The Wish of the Dragon

Chapter 94:

Chapter 94:

However, Issei is even faster in letting go of his sword to the air...

In a split second, he had decided to discard his sword.

Then he disappears... Under Nyarlathotep to be exact...

He is stooped over so low that it seems like he is crawling on the ground. Before she can react, he has already grabbed her waist. In sharp contrast to her body double just now, his movements are levels apart in polish and elegance...

Issei - Right back at you.

He said in a bit of a mocking voice since he basically just did the same thing Nyarlathotep was planning to do a few seconds ago.

He is too close for Nyarlathotep to use her blade.

Issei handily shoulders Nyarlathotep, then slams her body onto the floor.


The ground beneath them burst open into a miniature crater.

Nyarlathotep - Pfft!

Nyarlathotep puked a small amount of blood from her mouth because of the impact just now and when she's about to use her tail to stab into Issei body, he proceeded to lift her body off the ground once more and about to slam her to the ground once more... Or that's what he wants her to think but instead, he let go of her body midway and does a roundhouse kick right into her stomach.


Nyarlathotep body flew into the nearby ruins creating a huge cloud of dust in the process.

Then a sound of something cutting the air can be heard as something falls from the sky.

Issei reaches out his hand to catch it, revealing it to be his sword.

It's as if everything had been according to his plan from the very start

This act of his coupled with the way he looks right now is absolutely fatal for the female onlookers as if an arrow just shot through their hearts multiple times because of how devastatingly handsome and cool he was just now.

All of the single or even married women in the vicinity have been smitten silly by him.

Irene - Heheh, show off...

Although Irene said that she also felt like her heart thumping loudly right now and she wishes she could have Issei on the bed right at this moment and she's not the only one who thought this way...

Issei never lets his guard down even for a second and keep gazing at Nyarlathotep location prepared for any sudden movement once more.

He already imbued his kick with his power just now but it seems it won't work that easily unlike where he destroyed Nyarlathotep body double, not surprising because if she were to get done in by that one attack then she won't be the God of Chaos for this long...

Nyarlathotep - ...Hehehehe... Nice move, Dragon King... Then... How about this!

From the ruins where Nyarlathotep was in, countless sharp tendril-like tentacles emerged from within heading towards Issei location.

Issei's eyes went serious seeing this and he started evading the incoming attacks but it seems that they keep following him wherever he goes.

He finally stopped evading and cut down every attack that comes his way.

Red and black trades clash repeatedly but this is but a diversion for both of them.

Abruptly, Nyarlathotep suddenly appeared from behind Issei when he's still cutting down the incoming tentacles.

She swiped her claws that she just created towards Issei's back...

But Issei body flickered in front of her and what she hit is only his after image.

Issei then proceeded to stab his sword towards her back but Nyarlathotep only smirked at that and from her seemingly defenseless back, there are countless tentacles once more emerged from it and Issei is finally forced to stop his attack to block it.

However, Nyarlathotep sneaks in another attack which is her tail to attack Issei from his side.


Her tail hit Issei by his side squarely... Or at least that's what supposed to happen if it wasn't for Issei using his wings to block it.

But he still got blown away from the impact regardless.

Issei who got blown away does a backflip and landed safely on the ground.

And just like that, they are back to the original place they were standing before their clash.

The onlookers' are already overcome with awe that they don't know what to say anymore... Just the aftershock from their clashing attack is enough to kill them a hundred times over so they can't imagine if one of those attacks hit them directly.

Azazel then thought of something before he set his gaze upon the ruins where Kokabiel body is located but as expected, even until now there's no movement whatsoever so he can only smile bitterly fully realizing that Kokabiel should be dead by now... Not like he can do anything about it since he's the one who brought this upon himself.

Nyarlathotep - Hehehe... Really nice... Isn't this what both of us wanted, Dragon King? An equal match? I know that ever since you've mastered the <Chaos> element within you, you don't have, or should I say you can't have a decent fight anymore, can't you? I know because the same thing happened to me...

Nyarlathotep grinned happily.

Indeed, what she said is true... Issei never had an equal fight anymore ever since he mastered the <Chaos> element within him but unlike Nyarlathotep, he doesn't crave for a fight since he got his wives to fill that void.

He got his family while Nyarlathotep has no one to do that... All she can do is to bring chaos and destruction to the world because that's what it meant to be the God of Chaos... At least that's what she believes in.

Nevertheless, Issei indeed felt like he's getting excited from the fight he currently had but not as much as Nyarlathotep.

Issei - Indeed... Ever since I've truly mastered the <Chaos> element within me, I don't have anymore opponent that could match up to me... I felt a little bit empty knowing that...

Issei admitted what she said is right and Nyarlathotep who heard that had her smile grew wider but what she heard next made her smile froze.

Issei - But I have my family to fill in that emptiness I felt... Just being by their side I felt content. What more could I ask for?

Issei flashed a content smile towards Nyarlathotep and the girls who heard his words felt really warm and happy.

Nyarlathotep expression darkened after hearing his words and seeing his smile.

Nyarlathotep - ...I don't like it... You should only be thinking about me and only me since we're both equals... And just like you said before, I indeed don't have anything or anyone to fill in that "emptiness" but I do now... That person is you, Dragon King... I will make you mine no matter what it takes and keep you by my side forever to quench my boredom... And I will devour them all, your so-called family if you were to lose against me.

She felt an indescribable feeling when she saw his content smile. He should be thinking only her and only her since they are equal and not them who's only a weakling in her eyes.

For the first time, she felt rage because of jealousy but that's not something the current her realize just yet. She only thought that it's inexcusable for a strong being such as Issei to be thinking of a group of weaklings.

Only the strong deserve to live, while the weak should just die.

Issei eyes grew cold when he heard her words, every single person from <Netherworld> knows that his wives are his reverse dragon scale, the biggest taboo for him to be exact.

Issei - That's why I won't lose to you. So that I can protect them.

Issei aura also spiked up matching Nyarlathotep's.

Nyarlathotep - Then defeat me! The strong shall consume the weak just like it should be and forever be, Dragon King!

Nyarlathotep summoned her tentacles but this time it's completely imbued with her <Chaos> element and unique aura.

She used her tentacles to attack Issei at an alarming rate of attack power and accuracy that Issei is forced to defend against her endless wave of attacks.

Whenever Issei comes close to her she will use her tentacles to smack him away but Issei will immediately balance himself mid-air and re-launch his assault.

Issei already put his sword away because it will only hinder him at the moment.

And just like that, two times, five times, ten times, hundred times... Nyarlathotep will blow Issei away whenever he tries to get closer to her location no matter which side he's coming from, he kept getting blown away by her but his face stays calm throughout the fight looking for an opening.

Even though Issei got blown away every single time but he only suffers a scratch at most and every second that passes by he gets closer and closer from his initial assault towards Nyarlathotep.

His eyes never lose his target just like how an eagle, nay a dragon lock on to its prey.

Nyarlathotep who saw this smiled in ecstasy because at this moment, what's inside his eyes are her and only her.

Nyarlathotep also knows that if this were to continue then sooner or later she will be on the losing side, but she doesn't care because this is what she wanted, an opponent that could match her as an equal.

*Whoosh!* *Snap!*

In a millisecond opening, he found a flaw in her attack and that cost Nyarlathotep one of her arms.

*Drip* *Drip*

The sound of Nyarlathotep blood dripping to the floor beneath her because of her lost arm... Her cut off arm disappears into nothingness.

Issei who's currently behind Nyarlathotep flicked his hand to erase the blood that's in his hand while he calmly gazes upon her once again as if what he just did is nothing to be surprised at.

Nyarlathotep doesn't even flinch when she loses an arm, she just smiled fiercely at him.

Nyarlathotep - Good... Good! That's it, Dragon King! You are truly my best opponent yet! Ahahahahaha!

She then resumed her attack.

Along with her laughter, her rhythm becomes more chaotic and more destructive. Even the injury she causes towards Issei become a bit higher since there's a visible scratch here and there on his entire body but it's mostly just light wound and nothing fatal.

The girls felt like their heart bleed just seeing his wounds but they still believe in him, their husband and lord will come out victorious from this battle.

And indeed, Issei might seem on the losing side but in fact, he already started to adapt himself with Nyarlathotep attack patterns. That one successful attack just now is the proof of it.

Issei stops his assault while observing Nyarlathotep for a second before he started walking towards her in a calm manner.

This time, he doesn't even try to evade nor deflect the incoming tentacles. The tentacles, in their unbelievable numbers, seem to be evading him of their own accord.

As if they are merely here to show a magic trick, the tentacles swing wide.

Vali - ...He can already see through all that?

Vali muttered incredulously. Sairaorg and the others also gulped audibly seeing such a feat that Issei doing right now.

It's been like how long since they started their fight? 10 minutes? 5? Perhaps even lower but he could already read Nyarlathotep attack perfectly?

They can't even see what's going on and they already give everything they got just to catch a glimpse of their ongoing battle but all they caught on is just a blur...

Irene - But of course... His comprehension and battle instinct is out of this world and surely one of a kind.

Irene smirked proudly towards them.

Irene - Did you all forget that in the past even though he's just a normal human that just recently turned into a devil just how fast he adapted to his newly found power? How he beat Riser Phenex, how he manages to injure you who have trained for most of your life, Vali? Need I remind you that it's not even half a year ever since he turned into a devil back then?

Hearing her words they all gasped in shock because indeed... Even though Issei had been living his whole life as a normal human but the speed of his strength grow is out of this world.

Forzelotte - And don't think it's because he's interlinked with me. I may be able to make him semi-immortal but that's about it.

Scathach - Umu, even I who's hailed as a genius back in my time need can't compare to him. I've spent years to fully master <Gae Bolg> but it only took him a couple of months.

Semiramis - And the same goes for his mastery on the <Death> element.

Irene - Even though I helped him in the process but in the end, it's all up to him. All his achievement so far is by his own hard work.

They can only nod dumbly at their words... Really a monster, they all thought to themselves.

Issei has fully perceived the movement of every single one of tentacles that Nyarlathotep used to attack him.

He evades using a minimal amount of movement, closing the distance one step at a time.

It is almost as if, nay, he is declaring that the tentacles are not even worth his attention at this point...

Even when Nyarlathotep used another body double and make it appears behind him, he casually dodges as if he had already seen it coming, his gait not showing even a hint of delay.

He does not counterattack.

He just calmly walks on, ignoring everything. The only thing in his eyes is the main body of Nyarlathotep.

Nyarlathotep who saw this had her body shuddered at a visible rate... But it's not a shudder out of fear, rather happiness.

Her face becomes flushed with a red hue on her glossy white cheeks.

Nyarlathotep - Yes... That's it... Only look at me, and only me...

She exhaled a hot sigh while she completely ignores the fact that none of her attacks manage to reaches its target.

Just when there are just a few steps left between their distance, Nyarlathotep launched a surprise attack from underneath Issei. She summoned her tentacles directly under him and that seems to manage to catch Issei off guard but in fact, it only hit his after image...

The real Issei is currently standing behind Nyarlathotep.

But he doesn't move even though he's currently behind her...

At the same time, the swarm of tentacles also stop moving...

The distance between the two is now within arm's length.

Nyarlathotep calmly turned around to face Issei. She still has her smile even though Issei could've fatally injured her just now.

They both stare at each other for a while.

Behind Nyarlathotep, there's a purple and dark aura swirling around while behind Issei it's a crimson gold aura. The contrast between their respective aura is completely the opposite but it's still quite beautiful in the eyes of everyone there...

The entire place is seized by silence as if the intense fight just now was but a lie...

Nyarlathotep smile grew wider when she gazes at Issei this close.

Nyarlathotep - Tell me, Dragon King... What do you think the strongest and ever-presence thing in the universe? I believe it's <Chaos> since no matter where I go, from the countless world out there... There will always be chaos and destruction... No matter how peaceful it seems. All they need is just a little trigger and the seemingly peaceful world will be engulfed in Chaos... Don't you think so as well?

During her talk, Nyarlathotep's arm which has been cut off by Issei already started to regenerating itself and before long it grew back flawlessly as if it's never been cut off before.

She then put her newly grown arm on Issei's cheek.

He doesn't resist her touch nor does he try to avoid it since there's no ill intent from her but there's something bugging him from the start but he snapped back out of his thoughts when he heard her speak once more...

Nyarlathotep - At least... That's what I've believed in so far... Until I met you... Your very existence is a miracle itself... Ever since the day I became well-known as the God of Chaos, I never saw anyone else capable of controlling the <Chaos> element as perfect as I do... Many have tried but in the end, they have been consumed by the Primordial Chaos itself...

Her hand stopped its caressing and she looks at Issei straight in the eyes. Gold meets gold even though there's a little different in their pupil color, Nyarlathotep is pitch black whilst Issei is red.

Nyarlathotep - But... Your Chaos is too pure... It's as if it's not Chaos in the first place... Now tell me, Dragon King... Why is that?

Issei - ...That's because my <Chaos> isn't purely <Chaos> in the first place. Unlike you who only focusing on the <Chaos> itself, I combined my <Chaos> with something else...

Indeed, unlike Nyarlathotep who only dwells in <Chaos>, Issei has something else mixed within his <Chaos> element. That's why he never become corrupted like other <Chaos> possessor other than Nyarlathotep herself that is.

That's because she truly believes there's nothing more powerful than <Chaos> itself and also since she's the original and oldest primordial Chaos holder in the universe. You could say she's the creator of Chaos itself.

Nyarlathotep - ...And what is that?

She asked Issei with utmost curiosity.

Issei - ...It's love.

He calmly answered Nyarlathotep who froze up when she heard her answer.

Nyarlathotep - ...Are you mocking me, Dragon King?

Nyarlathotep scowled a little hearing his answer thinking that he's mocking her while the girls smiled lovingly at him.

Issei - Just like <Chaos> which ever-presence as you said before. Love is also something that's also ever-presence no matter where or what they are regardless of their species. Even animals can feel love... Now this time let me ask you instead, Nyarlathotep... Do you ever feel love?

Issei ignored her anger and continue with his answer.

Nyarlathotep - Hmph! Love? That is something irrelevant, it's only for the weak who cling to the word love hoping that everything will be fine as long as there's love! I once saw parents who claimed that they love their children but in the end, they sold their children for some measly amount of gold, a husband and wife who vowed their eternal love for each other but they betrayed each other in the end as well! What matters the most in this world is strength! With strength, you can achieve anything!

She shouted towards Issei while taking her hand off his cheek.

Issei - Perhaps... But I will rather be weak rather than unable to feel love. And after you face me just now, did you think I'm weak? Me who possess <Love> that you deem weak?

Nyarlathotep - ...

This time Nyarlathotep can't refute his words.

Issei is anything but weak, she experienced his power at first hand after all.

Nyarlathotep narrowed her eyes at Issei before a dangerous grin crept on her face.

Nyarlathotep - ...Very well... Then prove to me if your so-called love can survive my next and final attack.

Issei has a bad foreboding feeling since the start of their fight because there's no way her power only to this extent and after sensing something in the void above them he finally understood why...

Issei look up piercing the void and saw a gigantic black orb heading towards their location.

Nyarlathotep - Looks like you've realized it already.

Nyarlathotep smirked at him.

Issei - ...You've planned this from the start, haven't you?

Issei set his gaze back towards the smirking Nyarlathotep with serious eyes. He now understood why he felt something off when he's fighting her from the start...

Nyarlathotep - Indeed... From the moment you managed to block my "Greeting", my instinct is telling me that the odds of my defeat are quite high so I take a proper precaution... So, do you still think you can defeat me, Dragon King? Ahahahahahaha...

She laughed out loud.

The onlookers' are confused just what are they talking about until Semiramis's group sensed something extremely powerful heading towards them.

Semiramis - Don't tell me...

Her face went dire seeing the incoming attack.

The others also followed her gazes and they are in shock seeing the huge eyeball from before is still up there and this time there's also a grinning mouth with rows upon rows of sharp teeth under it but what made them shocked the most is the humongous dark ball which is Nyarlathotep final attack...

Semiramis - ...Dearest?

She asked Issei for confirmation...

Issei - Ah... She has been using most of her strength to use that attack... That's why she seems so... "Weak" right now.

Issei gripped his fist tightly thinking that he honestly never expected this to happen. Who would've thought that Nyarlathotep will be so sly and have been building her attack all along while another part of her is battling him in the process?

Their power is about equal so he's quite confident thinking even if Nyarlathotep were to use her strongest attack he can still stop it in time and he also has another trump card in his arsenal. But to think she's just a diversion all along and another part of her is still in the void preparing for this one attack...

Issei could easily avoid this attack but if he were to do that then this world will be no more... He can tell that this one attack has everything Nyarlathotep got... If he can successfully block this then he's basically won but if not then... All will be lost...

Semiramis party gritted their teeth after hearing his confirmation while some of the girls don't understand what they're talking about.

After hearing their explanation they also become taken aback.

Nyarlathotep - Didn't you say you're willing to do anything for your so-called family before? I have already locked down the dimension on this planet. Maybe you can survive and escape on your own but the rest of them won't be able to! Now prove it to me, Dragon King! Prove to me that this "Love" of yours is stronger than my <Chaos>!

Issei - ...


Issei doesn't answer her but he used his tail to stab Nyarlathotep right in her chest.

Nyarlathotep - *Cough* *Cough* Heh heh... It's useless... *Cough*... Even if you kill the "me" right now, that attack is already complete and about to be released...

She coughed a great amount of blood because of his stab but she's still grinning with blood pouring from her wound and mouth.

Then she turned into purple mist returning back to another part of her body that's currently in the void still...

Just like she said, Issei will be able to escape on his own since he has complete mastery of the <Chaos> element but to take down the whole seal on the dimension will take time and that's something he doesn't have right now.

Maybe he could take a couple of the girls with him but obviously he won't leave behind the others just like that and he rather die with them rather than doing that.

He closed his eyes to think for a moment while the troops and his wives await his command.

There's not a single ounce of despair could be found within their eyes since they believe that Issei will have a solution for this situation.

Indeed... He has a solution for this but...

He slowly opened his eyes while looking at the impending doom above them.

Issei - ...I won the fight but lost the war huh...

He muttered that to himself.

Irene - Ise?

Irene muttered his name worriedly since he seems a bit absentminded.

He then set his gazes upon his wives and troops before he smiles gently at them.

But seeing this smile of his there's an alarm going off inside the girls' mind. There's something more with this particular smile of his compared to his usual smile... Call it what you want but their female intuition is ringing and warning them loudly right now.

And just before they could say another word, there are crimson chains that bind them in place. The chains are tight enough but not enough to harm them but it completely immobilizes them.

Irene - You... Don't tell me...

Irene gritted her teeth while looking at Issei who still has a very loving and gentle smile towards them. She, who's been with him the longest of them all could fully understand what this smile of his meant completely.

Semiramis - ...Dearest, what are these chains for? Let us go now. Don't make me angry.

Semiramis said while smiling at him but her smile is faltering by the second and there's also fear inside her eyes... Fear of her greatest nightmare in life...

Scathach - This is not funny, baka-deshi... Take off these chains off of us right now or you will suffer the consequences.

Sccathach voice is so cold that it's borderline, nay, she's already angry since she, just like the others could tell what he's planning to do.

Forzelotte - You dare to bind me with these chains, Ise? Take these chains off... Now!

Forzelotte growled at him while fury emanating from her eyes.

Ophis and Lilith doesn't say anything because they are confused with this whole situation but their instinct is telling them that they will lose something they hold dear if they don't break free of this chain so they started struggling and tried to use their power but to no avail since Issei basically sealed their power with his chains that currently binding them.

Jeanne - Master... Please... Please don't do this... I beg of you... Please!

Jeanne already started crying softly while begging him at the same time.

Jalter - Master... If you don't take these chains off of me, then know that I would activate our contract even if its also burn my soul in the process. Did you forget about our vow with each other?! Now release us!

Jalter shouted at Issei but her voice is trembling and sounded more like of a plead rather than a threat. There's also a drop of tears at the corner of her eyes.

Her threat is more like of an empty threat since she won't be able to bring herself to do what she just said even if it kills her.

One by one the girls also pleaded and even threatened him such as Jalter to free them of their bindings.

From Yunyun, Wiz, Ramius, Riche, Gurigura, Tio, Tilt, Kathryn, Kyou, Kinou, Natal, Millet, Croix, Sora, Rakia, Kuroka, Rossweisse, Yasaka, and so on...

All of them shouted at Issei while Azazel's group is confused at what's going on right now. Why did Issei suddenly bind them all with his chains? Until it hits them...

Azazel - Issei, don't tell me you want to...

He doesn't dare to continue his words since it's like a taboo word for them considering with his wives being here. Forget about his wives or Azazel since Rias's group also understand what he's about to do.

They all felt their heart fell to rock bottom and about to beg Issei to stop what he's about to do as well but then they remember their place... They can only bit down on their lips and hold their voices within them... It is not their place anymore to tell him nor stop him after all...

They can only wish that his new beloveds able to prevent what he's about to do now but alas...

Issei doesn't answer him but he sets his gaze on Jeanne and Jalter at first.

Issei - Ah, I remember about our contract... How could I forget about them...

He said softly towards them with the ever-presence gentle smile he always has whenever they are together.

Jalter - Then-

Just when Jalter about to say something Issei cut her off.

Issei - That's why... Forgive me for what I'm about to do... <Geass>.

Right after Issei said that, there's a change within his eyes. One of his pupils has a unique symbol which colored red and shaped like a "V".

Jalter - ...No... No... NO! Master! Please don't! I beg you!

Jalter who saw his eyes realizes just what he wanted to do and the same goes for Jeanne and the Kalars. They shouted along with Jalter while tears are pouring out from their eyes.

They started struggling even harder against the chain that it started making a loud rattling noise.

The skill he's going to use is a skill that could break any kind of contract forcefully, even a contract between Godly beings or even a curse for that matter.

It's a skill that he got from C.C. back in her world before... But even C.C never thought that he could have this skill since it's not a normal human could possess. Of course, that was back when she still doesn't know his true identity...

(AN: Note that not all of his troops are here right now. Such as C.C herself who's still in the <Netherworld> along with the others).

They don't know about this skill since Issei asked C.C to keep it a secret.

The reason why Jalter and the others in despair after seeing him activating this skill are purely out of their intuition. That, and the sadness they saw inside Issei gaze right after he activated this skill of his.

So when they realize all this they are feeling desperate and begged Issei to stop what he's about to do... But... It is too late.

Issei - ...<Break>.


Then, the three of them felt something disappears within their souls... The contract that binds them is no more... He also erased the connection he has with the Kalars and Irene at the same time.

Jalter & Jeanne & Kalars - NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

They screamed in despair knowing that Issei just annulled their contract/connection.

Irene - ISSEI!!!

Irene screamed at Issei feeling wrathful of what he just did.

Irene - Did you really believe these chains will stop us?! Know that if you were to die then we will surely follow you right after!

She said with an angry smile feeling that with this threat then he will stop what he's planning to do.

The other girls also chimed in with her words affirming her words that they will really follow him even by suicide if he were to leave them.

Issei - ...Yes, I know that... That's why I prepared this...

Issei waved his hand gently towards their location and all of them felt something stir within their stomach... Their womb to be exact.

They felt something within their womb... They felt a new life residing inside it.

All of the girl's faces went deadly pale after realizing this, even for Semiramis and Forzelotte themselves... Since they are now pregnant...

Semiramis & Forzelotte - YOU... YOU DARE!!!

They shouted in outrage with tears flooding their beautiful face. The irony they felt right now is unbearable... They want to bear his child the most but this timing is absolutely cruel for them.

What Issei did is quite simple yet also quite hidden.

From the beginning, Issei already made his wives "pregnant" but he froze the growth of their unborn children. All he needs to do is lift the seal he put on them and they will properly grow from that moment on...

They never realize this act of his since he's clearly much more stronger than them all.

He prepared this just in case a situation like this one were to happen.

Because he knows that without doing this then they will surely follow him if he were to die.

This is very selfish of him since he would've killed himself as well if his wives were to die but he doesn't want the other way around to happen.

Irene, Semiramis, Scathach, Forzelotte, and the other girls for that matter knew that the threat they're relying on won't work anymore since both they and Issei knows that they won't be able to bring harm to their unborn children.

If they were to suicide and joined him in the afterlife then their innocent children will suffer the same consequences as well... And that's not something they wanted to happen.

Scathach is the first to snap out of her daze after realizing there's now a small life within her womb.

Scathach - All of you who's still free! Go and hold him back no matter the cost!

She ordered the heroic spirits and the rest of the Overlords who are present to hold him down.

Mordred - You don't need to tell me, I'm on it!

Mordred is the first to jump towards Issei location at full power and the rest of the heroic spirits also joined her soon after along with the Overlords.

Issei - ...I order all of you to stay in your place, <Command Seal> activate.

Heroic Spirits - !!!

The <Command Spells>, also romanized as <Command Seals>, are three claims of absolute obedience, the crystallization of great magic, that a Master has over a Servant in the Holy Grail War system. Unable to normally be controlled by humans, they are burdened by the "absolute condition for materialization", the authority of the Command Spell carved into them at the moment of summoning.

Issei is a special case since he has control of every Heroic Spirits and Divine Spirits alike because they all pledge their loyalty towards him when he freed them of their shackles which is the <Holy Grail>.

Of course, those who already passed on isn't included in this.

This is the first time Issei ever used the <Command Seal> to order them since he never forcefully order them around against their will before this.

They all become rooted in their place unable to move in the slightest since the <Seal> basically took over their will. He used his chains towards the <Overlords> since he basically has no special gimmick as he has with the Heroic spirits.


Mordred shouted while gritting her teeth feeling furious that Issei used the <Command Seal> at this moment. She's so angry that she doesn't even call Issei with his usual nickname she usually uses.

The other heroic spirits also gritted their teeth in anger while Issei just smiled gently at them.

Issei - ...Forgive me.

Mordred - If you want our forgiveness then free us now!

She shouted while tears started to gush out from her eyes.

Issei - Sorry, but I can't do that... Don't worry, even if I were to die then you all will still able to stay in this world and I already imparted a bit of my aura within all of you so you will be able to become fully "Alive" once again sooner or later.


She screamed at him feeling helpless and sad that even during his last moment he still thought of them foremost rather than himself.

Artoria - Master! You once asked that even though I can keep my people smiles, did I ever see myself truly smiling from the bottom of my heart before... I have! I truly have now! But this smile won't be able to last without you in our lives! So please... Please let us share your burden... MASTER!!!

Artoria shouted right after Mordred joined by Altria after that.

Issei - ...I'm sorry but this is not something all of you can handle and it is my responsibility to bear this burden.

He smiled apologetically towards them and even though his words seem a little harsh but it's the truth... Even if all of them combined their attack together they won't be able to defeat Nyarlathotep at all.

The other Heroic spirits and Overlords alike also said something towards him hoping that he will stop...

Issei - ...

Issei doesn't say anything before he sets his gaze upon the trembling group of Gasper, Kiba, Le Fay, etc.

They also started begging Issei the moment he sets his gaze upon them but like always, he only smiles a bit at them before he set his gaze back to his crying wives.

Gasper and the others are inside the barrier which supposedly kept them safe from Nyarlathotep <Chaos>. But ironically, now it serves as a prison for them...

Azazel's group can only look down feeling powerless and upset towards themselves because they can't offer any help at all... And they are supposed to be the older ones here...

Vali's group can only close their eyes because they knew that nothing will change Issei's mind. They won't say anything towards him since that will only act as an insult towards the latter determination.

Jalter eyes already turned red because of the excruciating sadness she feels, gone her usually feisty attitude and she looks like a heartbroken woman right now...

Jalter - ...We will never forgive you if you were to do this, Master!

Issei - ...If that's the price for keeping all of you safe then I'm willing to bear that burden... Even if all of you were to hate me for this... But know that I love all of you... Always... And forever...

He never lost his gentle and loving smile towards them and they cried even harder after that.

Jalter - ...Please... Please don't leave us... Don't leave me... Master...

She sobbed even harder while her chains started rattling because she tried to shakes off the chains off of her but she doesn't dare to use all of her strength fearing something will happen to her unborn child.

Irene - ...You better come back or we will never forgive you even in the next life, Issei...

Irene finally said while forcing her self to smile through tears at him since she also finally realizes that nothing will stop him now.

Issei - ...Ah. I will surely return.

Issei smiled one last time at them before he turned his head around and set his gaze upon the void that housed Nyarlathotep true body...

Issei took off his earring which served as a limiter for his power before he softly mumbled

Issei - <True Balance Breaker: Hakai(Destruction)>.


A power and aura that even greater than ever before surged from Issei.

If he were to unleash his current power then he can easily blow up this world into smithereens.

Even just from him standing in here is already burdening the whole dimension axis. But even this skill put a bit of pressure on his body since this is his last trump card in reserve to defeat Nyarlathotep...

His dark hair turned completely blood red along with his whole eyes, the tip of his hair turned white instead of the usual red. His previously white skin also turned slightly tanned and his whole power is going berserk waiting to be unleashed upon his enemy.

Issei - ...Haaah.


Issei exhaled and then took off from the ground and head towards Nyarlathotep location immediately without looking back because he's afraid if he were to look at his loved ones pleading look once more his determination might just falter...

It also breaks his heart that he made them cry but this is the only way to keep them safe and alive...

Everyone - ISE!!!/MASTER!!!

They screamed his name one last time seeing him disappears into the void above them...

There's silence for a few seconds before an explosion happened above them and even though the explosion happened in the void they can still feel the aftershock and blast of their supposed clash of power.

There's a bright light shining on the whole DxD world that some people thought that it's some kind of a good omen since that light is so soothing and giving them a comfortable feeling.

Even the nearby world of DxD also saw this "Omen" and they all prayed for good fortune soon after...

They all watched the whole process with an abated breath waiting for even a glimpse of his shadow but even after waiting for a whole 30 minutes they still don't see anything... Which is a good thing but also a bad thing...

The good thing is that since the giant dark orb disappears and no sign of Nyarlathotep, that means that Issei has successfully repelled Nyarlathotep last attack and defeated her at the same time, but the bad news is... He might lose his life in the process...

Then the chains holding them back disappears along with the "Seal" on the Heroic Spirits.

The moment their chains and seal disappears they all instantly headed to his supposedly last location without a single delay hoping to find him there.

Azazel and the others can only wait for their news but even after waiting for a while they still don't see anything until they all heard the earth-shattering cry from above them... They can only grit their teeth while looking down because that sounds nothing like a happy cry at all... It's a broken-hearted cry...

It's because the girls can't find Issei anywhere and all they could find there is his broken necklace floating in the void...

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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