The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 92:

Chapter 92:

The army executed Issei's order perfectly and in no time they all already inspected the whole area and cleared it out.

They left no stone unturned in their search for any civilian that perhaps still here but they found none and when that's done Miarute, Ultinia, Kyuriha, and the others deployed multiple barriers at once.

Issei who saw that calmly extended his hand towards the barriers.

Issei - <Boost of the Infinite>.

He used his <Boost> abilities towards it but this <Boost> is unlike the old one he had when he still use the <Boosted Gear>.

It's the evolved form of it. It's a combination between Ophis's <Infinity> and his own Dragon aura.

Just like the name implies, it will infinitely boost the targeted item. In this case, Issei used it to make the barrier become even stronger.

Even if Trihexa used all it had to attack the barrier, it will never break no matter what unless Issei allow it.

Then the Assassins hid in the shadows waiting for their time to come. Gurigura is also among them with her weapon out.

By her side, there's Kuroka as well.

Gurigura's weapon is still a giant gauntlet she usually uses but it has been customized to suit her even better. If before it looks like a cute cat's paw then her current gauntlet looks like an intimidating Black Dragon's claw.

The Archers took up the high ground ready to launch their attack at any moment. Kathryn being their leader.

She has her hands crossed in front of her chest waiting and calculating the best moment to launch a fatal blow when the time is ripe.

There is a bunch of unique looking projectiles weapon that appears to be made from advanced technology. Some of them look like a small railgun floating around her ready to fire at any given time.

The Defenders or Guardians are led by Ramius who had her lance and shield out in the open at the very front.

The Casters or Mage are led by Riche, Wiz, and Yunyun.

The Support group is ready to give assistance at any given time as well. They are of course led by Jeanne, Croix, Tio, Tilt, and Towa.

The Trio saintess such as Laurent, Burst, and Silent are there as well assisting them.

The Assault group who's being in the second front of the group are consisting of Jalter, Millet, Natal, Kyou, and Kinou.

Each and every one of the girls is playing a pivotal role in their respective group.

Their union and teamwork are the best of the best and they all look very united.

It's safe to say their current line up consists of the best among the best.

Semiramis, Forzelotte, Scathach and the like is more of like a safety precaution in case something goes awry.

Issei then thought of something before he shouted at the girls.

Issei - Girls, use your <Balance Breaker> now.

Ramius's group look at Issei before they nodded to him and followed his words.

Ramius and co - <Balance Breaker>!

From their body, there's a huge aura bursting out and their strength also increased by a huge margin.

They had their Dragon's part out in the open, whether it be horns, tail or wings along with the new addition of their new armor.

Ramius has a pair of white wings and her armor is almost a full body armor that's colored black and white with some unique looking runes all over it.

Millet, Kyou, Kinou, and Natal also have similar armor emerging from their body but with a bit of difference here and there. Natal's mini Queen crown, for example, becomes a bit larger with a blue gem adorn its top.

Jeanne's armor adds even more of a holy feeling to it while Jalter looks even more intimidating but there's still a certain charm to it especially with their wings out in the open.

Croix, Riche, Wiz, Yunyun, etc as in the magician type had a majestic looking metallic robe instead of armor like Ramius's group.

All of their slitted eyes are glowing with anticipation for the upcoming fight. It's not often that they could increase their strength considering just how strong they have become.

They wanted to become even stronger as not to drag Issei down.

Overall they look even more majestic and also more beautiful at the same time.

Once again, the onlookers' are flabbergasted seeing all this... They all are in complete awe and amazement.

All of this line up is led by the fabled <Sekiryuutei>, Issei Hyoudou himself? Amazing... They all thought to themselves.

This is also the first time for them to see Ramius's group utilizing their full power... They already know that they're strong but not to this extent... They are at least almost on par with Shiva himself in terms of raw power as far as they can tell.

They still don't know if they still have a hidden card or not...

The support group then started buffing the other team with their respective skills.

Azazel - ...<Balance Breaker>? All of them have Sacred Gears?

Azazel said in amazement.

Irene - Hmm, not quite... Ise tinkered a bit with the old <Boosted Gear>, he and our scientists invented a way to enable them to utilize the unique feature of <Balance Breaker> that the <Sacred Gears> have, without possessing the <Sacred Gear> itself.

Irene explained towards Azazel who's curious about Ramius's group being able to use <Balance Breaker>.

The others are also dumbfounded that Issei is the one who invented it much less Azazel himself... If it's all true then... It will be a revolutionary thing.

Issei - Be that as it may... It still has some more room for improvement.

Issei mused to himself before he took out his phone and sent a message towards someone.

In less than 1 minute there's a gate portal appeared near him and then there are three mature beauty step out from the gate.

One of them has a flowing blonde hair down to her hips but tied with a red ribbon at the end, the second one has a shoulder-length brown hair, and the third one has a long dark blue hair down to her waist flowing freely.

The three of them have one thing in common... They're wearing what appears to be a custom made lab coat and more importantly, they have quite a big bust especially the third woman... The eyes of the male onlookers' bulged seeing those massive busts swaying for every step they take but they then shuddered greatly when they felt Issei sudden pressure.

They hastily averted their head down or to the side while sweating a bit feeling afraid that Issei might just wipe them out right there. It's no secret just how over protective Issei towards his women, and even though they're not sure if these 3 newly arrived women are his or not but it's safe to say from the way they gaze at Issei that they have feelings for him.

These three women are, of course, the Scientists Irene just talked about and they are none other than Tearju Lunatique, Ryouko Mikado, and Aki Nijou themselves.

The 3 of them blushed slightly when they saw Issei isn't wearing his mask.

Tearju - S-Sorry to keep you waiting, Ise-san!

Tearju started bowing repeatedly at Issei while apologizing profusely thinking that they kept Issei waiting.

Aki - D-Did we really kept you waiting?! I-I'm sorry!

Aki also started making an apologetic and sad face before joining Tearju thinking that they indeed kept Issei waiting.

Both of their actions are making a certain part of them keep bouncing up and down...

It took everything the male onlookers' have to prevent themselves from sneaking a peek at those heavenly views.

Ryouko - Oh? Did we really keep you waiting, boss? Then we better start making amends for it~

Ryouko said with a seducing tone while highlighting her certain asset towards Issei.

Issei - You didn't keep me waiting at all... So you can stop apologizing Tearju, Aki... And cut that out, Ryouko.

Issei said with a wry smile at them.

Tearju & Aki - R-Really?

They look up at the same time with upturned eyes.

Issei - Ah, really.

Both of them heaved a sigh of relief after hearing Issei confirmation while Ryouko giggled at both of them.

When Tearju was about to stand up straight she got tripped on her heels.

Tearju - E-Eep!

Tearju closed her eyes preparing for the impact before she fell right to the ground... Is what would've happened if Issei didn't catch her fall.

Issei - Are you okay?

Issei said with a drop of sweat falling from his cheek feeling genuinely amazed with her clumsiness.

How is she able to trip on her own shoe heels just from standing still? He will never know...

Tearju who heard Issei voice right next to her ears instantly froze up before she looks up only to see Issei's face up close.

Irene who's at Issei left side grinned at Tearju because their position is kind of dubious, to say the least...

Tearju's face then exploded red like a tomato with steams coming out from the top of her head and her eyes are also started spinning because of the close contact they had right now.

She keeps opening and closing her mouth trying to say something but for some reason, she's unable to do so.

Ryouko chuckled at this while Aki looks envious of Tearju while putting one of her fingers on her lip.

Tearju - I-I-I-I'm sorry!

Tearju finally able to say something and she hastily back up from Issei's embrace albeit reluctantly but she's too embarrassed to realize that right now.

Issei - Don't mind it... By the way, how's Yami?

Issei waved it off before he asked Tearju about Yami, the little girl that he saved from being experimented by those mad scientists back then.

Hearing Issei question Tearju was a little taken aback before she took a deep breath to calm herself down.

She manages to gain her composure a little bit even though her cheeks are still red.

Tearju - E-Eh... Ah, Yami-chan is doing quite fine. She made a lot of new friends back in school... And then...

Then Tearju started telling Yami condition with glee.

Issei listened to her story with a thin smile on his face... He's quite fond of Yami and thought of her as his little sister to which made Yami very happy since now she got another family member other than Tearju.

Aki and Ryouko also smiled at their interaction because this is one of the reasons why they like Issei.

He treated them normally and doesn't act like how a boss would towards his employees.

They can only assist him by inventing and researching things, but they're quite happy that they're able to help him regardless.

Issei - I see... So, how about you come out now, Yami?

Issei nodded at Tearju when she finishes her story before calling out at Tearju direction. At her back, to be exact.

Then out of thin air, a blonde-haired girl that looks identical with Tearju while wearing a black and golden unique looking clothes appeared out of thin air with a slightly red face.

Tearju - Y-Yami-chan?!

Tearju shouted in surprise because she never thought that Yami is hiding nearby her.

Aki and Ryouko kind of can tell that they're being followed by Yami when they're about to enter the portal gate but they kept quiet about it.

Only Tearju doesn't realize this since among the 3 of them she's the weakest in term of power.

Aki is kind of a martial arts user while Ryouko is kind of trained in Assassination a little bit.

While Tearju is more of a ranged weapon user. In other words, guns.

Issei - So, care to tell me how come you're here, Yami?

Issei asked with a thin smile on his face.

Yami started fidgeting a bit feeling nervous that Issei might be angry at her.

Issei who saw that had his smile went softer before he started walking towards her direction.

Irene already left Issei's embrace a few seconds ago and she's currently standing at the side while observing their interaction with a slight chuckle.

Issei arrived in front of Yami and then he put his hand on top of Yami's head before he gently stroke it.

He also bends down to match her height.

Issei - Don't worry, I'm not mad at you.

Yami height is quite short.

She's about the same height as Kunou. It's not surprising considering they're about the same age as well, so their height is only up to Issei's stomach.

Only after hearing Issei's words that Yami look up to him feeling relieved that Issei isn't mad at her.

Yami - I... I want to help you... Nii-sama.

Yami said in a low voice.

Issei - Oh?

Yami - I heard that you summoned Babylon so...

Yami words trailed off at the end but Issei could more or less guess the full reasoning behind her action.

She wanted to be of help to him so she must've teleported herself to Babylon and arrived just in time when Tearju's group were about to enter the portal gate.

Issei - I see... Now I wonder from where you heard that information from... I assume it must be you... Right, Mea, Nemesis?

Issei said with a slightly tired tone and once again nearby their location there's two individual appearing out of thin air...

The first one is a girl of small stature, with dark skin, long black hair and yellow-colored eye. She's wearing a black Yukata.

While the second girl also has a small stature, she has raspberry-red hair that is tied into a very long braid that goes down to her knees. Her eyes are dark blue, almost blue. Her clothing looks kind of similar to what Yami is wearing except her clothes is all black.

Nemesis - Yoo~, elder brother, quite a nice day isn't it? And your guess is indeed correct... It is I who told Yami about it.

She said with a playful grin.

Mea - Ahahah, sorry, onii-chan... I can't stop Nemesis from telling Yami-chan.

Mea rubbed her head with a smile... But from her happy grin, it would seem that both of them are in cahoots with each other.

Issei can only sigh tiredly at both of them.

Issei - Listen, Yami... I'm happy that you want to help me but I want you to enjoy your life more. Like, play with your friends and stuff like that...

Issei then averted his attention back to Yami before he started lecturing her.

Yami - But I want to help you, nii-sama... You asked me once that for what reason that I want to get stronger... Back then I don't know the answer to that question but now I do... I want to be of help to you!

Yami said with a firm and pleading voice.

Issei who heard her words got stunned for a moment before he exhaled wryly and flashed a warm smile at her.

Even Tearju teared up a bit hearing Yami words feeling gratified at her.

Issei - ...I see... Fine then...

Issei finally relented after seeing her pleading face because the cuteness is too devastating for him.

Yami is finally able to express her emotion a bit more even if it's only around Issei but it's still an improvement compared to the old her at least.

Yami face beamed up in happiness after hearing Issei words. Nemesis and Mea also grinned happily at this development.

Nemesis and Mea is kind of the same as Yami... In other words, both of them were also a test subject.

(AN: I made it that so Nemesis and Mea never went to the Assassination path and rescued by Issei in time before that ever happens).

Issei - Shishou.

Issei called Scathach while he's still rubbing Yami's head which earned a giggle from her feeling ticklish.

Scathach - Hm? Oh, Yami's here?

Scathach who heard Issei's voice look back towards his direction before noticing Yami who's currently being pampered by Issei.

Scathach - Um, I know what to do. Don't worry, I will keep them safe so you can leave them to me.

Even without Issei saying anything Scathach already know what he wanted to say.

Issei - As for you two... No snacks for a week.

Issei then stands up before he changed his attention towards the grinning loli duo with narrowed eyes. His words made both of them froze up completely and their faces turned into that of a complete despair as if the world is going to end since they love Issei hand made snacks the most.

Nemesis - W-Wait, elder brother! I'm sorry! I'm sorry so don't confiscate my snacks for a week!

Nemesis begged Issei while clinging to his feet.

Mea - I-I got nothing to do with this, onii-chan! So spare me from that hellish punishment! Anything but that! I will die without my snacks for a whole week!

Mea then also joined Nemesis and begged Issei as well.

Issei pays no heed to their begging and urged Yami to be careful once more before she joins the other girls, Tearju also joins in to urge Yami.

Yami nodded at Issei and Tearju words and then she also dragged both Nemesis and Mea with her.

Now there's a happy humming loli dragging two depressed lolis with her heading to the battlefield...

Odin and the others felt funny watching their antics and couldn't help smiled warmly at their interaction.

At first, they were a bit apprehensive with Issei letting a small girl like Yami participating in a life and death battle like this... But when they know that Scathach's group will be watching over them they are feeling a bit relieved.

Ryouko - Then boss... What do you call us here for?

Ryouko then asked Issei.

Issei - Oh, right... The reason I call the three of you here is that I want the three of you to collect the data of Ramius and the others. I want to see if there's something we could improve on their respective power... From the last time I've seen their data, I can see there's some room for improvement...

Issei then entered his working mode while taking out the data tablet containing Ramius's group growth...

His face went from a gentle smile to a serious one which smitten the female onlookers' once more because his current face is so charming... The word where a man is the most charming when he's working is not false at all they thought to themselves.

Tearju, Ryouko, and Aki also started listening intently to his words.

They also joined Issei in inspecting Ramius's group data and input their own thoughts.

Irene - Ahh, it looks like he went into his working mode again...

Irene sighs wryly while looking at the discussing group.

Azazel who's nearby got interested with their talk and want to listen to it but he's unsure if he's allowed to do so.

Irene - Interested? You can go ahead and listen to their conversation if you want.

Irene said towards the intrigued Azazel.

Azazel - O-Oh, no, it's fine...

Azazel was a bit taken aback before he waved it off with a bitter smile.

Irene - Just so you know, Ise never blamed you or anyone else for what happened.

Irene can feel the guilt Azazel and the others thinks that they have some sort of responsibilities for what happened to him and Rias's group. So they are a bit hesitant to talk to him or even approach him.

They froze up a little after hearing Irene's words.

Irene - From the start, he never blamed anyone else but these idiots. He feels angry and betrayed but all of that change over time and in the end, he doesn't care about them any longer... After his transformation, he was thinking to inform you about his upcoming departure but because of a bit twist and turn he never had the chance to do so.

They listened quietly and felt a little bit of their burden lifted off knowing that Issei never blames them for what happened while as for Rias's group they felt even more awful and sorrowful towards their own selves.

Issei - Azazel-sensei.

Issei suddenly called Azazel name which made the latter body trembled a little.

Issei - Can you show me the data of your experiments?

Issei asked Azazel about his experiment about artificial <Sacred Gear>. He wanted to see if he can gain any enlightenment after seeing Azazel experimental data.

Azazel - S-Sure.

Azazel unconsciously took out his own data tablet and gave it to Issei.

Issei - Hm?

Issei then took it from him and gave it to Tearju's group, but he's confused as for why Azazel seems to be out of it.

Irene - Fufufu, it seems you don't hear our conversation just now, didn't you? Well, the thing is...

Irene then told Issei about the conversation she just had with them...

Issei - Eh? Why would I blame them?

Issei becomes genuinely puzzled after he heard Irene explanation.

Issei - The one who does the deeds is them. Why would I blame any of you for what they have done on their own free will?

Issei asked Azazel's group with a confused face.

Sirzechs - B-But...

Issei - It's their freedom to do what they want. And just like them, I have made my own choice so there's nothing to discuss anymore. No need to feel guilty about something you don't have control over with... The same goes for you, Kiba, Gasper. No need to blame yourselves thinking that you weren't there for me as a friend.

Issei finishes his words and at the end, he looks at the seemingly downcast Kiba and Gasper.

Kiba and Gasper who heard Issei suddenly mentioning their name widened their eyes before tears started falling down from their face.

Kiba just looks down while covering her mouth while Gasper bawled his eyes out on the spot.

Issei who saw that sighed before he walks up to Gasper and pats him on the head.

Issei - Stop crying, Kouhai... Don't you have someone you have to protect now? Now man up and become a man that Valerie could depend on.

Issei grinned thinly at Gasper.

Gasper then looks up to Issei's face.

Gasper - ...H-Hai! I-Issei-senpai! Uwaaaaa!

He tried to be firm but fail at the end... He ended up bawling his eyes out while clutching onto Issei's body.

Issei who saw that smiled wryly before he pats Gasper head in encouragement once more. It seems it would take some time before Gasper able to emerge from his emotional side but perhaps that's just how Gasper is...

Then Issei looks at the crying Kiba and felt unsure of what to say... If Kiba is still a guy then he could just say the same words of encouragement like he just did with Gasper but since "He" is a "She" now... He honestly doesn't know what to say...

Tsubaki who's nearby Sona is also making a despaired face knowing Kiba is apparently a girl all along so she kind of share the same feeling as Issei... Unsure of what to do from now on... Her first love turns out to be a woman...

She tried thinking what if she ignores Kiba gender and tried dating regardless of the consequences... She shuddered thinking about it since she's straight after all.

She then saw Issei smiled wryly at her direction knowing fully well just why she seems so depressed. It's no secret that Tsubaki has a crush on Kiba after all. And she's not the only one too...

Reya Kusaka, Sona's Bishop is also one of them who had a crush on Kiba.

When both of them finds out about this, they instantly felt depressed but still have some hope thinking that maybe Kiba will revert back to being a man as long as they ask Issei Hyoudou to talk it out with Lady Semiramis... But that hope has been crushed after they find out Kiba true past...

But now that they think about it... No wonder Kiba never show any interest towards the "opposite" sex back then... She's apparently a girl all along...

So when both of them saw Issei smiling wryly at their direction, their eyes started glistening and thought of something before their eyes turned into that of predatory eyes.

Aim target and lock on! Both of them said inside their mind at the same time. Even though they're blushing a little in the process.

Issei is the one feeling taken aback now... He sweated a little thinking did he somehow offend both of them or something?

He hastily changed his attention towards Sona who's currently next to them.

Issei - Long time no see, Sona-Kaichou.

Issei said with a thin smile which made Sona face blushed a little but she still tries to keep a straight face.

Sona - E-eh, indeed... It's been a while, Issei-kun.

She said while fixing her glasses and tries not to look Issei straight in the eyes since she can feel her face turn hot the longer she looked at him.

After all, he is her "fiancee" after all... And to be completely honest, she thought it's not bad at all having him as her fiancee. She's still feeling uncomfortable because of Rias though.

But the way her parents smiling encouragingly at her is kind of making her feeling awkward... They even give her a sneaky thumbs up at her!

Serafall is still silent after all this time because even she felt captivated by Issei new appearance. She already had a liking towards Issei even before this but that liking was kind of like between brother and sister... But now... She's not sure anymore... And the thought of sharing him together with her So-tan is not that bad either... That way they can be one big happy family and she can still have her So-tan all to herself!

Issei then looks at Saji, Sairaorg, Vali, etc... Feeling a bit nostalgic because it's been a while ever since he saw them.

Issei - It has been a while, everyone...

Saji, Sairaorg, Vali, etc are feeling kind of confused as for why Issei seems a bit nostalgic when he's looking at them.

Sure it's been a while but isn't it just around 2-3 months at least ever since they last met? What's with the nostalgic face? It's as if he hasn't seen them for years...

Irene - Heheh, I forgot to tell you this but for all of you it may have been only 2-3 months at most while for Ise on the other hand... It has been 3 years.

Irene chuckled a little after seeing their confused face.

After hearing her words they all become dumbfounded... 3 years?!

Saji - H-How old are you now, Issei?

Saji asked with a slight stutter.

Issei - Hm? Oh, I'm 21 years old now. I guess I got ahead of you guys...

Issei said with a wry smile.

They become speechless once again... 21 years old? No wonder he looks so mature and grown-up now they all thought to themselves... No, his face looks like he's just in his teenager even though he's 21 years old already. It's his... Vibe? Yeah, he radiates a mature and experienced vibe like that of an adult.

Is this what a man that have climbed the stairs towards adulthood looks like? Damn... So envious! The virgin onlookers' thought to themselves...

Saji ground his teeth is frustration without knowing that there are 2 women behind him ready for his advances... But, didn't they said that Issei beat Sona in a game of chess? Then that means?!

Just when Saji about to ask about it, he got stopped by the very same 2 women behind him with a chilling smile on their face.

They thought that this is a perfect chance to make Saji give up on Sona so there's no way in hell that they're going to let Saji mess it up. They could tell what he wanted to say just now from the realization face he just made and the way he looked at Sona first before looking at Issei once more.

Vali - I've heard that you already defeated Great Red, Issei Hyoudou?

Vali smirked questioningly at Issei.

Issei - Well, you could say that.

Issei smirked back at him.

Vali - Since you have defeated my target then you will be my new target... Just you wait, I will get even stronger and defeat you.

He clenched his fist towards Issei with anticipation.

Issei - Ah... I'll be waiting for that moment.

Issei also clenched his fist and bumped it on Vali's.

After that, Issei noticed the fidgetting Le Fay, Elmenhilde, Gabriel, and Bennia nearby them.

He smiled thinly at them which makes the latter group blushed profusely because of how captivating his smile is.

Sairaorg and Riser also had a little chat with Issei but they mainly apologize for their cousin/sister misconducts to which Issei waved it off saying it's not their fault.

Then they also said they will get even stronger to be able to defeat him just like Vali did.

They wanted to say something about the little contract they had with Semiramis but one glance by Irene made them cancel that thought. The same goes for Sirzechs's group...

Azazel finally snaps back to his thought and wiped a single tear that about to fall down from his eye before he put one of his arms around Issei's neck.

Azazel - So, I heard you got married huh, Ise?

He grinned teasingly at Issei.

Issei - Hm? Yeah, things happen.

Issei calmly answered Azazel.

Azazel - So, how is it like? Losing your V-card at last?

His words made all of the male onlookers' ears perked up and the same goes for the female onlookers' but some of them such as Le Fay group started having smoke coming out from their head but they still leaned in to listen to their conversation.

Issei - ...Why would I answer that?

Issei eyebrows started twitching in annoyance.

Azazel - Come on, don't be shy. We all are adults here... Well, maybe not all of us.

Azazel looked at the virgin group that currently has a resentful face such as Saji himself without knowing that behind him there are 2 women that would be willing to do the deeds with him...

Issei - ...

Issei still refuses to answer him until Irene answered in his stead.

Irene - It felt crazy good for all of us... Although, all of us combined still can't outlast him in bed. Apparently, his high libido is already there from the start even without Forzelotte interference.

Issei - Oi.

Irene - He is still kind of an oppai lover even now too.

Oh, you don't need to tell them that... They can see just from his wives that almost all of them are well endowed in the Oppai Departement alright...

Irene continued her words without caring about Issei calling her just now out of embarrassment.

The more they all listened to her words the more amazed they are with Issei. The male onlookers' now look at him with new profound respect and the innocent girls' group is on the verge of fainting just from listening to their conversation while the experienced ones started licking their lips in anticipation such as Venelana herself but of course, nobody saw that.

Azazel - Oh~, really now? Who could have guessed that my student would be such a beast in bed?

Azazel continued to grin teasingly at Issei whose face turned a little bit red out of embarrassment seeing that his trusted partner just leaked their nightly activities to the public.

Odin - Hohoho, it's nice to be young.

Odin also laughed teasingly at Issei.

Issei - ...Partner.

Irene - What? It's all true, right?

Issei - ...

Issei can't retort to her words and can only go silent once more while Irene smiled victoriously.

When they're still having a little chat together, there's a loud blast resounding from the Trihexa seal and when they all look towards it they saw the seal has been broken at last.

What they saw made their whole body went cold since there are indeed millions of <Scale Mail> copy and the like...

But there's no change of expression could be found on Issei's side because they've already anticipated this.

Trihexa could be seen standing behind the <Scale Mail> army.

666(Trihexa) has the appearance of a large beast with characteristics coming from different animals like a lion, a leopard, a bear, a dragon, etc. It has seven necks, seven heads, with ten horns, as well as seven long thick tails of different shapes. It also has four stout arms and two legs that are even thicker than its arms. Its main body is that of a primate leaning forward and is covered in black fur and what appears to be scales all over its body. Its size is well over several hundred meters, making it significantly larger than even Great Red.

Not much is known about its personality other than the fact it has only one nature and that is to destroy everything including the Underworld, Human World, Heaven, and all other mythological worlds. It's possible that it is completely mindless, only instinctively knowing to destroy everything. Its homicidal nature, combined with its immense power, made it immensely dangerous to the point that the God of the Bible had to risk his own life by using numerous forbidden seals to seal it away to prevent it from endangering the World.

Despite its supposedly savage nature, it seems to have an interest in Great Red and Ophis. This is evidenced by how it was attracted to Issei upon sensing their power in him. This could be because both Great Red and Ophis are beings on par with Trihexa.

But when it saw the current Issei it could be seen that his body flinched. Yes, flinched. It almost as if it is afraid of Issei the moment it laid its eyes on him.

All of them are amazed at this because it's the first time for them to see Trihexa showing other emotion other than just aiming for complete destruction.

Then all of them set their eyes on Issei once more in awe.

Irene - Hee~, so it knows fear as well? Not surprising since Ise is clearly a lot stronger than it and also... He possesses the purest of the purest <Chaos> element inside him. Fufufufu...

Irene mused amusingly at this while the bystanders once more become taken aback by what she just said. But most of what they felt right now is confusion.

<Chaos> element? What's that?

Azazel - <Chaos> element?

Azazel asked confusedly at Irene because, in the DxD world, Nyarlathotep is only known in legends and the like so it is understandable that they don't know about its existence nor its element.

There is God of Chaos or something similar to it but it's a completely different thing compared to Nyarlathotep.

Not really surprising since every world Nyarlathotep visited is annihilated by it so there's no one alive to tell the tale. Only powerful beings such as Semiramis, Scathach, Forzelotte, QD, etc know about it.

The God's group such as Shiva and Odin knew about it a little but that is only from the books. They never saw it with their own eyes beforehand...

Irene - Oh, you don't know about it? Well, have you heard about the true God of Chaos Nyarlathotep?

Odin - Only from the legends and books.

Odin answered on behalf of everyone here.

Irene - Hmm, I can tell you that it truly exists. As for why I'm so sure about it... Ise here met with Nyarlathotep face to face and fought it.

All of them once more become frozen stiff when they heard Irene's words.

Issei - I lost though.

Issei said with a carefree tone.

Irene - True, you're quite lucky that it got interested in you so it let you live and even "gifted" its <Chaos> element to you... But this time you won't lose again right, partner?

Irene looks at Issei with a serious face.

Issei - Ah, I will defeat it no matter what it takes.

Issei clenched his fist in confidence.

Irene - Fufufu, that's good then... Because if you were to die then all of us will surely follow you... No matter if it's in life or in death, we will always be together... Remember that.

Issei - ...I know, that's why I will not lose again.

Irene smiled gently at Issei before giving him a soft kiss.

All of them are really impressed with the way they interact with each other... So this is true love they all thought to themselves...

Venelana for one is in a daze feeling envious of Irene's and the other girls... She wishes she could have the same thing going on with Zeoticus but alas...

While for Rias's group, the more they look at this the more they felt regret and bitter about it... It should've been them... It should've been them who stand by his side! Not others but them! But because of their stupidity and pride, they have paid the price for it... The amount of regret they're feeling right now is enough to turn their intestines went green.

Trihexa - Roooaaarrrr!!!

Trihexa roared at Issei seeing that he ignores itself.

The onlookers' felt fear just from hearing its roar and they would've run already if it wasn't for Issei's army being there in the forefront.

Irene - Quite the noisy one, isn't it? Can't it tell that we're having a moment right now?

Irene frowned at Trihexa while Issei only gazes at it calmly.

There's suddenly a red streak of lightning-like blur heading towards Trihexa location and the <Scale Mail> that's in its way got annihilated instantly.

That red blur turns out to be Scathach who's holding Gae Bolg on both of her hand.

She landed on one of Trihexa head and pulverized it instantly the moment she hit her target.

Scathach - Don't scream at my disciple. Only I am allowed to do that.

She said cooly while standing on top of the pulverized head.

Next, there are multiple giant black chains with <Death> aura oozing from them heading towards Trihexa body and they all instantly impaled themselves inside Trihexa body making it feel excruciating pain.

Semiramis - Ara? It indeed doesn't die even though it got impaled by my <Death Chain>? As expected, the <Chaos> element residing inside it is protecting it...

Semiramis mused calmly because she already expected this to happen.

Then there is jet black red space distortion near one of Trihexa head and then it instantly swallowed Trihexa said head into nothingness.

Forzelotte - Hmm, it seems I also can't "devour" its entire body instantly.

Forzelotte said with one of her hand extended to the front because she's the one who just launched that attack.

Just like Scathach did, their attack also claimed thousands of Scale Mail lives in the process.

Trihexa tried to retaliate but it's being held down by Semiramis chains so it can only move its head around and launched a couple of attacks towards them only to be avoided or deflected easily by Scathach's party.

The onlookers' are awestruck with their performance without a single exception. They can easily deal a massive amount of damage towards Trihexa in a single attack?

Sadly Trihexa already started regenerating from its wound. The heads that got annihilated started growing back while the Chain from Semiramis can't be healed since it's still stuck to its body.

So apart from the binding impaling chains on its body, Trihexa looks brand new.

Scathach - Hoo, so it can regenerate itself? I wonder how long will it able to do that... But before that happens I will make it my practice dummy.

Scathach spin her spears in anticipation because it's not often that she could get to fight an enemy that could regenerate itself indefinitely.

Trihexa - Roaaarrrrr!!!

Trihexa then ordered the <Scale Mail> to attack them and they all instantly went towards Scathach's group location.

Ramius - Prepare yourself!

But before they could reach their target, Ramius's launched herself to air and prepared her shield for the incoming army.

Ramius - <Aegis of the Anti-elemental Dragon>!

Jeanne - Here's the work of the Lord! My flag, defend our brethren! <Luminosit Eternelle>!

Croix - Twin maximize magic, <Grand Barrier of the Holy Dragon>!

Jeanne and Croix also assisted Ramius with her barrier.

Ramius used her skill and the moment the <Scale Army> come into contact with their dome of protection they all are stopped dead in their track.

Wiz & Riche & Yunyun - <Tri-elemental Draconic Explosion>!

Riche's group sees that as a chance and launched their magic as well.

Riche's explosion is colored gold while Wiz is black and Yunyun is red.

Their spell is a combination of magic between their respective element.

There's a huge explosion when they hit their target and since Ramius is basically immune to elemental attack she's completely unscathed from their magic attack.

Jalter - All evil is here. The time for Salvation has come! This is the roar of my soul that was polished by love, death to all Evil... <Le Grondement de la Haine>!

But it doesn't stop there and soon Jalter also joined in with her own attack.

Millet - <Black Dragon's Exploding Flame Blade>!

Natal - <Sea King Dragon's Encircling Deluge>!

Gurigura - <Shadow Dragon Claw>!

Kuroka - <Moon Dragon Eruption>!

Kathryn - <Gale Dragon's Song of the Wind and Moon>!

Tio & Tilt - <White and Dark Dragon Roar>!

Kyou & Kinou - Unison Raid, <Eternal Flare>!

Yasaka - <Yin Yang Blast>!

Rossweisse - Combination Magic, <Fire Lightning Crimson Lotus>!

One by one, the girls launched their respective attack towards the <Scale Mail> army.

They annihilated so many <Scale Mail> army and if it wasn't for Trihexa constantly creating them then by now their number should've gone down by 50% already.

Mertel - Advance! Don't lose to our Mistressess!

Everyone - OOOOO!!!

Then the other army also joined in with their assault.

Both side then clashed immediately... Trihexa army is being pushed back with little to no resistance while Issei's army keeps pushing forward with ease.

The Heroic Spirits unleashed their Noble Phantasm one by one which makes the fight even easier as time goes.

The onlookers' are in complete awe seeing all this... They thought that it will be a hard-fought war but reality tell them otherwise... It's a completely one-sided battle.

Artoria & Altria - <Excalibur>! <Rhongomyniad>!

Arthur and Le Fay who saw that become dumbfounded.

Irene - Yes, if you're wondering just who they are then they are indeed the renowned King Arthur Pendragon, your supposed ancestor.

Irene who saw their dumbfounded face explained.

Issei - The only difference between them is that Artoria just like the legend posses the well-known <Excalibur> while Altria is the alternate version of her.

An "if" King Arthur who, after rising as a king, made the holy spear its main weapon instead of the holy sword and governed over Britain.

Having lost the growth-halt from the holy sword, she grew to a physical age fitting for a king. She became an existence closer to Divine Spirits due to using the holy spear, but since the period of use was just that of ten-odd years, her mental structure spiritual make-up has not changed too much.

Issei - Hence the difference between their body built... Artoria is more petite compared to Altria herself.

Artoria - Master... I would appreciate it if you don't compare my body to my other self... I know I'm not well-endowed like her but I'm still a woman regardless. Please remember that.

Right after Issei finishes his words, Artoria jumps into their conversation from the distance with a smiling face. Yet her eyes are not smiling at all.

She's always sensitive about this topic for obvious reason...

Issei - O-Ou, my bad...

Issei sweated feeling amazed just how come she can hear their conversation from that far away... He can only come to the conclusion that it's a Woman intuition he guesses.

Mordred - Hahaha! Don't worry, Hahaue. I'm sure Chichiue will like both of you regardless of your body size!... If not then I won't have a chance either...

Mordred said while laughing out loud but she muttered lowly at the end while looking at her own undeveloped body with a depressed face.

Artoria pats her depressed daughter in the shoulder in comfort. Both of them shared a knowing look while Altria who's at the side feeling curious just what are they doing.

Both Artoria and Mordred gaze upon Altria ultimate "weapon" in hostility which makes the latter become confused even further.

Artoria - ...I'm her other self and yet my body is...

Mordred - ...I'm supposed to be her daughter yet my body is...

They both muttered in resentment.

Artoria - Master! As an apology I want you to make me tons of food!

Artoria suddenly set her attention back towards Issei and shouted at him with resentment.

Mordred - Count me in!

Mordred chimed in with her.

Issei is speechless with this development... How come his casual remarks would lead to all this?

Issei - S-Sure...

But he decided to fulfill their request since he is the one who started all this anyway.

Musashi - What?! You both want to monopolize milord's cooking for yourself? I won't allow it!

Okita Souji - What did you say?! The penalty of embezzling milord's cooking is death by Seppuku!

Okita Alter - Even if this body Saint's Graph were to shatter, I won't let you have your way, fiend!

Oda Nobunaga - Fuhahaha! If you think you can have Master cooking all to yourself then you must be dreaming! This Oda Nobunaga the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven shan't allow it!

Chacha - Even though Chacha love gold but she loves Master's cooking just as much so no stealing from Chacha! Auntie! Let's team up and beat up anyone who wants to get in our way to Master's cooking!

Xuanzang Samzang - Even if Buddha forgives you, I won't!

Mordred - Shuddup! It's Chichiue payment for the physicological damage he has done to us!

Artoria nodded sagely at Mordred words.

Everyone - Bullshit!

The other heroic spirit who heard that Issei will cook for Artoria and Mordred instantly butted in feeling indignant that they're being left out.

They started shouting at each other but their hand never stays idle and reap every single <Scale Mail> lives that they came across.

Jalter - What's wrong with all of you? It's as if you never had Master cooking before.

Jalter smugly looks at them.

There's a tick mark appearing on their head seeing her smug face because they all know that Jalter gets to eat Issei's cooking almost every day.

Jeanne can only smile wryly at Jalter childish antics.

Issei - ...Why in the world did they have a debate about food in the middle of a battle?

Issei muttered speechlessly while Irene just chuckled at him.

Azazel - You can cook as well, Ise?

Azazel amusedly asks Issei.

Issei - Kinda.

Irene - Kinda? You must be joking, beloved... If you, the one being titled as the best chef in the universe is "Kinda" can cook then all of the other chefs must be complete trash then? I can tell all of you this... Once you've tasted his cooking then you can never go back eating normal food, trust me on this.

Irene said with complete reassurance.

The onlookers' now look at Issei awkwardly... Is there anything that he can't do? They all thought to themselves.

The female onlookers' eyes now turn even brighter the moment they heard that Issei can also cook. It's not often you have a man that can cook and being a good one at that.

He's rich, strong, handsome, intelligent, a beast on the bed, a loving husband, and he also can cook? Perfect husband material!

Most of them had their eyes turned into that of predatory eyes while looking at Issei now which make him shudders being gazed like that by them.

Azazel then continued to ask Issei about some things such as the Heroic Spirits identity and the like.

The more they heard about them from Issei the more awed and speechless they became... Because most of the character they knew from the book is that most of them are described as a man.

Such as Francis Drake herself, or Artoria and Altria for example.

The bystanders are feasting their eyes on the battle that's currently ongoing with gusto since they know that they're completely safe now.

Even Trihexa itself is having a hard time fighting Semiramis's party. It keeps getting injured and if it wasn't for its regeneration then it should've been dead at least a hundred times over by now.

It's completely a one-sided battle.

Vali, Sairaorg, and Shiva are itching for a fight but since Issei told them not to get in his wives way then can only hold back.

Azazel - Damn, Ise... You sure know how to pick them huh... Not only that they're a top-grade beauty but they're also really strong. Heck, I'm not sure if all of us combined can take them on...

Azazel mutter wryly while looking at the ongoing battle. He, just like the other onlookers' are in complete awe at Ramius's group strength.

Issei - Ah... They're my pride and joy. It is truly my blessing for having them in my life.

Issei smiled lovingly while looking at his wives on the battlefield.

Irene - The feeling is mutual beloved.

They smiled at each other while Azazel whistled seeing their interaction.

Azazel gave Sirzechs and Rias's group a side glance and can only sigh bitterly.

At this point, making Rias's group seeing how he interact with his wives is just plain torture for them...

Tearju's group also smiled gently while looking at Issei.

There are suddenly a group of women arrived on the scene while dragging a bunch of individuals alongside them.

The group of women belongs to Issei's faction and they are from the Assassins group.

Whilst the group of people they are dragging is someone they never expect to be here because they are Shalba Beelzebub, Katerea Leviathan, Loki, Creuserey Asmodeus, Diodora Astaroth, Kokabiel, and last but not least Rizevim Livan Lucifer himself.

All of the become extremely alarmed seeing the supposed deceased or sealed individuals presented before them.

Especially for Vali who saw Rizevim that somehow still alive even though he's supposed to be dead by the hand of Fafnir already.

But all of them are currently in a distressed state with wounds and blood overflowing from most of their orifices and wounds itself.

It's obvious that they get done in by the group of Assassins who brought them here.

Rakia - Ise-sama, we found these group of people sneaking around the area.

Rakia being in the forefront of the Assassins group said towards Issei.

While most of the DxD group is taken aback by Rizevim group. Baraqiel, Akeno, and Azazel are taken aback by a completely different reason because from the group of Assassins behind Ekate they saw someone they know fully well... Three specific people to be exact.

Baraqiel & Akeno - ...S-Shuri? / ...O-Okaa-sama?

Two of them said almost at the same time with widened eyes.

Yes, what they saw is indeed the reincarnated Shuri, Reynare, and Kalawarner.

The three of them are currently standing behind Ekate with a similar customized outfit just like Rakia outfit.

Rias's group is also taken aback by the sight of Reynare and Kalawarner.

Issei - Oh?

Issei is a little surprised seeing Rizevim's group being here but not for long because he knows who's responsible for their "Ressurection" or breaking them free from their respective seal.

He glanced at Hades who's currently standing at the back of the Gods faction.

When Hades realizes that Issei has set his gaze on him, his body instantly trembled confirming Issei's suspicion that he's indeed the one who's responsible for this.

Issei narrowed his eyes dangerously at Hades which make the latter started cowering in fear.

If it was the old Issei then Hades won't feel the least bit intimidated by him even if he's the possessor of the <Boosted Gear>, but the current Issei is on a whole another level... Especially seeing how he reign over the <Death> element far surpassing him.

Kokabiel - What is the meaning of this, Hades!

Hades now regretted freeing Kokabiel from his seal because of that one sentence of his...

Kokabiel - How come this slut-


Kokabiel shouted at Hades thinking that Hades has something to do with Shuri's group resurrection. But before he could finish his sentence his body was sent flying without any prior notice.

No one realizes just what happened on that split second except for Irene and Rakia.

Even the Assassins group from Issei's faction cannot clearly see what happened just now but they know the cause of Kokabiel's sudden "Flight" and they all set their passionate gaze upon Issei who seems to be standing there calmly.

Kokabiel body is buried under the debris of the building he crashed into and his fate is unknown after that because there's no more sound coming from his direction other than the crumbling sound of the building itself.

Issei - I don't give a damn as for why all of you are here right now but you better watch your mouth in my presence.

Issei said coldly at the rest of Rizevim group.

Only then Azazel and the others set their sight on Issei once more and they all sweated a little knowing that Issei is apparently the one who did that and they cannot see anything at all and they are standing next to him at that!

They don't even see a blur and the next thing they know Kokabiel is sent flying.

As for Rizevim group, they are stricken by terror after feeling Issei pressure.

Issei - Then? Care to explain how come they're "Alive" once more, Hades?

Issei set his attention back towards the cowering Hades.

Hades obviously went silent because he obviously can't tell Issei that he does all this so he could have Rizevim group create chaos once more hoping that they will have another war.

That way there will be fewer Devils and Fallen Angels in this world and maybe make them all go extinct altogether.

Issei - Forget that question... I already know the answer to it considering your hatred towards the Devil and Fallen Angel faction. But let me ask you this instead... How many innocent souls have you sacrificed to revive them all?

Issei aura rose in anger and it is unbelievably suffocating for Hades and he instantly went to his knees because of Issei pressure alone.

Hades's body started trembling even greater after that.

Semiramis could revive someone with a bit of effort but she doesn't use any innocent souls or any souls at all other than the recipient soul instead as a base for their resurrection.

It's possible because of her high control in the <Death> domain whilst Hades being the third rate God of Death obviously cannot accomplish what she did.

He needed to sacrifice hundreds upon hundreds of souls just to resurrect one specific soul and if that said soul is strong such as Rizevim's group then the sacrifice needed for it is even bigger.

Semiramis - Answer him, Hades. I also want to know the answer to my husband question.

Semiramis suddenly appears next to Issei with her own cold gaze and pressure.

She was fighting Trihexa with Forzelotte and Scathach when she sensed Rizevim's group sickening soul since they are so contaminated with the filth of sins they possess.

Now even the surrounding bystanders also felt suffocated just by standing near them and they almost drop their knees as well just like Hades did.

Hades already dropped flat to the ground in a groveling position... Quite unbefitting considering his title as a God of Death but there's nothing he could do to resist Issei and Semiramis pressure.

Hades - ...M-More than f-fifteen million souls...

Hades finally managed to utter his answer with difficulty but his answer made the atmosphere around them drop to below freezing at this point.

All of them become horrified after hearing what he just said. More than fifteen Million souls?! You're telling them that he sacrificed 15 million innocent souls just to revive these scums?!

Even Odin bit his lip in anger for what he did while Zeus and Poseidon look down in shame because of what Hades did... They are brothers so their reputation will take a big hit because of this.

But what they fear the most is that Issei might just set his anger towards them as well. If that were to happen then their faction might be no more...

Issei and Semiramis aura and pressure rose even greater while Hades shrieked in fear while covering his head... If he still has his human anatomy then he would've pissed himself right there already.

Even the ground beneath him cracked open and his entire body felt like it's being crushed by a mountain.

Semiramis - ...I see. I would've killed you right here right now if I don't want to burden my husband with another unneeded chore.

After all, it's not easy finding a person that could manage the cycle of reincarnation. Semiramis doesn't want to make Issei taking care of the cycle of reincarnation in this universe because that will confiscate his time even more.

Semiramis - But, I got the perfect punishment for you... Dearest, if you would?

Issei - Ah... <Void Star Tai Sui> start, Shifting of the Universe's Celestial Bodies. <Another Cosmology>.

From Issei body, there's a bright endless ray of light, illuminating the entire horizon.

It makes the onlookers' felt elated just being basked in its ray especially for the Angels faction since he reminded them so much about their God.

But for the Gods faction, they felt instinctive fear when they are exposed to this light because they can tell that this light is absolutely dangerous for them.

Semiramis - <Void Star Tai Sui>, a celestial sphere which is also an "Another Cosmology" that could seal Strongest Species including Gods and Celestial Spirits except for Dragons into a fictional world... That's what his skill is. Isn't it great? Now you don't have to die, Hades.

Semiramis smiled coldly at Hades.

Right after Semiramis said that the light becomes concentrated as if they are alive and made its way towards Hades's location.

Hades who saw the creeping light heading towards his way finally tried to run away but it is far too late... And even if he wanted to escape earlier he won't be able to do so anyway.

When the light touched his body he felt excruciating pain on his entire body and soul.

Hades - Aaaaahhhhhh!!!

The light started transforming his body smaller and smaller into that of an orb starting from his leg.

Hades - No no no no!!! Forgive me!!! Aaaahhhh!!!

Hades tried to break free from the binding of this light but to no avail.

Issei - As punishment for your sin... I hereby seal your soul for eternity and never see the light of day anymore... You can wait calmly in your beloved domain until the judgment day come.

And with that said, Hades's body turned into a black orb and landed itself into Issei's hand.

Issei then opened a portal towards Hades own domain to which Semiramis tinkered a bit and made it her own domain before Issei throws the orb containing Hades's soul essence into it.

Now Hades will forever be sealed in that orb and forced to work for eternity as the guardian of the cycle of reincarnation down there.

He can't refuse nor fightback from his punishment because Issei basically has control over his soul... Now he's more or less just like a puppet.

Then there's silent after that...

Issei set his gaze upon the Gods faction or to be more specific towards Zeus and Poseidon with his aura out in the open.

Issei - If any of you have a problem with my procedure then feel free to confront me about it.

Both Zeus and Poseidon hastily shake their head basically saying that they don't have any problem with it. What a joke, even though they are brothers they don't want to join Hades's fate alright.

Even Odin and Shiva themselves act like they don't see anything during all this.

Vali and Sairaorg had this grin on their face knowing that Issei is apparently this strong then that just means that they will have more training to do from now on.

Irene - Fufufu, I just love seeing this domineering side of yours, beloved... This is what it meant to be the true Dragon God of Domination.

Irene chuckled at Issei.

And she's not the only one who felt that way... Even the female onlookers' thought that he's so unbelievably charming when he's being domineering like that. This is how a true man should be they thought to themselves...

As for Rizevim's group, most of them are fainted dead away already such as Rizevim himself, Diodora Astaroth and Katerea Leviathan while the one who's still awake look at Issei in horror.

Issei then changes his gaze to Baraqiel.

Issei - She is not Himejima Shuri you once knew... She is her reincarnation. They may have the same name and face but they are a completely different person. The same goes for Reynare and Kalawarner you're seeing right now.

Issei said towards the dumbfounded Baraqiel and Azazel.

Issei - And Shuri...

Shuri - Hai, Issei-sama?

Shuri steps forward immediately and answered respectfully with a smile when Issei called her name.

Issei - They are the one I've told you about before... They are your past life husband and daughter, Baraqiel and Himejima Akeno. If you want then you can go to them, there's no one going to hold you back if you chose to do so.

Issei said calmly towards Shuri. Rakia also nodded at Shuri basically telling her that what Issei said is perfectly true, she's free to go if she wanted to do so.

Shuri then set her gaze upon the expectant Baraqiel and Akeno.

But it doesn't take her long before she returns her attention towards Issei.

Shuri - I thank you for your offer, Issei-sama but like you just said before... They are my past life husband and daughter meaning that the current me doesn't have any relation at all with them, so I chose to serve by your side forever, Issei-sama. Please forgive my selfishness.

She said with a genuine smile towards Issei.

Issei - ...As you wish then.

Shuri - Hai, thank you for your kindness, Issei-sama.

Issei nods at her words because it is her freedom on what to choose.

Baraqiel - Shuri...

Baraqiel words got stuck in his throat feeling indescribable sadness after seeing his supposed deceased wife again but she doesn't recognize them... He knows that she's not Shuri that he once knew but still...

Azazel can only comfort his friend because there's nothing that he could do since Shuri herself decided that herself. Akeno cried softly in Baraqiel's embrace while looking at Shuri but the latter doesn't even glance at them.

To be honest, Shuri kind of despise Baraqiel... He basically chooses his work over his own family which supposedly lead to her untimely death and leaving their daughter alone at that.

Even though Akeno is basically not related to her at all right now but she tries putting herself in the old Shuri's shoes and she's sure that her past incarnation would think the same way as her now.

Perhaps the outcome of this entire betrayal case will turn out differently because she would make sure to patiently guide her daughter to never do what she did now but alas... The past is in the past.

Her ideal husband would be Issei himself who would put his family over everything because she also has the same mindset as him.


Issei suddenly felt a presence from the void rapidly approaching their location and his eyes went dead serious while looking at its direction.

Irene and Semiramis sensed Issei sudden aura spike before they also look at the place Issei gazing right now.

Irene & Semiramis - ...Beloved / Dearest?

Semiramis and Irene had a foreboding about all this and Issei's next words confirm it...

Issei - ...Nyarlathotep is coming.

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