The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 90:

Chapter 90:

Semiramis smirked at Sirzechs's Group before she changed her attention towards the arena.

Semiramis - Hmm, they've done quite a splendid job, haven't they?

Scathach - Fumu, so far so good in my opinion.

Forzelotte - Hmph... I kind of wanted to just kill them on the spot and be done with it. But it will be to easy for them.

Hearing Forzelotte's word, Sirzechs group tension went higher.

Sirzechs - Excuse me...

Sirzechs steeled himself and decided to ask Irene despite the hostility that is being aimed at them.

Sirzechs - Can you tell us the reason why you all seem so hostile towards my little sister and her peerages? If they did something wrong towards any of you then please tell us and perhaps we could negotiate about it.

He said with sweat streaming down his face.

Sirzechs kind of already had a premonition about the reason for their hostility but he's trying to keep denying it inside his heart.

Semiramis - Hoo~? Negotiation, was it? Hmm... Very well, we'll negotiate soon enough... Shuten-Douji, Ushiwakamaru, Katou Danzou, Mochizuki Chiyome, X Alter, Okita Souji Alter, Yu Miaoyi, Assassins... You all can back away for now... I'm sure that they won't do anything reckless.

Semiramis said mockingly at Sirzechs before she called out towards Sirzechs's group behind.

At first, Sirzechs and the others are confused but they soon realized what's happening...

From Sirzechs, Azazel, Michael, Odin, etc behind, there are suddenly a bunch of individuals with their swords, daggers, knife, kunai, kodachi, etc aimed at their throat and heart appearing out of nowhere.

They just suddenly appeared out of thin air, right behind them without anyone realizing it.

Sirzechs and the others had another massive goosebumps and trepidation after seeing the group of Assassins/Ninja suddenly appearing behind them. They never noticed them at all... Shiva could vaguely sense some hidden presence but he couldn't exactly pinpoint their exact location.

If it was the old group of assassins, then they would probably easier to notice even by Sirzechs's group as well. But they had their strength boosted by the training they receive... Whether it's by Issei or Scathach themselves.

After hearing Semiramis words, they all back away and stand on their respective position waiting for their next order.

Semiramis - Now then... I'm sure that all of you are wondering why we are so hostile towards those girls, right?

Semiramis asked Sirzechs's group to which the latter group nodded at her question. Azazel also kind of having a premonition about all this... But he can only hope that he's wrong because if not... Then the chance for Rias and her friends to survive is close to zero...

Semiramis - Irene dear... Would you bring them all here?

Irene - Of course, sister.

The moment Semiramis finished saying that, Irene and the girls appeared right next to them. They have already finished enacting their respective punishment and was ready to take the next step...

Jalter group tossed Rias and co to the ground in front of Semiramis's group. Even Asia who was in the Abyss is tossed in as well by Wiz.

As for Reiji's group, they are not far from them but they're still encased in an ice coffin with a frightened look on their face.

All of them are unconscious and doesn't react in the slightest when they are tossed to the ground like a sack of potato. Only Kiba and Gasper are the one who's still beside Croix. Although Kiba is still unconscious while Gasper is on the verge of crying seeing his friends situation.

Sirzechs's group wanted to come forward to inspect them but they know that if they were to do that, their life might be in danger.

But the mom's group disregard the danger they might face and went forward to grasp their own respective daughter. For those who didn't have a mother then it's their father or guardian instead.

Rias approached by Venelana, Akeno by Baraqiel, Ravel by Lady Phenex, Xenovia, Asia, and Irina by Griselda Quarta. They held their breath when they're done inspecting their respective daughters.

The damage that has been done to them isn't that fatal but it's still very cruel nevertheless. They all glared angrily at Irene's group.

Koneko is within Kuroka's arm already. And compared to the others such as Rias or Irina, she's having it easy because she only passes out at most with a bruise on her back. Kuroka is grateful but she knows that the true punishment has yet to come... She can only hope that Koneko would be able to withstand it...

Semiramis lifted her hand towards the army to let them be. But she won't let Sirzechs and the others come closer though.

Sairaorg and Sona group also glared at Irene's group for doing something like this. One of them is Rias cousin while the other is her best friend. The same goes for Riser Phenex and the others.

Sairaorg - Must you be so cruel like this? Even if they did something wrong towards you then don't you think doing something like this is taking it too far?!

Sairaorg shouted at them in a fit of anger. His parents tried to stop him but to no avail.

Even Sirzechs and co gritted their teeth in anger and doesn't plan to stop Sairaorg sudden outburst. If they're alone and don't have a faction behind them then they might just go all out with them.

Irene - Too far? I wonder if you could still say the same thing after what you see next...

Irene smirked at Sairaorg before she extended her hand towards Rias group to woke them up.

The first thing Rias's group when they woke up is to scream in pain.

Hearing their respective daughters screaming in pain hurt their family heart a lot. But Vali group looks very nonchalant about it, only Le Fay look very uncomfortable hearing their scream. She's quite the innocent type after all.

Irene - Now, I will tell you the reason why we are so hostile towards you.

Irene disregarded their screaming and continue to speak.

Rias's group stopped their scream and look at Irene in fear and hatred but they're still whimpering in pain slightly. They wanted to know the reason why they did all this towards them.

Rias and her peerages still haven't seen the <Ryuuteimaru> since it already made itself smaller and stored itself in the space storage waiting to be summoned once again.

Irene - Does it hurt? Do you feel hatred towards all of us? If so, good! We all despise you as well... But the suffering "He" experience before is far more painful! Now let me show you the story of a once naive young boy...

Irene then waved her hands to the air and created a holographic screen that shows a certain young man...

When the DxD group saw the individual on the screen, they all halted their breath with their eyes went wide, even Rias's group forgot about their pain and gazed upon the man they've been missing after all this time... Because the young man that's inside the screen is Issei himself.

But it's the old Issei before he finds out about Rias's group betrayal. The whole army already knew the past of Issei when he met Forzelotte. So they're not too surprised seeing Issei old face.

And it's not like his old face is ugly or anything. If anything he looks above average in terms of look if he doesn't make such perverted face all the time. But that's completely normal considering how his memory has been altered by Forzelotte in the past and which man isn't perverted for that matter?

The holographic screen shows the everyday life of Issei... From when he's still a normal human, how he met Rias, etc.

Irene - Yes... The young man you're currently seeing is Issei Hyoudou himself...

Irene nostalgically looks at the screen.

Irene - You see... He was a naive young boy... He trusted his lovers and friends a lot to the point of stupidity but... That's how he is... That's who he is. He always trusted them all without a single doubt...

All of them paid attention to Irene words closely wanting to know their King/Master past and the other onlookers' are also curious about the life of the great <Sekiryuutei>.

Irene - He was happy for having such beautiful girlfriends and good friends alike... Even when his supposed girlfriends treated him coldly he still trusts and loves them a lot...

The scene changed to when Issei tried his best to talk to Rias's group only to be ignored or dismissed with cold words.

Each word and scene stabbed Rias's group right in their heart with shame and guilt.

Irene - He never loses hope and one day... He decided to surprise his lovers by planning to gift them with engagement rings he created himself...

Then the scene changed once more to the time where Issei does his best to create the rings... How he has this stupid grin on his face thinking that his lovers will be happy to receive these rings he solely created for them.

Irene - And this here is that very same rings...

Irene lifted her hand in the air and there are multiple rings appearing on the air floating above Irene's hand. They look really beautiful and manage to capture Rias's group eyes filled with joy knowing that Issei created these rings just for them.

But their heart dropped to rock bottom when they heard Irene's next words. Especially for Rias and Akeno.

Irene - Then he decided to surprise them with his gifts... He first went to their college carrying the rings he wanted to give to his first lover and also his King... But what he saw there completely changed everything...

Then the scene changed yet again...


-The past-

Before Issei, a big metal gate made its appearance as the entrance door, having a rather rusty and broken look to it. Walls of bricks were at either side of the gate all covered in moss, symbolizing that they were old.

Looking beyond the gate one could see a big building in the furthermost part of the complex, and alongside it, many smaller buildings which could be the other fraternities of the College were present.

However, not a single student was outside, and thanks to that getting in was quite easy, no problem at all.

Walking past the gate, he looked at the backs of the two women he was looking for, but instead of running as fast as he could towards them, he decided to follow them. Something about them felt... weird.

Continuing his "chase" the two women expertly crossed the campus.

Said campus being a full patch of dirt and grass with a few statues of what he guessed to be the founder of the College and other important teachers.

A lot of trees adorned the path he was walking on, he could identify some as rosewood trees thanks to their purplish flowers. Many other trees were alongside them, but he was no expert, so he couldn't decipher what species of trees they were. The smell was of freshly cut grass and wet dirt something he expected about such a big campus.

The buildings were styled like the ones in old British movies. They were similar to images he had seen of Oxford when he was looking for universities in his free time. Maybe the founder got inspired by the British architecture? Who knows?

Being late, around 5:00 pm on a Friday, the students were gone. Just a minority were left for whatever reason they must have.

Walking towards the building he saw at the entrance, the pair of women continued their walk while talking among themselves. It appeared they did not notice someone was following them, a lack of awareness on their part.

Soon, they finally entered the main building that seemed to be their faculty.

They crossed the main door of the faculty and walked towards a huge staircase that covered almost all the room they were in. At both sides of the floor above them, balconies adorned the halls making it seem refined and high-class.

Reaching the end of the stairs they made a last left turn, and at the very bottom of the hallway, one could see a double door with a sign above it. It read as Student-Faculty in bright gold letters and encased in a wooden framework with intricate details. Clearly, someone spent some money on it.

Issei, still being at the end stairs, peaked his head out and saw how Rias knocked on the door.

Seconds later, a man made his appearance.

He was tall, around six foot something, appearing to be in his early twenties. His physique was quite big so he did some kind of sport, Issei's fighting experience kicking in made him guess martial arts.

He had shoulder-length blonde hair and blue eyes as clear as the sky, but something within them made Issei uncomfortable. Not that he was strong, but more like he was a threat to him.

Reaching that conclusion he continued watching the man as he talked to Rias and Akeno.

Soon after some talk, the man invited them in.

[Partner... something is not right. Something is just odd...] - Ddraig finally talked with hidden worry in his voice.

[Partner, I feel something terrible will happen to you. You should leave!] - Surprised at the sudden words of his partner, he widened his eyes and mentally answered.

(Ddraig. What are you talking about? Nothing will happen. Although looking like that, that guy is weak, pitifully so. Maybe around Low-Class devil, if not lower.) - Issei answered in his mind, but he had to agree he did feel threated, but for a completely different reason he did not yet understand.

[I know Partner!] - His tone exasperated. - [But something about that guy makes me feel uneasy! It's as if he will leave you so terribly wounded you might not be able to do anything else in your life!] - His words were serious.

[Just hear me out and let's go away! You can ask them at another time, or maybe even the other girls!] - Ddraig stated, worry present in his voice, but his partner was just too stubborn.

(Pfft! Come on Ddraig.) - He told the Dragon.

(Just a quick peek inside. I will hear what they want to talk about and after that, we'll leave. Then I'll wait for them at the entrance of the school.) - The boy stubbornly answered, but deep inside he has fear.

(Quick, before the door closes!)

[Wait! Partner don't] - Cutting the communication with the Dragon. Even cutting him mid-speech, he sprinted towards the door.

Promoting to Knight he ran towards the door just before it closed.

Sticking his finger in before it closed, he made a gap big enough for him to see without someone inside noticing him. Quickly thanking his extremely good eyesight, he looked inside.

An extremely luxurious room stood before him.

Fine leather couches laid on its center. One big enough to fit three people and still have room to spare.

On each side of the biggest couch, there were two smaller ones, fitting for a single person. In front of it, a normal dark wooden table with three teacups filled with recently-poured tea.

Further in, right against the wall, there were bookcases. The sheer number of books was enough to fill the entire wall. And in front of them, there was a big leather chair with an accompanying desk the same tone as the wooden table.

The ceiling had a fancy chandelier, while tall lamps with ornaments adorned the corners of the room.

But it wasn't the room that took the air out of his lungs, it wasn't the furniture, no. was the ones inside the said room.

That image took the entire life out of him.

Sitting on the biggest couch in the room where the two women he was looking for. But both of them were leaning their entire weight upon the man he saw before, with a blush on his cheeks and a stupid smile on his face.

Both women were wrapping themselves around him like a snake about to eat their prey. Their eyes were filled with happiness and enjoyment. The kind of happiness he had seen when he made Akeno reconcile with her father, and when he declared his love to Rias in the ORC.

The Dragon inside the Boosted Gear went wide-eyed at the scene, hoping his eyes went bad due to old age. He even went to the extremes of asking the dead God of the Bible for his eye-sight to be wrong.

Quickly checking how his partner was, he managed to figure out something on him. Disbelief appeared in his eyes.

He could not find anything! Not even the slightest fragment of emotion could be seen nor felt!

It's as if his brain and body just shut down, placing his entire attention to the scene in front of his eyes!

He also could not enter the mind-realm of his Partner, but guessing by the information obtained so far, the situation was not good!

Wishing to check again, he tried once more, but nothing happened. He repeated the process over and over again, but only finding the same to happen.

Leaving that aside he decided to monitor his Partner's body. A chill ran up his spine when he noticed how his body currently was.

[Just how could that happen?!] - Ddraig quickly screamed, but it seemed Issei was not capable of hearing him.

[Those things gave him his power! Damn! They even gave him back his life in the beginning! How could such a vicious reaction occur in his body?!] - Ddraig quickly said to himself, surprised and even a little bit scared by the horrendous reaction happening inside his Partner's body!

[It's because of THEM! How could something like this happen because of those WOMEN!?] - Anger filled the Red Dragon Emperor. His voice was full of venom as he spat his conclusion.

He was furious! Those disgusting women were actually doing something that horrible to his Partner!

[Partner! Lea] - But before he could tell his Partner to stop watching and to leave this place immediately, a voice interrupted his thoughts.

Said voice, was of the man sitting on the couch. ...Right in between the pair of women.

"Rias, Akeno. I mean, I know you both like me but please, not here. We need to check some papers as well as passing them to our professors." - The man talked as he blushed.

"We can do this tomorrow. After all, I promised to go on a date with both of you!" - The man said towards the two women at both sides of him, pride filled his voice and a smile filled adorned his face. How could he not be like that? Two of the most beautiful woman he ever laid eyes upon were fighting for him!

Answering his question, Akeno spoke up in a flirty voice.

"~Mmmm?~" - Akeno hummed seductively. - "What are you talking about Reiji? You want this as much as we want it. So, let's, take, ~a breeaak~" - Akeno muttered the last words with a sensual voice that made the now named Reiji blush even more.

Gathering courage Reiji decided to go for it. But before something could happen, an angry voice was heard right behind him.

He listened to the furious voice of the other woman by his side.

"Akeno! What do you think you're doing, trying to seduce him in front of me!?" - Angrily, Rias stepped in before he could try something.

Feeling scared of her he did not do a thing, he just sat there, not moving a muscle.

Then she said with a voice filled with sexuality.

"I will show you who is the best among us, ~Reijiiii~"

The woman started to move. She was slowly showing her well-endowed curves, making Reiji swallow his spit.

But before he managed to achieve her goal a voice was heard, said voice being Akeno.

"Ara-Ara, Rias. Trying to get on him without me? Sorry, but I will not let you!"

Throwing herself at him, she stopped the advances of the red-haired. He fell onto the couch, Akeno on top of him in a really easy to misunderstand position.

Rias, so to not fall onto the ground, quickly stood up.

When seeing the image in front of her she was filled with anger and fury.

"Akeno! If you do not stop now I will have to get him off you by force! You know I love him! So why do you always want the same thing as I do?!" - With a "nice" smile on her face, Rias screamed, anger clearly visible in her eyes. Her emotions slowly changed her eyes into a red color.

Reiji felt a chill run up his spine and started to sweat bullets, but Akeno didn't even hesitate.

"~Ara-Ara~ What do you mean by saying that I want him just because you love him? He was the first guy I met which didn't have a disgusting look in his eyes. He did not look at me like a piece of meat, really kind as well. Just look at him he is manlyy~, good-looking~, and doesn't look at me like a piece of trash would do. How could I not fall for him?"

With a serious tone of voice, the black-haired woman spoke up. Not knowing how impactful her words were in a good sense, and the bad sense.

Rias felt her blood boil at those words, but she knew she was right, that was also one of the many reasons why she fell in love with Reiji.

Calming herself down she looked at them clear-headed. Something that surprised the both in front of her.

"Haaaa..." - She let out a long breath of air, trying to calm herself down before she did something stupid.

Once relaxed she looked at both of them, especially at Akeno, and said with a resolute voice. But for our brown-haired boy it sounded sharp, merciless, and dug straight into his heart.

"True the fact that he isn't a pervert, or drools over at merely our sight is truly a blessing." - Her voice calm and sharp.

"Much better that any man I had ever met, that's for sure!" - She asserted.

"It's also true that he is manly, decisive, and kind. These are also a few of the reasons I love him! But first and foremost, is the fact that he is not dumb, naive, pervert like someone Akeno and I know."

Akeno furrowed her brows at the remembrance of that man.

"Certainly compared to anyone else, especially to him he truly is above in all aspects! ~Especially in the looks department.~" - Akeno's voice was flirty at the end.

"I have to concur that him not being a dumb pervert, or a maniac obsessed with breasts is the greatest blessing we could have." - Finishing the comment of Rias, Akeno spoke with a cold voice. Unknowingly how much damage had her words done to someone.

"Also, it's nice for him to understand our intentions and not to explain them with a big sign over our heads. I'm glad you figured them out, ~Reiji!~ Truly something I want in the future for the man, ~I loveee~" - Rias told him.

"Well, let's keep going! I need a kiss if you want me to do the work. It's quite late and the work needs to be done so, ~kiss me Reijiii~" - Putting her lips forward she begged for the kiss.

Answering her, he stood up from the couch and walked towards the red-haired beauty. Leaving a pouty Akeno on the couch.


Quickly stealing her lips, he kissed Rias. The sound of lips connecting was the only thing that could be heard. But that scene was something that was burned into the mind of our spectator.

That scene of Rias kissing that man made the brown-haired boy empty. He truly didn't understand, Why?

Was it because of the words both of them had said about him?

Was it truly because he was a fool, a pervert, naive and dumb?

His thoughts stopped when he looked back to the scene of the kiss. But this time with eyes devoid of any light, like those of a corpse.

The kiss quickly became more intoxicating. Tongues started to fight a battle for dominance.

After a while, the woman broke the kiss, she was in need of air. But she felt that compared to someone he wasn't that good of a kisser.

Getting rid of the thought, she quickly looked over to him. Only to be taken by surprise when Akeno jumped towards him and kissed him even more fervently.


She was more daring that Rias, of that he was sure.

Quickly breaking the kiss, Akeno said.

"~HuHuHu~ Really quite the charmer, aren't you Reiji? To make Rias ask for a kiss is quite impressive. But I will show you who, ~is the best kisser among us two~" - She leaned forward, she was searching for his lips.


She kissed him for the third time, but she felt something was missing from the kiss...

However, the kiss became more passionate, being a sadist she took control of the "battlefield" really fast. But she decided to break it before the red-haired got jealous and tried something. That, will make her feel even more competitive.

Reiji felt extremely good. He just kissed two beauties! Two of the most beautiful women he had ever seen in his life!

He turned towards the clock sitting at his desk; 5:30 pm. The time they spent talking and kissing was too much! Now they only had 30 minutes before their deadline!

Sprinting towards his desk he decided to start working as fast as he could. Noticing that, Akeno and Rias also looked at the clock and quickly started to fill papers in. Thinking of a certain boy, but erasing the thought.

They concentrated on the task before the deadline arrives.

Staying outside the room Issei was on his knees, recapitulating the words said inside that room.

He felt empty, completely empty. Just remembering those words made him sad, angered, and completely broken overall.

The scene of the kiss between Reiji and Rias was like a sharp knife, twisting and turning inside his heart. He felt his body go weak, his vision was clouded with unsheath tears, his sense of balance gone.

Standing up with whatever strength he had left. He walked away from that place.

Walking down the stairs, grabbing the metal railing. He walked slowly, painfully slowly until he reached the last step of the staircase.

Reaching the bottom of the staircase. He looked back up, tears threatened to come out of his eyes but they didn't.

Soon, he lost control of his body and fell down to his knees, he felt dizzy and started to hyperventilate.

*Pant! Pant! Pant!*

Sweat formed throughout his body. His head spinning and his body trembling as if he had spasms.

That scene, those words, just wouldn't go away! They kept repeating inside his head, over and over again!

But suddenly he heard a voice inside his head.

[, ...tner. PARTNER!] - The Dragon roared inside his head. Getting him out of those thoughts.

Grateful towards the Dragon he wanted to talk to him but words did not leave his mouth.

He heard Ddraig's voice again.

[Partner, answer me! Shit, Issei answer me! Show me that you can listen to me! Move your left hand up!]

Slowly, Issei moved his hand up. That made the Dragon happy, his Partner finally heard him!

[Partner, hear me out! Get away from here as fast as possible! Your body is not right!] - The Dragon was anxious.

[The Evil Pieces are acting strangely, I can no longer control them! Your power as a dragon is also reacting violently towards the energy released from the Pawn Pieces! We need to leave, quickly find somewhere peaceful and quiet!]

Understanding that the words of his Partner were right, Issei slowly stood up.

Suddenly losing his balance, he went towards the wall to have some sort of support.

His head became clear after what he felt as an eternity. - (Shit! My body does not respond to me!)

(I'm feeling extremely hot and sweaty, even my chest hurts a lot! What exactly happened!?)

Getting him out of his thoughts Ddraig answered his question.

[Partner it's the Evil Pieces! They are acting strange. You can no longer control them and they are releasing a terrible aura that is clashing with your draconic power!]

[The heat and the pain are proof of that! We need to leave, quickly! Using magic or even the Boosted Gear in this state will probably kill you! So start moving!] - Commented the Dragon with a serious voice.

Issei made haste and started to move his body.

With every step, he felt as if his muscles were ripped apart as if his tendons were torn, and as if his bones were twisted.

He felt every single part of his body burn as if he was just thrown into the burning pits of Hell!

Each step was a challenge, the heat he felt became more annoying. Sweat started to accumulate, dropping visibly down his cheek towards the chin and down to the ground, but he moved. He had only one goal, and that was to get out of here as soon as possible!

Making the greatest effort he ever made in his entire life, he reached the door of the building. He pushed it open while the hinges of the door made a loud noise.

Soon, after pushing the entire door open, he saw a beautiful scenery.

The green grass was now painted with an orange tinge because of the sunset, and the statues were shining brightly because of the sunlight. The smell of freshly cut grass was still there, but now it had a tinge of rosewood, that was thanks to the trees that were rooted in some places of the campus.

He could hear the wind howling and the leaves rustling.

A beautiful sight indeed... if he did not feel like shit.

Walking away from the building, towards the center of the campus passing by the statues and the other faculties, he heard Ddraig's voice filled with encouragement.

[Come on Partner! You can do it! After the gate, there is the park you ran through when you first came! Let's go there. Your house is too far away to even try to go at it in your current state. Once in the park, I'll tell you about your body! Well, as far as I know.]

Walking past the metal gate, he saw the park. It stood like the most beautiful painting he had ever seen.

A dirt road was clearly marked on the ground and further in, it separated into many different paths, going to different places.

Many trees stood proudly at what he thought to be the gate. Because there was nothing, aside from the brick walls surrounding the man-made park, he thought those huge trees pointed at the entrance of the park. Walls taller than most cars surrounded the park, showing that the entire block was a part of it.

Walking as fast as he could he went inwards, trying to find a bench to rest his body.

Walking by different plants, flowers, trees and even a few animals he saw here and there, he chose the right path of the dirt road that signaled him to go further in.

Not knowing what was expecting him, he moved his tired body until he saw a big fountain.

After what he felt like an eternity, he saw his savior.

Like the most beautiful women, he had ever seen...

Like when he first obtained the Balance-Breaker...

Like when he defeated Apophis...

The bench was firmly planted on the ground near that fountain, waiting for him to sit on it to finally rest.

Reaching the bench he noticed a bush behind it, it was big enough to cover the body of an entire person. Taking a look behind it, to check if something was behind it, he sat on the benchjust some mindless paranoia.

"Haaaaaaa..." - Releasing a very heavy sigh he laid down on the bench, wiping the sweat off his face with his shirt.

Trying to gain his breath back he noticed that the pain he felt earlier was now subsiding. Something he was extremely grateful for.

Turning his eyes to the fountain in front, he saw the beauty of the park.

Birds were chirping and flying in the sky, landing on the branches of the multiple trees that were rooted on the ground. With the help of the wind, the trees and its leaves were moving peacefully from one way to the other, and nothing except the sound of leaves falling to the ground as well as the sound of the animals was heard. Not a single human voice or car engine was heard.

Really a peaceful moment in all this chaos he just experienced.

Finally, after his moment of courage, he started to break down.

Tears fell down his face. Blood was coming off of his hands because of his nails digging in his skin. He felt the flavor of iron in his mouth, and soon he started to cough.


He even spat a mouthful of blood!

(Why, why, just what did I do?! Why do I deserve this?!) - He started to mentally, break down.

(Was it because I'm a pervert? A fool and naive being? ...Was it because I was kind to others?)

[All right, stop right there.] - The Dragon quickly made its appearance.

[Do not think like that. I do not know why they did it, but I know it wasn't because you were kind. So don't think like that!] - Ddraig told him. He hated how his possessor and friend ended up like this. He wanted to help him, but he couldn't do much. Just support him.

(Ddraig... Why you say that?! You also heard them! You also saw them! So please tell me why?!) - He wanted answers!

(Why, are they doing that with that... that... THAT FUCKER!?) - Furious, Issei asked Ddraig.

[I do not know why they did what the did. But I do know that it wasn't because you were kind.] - He explained.

[Sure, you are dumb and a pervert but that can be fixed. No one was born knowing everything, no one, was born perfect.] - He told his Partner with a serious tone.

[About you pervertedness, you can control, and dominate it.]

[If you are not manly, then buff up. If you're not handsome, then change your style until YOU, find yourself good looking!] - His voice was filled with pride, the pride of a Dragon!

[Everyone has an opinion. To some people, you may be like that, but to others, the ones that truly care for you, you're completely different! Don't let their words reach you! Prove them wrong with your actions, show them what you truly are! A Dragon!] - He roared those last words.

The motivational words are spoken from Ddraig truly did reach him, his crying stopped. Swallowing the blood in his mouth, he looked up, to the dark sky.

Seeing the clouds slowly move further and further away, he sat there on his bench for a while until the sun set down.


The moon rose up, changing the color of the sky to a slightly darker blue.

After all this time spent thinking, he found out that the words of Ddraig were right. Even if they went with other people, to another man, he still had others. Girls that truly loved him.

Even though it hurt him far too much to accept it.

After all, if you give up on life, then life will give up on you. You will only sink further and further inside the mud!

"Thanks, Ddraig. I really needed that." - He told his friend.

"You're right, even if they think like that. So what? I still have others that do not think like them! It's impossible for everyone around me to think as they do!" - He finally regained his confidence.

The Dragon could hear his voice, now it sounded better!

But before saying anything, he felt some strong auras near them.

[Quickly Partner, hide! I feel multiple strong presences coming towards this place! In your actual state, you are no match for any of them! I'll help you in hiding your aura. Now that you are in this weak state, it will be much more easier hiding you from others even if they are stronger than you!] - Flinching at the comment of the dragon, he hid behind his bench in the bush he earlier inspected.

Slowly but surely, he heard voices. It was kind of late, around 8:00 pm, so finding someone at this time in the park was rather odd.

Hearing the voices closing in, he recognized them but the topic of their conversation was something that made him vomit blood behind the bush.


Thankfully they didn't hear him.

"Hey Asia what do you think of these, quite beautiful right! The boy I like gifted them to me! Beautiful aren't they?" - That voice was of Irina Shidou, the childhood friend of Issei. She was happily jumping around with over 100 roses on her hands, carefully ordered in a couple of bouquets.

Answering instead of Asia, Xenovia talked.

"Huh? Why do you feel so prideful? Isn't that a sin? You'll fall you know, Irina. Besides, he gifted them to you so that you could agree into becoming his girlfriend!" - Xenovia quickly countered Irina.

"True but Ryutaro is so sweet, nice, and gentlemanly. Besides, he always spends time with me, I love him!" - Her voice sounded sweet and dreamy.

A blush was on her cheeks. She was bringing both hands towards her face, trying to cover her blush.

Looking at her, Asia said.

"Irina-san, Xenovia-san. It's true that the gifts were beautiful, but still, I do not think you should keep saying it. Both of you have boyfriends and I believe that if Ryutaro-san and Souji-san were to hear you they will start fighting!" - Shyly talking, Asia gave her own advice.

""AH!"" - Both of them screamed at the same time. They realized that her words were true!

Even though they are brothers, they are extremely competitive towards each other! Last time they barely stopped them.

Changing the subject of the talk, Xenovia quickly teased Asia.

"Ohhh! So Asia, what about Ken? You two have been quite lovey-dovey recently. Doesn't he help you with the club work? Also, there is a rumor that says that the two of you were holding hands and even kissing! So is it true?" - Skillfully, Xenovia asked Asia. Getting the constant nods of an excited Irina.

"Ehh, well... just..." - She was made a mess thanks to that comment.

"Yes, those rumors are actually true!" - Asia answered with honesty despite her red face. Suddenly the fourth figure accompanying them spoke up

"Asia-senpai... daring." - She was a short white-haired girl, she was eating her candy and her voice was almost without a trace of emotion.

In response, Asia went even redder and hid behind Xenovia.

"True Koneko-chan but don't you also have someone? If my memory isn't wrong someone of the same year but from a different class. I believe his name was Hijama!" - Taken by surprise by Xenovia's sudden remark Koneko widened her little eyes.

"H-how do you k-know about t-that?" - Stuttering in her response, Koneko blushed.

"So the rumor was true! You did like the youngest brother of Souji and Ryutaro!" - Irina stated with a face full of surprise.

"So is the other rumor that Ravel is also after him true?" - She asked Koneko again.

One could see how her face changed from the previous blushing, it became emotionless and sharp even her eyes became slightly cold.

"Hmph! That Fried Chicken is unfortunately also after him. But she will never win! After all, I am at an advantage, sooner or later he will confess to me. I have the feeling it would be at the ending of the month." - Koneko replied with a full sentence filled with a lot of words. Something not normal about her, showing proof that she truly liked that Hijama.

While continuing their walk, Irina made a question that made the hidden brown-haired boy react.

"Sooo. What do you like about him Koneko-chan?"

She answered at a speed faster than a Knight's.

"He is a pervert. I hate perverts. Especially perverted-senpai. He's the worst of the worst, real scum."

"Wahh. Quite the rude words towards Ise-kun there. But I have to agree. I hate how he's always thinking about doing something perverted! Gives me the creeps..." - She had a face filled with slight disgust.

"Don't be that cruel towards Ise." - Those words made Issei smile slightly. At least, someone cared about him and didn't spit behind his back! However, that smile turned into a scowl.

"Although he is really perverted and we all hate that about him. He's still kind. So you could say it somehow counters it!" - Xenovia said, but the stares from Irina and Koneko and even the slight glare of Asia made her retract her words.

"OK. Don't look at me with those eyes!" - She raised both arms up.

"I mean sure, he really is dumb and foolish to the extreme, even for me to say. Let's not mention perverted and even lustful. But his kindness was always a good trait! Even though he has much more bad ones than good ones."

Xenovia said but Koneko replied with a tone filled with sarcasm and scorn

"One good, everything else bad."

That caused Asia and Irina to giggle and Xenovia to say.

"Well, that's true."- She said without any remorse in her face.

"Well, now that we have someone that's not bad to us, you could say that all those bad memories will be gone." - The blue-haired said to them. Causing the rest of the girls to nod and loudly say.

"""True, much better than before!"""

That comment, - *Blargh!* - Cause Issei to vomit another mouthful of blood.

They soon walked away from the park, their silhouettes moving away from his location. Issei was still hiding behind the bush.

He couldn't move, even breathing was a hassle. The pain he felt before now came twiceeven three times as bad! It caused his body to convulse!

The spots he felt before in his chest were now burning hot. Other places around his body were feeling the exact same.

Blood started to come out his mouth, choking him. He could barely hear the voice of his Partner, his head filled with something else entirely.

(So it was true... Everyone told lies to me...) - His thoughts were reaching a terrible state.

(The way they acted towards me!) - He screamed inside his head, making a purple light to start surrounding his body.

(Those smiles were given to me!) - The light increased in density and made his eyes change from yellow to pitch black.

"All that so-called love!? ALL OF IT WAS A LIE!" - He screamed with all of his force, making the light cover his body as if protecting him.

"THEY ALWAYS HATED ME! ALL THOSE MOMENTS WERE NOTHING BUT LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES, LIES, LIESSSSS!" - He screamed expelling the light from his body, covering his surroundings with only purple and black particles.

Afterward, a weird miasma started to come out of his body. It was like a fog that covered the ground, not showing the green grass beneath him. It was black in color with little hints of red, a violet-light was shining at random intervals.

The feelings he now experienced were nothing but sadness, frustration, pain, agony, rage, grief, shame, and so many more.

Repeating his monologue over, and over again, inside his mind.

The scene of Rias and Akeno with that fucker!

The words from Xenovia, Irina, Asia, and Koneko!

The truth about why were they never, not even for a moment with him in the past 2 months... slowly unraveled itself before his eyes...

They were with someone else! Every single one of them!

They lied and used him just during the moments when they would surely die!




The miasma surrounding him was taking the form of a second skin, giving him a really frightening look.

A weird mark appeared in the middle of his forehead. And at that moment, he felt his body being filled with power. The pain he felt before was still there, but not as strong as before.

He felt how the entire world started to change. A door opened before him, in the worst moment of his life yet he didn't even know about it!

The horrible emotions he felt started to corrupt his mind.

He suddenly lost control of himself and the miasma that was gathering in the form of a second skin... broke loose.

Then Irene showed how Issei suffered from the phantom pain he's feeling. It's basically is the recording of himself that he left behind before that Sirzechs and co have watched.

They saw all of it until Issei changed into a Dragon inside the cave...

(AN: In other words, Chapter 1 of this novel).


-The present-

Irene - And that's the end of Issei Hyoudou as a naive young boy...

Irene closed her eyes in sadness. All of those that are present had their mouths and eyes wide open in total disbelief...

Even the army of Kalar, Overlords, and Heroic Spirit also has tears streaming down their face... They never thought that their all-powerful King/Master has this kind of past... Before long, their whole aura went wild with bloodthirsty rage.

They almost couldn't hold themselves back to kill Rias's group on the spot.

They felt sad and angry after knowing Issei's past but they felt even more gratified knowing that Issei could bounce back from his past and become the man he currently is... If anything, their respect for him just grew even bigger.

Semiramis, Scathach, and Forzelotte, etc have already seen this before but that doesn't mean that they're less angry than any of them.

They just closed their eyes in sadness as well...

Rias's group face has already gone completely blank with tears streaming down their face... The shame and guilt they are feeling right now are extremely unbearable that if they were to die in the next moment they would call it salvation instead of a punishment...

They keep saying "No no no no..." all this time as if they're trying to answer Issei words on the screen... Alas... No matter how long or how hard they tried to do that... It will never reach him...

Their respective parents' group also covered their mouth in utter shock and disbelief while those that already know about this look down in shame and guilt.

It's unknown when but Kiba is also already awake and he also cried as well while biting his lips until it bleeds in frustration and anger...

Gasper's face is already flooded with tears and he's being consoled by Croix... She's rubbing his head gently to soothe his sadness.

Irene - Now tell me, boy... Do you think what we've done is too far?

Irene asked the dumbfounded Sairaorg.

Sairaorg who heard Irene question gritted his teeth in anger and look down not answering her question. He's too ashamed by his cousin conduct that he doesn't dare to look Irene and the others in the face.

Irene - And you... Sirzechs Lucifer... Do you still want to negotiate with us? After all this?! What could you possibly bargain with us? Could you undo all that's already happened so far?!

Irene scowled at Sirzechs's group who look down in shame.

Irene - But...

Suddenly Irene said in a mocking voice.

Irene - Perhaps we would spare their lives if their loving boyfriends are willing to take their place? How about it? Are you willing to take their place?

Irene asked Reiji and co who are currently encased in the ice coffin nearby.

But before they could give their answer Irene continued speaking.

Irene - Hmm, maybe asking to replace their lives with yours is a little too much? Then how about this... Sister, it's your turn.

Irene said towards Semiramis.

Semiramis - Fufufu, very well... Now let's tone down the "Bargain" a little, shall we?

Semiramis walked towards Reiji's group location before she showed them a flask of a green purplish colored liquid.

Semiramis - This flask contains a poison which I concocted myself... If you're willing to drink this, then we will spare your beloved girlfriends lives. Oh, don't worry, this poison won't kill you. I guarantee it... At most, it will only give you an excruciating pain~. How about it? Are you willing?

Semiramis twirled the flask in her hand towards Reiji's group.

Their bodies started shivering even greater after hearing Semiramis words. They don't know what to say... They're afraid that if they were to refuse her offer then their lives might be gone as well.

Semiramis - And do note that even if you refuse to do so, I won't do anything towards you at all. I promise~!

Semiramis said with a bright voice. But everyone else but Reiji's group knows that she's most probably tricking them with her words...

The moment they heard Semiramis voice, they screamed "NO!".

Little Hijama even has tears and snot streaming down his face begging for his life.

Reiji - P-Please spare us! We don't know anything about their relationship with Issei Hyoudou! If we knew then we wouldn't accept their confession at all! We swear! We don't feel anything towards them. If anything we despise them for being such a traitorous bitch! They are the one who approached us! Am I right, guys?! And to be honest, I felt really disgusted by Akeno herself! She's basically a freak abomination with those mismatched wings of hers!

The other guys nodded their frantically signaling their agreement at Reiji's words.

Sirzechs's party gritted their teeth in anger after hearing their answer while Rias's group already lost hope and felt their heart has been broken to pieces by their so-called boyfriends... Now they know how Issei feel when he found out about their betrayal... It's so crushingly painful that they wish they could just die in the next moment.

Semiramis - Ara? Is that so?

Semiramis smirked evilly at them.

Semiramis - Sigh~ Too bad~ It appears that your boyfriends don't love you at all. Don't you think so as well? Rias Gremory, was it? But this is the true nature of men... And you said they weren't perverted at all? Ahahahahaha! What a stupid thing to say... Which man isn't perverted? It's just a question of how good they hid it. It's completely normal for men to feel lustful towards their loved ones... If they don't feel lustful towards their loved ones then it might be a problem rather than a good thing... They are smarter and more of a gentleman? What a joke... Now let me show you something really interesting...

Semiramis then snapped her fingers to show them another scene of Reiji's group conducts during their respective lives. She used her <Death> aura to read their past...

First, it was Reiji Minamoto, the boyfriend of Rias and Akeno.

The younger version of Reiji could be seen fooling around with a bunch of girls. His biggest blunder is getting one of them pregnant but refuses to take responsibility on it and even told the carrying woman to abort it... The woman is unwilling to do it, so Reiji took matters with his own hand... The rest is omitted... But it claimed both the mom and unborn child lives in the end...

From then on, Reiji learned to be the perfect "gentleman" as not to repeat the same blunder... With the assistance of his father who's a high-class Mage. It's quite easy to do stuff such as memory alteration. He even learns some trick of his own to make it easier to get girls he desires.

His latest catch is Rias Gremory and Akeno Himejima themselves.

Then it's Ken Mishima turn, the boyfriend of Asia.

On the screen, it can be seen that he likes to fool around with women that seem quiet and obedient. He will often abuse his own girlfriends whenever he's feeling irritated at something.

He never abuses them until they took the final step, as in sex... He will act very gentlemanly until that time comes.

When he's bored of them he will toss them aside. There is a woman who loves him dearly only to be tossed aside by him.

The girl thought that Ken truly loves her as well so she was planning to put all her hope at him only to be crushed mercilessly... He said he's bored of her so let's break up... And just with that, their relationship is no more...

And, in the end, her family disowned her and she commits suicide... Ken was about to do the same with Asia but then he found out about her background as the Bishop of Rias Gremory. So he can only cancel his idea...

Last, it's the three brothers turn. Souji Takahashi, Ryutaro Takahashi, and Hijama Takahashi.

They are the boyfriends of Xenovia, Irina, Koneko & Ravel respectively.

The three brothers have a little game of their own. They're competing just how many women they could claim in a set amount of time. And they sometimes share those women together in a big orgy by using certain drugs to drug the unwilling woman... And when they're done with them they will act like nothing had happened and feign ignorance about it. In the next few days, they will break up with them.

Souji was aiming for Kiyome Abe before he knew about Xenovia real identity and he still is. His two brother are also aiming their own chosen girls at that time.

They all have their own "specialties", such as Hijama who's using his cute look to reel in girls who's into cute boys, etc.

But when they all found out about Rias's group true identity, they immediately toned down their previous attitude to act like a loving boyfriend.

They thought that since Rias and co are the most beautiful women they've ever seen then they wouldn't lose out anyway. But after seeing so many beautiful women here and there they started regretting their choice and now they thought that this is the perfect chance to discard them.

They don't let had sex with them anyway so they can easily break up with each other without any consequences... All they did is only kissing and touching here and there. So it's all good, right?

They're also planning to aim for Rosseweisse and Kuroka as well but it's too bad that they couldn't meet the later while the former is in love with another man that they despise thinking that he's just a lucky pervert.

All of this information is shown on the screen. The female onlookers' look at Reiji's group like a bunch of scums. Especially Reiji and Ken who's basically lower than scum.

Sirzechs, Baraqiel, Odin. etc could barely hold themselves to obliterate them but they managed to hold it in because they know that their fate is basically sealed already. So they don't need to do anything.

Venelana's party as in the mom's group wish they could slap their daughters face for being so stupid but seeing their current state their anger turned into pity right away.

Reiji and co started shivering greatly seeing their deepest secret has been known to all.

Semiramis - What a great "Gentleman" they are~, don't you think so as well, Rias Gremory's? Heheheh... Now, I want to know something... Would you abandon them just like your other women when you're done with them? Hmm? Now I would suggest you give an honest answer, or else...

Semiramis asked Reiji's group in amusement. At first, they were planning to lie about it, but after hearing the threat from Semiramis they admitted it. Back then, they are indeed the most beautiful woman they've ever seen but after seeing so many beauties that surpass them they were thinking on how to break up with Rias and co when they're done with them.

Rias's group is already unresponsive to everything around them... They felt like they're having a nightmare right now and wishes that they would wake up from it...

But deep inside they know that this is not a dream and they have no one to blame but themselves... They betrayed the man that loved them the most and this is the consequences...

Kuroka who saw Koneko being like this felt sad but she knows that this is the punishment she needed to face...

Semiramis - Fufu, your answer satisfy me...

Reiji - T-Then! Will you let us go?!

Reiji said with a hopeful voice thinking that Semiramis would let them go. The other guys are also feeling hopeful about it.

Semiramis - Hm? Of course you can go~

Semiramis smiled at them to which they felt like they're in heaven right now.

Semiramis - ...To the special place called Limbo that is.

Semiramis smiling face took a complete 180-degree turn and her gaze on them went ice cold as if she's looking at insects... Nay... Perhaps even lower than insects... The same goes for the other girls such as Scathach and Forzelotte.

If Semiramis wasn't planning to do anything then they would've been the one to kill the right here right now.

Semiramis waved her hands and there's a bunch of evil spirits appearing near Reiji and co. They all screeched in terror seeing so many of evil spirits surrounding them.

Reiji - D-Didn't you say that you wouldn't do anything towards us?! Gyaaahhhhh!

Reiji shouted in fear towards Semiramis. But then, one of those souls clawed at his face making it bleed profusely. Those spirits not only attack their physical bodies but also their souls at the same time.

The other guys are also not having it better. Some of the souls are munching on their body as if it's a delicacy.

Semiramis - Oh, but I kept my word... I said "I" won't do anything towards you but the same thing doesn't apply for those evil spirits... Now take a closer look at them... Don't you recognize them all?

Semiramis grinned evilly at Reiji's group.

Reiji - Wh-What?! Hyihhh!?

Reiji and co face went completely white because they recognize most of those evil spirits. It's the women spirit that committed suicide or died because of them.

Semiramis - That's right... They are your past victims. Now pay for your sins and begone to your rightful place in Limbo... <Open: Gate of Limbo>.

There's a pitch black hole appeared from behind Reiji's group and a bunch of dark hands appeared from it dragging Reiji's and the other guys' souls directly towards them...

The Evil spirit that's currently surrounding them helped those dark hands. They ripped their soul straight out of their bodies. The pain they felt is extremely painful that they bleed from all of their orifices and in the end, the only thing that's left behind is the husk of a body of Reiji's group. And their bodies also turned into dust when Jalter burn it to ashes with her flame.

She has this disgusted face on her face as if she just stepped on the most disgusting insect in her life when she's done burning their bodies.

The onlookers' can still faintly hear the scream of absolute terror and despair from them when they are dragged to the black hole itself...

They all have a cold sweat streaming down their faces because they've never seen anything so ghastly and terrifying... Even Hades shivered in fear because he knows that Limbo is a far worser place than hell itself... In hell, you will only suffer for a while but later you will be reincarnated when the time comes... But in Limbo? Nope... You will only float around there suffering for all of eternity...

Scathach - Hmm... How come the way you kill those you hated looks so similar to "him"? That time how he kills those... What was his name again? Faketon or something?

Scathach wondered without looking unperturbed in the slightest after seeing those horrifying scene that manages to instill fear to the other onlookers'.

Croix - It's Prince Felton~

Croix corrected Scathach word with a smile.

Scathach - Muh, close enough... I can't be bothered remembering trashes name anyway.

Scathach said with lack of interest.

Forzelotte - I approve of Semiramis way of killing them... Eating those... Insects soul will just make me sick and full of disgust.

Fozelotte frowned in disgust seeing the previous spot where Reiji's group were positioned.

The other group is feeling unreal seeing how they could converse so carefreely with one another after that whole terrifying incident...

Semiramis - You think you could live after all that? Bunch of trash that's lower than a scum doesn't deserve to live. And just so you know... What's inside this flask is not poison at all. It's just a fake... They don't even try to save your lives at all and choose their own lives from the get-go... Truly a "gentleman".

Semiramis spat in disgust and then threw away the flask that contains fake poison before she changed her attention towards Sirzechs's group.

Semiramis - And even if you could undo all of this... We wouldn't take your offer on that... Because of these idiots stupidity, we're able to become his wives in the end. We are able to become Issei Savant Hyoudou rightful WIVES!

Semiramis said with a prideful voice to which they all become further dumbfounded. While Azazel already smiled bitterly knowing that his guess is proven to be true.

Irene took that as a signal before she snapped her finger to show the <Dragon Nest> team bracket on screen.

Their respective names are unfolding on their own, right before their very own eyes.

<Dragon Nest>:

1. Irene Belserion H. = Irene Belserion Hyoudou

2. Jalter H. = Jalter Hyoudou

3. Jeanne H. = Jeanne Hyoudou

4. Croix Eden H. = Croix Eden Hyoudou

5. Riche Eden H. = Riche Eden Hyoudou

6. Millet H. = Millet Hyoudou

7. Ramius Dreissen H. = Ramius Dreissen Hyoudou

8. Kathryn Lapucelle H. = Kathryn Lapucelle Hyoudou.

9. Gurigura H. = Gurigura Hyoudou

10. Natal H. = Natal Hyoudou

11. Wiz H. = Wiz Hyoudou

12. Yunyun H. = Yunyun Hyoudou

13. Kyou H. = Kyou Hyoudou

14. Kinou H. = Kinou Hyoudou

All of the locked information about them before is suddenly unlocked for all to see.

Semiramis - Ah right, I still haven't introduced myself. My name is Semiramis Hyoudou also known as Lady Death by the majority... And Semiramis is a name given by my dearest husband. Nice to meet all of you.

Semiramis introduced herself elegantly. She lifted her lower dress hem and bowed slightly with a genuinely happy smile on her face.

Scathach - Scathach Skadi Hyoudou, Ise's mentor. I'm also known as the undefeated <God Slayer>, but that record has been broken by my own disciple, which is Ise himself.

Scathach only calmly introduced herself with a cool voice.

Forzelotte - Forzelotte Savant Hyoudou, former <Supreme Overlord> of the <Netherworld>. Now my husband replaced my previous position as the new <Supreme Overlord>.

While Forzelotte only calmly said her introduction.

Irene - And I am Irene Belserion Hyoudou, former name Ddraig Y Gooch the <Sekiryuutei> "Himself".

Irene dropped the last bomb in her introduction.

When they are still dumbfounded, Irene continued her speech.

Irene - Now... For our prize as the winner of this rating game. I want the engagement between Rias Gremory and her group with Issei to be annulled!

She said a shocking statement which managed to rail up Rias and her peerage from their downed state. But it doesn't end there... Irene then proceeded to show them their supposedly engagement rings.

Irene - And because of that... These rings are no longer needed... Such a pity because it's made by Ise himself and it's also quite beautiful... Oh well, he's making new rings for us as we speak anyway.

Irene then destroyed those rings into smithereens...

Rias's group - NOOOOOOOOO!!!

They all screamed out loud in despair and desperate voice. They tried to crawl towards Irene's location but to no avail since their current body state doesn't allow them to do so.

Koneko is being held by Kuroka so she can't move at all. But she's trying her best to break free from Kuroka's grasp... Of course, that will never happen since Kuroka is far more stronger than her.

Semiramis - Ah... But the show isn't over yet... Here, take a look at this.

Semiramis then proceed to open another holographic screen by using the same magic she used to Reiji's group but this time it shows the future instead of the past.

On the screen, there's Rias's group smiling with contentment with their respective baby in their hands.

They stopped their struggle and watch the screen intently because for some reason they know that those babies are theirs... Their eyes become glistening while looking at the screen. They all unintentionally smiled when they saw how those babies laugh in their hands and that face of pure bliss they had when holding them... Everything seems perfect...

Semiramis - You should be able to tell... Yes, those children are your supposed children with Ise himself in the future...

Even Semiramis voice held a little tinge of envy seeing those babies since she wanted to conceive Issei's baby the most.

Semiramis - But... Because of your stupidity... That future will never happen... You said you hate how he gazes at you lustfully right? Don't worry, he will never look at you all like that again. He will only look at you like some pebbles on the road from now on.

Soon the screen cracked and burst into pieces...

Rias and her peerage screamed for the umpteenth time with a face full of despair and regret while their hands went forward as if they're trying to put the pieces back together before they stopped moving altogether... They passed out after puking a mouthful of blood...

Their respective parents/guardian immediately checked their condition as well seeing they suddenly puked blood.

Kuroka - Sigh... I believe that my little sister has received her punishment, Semiramis-nee?

Kuroka sighed sadly at Koneko condition but at least she will live... She then asked Semiramis confirmation.

Semiramis - Hmm, fine... Ise might be upset at me if I were to take it too far with your little sister since we've already promised you and I obviously doesn't want to upset him or my lovey-dovey time with him might be postponed~... But as for the others... I wonder if I should claim their life now and put their soul in limbo as well? Or should I make them my lab rat to test my poison instead? What to do, what to do~, so many options~

Semiramis hummed joyfully while eyeing the now unconscious Rias's group. Her smile is absolutely stunning but for Sirzechs and the other onlookers, it looks like the smile of a Devil instead... How ironic considering most of them are the true devil.

Their parents/guardian face went white like a sheet of a paper hearing her words.

Shuten - If I may propose a request... Can I have their skulls as my new sake cup~?

Shuten-Douji spoke with an equally evil grin on her face.

Ibaraki - I want their meat!... Eh, nevermind... Let's just feed them to the dogs!

Ibaraki raised her hand at the same time but soon her appetite went away thinking that their meat will taste bad anyway.

Raikou - Maa~, I usually don't agree with their words but this time I agree... I wanted to lop off their head as well for hurting Ise-chan like that.

Raikou put away her bow before she put her hand on her katana while eyeing Rias's group necks.

Carmilla - Can I have their blood instead? Even though they are trash but I have to admit that they are quite beautiful... I bet bathing in their blood will make my skin even glossier... Of course I won't drink their blood because I still haven't taste Master blood yet and I don't want my mouth to become polluted with their foul blood.

One of the Heroic spirits went forward while stating her request.

Paniverna - Semiramis-sama, that girl has a phoenix bloodline inside her. If I were to absorb it then it will increase my bloodline strength... But sadly it will only increase it by a tiny bit amount... It's better than nothing at least. That way I can serve Ise-sama even better!

Paniverna went forward while pointing at the unconscious Ravel. Her wings that's made from a flame of a true phoenix shine brightly and her presence alone put pressure on the Phenex family.

After all, her bloodline is many times stronger than them.

Ultinia - Hmm, and that one has a <Sacred Gear> called <Twilight Healing> was it? Even though its healing capabilities are so-so compared to ours. It's still a boost nevertheless.

Ultinia is the one who comes forward next pointing at Asia. She spread her angelic white wings wide basking the Devils surrounding them in her <Holy> light which caused them to feel slight pain just being nearing her. Even Michael's group are feeling awe at her for having such huge <Holy> element that surpasses them all.

Her usually closed eyes are opened slightly and her beautiful reddish-pink colored eyes are peeking through from it.

Ekate - Ah, if possible I will take that mixed blood girl instead. I want to see if I can find something from her bloodline since we're both are kind of a hybrid... But too bad that her bloodline is not a Nephilim like me or it would give me better effects.

Ekate raised her hand joyfully while her black wings flapping around.

Marialis - Then perhaps I could examine that girl <Destruction> element instead... Maybe Ise-sama could invent a new skill set from it? Or perhaps a new weapon altogether with the help of Da Vinci-chan?

Marialis said while doing a thinking man pose.

Semiramis - Hmm~, indeed... Just killing them outright would be a waste...

Then one after another whether it be Heroic spirits or the Overlord went forward stating their own request wanting to take Rias's group lives... It's like they're treating them like livestock...

Sirzechs's group faces went paler and paler by the second every time they heard how cruel some of their plan on Rias's party are. And just when Sirzechs wanted to say something, Semiramis beat him to it.

Semiramis - Oh, all of you should know that Ise already knew about all this... Rakia, please relay his message if you would dear.

Semiramis suddenly said.

Rakia - Hai, Semiramis-sama... Issei-sama left me with a message for Irene-sama team, he said, "No matter what you decide to do, I will totally support it".

Rakia bowed slightly at Semiramis words before she set her gaze upon Irene's team. He relayed Issei exact message to them with a smile.

Irene - Heheh, I knew it... He found out about our little plan after all. As expected of him I guess...

Irene chuckled happily after hearing Rakia's words. The other girls also smiled in bliss knowing that their husband is supporting their action... Jalter is no exception to this and the spectators who saw her current smiling face is taken aback because of how beautiful it is... Unlike the time where she laughed maniacally during the arena where she's torturing Rias and Akeno.

Irene - Don't worry about Rossweisse, Odin... She's totally fine and currently checking the Trihexa's seal at the moment. And as you might've guessed already... She also has become Issei's wife just like Kuroka and Yasaka here.

Kuroka smiled happily after hearing Irene's words while Yasaka blushed shyly but she also can't hide her smile.

Odin - I-I see...

Odin answered rather awkwardly at Irene's words because apparently, the person he's been looking for is completely fine and even manage to be with the man she loves the most. And their situation right now is kinda... Yeah... Very awkward...

The others are also surprised that Kuroka and Yasaka have become Issei's wives... No wonder they stand in Semiramis side they thought to themselves...

Irene - And the man you're looking for is indeed Issei himself, Sona Sitri. He's the one who beat you at chess in Kyoto before.

Irene then changed her attention towards the dumbfounded Sona.

Hearing her words, Sona instantly snaps out of her thoughts but she doesn't know what to say while her family member becomes surprised by another reason... Sona has been defeated in chess by someone? And it's Issei himself at that? What?

Serafall wanted to demand answer badly from Sona by what Irene mean with her words. Since when she got defeated in chess? How come she doesn't know any of this?! But because of their current situation, she can only hold it in.

Semiramis - Then... What can you do if we were to take their lives right here right now? Declare war at us? Fufufufu, I'm not bragging but just for your information... What you saw here is not our complete forces... Back in our world, we still have thousands upon thousands of army waiting to be unleashed... And that is not counting Ise himself... You should know just how powerful Irene here is, right? Well, Ise is even stronger than her... He's stronger than all of us combined to be exact.

Semiramis said with a mocking grin at Sirzechs's group.

The army behind Semiramis instantly set their gaze on Sirzechs's group waiting for their answer... Some of them had a bloodthirsty grin on their face wanting to go to war while some just have a calm face as if they're not talking about war, and some have a lazy face because even if they were to go to war then the outcome is already decided from the start.

Sirzechs's group don't know what to say after that... Should they really wage war with an overwhelming force just to protect a couple of lives? And risk thousands of innocent lives at that?

They keep thinking about what's the best decision here... Odin for one knows what to choose. Since Rossweisse is with them already then he has no reason to wage war with them so he automatically said he won't be participating if they do go to war.

Sirzechs and the others don't see any fault with his words since he's basically unrelated with all of this. They may be in an alliance but that doesn't mean the other factions must help them if the problem they caused is caused by their own mistake or family members for that matter.

And that leaves Sirzechs and Michael for the decision making...

Elmenhilde Karnstein on behalf of the Vampire faction also said that they won't be participating. She hates Rias group too anyway for what they've done.

Scathach seeing their indecision started rotating her spear as if she's preparing to use it the moment they decided on what to do.

The Gods faction group flinched seeing her playing with her spear. Hades for one tried to make himself look smaller as not to attract Semiramis attention but her gaze instantly homing at him.

Semiramis - Hades... We will have a little talk later on so don't you dare run away.

Semiramis said with narrowed eyes and that manage to make Hades body shudder greatly.

Hades - Y-Yes, mistress...

Hades submissively said with a stutter.

The other Gods find it reasonable for Hades to be afraid of Semiramis considering her true status...

Sirzechs and Michael still don't know what to do... Michael kind of leaning on abandoning Irina's life since one life isn't worth a thousands of lives. And besides... She has no one else to blame but herself.

Sirzechs is the one struggling the most since on one side there's his beloved little sister, while the other side is innocent lives... Even if he were to wage war with them, the other such as Serafall, Azuka Beelzebub, etc won't agree... They won't risk their lives for the stupidity of a fool...

Semiramis - ...Hmph, how pathetic.

Semiramis scoffed in disappointment.

Semiramis - If it were Ise then he would do whatever he can to protect his loved ones... Even if he were to sacrifice millions of innocent life for it... But you still consider which is more important? Simply pathetic... Family matters more than any other stuff. It may be wrong considering his standing as a King but that's just how he is... That's the man we fell in love with and not some wishy-washy fake gentleman like those trash from before.

Scathach - And that's also why he never stops training himself... So he could avoid that situation where he would sacrifice innocent lives to achieve his wish. Even when he's already beyond strong at this point, he still never stopped his training... Truly the best disciple I ever had... Well, he's the first and also the final disciple I will ever have... Hmm, maybe not? Perhaps our children will be my next disciple... Fumu... Indeed, that would be nice.

Forzelotte - That's what it meant to be the <Supreme Overlord>... To be the one above all others... Whether in strength, wisdom, intelligence... He has it all.

Irene - And he's the best husband we could ask for... Right, girls?

Ramius's group nodded with a proud smile and they answered with a loud "YES!". Even the army of Overlords and the like agreed as well.

Even Vali and the others are also in awe with their unity... They're really dying to see the current Issei now. Especially the girls who kind of have feelings for him such as Le Fay and the like...

Sirzechs face at first become blank before he bit his lip in frustration. He knows that what they said is true... But there's nothing he could do about it... He can only blame himself for spoiling Rias too much.

And just when Sirzechs's group wanted to say something towards Irene's group, they got a message from Rossweisse.

Irene - Hmm... I see. Looks like Trihexa will break free from his seal just like Ise expected... Good timing, bring those idiots with us and let them see just how stupid their choice are for abandoning Ise... Rossweisse said that she already informed Ise about it and he should be there soon enough.

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