane> with a captivated and loving look which is a total contrast compared to her usually stern face.

Millet - Now then...

Millet's face reverted back to her cold look before she changed her attention from <Chaosbane> to <Ex-Durandal>. She then swung <Chaosbane> down towards it.


And with just one swing, Durandal break... It has been split in half right at the center of its blade.

Before long that 2 blade fragments also turned into dust and it is absorbed by <Chaosbane>... It is one of <Chaosbane> ability to absorb any kind of holy weapon or even cursed sword to make itself grow stronger.

After a few seconds, there's a small blue gem appeared on the <Chaosbane> handle. That blue gem is representing Ex-Durandal which it just absorbed.

Xenovia - A-Ah... Ahh... D-Durandal?

Xenovia who saw her trusted sword has been turned into dust entered into a state of total disbelief. She totally let her guard down because of her shocked state.

She's not the only one feeling disbelief because the onlookers' also can't believe at what just happened, especially the Angels and Church party... To think that the Holy sword has been destroyed just like that...

Millet - Pathetic... To think that you wanted to become "His" Knight only with these measly skills...

Millet spat in disgust before she proceeded to stab her sword towards Xenovia who are still dazed because of the loss of Durandal.


Xenovia - ...Eh?

Millet stabbed her sword right into Xenovia chest but there is no blood coming out from her stab location...

Xenovia - ...!? AAAAHHHHHH!!!

But before long, she's assaulted by an extreme pain while also feeling her power is being rapidly drained out of her...

Millet - Rejoice... You're the first to experience another ability of Chaosbane, <Abolish>.

Millet smiled evilly at Xenovia.

Millet - You almost claimed "His" life because of your betrayal... Now... I claim everything you have... Whether it be your sword or your strength... They are no more.

Xenovia then collapsed to the floor and fainted dead away after hearing Millet words... Only then Millet pulled out <Chaosbane> from Xenovia's chest and stored it back to her space storage... She snorted at Xenovia one last time and then dragged Xenovia unconscious body like a rag doll towards Irene location.

All of Xenovia power and abilities have been abolished from her... She won't be able to use any ability she previously possesses... You could say that she has been turned into a toddler in terms of capabilities.


Irina is confronted by Jeanne and Natal.

She's already started sweating profusely and in panic after seeing most of her friends have been done for.

Natal crossed both of her hands in front of her while Jeanne is holding her flag.

Natal gaze is full of despising and disgust while Jeanne only has this calm look on her face.

Irina - ...Why are you all doing this?! And you are supposed to be the lord Saint before right? Then how could you be so cruel?!

Irina shouted at Jeanne.

Jeanne - ...I could ask you the same question...

Jeanne mumbled in a low voice, but Irina couldn't hear it.

Irina - What?

Irina asked because she couldn't hear Jeanne's words just now.

Jeanne - ...In life, I was no saint.

Jeanne started speaking.

Jeanne - I held the flag high for what I believed in... And as a result, I stained my hands with blood...

She looks down towards her hand.

Jeanne - Of course, I don't regret that. Nor do I regret the inquisition or my own death... But I shed too much blood... I believed in the dreams of a little country girl, but...

Jeanne closed her eyes remembering her olden days as a former follower of God.

Jeanne - At the time, I never imagined how high the price of that dream was... I never regretted it, but never did I feel fear. And that is my greatest sin... Only the outcome my actions made me called a saint by the others. I do not think it's the right words for a country girl like me... But then I met "Him".

She opened her eyes once again with a devoted and loving look on her face.

Jeanne - He showed me the truth about... The Lord's death... For once in my life, I felt fear... Fearing just who should I entrust my faith with if the Lord I have been serving all this time is already dead... But he showed me the light... The light which shines brighter than any light...

Jeanne smiled from the bottom of her heart while looking at the fluttering flag above her. Even Natal started nodding with a smile.

Jeanne - "With infinite hope and dreams, I shall become the protectors of my loved ones" he once said... "I shall promise you a future that shines brighter than any light"... And he kept his promise... He brings us all so much joy and bliss...

Jeanne then looks at Irina with a glare.

Jeanne - Now it's the time for me to fulfill my promise and duty as his faithful wife and servant... Prepare yourself.

Jeanne then aimed her flag towards Irina which immediately prepared herself just like Jeanne warned her.

But out of nowhere, there's suddenly a large body of water appeared below Irina and enveloped her entire body. Irina started making a gurgling sound because the water not only prevents her from breathing but also hurting her entire body.

It's like she's being squished by water pressure from the deepest part of the ocean. She can't do anything because some of the water turned into a rope and bind her arms and legs.

Jeanne - Natal-san...

Jeanne smiled wryly at Natal for stealing her advance.

Natal - Ara? Do forgive me, Jeanne... It's just that she's so full of opening that I can't stop myself.

Natal said with a mocking voice.

This whole situation continues until Irina was about to pass out from the lack of air.

Natal canceled her attack and Irina dropped to the ground and started coughing profusely.

Jeanne then walked forward towards Irina.

Jeanne - ...

She doesn't say anything before she took out her sword from its scabbard and stabbed it towards Irina's back.

Just like Millet did before, there's no blood coming out from the stab wound... But before long, Irina also started screaming as Xenovia did before.

If Xenovia lose all of her power, then Irina loses all of her <Holy> element that's currently residing inside her.

Jeanne - You are not fit to be an angel of God...

And with that, Irina white angel wings turned completely black... But she doesn't turn into a fallen angel... She turned into the <Accursed>...

<Accursed> one is neither an Angel nor a Fallen Angel.

The <Accursed> case is quite similar to a stray devil case. They won't turn into a monster though... But they will feel pain and despair from the illusion of phantom pain they're experiencing.

Irina angelhood ironically is the one who caused this pain because she doesn't possess a single speck of <Holy> element inside her. She also can't stop being an "Angel" or it will immediately claim her life.

While Michael and the others could stop her pain momentarily as long as they inject her with their own <Holy> element... Only Jeanne or Issei himself could revert back her current situation...

Just like a drug addict... They could momentarily stop the pain when they took the medicine, but it will start to hurt again when they stopped taking the drugs...

Then Irina passes out just like her other friends... Jeanne put her sword back into its scabbard while Natal dragged Irina's unconscious body towards Irene location just like Millet did...

Natal - Hmhmhm~, I wonder if darling would reward us when we're done here?

Natal hummed merrily along the way while Jeanne could only smile wryly at her while also thinking the same thing.


Kiba gritted his teeth in frustration and anger...

Anger towards himself for being so weak and his inability to protect them. He's been attacking Ramius and Riche all this time but it's no use because Ramius could calmly take on all of his attack head on quite easily.

While Riche would just teleport away from her previous location so attacking her is just a waste of time.

He already used his Glory Drag Trooper and used one of them trying to trick Ramius and Riche but it's no use because he's easily spotted by them because of their <Observation Haki>.

He also tried every piece of swords in his possession to attack them but to no avail...

Ramius - Just stay put. We won't do anything towards you... But if you were to force our hands then we would have no choice to take you down as well.

Ramius calmly said towards Kiba.

Kiba - ...Why... Why did you all do this?!

Kiba shouted at Ramius and Riche in anger.

Ramius - ...It will all be clear soon enough.

Ramius responded towards Kiba shout with the same calm tone.

Kiba gritted his teeth before he launches himself towards Ramius once more. But this time he uses his <Dragon Knights of the Holy Priest> and only feints an attack towards them while his true objective is to get to his friends such as Rias and Akeno.

<Dragon Knights of the Holy Priest> is a technique in which Yuuto transforms his Dragon Knights into armor pieces with aura propellers for his torso and legs. When in use, it drastically enhances Yuuto's speed to the point that even Issei in his Pseudo-Dragon Deification had a hard time perceiving it.

Of course, that only applies to the old Issei...

Just when Kiba thought that he succeeded tricking Ramius and Riche... Ramius suddenly appeared right in front of him with the assistance of Riche teleportation magic.

Kiba - Guh!?

He did manage to take a few steps away from them though...

Ramius - So this is your answer? Then you leave me with no choice... Riche.

Riche - On it.

Ramius said with a rhetorical question before she signaled Riche and then the latter uses her Gravity magic on Kiba to slow him down and that gave Ramius the perfect chance to land a solid blow at him.


Kiba - Gaha!

Kiba got hit by Ramius squarely on his solar plexus just like Loup Garou did before.

Ramius - As a fellow Knight, I respect your spirit for trying to protect your friends... But I can't have you running around while my sisters enact their punishment towards them, forgive me.

And with that, Kiba also got knocked out for the count. Ramius calmly caught his body with her hand. She put Kiba unconscious body on her shoulder.

Then both Ramius and Riche headed towards Irene location as well...


Jalter - Hehehe... Do you know just how long I've been waiting for this day?

Jalter proceeded to lift both Rias and Akeno to the air effortlessly. Her glowing eyes instill fear to Rias, Akeno and the onlookers' alike... They can't imagine that the supposed Holy Saintess Jeanne D Arc will have this side of her.

Both of them tried to pry open Jalter hand from their head but to no avail. Rias and Akeno then tried to use their magic to attack Jalter but before they're able to do so, Jalter immediately summoned a pitch black flame which burned their whole body.

Oddly enough, those flames didn't burn them at all... At least on the outside...

Rias and Akeno - Aaaaahhhh!!!

Jalter - Does it hurt? This flame is not a normal flame... This is a flame from the very depth of hell itself! It doesn't burn your body but it burns your soul directly! Ahahahahaha!

Jalter laughed maniacally once more. Her braided platinum blonde hair has been undone and flowing freely behind her back which made her look even more beautiful and mesmerizing if it weren't for her current situation then the onlookers' would definitely become head over heels at her...

Rias and Akeno started flailing even harder because of the sheer pain they're feeling right now. They've never felt this kind of pain before in their entire life.

They started screaming loudly in pain and they cannot muster a tiny bit of energy to use their magic... Not that it matters because even if they used their whole power to attack Jalter, it won't even scratch her.

Outside the arena, Sirzechs and the others couldn't take it anymore seeing Rias and her peerages being tortured like this.

Sirzechs - Azazel! Michael! Odin! Everyone! Please help me to break the seal on the arena!

Sirzechs screamed at them to which they agreed to.

But before they could take another step towards the Arena location, there's suddenly a massive pressure and aura descending on the whole stadium which made all of them have massive goosebumps.

??? - I would suggest you don't take another step.

There's a melodic and calm yet threatening voice came from the void.

Sirzechs, Azazel, Michael, Odin, Vali, etc. looked up towards the voice source only to see a massive warship appeared from the void crack.

All of their eyes went wide because they kind of recognized that ship even though it looks completely different compared to the old version of it but they can still see the similarity here and there... It is <Ryuuteimaru> which belonged to someone they knew very well... And the ship flag is the logo which is very well-known in the whole world... The <ECH> logo.

And from that ship, there are hundreds of Angels and Devils pouring out from it and they all instantly encircled Sirzechs and co on the spot.

Sirzechs, Azazel, and Michael are completely dumbfounded after seeing so many Angels, "Fallen Angels", and Devil appearing out of nowhere.

Those "Fallen Angels" are obviously not a true fallen angel. Rather, it's an angel that possesses the <Darkness> element.

After that, it's the Overlords and the others who jumped down and take their positions.

When all of them have taken their position such as Raikou who's aiming her bow towards them or the grinning Ibaraki-Douji that's preparing to launch herself waiting for the signal, Shuten-Douji who's hiding on the shadow along with the others ready to give a fatal strike in an instant, Francis Drake who already aimed her guns towards them, Miyamoto Musashi who already put her hand on her katana ready to draw it at any given moment, etc...

And in no time, they all have been surrounded from all direction... Arrays upon arrays of powerful individuals stand in their way towards the arena... The sheer aura and pressure they are emitting are enough to give Sirzechs's group a massive trepidation... They know that if they all were to attack them right now... They all will be dead in the next second without the chance to fight back in the slightest...

And only then, they saw the owner of the voice they heard just now...

They saw three peerless beautiful women walking towards their direction.

The first one wears a gorgeous black dress that highlights her beauty even more. She has a long beautiful dark brown hair flowing freely behind her back. Her most unique features are her elongated ears which resemble the Elf race. But all of them knows that she's not an elf.


The second one has a wavy long dark purple hair and she's also wearing an elegant white and purple dress. Her unique features are the two pair of horns that are located on the top and at the side of her head and also a mark that resembles the word "Queen/Empress" on her left cheek.

(AN: /uploads/chars/5688-1546854759.jpg).

While the third and last one has long purple hair and red eyes. She wears a black colored full-body outfit that highlights her curvaceous body, with metallic shoulder pads. She also wears a black veil over her head and short cloak over her shoulders, connected by the same shoulder pads.

While she has no special features like the previous two as in she's the one who resembles normal human the most. She can be seen carrying a unique two crimson spears on both of her hands.


Also, she's the one feared the most by the Gods faction because of her title the Undefeated <God Slayer>. Even Shiva body turned tense after seeing her.

They are of course Semiramis, Forzelotte, and Scathach party.

Sirzechs doesn't recognize them all but Azazel recognizes some of them... Such as Scathach herself.

Hades who's standing the foremost back from Odin position also recognized Semiramis. His body started shivering in fear after seeing her here... It's been quite a long time since the last time he met her.

You could say that she's his boss, a low-class Death God like him is nothing in front of the True Death God such as Semiramis...

Azazel and the others gulped audibly after seeing this overwhelming lineup. But one thing they had in common is that they all possess the well-known Crimson Mark as in the <ECH> mark either on their clothes, pendant, weapon, etc.

And that could only mean one thing... They all are from the <ECH> company...

But what took them to become surprised even further is how Kuroka, Yasaka, and Sun Wukong group suddenly stands beside all of them.

Kuroka showed her Dragon wings along with her <Mark>, Yasaka whose clothes started changing right in front of them along with the appearance of the <ECH> logo brand and her aura of divinity has also been unleashed...

Semiramis - Nice to meet all of you... It's quite a nice day, isn't it?

Semiramis said with a sarcastic smile.

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