The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 93:

Chapter 93:

Semiramis and Irene along with the other's eyes went wide before they turned deadly serious just like Issei.

Rakia - Your order, Ise-sama?

Even though they all knew that Nyarlathotep is coming they didn't panic at all and instantly asks for Issei next instruction.

They don't even doubt for a second that Issei might be mistaken because for them his words are absolute.

Issei - ...Changes in plans, call all of the girls back. Tell Nightingale's group to see if there's anyone injured and put top priority on the injured if there is one... I will finish Trihexa as soon as possible before Nyarlathotep get here.

Issei gave his order immediately.

Rakia - As you command.

Then Rakia bowed in courtesy before she set off to call the army back.

Semiramis - Go ahead, dearest. I will take care of these trashes over here.

Semiramis said towards Issei while she gazes despisingly at the shivering Rizevim's group.

Issei - Um, I'll leave them to you.

Issei nodded at Semiramis before he started walking towards Trihexa location.

Irene - You all heard his words. Nyarlathotep is coming so it's better if you leave now because this whole place will become their battlefield and we can't guarantee your survival when the time comes since we're going to have our hands full protecting ourselves.

Irene warned the onlookers' but they are still feeling unsure if they should leave or not since they wanted to watch their fight.

Azazel - You all will be staying here?

Azazel asked Irene but when he finishes his words he realizes just how stupid his question was... And as expected, their answer is obvious.

Irene - Heheh, leave? Not a chance. Like I said before, we will be together forever whether in life or in death itself. Even if Issei were to told us to leave we won't comply with it. If he were to lose his life in his fight with Nyarlathotep then we will join him soon after regardless of the consequences.

Irene said with an unwavering smile.

That's also why Issei didn't tell his wives to leave since he knows that they will refuse his order no matter what.

Rias's group who saw their conviction had their face went downcast and they asked themselves if they're also willing to go that far for Issei? Yes, they're willing but nothing will change regardless of what they say since they have lost his trust completely and now their relationship is even lower than strangers.

Only after they lost him that they realize just how much that they loved him even before this... They are blinded by their own pride and foolishness thinking that Reiji's group are much better than Issei and what they had so far is taken for granted...

They also realize just how unbelievably stupid they are back then... To think that they even thought that Issei will forgive them if they explained it towards him... What foolishness...

Semiramis who saw Rias and her peerages situation smirked at them before she set her attention back towards Rizevim's group.

She tied them into one package with her chain and then she snapped her finger.


Semiramis - <Koku Goenka: Sikera Usum>.

The area around Rizevim's group instantly got covered by green fog.

At first, they're confused just what is happening since they don't know Semiramis true identity.

But in the next second all of their eyes went red and they felt like their whole body veins started expanding abnormally and about to burst at any moment.

They puked a huge amount of blood but even their blood soon turned green.

Rizevim and the others who passed out before are not spared by this and they instantly woke up from the otherworldly pain they felt.


They screamed their lungs out but along with it their blood also pouring out even more.

Then from all of their orifices such as eyes, nose, ears are leaking green blood...

They started thrashing around and if it wasn't for Semiramis's chain holding them together then they might just bash their head to the ground hoping that the pain they felt will end that way.

They can't even bite their tongue as time goes and all they can do is scream their lungs out.

Semiramis - How does it feel? <Sikera Usum> is one of my favorite skill where it turns everything around it into poison. Everything in its vicinity even a single drop of water or air itself is poison.

Semiramis explained towards them but they can't even listen properly since they have gone deaf... Next is their eyesight... Their sense of taste...

One by one their senses turned rotten...

Now they can only utter a silent scream...

Azazel's group who saw this flinched in fear and they immediately evacuated the area around Rizevim's.

Semiramis - It's a proper punishment for all of them, don't you think?

Semiramis asked them with a smile and they hastily nod their head like their lives depends on it.

Even Odin decided to let Semiramis has her way with Loki because he already "saved" him once from the death row in the past and sealed him in the process.

But since it seems like he's not planning to repent for his sins then there's nothing else he could do.

Vali who saw Rizevim's situation felt like he got what he deserves for all of the evil deeds he has committed.

Then their skins started to peel off and before long their entire body melted into a green ooze leaving nothing behind.

Le Fay's group covered their mouth because how of disgusting it was and was about to puke any second but thankfully Irene waved her hand to clean the mess Semiramis caused.

She burns off the ooze that's left behind with her flame magic.

As for Kokabiel? He's long-dead already... If they were to dig up the ruins where his body located then all they will find is an unidentified body with all of the bones inside its body pulverized into dust.

Not even his soul is spared and the same goes for Rizevim's group. Their soul melted along with their body.

Irene - Sister, I know you're having fun but please do something about this smell...

Irene lightly berated Semiramis for the disgusting smell that Rizevim's group ooze cause.

Semiramis - Ara, do forgive me for that. I will make it odorless next time.

Semiramis chuckled apologetically at Irene.

Scathach - Hm? Did we miss something?

Scathach arrived with the rest of the girls.

They immediately followed Issei words and went back to the sidelines.

Semiramis - No, I'm just cleaning some insects. Don't mind it.

Semiramis waved it off uninterestedly.

Scathach - Is that so?

Forzelotte - More importantly, is Nyarlathotep really coming?

Forzelotte asked Semiramis and Irene with a serious face and she's not the only one wanting to know the answer to that question.

Semiramis - Um.

All of their faces went dire when Semiramis confirmed their worries...

Irene - No need to fret, I'm sure our husband will win. Don't you all think so as well?

Irene reassured their worries with a smile.

They who heard her words regained their calmness and answered "YES!" in unison.

Then they set their attention towards the battlefield once more.

Issei can be seen calmly walking towards Trihexa direction and he doesn't even put the <Scale Mail> army in his eyes.

Every time he steps forward, Trihexa also took a step back while growling menacingly. But that growl is more like of a meek growl rather than an intimidating growl.

It fears Issei because it can't feel his strength but it can tell that Issei possesses a complete <Chaos> element that surpasses its own by far.

It's his instinct that kicks in and telling it to avoid direct contact with Issei at all cost but since it is basically "sealed" inside this area then it can't leave.

Trihexa - Roarrrrr!!!

It screamed towards Issei and ordered the <Scale Mail> army to attack him.

Issei still disregards the incoming <Scale Mail> army but this time there's something happening whenever he took a step forward.


When his left foot stepped forward, a large area in that direction exploded into a sea of flames that instantly annihilated the <Scale Mail> army heading towards him.


And on his right side, the area around it becomes an ice field that encased every <Scale Mail> in its vicinity and shatters them into pieces.

On his left, there's a sea of flames while on his right, there's a frozen field but they didn't counteract against each other. Rather they seem to be coexisting and even increased each other strength.

Soon the sea of flames turned into blue flames while the ice field turned red that made all of the incoming <Scale Mail> into nothingness.

Issei looks so gallant and charming at the same time... He looks like just an Emperor of fire and ice.

Le Fay - ...Amazing.

Le Fay said with admiration and infatuated gaze. The other girls such as Gabriel, Elmenhilde, Bennia, Serafall, etc, and even Grayfia shares Le Fay thoughts.

As for the guys, they're already dumbstruck with awe...

Trihexa tried to back away some more but Issei snapped his finger and there's a crimson golden chain holding it in place.

Issei - Let's see if you can survive this, <Gate of Babylon>.

Issei extended his hand and there's a golden portal appearing behind him.

From that portal, there's an endless amount of variety of weapon such as Blades, Spears, Glaives, Lances, etc. But one thing they had in common is that they are colored crimson gold just like his chain because they are imbued with his aura.

Issei then waved his hand and the huge array of weapon he just summoned instantly launched themselves towards Trihexa location and impaled its entire body as a pincushion would.

Trihexa - Graaaaaahhhhhh!!!

Trihexa screamed loudly in pain.

Issei - Hoo, you still alive after all that? Then...

Just when Issei about to launch his next and final attack, he heard a voice coming out of nowhere directly inside his mind.

??? - (...hurts... It hurts... Please... save us...)

Issei stopped his movement and gaze at Trihexa in wonder because he could tell that voice is coming from Trihexa itself. But what intrigued him is that this is the first time he heard Trihexa spoke a proper sentence because after all this time it usually only roars like a beast.

He thought that it is already consumed by the <Chaos> element but it appears he's mistaken.

And what's more, it appears there are multiple voices could be heard from within itself.

Perhaps it is able to speak since it came into contact with Issei <Chaos> element.

Issei - ...Very well.

Issei decided to grant Trihexa request because it seems that it isn't just a mindless beast.


Issei let his wings out in the open and there are two pair of them coming out from its back and just from the sight of his wings alone, the onlookers' are in awe because it seems so majestic and beautiful at the same time.

This time Issei let his Dragon aura out in the open.

He put his hand on top of his chest before he started his chant.

Issei - I, Am The True Crimson Dragon Godking who control the principle of domination.

With infinite hope and dreams, I shall become the protectors of my loved ones.

I am their light in the darkness.

I shall promise you! A future that shines brighter than any light.

Ally to good! Nightmare to evil!

"<Dragon Overdrive>!"


A huge vortex made of crimson light and flames descends upon Issei location.

All of the onlookers' put their hand in front of them to block the sheer wind pressure Issei emits right now and it took all they have just to prevent themselves to be blown away.

And from that huge vortex, there's a huge shadow coming out from it and the vortex is blown away when that shadow flapped its majestic looking wings.

Then they finally witness Issei Dragon form at its full glory...

Every inch of his body radiates dominance and power but also soothing and holy at the same time.

Issei new Dragon form consists of two pair of crimson gold wings and on top of his head, there are horns that are shaped just like a King's crown.

His Dragon body looks quite muscular and each piece of his scales are glowing brightly. Some part of his body is also covered in armor that just makes his form even more imposing.

But what stands out the most is what's located in the middle of his chest.

There is some sort of gem that looks like a Yin and Yang but they are not connected with each other and only looks about to, while on top of this insignia there is the well known <ECH> logo but more awe-inspiring than ever because it is currently emitting bright light made of flames.

When Issei opened his eyes that looks sharp yet breathtaking, he roared at Trihexa location.


Just hearing his roar every single <Scale Mail> disappeared into nothingness and they are no more while Trihexa body started trembling fiercely in fear.

This time not even Tiamat or Tannin can resist the urge and they all knelt fervently on the spot.

The Heroic Spirits that have Dragon origin and the other Dragons such as Kiyohime, Elizabeth Bathory, etc also kneels respectfully towards his direction.

Only Issei's wives that don't have the urge to kneel before him because they've already given their whole body and heart for him so they are basically one.

Azazel's group are completely awestruck and dumbfounded when they saw his Dragon form.

Irene - Look and behold... The True Dragon God of Domination! Feast your eyes on his full glory!

Irene shouted with pride and adoration when she's gazing at the now fully Draconic Issei.

The other girls also stuck out their chest in pride.

Millet - It's been quite a while since the last time we saw him in his Dragon form... And it is still majestic as I've remembered it... Nay, even better...

Millet gazes at Issei Dragon form with a little bit of nostalgia because this is how Issei "Proposed" to her in the past.

The other girls nodded at her statement.

Jeanne - Ah... Master... How gallant... This Jeanne feels really blessed for having you in her life...

Jalter - ...Agreed.

Jeanne went to his praying mode while Jalter agreed to her words without any complaint whatsoever.

Gurigura - Eheheh, Ise-nii looking cool as always~

Ramius - Umu. I'm getting wet just by looking at his current form.

Kathryn - Heh, as expected of my husband... And your last words are a bit unneeded you titty monster.

Riche - He never ceases to amaze us as usual.

Natal - Maa~, Darling is always the best!

Rossweisse - Isn't it obvious!

Croix - Fufufu, that's my otouto-kun~

Ophis - Ise... Amazing...

Lilith - Amazing...

Great Red - Gahahahaha! That's my bro right there!

They started discussing with each other like a group of chirping housewives... Soon the heroic spirits and the Overlords also joined in.

Mordred - Oooo~, no matter how many times I see it, Chichiue Dragon form sure is amazing!

Artoria and Altria also nodded to her statement and they're not the only one who thought the same thing.

Azazel and the others become dumbfounded seeing them looking so carefree. Didn't Issei say that Nyarlathotep is coming? Then shouldn't they start preparing or something?

But since they're not too worried anyway, there's no need for them to be worried either.

Odin - Godking?

Odin curiously asked.

Scathach - Fumu, it's his <Tier> rank and title at the same time.

Odin - <Tier>?

Odin becomes further confused but he's also curious at the same time.

Scathach - Oh right, this world <Tier> rank is different from ours. Sora, if you would.

Sora - Hai, Scathach-nee-sama... Nice to meet all of you, my name is Sora Hyoudou. <Tier> is divided into 9 ranks. To put it in a simple explanation it's like this...

Then Sora explained all about <Tier> rank with her projection magic...

<Tier 0> = Normal Human

<Tier 1> = Low-Class Devil/Angel

<Tier 2> = Middle-Class Devil/Angel

<Tier 3> = High-Class Devil/Angel

<Tier 4> = Ultimate-Class Devil/Angel

<Tier 5> = God-Class

<Tier 6> = True God-Class

<Tier 7> = Ultimate True God Class

<Tier 8> = Supreme True God Class

<Tier 9> = ???

Sora - Now if we take this world faction leaders such as Sirzechs-san, Odin-san, Azazel-san, and the others... Their rank is about <Tier 5> peak at most. Ah, but for Shiva-san, he's already at <Tier 6> and for Vali Lucifer-san he can momentarily reach <Tier 6> if he were to use his ultimate skill which called the <Diabolos Dragon Lucifer> was it?

They paid attention to Sora with utmost curiosity.

Sora - "For Ramius-san group, their rank is at the middle of <Tier 6> not that far from reaching <Tier 7> since they just received quite a big amount of experience from the fight they had.

And as for elder sister Semiramis and the others, as you might've guessed already, their rank is at <Tier 7> peak with Irene-nee being the strongest and reaching the <Tier 8>... Of course, this is just a rough estimation on their raw strength not counting other aspects into consideration, such as their weapon, secret skills, traits and everything else..."

Sora continued with her explanation and they are in awe with their respective strength.

Vali - ...What <Tier> is Issei now?

Vali asked Sora with a serious gaze.

Sora - Ah, as for Ise-nii-sama... Well... We discovered <Tier 8> rank for quite a while now and apparently as you saw on my projection, they are called <Supreme True God Class>... As for <Tier 9> it is just recently discovered and we don't have a name for it before but after nii-sama ascended to it we decided to call it...

Sora went silent for a bit but they could already guess what <Tier> is Issei now...

Vali - ...<True Godking>.

Vali said with a solemn tone.

Sora - Hai! That's right... We decided to call the newly discovered <Tier 9> as such since Ise-nii-sama is dubbed that title by many factions consensuses... Not that he really cares what others call him though.

Sora nodded proudly with a smile while the other girls smiled the same way.

Vali clenched his fist thinking that he really need to train harder because the gap between him and Issei is quite huge... Sairaorg also thought the same as Vali.

While for Sirzechs and Michael, they felt bitter losing such a huge support for themselves... If Issei is still with them then things would be a lot easier... But since he doesn't blame them maybe there's still hope...

Azazel - Then how about Nyarlathotep? What rank is it?

When Azazel asked that question their face went a bit insecure...

Sora - Well... We're not so sure ourselves since we never saw it in first hand and Ise-nii-sama himself is not sure as well because back when he fought it for the first time, he also can't measure its exact strength.

Azazel's group face went grim after hearing that... But considering Issei current strength, hopefully, things would turn out just fine.

Irene - Hmm... Why Ise is taking his time in dealing with Trihexa?

Irene mused to herself because she's absolutely sure that if Issei wanted Trihexa dead then it should be dead 100 times over by now...

Semiramis - No need to worry, I'm sure he got his reason.

Semiramis said as a matter of fact.

They then set their gazes back towards Issei who's currently already headed towards Trihexa location at a breakneck speed.

Trihexa tried his best to move its body but to no avail, since that chain which was holding it down is infused with both Issei aura and <Chaos> element and with Issei at its front, there's no escape...

That's also why Issei could hear Trihexa inner voice since he's basically "connected" with it.

In no time at all Issei reached Trihexa location and he wastes no time and clammed down his jaw at Trihexa middle head which is a dragon head while his wings tore apart its other heads along with his arms.

Trihexa roared in pain because it can feel that its power is rapidly draining from it since Issei not only absorbing its strength but also its <Chaos> element.

It keeps struggling using every ounce strength left inside it but soon that strength is also sapped away from it and Trihexa couldn't move in the slightest anymore.

Issei who saw that immediately punctured one of his arms inside Trihexa body and he instantly found what he's looking for...


Issei pulls out his arm but there's a giant purple orb in his hand...

That orb is Trihexa very core.

Without it, Trihexa couldn't maintain its monstrous form and its huge body started dissolving into a black miasma.

Issei gazes upon the orb in his hand with wonder while he flapped his majestic wings to dissipate the miasma before him.

The orb is kind of small compared to his dragon arm but its size is at least 3 times bigger than normal human height.

Irene - Is that... Beloved, is that what I think it is?

Irene was a bit surprised seeing Issei took out the orb from within Trihexa body while Sirzechs group becomes dumbfounded seeing the massive body of Trihexa disappeared to nothingness just like that...

Are you telling them that Trihexa is no more? The supposedly immortal Apocalyptic Beast is dead just like that? It feels a bit surreal...

But they soon set their gaze on the orb in Issei's arm waiting for his answer on just what is that thing.

Issei - Um... This is Trihexa's core. This is what keeps it alive after all this time... The <Chaos> element works as its protector and also jailer at the same time...

Issei explained calmly.

His voice sounds divine now that he's in his Dragon form.

Azazel - Then that means it is still alive?

Azazel said in a dire tone.

Issei - Yes.

Issei confirmed Azazel question.

Azazel - Then destroy that orb now, Ise. Before it started to regenerate once more.

Azazel hastily told Issei fearing that Trihexa will resurrect once more from the dead.

Issei - No need. I already absorbed the <Chaos> element within it... It should be able to move with its own will now rather than acting like a mindless beast once more.

Azazel - Wait... What do you mean by that?

Azazel confusedly asks Issei because he doesn't know about Trihexa being controlled by the <Chaos> element.

Irene - Trihexa supposedly was never an actual mindless beast... It got controlled by the <Chaos> element so that's why it acts like a mindless beast and its only objective is to cause destruction.

Irene explained in place of Issei.

They all become dumbfounded after hearing her explanation. They never thought that Trihexa has this kind of reason behind its destructive nature...

They also never thought that Issei could manage to do this.


Soon the orb in Issei's hand started cracking and before long it burst open.

They can see three individuals sprawled on his hand.

The three individuals slowly opened their eyes and started looking around.

They then gaze upon each other before they cry tears of joy and hug each other while crying to their heart content at the same time.

They are feeling overwhelmed with disbelief and happiness... After so long... They've finally freed from the hellish nightmare they were in...

The onlookers' become dumbfounded seeing three people suddenly emerged from the orb that supposed to be Trihexa's core. The three of them are beautiful women at that...

But there's something weird with one of them... They also look really similar to each other except for the body proportion and eye color they have.

One of them looks petite just like Gurigura while for the other two they both look like they are in their teens but the other one has the biggest breasts of them all.

The three of them have long purple hair that reaches their feet. One of them has red eyes, the second one has aqua blue eyes and the last one has pink eyes.

They are currently buck naked with no coverage whatsoever.

Issei used his magic and enveloped the three of them with a blanket cover.

(AN: The petite and the biggest boobs

(AN: The last one

But what stands out the most is that the third one seems to be very silent... Eerily so... It's like she's a doll with no emotion whatsoever. Even the way she gazes upon Issei looks odd.

And even those who have sharp eyes can tell that the other two also have some kind of abnormality as well.

The first one appears to be unable to move her leg while the second one is her arms.

She kept extending her hand towards him while muttering "...Adan... Adan...".

When Issei heard her words he got a bit taken aback because he recognizes that name... And he feels like he has seen her face before but he can't exactly remember where... The same goes for Croix's group.

??? - ...EVE?!

All of them heard a voice from outside the barrier.

That person keeps banging the barrier with her arms while shouting at Issei at the same time.

??? - Open this barrier boy!

At first, they become alerted thinking that this newcomer might be Nyarlathotep itself except for Issei's side because they recognize this newcomer. They all become tense because they can tell that this person possesses quite the immense power herself.

Issei's party - ...QD?

Yes, this person is QD aka Qu Dragon that Issei met in the <Evenicle> world.

QD - Yes it's me! Now open this barrier! That's Eve! The person you're holding is Eve herself! I don't know how come there's three of them now but I can assure you that the three of them is Eve!

QD shouted at Issei feeling impatient.

This time not even Issei's party can hold back their shock especially for Croix, Silent, Laurent, and Burst since they are a believer of Eve once.

No wonder the three of them looks familiar they thought to themselves... Sure their hair color and face is a bit different from what's been portrayed once but if they look closely then can see some similarities here and there.

Issei opened a small opening in the barrier for QD to pass through.

QD instantly went through that gap and headed towards Eve location.

QD - Eve!

She grabbed Eve on the shoulder and shouted her name but she doesn't respond to her voice and keep extending her hand towards Issei while muttering "...Adan... Adan..." still...

QD - What Adan?! That boy isn't Adan, Eve!

QD who saw that gritted her teeth and she sets her gaze upon the other Eves.

But they seem like they don't recognize her at all.

Issei - Something is off about them... Look closely, QD.

QD - Yeah, I know that as well. Boy, can you cure them of their abnormality? Please, this world is outside my area of jurisdiction so I can't carelessly use my power.

QD said towards Issei in a pleading voice.

Issei doesn't say anything but the white gem in his chest started shining more brightly, his red eyes changed into golden for a brief second and before long there's a gentle and soothing light coming out from him and enveloped the Eve trio.

When the light dissipates they can see that there are some differences with the Eve trio especially the one who keeps calling "Adan" towards Issei before.

Now emotions could be found in her face and as for the other two, they now could freely move their hands and legs freely. They cried once more after finding this out.

Her eyes are flooded with tears of joy and she shouted "ADAN!" at the top of her lungs.

If it wasn't for Issei being in his Dragon form right now then she might just jump into his embrace straight away.

QD - What are you saying, Eve?! That boy is not Adan!

QD tried to persuade Eve out of her delusion.

Eve - No! That's Adan! That's my Adan! Only Adan can possess the <Life Orb> and that special light just now!

Eve struggled inside QD grasp.

QD - Adan is already dead, Eve! I know it's hard to accept but it is the truth!

Eve ignored QD's words and keep gazing upon Issei with tears of joy flowing out from her eyes.

Issei - ...I'm not Adan. My name is Issei Savant Hyoudou.

Issei calmly said towards Eve.

Eve froze up a little bit, but before long she started talking once more.

Eve - Yes... Indeed your current name is that but you are the reincarnation of Adan! I'm sure of it since only Adan himself could possess the <Life Orb> since the creator God said so!

Issei went silent after hearing that while QD gritted her teeth in anger.

QD - He's tricking you, Eve! That bastard doesn't care about you nor Adan himself. He's spouting lies to make you side with him!

Eve - ...No... I was there when we forcefully reincarnated Adan back then...

Eve shakes her head while answering QD.

QD - What?

QD become stupefied after hearing her words.

Eve - ...Back when Adan's body exploded into pieces, I was in complete distraught... But all hope is not lost since the Creator God helped me to contain his soul... Then I decided to leave our original world behind hoping that we will be able to start a new clean slate...

Eve narrated her past towards the dumbfounded QD.

The other onlookers' also listened to their conversation.

Eve - "Then we both finally arrived in this world... We made a deal with this world GOD(Bible God) that he would let us stay in this world and in return, we will help him create humanity he desired... We act as the first human in this world once more but without making ourselves as an object to be worshipped, rather just another human being...

Although the humans in this world aren't our direct descendant like in our original world, they still have some of our influences... We also helped him created a copy of the Kalar species so they can serve the God of this world. Sadly we can't make the Kalar perfectly like the creator God did before... What happened is that they become an Angel and Devil immediately instead of step by step evolution... And even the Angels could become a species called "Fallen Angel" if they were to do something sinful... But at least we managed to create both genders with this brand new Kalar"

All of them become wide-eyed after hearing her statement just now... Especially for the Angels, Fallen Angels, and Devil faction.

Even Issei's group is taken aback.

Because, if what she's telling them is the truth then she is the true creator of this world factions instead of the God of the Bible, at the very least she plays a big part in their creation and that includes Issei as well... Of course, the Gods faction is another story for this matter.

QD - ...So after all this time, I thought you're being sealed somewhere by that old geezer only to find out that you apparently left our world behind just like that? Hilarious...

QD gritted her teeth in anger feeling betrayed by Eve.

Eve - No, Qu! You don't understand... I left our world to protect it from the God of Chaos itself!

Eve hastily placated QD budding anger with the reason on why she left behind their original world.

QD - ...What?

Eve - After Adan absorbed too many human sin impurities from our original world, he also becomes stronger and manages to attract its attention towards him... Thankfully when Adan power reaches its peak, he... Exploded ending his power surge that acts as a beacon luring the God of Chaos towards our world...

QD - ...Is that the truth?

Eve - Yes! I won't lie to you and you know it.

Eve looks at QD straight in the eyes when she said that words.

QD - ...Hmph! I know you're one hell of a willful and selfish woman but you're no liar...

QD harrumphed towards Eve but there's relief that could be found within her tone.

Michael - A-And then what happened?

Michael stutteringly asked Eve because of the information they just received is totally mind-blowing... All of them are shaken greatly when they find out about all of this. Whether it be the Angel faction, Fallen Angels, or the Devil faction...

Eve - ...And then we live our daily life in bliss and when we were about to return to our original world... It manages to find us because even though Adan doesn't absorb any more sin impurities like before he still becomes stronger and stronger by the second since the <Life Orb> is affecting him indirectly just by existing... If the first Adan absorbed too many impurities of sin then the second Adan absorbed too many purity of life... And finally, we decided to stop running and face the God of Chaos in its own domain to avoid the destruction of this world... But in the end... We lost...

Eve's face went downcast at the end.

Eve - ...Before the God of Chaos could infect Adan's soul with its <Chaos> element, I hastily sent his soul towards this world GOD to forcefully reincarnate him once more, but some of his soul essences has dissipated because of it... He won't be able to remember his past memories while I on the other hand... Become corrupted with the <Chaos> element and in a desperate manner, I hastily sealed myself inside my own divinity and power to retain at least a little bit of my sanity but alas... In the end, I become the Apocalyptic Beast that's known by the name Trihexa... I instinctively headed towards this world once more because it is the closest at the time...

They all halted their breath when they heard her stories.

Eve - ...Then you all know the rest... With the last ounce of my willpower left, I helped this world GOD to seal myself as not to bring destruction to this world... Thankfully the God of Chaos loses its interest of us or this world might be no more... As for this two, they are basically my other self that I created to accompany me in that endless darkness... I feel sorry for them but I had to or I might just go insane without anyone else accompanying me inside that endless darkness and loneliness for so long... But as the cost for their creation since at the time my power is limited... I lost my emotion and will while they lost their arms and legs sense of touch...

The other two Eve hastily shakes their head and said that they don't mind accompanying her.

As for the others who listened to her story, they become utterly speechless...

Issei also went silent after hearing her story because he can tell that she's telling the truth...

Eve - That's why... Adan... You're my, no, our Adan!

Eve said with a smile through tears while looking at Issei. The other two Eve also send Issei a pleading look since the three of them shares the same emotion albeit a little different.

Issei - ...I'm sorry, but I'm not the Adan you know... I don't remember anything from my past life.

Eve - It doesn't matter! We can slowly build up your memories once more.

Issei - ...

Eve is very persistent in her pursue but Issei doesn't know what to say. He won't leave his current wives no matter what happens.

QD - ...Give it up, Eve... He's not the Adan you once know and he already has a lot of spouses you see...

QD patted Eve's on the shoulder while pointing at Semiramis's group.

Eve - ...Eh?

Eve becomes stupefied after seeing them since they have Issei's aura and essence all over them. She could tell from miles away that they obviously had intercourse and quite often at that just from sensing it.

QD - You can forget forcing him to abandon them because there's no way that will happen... And if you tried to test his limit he will surely end you regardless of your past ties... Isn't that right, boy?

Issei - Ah... I won't leave them no matter what happens. Even if it means that I have to kill you or anyone else for that matter.

Issei affirmed QD word with absolute conviction and he looks at Eve straight in the eyes when he said that because he really meant what he just said.

Eve - ...

Eve is the one at loss for words this time around.

Issei then proceeded to put them on the ground.

Issei - You might want to leave with them now, QD... Nyarlathotep will arrive here soon.

Eve & QD - ?!

Eve body trembled greatly after that because all of the nightmares memories she experienced is rushing back to her at a rapid pace and that made her beautiful face went pale white in terror.

QD - ...Cheh. So it's almost time for your showdown huh...

QD spat bitterly knowing that Nyarlathotep will arrive here soon.

Eve - Adan! Let's leave! I can't lose you for the third tim-

Issei - No. Like I said before, I won't leave them no matter what happens. And my name is Issei Savant Hyoudou, not Adan.

Eve at first tried to say something towards Issei but he cut her off immediately.

Issei - ...Besides, it is aiming for me and if it arrived here and doesn't see me here it might just destroy this world and I don't want that to happen since this world is my birthplace and some of my wives also originated from here.

Issei gazes gently at Kuroka's group with his Dragon eyes.

They felt warm and happy that he's willing to go this far just for them even though he could choose to escape this world and they would've followed him regardless of the consequences but he doesn't do that.

The others from DxD world also felt grateful for this because if Issei decided to leave this world then they might be doomed.

But they are also feeling incredulous knowing that Issei is basically one of their creator from his past life...

QD - Don't worry too much, Eve. I'm sure he will be fine since he has perfectly mastered the <Chaos> element.

QD tried to console her friend who's extremely agitated. Eve who heard her words becomes frozen in shock but when she's about to say something towards her they heard a loud boom coming from above them.

Issei - ...It's here.

Issei narrowed his eyes looking at the direction the voice came from.

The barrier the Kalars erected are being bombarded by multiple explosion and before long it's started cracking.

When the barrier finally break there's silence... But suddenly.


There's a huge beam of black light oozing with miasma coming from above heading towards Issei direction.

Everyone who saw that know that if that beam were to hit the ground where they are standing right now then there will be hell... Because they will all die with complete certainty without any single exception.

Even Shiva felt terror from that beam of light much less the others.

Issei of course also noticed this so he intercepted those beam with his own attack.

Issei opened his mouth wide and launched a concentrated flame that almost looks like a helix laser.

When both attacks clashed with each other there's a massive explosion happening and all of them who are there hastily covered themselves with their respective power but they are blown away regardless of their effort without a single exception.

At Issei's side, Semiramis and the others combined their effort to block this explosion and Issei also assisted them by standing in their front.

He furled his wings around all of them like that of a dome and with his huge size it's quite easy to cover the whole army with it.

If it wasn't for Issei covering them all then most of them who's from the DxD world might be fatally injured just from that explosion alone.

They are feeling more indebted of him because of this.

Issei - Are any of you hurt?

The girls answered with a solid "No" since he's basically taken all the blast for them. They also asked Issei in return if he's okay with obvious concern on their face.

Issei of course is also fine and when they heard his confirmation they finally sighed in relief.

After Issei inspected if there's anyone hurt from that blast, he opened his wings and gazes towards the source of that beam just now.

From there, there's a giant eyeball colored pitch black like that of a dead fish eye gazing at their direction. Well, towards Issei direction to be exact.

All of them felt goosebumps all over when they saw that eyeball gazing at them but soon that eyeball squirmed and as if it were happy to see Issei isn't hurt from that attack just now.

Nyarlathotep - ...Ehehehehehe... Ahahahahahahahaha! Good... Good! You didn't die from my greeting just now, Dragon King!

They all heard an eerie sound coming from the eyeball direction and they all started sweating profusely since Nyarlathotep is about to manifest in this world.

The amount of pressure and malice it's emitting right now is enough to make anyone who comes into direct contact with it goes insane. Even now some of them who's faint-hearted had their teeth clattering in absolute fear.

It's so thick that it's formed an endless cloud of darkness in the sky. It's as if the Armageddon is about to happen soon...

Sirzechs side also isn't having it better since they can barely move their body just under its pressure.

Some of the weaker ones also kneeled on the floor because of it.

Semiramis, Irene, Scathach, Forzelotte, Tiamat, etc faces went deadly serious since they know that Nyarlathotep above them.

Sora affirmed that Nyarlathotep current level, at the very least as far as she could tell, is on par with Issei himself. In other words, <Tier 9>... They all halted their breath after knowing that.

Only Issei looks calm while looking at Nyarlathotep.

A giant black blob soon dropped from the giant eyeball but after that blob dropped to the ground, the whole area around it died immediately. It completely turned into a barren wasteland...

The giant eyeball disappears as soon as the blop dropped from it and the rift that Nyarlathotep opened just now closed on its own.

There's thousands upon thousands of black tentacle emerging from the blob swirling around and the sheer amount of those tentacles made it as if there's a giant black tornado forming in its place.

Then those tentacles suddenly hurled themselves towards Issei at an outstanding speed.

Issei who saw that summoned a huge amount of chains of his own to meet up with those tentacles.

Whenever they came into contact with each other they caused a mini-explosion. But even the wind pressure caused by that explosion alone is enough to make Sirzechs group rooted in their place because they give everything they got just not to be blown away.

Issei - You girls stay here. Go erect a barrier with Millet <Chaosbane> as its center. That should protect all of you from Nyarlathotep oozing <Chaos>... <Garden of Avalon>.

Issei told them in the midst of his brief exchange with Nyarlathotep and when they heard it they immediately executed his order. He also erected an addition buff for them and the whole area around them instantly become brimming with life and they all felt safe just being inside it.

Issei already called <Babylon> back because it won't be of any help even if it's here.

Millet stabbed <Chaosbane> at the center of their formation and all of the girls immediately erected multiple barriers.

Semiramis - Be safe, dearest. Make sure to return to our side safely.

Semiramis said towards Issei which conveyed what most of them all there wanted to say.

Issei - Um. I will surely return without fail.

Issei nodded one last time at them before he flew towards Nyarlathotep.

Eve wanted to say something as well but Issei already left their side and the same goes for Rias's group but they know that it's no longer their place to say things like that...

Nyarlathotep - Good... Good... This is it... This is what I've been searching for... A worthy opponent at last...

Nyarlathotep voice could be heard from the center of that giant blob. It screamed with glee whenever Issei managed to block its attacks.

Issei's body is being bombarded with Nyarlathotep attacks but he ignored them all since these kinds of attacks won't even put a scratch on his body.

When Issei is about to arrive at its location, Nyarlathotep created a two giant clawed arm and swiped it towards Issei.

Issei used his own arms to block its attack but Nyarlathotep spawned another set of arms and Issei used his wings to block it.

He's finally forced to halt his advances but Issei opened his mouth wide to launch another breath attack and Nyarlathotep who saw that instantly erected multiple layers of barriers made of tentacles.


Issei attack hit Nyarlathotep squarely right in its core...

But Nyarlathotep also didn't just go on the defensive just now since it made one of its arms exploded right in front of Issei at point-blank range.

All of the onlookers' can't see what's going on since Issei location is obscured by a cloud of dust...

Semiramis's group - Ise!/Master!/Adan!

They shouted at the same time feeling afraid that something might've happened to him. Even QD called Issei by his name for the first time.

Issei - I'm fine.

They heard his voice from within the cloud of dust and exhaled a sigh of relief knowing that he's fine but when the cloud disappears they saw that one of his majestic wings is a bit eroded assumingly from the blast just now.

They all froze up a little because this is the first time that they've ever seen Issei injured even though it's not that bad.

Ever since Issei ascended beyond Semiramis's group tier he never even once become injured from all of the fights he had and this is certainly a first.

Issei - Don't worry, it's just a scratch.

Issei reassured his wives after seeing their concerned gazes on him.

Even though they heard his reassurance they gritted their teeth feeling bitter and sad that they are unable to help him at all.

Mordred - Chichiue! Let us help you!

Mordred shouted and along with her shout, the others also joined in saying that they wanted to help him.

Irene - I know what all of you feel but it's better if you all stay here and don't be reckless... It would make things worse rather than helping the situation since it will only distract Issei if you were to join him now... Even I felt helpless about this because if Nyarlathotep <Chaos> element were to hit any of us directly then our lives will be forfeited immediately...

Irene solemnly said towards the other girls.

Jalter - Guh! Then is there nothing we can do other than just watch master put his life on the line for us?! After all of the training we've done, in the end, we still can't help him when he needed us the most!

Jalter said while slamming her fist down to the ground feeling indignant that she can't help her beloved master.

Semiramis - Just believe in him... It is our duty to put our trust in him and believe that he will come out victorious of this showdown.

Semiramis calmly said but if one were to look at her hand right now then they are currently shaking while being clenched.

Scathach - Ah... It saddens me that we can't help him but this is also his duty as our husband and lord. All we can do is wait for him ready to welcome him with open arms...

Forzelotte - And if he were to lose his life here then we will be sure to give everything we got to avenge him even at the cost of our own lives... Of course, whoever wants to leave go ahead and leave. We won't be holding you down.

Scathach and Forzelotte said one after another.

Ramius's group also nodded their head after hearing their statement. Jeanne keeps praying for Issei from the start.

Mordred - Heh! Leave? You must be joking! Like hell I will abandon him after what he has done for us! I may be called a Knight of Treachery in the past but not anymore, I'm done carrying that title. You better not lose, Chichiue! You still owe me and Hahaue your cooking!

Artoria & Altria - Well said.

Mordred shouted after she inserted her sword to the ground towards Issei and both Artoria and Altria approved her words with a thumbs up which earned a happy grin by Mordred.

Tiamat - ...And you still owe me a child.

Everyone - Not you!

Tiamat tried to sneak in a word but everyone there denied it which earned her shocked face thinking is there something wrong with her words just now?

Astolfo - And Master still owe me a smooch~!

Everyone - And definitely not you!!!

Altera - ...If Master were to kiss you then it will be a bad civilization...

Nobunaga - That's right! Even I don't let my second self get too chummy with Master, needless to say about you!

Nightingale - I can gladly remove your "you know what" just for you then maybe you can have your smooch with Master. How about it?

Tamamo - Mikon! I won't let you stand in my way to conceive Master child by making him stray into the wrong path!

Kiyohime - ...Anchin-sama child shall be conceived by me not you, you stupid homewrecker fox...

This time they shouted with even more force and even Tiamat joined in because they all know about Astolfo true gender...

Astolfo only laughed jovially seeing they reacted this badly to "her" joke.

The clueless onlookers' are confused just what's wrong with "her" wish? It's not too overboard, isn't it? Why are they so adamant in stopping "her"? Tiamat is one thing...

Maybe she's a little lacking in the chest department but she's still very cute, no?

If only they know "her" true gender then it will be a different story...

Issei who saw their antics smiled warmly before he sets his gaze back on Nyarlathotep location just now. There's no way that it will get done in with his attack just now and all of them realize that...

Azazel's group grinned to themselves after seeing their interaction and then he set his gaze upon the downcast Rias's group.

Azazel - ...Did you brats saw that? That's what it meant to put your trust in the one you love... Don't just see something from the outside. Try to see what's on the inside... He may be a bit perverted in the past... Well, maybe very perverted but he's still willing to put his life on the line for all of you, didn't he?

Rias - ...Yes, we already realize that... But there's nothing we could do to redeem our wrongdoings for him... We're willing to do anything if it means to make him forgive us... That's all we wanted... His forgiveness...

She shed tears of regret and guilt while her lower lip bleeds a little because she bit down on it too hard... The other girls from her peerage also felt the same as her.

They're willing to do anything if it means that Issei will forgive them...

Azazel - Hmm... Good, at least you finally admitted your mistakes. That's a start at least...

Azazel smirked seeing them and Venelana felt a little glad that her daughter finally sees her wrongdoings and the same goes for the other parents/guardian.

Azazel - Maybe he's not willing to forgive you right now but who knows... Maybe in the future he will finally forgive you? But that's something which all of you have to earn with your own effort.

Rias's group body trembled after hearing Azazel word and before long they all nodded gratefully at him.

Sirzechs also sent Azazel a grateful look of his advice for Rias's group. Even Grayfia does the same.

Azazel just waved it off since, to be honest, he's also feeling responsible for all of this... If he realizes the signs faster then maybe they can avoid all of this from happening... But as Issei said before, there's no "If" in this world...

Vali's group gripped their fist tightly thinking just how far did Issei surpass them already... His "casual" exchange with Nyarlathotep is enough to kill him at least a hundred time over even if he's in his <Diabolos Dragon Lucifer> form...

But no matter what they will surely get stronger to be able to face Issei on equal standing.

QD - Heh, so what do you think, Eve? That's his current girls.

QD smirked at the dumbfounded face.

Eve - ...

Eve doesn't answer QD and only observe the girls before she set her eyes back to Issei.

Nyarlathotep - ...Quite the noisy bunch of ants... Should I make them disappear so we can enjoy our fight to the fullest, Dragon King?

Suddenly they heard an eerie sound of Nyarlathotep from within the smoke.

When the smoke disperses from its location they saw that the previous giant blob just now is already cracked here and there barely intact.

Issei narrowed his eyes dangerously after listening Nyarlathotep words just now.

Nyarlathotep - Oh?

Nyarlathotep becomes amused because this is the first time Issei showed any kind of emotion ever since he's fighting it from the start.

His face usually always stays calm when he fights it.

Nyarlathotep - ...I see now... All of them have a tiny bit of <Chaos> element within their body... Are they your "chosen" ones... Dragon King?

Nyarlathotep sensed a tiny fragment of <Chaos> element inside Semiramis's group so it thought that Issei "Marked" them for the future fight just like it used to do before this.

Issei - ...They are my family. I won't let you hurt any of them.

Issei understands what it meant by the "Chosen" ones so he corrected its statement.

Nyarlathotep - ...Family? We, as beings who govern over <Chaos>, don't need that kind of thing... All we have to do is bring chaos as it should've been... And from what I've seen... Your <Chaos> element is too pure... Why don't you bring chaos and destruction to the world, Dragon King...?

It genuinely confused as for why Issei doesn't seem to be the same as it.

It always thinks that it's only natural that as the God of Chaos it should bring chaos and destruction to the world... It doesn't have any other concept other than that.

But that's also why it becomes bored after so long... It can't find any being as its equal...

Issei - ...I may possess the <Chaos> element inside of me but that doesn't mean that I will bring chaos to the world.

Nyarlathotep - Why? Then what for do you become stronger? Isn't it so you can defeat me and bring chaos to the world and stand above all others?

Issei - I become stronger so that I could protect my loved ones. That's all there to is... Power, Riches, Vanity, Honor... None of that matters to me from the start... What I care about is the safety and happiness of my loved ones, no more no less. I would do anything for them as long as they're happy and safe even if it cost me my own life.

Issei calmly said towards Nyarlathotep who went silent after hearing his words while the onlookers' are in awe once more with Issei's words... Especially for the girls' group who have a crush on him now they're basically head over heels for him by now.

Nyarlathotep - ...Loved ones? You say you would do anything for those weaklings even though you're clearly far stronger than all of them? And at the cost of your own life when the time comes?

It mutters in confusion because those words are so foreign for it.

Issei - Ah.

Nyarlathotep - ...I don't understand... I don't understand why you're willing to go that far for those weaklings... Usually, if I have something I want I will take it by force... Like what I'm about to do now... I'm getting more and more interested with you, Dragon King... At first, I was thinking to devour you after I defeated you but now... I will make you mine.

*Whoosh!* *Bang!*

The giant blob shrank at a rapid pace before it formed a black humanoid form that's also beginning to take shape into that of a woman body.

Its... Nay... Her appearance changes to that of a gorgeous demoness. In her new form, there's a habit hangs from the two massive black and pink-lined curved horns extending from the sides of her head. Her black hair (with pink tips) now flows in twisting locks behind her and on her forehead lays three vertical dots similar to those of Savior or in this case, it's a world destruction mark. Her attire has become that of a revealing long golden coat with belled sleeves and thigh-high pink boots.

Her usually pitch-black eyes now turned golden with a black slit. She has a devastating curvaceous and voluptuous body that would make any man drool and overcome by lust if they gaze at her body long enough. Especially her bountiful chest and firm yet perky butt and also slim waist.


But on the side of her slim waist, there's an injury mark that quite stands out and that ruined her beauty a little bit.

Nyarlathotep - See this mark, Dragon King? This is the wound you gave me in the past... Hehehehe... I can't remember the last time I was that injured before but no matter... Now then... Shall we continue our fight?

She licks her lips while gazing at Issei form with a bloodthirsty and even lustful eye for that matter.

(AN: /watch?v=4ZZB95RmZoU&list=RD4ZZB95RmZoU&start_radio=1 her licking lips picture and also song if you guys wanted to listen, it's quite nice imo).

Issei - ...

Issei only calmly stares at her before he reverted back to his human form.

Issei - I have no intention of becoming yours so I will have to refuse.

Nyarlathotep - That's not for you to decide... The stronger one shall rule over the weak. That's how it is since ancient primordial time...

Issei - ...<Balance Breaker>.


Issei used his balance breaker immediately and this time there will be no side effect from using this form unlike in the past where he first fought Nyarlathotep.

All of the onlookers' covered their face from the blinding light coming out from Issei right now and when they saw his new form they all become awed yet again.

He looks wilder and very mouth-watering for the girls, his ears become elongated just like elf ears and there's a cross-shaped earring on his left ear but there's <Life and Death / Ying and Yang> orb logo embedded at the middle of it.

His wine-red eyes changed into golden but still slit like a Dragon's eye, if anything it just made him even more majestic and gallant than ever.

There are claw-like gloves colored crimson black on both of his hands.

His Dragon wings are also out in the open along with his tail. They are adorned with exotic looking armor here and there that enhanced its beauty.

And his clothes right now is basically just an outer black jacket with white fur at its collar.

His perfect body out in the open. The female onlookers' swooned and become hot in the inside just by looking at his current appearance.

QD - *Whistle*~ Not bad at all. Don't you think so as well, Eve?... Eve?

QD whistled while raising her eyebrows while looking at Issei's current appearance and then she asked Eve by her side but she doesn't hear any answer from the latter so she looks over only to see the three Eve eyes already become heart-shaped by now.

QD grinned at them thinking that even until now she still loves Adan huh... Well, three of them...

Then she sets her gaze back to Issei's location.

Nyarlathotep - Yes... That's the form from back then... The form that manages to injure me... Hahahahahaha! Let's enjoy our fight to the fullest, Dragon King!

She laughed in a bloodthirsty grin and that manages to snaps out the male onlookers' daze and now their faces are instilled with terror after sensing her aura.

Issei and Nyarlathotep released their aura to the fullest and just the clash between their aura manages to create a tear in the air and made the ground beneath them shakes fiercely causing an earthquake.


Their fist clashed with each other and everyone there can't see just when did they move from their position. The next thing they know is that they already clashed their fist with each other.

The area around them couldn't be more devastated that it's basically just a desert wasteland by now.


Then both of them moved again at the same time and this time they used their feet.

Both of their feet clashed against each other making an "X" shape.

Nyarlathotep grinned maniacally at Issei before they started trading blows after blows with each other... Feet, fist, elbows... They used everything they had in their possession to attack the other party.

Issei also used his tails and wings from time to time but Nyarlathotep created her own tail and wings to face his attacks. She copied the shape of Issei's wings and tail but their color is completely different from one another.

While Issei is Crimson and gold color combination, hers are pitch black and purple color combination.

The way they trade their blows against each other has a certain beauty and artistic arts that complement each other in the eyes of the onlookers'.

Issei way of fighting seems to be accurate and flawless with no wasteful movements like that of an art masterpiece while Nyarlathotep is more wild and unbridled just like a berserker would but because of that, they complement each other... Just like Yin and Yang would...

In the words of the Heroic spirits, if Nyarlathotep is <Chaotic Evil> then Issei is <Chaotic Good>. One side fight with the intent to destroy while the other one fight with the intent to protect.

Why Chaotic you ask? Because he's willing to do anything just to protect his loved ones... Even if it means destroying the world in the process...

Even from afar they can still feel the wind pressure and impact both of them created from just their attack clashing against each other.

Nyarlathotep distanced herself from Issei before she created a body double...

They smirked at Issei before they created a pitch-black blade in their hand.

Issei who saw that calmly summoned his own sword which is seemingly a normal-looking sword. This sword is the sword Kyou and Kinou gifted to him back in the Evenicle world and he never throws this sword away even though both of them are happy with this they tried telling him to get a better sword but he only smiles at them saying that this is good enough for him.

They had another wild night that day... But Issei does "fed" this sword his aura every day that it finally became a legendary artifact sword that doesn't lose to <Chaosbane> in the slightest.

Azazel - He knows how to use a sword?

Azazel is not the only one feeling surprised at this. Arthur and Tsubaki for one are also curious about this.

Scathach - Not only he can use a sword, but he can also use any weapon in existence at a grandmaster level. Including my <Gae Bolg> for that matter.

Scathach explained to them with a prideful look.

Azazel - ...Damn, Ise. Just how strong did you get?

Azazel muttered in amazement.

Le Fay - Ise-san is really amazing...

Le Fay said with a lovestruck look on her face and she's not the only one... No matter if its Grayfia, Sona, Tsubaki, Serafall, Elmenhilde, Venelana, etc. They all had this lovestruck look on their face.

The male onlookers' are too busy to realize any of this since they are completely absorbed with the ongoing fight.

Semiramis group felt like they're in love with him all over again... They all saw his broad and dependable back that will hold rain and wind just for them and even if the sky falls down they won't feel afraid at all knowing that he will be there for them.

One of the Nyarlathotep immediately closed in their distance and aimed for Issei's neck with her blade.

However, Issei calmly evades it by stepping back a mere half a step. Anticipating her sword to miss, he moves into the next motion.

But apparently, Nyarlathotep's blade stretches.

She has let go of her blade to forcefully increase her reach.

Issei instantaneously alters his movement. The sword that he was about to counterattack with returns in time to deflect Nyarlathotep's blade.

So her attack has been stopped... or at least, that's what she wants him to think.

In actual fact, she is still rushing towards him, riding the momentum and reaching out to tackle his torso.

There's no time for evasion.

Issei doesn't panic at all and the next instant, he used his knee to hit Nyarlathotep's face.

And that one hit from his knee is filled with his <Haki>, <Ougi>, and <Chaos> combination. When it hits her, she disappears into nothingness.

But that body double has fulfilled her duty because for that attack, Issei indeed has stopped moving for a brief second and that is enough for the real Nyarlathotep to launch her attack.


Nyarlathotep blade smashes against Issei's sword and along with the sudden and incredible crash, Issei's sword, hand, and arm are blown back with force.

He has lost his posture.

This is what Nyarlathotep been looking for, the ideal opportunity... After that, she brought down her blade towards Issei...

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